Policy & Procedure Handbook Updated June 2021 1
Index Pages ADMINISTRATION 1.01 Purpose, Ethical & Financial Responsibilities……………………………………4-8 1.02 Creation & Maintenance of Policies & Procedures……………………………...9-11 1.02 Appendix A: CUCC Generic Policy & Procedure Template………………12 1.02 Appendix B: Writing Policies & Procedures………………………………13 1.03 Retention of Documents………………………………………………………..14-19 FACILITIES 2.01 Rental & Use of CUCC Facilities………………………………………………20-24 2.01 Appendix A: Facility Hold Harmless Agreement………………………….25 2.01 Appendix B: Building Usage Agreement—Recurring Non-Church…...26-27 2.01 Appendix C: Building Usage Agreement—Church Activities…………….28 2.01 Appendix D: Building Usage Agreement—One-Time Non-Church…..29-30 2.01 Appendix E: Building Usage Fees—CUCC Members…………………….31 2.01 Appendix F: Building Usage Fees—Non-Members & Support Groups...32-33 2.01 Appendix G: Building Usage Fee Waiver Request Form……………...34-35 2.01 Appendix H: Obtaining a Temporary Alcohol Permit……………………..36 2.01 Appendix I: Liability Release with Parental Consent……………………...37 2.01 Appendix J: Memorial Garden Operating Policies……………………..38-46 2.01 Appendix K: Agreement with Early Childhood Education Center……..47-48 2.01 Appendix L: Long Term Rental Agreement…………………………….49-53 2.01 Appendix M: Agreement to Rent Parking Space……………………….54-59 2.01 Appendix N: Lease Agreement for Tenant in Grandma’s House………60-74 FINANCE 3.00 Funds Management……………………………………………………………..75-79 3.01 Contributions & Revenue………………………………………………………80-85 3.01 Appendix A: Safe Drop Log……………………………………………….86 3.01 Appendix B: Weekly Collection Count Record……………………………87 3.02 Receipt & Use of Gifts…………………………………………………………88-89 3.02 Appendix A: Cash Gift Acknowledgement Letter…………………………90 3.02 Appendix B: Stocks & Bonds Gift Acknowledgement Letter……………..91 3.02 Appendix C: Art Gift Acknowledgement Letter…………………………..92 3.02 Appendix D: Art Transfer of Ownership Agreement……………………...93 3.02 Appendix E: ECC Donation Acknowledgement Letter……………………94 3.03 Budget Process…………………………………………………………………95-96 2
3.04 Investment Policy……………………………………………………………..97-108 3.04 Appendix A: Current Restricted Endowment Funds………………...109-111 3.04 Appendix B: Procedures for Annual Draw (Unrestricted Endowment)….112 3.05 Fundraising…………………………………………………………………..113-115 3.05 Appendix A: General Deposit Procedures…………………………...116-117 3.05 Appendix B: CUCC Deposit Slip………………………………………...118 3.06 Disbursement of Funds………………………………………………………119-121 3.06 Appendix A: Check Request & Reimbursement Form…………………...122 3.07 Credit Card Policy…………………………………………………………...123-127 3.07 Appendix A: Employee Credit Card Agreement…………………………128 3.07 Appendix B: Credit Card Purchase Authorization Form…………………129 3.07 Appendix C: Credit Card Remittance Log………………………………..130 3.08 Capital Projects Policy……………………………………………………….131-132 3.09 Board Management of Designated/Restricted Gifts…………………………133-135 3.09 Appendix A: Endowed Gifts Managed by Boards & Committees...……...136 3.09 Appendix B: Dedicated Accounts Managed by Boards & Committees ……………………………………………………………………..137-138 SAFETY 4.01 Safe Food Handling Policy…………………………………………………..139-141 4.01 Appendix A: Food Facts from the U.S. Food and Drug Administration ……………………………………………………………………..142-143 4.01 Appendix B: 7 Food Safety steps for Successful Community Meals ……………………………………………………………………..144-145 4.02 Safe Driving for Employees and Volunteers……………………………….146-147 4.02 Appendix A: Incident Report………………………………………...148-149 4.03 Safe Campus Policy………………………………………………………….150-151 3
ADMINISTRATION Subject Doc Number Revised Effective Date Purpose, Ethical and Financial 1.01 6/23/19 Responsibilities Approvals: Policy & Procedures Committee X Yes Date/Initial Investment Committee Yes Stewardship & Finance No 5/8/2019 Church Council X Yes No X Yes No 5/21/2019 No 6/4/2019 A. PURPOSE The purpose of this handbook is to make church leaders’ tasks easier by providing clear and specific guidelines regarding the financial and operational affairs of the Claremont United Church of Christ. Specifically, the policies and procedures presented in this handbook are established in order to: • Assure responsible stewardship of church resources • Assure compliance with legal obligations • Create member confidence in the handling of Church funds • Give volunteers clear guidance in performance of their responsibilities • Ensure continuity of processes as congregational leadership changes II. SCOPE A. Applies To: All church staff members and lay leaders involved in any way with Church finances, or financial transactions. B. Administrator: Church Council, the Moderator, the Treasurer, the Board of Stewardship and Finance, the Pastor(s), the Financial Administrator C. Policy and Procedure Responsibility: Policy and Procedure Taskforce III. FINANCIAL RESPONSIBILITIES The Pastors, Staff, Church Council and Board Leadership of CUCC share responsibility for preserving the financial well-being of the church by establishing and observing sound business and accounting practices. The following are brief summaries of these financial responsibilities by position: Congregation • Approve new programs or initiatives with financial impact • Approve annual operating budgets 4
• Approve investment policies • Count the weekly offerings collected during services Moderator • Serve as a full voting member of Executive Committee, Staff Parish Relations Committee and the Budget Committee, and as a nonvoting ex-officio member of the Board of Stewardship and Finance and the Investment Committee • Sign some legally binding contracts on behalf of the church, e.g., contracts with consultants approved by the Church Council, leases of church properties to outside entities. Long term lease agreements are usually co-signed by the Pastor(s) • Sign acknowledgement and thank you letters for tangible gifts accepted by the church • The Moderator or the Treasurer approves requests for reimbursements from Pastor(s) • The Moderator or the Treasurer approves monthly credit card reports submitted by Pastor(s) Treasurer • Review Church financial documents as prepared by the Financial Administrator monthly, and meet with the Financial Administrator as necessary for clarification and oversight • Review ECC financial documents and meet with the ECC Director as necessary to address questions or concerns • Prepare notations of financial significance or concern monthly for presentation to church groups • Reconcile the quarterly statements of CUCC investment accounts with the Church’s financial reports and present this information to the Investment Committee • Serve on the Executive Committee, the Board of Stewardship and Finance, the Budget Committee, and the Investment Committee sharing information among groups as necessary • Present financial status reports at Congregational meetings • Maintain knowledge