Doing Research on MarketingResearch on marketing is essential to understandthe pattern of marketing. This is possible bysearching existing knowledge related to businessmarketing. It is a form of business research,business-to-business marketing research andbusiness marketing research. Marketing researchis done in many forms and all these forms are knownas problem-identification research.Research in advertising is done to determine thecopy testing of advertisements. It is also usedto know the efficiency of ads placed in any medium,
the customer attention it gets, the message itdelivers and how it motivates the customers to buythe product. Commercial eye tracking is done tounderstand the visual behavior of the customer.Ads, websites, etc., are analyzed for this.Before an advertisement is released in the market,its performance can be forecasted with the helpof copy testing which takes consumer 抯 level ofattention, motivation, brand liking, andentertainment into consideration.When a customer buys something online he analysesit in order to make the decision, this one of thecriteria on which consumer decision research isdone. Interviews and surveys can be done tounderstand consumer 抯 level of satisfaction,which is known as customer satisfaction studies.The demographic and psychology of the people ofa particular geographical region can be studiedwith the help of segmentation research.When analyzing is to be done about brand
recognition, brand performance, brand preferenceand awareness, ad tracking is done. A favoritebrand can be recognized with the help of brandequity research. Tests are conducted so as todetermine what customer thinks about a brand ora product and it is specifically known as brandname testing. The demand of a product can beunderstood by demand estimation. After the demandof the product is taken care of, the qualityshould be checked from time to time. Appointingmystery shoppers who is usually an employee of themarket research firm does this. He buys goodsthrough a salesperson and notes down the wholeexperience. This procedure can be used to doresearch about rival companies?products.Before practical application of a concept,concept testing should be done which tellswhether the targeted audience will like the ideaor not. Test marketing is done by introducing aproduct in small numbers in the market andobserving the sales, after which the product is
launched on a large-scale. After the initialphase, when the company thinks of increasing theprice of the product, price elasticity testingshould be carried out which shows customerreaction to price fluctuations. Distributionchannel audits are conducted to understand theattitudes of retailers and distributors towardsspecific products and brands.The more tech savvy form of marketing research isInternet strategic intelligence. The likes anddislikes of the customers can be directly knownwith the help of chats, blogs and forums. Onlinepanels are a group of experts who accept themarketing research done online.All the researches that are carried out can beclassified as primary research, which gathersoriginal research, and secondary research, whichis based on a primary research and informationpublished by other resources. Secondary researchcosts less as research is done on already
researched data, but the result isn 抰 efficient.The research designs used by marketing researchare either based on questioning or are based onobservations. Quantitative marketing researchand qualitative marketing research are based onquestioning. Quantitative marketing research isdone to derive conclusions like questionnairesforms and survey. The number of respondentsinvolved is high. Qualitative marketing researchis done to understand something like in-depthinterviews and projective techniques.Marketing research based on observations iscalled experimental technique and ethnographicstudies. Test markets and purchase laboratoriesare examples of experimental techniques. Thequantity measured is determined by understandingthe factors that are responsible for the successof a product and then one or some of the factorsare changed and the result is observed. Inethnographic studies observations are done
longitudinally or done at several instances oftime or cross-sectional, or done at only aparticular time.Research on marketing is similar to exit pollingin politics. The market is studied from differentangles, at different time, and under differentcircumstances.PPPPPWord Count 702
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