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ANM Instruction Manual

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Table of ContentsForeword iPreface iiiPrologue vAbbreviations vii 1Introduction 1 Need for Integrated RCH Register 2 3 Brief of RCH Register 4 7 Brief of Instruction Manual for ANM 7 9 General Instructions for RCH Register and Instruction Manual 11Chapter-1 Section and Column-Wise Instructions for RCH Register 12 14Section-I Details of Service Providers and Area (Cover Page) 15 Tracking of Eligible Couples and use of Contraceptives 17 Line-List of Eligible Couples (Index) 18 22 General Information of Eligible Couples (EC-1) 28 31 Tracking of Contraceptive Usage by Eligible Couples (EC-2 & EC-2A) 37 39Section-II Tracking of Pregnant Women 40 Line-List of Pregnant Women (Index) 41 44 General Information of Pregnant Women (PW-1) Antenatal Care of Pregnant Women (PW-2) Brief of Delivery and Newborn (PW-3) Postnatal Care of Mother and Newborn (PW-4 & PW-4A)Section-III Tracking of Children Line-List of Children (Index) General Information of Children(CH-1) Immunization details of Children (CH-2) Indicators of Child Health (CH-3)

Section-IV Description of Annexures 47 49 Annexure-Wise Description 51 52 Management of Anaemia at Sub-Centre Level (Annexure - 4.1) 53 54 Measurement of Fundal Height during Pregnancy (Annexure - 4.2) 55 Calculation of Expected Number of Beneficiaries (Annexure - 4.3) 56 Ready Reckoner Calendar for Calculation of Expected Date of Delivery 57 ( Annexure - 4.4) 59 National Immunization Schedule for Pregnant Women, Infants and Children (Annexure - 4.5) 63 73 Formats for Monthly Reporting of Immunization Sessions (Annexure - 4.6) 87 119 Case Definitions of Some Reportable Adverse Events Following Immunization (AEFI) (Annexure - 4.7) Visit of Pregnant Women to Health Facility for ANC Check-Up with Respect to Weeks of Pregnancy (Annexure - 4.8)Chapter-2 Working Definitions of Terms UsedChapter-3 Brief of Antenatal and Postnatal Care at Sub-Centre LevelFormats of Reproductive and Child Health (RCH) Register (Version - 1.1)Bibliography

NATIONAL HEALTH MISSION ForewordThe ANMs / MPW (F) have been collecting and maintaining information on various aspects ofReproductive and Child Health (RCH) like family planning, maternal health, child health, immunization,etc. They have been doing this in multiple registers. This has not only been cumbersome and unwieldybut in many cases, similar information has had to be entered in many registers, resulting in duplicationof ANM’s efforts.It was in the light of above that Government of India designed an Integrated RCH Register whichcaptures all information on family planning, maternal health, child health and immunization in asingle register. The Integrated RCH Register has already been circulated to the States with the requestto implement the new Register,Various State Governments have expressed the need for an instruction manual that would help theANMs in filling the different formats of Integrated RCH Register. Accordingly, Government of Indiahas developed this instruction manual which will help ANMs to understand the relevance of variousRMNCH services and correctly record all the RCH related information in the Register. The manualwould also be useful for trainers to train ANMs.I am sure that this instruction manual will help the ANMs in correctly capturing the appropriateinformation and providing answers to most of their questions. (Anuradha Gupta) 8th May, 2014

NATION AL HEALTH MISSION Hkkjr ljdkj LokLF; ,oa ifjokj dY;k.k ea=kky; Manoj Jhalani, IAS fuekZ.k Hkou] ubZ fnYyh & 110011 Joint Secretary Telefax: 23063687 Government of India E-mail : [email protected] Ministry of Health & Family Welfare Nirman Bhavan, New Delhi - 110011 Preface MoHFW has been collecting information on various aspects of Reproductive and Child Health (RCH) like family planning, maternal health, child health, immunization, adolescent health. The ANM, who is the field worker responsible for collecting this information, has had to carry a multitude of registers wherein similar information had to be entered in many registers, resulting in duplication of ANM’s efforts. To effectively address the problem, the MoHFW designed an Integrated RCH Register that captures information on all RCH related services including family planning, maternal health, child health and immunization. Many States have got the new Integrated RCH Register printed and distributed to ANMs while others are in the process of doing so. This instruction manual has been prepared on the request of State / UT Governments in order to guide the ANMs in filling the different formats of Integrated RCH Register. In addition, this instruction manual contains most of the RMNCH related information required by ANMs like working definitions of many terms used in providing RMNCH services, brief write-up on Antenatal and Postnatal Care at Sub-Centre level, management of Anaemia at Sub-Centre level, measurement of Fundal Height during pregnancy, calculation of expected number of beneficiaries, ready reckoner calendar for calculation of Expected Date of Delivery, National Immunization Schedule for pregnant women, Infants and children and formats for monthly reporting of immunization sessions etc. With such exhaustive information, the manual would also be useful in training of ANMs. I request the State / UT Governments to print and distribute the Integrated RCH Register and this instruction manual to ANMs so that they correctly capture the information in the Integrated RCH Register. The ANMs should be imparted a short training on use of instruction manual and on how to correctly fill up information in Integrated RCH Register. I thank officers and officials of RCH Division, including my colleague Dr Rakesh Kumar, JS (RCH), for providing the necessary inputs and support. I thank NHSRC for customising the instruction manual in printable book format. I appreciate the efforts of officers and officials of MMP Cell, particularly Dr Uma Chawla, Public Health Specialist, in preparing this instruction manual. I would be grateful to users for providing their valuable suggestions for further improvement in the instruction manual. (Manoj Jhalani) May, 2014

NATION AL HEALTH MISSION Prologue A lot of efforts have been spent on ensuring quality of services in health facilities which is one of the important mandates under the National Health Mission (NHM). However, correctly capturing this information in an integrated reporting system is equally important for evidence- based decision making. A multitude of registers are being maintained by ANMs for collecting information on various aspects of Reproductive and Child Health (RCH) which has not only meant duplication of the ANM’s efforts, but has also resulted in the lack of an integrated reporting system. Integrated RCH Register was designed by Department of Health and Family Welfare (DoHFW) as a first step in the direction of evolving an integrated reporting system for RCH. The Mission Mode Project (MMP) Cell of DoHFW closely coordinated with various officers and officials of RCH Division and States / UTs to prepare the Register. The Integrated RCH Register has been already circulated to States for implementation. However, on the request of various State Governments, the DoHFW has prepared an instruction manual that will help the ANMs in filling the different formats of Integrated RCH Register. I appreciate the efforts of the MMP Cell in coordinating the efforts for designing this instruction manual. I request the State / UT Governments to ensure distribution of this instruction manual to the ANMs and data managers so that RCH related information may be correctly captured in the Integrated RCH Register. Dr. Rakesh Kumar May, 2014

AbbreviationsAEFI Adverse Events Following gm Gram Immunization Hb HaemoglobinANC Ante Natal Care HBNC Home Based Newborn CareANM Auxiliary Nurse Midwife HEP B Hepatitis BAPH Ante Partum Haemorrhage Hg MercuryAPL Above Poverty Line HIV Human-Immuno-deficiency VirusASHA Accredited Social Health Activist H/O History ofAWW Anganwadi Worker HOSP HospitalBCG Bacillus Calmette -Guerin ICTC Integrated Counseling and Testing CentreBP Blood PressureBPL Below Poverty Line ID. IdentificationCH Child IFA Iron Folic AcidCHC Community Health Centre Inj. InjectionCU Copper IUCD Intra Uterine Cervical DeviceDOB Date of Birth IUGR Intra Uterine Growth RetardationDPT Diphtheria Pertussis Tetanus JE Japanese EncephalitisEC Eligible Couple JSY Janani Suraksha YojanaECP Emergency Contraceptive Pills Kg KilogramEDD Expected Date of Delivery LMP Last Menstrual PeriodF Female MCP Mother & Child ProtectionFH Fundal Height mg MilligramFHR Foetal Heart Rate mm MillimeterFP Family Planning MPW Multi-Purpose WorkerFRU First Referral Unit NR Not required Abbreviations vii

OC Oral Contraceptive RR Respiratory RateOPV Oral Polio VaccinePHC Primary Health Centre RTI Reproductive Tract InfectionsPNC Post Natal CarePPH Post-Partum Haemorrhage SC Scheduled CastePREG PregnancyP/V Per Vagina SDH Sub-District HospitalPVT. PrivatePW Pregnant Woman Sr SerialRCH Reproductive and Child HealthREG Registration ST Scheduled TribeRPR Rapid Plasma Reagin STI Sexually Transmitted Infections TB Tuberculosis TT Tetanus Toxoid VHND Village Health and Nutrition Day VDRL Venereal Disease Research Laboratory Wt. Weight

Introduction1. Need for Integrated RCH RegisterIn public health system the primary data is being collected in registers with the objectives to(i) record services delivered (ii) follow up (tracking) of beneficiary (iii) compile monthly reportsand (iv) analyze the data to improve public health services at local level. The formats of registersare determined by the changing requirements of National health programmes and in this regardseveral attempts have been made to improve them.At the Sub-Centre level, Auxiliary Nurse Midwife (ANM), a frontline worker is keeping records ofReproductive and Child Health (RCH) services delivered in multiple large sized bulky registers andit is not feasible to carry them for outreach services. Therefore, ANM often does informal noting ofservices delivered in a rough notebook or unofficial diary, thereafter, transfer them to main registers.In this process, some columns of data are forgotten or have to be recalled from memory, thusaffecting the quality of data and consequently, the key functions of primary registers are seldomachieved.Keeping this in view, an integrated Reproductive and Child Health (RCH) Register has beendeveloped as a service delivery recording tool for eligible couples, pregnant women and childrenat village/field level. This register will replace four existing registers viz; (i) Eligible Couple Register(ii) Family Welfare–Family Planning Register (iii) MCH and Immunization Register and (iv) MCTSRegister at Sub-Centre level. The usage of this RCH register will optimize the workload of ANM,remove the redundancy of duplication of records and registers and simplify business process atfield level.It is envisaged that ANM will keep one RCH register for two financial years for 1000 population.The register has been designed for recording the services provided to 200 Eligible Couples, 80Pregnant Women and 60 Children. If numbers of beneficiaries are more for recording their data inthe existing register, another register can be opened for the same year. However, the register will becontinued till all the services due to those beneficiaries are being provided to them.It is expected that ANM will enter the ‘real time’ data in the field which will improve coverage andquality of services and she will use these information for early identification and management ofbasic complications of pregnancy, childbirth and post-partum period at field level. Introduction 1

