CompanyProfileAudit / Tax / Advisory Smart decisions. Lasting value.
Crowe Croatia is a member of the Crowe Global Network, we are a leading Financial, Tax and Regulatory Services Consultancy firm based in Zagreb, Croatia. Our business cov- ers areas of Accounting and payroll, Audit, Tax and Regulatory, Financial Services and Hu- man Resources consulting and we are proud partners of successful local and international companies doing business in Croatia. Our expert auditors, accountants, tax Our strength within the the real estate consultants, lawyers and experts provide segment comes from years of market comprehensive solutions in their seg- prevalence and our capabilities extend ments and with other business-related a broad level of expertise and extensive issues. We also advise investors in corpo- network for our clients` evolving needs. rate transactions, corporate financing and restructuring. Our services are aimed at optimising our clients’ real estate investments. We offer Building Trust support to clients in areas of financing, purchasing, leasing/managing or selling Our services are characterised by the real estate. highest standards of quality, great personal commitment and our approach towards Moreover, we have particular expertise our Clients is one of full partnership. Our in the fields of: business philosophy is to develop long- term relationships with our clients based • Public Sector on mutual trust and understanding and to cover all areas of their business needs. • Service Sector Comprehensive Services • Construction Sector We are able to extend to our clients’ • Energy Suppliers business excellence through multidisci- plinary teams which find solutions to all • Retail business-related issues. Our experts have experience in all segments of the market • IT with compliance of local and international corporate and regulatory standards. We • Shipbuilding recruit experts who are customer orien- tated and solution minded individuals. • Hotel Industry Our Focus: Real Estate • International and Multinational firms • Media Our membership within the Crowe Global Network allows us to extend vast experience and business support to our clients across an international scale of 130 countries.2
Our services and professional approach Tax Consulting Corporate Finance We consider ourselves as vital in guiding our In Mergers & Acquisitions (M&A) we support clients` through complex taxation systems clients through entire complex phases of in order to secure regulatory compliance preparation and implementation with our with focus on highest client financial value. extensive multidisciplinary expertise to Our full-service Tax representation means successfully conclude their transactions. we represent our clients’ interests to the tax authorities, manage cases in appeal/ Our restructuring services cover the full range legal proceedings in Administrative Courts of restructuring management – from securing a and The High Administrative Court. In company’s short-term liquidity to management addition to corporate taxation, we also of earning power or cash flow. Our approach support Owners and Executive Directors to consulting is valued at both spectrums; in their personal income tax matters. guidance due to insolvency or for companies that have already filed for bankruptcy, as well Audit and Accounting as lead for companies generating strong earn- ings who can benefit from our support during Our auditors conduct statutory or voluntary negotiations with banks and other lenders. audits of financial statements in compliance with Croatian HSFI and international IFRS. We support our clients in all questions Our audit approach is both risk-oriented related to the performance of business and and process-oriented. As an integral part of other commercial valuations, as well as the financial statements and among others feasibility studies for their planned invest- it includes, audits of risk management ments, help them to identify opportunities, systems and sustainability reporting. develop their potential while avoiding risk. In supplementing, we offer additional Human resources assurance services: At Crowe Croatia, people are our excellence. • Preparation of financial statements or Our staff are educated and experienced individual parts of the statements leaders in their fields. Our hiring process ensures we integrate not only outstanding • Reviews of our clients’ financial state- professionals, but profiles who are customer ments, both in accordance with national orientated, solution minded and team players. and international standards Our new recruits are bright potentials and performers who add value to our process. • Agreed upon audits in accordance with client’s specific focus areas In the field of Human Resources, we offer clients a wide variety of services: • IT system audits, migration audits and data analyses • Outsourcing • Human Resources consulting, outsourcing • Full Service Talent and Acquisition • Regulatory • Trainings and Coaching In view of the comprehensive legal • Performance Management requirements that the management and supervisory bodies have to adhere to, we • Change management support our clients in their monitoring obli- gations. In this regard we conduct statutory • Organisational Restructuring audits (company formation audits, audits for contributions in kind, special audits under • Employer Branding stock corporate law, merger audits, capital increase audits etc.) as well as system- • Employee Engagement oriented audits such as compliance audits. • HR Training • Payroll Services • HR outsourced 3
Contact Information References Legal Entity Controller Manolis PappasCrowe Horwath d.o.o. Accounting Part Leader Coca Cola Adriaza savjetovanje Latica Grbac “Since 2009 Crowe have servedMember of Crowe Global Samsung as our consultants in all tax andPetra Hektorovića 2 “Crowe`s work has been greatly accounting issues. We highly appre-10 000 Zagreb, Croatia valued by us in recent years and the ciate the high quality of Crowes’Phone +385 1 48 82 555 quality of their services is outstand- performances and the [email protected] ing. We have always found their work availability, which include monthly to be of the highest standard and we package reporting by the end of have developed a very good working each month, based on our individual relationship with them.” requirements. In addition, Crowe ensures we meet our obligations Finance Manager with respect to Croatian tax and Darko Roginić accounting rules.” Huawei Head of organisation “Crowe has provided itself a key Simona Ogorevc partner in addressing our group’s tax Prangl law matters. “With the inhouse expertise offered /Headline text/ They’re compe- by Crowe, we could outsource certain tent, reliable, uncomplicated and tasks without hesitation or worry. friendly team… Tasks, including but not limited to: …has supported us in the fields of financial accounting, payroll account- tax and commercial law for many ing, tax consulting, preparation of years. We are extremely satisfied!” financial statements and HR, are all conducted in a professional and Senior Product Manager timely manner by the diverse skilled Bernd Raum partners Crowe offers. The coopera- Signa tion with Crowe has not only been a “Crowe has always been a reliable great investment in the continuity partner for us. They have a clear focus of our firm, it has also proven to be on real estate and we don’t need to a convenient and pleasant business explain our business to them. They are experience.” aware of the particulars of our branch of industry and know what is important.”www.crowe.hrCrowe Horwath d.o.o. za savjetovanje is a member of Crowe Global, a Swiss verein. Each member firm of Crowe Global is a separate and independent legal entity. CroweHorwath d.o.o. za savjetovanje and its affiliates are not responsible or liable for any acts or omissions of Crowe Global or any other member of Crowe Global. © 2018. CroweHorwath d.o.o. za savjetovanje
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