of church financial operations such that church member questions can be addressed • Assist with issues related to church audits • Organize an annual review of the chart of accounts (including both the operating accounts and the dedicated accounts), to be completed before the presentation of the church budget to the Council and Congregation. In this review, particular attention should be given to inactive line items • The Treasurer or Moderator approves requests for reimbursements from Pastor(s) • The Treasurer or Moderator approves monthly credit card reports submitted by Pastor(s) Church Council and its Standing Committees (including Budget Committee, Staff Parish Relations Committee and Investment Committee) • Evaluate and propose new programs or initiatives • Review CUCC business policies and procedures on a regular basis and make sure they are followed by all CUCC staff as well as by Church Council officers, and all boards and committees • Formulate, evaluate and approve annual budget • Educate the congregation regarding planned giving (Investment Committee) 5
• Oversee the management of the Endowment Funds and other invested funds of CUCC (Investment Committee) • Receive and invest gifts to the Endowment Funds (Investment Committee) Board of Stewardship and Finance • Accept financial reports presented by the Treasurer • Assess the financial impact of proposed new programs or initiatives and present this analysis to Council to inform Council’s decision making process • Approve the establishment or deletion of line items on the Church chart of accounts that are requested by Boards or Committees • Organize and supervise or approve all solicitation of funds in support of the Church budget including the annual Stewardship Campaign • Engage in on-going stewardship education for the congregation • Monitor the overall Church and ECC financial activities throughout the year • Annually participate in the Treasurer’s review of the CUCC chart of accounts • Review annually, in the first quarter of the fiscal year, the list of Contribution and Revenue Counters who have a combination to the church safe Other Boards • Develop annual operating budgets for their areas of responsibility • Manage ongoing budget-to-actual results for assigned budgets • Authorize expenditures charged to assigned accounts (both operating accounts and dedicated accounts) • Prepare requests for checks and disbursements necessary to carry out the work of their board • The ECC Board, working with the Director, annually establishes tuition rates for the coming year Staff Parish Relations Committee • In conjunction with the Pastors, propose and oversee salary setting and adjustments for new and ongoing positions consistent with the budget • In conjunction with the Pastors, initiate, adjust and oversee the benefits offered to eligible staff members Authorized Check Signers • There are 5 authorized check signatories at CUCC: Moderator, Moderator-elect, Treasurer, Chair of Staff Parish Relations Committee, and Board Clerk • Any single authorized signature is sufficient for checks less than $1,000. For checks above that amount, two signatures are needed. In the event two of the approved signers are in a relationship that may be perceived as having a conflict, such as marriage, they cannot sign the same check Authorized Access to Safety Deposit Box • There are 4 authorized signatures for access to the CUCC Safety Deposit Box at Wells Fargo Bank in Claremont: Moderator, Moderator-elect, Treasurer, and Board Clerk Authorized Signers for UCF Funds 6
• There are 4 authorized signers for UCF funds: Chair of the Investment Committee, Moderator, Chair of Stewardship and Finance, and Treasurer Pastors • As the administrative heads of the Church responsible to Church Council, the Pastors oversee financial and facilities management staff, and human resources and information technology functions and staff • Hire administrative and office personnel consistent with the approved budget • In conjunction with SPRC, propose new positions and salary adjustments for ongoing positions consistent with budget • Sign documents pertaining to human resources including letters of hire for administrative level staff and office staff; annual and midyear reviews; notification of raises and termination letters • Co-sign with the Moderator long term lease agreements of CUCC Properties Financial Administrator • Facilitate the annual operating budget setting process • Coordinate annual fiscal close and financial statement production • Monitor cash management, accounting transactions and budget-to-actual results • Manage investment and endowment accounting and reporting, gift accounting reconciliation, and lease and fixed asset accounting • Adhere to accounting compliance procedures based on audit guidelines • Monitor compliance of staff and Board members with CUCC financial policies and procedures • Review requests for accounts payable check disbursements and produce checks • Review and approve monthly credit card usage reports submitted by staff • Record and remit accounts payable check disbursements • Prepare bank deposits for gifts received, weekly collections, and fundraising proceeds. • Manage and monitor short-term operating cash balances and transfers • Record and remit salary and wage disbursements and payroll tax and benefits withholdings • Prepare and file payroll tax forms • Record hires, salary changes, and employment terminations • Coordinate the annual change-over of authorized check signers, authorized signers for safety deposit box access, and authorized access to read only electronic statements from the Church’s financial institutions, at the beginning of each fiscal year, or during the year, as necessary • Oversee the retention of documents related to finance and human resources • Create or delete line items in the Church chart of accounts, including dedicated accounts for memorial contributions and other monies received for specific purposes with oversight from the Treasurer and the Board of Stewardship and Finance • Serve as a resource person for the Board of Stewardship and Finance, the Budget Committee and the Investment Committee 7