2 Brief of RCH RegisterThe RCH register is divided into Cover page and four Sections, viz; Section –I Tracking ofEligible Couples (EC) and use of contraceptives, Section-II Tracking of Pregnant Women (PW),Section-III Tracking of Children (CH) and Section - IV Annexures. Formats of ‘RCH Register - Version1.1’ is appended at the end of the Chapter - 3 for ready reference.The brief of each section of RCH Register is as follows:Cover Page of the RegisterThe Cover Page is designed to record details of the geographical area including the name of thevillage/area, contact details of service providers, nearest health facility, transport availability andtoll free number of National Call Centre etc. for ready reference.Section - I: Tracking of Eligible Couples and use of ContraceptivesSection-I has an Index and 3 formats (EC-1, EC-2 and EC-2A). The line-list of each eligiblecouple with their names, contact details and MCTS/RCH ID number of the woman etc. arebeing recorded in the Index. EC-1 format has columns for recording details of each eligiblecouple including the number of children born, age and sex of the youngest child etc. EC-2format is for recording details of monthly visits to enquire about the method of contraceptivebeing used for family planning by the eligible couples. Since the register is to be maintainedfor two years, EC-2A format is for recording the same information as given in EC-2 format forthe subsequent year.Section - II: Tracking of Pregnant WomenSection-II has an index and 5 formats (PW-1, PW-2, PW-3, PW-4 and PW-4A). The line-list of eachpregnant woman with her name, MCTS/RCH ID number, contact details, etc. are being recorded inthe Index. PW-1 format has columns for recording PW’s date of registration, LMP, EDD, past historyof general illness, complication during last pregnancies etc., including the laboratory reports ofVDRL and HIV screening test for the current pregnancy. PW-2 format is for recording details ofservices provided to pregnant woman during Antenatal Care (ANC) visits. PW-3 format is forrecording the brief of delivery outcome including the date, time, weight and vaccination given tothe newborn at birth. After delivery of the child, seven PNC visits are to be made. PW-4 format isfor recording details of services provided to mother and newborn during four Postnatal Care (PNC)visits and PW-4A format is for recording details of services provided to mother and newborn duringremaining three PNC visits.Section - III: Tracking of ChildrenSection-III has Index and three formats (CH-1, CH-2 and CH-3). The line-list of each newbornwith his/her name, sex, date of registration, MCTS/RCH ID number of newborn, name of parentsincluding their contact number etc. are being recorded in the Index. The details of newborn such asdate, place and weight at birth, address and MCTS/RCH ID number of mother are being recordedin CH-1 format. Primary as well as booster doses of vaccines including Vitamin A doses are tobe recorded in CH-2 format. CH-3 format has columns for recording the (i) status of exclusivebreastfeeding and initiation of complementary feeding of the newborn and (ii) two-week episode ofdiarrhoea and pneumonia and their management etc. 2 Instruction Manual for Anm to Record Information in RCH Register

Section - IV: AnnexuresSection –IV has four annexures for ready reference, viz; (i) Ready reckoner calendar for calculationof expected date of delivery (EDD) from the date of last menstrual period (LMP) (ii) NationalImmunization Schedule for pregnant women, infants and children and (iii) Formats for monthlyreporting of immunization sessions by the ANM and (iv) List of abbreviations used in the RCHregister.3 Brief of Instruction Manual for ANMAn instruction manual has been developed to facilitate the ANM to record details of each beneficiaryincluding services provided to them in the RCH register. This will improve the skills of ANMs inrecording the information as well as the quality of data.The instruction manual has been divided into following three chapters:Chapter -1 Section and Column-Wise Instruction for RCH RegisterChapter -2 Working Definitions of Terms UsedChapter -3 Brief of Antenatal and Postnatal Care at Sub-Centre LevelChapter -1 Section and Column-Wise Instruction for RCH RegisterThe serial number-wise instructions of each column to record information in different sections of RCHregister (as mentioned above) have been described in Chapter -1 of the instruction manual. However,five additional annexures, viz; (i) Management of anaemia at Sub-Centre Level (ii) Measurement offundal height during pregnancy (iii) Calculation of Expected Number of Beneficiaries (iv) Casedefinitions of some reportable Adverse Events Following Immunization (AEFI) and (v) Visit ofPregnant Women to Health Facility for ANC Check-Up with Respect to Weeks of Pregnancy havebeen added in the instruction manual for ready reference.Chapter-2- Working Definitions of Terms UsedTo facilitate the ANM and to have uniformity in recording the columns / data fields of the register,the working definitions of some of the terms used in the RCH register/ instruction manual havebeen provided in Chapter -2.Chapter-3- Brief of Antenatal and Postnatal Care at Sub-Centre LevelObstetric care services are important for early identification of complications and their managementduring pregnancy, childbirth and post-partum period. ANM provides comprehensive Antenatal Care(ANC) and Postnatal Care (PNC) at field level. To facilitate ANM, some of the important steps/activities to be performed by her during antenatal and postnatal checkups have been describedbriefly in Chapter-3. ***** Introduction 3

4. General Instructions for RCH Register and Instruction ManualI General Instructions for Register1. Each RCH Register has a provision for recording data of 200 Eligible Couples, 80 Pregnant Women and 60 Children which is sufficient to cover beneficiaries for 2 years in a population of 1000. If number of beneficiaries are more for the existing register, another register can be opened. However, the register will be continued to be used till all the services are being provided to all the beneficiaries as per the National Programmes.2. ANM will use one RCH register for each VHND Site/Immunization Site/Session.3. If more than one VHND site/Immunization site/Session is being held in a village/area, depending on the number of sites, ANM will use that much number of register and keep record of all the beneficiaries including the beneficiaries from the adjoining hamlets, if they are also attending the particular session.4. If there is a separate VHND site/Immunization Site/ Session for hamlets, a separate RCH register can be used for each site for those beneficiaries.5. ANM has to calculate estimated number of beneficiaries of her village/area and write on the cover page. Since register is meant for 2 years, if there is any change in the number of beneficiaries in the subsequent year this can be edited in the same column.6. MCTS/RCH ID No. will be generated by the portal only for the woman/ wife of the eligible couple and this ID number will remain the same, throughout her span of reproductive period.7. When the woman registered for any number of pregnancies, the MCTS/RCH ID number which was already been generated for the woman/ wife under eligible couple registration will remain the same. However, a new serial number in the Index of ‘Tracking of pregnant women’ will be assigned to her in the RCH register.8. After the delivery, a separate MCTS/RCH ID. No for the newborn will be generated after the registration of the child in the portal.9. Health services shall not be denied to any beneficiary, if the woman/child is not having MCTS/RCH ID number.10. The date on which the beneficiary is being registered first time in the RCH register, may be different from the date on which this beneficiary’s details are being uploaded on the MCTS/ RCH portal. This may be due to the time lag in service delivery and data entry in the portal.11. Index of each section of the RCH register is for line-listing of beneficiaries.12. Services rendered to each beneficiary have to be recorded in the row against the serial number of the respective beneficiary.13. Wherever multiple options are given in the footnote, to enter the suggested option(s) in the column, write the option (answer) in ‘text’ in the respective column and not the codes i.e. a, b and c etc. Wherever the option (answer) is ‘Any other/ other’ please specify the reason for ‘Any other/ other’ and write in the respective column.14. Write date (wherever applicable) in dd/mm/yyyy format.15. Refer Chapter -2 for working definitions of terms used in this manual.16. ANM should read Chapter -3 for important activities to be performed by her during antenatal and postnatal checkups. 4 Instruction Manual for Anm to Record Information in RCH Register

II General Instructions for Eligible Couples Format1. The first year details of monthly follow up visits of the eligible couples for use of contraceptives are to be recorded in the EC-2 format, and for the second year in the EC-2A format. The columns and their serial numbers of EC-2 & EC-2A formats are same; therefore, instructions to record the information are also the same for both EC- 2 & EC-2A formats.2. If the woman is planning to conceive, advise her to take one tablet of Folic Acid (400 µg) daily till she is 12 weeks pregnant. This will help in preventing Neural Tube defect of the newborn.3. In case of ‘male sterilization’, the eligible couple (EC) is considered as sterilized after 3 months (after receiving certification for sterilization from medical officer). In case of ‘female sterilization’, EC is considered as sterilized after 2 months (after receiving certification for sterilization from medical officer). Thereafter, further monthly visits to enquire about the use of contraceptives are not required for those permanent sterilized couples.III General Instructions for Pregnant Women Format1. In any given month, records of approximately half the number of estimated pregnancies in a given population should have been registered in the RCH register. Some women may be receiving ANC services from the private sector, ensure that their names including the names of the facilities where they have been registered are recorded in the RCH register.2. If beneficiaries have taken ‘services’ from private hospital/facility, ANM should register those beneficiaries and record all the details of the services provided on the basis of medical records/ card available with beneficiaries or information provided by the beneficiaries.3. If the marital status of the woman or name of the husband is not disclosed by the pregnant woman, write ‘Not applicable’ in the respective columns (and do not insist for disclosing the name of the husband). However, as per the ANC schedule, provide all the services ‘due’ to the pregnant woman.4. Provide ANC services and capture information whenever a pregnant woman comes for check- up or any pregnancy is being identified during field visit, irrespective of the number of weeks of pregnancy.5. The standard protocol (scheduled period) for antenatal check-ups during pregnancy will be applicable for all those pregnant women also who are tracked/arriving for their ANC services/ visits in 13th week, 27th week or 35th week of their pregnancy. For example, if a pregnant woman comes first time for antenatal check-up during 13th week of pregnancy, her details of ANC check-up will be treated as ANC 1st and entered in ANC first visit. Subsequently, if the same pregnant woman comes during 27th week of pregnancy, her details of ANC check-up will be treated as ANC 2nd and entered in ANC 2nd visit. Similarly, if the same pregnant woman comes during 35th week of pregnancy her details of ANC check-up will be treated as ANC 3rd and entered in ANC 3rd visit. However, a minimum period (gap) of 4 weeks should be kept between any two antenatal check-ups.6. In case of high risk pregnancy, PW may make more than four visits to health facility for ANC check-ups; provide her all the necessary services as per her complication(s) status. However, enter the details of ANC check-ups, minimum four times in the RCH register as per the standard protocol (scheduled period) i.e. within 12 weeks, 13-26 weeks, 28-34 weeks and 36 weeks to EDD. Introduction 5

