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Home Explore Priscilla Queen of the Desert

Priscilla Queen of the Desert

Published by CLOC Musical Theatre, 2021-06-21 12:12:34

Description: Priscilla Queen of the Desert


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PRESIDENT’S NOTE We’re back!! After a year that has It wowed audiences worldwide I am incredibly grateful to all impacted so many people in so many and won an Academy Award for of those involved in this show ways, CLOC is excited and relieved to be its brilliant costumes. Importantly, for the extra work that they have back at the wonderful National Theatre it gave a relatable insight into lives in put in to make it happen in a shorter Melbourne and to finally bring you all the the LGBTQI+ communities that had for than usual timeframe and with all the colour, joy and magic of Priscilla, Queen of so long been forced into the shadows. uncertainties, limitations, restrictions and the Desert. I’m not suggesting that there is not still safety measures required of a COVID Safe Like the journey of our wonderful a long way to go in our embracing and environment. Particular thanks go to our characters, the journey to bring you this understanding of diversity, but we have great friend and partner, Lisa Trevellick show has been a long and bumpy one. come a long way since 1994 and Priscilla and the National Theatre Melbourne, Planning began in March 2019, auditions can take some credit for this. for support through all of the difficulties in November 2019, rehearsals began The stage production opened in Sydney of the last year and for working with February 2020 but with heavy hearts, and in 2006. It remained true to the movie and us to make this happen. I also want to little choice, we were forced to postpone did not seek to sanitise the characters or acknowledge the huge contribution of in March 2020. Now here we are, opening content. Even then, it was a period piece. Cameron Osborne who retired as CLOC’s the show in April 2021. Priscilla was ahead of its time but is also President at the beginning of 2020. The decision to proceed with the current of its time. The stereotypes, not just Most of all, thank you to you, our season was an equally difficult one. So sexual but also racial, are cringeworthy. audiences, for supporting us. We needed why not take the easy decision and just But it needs to be viewed as of its time bums on seats, even though we didn’t put if off again? Because the world needs and understood in that context. The racial know how many seats we would be art. Because the world needs music. stereotypes are terrible but were not allowed to put you on. You answered Because the world needs stories to be uncommon in 1994 and are intentionally the call. told and to gather together. Not unsafely, over the top. They make us cringe, and Welcome back to CLOC. Welcome back but cautiously, to get music, light and that’s good. You are even allowed to laugh to the Nash. Most of all: Welcome back to movement back into our lives after being at them in that context, or be outraged if live theatre!! locked away for so long. you want; feeling something other than Ric Birkett And what better way to come out of our acceptance is the whole point. CLOC President caves (and closets) than with a show that Priscilla is not just about “drag queens”. is loud, blindingly bright and colourful and It’s about diversity, humanity, love, frailty, a feast for the senses – that’s Priscilla! failings, prejudice, heroes, villains and all The movie hit the screens in 1994. For that is wonderful and regretful about our those around at the time, it was ground world. That said, it is also bloody funny, breaking. The term LGBTQI+ was not irreverent, in your face and will leave you in anyone’s vocabulary and marriage singing the songs