Other Staff Members • With authorization from the Senior Pastor(s) and SPRC, The Minister of Music signs letters of hire and conducts any annual or midyear reviews for staff members that report directly to him • With authorization from the Senior Pastor(s) and SPRC, The Building Manager signs letters of hire and conducts any annual or midyear reviews for staff members that report directly to him • The Building Manager signs constructions contracts. If the amount of the contract is below $15,000, he is authorized to sign without the approval of the Church Council. For contract that exceed that amount, prior authorization from the Church Council is necessary • The Office Manager is the authorized signer for short term leases of CUCC property (1 year or less) and for Building Usage Agreements for both recurring and non-recurring events sponsored by Church-related groups or non Church-related groups • With authorization from the Senior Pastor(s) and SPRC, The Director of the Early Childhood Center signs letters of hire and conducts any annual or midyear reviews for staff members that report directly to her. She also prepares the annual ECC operating budget for approval by The Board of Stewardship and Finance, The Church Council and the Congregation. She oversees, along with the Early Childhood Center Board and the Board of Stewardship and Finance, the management of that budget throughout the fiscal year 8
ADMINISTRATION Subject Doc Number Revised Effective Date Creation and Maintenance of Policies and 1.02 6/23/19 Procedures Approvals: Policy & Procedures Committee X Yes Date/Initial Investment Committee Yes Stewardship & Finance Yes No 5/8/2019 Church Council No X Yes No No 6/4/2019 I. PURPOSE The purpose of this document is to set forth the method by which Claremont United Congregational Church Policies and Procedures shall be created and maintained; to aid those entities of the Church who create Policies and Procedures; and to ensure that Policies and Procedures adhere to CUCC Bylaws, UCC policy, and the law. Procedures are needed for any task, which, if performed incorrectly, could adversely affect safety, legality, quality, finances and/or the environment. II. SCOPE A. Applies To: All CUCC entities who create and maintain Policies and Procedures. B. Administrator: Church Office Staff C. Policy and Procedure Responsibility: Policies and Procedures ad hoc Task Force III. DEFINITIONS A. Effective Date The date when the Policy and Procedure goes into operation is when the appropriate board(s) has formally approved it, unless a different date is established. B. Policy A policy is a governing principle, plan, course of action, or understanding that guides or channels thinking and action. It answers the questions “What will be done?” under certain circumstances and “Why?” to guide appropriate personnel in making decisions. It may also specify delegations of responsibility and authority for particular decisions. 9
C. Procedure A procedure is the “how” of a decision presented in the policy D. Purpose statement. It is a detailed step-by-step outline of action that spells out, in sequence, who does what and when within a logical cycle. E. Subject F. Supercedes Briefly states what information is covered in a Policy and Procedure document. A concise summary of the objectives of the Policy and Procedure may also be given to clarify the subject matter. The purpose statement should answer two questions for the reader: “What information will I find here? Why was this procedure issued?” A short title of the information covered. To supplant or take the place of a policy, procedure or document previously in authority or use. IV. POLICY The Claremont United Church of Christ (CUCC) is a non-profit corporation organized pursuant to the Corporation Code of the State of California. CUCC has Articles of Incorporation and Bylaws that have been approved by the congregation, which generally set forth the manner in which CUCC is authorized to operate. All Policies and Procedures are to be consistent with and shall expand upon the Bylaws. The Policies and Procedures are to provide more detail on what is to be done and how it should be done. V. PROCEDURE A. Determining Policies and Procedures Needed: Policies and Procedures may be generated by any CUCC entity. B. Format/Template: 1. The format for Policies and Procedures is in Appendix A, and information on how to put policies and procedures into this format is contained in Appendix B. 2. The document numbering system: All numbering will be done by the Church office staff or Policies & Procedures Task Force. a. The number preceding the decimal point will designate the category of the document as follows: Administration 1.xx Facilities/Security 2.xx Finance 3.xx Safety 4.xx b. The two digits following the decimal point represent the sequence of individual documents in a given category (i.e., x.01 = the first document in the category; x.02 = the second document, etc.) c. When a document is revised, a letter is used to designate the sequence of revisions (i.e., “A” = the first revision; “B” = the second revision, etc.) 10
d. The “Effective Date” box will contain the final date the document is approved unless stipulated otherwise by the initiators/approvers. e. The “Supercedes” box at the lower left corner of the document will show “None” if the document is the first version or will show the number of the document being replaced. A. Aid in Creating or Revising The Policies and Procedures Task Force may aid entities in creating or revising Policies and Procedures on a limited basis. B. Review The Policies and Procedures Task Force shall review all Policies and Procedures for clarity and adherence to the specified format prior to submission to any Board or Church Council. C. Approval Individual Boards shall approve policies and procedures pertaining to its area of responsibility. In an area where Board responsibilities overlap, approval from both Boards is required. The Church Council shall approve policies and procedures of an administrative nature. All policies and procedures approved by Boards shall be brought to Church Council for final approval. Some new or revised policies and procedures will subsequently be brought to the congregation for approval or for information purposes. D. Storage and Access Copies of all Policies and Procedures can be obtained via the church office and shall be readily accessible online. E. Maintenance The Policies and Procedure Task Force, appointed annually by Church Council is responsible for ensuring all Policies and Procedures are kept up-to-date. The Task Force, which will meet during the year for a defined period of time, shall review all Policies and Procedures no later than every five (5) years following effective date or review date. F. Policies and Procedures ad hoc Task Force Membership There will be 3-5 church members on the task force who will serve a one year term. The Moderator is an ex-official member and the Moderator-Elect will be a member of this Task Force. Members are appointed by Council. VI. APPENDICES A. CUCC Generic Policy & Procedure Template B. Writing Policies & Procedures 11
1.02 Appendix A Subject Doc Number Revised Effective Date Approvals: Policy & Procedures Committee Yes No Date/Initial Investment Committee Yes No Stewardship & Finance Yes No 12 Church Council Yes No Congregation Yes No I. PURPOSE II. SCOPE A. Applies To: B. Administrator: C. Policy and Procedure Responsibility: III. DEFINITIONS A. IV. POLICY V. PROCEDURE A. 1. a. b. 2. a. b. B. 1.