7. Give only one dose of Inj. TT, if pregnant woman was already been vaccinated during her last pregnancy (within last three years) with two doses of Inj. TT (i.e. TT1 and TT2) indicate this dose of TT as ‘Booster Dose’.8. Screening of pregnant and lactating women for anaemia is to be done by the ANM during all the visits for ANC/PNC check-up at Sub-Centre level. If the Hb level is between 9-11 gm percent, anaemia can be managed by ANM at Sub-Centre level.9. Iron Folic Acid (IFA) tablets should be taken empty stomach for better absorption and not to be consumed with tea, coffee, milk or calcium tablets. If gastritis, nausea, vomiting etc. developed, give IFA tablet one hour after meal or at night.10. Abortion data can be entered only after registration of the PW. Write details of abortion (spontaneous/induced) and period of gestation/pregnancy in completed number of weeks in the respective column.11. Make seven postnatal visits on 1st day, 3rd day, 7th day, 14th day, 21st day, 28th day and 42nd day after home delivery. In case of institutional delivery (woman discharged after 48 hours), make six visits on 3rd day, 7th day, 14th day, 21st day, 28th day and 42nd day. Postnatal Care (PNC) is to be done for both mother and newborn. If the baby was born dead (stillbirth) or baby died within 42 days of birth, even then, make PNC visits for mother.IV General Instructions for Children Format1. In case where parents name is not available (e.g. orphans children) write ‘Father of (Baby name)’ /‘Mother of (Baby name)’/ Caretaker of (Baby name).2. If after vaccination, any type of Adverse Events Following Immunization (AEFI) is reported (Serious or Non-serious); write the details of the particular vaccine given such as name of vaccine, expiry date, batch number and name of the manufacturer.3. The column numbers 29-31 of CH -3 format are to be filled up only once, when child comes for first dose of measles/JE vaccine (if applicable)/Vitamin A between 9-12 months. In subsequent visit, no further information are to be recorded in these columns (Nos. 29-31)4. The column number 32 of CH-3 format is to be filled up only once, on the same day, whenever child comes for first dose of measles/JE vaccine (if applicable)/Vitamin A between 9-12 months. Give the due vaccine and Vitamin A also take the weight of the child and ask the mother if child had diarrhoea and or pneumonia (fever and fast breathing/chest-in-drawing) in last 15 days from the date of visit and write accordingly in column No. 32.5. The column number 33 of CH-3 format is to be filled up only once, on the same day, whenever child comes for any of the ‘Due’ booster dose of vaccine (i.e. OPV-Booster, DPT-Booster 1, Measles 2, JE 2 (if applicable), second dose of Vitamin A) between 16-24 months. Give ‘Due vaccines and also take the weight of the child and ask the mother if child had diarrhoea and or pneumonia (fever and fast breathing/chest-in-drawing) in last 15 days from the date of visit and write accordingly in column No. 33. ***** 6 Instruction Manual for Anm to Record Information in RCH Register

Chapter-1Section and Column-wise Instructions for RCH RegisterThe Chapter-1 has been divided into Cover Page of the register and three Sections, namely;Section–I Tracking of eligible couples (EC) and use of contraceptives, Section-II Tracking ofpregnant women (PW) and Section III Tracking of children (CH). The section and column-wiseinstructions for the ANM to record the information have been given in this chapter.1.1  Cover Page of the RegisterThe instructions to record the information for the cover page are as follows:Table-1: Cover page of the registerHeading Instructions to record the informationState Write name of the StateDistrict Write name of the DistrictBlock(1) Write name of the BlockCHC(1) Write name of the CHCPHC(1) Write name of the PHCSub-Centre(1) Write name of the Sub- CentreVillage/area(1) Write name of the village/areaPopulation of the village/area Write total population of the village/areaTotal No. of eligible couples(2) Write total number of eligible couples in the village/areaEstimated No. of pregnant women in Write estimated number of pregnant women in a yeara year(2)Estimated No. of infants in a year(2) Write estimated number of infants in a year. Refer annexure 4.3 for calculation of estimated number of infantsName of ANM Write name of the ANMMobile No. of ANM Write mobile number of the ANMAadhaar No.of ANM Write Aadhaar number of ANMName of associated ASHA Write name of the associated ASHAMobile No. of ASHA Write mobile number of the associated ASHAAadhaar No. of ASHA Write Aadhaar number of ASHA Cover page of the register 7

Heading Instructions to record the informationName of anganwadi worker (AWW) Write name of anganwadi worker (AWW)Mobile No. of AWW Write mobile number of anganwadi worker (AWW)Name of MPW Write name of MPW (Multipurpose Worker)Mobile No. of MPW Write mobile number of MPW (Multipurpose Worker)Name, address and phone No. of the Write name, address and phone number of the nearestnearest PHC (24x7) PHC (24x7)Name, address and phone No. of First Write name, address and phone number of the first referralReferral Unit (FRU) unit (FRU) of the areaPhone No. for Ambulance / Transport Write phone number for the nearest area’s Ambulance / TransportToll free phone No. of National Call Write toll free number (10588) of the National Call Centre,Centre Government of India established at New Delhi.1. Write equivalent type of health facilities for urban area.2. Refer Annexure-4.3 for calculating/ estimating the number of eligible couples, pregnant women and infants. *****8 Instruction Manual for Anm to Record Information in RCH Register

Section - ITracking of Eligible Couples and use of Contraceptives Chapter-1 Section and Column-wise Instructions for RCH Register 9

1.2  Section-1 Tracking of Eligible Couples and use of Contraceptives1.2.1 Index of Tracking of Eligible Couples and use of ContraceptivesTable-2: Column-wise instructions for Index of ECNo. Heading Instructions to record the information1 Serial Number Serial number denotes the running serial number (e.g. 1,2,3,4 & so on ….) of the register for each woman/EC being registered. The services rendered to each woman/EC have to be recorded in the row against the serial number of the respective woman/EC.2 MCTS/RCH When the woman/ couple is contacted first time, write their details inID. No. of woman * Section-I, and get them registered in the MCTS/RCH portal, automatic MCTS/RCH ID No. will be generated only for the woman from the MCTS/RCH portal. Note down this ID No. and write in this column.3 Name of woman Write name of the woman/wife of eligible coupleName of Write name of the husband of eligible couple. If name of the husbandhusband** is not disclosed, write “Not applicable”.4 Aadhaar No. and Bank details of womanAadhaar No./ Write Aadhaar number of the woman. If she has not registered forNot Available Aadhaar number, write ‘Not Available’(NA)Bank Account Write Bank account number of the woman. If she does not have anyNo/ NA bank account, write ‘NA’ (Not available).Name of Bank Write name and branch of the Bank in which the woman has herand Branch / saving account. If she does not have any bank account, write ‘NA’ (NotNA available).5 Aadhaar No. and Bank details of husband**Aadhaar No./ Write Aadhaar number of the husband. If he has not registered forNot Available Aadhaar number, write ‘Not Available’ (NA). If name of the husband is not disclosed, write ‘Not Applicable’ and write in all the three columns of the serial number 5.Bank Account Write Bank account number of the husband. If he does not have anyNo / NA bank account, write ‘NA’ (Not available).Name of Bank Write name and branch of the Bank in which the husband has hisand its Branch saving account. If he does not have any bank account, write ‘NA’ (Not/ NA available).6 Mobile No. of Write mobile number of husband/woman or any family member. Ifthe Husband/ the mobile number given is one of the family members, specify theWoman/Family relation and write it in the bracket. Please do not keep this column(Specify) blank. It is mandatory to write the mobile number.7 Page Write page number of the register, wherein the details of the respectivenumber*** woman / eligible couple are being recorded. Example- If a woman/an eligible couple is at serial number 12 of the index and their detailed information is recorded on page number 15 of this register, write 15 in this column.* F rom MCTS/RCH portal, after it is operational for eligible couples. This MCTS/RCH ID No. of the woman will remain the same throughout her span of reproductive period up to the age of 49 years.** If name of the husband is not disclosed, write ‘Not Applicable’*** Page number of this register (on which details of woman / EC are being recorded)NA- Not available Column-wise instructions for Index of EC 11

