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Home Explore 300 Exhibition journey for PDF

300 Exhibition journey for PDF

Published by madhulita.patnaik, 2021-02-24 15:50:48

Description: 300 Exhibition journey for PDF


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Our Exhibition Journey

Snapshot of our journey October 2020- March 2021 Research and Inquiry 18th September Issues and Presentation 5th March 2020 opportunities preparation 2021 Brainstorming 24th September February- Exhibition 2020 March 2021

Essential Elements

Essential Agreements Academic honesty Generic agreement We will- We will - ● Present original work. ● Take turns to speak by raising our ● We will take relevant information hands. from the internet. ● Let your group mates know about ● Collaborate with our team your decisions for the group before members. doing your decisions. ● Quote the source. ● Listen to other before you talk. ● Share all our opinions freely.

The issues that we feel strongly about: Unemployment Over population Corruption Urban development Impact of COVID 19 on the lives of people

Who we are? We are the.. Masters of the Economy

Our focus Communities and the relationships under the theme - “Sharing the Planet”

AK Strand: Economics for Development - Understand the difference between ‘needs’ and ‘wants’ and apply this in different contexts - Explain how people work together through economic systems to improve quality of life for individuals and groups.

Sustainable Development Goals SDG 4: Quality Education SDG 8: Decent work and Economic growth

Checklist-Central idea! Criteria YES Maybe NO Can this CI help us conduct an in-depth inquiry? •Yes, it has multiple lines of inquiry, has knowledge embedded from different disciplines, and challenges our prior knowledge. Can this CI help us explore multiple perspectives? •Yes, it can present different opinions, lead to debate, and it is difficult to judge whether it is right or wrong. Can this CI help us engage critically and creatively? •Yes, it poses challenging questions; it allows for creative presentations; it is value-free and framed as a sentence. Can this CI help us gain significant conceptual understanding? •Yes, there is a direct connection to the Key and Related Concepts, it helps us gain a broader idea of the issues; it leads us to take meaningful action Can this CI help us make relevant connections to all cultures and contexts? •Yes, it reflects universal human issues, solutions can be both local and global and can affect our lives and others.

Central Idea drafts

“Equal access to economic activities and resources can build an equitable society”

Lines of Draft-1 Inquiry (LOI) • Issues that hinder economic drafts development. • Steps to promote equal access to economic development. • The use of technology to boost the economy.

Lines of Draft-2 Inquiry (LOI) • The interrelationship between societies can drafts lead to the development in economy for the country (Connection and Responsibility) • The economy works by the use of technology (Function) • The ways of the interdependence between societies (Form) • The Cause for the development in economy for the society (Causation )

Final Lines of Inquiry • Economic activities (Form) • Resources that support economic activities (Function) • Challenges to economic growth and development (Causation) • Ways to ensure sustainable economic development (Perspective)

Rough drafts of our logo

Our final logo

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