1.02 Appendix B How to Utilize the Policies and Procedures Template Attached to the Policy Entitled “Creation & Maintenance of Policies & Procedures” (1.01) The Policies and Procedures Task Force has created a formatted template for your convenience of those who are initiators of new policies and procedures. This formatted template may be requested from the church office to create the document. It will be sent in a WORD format. If you have never used a template document or need help formatting the Policy and Procedure, you may turn in the information to the Church office in typed or handwritten draft form utilizing the suggested printed format outline (attached) as best you can. Someone from the Policies and Procedures Task Force or from the Church office will complete the document in the proper format. The completed Policy and Procedure will then be returned to the initiator for approval and necessary changes. The initiator may then submit the document to the Policies and Procedures Task Force for further review and formal approvals of other entities within the Church, if appropriate. 13
ADMINISTRATION Subject Doc Number Revised Effective Date Document Retention 1.03 6/23/19 Approvals: Policy & Procedures Committee X Yes Date/Initial Investment Committee Yes Stewardship & Finance Yes No 4/10/2019 SPRC No Church Council X Yes No X Yes No 4/23/2019 No 6/4/2019 I. PURPOSE The purpose of this document is to clarify the procedures for document retention and provide guidance to those charged with retention of all documents for the Church (Administration, Ministries, financials and other bodies of the organization). II. SCOPE A. Applies To: • The Financial Administrator • The Chair of the Staff Parish Relations Committee • The Chair of the Early Childhood Center Board • The Director of the Early Childhood Center • The Treasurer • The Office Manager • The Moderator with regard to providing for the safekeeping of minutes the Church Council and Congregational meetings B. Administrator: The administrators are those named in II-A above C. Policy and Procedure Responsibility: Church Council, Policies and Procedure Task Force, and the Staff Parish Relations Committee III. DEFINITIONS Paper and electronic records A. Documents 14
B. ECC The CUCC Early Childhood Center C. CUCC The Claremont United Congregational Church or Church D. SPRC The Staff Parish Relations Committee IV. POLICY The Financial Administrator, the Office Manager, The Building Manager and the Moderator will ensure that compliance with the procedures outlined below are current. This review will occur in August and will be documented in the Council Meeting minutes no later than October. V. PROCEDURE All paper documents noted in this section will be kept in a locked file cabinet. Electronic documents will be secured in the following ways. A. Personnel Files 1. All active personnel files of church employees must be stored in a secured file cabinet for the duration of employment. These files should contain but are not limited to the following items: a. Resume b. Personnel Reviews c. Employee Application d. New Hire Consent Form (background check) and Results e. Offer Letter (if applicable) f. W-4 Form g. Signed Job Description h. Signed Receipt of the CUCC Employee Handbook i. Boundary Training Certificate (effective 10/1/2019) j. Signed acknowledgement of Safe Church Policy (effective 10/1/2019) k. The appropriate forms documenting the individual’s termination Notes: I-9 Forms and corresponding documentation are stored for the i. duration of employment, but NOT kept in personnel file but in a separate cabinet with other government documents. ii. Personnel Files for employees working in the Early Childhood Center are kept in the office of the ECC Director, while the files of the Church employees not involved in ECC, are kept in the office of the Financial Administrator. iii. The Financial Administrator keeps I-9 Forms and corresponding documentation, W-4 forms, Personal Action forms and direct deposit forms for all employees. Copies of the I-9’s, W-4’s and Personal Action Forms (but not the direct deposit form) for ECC employees are also kept by the ECC Director 15
2. All inactive personnel files must be retained for seven (7) years from termination date (older files should be shredded). These files should contain: a. Resume b. Personnel Reviews c. Employee Application d. New Hire Consent Form (background check) and Results e. Offer Letter (if applicable) f. W-4 Form g. Signed Job Description h. Signed Receipt of the UCC Employee Handbook i. Boundary Training Certificate (if applicable) j. Signed acknowledgement of Safe Church Policy k. The appropriate forms documenting the individuals termination Note: I-9 Forms and corresponding documentation are kept for seven (7) years after employment termination, but are stored in a separate cabinet with other government documents. B. Payroll Documents 1. Payroll files must be retained for seven (7) years (older files should be shredded). The files include payroll-related paper documents for the biweekly pay periods (including time sheets showing hours worked). C. Resume and Job Applications 1. Resumes and Job Applications of interviewed candidates must be retained for three (3) years. If no one has interviewed the candidate, the resume can be shredded immediately upon filling the open position. 2. The resume of an interviewed candidate filed electronically must be retained for three (3) years. D. Financial Information 1. Financial information must be retained for seven (7) years (older files should be shredded). The information is currently retained in paper format in boxes and purged once a year, but may be retained in an electronic format as available in the future. a. Bank statements b. Deposit slips and all other supporting documents c. Accounts Payable paperwork including expense reimbursement forms, Credit card reconciliations, vendor invoices, etc. 2. Financial information retained indefinitely: a. CUCC Monthly Financial Reports b. CUCC End of Year Financial Reports c. ECC Monthly Financial Reports d. ECC End of Year Financial Reports 16
e. CUCC Annual Operation Budgets (Mission Plans) f. ECC Annual Operation Budgets g. Grants, loans, mortgages, and other contracts for seven (7) years or until they expire. 3. Financial Information retained with conditions: a. Individual Bank/Financial Institution Signature Card files are maintained by the institution involved. b. Bank documents with personal information will be shredded after individuals no longer have signing authority. E. Insurance Documents 1. Insurance documents must be retained indefinitely in paper format with copies stored electronically. The following policies are included: a. Property Insurance b. Liability Insurance c. Worker’ Compensation Insurance d. Pension Board plans F. Historical Information 1. Historical Documentation, as listed below, are kept indefinitely: a. Congregational Meeting Minutes and Annual Reports (paper & electronic. Older versions are archived in paper format in the Historian’s office. Those from recent years are kept in electronic format in Drop Box) b. Minutes of Church Council, Board and Committee meetings (current minutes are stored electronically in Drop Box – older versions archived in Historian’s office) c. Newsletters and Bulletins (stored electronically in Drop Box – older versions archived in Historian’s office) G. Building Documents 1. Blueprints are kept indefinitely. The original documents are stored in a safe to protect them from fire or water damage. Working copies are stored by the Building Manager in a file in his office and in the cabinets to the left of the entry in the Guild Hall. H. Legal Documents 1. The following documents are kept in the CUCC Safe Deposit Bank at Wells Fargo Bank in Claremont. Copies are retained in binders in a secure cabinet and should also be retained electronically. a. Corporation Grant Deed b. Articles of Incorporation 17