1.2.2 Tracking of Eligible Couples and use of Contraceptives (EC-1)Table-3: Column-wise instructions for EC-1 formatNo. Heading Instructions to record the information 1 Sr. No. Write the same serial number of the respective woman / EC as written in the Index of this Section –I. Example- If the serial number allotted to a woman / EC is 5 under Index of Section-I, it should be ‘5’ under ‘EC-1’ also. Record details of each woman / EC in the row against the serial number of the respective woman / EC.2 MCTS/RCH ID Write the same MCTS/RCH ID number of the respective woman asNo of woman* indicated in the Index of the Section –I3 Date of Write the date (dd/mm/yyyy) on which the eligible couple is beingregistration# registered first time in this RCH register.4 Woman’s detailsName Write name of the womanCurrent age (in Write the current age(in complete years) at the time of registration ofyears) the woman / wifeAge at marriage Write the age (in complete years) at the time of marriage. If marital(in years)** status is not disclosed, write ‘Not Applicable’. Example- If age at marriage of the woman / wife was 19 years and presently she is 20 years old, record 20 and 19 respectively at appropriate places.5 Husband’s detailsName of Write name of the husband. If name of the husband is not disclosed,Husband** write ‘Not Applicable’ and write in all the three columns of the serial number 5.Current age (in Write the current age (in complete years) at the time of registrationyears) of the husbandAge at marriage Write the age (in complete years) at the time of marriage. If marital(in years)** status is not disclosed, write ‘Not Applicable’. Example- If age at marriage of the husband was 21years and presently he is 22 years old, record 22 and 21 respectively at appropriate places.6 Address Write complete residential address of the eligible couple/ woman7 Religion Write the religion of the EC (Hindu or Muslim or Sikh or Christian). If the religion is other than these, please write as ‘Other’ and specify.8 Caste Write the caste of the EC in this column. If the caste is other thanSC/ST/ Others Scheduled Caste (SC) or Scheduled Tribe (ST), write ‘Other’. Note: If the option is other, specify; OBC (Other Backward Class), General category etc.9 BPL/APL As per the criteria of the respective state, write the category whether the woman belongs to Below Poverty Line (BPL) or Above Poverty Line (APL).12 Instruction Manual for Anm to Record Information in RCH Register

No. Heading Instructions to record the information10 Total No. of Write total number of children (both male & female) already born to children born the woman including stillbirth (before the date of registration). M Write number of male children born F Write number of female children born Example- If the woman is already having two children (one male and one female) before registration, write Male-1 and Female-1. If no child was born before registration, write11 No. of live M-0 and F-0. children Write total number and Sex (Male and Female) of the living child/ children. Example- If the woman is having one female child, write Male – 0 and Female- 1. If one male and one female child, write M-1, F-1M Write number of live male childrenF Write number of live female children12 Details of Age and Sex (Male / Female) of the youngest living child.youngest childAge of youngest Write age in completed years/months of youngest childchildSex (M/F) Write sex of the live youngest child Example- If the youngest live child is female 2 years old, write Female- 2 years13 If EC is infertile, If the eligible couple is infertile (refer Chapter-2 - Serial number 34 forrefer to FRU/ definition of infertility), refer the EC to District Hospital/ First ReferralDistrict Hospital Unit / Medical College Hospital for management of infertility. Write accordingly, the place of referral* F rom MCTS/RCH portal, after it is operational for eligible couples. This MCTS/RCH ID No. of the woman will remain the same throughout her span of reproductive period up to the age of 49 years.** If marital status is not disclosed, write ‘Not Applicable’ ** If name of the husband is not disclosed, write ‘Not Applicable’# Write date as dd/mm/yyyy, wherever applicableNote: R CH Register is to be maintained for two consecutive financial years, the first year details of monthly follow up visits of the eligible couples for use of contraceptives are to be recorded in EC-2 format and for the second year, the details of monthly follow up visits of the eligible couples for use of contraceptives are to be recorded in EC 2A format. The heading of column and column numbers of EC-2 & EC-2A formats are same, therefore, instructions to record the information are also same for both EC- 2 & EC-2A formats. ***** Column-wise instructions for EC-1 format 13

1.2.3 Tracking of Eligible Couples and use of Contraceptives (EC-2 & EC-2A)Table-4: Column-wise instructions for EC-2 and EC-2A FormatsNo. Heading Instructions to record the informationMonthly Visit (12 visits in a After registration and filling the details of eligible couples in EC-1financial year from April to Format, ANM/ ASHA will visit the house of the eligible couple everyMarch ) month and record information in column numbers 14 &1514 Use of family At every visit, write the date (dd/mm/yyyy) of the visit and ask about planning the method of contraceptive being used by the couple for family method planning. From the following options given, write the method(s) being used. If the couple is using more than one method, write all of them. (a) Condom (b) OC pills (c) Cu IUCD 380A (10 years) (d) Cu IUCD 375 (5 years) (e) Female sterilization (f) Male sterilization (g) Emergency pills **(h) None (i) Any other specify e.g. PP IUCD, PPS, Natural method etc. Write the name of the contraceptive in ‘Text’ and not the code i.e. a, b, c etc. Example-1 If EC is using ‘Condom’ and ‘Emergency pills’, write both of them in this column- Condom & Emergency pills Example-2 If the wife has adopted permanent method of sterilization, write ‘Female sterilization’.15 Pregnancy At every visit, ask, if the woman/wife is pregnant, If she says ‘Yes’ she test* is pregnant or suspect to be pregnant, conduct ‘Rapid Pregnancy +/-/ Not Test’ and write the result (+ve/-ve). Pregnancy test is to be done only done in “ suspected pregnancy” cases. If the pregnancy test is positive, write the result (+ve) in this column and write details of the pregnant woman in Section -II (Tracking of Pregnant Women) of this register. If the pregnancy test is negative (-ve), continue the monthly follow up visits and write details of contraceptives being used by the eligible couple in column No.14 of the Format (EC - 2 /EC - 2 A). If ‘Pregnancy test kit’ is not available, try to get it and conduct the pregnancy test of the woman. If the woman is planning to have ‘Baby’, advise her to take one tablet of Folic Acid (400 µg) daily, till she is 12 weeks pregnant. This will help in preventing Neural Tube defect of the newborn.* If pregnancy test is -ve, continue the monthly follow up visits, if pregnant, write details in section II of this register** ECP is not a regular contraceptive, it is to be used only in emergency# R CH Register is to be maintained for two consecutive financial years, the first year details of monthly follow up visits of the eligible couples for use of contraceptives are to be recorded in EC-2 format and for the second year, the details of monthly follow up visits of the eligible couples for use of contraceptives are to be recorded in EC 2A format. The heading of column and column numbers of EC-2 & EC-2A formats are same, therefore, instructions to record the information are also same for both EC- 2 & EC-2A formats.Note: In case of ‘male sterilization’, the eligible couple (EC) is considered as sterilized after 3 months (after receiving certification for sterilization from medical officer) and in case of ‘female sterilization’, EC is considered as sterilized after 2 months (after receiving certification for sterilization from medical officer). Thereafter, further monthly visits to enquire about the use of contraceptives are not required for those permanent sterilized couples. *****14 Instruction Manual for Anm to Record Information in RCH Register

Section - IITracking of Pregnant Women Chapter-1 Section and Column-wise Instructions for RCH Register 15

1.3 Section-II Tracking of Pregnant Women1.3.1 Index of Tracking of Pregnant Women (PW)Table-5: Column-wise instructions for Index of PWNo. Heading Instructions to record the information 1 Serial No Serial number denotes the running serial number (e.g. 1,2,3,4 & so on ….) in this register for each pregnant woman registered. The serial number of the pregnant woman (PW) may be different from the serial number allotted to this pregnant woman as EC under Index of Section –I (Tracking of EC) of the register. Record each PW details in the row against the serial number of the respective PW. Whenever a woman gets pregnant, a new serial number in this register will be assigned to her, even if she had already been registered earlier for previous pregnancy.2 MCTS/RCH ID Write the same MCTS/RCH ID number allotted to ‘this’ pregnantNo. of Pregnant woman as EC in the Index of the Section –I (Tracking of EC) of theWoman1 register. The MCTS/RCH ID number will remain the same, even if she is registering for 2nd or 3rd pregnancy.3 Name of Write name of the pregnant woman.Pregnant Woman4 Name of Write name of the husband of the pregnant woman. If name of theHusband2 husband is not disclosed, write ‘ Not Applicable’5 Aadhaar No. and Bank details of pregnant womanAadhaar No./ Not Write Aadhaar number of the pregnant woman. If she has notAvailable registered for Aadhaar number, write ‘Not Available’.Bank Account Write Bank account number of the pregnant woman. If she does notNo./ NA have any bank account, write ‘NA’ (Not available).Name of Bank Write name and branch of the Bank in which the pregnant womanand branch / NA has her saving account. If she does not have any bank account, write ‘NA’ (Not available).JSY beneficiary details6 JSY beneficiary As per the state specific criteria, if the pregnant woman is eligible(Yes / No) for JSY benefits, write ‘Yes’ otherwise write ‘No’.Payment If pregnant woman is a JSY beneficiary and received JSY payment,received3 write ‘Yes’; if she has not received the payment, write ‘No’.(Yes/ No) Also write the date of JSY payment made.7 Page number4 Write the page number of this register, wherein the details of the respective pregnant woman are being recorded. Example-If serial number of a pregnant woman is 20 and her detailed information may be recorded on page number 25 of the register, write 25 in this column.1 ID number of pregnant woman will be the same as respective MCTS/RCH ID No. of the woman under Section- I (Tracking of EC) of this register. However, health services shall not be denied to any beneficiary, if she is not having MCTS/RCH ID number.2 If name of the husband is not disclosed, writes ‘Not Applicable’.3 Applicable only for the JSY beneficiary4 Page number of this register on which details of the pregnant women are being recorded Column-wise instructions for Index of PW 17

1.3.2 Tracking of Pregnant Women (PW-1)Table-6: Column-wise instructions for PW-1 formatNo. Heading Instructions to record the information 1 Sr. No. Write the same serial number of the respective pregnant woman as written in the Index of this Section –II. Example- If the serial number allotted to a pregnant woman is 15 under Index of this Section –II, it should be ‘15’ under ‘PW -1’ also. Record details of each pregnant woman in the row against the serial number of the respective pregnant woman.2 MCTS/RCH ID Write the same MCTS/RCH ID number allotted to this pregnant No. of pregnant woman as indicated in the Index of the Section –I (Tracking of EC). woman*3 Name of Write name of the pregnant woman.pregnant woman4 Address Write complete postal address of the pregnant woman.5 Name of the Write the name of the husband. If name of the husband is not Husband** disclosed, write ‘Not Applicable’6 Mobile No. of Write mobile number of PW/ husband/ neighbour or any other familyself/ husband/ member. If it is a family member, please specify the relation. Pleaseneighbour/family do not keep this column blank. It is mandatory to write the mobile(specify) number.7 Religion Write the religion of the pregnant woman (Hindu/ Muslim/ Sikh / Christian). If the religion is other than these, please write ‘Other’ and specify it.8 Caste SC/ST Write the caste of the pregnant woman in this column, if the caste is Other other than Scheduled Caste (SC) or Scheduled Tribe (ST), this will come under the category of ‘Other’. Note: If the option is other, specify; OBC (Other Backward Class), General category etc.9 BPL / APL As per the criteria of the respective state, write the category to which pregnant woman belongs to i.e. Below Poverty Line (BPL) or Above Poverty Line (APL).10 Age of PW (DOB) Write the date of birth (DOB) (dd/mm/yyyy) of the pregnant woman, if DOB is not known, write the age in complete years at the time of registration. If she is 21 years and 3 months, write 21 years.11 Date of LMP Write the date (dd/mm/yyyy) of the first day of the last menstrual period (LMP) of the pregnant woman.12 Date of Write the date (dd/mm/yyyy) on which you have registered and Registration recorded the details of the pregnant woman for the first time in this register. This date may be different from the date on which ‘this pregnant woman’ details are uploaded on MCTS/RCH portal.18 Instruction Manual for Anm to Record Information in RCH Register