you know and love for equality was still 23 years away. Priscilla weeks after you stop laughing. burst onto the screens and put these issues in our faces and on the agenda. iPgamiCnnnrrL,caoidsaOlyuucnaCpidbdlllsseeaarosicecniskspopnaoanormoerssptswitdereeealernerlyiaerdotsenaodgdtgtseiyopuvospmeiafetifgcchoeeaeefanc,l,tswutmsihPlvehtaeretuiicnsrhnacilellra. Teccrfteiioonhrmmspndeteytoraeseprrininsrgiinoteeshddomwtthuftrhucotreihucescqhedeehumsitc(irto1hue9owolmtt9rhwuae4eers)ntaa.oswtlsWcssrtar,tiheitrbepeterhuteestatnaohhvdntaeoeodynwpdneost. isccawtnihoonnteamnoconateeiprsnajtpkuathseosstyirt)sroanttjpuuuahsrntsoetoitoiocstdheiynreuoeatmtcwflyotloceiiocfonmcaenntrlteesofhnwcibnertiesrosa2ttuhhat7bseaenunyvmd(ereebsasaytsrss. 2

Stephan EllioWtrittteannbyd Allan Scott Based on the Latent Image/Specific Films Motion Picture Distributed by Metro-Goldwyn-Mayer Inc MusicalArrangements&OrchestrationsbyStephen ‘Spud’Murphy Developed for the Stage and Original Direction by Simon Phillips Lee Threadgold, Angel Dolejší, Daniel Baker, Andrew Roberts, Matty Mills, Hayley Nissen, Nadia Gianinotti, Carolyn Bruce, Jai D’Alessandro, Thomas Smithers Lucinda Barratt, James Bourke, Scott England, Mitchell Groves, Cara Hamilton, Kate Hirst, Matt Jakowenko, Thomas Kitt-Thompson, Jasmine Kwan, Emily Mill, Tom Morley, Hayley Noy, Cameron O’Reilly, Thomas O’Reilly, Claire Robinson, Chris Rogers, Nic Russ, Sujanthan Satkunarajah, Elise Stevens, Johnathon White, Elijah Ziegeler Lynette White Chris White Andy McCalman Co-Director/Choreographer Co-Director/Set Designer Musical Director Victoria Horne Brad Alcock Marcello Lo Ricco David Wisken Costume Designer Lighting Designer Sound Designer Hair & Make-up Designer Sandra Davies Grant Alley OAM Debbie-Anne Osborne Bernard Hedger Stage Manager Technical Director Production Manager Stage Director Assistant to the Director Melinda Peebles, Victoria Horne Jodie Lawson Costume Co-ordinators Props Co-ordinator APRIL 30 - MAY 22, 2021 The National Theatre, St Kilda The original motion picture was written and directed by Stephan Elliott, produced by Al Clark and Michael Hamlyn, Executive Producer Rebel Penfold-Russell and was financed with the assistance of the Film Finance Corporation Australia Limited and the New South Wales Film and Television Office. By Arrangement with Nullarbor Productions 3 In association with MGM On Stage Exclusively licensed by Origin Theatrical Pty Ltd

DIRECTORS’ NOTE While the COVID pandemic necessitated vernacular are not new, the relevance to a twelve month delay and dealt a near- their era is unmistakable. death blow to an already unsupported The unanimous acceptance by all cast theatre industry, we are glad to say, while members was enlightening and very inconvenient, it hasn’t dampened the welcome, and through our interrupted enthusiasm of the cast or production rehearsal season, they have totally team and in fact, has whetted the embraced the show in its entirety, and appetite to our collective advantage. importantly, with huge enthusiasm and About two years ago, when approached enjoyment. to direct Priscilla, we as a team, realised We hope musical theatre continues to a kind of responsibility to maintain the empower the LGBTQI+ community with challenging content with the original this spectacular production. honesty of breaking down societal We are indebted to CLOC Musical stereotypes, while still emphasising the Theatre for its continued pursuit of the glamour and exciting entertainment highest production standards, evident in levels it required. costumes, lighting, sound, make-up, wigs, The story and music do not need settings and props. improvement or updating, because the The result is the sensory delight of Priscilla, Queen of the Desert. PRODUCTION TEAMrelevanceofthemessageofacceptance CHRIS, LYNETTE AND ANDY is