c. Certificate of Amendment of Articles of Incorporation (2/11/2003 Name Change) d. IRS Letter of Group Tax Exemption as a member of the United Church of Christ e. State of California Statement of Non-Profit Corporation f. County of Los Angeles Religious Tax Exemption (paper only) g. Orange County Fire Authority Facility Operation Permit (paper only) h. City of Claremont Business License (paper only) I. Contracts and Warranties 1. Contracts are stored for the duration of the service they involve in the offices of the Office Manager and the Building Manager, with electronic copies in the office of the Financial Administrator. 2. Warranties are held for as long as the equipment or materials to which they pertain are in use at the Church. They are stored involve in the offices of the Office Manager and the Building Manager, with electronic copies in the office of the Financial Administrator when possible. J. ECC All confidential documents pertaining to students and employees will be kept in a locked file. 1. Each child’s records must be retained for three (3) years following the end of service to the child. These records include the following required documents to remain in compliance with the California State General Licensing Requirements Manual, Section 101221 and NAEYC Accreditation. a. Registration Form b. Sign-Off Sheet c. Parent’s Rights d. Children’s Personal Rights e. I.D. & Emergency Information f. Health History – Parent’s Report g. Physician’s Report h. Consent To Treat i. Walking Field Trip Permission 2. Child Sign In & Out records shall be retained for two (2) month in compliance with the California State Licensing Requirements Manual, Section 101230. 3. ECC staff records shall be retained in the files of the ECC Director, during the course of employment. Upon termination, the file will remain in the custody of the ECC Director for a period of one (1) year in compliance with the California State Licensing Requirements Manual, Section 101221. The file will then be transferred to the Church’s Inactive Personnel files and retained per Section V(A)(2) of these Procedures (see above). 18
K. Recommended Electronic Security Guidelines for Staff 1. Back up computer early and often 2. Use the file level and share level security 3. Password protect documents that need security 4. Anti-virus protection software should be purchased and kept up to date 5. Preserve documents in unchangeable format (PDF) 6. Disable automatic log-in to a church application on mobile devices 7. Keep documents on a need-to-know basis, such as a personnel documents 8. Secure email accounts and archives 19
FACILITIES Subject Doc Number Revised Effective Date Rental and Use of CUCC Facilities 2.01 6/2/20 6/23/19 Approvals: Buildings & Grounds X Yes Date/Initial Stewardship & Finance X Yes Church Council X Yes No 4/16/2019 No 3/19/2019 No 4/23/2019 I. PURPOSE Establish who may be authorized to use Claremont United Church of Christ (CUCC) facilities. II. SCOPE A. Applies To: Any group, both church related and non-church related groups or persons, both members and non-members, requesting use of any facilities owned by CUCC. B. Administrator: Office Manager and Moderator C. Policy and Procedure Responsibility: Board of Buildings and Grounds, Board of Stewardship and Finance, and Church Council. III. POLICY Claremont United Church of Christ (CUCC) is a tax-exempt, non-profit corporation. The primary purpose of the church campus is worship and Christian education. The facilities of the CUCC are made available to individuals, groups and organizations that are in alignment with the overall mission and values of the church, and are aimed at meeting the educational, service and/or social needs of the community. Space may be rented on a one-time basis to hold an event, or may be rented on a regularly recurring schedule. The Church can deny use of the facility to any individual or group if the proposed activity to be held in the facility is not congruent with the mission and beliefs of the Church. IV. SPACES AVAIABLE FOR USE OR RENTAL Sanctuary The main worship space of the church Kingman Chapel The smaller worship space of the church Louise Roberts Rm & Kitchen Sumner Room Large meeting/event room on the 1st floor of the Guild Hall Medium meeting/event room on the 1st floor of the Guild Hall 20
Library Small meeting room on the 1st floor of the Guild Hall Refectory Very Large Space in the basement of the Guild Hall Refectory Kitchen Large Institutional Kitchen adjacent to the Refectory Meeting Rooms on 2nd floor Small meeting rooms on 2nd floor of Guild Hall Cree Memorial Plaza Outdoor patio in front of the Sanctuary Parking Lots South Parking Lot between the Kingman Chapel and the Guild Hall and North Parking lot, north and west of the Sanctuary. Grounds All the grassy areas located on the CUCC campus V. CONDITIONS OF USE A. Activities that could challenge the not-for-profit status of CUCC will not be permitted. B. Fees for the use of the facilities and for church staff must be paid in advance. Fees are charged to contribute to the cost of utilities, maintenance, supplies and facility wear. The fee schedules, one for CUCC members (Appendix E), one for non-members and support groups (Appendix F), and a Building Usage Fee Waiver Request Form (applicable to specified groups) (Appendix G) are attached in the Appendices to this section. C. User must agree to conduct a visual inspection of the premises prior to each use, and warrants that the premises will only be used if it is in a safe condition. D. User must agree to be responsible for preparing for use and returning to the pre-use condition all areas of the facilities which User will use, including entrances and exits. No alterations are to be made, i.e., removal of furnishings, adhesive on the all, holes in the walls. Any damage resulting from the outside group’s usage will result in fines and the loss of facility usage. E. No smoking is ever allowed anywhere on church property. F. For non-church related events, no alcoholic beverages will be allowed anywhere on church property. G. For church sponsored events, upon the approval of the Church Council, alcoholic beverages may be served, as long as the appropriate Temporary Alcohol Permit is obtained from the Alcohol Control Board (Appendix H). H. For non-church related events, only food that has been prepared off-site may be served in church facilities. Any cooking or warming of food on stoves or in ovens on church campus will result in fines and the loss of facility usage. 21
I. Non-church events occurring outside the normal hours of operation will require the presence of a church staff member at an additional fee. J. All evening events are to conclude by 8:45 p.m. and User will vacate the premises by 9:00 p.m. K. Users whose events will be open to the general public must promise and warrant that it carries General Liability Insurance with a minimum per occurrence limit of $1,000,000.00, providing coverage for bodily injury and property damage. User must provide a Certificate of Insurance to the church at least 30 days prior to the date upon which the User begins use of the premises. The Certificate of Insurance will indicate that User has made Claremont United Church of Christ, an “additional insured” on user’s policy with respect to the use by the User of the facilities and User’s insurance shall be “primary and non-contributory with any other insurance carried by the additional insured.” A sufficient number of responsible adults will be present at all children and youth gatherings in order to provide adequate supervision for the group. Proof of liability insurance must include coverage for sexual misconduct. L. User shall to the maximum extent permitted by law, indemnify and hold harmless and defend CUCC (including CUCC’s board