No. Heading Instructions to record the information13 No. of weeks As per the date of LMP, calculate the number of completed weeks of of pregnancy pregnancy on the day of registration. at the time of registration Example: If the first day of the LMP was 15/05/2013, she will complete 12 weeks on 07/08/2013. If this PW registered herself on 19/08/2013 (i.e. 14th week of pregnancy as per the LMP, write 14 weeks in this column).14 Registered within If pregnant woman has registered within or before 12 weeks of12 Weeks of pregnancy (as per her date of LMP), write Yes; if registered afterpregnancy completion of 12 weeks of pregnancy, write ‘No’.(Yes/ No)15 Weight of PW Take the weight of the pregnant woman at the time of registration(Kg) at the time and write in Kg (Kilogram).of registration16 EDD(1) Write expected date of delivery (EDD). To calculate (EDD), refer ready reckoner calendar (Annexure-4.4 of Section-IV), which is self-explanatory. The first row of the calendar indicates month and dates of LMP and second row indicates month and EDD as per the referred LMP. Similarly, 3rd row is for LMP and 4th row is for EDD and so on…. Example-If the first day of the LMP is 10/07/2013, then her EDD from the referred calendar (Annexure-4.4) would be 16/04/2014.17 Blood group of Refer the pregnant woman to the nearest facility where the bloodthe pregnant group testing facilities are available, and write the result fromwoman (Done among these options in this column: O+ve/A+ve /B+ve /AB+ve/(Result)/ Not O-ve / A-ve / B-ve /AB-ve.Done If blood group is not tested, write ‘Not Done’.18 Past H/O Ask pregnant woman if she is suffering from any general illness; Illness(2) write the appropriate option in this column. If there is a history of more than one general illness, write all the illnesses. As per the footnote number 2, the options available are: (a) TB (b) Diabetes (c) Hypertension (d) Heart disease (e) Epileptic (convulsions) (f) STI/ RTI (g) HIV +ve (h) Hepatitis B (i) Asthma (j) Any other (specify) (k) None If PW is HIV +ve, don’t write the HIV +ve in this column, (since this information is confidential) mark her as “High Risk’ pregnancy and refer her to Integrated Counseling and Testing Centre (ICTC) for confirmation. Example- If PW is suffering from Tuberculosis and Diabetes, do not write codes i.e. a, b, write ‘Tuberculosis and Diabetes’ in this column. If there is no past history of any illness, write ‘None’ Column-wise instructions for PW-1 format 19

No. Heading Instructions to record the information19 Past Obstetrics HistoryTotal number of Ask pregnant woman, the number of times she was pregnant earlierpregnancies / before the current pregnancy and write accordingly. If this is the first time pregnancy, write ‘Not Applicable’ in all the three columns of serial number 19. If she was pregnant only once before the current pregnancy, write details of only one past pregnancy. Example: If she was pregnant three times before the current pregnancy, write ‘3.’Details of last Details of last two pregnancies i.e. last and last to last pregnancy.two pregnanciesComplication(s)(3) Enquire the pregnant woman if she had any complication(s) during last and last to last pregnancy. Write all the complication(s) separately for each pregnancy (last and last to last pregnancy). As per footnote number 3, the options available are:Outcome of (a) Convulsions (b) APH (c) Pregnancy induced hypertensionPregnancies(4) (PIH) (d) Repeated abortion (e) Stillbirth (f) Congenital anomaly (g) Caesarean-section (h) Blood transfusion (i) Twins (j) Obstructed labour (k) PPH (l) Any other (specify) (m) None Write outcome of each pregnancy (i.e. last and last to last) separately. Footnote number 4 lists the following options: (a) Live Birth (b) Abortion (c) Stillbirth.20 Indicate Ask pregnant woman where she wants to deliver the child. From theexpected place following options, write the expected place for delivery:and name of District Hospital, CHC, PHC, Sub-Centre, other public facility,facility for Accredited Private hospital, other Private hospital, (5) If any other, specify; e.g. Medical college hospital / SDH etc. Also write the name or area of the facility. Example: If she chose the nearest PHC named Kishangard, write “PHC Kishangard”. If she chose a private hospital (not accredited) in Gandhi Nagar area, write ‘Other private hospital in Gandhi Nagar’21 VDRL/ (RPR) Test Refer the pregnant woman to the nearest facility where the VDRL/Done (Date) (RPR) test is being done and write the date on which the test was+ve/-ve / Not done and its result (+ve or –ve) in this column.Done If VDRL test is not done, write ‘Not Done’. If the status of VDRL test is not known, write ‘Don’t know’20 Instruction Manual for Anm to Record Information in RCH Register

No. Heading Instructions to record the information22 HIV Screening Refer the pregnant woman to the nearest facility where HIV screeningtest done(6) (date) test is being done. If the test was found to be –ve, write –ve with/ Test–ve /Not date (dd/mm/yyyy) in this column. If the HIV test is +ve, don’t writedone the +ve result in the register (since this information is confidential). Write as ‘High Risk’ pregnancy and refer the pregnant woman to Integrated Counseling and Testing Centre (ICTC) for confirmation. If HIV test is not done, write ‘Not Done’.* Same as respective MCTS/RCH ID number under Section -1 (Tracking of Eligible Couples). Health services shall notbe denied to any beneficiary, if she is not having MCTS/RCH ID number.** If name of the husband is not disclosed, write ‘Not Applicable’(1) For calculating Expected Date of Delivery (EDD)–Refer Ready Reckoner Table (Annexure-4.4 of Section-IV)(2) (a) TB (b) Diabetes (c) Hypertension (d)Heart disease (e)Epileptic (convulsions) (f) STI/ RTI (g) HIV +ve (h) Hepatitis B (i) Asthma (j) Any other (specify) (k) None(3) (a) Convulsions (b) APH (c) Pregnancy induced hypertension (PIH) (d) Repeated abortion (e) Stillbirth (f) Congenital anomaly (g) Caesarean-Section (h) Blood transfusion (i) Twins (j) Obstructed labour (k) PPH (l) Any other (specify) (m) None(4) (a) Live birth (b) Abortion (c) Stillbirth(5) D istrict hospital /CHC/PHC / Sub-Center/Other public facility/Accredited private hospital / other Private hospital / Home(6) If HIV test is positive, do not write the positive result in this column; refer her to ICTC for confirmation. ***** Column-wise instructions for PW-1 format 21

1.3.3 Tracking of Pregnant Women (PW-2)Table-7: Column-wise instructions for PW-2 formatNo. Heading Instructions to record the information23 Sr. No. Write the same serial number of the respective pregnant woman as written in PW-1 format of this section (Section-II)24 Name of Pregnant Write the same name of the pregnant woman as written underwoman PW-1 at the respective serial number.25 Serial No. of ANC Write the number of the ANC visit (e.g. 1st/ 2nd/ 3rd/ 4th) of theVisit(1) pregnant woman. Refer footnote number 1 for appropriate time of visit for ANC check- up. Ideally ANC visits as per scheduled period of pregnancy should be as follows: 1st visit - within 12 weeks of pregnancy 2nd visit - within 14 to 26 weeks of pregnancy 3rd visit -w ithin 28-34 weeks of pregnancy (by the Medical Officer) 4th visit -between 36 weeks and full term ANC given to the pregnant woman for the first time will be entered as first visit, irrespective of the number of weeks of pregnancy. If the first visit of the PW is anytime during her pregnancy, she should be entered in first visit column. Give her all the services “due” to her as per the period of pregnancy. Example- If a pregnant woman with 20 weeks of pregnancy visits for the first time for ante-natal check-ups, consider this as 1st visit and write detailed information infront of 1st visit and not 2nd visit, although at 20 weeks she is due for 2nd visit. Give her all the services ‘due’ to her as per the period of pregnancy. Thereafter, put her back on the track, and call her for the next visit for ANC checkups between 28-34 weeks of pregnancy and enter the details in column of 2nd visit and not 3rd visit, and call her again for ante-natal check-up between 36 weeks and full term. In this case, PW will receive ante-natal check-ups for 3 times. However, if the pregnancy is in the ‘High Risk’ category, PW may visit more than 4 times for ante-natal checkups. But enter ANC details four times at appropriate interval of number of weeks as per the schedule stated above.26 Date of ANC Provide ANC services and capture information whenever a woman comes for check-up (irrespective of the number of weeks of pregnancy). Write date (dd/mm/yyyy) on which the respective ANC was conducted.22 Instruction Manual for Anm to Record Information in RCH Register