still the same. While the humour and Direction Team Lynette White Chris White Andy McCalman Co-Director, Choreographer Co-Director, Set Designer Musical Director For over 30 years, Lynette has been a Chris has been involved in theatre for over Andy has a long standing and diverse major force in choreography and direction 40 years, having started out as Publicity theatrical background, incorporating in the Melbourne music theatre scene, Designer for J.C. Williamson, Melbourne playing in orchestras, performing on working with major theatre companies Theatre Company and The Australian stage, musically directing, directing and including Whitehorse (My One and Ballet. This led to onstage performances teaching. Originally from Ballarat, where Only, Gypsy, Joseph and the Amazing in musicals, as well as direction and he is a Life Member of Ballarat Lyric Technicolour Dreamcoat, Beauty and the design in professional and amateur Theatre, his musical theatre debut was in Beast, Seussical), Catchment (My Fair theatre. He has produced, directed and their production of Grease in the role of Lady, Pippin, Chicago, Annie, Jesus Christ designed over 40 musicals in as many Doody. Andy also managed to squeeze Superstar, Grease), Babirra (The Desert years. Since retiring from a long‑standing in a very early CLOC performance, as Song, The Whitehorse Inn), and Festival teaching career, Chris is now a full-time Rapunzel’s prince in our 1994 production (La Cage Aux Folles, Barnum). She worked professional artist and designer, having of Into the Woods. More recently, he tread for several years with the Department of won over 60 major art awards for his work the boards again, playing Chris in BLOC’s Education as the director/choreographer (including the Streeton award (twice), the 2015 production of Miss Saigon. He is also on many productions, such as The Wiz, McCubbin award (three times) and the noted for performing in four productions Little Shop of Horrors, Chicago, Into the Heysen Prize. In 2019 alone Chris won four of Les Misérables – two as Enjolras and Woods and Oliver!. During that time she major awards, including Brighton Rotary, two as Jean Valjean, notching up two also staged Oklahoma!, the first musical Camberwell, Bright and Box Hill. Some Music Theatre Guild nominations before production for “Joining the Chorus” of his noted direction and/or set designs winning the Best Actor Award for his final (Victorian Education) at Her Majesty’s include Steel Pier (CLOC), Sweeney portrayal of Jean Valjean in Ballarat’s Theatre. With husband Chris, she has Todd (twice-CLK and Nova), Joseph & 2009 production. As a musical director, co-directed and choreographed many The Amazing Technicolour Dreamcoat Andy’s work has included productions shows, including Oklahoma!, Sweeney and Seussical (Whitehorse), Into The of Cats (Guild award), Chicago, Grease, Todd (twice), Anything Goes, Oliver!, Les Woods (Dandenong), and Les Miserables, Hairspray and Rock of Ages. For CLOC, Misérables, Into the Woods, and Seussical. Anything Goes and Oklahoma! (all for Andy has worked as Musical Director for For CLOC, Lynette choreographed our Catchment). For CLOC, he and Lynette Sunset Boulevard (2012-Guild award), 1998 production of A Chorus Line, as well co‑directed (and Chris designed) Dusty The Phantom of the Opera (2013-Guild as our 2009 premiere blockbuster Miss (2010), Fiddler on the Roof (2011), Guys nomination), Legally Blonde (2014) and Saigon. In 2010, she choreographed and and Dolls (2013), Mary Poppins (2015) his fifth production of Les Misérables co‑directed Dusty with husband Chris, and Wicked (2016). Chris also painted (2017-Guild award). He has also sat as followed by Fiddler on the Roof (2011), stunning backdrops for our productions Director on the Board for the Australian Guys and Dolls (2013), Mary Poppins of All Shook Up and The Phantom of the National Academy of Music. During (2015) and Wicked (2016). Lynette and Opera. We welcome Chris back to CLOC, the day, Andy works as a real estate Chris make a formidable and multi-talented again doing double duties as Co-Director consultant for the Little Group. We production team, perfect for a show of this and Set Designer. welcome Andy back to CLOC after magnitude and scale. a four year absence. 4