members, officers, directors, employees, representatives and agents, as well as its successors and assigns) against and from all costs, expenses, liabilities, losses, damages, injunctions, suits, actions, fines, penalties, claims and demands of every kind or nature whatsoever arising out of: 1. Any failure by User and any of its trustees, officers, directors, employees, invitees, licensees, representatives and agents, as well as its successors and assigns, to perform any of the agreements, terms, covenants or conditions of this Building Use Agreement, 2. Any accident, injury or damage, including, but not limited to, bodily injury, personal injury, emotional injury, to persons and /or damage to property, which shall happen in or about the church facilities or appurtenances, however, occurring, that may result from any person, including User’s employees, using the above described facilities, its entrances and exits, and surrounding areas for User’s purposes, regardless of negligence of Claremont UCC (including CUCC’s agents, employees and representatives) or otherwise, 3. Any failure to comply with any laws, ordinances, requirements, orders, directions, rules or regulations of any federal state, county or city governmental authority 4. Any materials used in the construction or alteration of any buildings, fixtures or improvement thereon on behalf of User, 5. User’s possession and use of the Church facilities and/or the operation of its business on the Church facilities, whether or not such use is an Authorized use. D. The principal organist must approve any outside organist scheduled to accompany any musical event in our Sanctuary or Kingman Chapel. An organ orientation will be 22
required prior to any scheduled practice or event. Practice time will be limited to 5 hours maximum and will be scheduled by our organist VI. PROCEDURE A. General 1. For each event requiring space in any of the Church’s facilities, a person must be designated to be responsible for following and upholding the policies and procedures for using the space. Designation of the responsible person will be made via the appropriate form(s) including Appendix A, Facility Hold Harmless Agreement, Appendix B, the CUCC Building Usage Agreement for Recurring Non-Church Activities, Appendix C, The CUCC Building Usage Agreement for Church Activities, Appendix D, the CUCC Building Usage Agreement for Non-Church Activities. 2. The responsible party will contact the Church Office manager (in person, by phone, or via email) to reserve the space. The Office Manager will enter the event on the Event Calendar. 3. Furniture, equipment, etc. is not to be removed from the facility. Exceptions may be made for Church related events if prior permission is given to the responsible party by the Church Office Manager or the Pastors. 4. The responsible party must obtain prior approval from the Church Office before any item may be nailed, taped or hung to the walls of any of the buildings. 5. Furniture must be restored to its original placement, trash put in the appropriate receptacle, and surfaces wiped down at the end of the event. 6. The church Office Manager will be the authorized agent to sign/accept the following agreements: A-J 7. The Church Moderator will be the authorized agent to sign agreements, after the church Office Manager accepts the document. Stewardship and Finance and Council will approve long term agreements (K-N) prior to Moderator’s signature. B. Security/Safety The responsible party must ensure that all doors and windows are locked and that the lights and heat/air-conditioning are turned off after using the facilities. C. Janitorial 1. The responsible party must ensure that the portion of the facility used is returned to its original condition (or better) and that all furniture, equipment, decorations, etc. are returned to their original location. 23
2. If any additional charges for custodial work are determined, the responsible party must notify the Church Office staff prior to the work being performed and must identify the appropriate entity to be charged. 3. The responsible party must notify the Office Manager of any breakage or needed repairs. VII. APPENDICES A. Facility Hold Harmless Agreement B. Building Usage Agreement for Recurring Non-Church Activities C. Building Usage Agreement for Church Activities D. Building Usage Agreement for Non-Church Member Activities (one time) E. Building Usage Fees– CUCC Members F. Building Usage Fees– Non-members and Support Groups G. Building Usage Fee Waiver Request Form H. Obtaining a Temporary Alcohol Permit I. Liability Release with Parental Consent J. Memorial Garden Operating Policies K. Agreement with Early Childhood Education Center L. Long Term Rental Agreement M. Agreement to Rent Parking Space N. Lease Agreement for Tenant in Grandma’s House 24
2.01 Appendix A Claremont United Church of Christ Congregational FACILITY HOLD HARMLESS AGREEMENT Name of Group _________________________________________________________________ Name/Type of Event _____________________________________________________________ Date __________________ Start Time ___________________ End Time ___________________ CUCC Room ____________________________________________________________________ I/We, the undersigned responsible party(ies), acting on behalf of the above-identified group, understand and agree that neither the United Church of Christ, Claremont United Congregational Church, nor its trustees, representatives, employees, or agents may be held liable in any way for any occurrence in connection with said use, which may result in injury, harm, death, or other damages to any participant in the above-identified activity. As part of the consideration for use of said facility, I/we further release the United Church of Christ, Claremont United Congregational Church, its trustees, employees, agents, or representatives for any damage which may occur while participating in the activity. I/We further agree to save and hold harmless the United Church of Christ, Claremont United Congregational Church, its trustees, employees, agents, or representatives from any claim by the undersigned participant, their estates, heirs, or assigns arising out of participation in this activity. I/We also authorize the United Church of Christ, Claremont United Congregational Church, its employees or agents to render or obtain such emergency medical care or treatment as may be necessary should any injury, harm, or accident occur while participating in the activity. I/We further state that I/we are authorized to sign this agreement; that I/we understand the terms herein are contractual and not mere recital; and that I/we have signed this document of my/our own free act and volition. I/we further state and acknowledge that I/we have fully informed ourselves of the content of this affirmation and release by reading it before I/we signed it. I/We have executed this affirmation and release on the ________ day of ________________, ________ Responsible Party (1) Name __________________________________________________________________ Responsible Party (2) Name __________________________________________________________________ Signature __________________________________ Signature __________________________________ 25