No. Heading Instructions to record the information27 Facility/ Place/ Write the place and its name where the ANC check- up was Site of ANC done done e.g. village/area/SC/ PHC/ CHC / District Hospital /Urban Health Centre/ Other (specify).28 No. of weeks Write number of completed weeks of pregnancy at the time ofof pregnancy respective ANC check-up.29 Abortion (if any)(2)No If the pregnancy is continued, write ‘No’ in this column.I /S If pregnant women aborted during any time of the pregnancy, indicate whether the abortion was spontaneous(S) or induced (I) and number of completed weeks of pregnancy at the time of abortion. Write ‘S’ for spontaneous and ‘I’ for induced in this column. Note:30 if induced Abortion data can be entered only after registration of the PW. abortion, If abortion is conducted in the hospital, get details from her and write in the respective column. If the abortion is induced and conducted at the facility, write whether it was government or private organization.Indicate facility(Govt. / Pvt.)31 Wt. of PW ( Kg) During every ANC visit, take the weight of the PW and write in Kg (Kilogram). If the date of registration and date of first visit is same, write the same weight of the PW in both the columns, i.e. Column No. 15 of PW 1 and in this column. Refer Chapter-3 (Para No. 3.8.7) for normal/average weight gain during pregnancy.32 BP mm Hg During every ANC visit, measure the blood pressure of the PW.Systolic Write systolic reading in mmHgDiastolic Write diastolic reading in mmHg33 Hb (gm%) Example- If systolic pressure is 120 mmHg and diastolic 80 mmHg, write, respectively, 120 under systolic and 80 under diastolic column During every ANC visit, check the blood for haemoglobin (Hb) level by haemoglobinometer. Write the actual reading in this column. Example- If the haemoglobin is 11.5 gm. %, write 11.5 gm. %. Column-wise instructions for PW-2 format 23

No. Heading Instructions to record the information34 Urine Test (Done/ During every ANC visit, test urine for presence of albumin andNot Done) sugar.Albumin( P/ A) If urine test is not done, write “Not Done”.Sugar (P/A) (3) If urine is tested, write the result: ‘A’ if albumin is absent and ‘P’ if it is present. If albumin is present in the urine (2+), co-relate with the value / reading of blood pressure (BP) for diagnosing ‘pre-eclampsia’ status during pregnancy. If urine test is not done, write “Not Done”. If urine is tested, write the result: ‘A’ if sugar is absent and ‘P’ if sugar is present.35 Blood sugar Test If sugar is present in the urine, refer her to the nearest facility(Done / Not Done) for testing blood sugar level, to rule out diabetes. If blood sugar test is not done, write ‘Not Done’ in both the columns under serial number 35.If Done- Fasting If the blood is tested, write the reading of fasting blood sugar level.If Done - Post If the blood is tested, write the reading of post prandial bloodprandial sugar level.36 Inj. TT Dose During first visit of the pregnant woman, give first dose of(Date) Injection Tetanus Toxoid (TT), and second dose after one month interval. If the woman skips one antenatal visit, give the injection whenever she comes back for the next visit. Give only one dose of Inj. TT, if pregnant woman was vaccinated during her last pregnancy (within last 3 years) with 2 doses of Inj. TT (i.e. TT1 and TT2) indicate this dose as ‘Booster Dose’.Inj. TT 1 Write the date on which first dose of Inj. TT was given. If only one dose is given as ‘Booster dose’, write ‘Not Applicable’ in this column.Inj. TT2 /Booster Write the date on which second dose of Inj. TT or ‘Booster dose’ was given.37 No. of Folic Acid Give Folic Acid tablet within 12 weeks of pregnancy, one tabletTabs*(within once a day up to 12 weeks of pregnancy. Write number of tablets12 weeks of of Folic Acid given to pregnant woman.pregnancy) If no tablet is given, write ‘Nil’.given(4) / Nil/ Notapplicable If pregnant woman is registered after 12 weeks of pregnancy, do not give Tab Folic Acid. Write ‘Not Applicable’.24 Instruction Manual for Anm to Record Information in RCH Register

No. Heading Instructions to record the information38 No of IFA Tabs Write number of tablet of IFA given to pregnant woman. Give 100given* (after tablets of IFA (one tablet once a day for 100 days) after 12 weeks12 weeks of of pregnancy. If the course of 100 tablets of IFA is completed, inpregnancy) (5) /Nil subsequent ANC visits, ‘write the course of 100 IFA tablets is completed’. If no tablet is given, write ‘Nil’. If Hb level is between 9 -11 gm%, (i.e. she is anaemic), give 200 tablets (one tablet twice a day) for 100 days. Refer Annexure-4.1 of Section-IV for management of anaemia at Sub-Centre level.39 Fundal /Abdomen After completion of 12 weeks of pregnancy, examine theExamination abdomen for following:Fundal height / Palpate the abdomen and write the approximate size of thesize of the uterus uterus with respect to the number of completed weeks of pregnancy /gestation period. Refer Annexure-4.2 of Section-IV for defining the size of the uterus by abdominal examination during pregnancy.Foetal Heart Rate Example- Write fundal height as 14 weeks, 24 weeks, and 32 weeks and so on… After 24 weeks of pregnancy, check for the foetal heart sounds and count the foetal heart rate for one minute and write foetal heart rate in terms of number of beats per minute.Foetal Example- Write 130 beat/minute, 150 beat/minute, etc. Referpresentation/ Chapter 2 (Serial No. 25) for normal foetal heart rates.Position After 32 completed weeks of pregnancy, do the abdominal examination/ palpation and determine the foetal position / presentation and write the finding as Normal (longitudinal) / Abnormal (transverse) presentation. The normal presentation at full term is longitudinal with a cephalic (head) presentation. Any other presentation is abnormal. If abnormal presentation is diagnosed before 36 weeks of pregnancy, refer her to FRU for delivery.Foetal movements Foetal movements (quickening) begin at around 18–22 weeks of(Normal/ pregnancy and felt by pregnant woman earlier in a multigravidaIncreased/ and later in a primigravida. These are reliable signs of foetal well-being. Since foetal movements are subjective in nature andDecreased/ don’t have any benchmark, so ask mother what she feels aboutAbsent) foetal movements (Normal /Increased / Decreased/Absent), and write her reply accordingly. Decreased movements is an indication of foetal distress. Column-wise instructions for PW-2 format 25

No. Heading Instructions to record the information40 Any symptom As per the footnote number 6, if pregnant woman has any high of high risk risk symptom(s), write the particular symptoms(s) among pregnancy (6) following and mark her as ‘High Risk’ pregnancy’ : please indicate (a) High BP (systolic ≥ 140 and or diastolic ≥ 90 mm Hg) (b) Convulsions (c) Vaginal bleeding (d ) Foul smelling vaginal discharge (e) Severe anaemia (Hb level < 7 gms. %) (f) Diabetes (g) Twins (h) Any other- specify (i) None. Example 1-If pregnant woman has symptoms of high blood pressure and foul smelling vaginal discharge, write both symptoms as ‘high blood pressure and foul smelling vaginal discharge’ for ‘high risk pregnancy’ in this column. Example 2- If pregnant woman is having ‘Twins’, write ‘High Risk’ pregnancy due to ‘Twins’ pregnancy.41 Date type & If pregnant woman is referred, write the reason for referral name of referral (High Risk / Other Services (Specify)), and also write date and facility(7) type of health facility where she is being referred. Refer footnote number 7 for different types of facilities: PHC/ CHC / District Hospital / Private hospital/ Other (Specify). Write the date (dd/mm/yyyy) on which she was being referred to health facility. Example 1– Write PW is referred for vaginal bleeding to District hospital on 05/12/2013. Example 2- Write PW is being referred for HIV Screening test or blood sugar tests to CHC on 28/11/2013.42 Indicate which Ask every pregnant woman only during the period of 3rd ANC contraceptive visit i.e. between 28-34 weeks of pregnancy regarding adoption method you of post-partum method of contraception. Various options of would prefer to contraceptive methods given to the pregnant woman are as use after this follows: delivery(9) (a) Post-Partum IUCD (PP IUCD) (b) Post-Partum Sterilization (PPS) (c) Sterilization (Male) (d) Condom (e) Any traditional method (f) Any other (specify) (g) Can’t decide now (h) None. The method of contraception selected by the pregnant woman will facilitate the ANM to suggest appropriate health facility to the pregnant woman for seeking such services. This will also help ANM in micro-planning for family planning of the eligible couple during post-partum period.26 Instruction Manual for Anm to Record Information in RCH Register

No. Heading Instructions to record the information43 Maternal Death If pregnant woman died any time during pregnancy, write ‘Yes’,(No/ Yes) otherwise write ‘No’.if died, date, Write the date (dd/mm/yyyy), the place where she died (type ofplace & probable facility, i.e. Sub Centre/PHC/ CHC / District Hospital / Privatecause(8) hospital/ Accredited private hospital /Home/Other (Specify). Also write the probable cause of death, refer footnote number 8 for options: Eclampsia, Haemorrhage, High Fever, Abortion, Other (Specify). Example 1- If PW died due to excessive bleeding during 32nd week of pregnancy, write ‘Haemorrhage’ as probable cause of death. Died on 05/10/2013 in Rajgard PHC. Example 2- If PW died due to road accident, write the probable cause of death ‘other’ (severe injuries) due to road accident. Died on 02/08/2013 in Raipur District hospital. If the pregnancy is continued, write ‘Not Applicable’ in this column.(1) Ideally ANC visits should be: 1st visit –within 12 weeks of pregnancy; 2nd visit - within 14 to 26 weeks of pregnancy; 3rd visit -within 28-34 weeks of pregnancy (to be done by the Medical Officer), 4th visit -between 36 weeks and full term. If mother comes first time, anytime during her pregnancy, she should be entered in first visit column. Give her all the services ‘due’ to her as per the period of pregnancy.(2) I= induced, S= spontaneous(3) If sugar Present in urine, advise blood sugar test from nearest health facility(4) Tab. Folic Acid (400 µgm) within 12 weeks of pregnancy(5) Give Tab IFA after 12 weeks of pregnancy. If anaemic give double dose of IFA. If Tab. IFA is not given, write ‘Nil’(6) (a) High BP(systolic ≥ 140 and or diastolic ≥ 90 mm Hg) (b) Convulsions ( c) Vaginal bleeding (d) Foul smelling vaginal discharge (e) Severe anaemia (Hb level< 7 gms%) (f) Diabetes (g) Twins (h) Any other (specify) (i) None(7) (a) Indicate reason for referral (high risk / other services (specify)) ( b) Indicate name of referral facility (PHC/ CHC / District hospital / Private hospital/ other (specify) and write name of facility (e.g. PHC-Ramgarh, CHC – Shamnagar etc.)(8) Probable cause of maternal death (eclampsia, haemorrhage, high fever, abortion, other- specify)(9) (a) Post-Partum IUCD (PP IUCD) (b) Post-Partum Sterilization (PPS) (c) Sterilization (Male) (d) Condom (e) Any traditional method (f) Any other (specify) (g) Can’t decide now (h) None.* In case of “sickle cell anaemia”, do not give Folic Acid / IFA tablets to pregnant woman; refer her to higher facility formanagement.Foetal Presentation (Normal / Transverse).P: Present, A: AbsentNote: Health services shall not be denied to any beneficiary, if she is not having MCTS/RCH ID number. ***** Column-wise instructions for PW-2 format 27