Victoria Horne Brad Alcock Marcello Lo Ricco David Wisken Costume Designer Lighting Designer Sound Designer Wig and Make-Up Designer Vicky has been designing and Brad has over 25 years’ creating costumes for nearly 30 years, experience as a professional Marcello is a Melbourne based David has been working as specializing in theatre, dance, stage, lighting, vision and creative sound designer specialising in a hair and make-up artist/ television, corporate and individual director/designer for rock musical theatre whose work designer in all genres of guest artists. She received Guild and roll, theatre, musicals, can be heard in productions live performance for over nominations for the two PLOS shows broadcast, concerts and around Australia. Marcello’s fifteen years. His professional she designed – Cabaret (2006) and other live events. His designs most recent sound designs credits include - The Rocky Thoroughly Modern Millie (2008). have featured throughout include Sunday in The Park Horror Picture Show (Dainty For CLOC, Vicky started on the Australia, Asia, the Middle With George (Watch This), The Theatrical), Chicago (GFO), sewing team for Shout! (2007), East and Europe, spanning Beautiful Game (Manilla St), Jersey Boys Australia (Dainty), and then either designed and/or hundreds of productions Les Misérables (YABC, OSMaD, Wicked (GFO), West Side Story coordinated costumes for Hot Shoe working for artists such as Bill ETC), Singin’ In The Rain and (Ambassador Group), Mary Shuffle (2008-Guild nomination), Miss Murray, Ronan Keating, Delta The Sound Of Music (Babirra), Poppins Australia (Disney), Saigon (2009), Dusty (2010-Guild Goodrem and many others. Shrek and The Phantom Of Grease (GFO) and Rock of nomination), Fiddler on the Roof In 2007, he co-founded his The Opera (PLOS), RENT (Take Ages (Dainty). As Designer (2011), All Shook Up (2012-Guild own lighting and vision the Mic), We Will Rock You - The Producers, Jerry’s nomination), Guys and Dolls (2013) production company, BAAC and Strictly Ballroom (ETC), Girls and La Cage Aux Folles and our 100th production 42nd Street Light. This has allowed him to Side Show and Rock Of Ages (The Production Company), (2014-Guild nomination). That same have access to leading edge (WMTC), The Dressmaker and and a second production of year, Vicky competed for the Guild technologies for stage that My Brilliant Career (MAPA), La Cage Aux Folles (Quirky award against herself when she won are owned by the company Falsettos (StageArt) – Green Productions). David joined for Babirra’s Crazy for You. Since 2015, and used exclusively for Room nomination for sound. CLOC as Wig Designer for Vicky has designed the costumes his designs. Most recently, Annual concert productions Dusty - The Original Pop for nearly all of CLOC’s productions, Brad has become a creative include the Young Australian Diva and has since designed and received Guild nominations or director for Guy Sebastian Broadway Chorus, Starbound, hair and make-up for Man of awards for almost every show - Mary and Human Nature. He is Music Theatre Guild Awards La Mancha, Fiddler On The Poppins (Guild award), The Drowsy extremely happy he can give and the Australian Musical Roof, Aspects Of Love, Sunset Chaperone, Wicked, Jesus Christ a little back to community Theatre Festival. Marcello has Boulevard, All Shook Up, Superstar, Les Misérables, A Chorus