2.01 Appendix B Claremont United Church of Christ, Congregational Building Usage Agreement for RECURRING Non-Church Activities Agreement between the Claremont United Church of Christ, Congregational, and Representative: _______________________________________________________________________ Group/Company: ______________________________________________________________________ Phone: _____________________________ Email:___________________________________________ Activity: _____________________________________________________________________________ Room: ________________________________________ Day(s): ________________________________________ Time of Activity: _______________________ Total Time Needed (including set up): _____________________________________________________ Event Reoccurs Every: __________________________________________________________________ Total Fees: ____________________________ Group Code: ________________________ Long term users will pay fees at the beginning of each month (by 5th day). The user’s certificate of liability insurance, approved by the Office Manager, must also be delivered 30 DAYS prior to the event. Please remember that the Office Manager works Mondays through Fridays and will not be available to receive these items on Saturdays or Sundays. By signing the below, the user acknowledges receipt of the Claremont United Church of Christ, Congregational Building Usage Policy (copy attached) and agrees to comply with these policies and any other agreed upon attachments to this document. The signatory also accepts responsibility, personally and for the group, for damage to church facilities and/or property. The church reserves the right to revoke this agreement prior to the scheduled use-date in the event that the church becomes aware of a use inconsistent with the use stated above and/or user violates the law or agreed to Building Usage Policy. The Claremont United Church of Christ, Congregational, shall not be held responsible for claims for personal/property injury or attorney’s fees arising from the applicant’s use of the facilities whether or not any such claims are covered by the user’s liability insurance. Applicant Claremont United Church of Christ, Congregational ____________________________________________ ______________________________________ Signature/Title/Date Signature/Date 26
2.01 Appendix B Equipment / items needed: ________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________ Set up requirements: ____________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________ Additional requirements or requests: ________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________ Certificate of Liability Insurance Received: ________________ Scheduled: ________________ Date Date Cabinet(s) Checked Out to Group: ______________________________________________________________________________ Key(s) Checked Out to Group: ______________________________________________________________________________ I understand that I am expected to return the listed key(s) at the conclusion of this calendar year. (Keys can be re-checked out for the following year.) I understand that I am only to use said key(s) to access rooms/facilities as agreed upon in the Building Usage Agreement. If the key(s) is/are lost or stolen, I understand that I will be charged a $5.00 Replacement Fee per key. Under no circumstances am I to allow other groups or individuals to borrow said key(s). Under no circumstances am I to make a copy of said key(s). _________________________________________ ______________________ Signature Date 27
2.01 Appendix C Claremont United Church of Christ, Congregational Building Usage Agreement for Church Activity Event: __________________________________________________________________ Representative: ___________________________________________________________ Contact Information: ______________________________________________________ Space: Date of Use Time of Use Time of Event 1.___________________ ____________________ __________ ___________ 2.___________________ ____________________ __________ ___________ 3.___________________ ____________________ __________ ___________ 4.___________________ ____________________ __________ ___________ Services Personnel Responsible 1._____________________ _________________________________ 2._____________________ _________________________________ Equipment / items needed: ________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________ Set up needed: _________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________ Additional requirements or requests: ________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________ Name of any outside vendors: _____________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________ Event representative: _______________________________ Date: _____________ Staff representative: ________________________________ Date: _____________ Scheduled: _____________ 28
2.01 Appendix D Claremont United Church of Christ Building Usage Agreement for Non-Church Activities Agreement between the Claremont United Church of Christ, and Representative: ___________________________________________________________ Group/Company: ______________________________________________________________________ Phone: ___________________________ Email:___________________________________________ Activity: _____________________________________________________________________________ Space Date/Time of Event Total Time Needed (w/ set up) Fee 1.______________________ ________________________ ________________________ ______ 2.______________________ ________________________ ________________________ ______ 3.______________________ ________________________ ________________________ ______ Additional Services Needed Fee 1.___________________________________________ _______________ 2.___________________________________________ _______________ Total Fees: _____________ Date Received: ______________ Fees must be paid 15 DAYS prior to the use of facilities. The user’s certificate of liability insurance, approved by the Office Manager, must also be delivered 30 DAYS prior to the event. Please remember that the Office Manager works Mondays through Fridays and will not be available to receive these items on Saturdays or Sundays. By signing the below, the user acknowledges receipt of the Claremont United Church of Christ, Congregational Building Usage Policy (copy attached) and agrees to comply with these policies and any other agreed upon attachments to this document. The signatory also accepts responsibility, personally and for the group, for damage to church facilities and/or property. The church reserves the right to revoke this agreement prior to the scheduled use-date in the event that the church becomes aware of a use inconsistent with the use stated above and/or user violates the law or the agreed-to Building Usage Policy. The Claremont United Church of Christ, Congregational, shall not be held responsible for claims for personal/property injury or attorney’s fees arising from the applicant’s use of the facilities whether or not any such claims are covered by the user’s liability insurance. Applicant Claremont United Church of Christ, Congregational ____________________________________________ ______________________________________ Signature/Title/Date Signature/Date 29
2.01 Appendix D Equipment / items needed: ________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________ Set up requirements: ____________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________ Additional requirements or requests: ________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________ Certificate of Liability Insurance Received: __________________ Date Scheduled: _________________ 30
2.01 Appendix E Room 201 Meeting Meeting Room 202 Room 205 (Up to 4 hours) (More than 4 hours) Room 206 $15 $30 Upper Room $15 $30 Library $15 $30 Louise Roberts Room $15 $30 Sumner Room $30 $60 Refectory/Kitchen $15 $30 Thomas (Choir) Room $30 $60 Hume Oratory $20 $40 Kingman Chapel $200 $300 Sanctuary $15 $30 FREE FREE $100 $200 $200 $300 After-Hours Sexton ** $12/hour **See Building Usage Policy for regular business hours The Louise Roberts Room and the Sanctuary are equipped with built-in AV systems. Your group may utilize our projectors, microphones, and speakers by paying the following fees: Louise Roberts Room $25/event Sanctuary $50/event Updated 7/24/2018 31