1.3.4 Tracking of Pregnant Women (PW-3)Table-8: Column-wise instructions for PW-3 formatNo. Heading Instructions to record the information44 Sr. No. Write the same serial number of the respective pregnant woman as indicated in previous format (PW-2).45 Name of PW Write the same name of the pregnant woman as written under PW-2 of the respective serial number.Delivery outcome Write details of outcome of delivery in column Nos. 46-5246 Date & time Write date (dd/mm/yyyy) and time (HH:MM) of delivery. (HH:MM) of Delivery47 Place of Write the place where delivery took place (type of the facility). Refer delivery(1) footnote number 1 for options: PHC/CHC/District Hospital /Private Hospital/Accredited private hospital / Sub Centre / Home/ Other (Specify) Note: If place of delivery is other than these, specify e.g. Medical college hospital, Sub District Hospital, In-transit etc. Example- If PW delivered at district hospital, write ‘District hospital’. If it was at home, write ‘Home’.48 Who conducted Write the designation of the person who conducted the delivery. Referdelivery(2) footnote number 2: (ANM /LHV/ Doctor / Staff Nurse / Relative/ Other (Specify)). Example- If delivery is conducted by a relative / trained birth attendant (TBA) at home, write relative/ TBA (Non-Skilled Birth Attendant). Refer Chapter 2 (Serial No. 60) for definition of Skilled Birth Attendant (SBA)49 Type of Indicate the type of the delivery, options are : Delivery(3) Normal / Assisted /Caesarean Example- If it is ‘Ventouse /Forceps delivery’, write Assisted (Ventouse /Forceps delivery).50 Complication If any complication(s) occurred during delivery, write accordingly,during refer footnote number 4 for options:Delivery(4) a. PPH, b. Retained placenta, c. Obstructed delivery, Prolapsed cord, e. Death. Any other (specify). If pregnant woman has more than one complication during delivery, write all the complications. Example 1- If pregnant woman had retained placenta and excessive bleeding during delivery, write both the complications, viz; retained placenta and excessive bleeding. If pregnant woman died during the process of delivery, indicate probable cause of maternal death (Eclampsia, Haemorrhage, Obstructed labour, Prolonged labour, Other (Specify)). Example 2- If pregnant woman died during delivery due to ‘Obstructed’ labour, write probable cause of death as ‘Obstructed labour’.28 Instruction Manual for Anm to Record Information in RCH Register

No. Heading Instructions to record the information51 Outcome of Indicate the outcome of delivery: Number of live births or Live Refer Chapter 2 for definitions.birth(1/2)/ Example 1- If twins delivered, write 2 live births.Stillbirth (1/2) Example 2- If a dead child was born, write one ‘Stillbirth’.52 Date & time of In case of institutional delivery, write time (HH:MM) and date (dd/ Discharge (if mm/yyyy) on which she was discharged from the institute. Institutional Delivery )Date (dd/mm/yyyy)Time (HH:MM)Infant Details Write details of infant(s) born, in the column Nos. 53-61.If stillbirth, do not write these details, write ‘Not applicable’.53 Sr. No. of the If more than one child was born, indicate details of each child (1stbaby Baby, 2nd Baby).54 Full-term/ Write whether the baby born is ‘Full term’ or ‘Preterm’. Refer Chapter Preterm 2 for definitions.55 If preterm This column is not valid if child was born preterm (premature)delivery, (>24 after 34 weeks of gestation.weeks &< 34 If the newborn was delivered between completed 24 weeks to lessweeks), Inj. than 34 weeks of gestation, the ANM should check the Referral Slipcorticosteroid /Discharge Slip (if available) to ascertain whether Inj. Corticosteroidgiven to mother was given to the mother during pre-term labour or not?(Yes/ No/ Don’tKnow) Accordingly, write Yes/ No/ Don’t know.56 Sex of infant Write the sex of the infant as ‘M’ for male and ‘F’ for female.57 Baby cried If baby cried immediately after birth, write ‘Yes’. If not, write ‘No’immediately atbirth (Yes/No)58 Referred to If child did not cry immediately after birth, refer the child to higherhigher facility facility for management. Write accordingly, ‘Yes’ or ‘No’for further If child cried immediately, referral to health facility is not Write ‘NA’ (not applicable).(Yes/ No/ NA)59 Any defect Examine the child for any birth defect, refer footnote No.5 forseen at birth (5) options. (a) Cleft Lip/ Cleft Palate (b) Neural Tube Defect (Spina Bifida) (c) Club Foot (d) Hydrocephalus (e) Imperforate Anus (f) Down’s Syndrome (g) Any Other (Specify) (h) Nil60 Weight at birth Take the weight of the newborn as early as possible after birth, and(Kilogram) write in Kilogram. Example-If weight of the newborn at birth is 2.2 Kg, write 2.2 Kg. Column-wise instructions for PW-3 format 29

No. Heading Instructions to record the information61 Breast feeding Ask the mother if breast feeding was initiated within one hour of birth started within of the newborn. Write ‘Yes’ or ‘No’ accordingly. one hour of birth (Yes/ No)Birth Dose (6) ( Given / Not Given) –Write in Column Nos. 62-6562 OPV (Date) Write the date (dd/mm/yyyy) on which birth dose of OPV (Zero dose) was given.63 BCG (Date) OPV dose given during Pulse Polio rounds is NOT to be counted. Write the date (dd/mm/yyyy) on which BCG vaccine was given.64 Hepatitis B Write the date (dd/mm/yyyy) on which birth dose of Hepatitis Bvaccine (Date) vaccine (Zero dose) was given. Hepatitis B vaccine should be given within 24 hours of birth.65 Vit K(7) (Date) Give Injection Vitamin K intramuscular within 24 hours of birth and write the date (dd/mm/yyyy). Refer footnote number 7 for doses of injection of Vitamin K: If birth weight is > 1000 gm., the dose is 1.0 mg and if birth weight is < 1000 gm, the dose is 0.5 mg.(1) District Hospital /CHC/PHC/ Sub-Center/Other Public Facility/Accredited Private Hospital /Other Private Hospital / Home/Other (Specify)(2) ANM /LHV/ Doctor/ Staff Nurse / Relative/ Other (Specify)(3) Normal / Caesarean / Assisted(4) (a) PPH (b) Retained Placenta (c) Obstructed Labour (d) Prolapsed Cord (e) Twins Pregnancy (f) Convulsions (g) Death (If died, indicate probable cause of maternal death -Eclampsia, High Fever, Haemorrhage, Obstructed labour, Prolonged labour, Other (Specify)(5) (a) Cleft Lip/ Cleft Palate (b) Neural Tube Defect (Spina Bifida) (c) Club Foot (d) Hydrocephalus (e) Imperforate Anus (f) Down’s Syndrome (g) Any Other (Specify) (h) Nil(6) At the time of birth(7)  Inj. Vit K- Intramuscular- If birth weight of the newborn is ≥ 1000 gm (Dose-1.0 mg) & if birth weight is ≤ 1000 gm (Dose- 0.5 mg).NA- Not ApplicableNote: Health services shall not be denied to any beneficiary, if she is not having MCTS/RCH ID number. *****30 Instruction Manual for Anm to Record Information in RCH Register

1.3.5 Tracking of Pregnant Women (PW-4)Table-9: Column-wise instructions for PW-4 formatNo. Heading Instructions to record the information66 Sr. No. Write the same serial number of the respective pregnant woman as indicated in previous format (PW-3).67 Name of Write the same name of the mother as written under PW-3 of the mother respective serial number.Write details of four post natal care (PNC) visits in column numbers 68-76. PNC is to be donefor both mother and newborn. If the baby was born dead (stillbirth) or baby died within 42days of birth, even then, make all PNC visits for mother.68 PNC Visit after Make four postnatal visits on 1st day, 3rd day, 7th day and 42nd day afterdelivery (1) home delivery. If institutional delivery (woman discharged after 48 hours), make three visits on 3rd day, 7th day and 42nd day (refer footnote number 1).69 Date of PNC Write the date (dd/mm/yyyy) on which PNC visit was made. visit70 No. of IFA Give 100 tablets of IFA (one tablet once a day for 100 days) to thetabs given to mother. Write number of tablet of IFA given in this column.mother/Nil If Tab. IFA is not given, write ‘0’.71 Indicate Examine the mother and look for any danger sign(s) noticed duringdanger signs each PNC visit in mother. Refer footnote number 2 for options:(if any) in a. PPH, b. Fever, c. Sepsis, d. Other (Specify).mother (2) If more than one danger sign is noticed, write all the signs and refer her to appropriate health facility. If no danger sign was present, write ‘Nil’.72 Indicate During each visit, examine the infant for any danger sign (s) and alsodanger signs ask the mother if she has noticed any danger sign(s) in the infant ,(if any) in Refer footnote number 3 for options:infant(3) a. Jaundice, b. Diarrhoea, c. Fever, d. Convulsions, e. Chest-in-Drawing (Fast Breathing), f. Other (Specify). If more than one danger sign is noticed, write all the signs and refer the infant to appropriate health facility. If no danger sign was present, write ‘Nil’73 Weight of During each visit, take the weight of the infant and write in KilogramInfant(4) (Kg). Keep the track of the weight, If there is no gain in weight(Kg) (See para of Chapter -3 for weight gain after birth) or infant loses weight as compared to the previous records; refer the infant to appropriate health facility.If danger sign (s) present for mother or infant, indicate place and name of referralfacility (5) Column-wise instructions for PW-4 format 31

