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Home Explore Mathematics Intent Implementation and Impact

Mathematics Intent Implementation and Impact

Published by execpa, 2022-02-03 09:22:20

Description: Mathematics Intent Implementation and Impact


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Our vision for Maths: Every child to become a competent mathematician – Rapidly recalling and applying their knowledge to problem solve, reason and find relationships using a widening range of mathematical vocabulary to explain their understanding. No child left behind. Intent Implementation Impact -Children will leave Somerville -Through the use of Power Maths in conjunction -Children at Somerville Primary School enjoy maths, they talk enthusiastically about maths Primary School with a wide with White Rose resources which are carefully and are keen to share what they have learnt. range of positive memories in designed schemes of learning, children at Mathematics formed through Somerville Primary School access a curriculum -Children experience a wide-ranging number of challenges in the subject and know interesting and exciting lessons which is challenging, progressive and consistent appropriate responses to them. and experiences that help our to ensure the progress of all learners. children to see learning in -Children can independently apply their knowledge and are able to make decisions about mathematics as an ongoing -To ensure further consistency within our which equipment and manipulatives might best support them in solving a problem. process not a one-off event. approach to the teaching of mathematics our calculation policy is progressive and is written to -Children solve problems by applying their mathematics in a variety of problems with an -Children will meet the age match the methods and representations used increasingly systematic approach including breaking down problems into a series of simpler related expectations in within the Power Maths and White Rose steps and using more than one method to check their answer. mathematics, which will be resources. taught by passionate staff who -Children can reason mathematically, explain their thinking after following a lone of enquiry, will support children to become -Through our focus on a mastery approach to relationship or generalisation and justify their findings using an increasing range of fluent in the fundamentals of mathematics, daily lessons are built around the mathematical language mathematics, develop mastery concrete, pictorial, abstract (CPA) approach. of concepts, establish an interest -Children of all abilities and backgrounds make progress in mathematics and there will be an in mathematics and finally, -Daily lessons include opportunities to practice increased proportion of children who are achieving the end of year expectations. become competent fluency, problem solving and reasoning to ensure mathematicians. that all children acquire a deep, long-term, secure -Children have an increased confidence in their mathematical ability and evermore resilient and adaptable understanding of the subject. showing a willingness to have a go and try even when at first they may find a problem -Children will study a high daunting. quality maths curriculum that is -Support staff are effectively deployed and maths both challenging and enjoyable interventions are delivered on the same day to -Children are becoming increasingly fluent in the fundamentals of mathematics and are so that all children are able to help children “keep up” not “catch up”. Our use increasingly quick at accurately recalling their number bonds, times tables and division facts. achieve their full potential. of high quality questioning and instant verbal -Through both teacher input and independent learning children

will be encouraged to follow feedback within lessons also supports this lines of enquiry, establish approach. connections, patterns and relationships, rapidly recall and - A combination of both formative assessment apply their knowledge, solve within lessons and summative assessments in the problems and explain their shape of end of unit checks enable teachers to reasoning. This will lead to identify any gaps in learning or opportunities to greater depth learning, ensuring develop a deeper understanding. Such that our children are confident assessments enable staff to address such areas mathematicians who are not with urgency and ensure that work is challenging afraid to take risks. for all. -All children will study - Through the use of whole school number bond mathematics for at least 5 hours and times table tests we monitor children’s a week in both key stage one progress towards achieving our expectation that and key stage two. all children should know their times tables by year 4 in line with the government guidance. -Children will confidently use age appropriate mathematical - Where necessary, staff will receive coaching and language to explain their training in Mathematics, this includes reasoning and understanding. opportunities to engage with outside agencies, This is shared with parents via specifically the maths hub but is also encouraged our “Somerville maths within the school. Through frequent observations, dictionary”. learning walks and book looks the maths team are able to plan purposeful peer observations to -All maths lessons will be share best practice. progressive, building on children’s prior knowledge and working walls will be used to support learning and further help children to make sense of their mathematical learning. -Children in Somerville will access a rich and balanced

curriculum within which mathematical skills will be applied to other subjects including but not limited to science and technology.

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