2.01 Appendix F Room 201 Meeting Meeting Meeting Concert * Room 202 Room 205 (Support Groups) (Up to 4 hours) (More than 4 hours) --- Room 206 $10 $25 $50 --- Upper Room $10 $25 $50 --- Library $10 $25 $50 --- Louise Roberts Room $10 $25 $50 --- Sumner Room $10 $50 $100 --- Refectory/Kitchen $10 $25 $50 --- Thomas (Choir) Room $10 $50 $100 --- Hume Oratory $10 $40 $80 --- Kingman Chapel --- $300 $400 --- Sanctuary --- $25 $50 FREE --- FREE FREE $300/day --- $200 $300 $500/day --- $500 $500 Music Lessons $15 per week (8 hrs) $15 per week (8 hrs) Upper Room $15 per week (8 hrs) Room 204 Thomas (Choir) Room *Concerts having multiple dates of performance will be charged full price for the first day and half price for any following days. After-Hours Sexton ** $22/hour **See Building Usage Policy for regular business hours Updated 7/24/2018 32
2.01 Appendix F The Louise Roberts Room and the Sanctuary are equipped with built-in AV systems. Your group may utilize our projectors, microphones, and speakers by paying the following fees: Louise Roberts Room $25/event Sanctuary $50/event Recurring room users are given the option to rent a cabinet for $5/month. If you are interested in renting a cabinet, please let our Office Manager know. (Dependent on availability.) Any third-party childcare workers (ie. Babysitters) must provide the church office with a certificate of liability insurance and proof of some sort of boundary training. If the childcare worker(s) cannot provide these materials to the church, then all participating parents must sign the provided waiver. If a group utilizes a second room for the purpose of childcare, they must pay an additional fee of $5/meeting for that room’s use. All childcare workers and participants must adhere to the rules listed in the Building Usage Policy. Updated 7/24/2018 33
2.01 Appendix G Claremont United Church of Christ Building Usage Fee Waiver Request Form 1. The following groups may request that the building usage fee of CUCC be reduced or waived with the approval of a Senior Pastor or Board of Stewardship and Finance: a. Groups of which over half of the participants are CUCC members b. Support groups c. Groups that benefit from CUCC’s Board of Mission and Social Action d. Groups that have an organizational affiliation with CUCC e. Groups which are housed in the church facility f. Events sponsored by a CUCC board or committee 2. All other requests will be determined upon review of the waiver application. 34
2.01 Appendix G RENTAL FEE WAIVER/REDUCTION REQUEST FORM NAME:____________________________________________ DATE:___________________________ NAME OF REQUESTING ORGANIZATION:____________________________________________________ ADDRESS: ____________________________________________________________________________ PHONE:____________________________ EMAIL:___________________________________________ ************************************************************************************* SPACE REQUESTED:_____________________________________________________________________ RENTAL DATE/TIME: ____________________________________________________________________ PURPOSE:_____________________________________________________________________________ REQUEST IS FOR A FEE: REDUCTION WAIVER REASON FOR REQUESTING WAIVER/REDUCTION:___________________________________________________________________ IF REQUESTING A FEE REDUCTION, INDICATE THE AMOUNT YOU ARE REQUESTING TO PAY: _____________________________________________________________________________________ I, ____________________, UNDERSTAND THAT EVEN IF THE REQUEST FOR WAIVER IS APPROVED I AM STILL REQUIRED TO PAY FOR CLEANING/SECURITY STAFF IN THE AMOUNT OF $22/HOUR (IF THE EVENT TAKES PLACE AFTER REGULAR BUSINESS HOURS). I ALSO UNDERSTAND THAT THE WAIVER IS FOR THE RENTAL FEE ONLY, AND I WILL BE RESPONSIBLE FOR ANY DAMAGES, THEFT, OR INJURY THAT MAY OCCUR DURING THE RENTAL PERIOD. SIGNATURE:_________________________________________ DATE:__________________________ ************************************************************************************* ADMINISTRATION USE ONLY: WAIVER APPROVED BY:______________________________________ DATE:______________________ WAIVER DENIED BY:_________________________________________ DATE:______________________ REASON FOR DENIAL OF WAIVER:__________________________________________________________ 35
2.01 Appendix H Obtaining a Temporary Alcohol Permit for Church Events In general, alcohol is not permitted on church property. However, upon approval of the CUCC Church Council, alcoholic beverages may be served at church events as long as a Temporary Alcohol Permit (Form ABC -221, referred to as “Special Daily License”) is obtained from the California Department of Alcohol Beverage Control (ABC). The nearest district office is located in Monrovia. It is open M-F from 8 a.m. to 5 p.m. Address: 222 East Huntington Drive #114, Monrovia, CA 91016. Phone number: 626-257-3241 Website: ABC.CA.gov Detailed information on conditions that must be met in order to apply for a daily license, instructions on obtaining a daily license, and a PDF of form ABC-221 that may be printed for use are available on the website. Things to remember: 1. The Form ABC-221 must be submitted to the local ABC District Office, but may be submitted either in person or by mail. 2. Form ABC-221 must be received within ten (10) days of the event, but should not be submitted more than thirty (30) days in advance. 3. The application requires the signature of the property owner, which is the Church Moderator, representing the congregation. Alternately a signed letter showing the date, time, place and type of alcoholic beverages to be served at the event can suffice to indicate authorization from the property owner. 4. Fees in the form of a Cashier’s check or money order made payable to the Department of Alcoholic Beverage Control should be submitted with form ABC-221. Currently the fee is $25 per day. 5. Police department approval may be required when any of the following conditions apply: • A large number of people are attending the event • The event is being held on a public street or in a public area such as a park or parking lot • This is the first time an event is being held at the location • The event is a “casino night” • In certain other circumstances at the ABC department’s discretion It is the applicant’s responsibility to obtain local law enforcement’s approval if it is needed. This may be done via a letter from the local law enforcement agency or a law enforcement official may sign directly on Form ABC-221. 36
2.01 Appendix I LIABILITY RELEASE WITH PARENTAL CONSENT: Evening Meeting Childcare Parent/Guardian’s Name: _______________________________________________________ Child’s Name: _________________________________________________________________ Child’s Date of Birth: __________________________________________________________ Parent/Guardian’s Phone Number: _______________________________________________ The undersigned(s) being the lawful parent(s) or guardian(s) of the above child, hereby consent to the participation by the child in all childcare activities conducted by the designated Evening Meeting caregiver. The undersigned(s) assume(s) all risk of injury or harm to the child associated with participation in Evening Meeting Childcare and agree(s) to release, indemnify, defend, and forever discharge Claremont United Church of Christ, Congregational (233 W. Harrison Ave., Claremont, CA 91711) from all liability, claims, demands, damages, costs, expenses, actions and causes of action in respect of death, injury, sexual assault, loss or damage to the child, or by the child, howsoever caused, arising or to arise by reason of or during the child’s participation in Evening Meeting Childcare. ________________________________________________ __________________________ Signature of Parent/Guardian Date 37
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