No. Heading Instructions to record the information74 Mother If any danger sign(s) was (were) observed / noticed for mother, refer her to higher facility and write the place (type of facility) and name of the facility. Refer footnote number 5 for type of facility.75 Infant a. PHC b. CHC c. District Hospital d. Private Hospital e. Any other (Specify). If any danger sign(s) was/were present/ noticed in the infant, refer the infant to the facility and write the place (type of facility) and name of the facility. Refer footnote number 5 for type of facility referred: a. P HC b. CHC c. District Hospital d. Private Hospital e. Any other (specify)76 Indicate During each visit, ask the mother if any contraceptive method is beingpost-partum used for family planning during post-partum period. Refer footnotecontraceptive number 6 for options:method being a. IUCD b. Condom c. Sterilization (Male) d. Sterilization (Female) e.used (6) None, f. Other (specify).If infant or mother died, write date and probable cause of death77 Cause of If infant died during post natal period, write the probable cause ofinfant death(7) death. Refer footnote number 7 for probable cause of death: a. Asphyxia b. Low birth weight c. Fever d. Diarrhoea e. Pneumonia f. Premature baby g. Any other (Specify).78 Date of infant Write the date (dd/mm/yyyy) of death of the infant.death Note: Write the age of infant (in months) at the time of death79 Cause of If mother died during post natal period, write the probable cause ofmother death. Refer footnote number 8 for probable cause of death:death(8) a. Eclampsia b. Haemorrhage (PPH) c. Anaemia d. High Fever e. Other (Specify).80 Date of Write the date (dd/mm/yyyy) of death of the mother.mother death81 Place of If mother or/and infant died, write the place (Home/ Hospital/in-transitdeath (Home/ to hospital) where death took place.Hospital/ InTransit)82 Remarks This column is for additional important information (if any) related to(if any) this beneficiary; otherwise this column may be kept blank.(1) Make four postnatal visits on 1st day, 3rd day, 7th day and 42nd day after home delivery. If institutional delivery (woman discharged after 48 hours), make three visits on 3rd day, 7th day and 42nd day. Under Home Based Newborn Care (HBNC) Scheme, conduct three more visits on 14th day, 21st day & 28th day of delivery, and undertake PNC for newborn as well as for mother at the same time (write details in PW-4A format).(2) (a) PPH (b) Fever (c) Sepsis (d) Severe abdominal pain (e) Severe headache or blurred vision (f) Difficult breathing (g) Fever/ chills (h) Other–specify. (i) Nil. If yes–refer to facility(3) (a) Jaundice (b) Diarrhoea (c) Vomiting (d) Fever (e) Hypothermia (cold body) (f) Convulsions (g) Chest-in-drawing (fast breathing) (h) Difficulty in feeding /unable to suck/ decreased movements (i) Nil. If anyone is yes, refer to health facility(4) During each PNC visit, take weight of the infant, if no gain in weight/ loss in weight, refer to health facility32 Instruction Manual for Anm to Record Information in RCH Register

(5) (a) PHC (b) CHC (c) District hospital (d) Private hospital / other (specify)(6) (a) Post-partum IUCD (PP-IUCD-within 48 hours of delivery) (b) Condom (c) Sterilization (Male) (d) Post-partum sterilization (PPS-within 7 days of delivery) (e) None (f) any other (specify)(7) Probable cause of infant death (Asphyxia, low birth weight, fever, diarrhoea, pneumonia, any other –specify)(8) Probable cause of maternal death (Eclampsia, haemorrhage (PPH), anaemia, high fever, other (specify)Note:• After 42 days of delivery, shift back the mother to EC -2 Format and track the eligible couple for use of contraceptives.• In case of male sterilization, the eligible couple (EC) is considered as sterilized after 3 months (after receiving certification for sterilization from medical officer). And in case of female sterilization, EC is considered as sterilized after 2 months (after receiving certification for sterilization from medical officer). Thereafter, further monthly visits to enquire about the use of contraceptives are not required for those permanent sterilized couples.• Health services shall not be denied to any beneficiary, if she is not having MCTS/RCH ID number. ***** Column-wise instructions for PW-4 format 33

1.3.6 Tracking of Pregnant Women (PW-4 A)Table-10: Column-wise instructions for PW- 4 A formatNo. Heading Instructions to record the information83 Sr. No. Write the same serial number of the respective pregnant woman as indicated in previous format (PW-4).84 Name of Write the same name of the mother as written under PW-4 of the mother respective serial number.Write details of post-natal care (PNC) visits in column Nos. 85-9085 PNC Visit after Under home based newborn care (HBNC) Scheme, conduct three moredelivery (1) visits on 14th, 21st & 28th day of delivery and undertake PNC for newborn as well as for mother at the same time.86 Date of PNC Write the date (dd/mm/yyyy) on which the visit was made. visit87 No. of IFA Give 100 tablets of IFA (one tablet once a day for 100 days) to the mother.tabs given to Write number of tablet of IFA given in this column.mother/Nil If Tab. IFA is not given, write ‘Nil’.88 Indicate During each visit, examine the newborn for any danger sign (s) and alsodanger signs ask the mother if she has noticed any danger sign(s) in the newborn(if any) Refer footnote number 2 for options:in mother (2) a. PPH, b. Fever, c. Sepsis, d. Other (Specify). If more than one danger sign is noticed, write all the signs and refer her to appropriate health facility. If no danger sign was present, write ‘Nil’.Indicate Examine the infant for any danger sign (s) during each visit and alsodanger signs (if ask the mother if she has noticed any danger sign(s) in the infant. Referany) in infant(3) footnote number 3 for options: a Jaundice, b. Diarrhoea, c. Fever, d. Convulsion, e. Chest-in–Drawing (Fast Breathing), f. Other (Specify). If one or more than one danger sign is noticed, write all the signs and refer her to appropriate health facility. If no danger sign was present, write ‘Nil’.Weight of During each visit, take the weight of the infant and write in KilogramInfant(4) (Kg). Keep the track of the weight, If there is no gain in weight (See para(Kg) of Chapter -3 for weight gain after birth) or infant loses weight as compared to the previous records; refer the infant to appropriate health facility.If d anger sign (s) present for mother or infant, indicate place and name of referralfacility (5)89 Mother If any danger sign(s) was (were) observed / noticed for mother, refer her to higher facility and write the place (type of facility) and name of the facility. Refer footnote number 5 for type of facility. a. PHC, b. CHC, c. District Hospital, d. Private Hospital, e. Any other (Specify).34 Instruction Manual for Anm to Record Information in RCH Register

No. Heading Instructions to record the information Infant If any danger sign(s) were present / noticed in the infant. Refer the infant to the facility and write the place (type of facility) and name of the facility. Refer footnote number 5 for type of facility: a. PHC, b. CHC, c. District Hospital, d. Private Hospital, e. Any other (Specify).90 Indicate During each visit, ask the mother if any contraceptive method is beingpost-partum used for family planning during post-partum period. Refer footnotecontraceptive number 6 for options:method being a. IUCD b. Condom c. Sterilization (Male) d. Sterilization (Female) e.used (6) None f. Other (specify).If infant or/and mother died, write date and probable cause of death91 Date and If infant died during post natal period, write the date (dd/mm/yyyy)probable cause and probable cause of death. Refer footnote number 7 for probableof death of cause of death: a. Asphyxia b. Low birth weight c. Fever d. Diarrhoea e.infant(7) Pneumonia f. Any other (Specify). Note: Write the age of infant (in months) at the time of death.92 Date and If mother died during post natal period, write the date (dd/mm/yyyy)probable cause and probable cause of death. Refer footnote number 8 for probableof death of cause of death: a. Eclampsia, b. Haemorrhage (PPH), c. Anaemia, d.mother(8) High Fever, e. Other (Specify).93 Place of If mother or/and infant died, write the place (Home/ Hospital/ In- transitdeath (Home/ to hospital) where death took place.Hospital/InTransit)94 Remarks This column is for additional important information (if any) related to(if any) this beneficiary; otherwise this column may be kept blank.(1) Under home based newborn care (HBNC) Scheme, conduct three more visits on 14th, 21st & 28th day of delivery and conduct PNC for newborn as well as for mother at the same time.(2) (a) PPH (b) Fever (c) Sepsis (d) Severe abdominal pain (e) Severe headache or blurred vision (f) Difficult breathing (g) Fever/ chills (h) Other–specify. (i) Nil. If yes–refer to facility(3) (a) Jaundice (b) Diarrhoea (c) Vomiting (d) Fever (e) Hypothermia (cold body) (f) Convulsions (g) Chest-in–drawing (fast breathing) (h) Difficulty in feeding /unable to suck/ decreased movements (i) Nil. If anyone is yes, refer to health facility(4) During each PNC visit, take weight of the infant, if no gain in weight/ loss in weight, refer to health facility(5) (a) PHC (b) CHC (c) District hospital (d) Private hosp./ other (specify)(6) (a) Post-partum IUCD (PP-IUCD-within 48 hours of delivery) (b) Condom (c) Sterilization (Male) (d) Post-partum sterilization (PPS-within 7 days of delivery) (e) None (f) any other (specify)(7) Probable cause of infant death (Asphyxia, low birth weight, fever, diarrhoea, pneumonia, any other –specify)(8) Probable cause of maternal death (Eclampsia, haemorrhage (PPH), anaemia, high fever, other (specify))Note:• After 42 days of delivery, shift back the mother to EC -2 Format and track the eligible couple for use of contraceptives.• In case of male sterilization, the eligible couple (EC) is considered as sterilized after 3 months (after receiving certification for sterilization from medical officer). And in case of female sterilization, EC is considered as sterilized after 2 months (after receiving certification for sterilization from medical officer). Thereafter, further monthly visits to enquire about the use of contraceptives are not required for those permanent sterilized couples.• Health services shall not be denied to any beneficiary, if she is not having MCTS/RCH ID number. Column-wise instructions for PW- 4 A format 35

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