theatre that over the years received awards for best sound The Phantom of the Opera, Line, Strictly Ballroom (Guild award), has given him so much. for The Phantom of The Opera, Mary Poppins, The Drowsy Jekyll & Hyde, and Kinky Boots. At the This is Brad’s fourteenth Cats, Miss Saigon, Into The Chaperone, Wicked and Jesus end of 2019, Vicky proudly designed production for CLOC, after Woods, Sweeney Todd, Legally Christ Superstar. David had the costumes for the Anthony Warlow Fiddler on the Roof, All Shook Blonde, Mary Poppins, Chicago, a stellar year in 2016, being concert version of Jekyll & Hyde, after Up, Guys and Dolls, 42nd The Wedding Singer, Hairspray, recognized and nominated the Warlow production team came to Street, Legally Blonde, Mary Chitty Chitty Bang Bang and by the Music Theatre Guild see our version of the show and were Poppins, Wicked, Jesus Christ The Sound Of Music. Priscilla is for both wig design (Wicked) so impressed with the costumes that Superstar (Guild award), Les Marcello’s fifteenth consecutive and makeup design (JCS) they approached Vicky to design for Misérables, Strictly Ballroom, show with CLOC, after The and winning for JCS. Since them. Priscilla is Vicky’s eighteenth Jekyll & Hyde, Kinky Boots Phantom of the Opera, Guys then, David has continued to show with us, and one that certainly and most recently, the and Dolls, 42nd Street, Legally work on all of our productions provided her with some of her spectacular lighting for Blonde, Mary Poppins, The - Les Misérables, A Chorus greatest costuming challenges, all of Mamma Mia! in 2019. Drowsy Chaperone, Wicked, Line, Strictly Ballroom, Jekyll which she has met with aplomb and Jesus Christ Superstar (Guild & Hyde and Kinky Boots. a smile. Special mention must go to award), Les Misérables, A David’s seventeenth CLOC Christina Scott, Head of Millinery, and Chorus Line, Strictly Ballroom, show is one right up his alley, her amazing team, who have helped Jekyll & Hyde, Kinky Boots and so he is delighted to once to create some really spectacular Mamma Mia!. again provide glitz, glamour, headwear. make-up and bouffant hair to mainly the boys of the cast, for a change. The multi-talented David also works as a vocal coach and musical director. 5

PRINCIPALS Angel Dolejší Daniel Baker Mitzi/Tick Felicia/Adam Lee Threadgold Originally from Canberra, Angel has an Daniel has a Bachelor of Business from Advanced Diploma in Performing Arts from RMIT and is a performing arts graduate of Bernadette Brent Street Studios, and trained at NIDA. He Brent Street Studios, Sydney. has worked as a performer, dancer, director CLOC: Kinky Boots (2019-Angel), Strictly Originally from the UK, Lee trained and choreographer. He has also worked Ballroom (2018), A Chorus Line (2017-Roy). at Arts Educational Schools and has professionally in Australian musical theatre and Other shows: The Producers (Carmen Ghia), established a formidable reputation in in London’s West End. Snoopy the Musical (Woodstock), Grease, the Melbourne musical theatre scene as How to Succeed in Business Without Really an award winning performer of amazing CLOC: Jekyll & Hyde (2018-Spider). Trying, Arcadia, Tango Masculino. versatility and range. This is his ninth Other shows: Hairspray (Corny Collins- And another thing…: Returned to on-stage CLOC appearance. London), Fiddler on the Roof (Fyedka), Miss performing after a ten year break to do A CLOC: Strictly Ballroom (2018-Barry Saigon, The Boy from Oz, We Will Rock You, Les Chorus Line with CLOC and was re-bitten Fyfe), Wicked (2016-The Wizard), Mary Misérables, West Side Story, Wicked, Cabaret, by the performing bug, performing non- Poppins (2015-Mr Banks), The Boy Little Shop of Horrors (Choreographer), The stop since (until COVID brought him to a from Oz (2008-Dick Woolnough), Jekyll Witches of Eastwick (Choreographer). temporary halt). Currently works in freelance & Hyde (2005-Dr Henry Jekyll/Edward advertising across a wide field including Hyde –Guild award, Lead Actor), Mack And another thing...: Angel would like to toys, film, TV – and Pilates. & Mabel (2004-Mack Sennett, Guild dedicate his performance to his COVID puppy nomination), Pippin (2003-Leading Homer, bought during Lockdown in 2020. Player, Guild nomination), Hot Mikado (2002-Pooh Bah, Guild award- Andrew Roberts Matty Mills Supporting Actor). Plus, as Director – Cats (2006). Bob Jimmy Other shows (a small selection): Miss Saigon, Beauty and the Beast (twice- Andrew is a long-standing member of the Sydney-based Matty is a proud Gamilaroi Beast and Lumiere), Les Misérables Melbourne musical theatre community, man, who graduated from WAAPA (Western (twice-Jean Valjean-Guild nomination, having worked on and off-stage for many Australia Academy of Performing Arts) and Javert), The Producers (Roger companies, most especially Whitehorse in 2013 and has worked as a contributing de Bris-Guild award), The Witches Musical Theatre, where he was at various presenter on Channel Nine, SBS and NITV. of Eastwick (Darryl Van Horne-Guild times President, performer and crew member CLOC: First CLOC show. nomination), Sweeney Todd (Sweeney – sometimes all at the same time. He has Other media: Has reported from the ARIA Todd-Lyrebird award), The Phantom also worked backstage for several CLOC and Dreamtime awards, and has hosted the of the Opera (Auctioneer), Carousel productions and was a CLOC committee ACON Honour Awards, the Pride in Sport (twice-Billy Bigelow, Jigger-Guild member for two years in the 1990s. awards and the 2018 Mardi Gras Online nominations for both), Gypsy (Herbie- CLOC: Sweet Charity (1991-Vittorio Vidal). Live Stream. Worked as Baz Luhrmann’s Guild nomination), Pride and Prejudice Other shows: Too many to mention, however executive assistant on his upcoming Elvis (Mr Bennett). highlights include My One and Only, Candide, biopic, starring Tom Hanks. And another thing…: Works in event Assassins, Gypsy, A Funny Thing Happened And another thing...: As well as ticketing and can lately be seen cruising On The Way To The Forum, A Slice of performing, Matty conducts indigenous The Esplanade, Park and Acland Sts, St Saturday Night and Pirates of Penzance. storytelling cultural tours (called the Kilda singing that good old Judy classic And another thing…: Andrew returns to Burrawa Climb) on top of the country’s ‘Clang ! Clang ! Clang went the trolley... CLOC for his second on-stage appearance – most famous structure, the aboard routes 12 and 96, ding ! ding !! exactly 30 years after his first! Sydney Harbour Bridge. Huge thanks to Lynette, Chris, Andy and the company for such a fun ride (probably the longest in the history of community theatre). Lee dedicates these performances to the many family and close friends who are either poorly or who have left us recently. 6

DIVAS Hayley Nissen Nadia Gianinotti Carolyn Bruce Graduate of the University of Ballarat Arts Is appearing in her 34th show in 20 Originally from Perth, was a regular and Academy (Bachelor of Music Theatre). years, and has returned for her regular prominent member of CLOC for many CLOC: Kinky Boots (2019), Jesus Christ but very intermittent CLOC appearance. years until she stepped away for another Superstar (2016-Apostle). CLOC: 42nd Street (2014-Lorraine), The production – motherhood. Carolyn Other shows: Miss Saigon, Hot Mikado Boy from Oz (2008). returns for her fourteenth CLOC show. (Peep-Bo), Rock of Ages (Sherrie), Other shows (a small selection of CLOC: Kinky Boots (2019-Pat), Les Heathers (Heather McNamara), Catch highlights): The Producers (Ulla), Shrek Misérables (2017), Jesus Christ Superstar Me If You Can, Rent (twice-Mimi and (Princess