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Home Explore Financial Costs and Benefits of Video Conferencing

Financial Costs and Benefits of Video Conferencing

Published by Noab, 2015-02-18 07:48:26

Description: Video conferencing has been one of the most sought after technologies that are being used today not only in home setting but also in medium to large scale businesses. If you are one of those who are planning to take advantage of this relatively new means of communication, two of the major factors that you should consider are the financial costs and benefits of video conferencing. More and more people are now into video conferencing because they are finally seeing its benefits and advantages. However, no matter hoe advantageous video conferencing is, there will still be major things to be considered to ensure that you will benefit more than you have spent for the technology.


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Financial Costs and Benefits of VideoConferencingVideo conferencing has been one of the most soughtafter technologies that are being used today notonly in home setting but also in medium to largescale businesses. If you are one of those who areplanning to take advantage of this relatively newmeans of communication, two of the major factorsthat you should consider are the financial costsand benefits of video conferencing.More and more people are now into videoconferencing because they are finally seeing itsbenefits and advantages. However, no matter hoeadvantageous video conferencing is, there will

still be major things to be considered to ensurethat you will benefit more than you have spent forthe technology.Financial cost of video conferencingVideo conferencing refers to a means ofcommunication that enables two or more people toa conversation in a real time. It involves the useof a high capacity personal computer, a web camera,a microphone, and high speed broadband connectionto the Internet. Aside from these videoconferencing equipment that have been mentioned,essential tools for making a video conferencework are the equipment to be used, the videoconferencing systems, and the videoconferencing services offered by various peoplethat are in the field of Information andTechnology.When it comes to financial cost of videoconferencing, you will need to prepare or set

budget for it. Before making any decision, makesure that you yourself understand everythingabout it. Don 抰 be overwhelmed too much by itsconvenience because you might be paying more thanwhat you need and expect.The major factor for financial cost in videoconferencing is how much would the equipmentwould cost. Since you will be gettingtransmission 梑 oth audio and video 梚 n real-time,you need high capacity personal computer thatwould amount to $500 to $1000 depending on thebrand its specifications. Since videoconferencing involves face to face meetings, youwill be needing a web camera to capture theimage/s and send it back to the other party.A typical webcam can cost from $100 and abovedepending on its size and capability. For voicecommunication, you will need microphones that caneither be tabletop or wireless that would rangefrom $150 to $300 depending on its capabilities

and brand name. Other major expenses wouldinclude a video, a wall mount, and speakers whichdon 抰 require too much sophistication andbudget.Aside from video conferencing equipment, anothermajor cost for video conferencing is the need forhigh speed lines or ISDN to ensure that there willbe efficient, fast, and hassle free communication.You can look for video conferencing providersonline that can suit your video conferencingneeds and offer packages and discounts for you tochoose from. The price of video conferencingservices could amount from $200 to $1000depending on its timely rates.Benefits of Video ConferencingAlthough video conferencing would cost you a lotof money from the installation process to theequipment, services, and system requirements,these cannot amount to the benefits you can get

for your business.The major benefits of video conferencing includeensuring that there will be increasedproductivity because people don 抰 have to spendso much time traveling for meetings andconferences. A lot of savings in terms ofeliminating travel costs and allowances inlengthy trips during meetings.It helps save a lot of time because people cantransact businesses without having to spend somuch time getting to the place of the meeting andensured safety of the people involved becausethey will no longer have to risk their livesduring travels just to close a deal or meet aclient.These are just some of the benefits of videoconferencing. If you are a business owner, it isalways best to conduct a study or a research firstabout the financial cost or benefits of video

conferencing to ensure that you are making a goodbusiness move and decision.

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