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Home Explore Youth Residential Treatment Centers

Youth Residential Treatment Centers

Published by helpforteenagers, 2014-10-28 23:53:06

Description: | Focuses on an internal change within your son that will be long lasting. Teaches the individual how to create more healthy and effective social and family relationships. Teaches the individual the value of contributing something positive to his community.

Keywords: Academy, School, boarding school


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Contact White River Academy • 275 W 100 S • Delta, UT 84624 Phone No.:(866) 461-3599 Website : Are you at the end of your Rope with your Teenager?• The professionals at White River Academy are here to help you and reunite your family. If your family is fractured because of the maladaptive behaviors of one child, it's time to disrupt that dynamic and take a bold stand. White River Academy therapeutic boarding school has the structure and 24/7 support that allows us to firmly disrupt the current dynamics and go directly to the source of your son's problem.

White River Academy - A Therapeutic Boarding School for Trouble TeensNo parent wakes up one day planning to send their child to a Therapeutic BoardingSchool. As parents, we want our children to be home, growing, learning - doing normalteenage things. Sometimes it doesn't work out the way we planned. Sometimes thedifficulties just never seem to resolve.White River Academy is a private, therapeutic boarding school that imposes structureand limits that are tailored to the specific individual and are designed to help teens learnbetter ways to get their needs met.

 Behavior Learning ComponentWe will help your son realize his self-worth, his significance,his dignity and his responsibility to himself. Your son willbegin to see the stress and pain he has caused others by hispoor choices. Positive Peer CultureFocuses on an internal change within your son that will be longlasting. Teaches the individual how to create more healthy andeffective social and family relationships. Teaches the individualthe value of contributing something positive to his community.

 Academics & AchievementsAccredited Curriculum for grades 6-12 (boys age 13-17) aswell as College Prep. Two full time teachers for 2 classrooms,class sizes are approx. 10 students. Parent TeacherConferences are held every 90 days. Professional CounselingIndividual Therapy sessions with our Therapist eachweek. Group Therapy sessions 5 times a week, eachsession is 90 minutes. Counselor meets via phonemonthly with parents to discuss ongoing changes andupdates to their students goals and objectives.

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