Fiona), Chicago (Velma Kelly), (2016), Sunset Boulevard (2012), The Maureen), The Witches of Eastwick Wicked (Elphaba-Guild nomination), Boy from Oz (2008-Trio), The Scarlet (Sukie), Grease (Rizzo), Grease 2: Live in Mary Poppins (Mary-Guild nomination), Pimpernel (2006), Steel Pier (20015-Rita Concert (Sharon), West Side Story (Anita), The Witches of Eastwick (Jane Smart- Racine, Guild nomination), Jekyll & Hyde 25th Annual…Spelling Bee (Logainne), twice), The Addams Family (Morticia- (2005), Pippin (2003-Fastrada), My Legally Blonde (Serena). Guild nomination), Singin’ in the Rain One and Only (2002), Gotta Sing, Gotta And another thing...: Works as an early (Lina Lamont), The Wedding Singer Dance (1999), A Chorus Line (1998-Diana childhood educator. (Linda), West Side Story (twice-Rosalia Morales, Guild nomination), Singin’ in the and Consuela), Sweet Charity (Nicki- Rain (1998-Kathy Seldon). Lyrebird award), A Chorus Line (Maggie). And another thing...: Works as head And another thing...: Owns her of partnerships for a not-for-profit own graphic design and illustration organization and is proud mum to business@nadiarosedesign. daughter Lily, aged 12. Is also on the CLOC committee. BOYS Jai D’Alessandro Thomas Smithers Benji (April 30, May 2, 6, 8, 13, 15, 21) Benji (May 1, 7, 9, 14, 16, 20, 22) Jai is 11 years old and in Grade 5 at Oakleigh South Primary Thomas is 13 years old, is in Year 7 at Sandringham College, School. Jai trains with Mini Groovers and Ashlee Clement in has been learning ballet for 9 years at the Jane Moore dancing, singing and musical theatre. He also studies piano. Academy of Ballet, and also finds time to attend classes in CLOC: First CLOC show. acrobatics, singing, drama and speech. Other shows: Oliver! (Nipper), Madagascar (Mort), Alice CLOC: Kinky Boots (2019-Young Charlie). in Wonderland (King of Hearts), The Wiggles (TV series- Other shows: The Nutcracker (Australian Ballet Company), A Young Purple Wiggle). Midsummer Night’s Dream (Queensland Ballet Company), And another thing…: Jai’s main hobbies involve all Alice’s Adventures in Wonderland (Australian Ballet Company). aspects of performing, and when he has time, And another thing…: Aside from performing, Tom’s main he loves riding his bike and long-distance running. interests are Maths, gymnastics, soccer, trampolining and basketball. Tom has a twin sister Sophie. 7

ENSEMBLE Lucinda Barratt James Bourke Scott England Mitchell Groves Marion Lars 3 Appropriately, given his Worked for 17 years as name, from the UK. Has a cast member with the Has a Bachelor of Performing A recent arrival from spent 12 years with Stage Melbourne Gang Show Arts (Monash) and is a graduate Tasmania, where he took School Australia, appearing in Theatre Company, playing of Showfit. Equally at home with dance classes at the House of several of their productions. a variety of lead roles, song and dance shows, as well Dance and also competed as a Played leads in productions and is now their Deputy as dramatic theatre. Has studied Highland Dancer. throughout high school. Director. acting with the Ward Acting Studio CLOC: First CLOC show and CLOC: Mamma Mia! CLOC: Mamma Mia! in New York. first show in Melbourne. (2019-Guild nomination, (2019-Pepper-Guild CLOC: Kinky Boots (2019-Nicola), Other shows: (all in Ensemble). nomination, Ensemble). 42nd Street (2014), The Phantom Tasmania): Mary Poppins, Other shows: The Wizard Other shows: Shrek the of the Opera (2013-Meg Giry), Wicked, Guys and Dolls (Sky of Oz (The Tinman), Les Musical, The Phantom of Sunset Boulevard (2012), All Shook Masterson), Anything Goes Misérables, Wicked. School the Opera, Carousel. Up (2012). (Billy Crocker), Jesus Christ productions-The Wiz!, The And another thing...: Other shows: The Mound Builders Superstar (Jesus), Hairspray Wedding Singer, The Drowsy Works as an electrical (USA), Barry vs Kelly (Chloe), (Corny Collins), Curtains (Lt Chaperone, Little Shop of project manager and is a Prayers to Broken Stone (Evie), Frank Cioffi), The Drowsy Horrors, Beauty and the qualified electrician. Matthew Robinson’s New Voices Chaperone (Robert Martin). Beast, Seussical. (soloist), An Ideal Husband Won Tasmanian Theatre And another thing...: (Mabel), Spring Awakening, award in 2015 for outstanding Studying a double bachelor Chicago, Rent, The Producers. performances in both degree of Science and Music And another thing...: Lucinda is Jesus Christ Superstar and at Monash University. now married to her long time love, Anything Goes. Tom. Her mother Jenny is a long- And another thing…: Works term valued member of our hair/ in organizational development wig team. and plays competitive tennis. Cara Hamilton A dance teacher and choreographer, who has performed in numerous professional productions around the world. CLOC: Mamma Mia! (2019-Guild nominations - Dancer’s Award and Ensemble). Other shows: Cats (World Tour, Korea, Germany-resident choreographer and swing for 8 female roles), Countdown Arena Tour, Countdown the Musical, Saturday Night Fever (Australasian Tour), Chess. And another thing...: After taking a break to be a mother to her two beautiful children, Cara felt inspired to return to the stage after seeing CLOC’s Kinky Boots in 2019. She returned with a bang for Mamma Mia!, earning a Guild nomination for Dancer of the Year. 8

Kate Hirst Matt Jakowenko Is about to complete a Lars 1 Bachelor of Arts (majoring in Theatre and Performance) Is a prolific performer, making at Monash University, where his 26th onstage appearance. she is also studying screen, After appearing in 5 CLOC shows film, and acting. Has been in 5 years, he took a 14 year performing since she was break before returning in 2019 to six; trained in jazz and hip appear in Mamma Mia!. hop for twelve years, and CLOC: Mamma Mia! (2019-Guild singing for four years. nomination, Ensemble), Steel Pier CLOC: Jekyll & Hyde (2005), Pippin (2003), My One (2018-Guild nomination- and Only (2002), Chicago (2001), Ensemble). West Side Story (2001). Other shows: My Brilliant Other shows (a small selection): Career (world premiere The Boy from Oz (Peter Allen), production at Monash Ghost (Carl), Shout! (Johnny University), Systems People, O’Keefe), The Addams Family We Are Air (Assistant (Lucas), Rent (Angel), A Chorus Director). Line (Paul-twice), Blood Brothers And another thing...: When (Eddie Lyons), Fiddler on the not studying or performing, Roof (Fyedka), Miss Saigon works in retail. (John), Hello Dolly! (Barnaby Tucker), Dusty (Rodney), Cabaret (Emcee), Cats (Mungojerrie), West Side Story (Riff). And another thing...: Works in ticketing for theatre and events. Thomas Kitt-Thompson Jasmine Kwan Emily Mill Tom Morley Frank Cynthia Graduate of The American Errol Musical Theatre Academy Originally from England and now a A born Aussie with a Chinese- London One Year Foundation Originally from Sydney, and proud Aussie. Malaysian background, Musical Theatre Program trained at both Brent Street CLOC: Kinky Boots Jasmine has trained in (2013-14) and APO Arts Theatre and NIDA. Then his (2019-Richard Bailey). voice, dance (jazz and tap), Academy One Year Associate professional studies took over Other shows: Miss Saigon, Les gymnastics and cheerleading. Musical Theatre Program – until now! Miserables (Combeferre), The Returns to CLOC after 12 (2012). CLOC: First CLOC show and Hatpin (Charles Makin), Footloose years. CLOC: Wicked (2016). first show in Melbourne. (Travis), The Addams Family CLOC: Miss Saigon (2009). Other shows: Heathers, We Other shows: Swan Lake (Ancestor), Rent, Amadeus Other shows: Aida, Rent, Will Rock You, Catch Me If (Australian tour-dancer), Hats (Amadeus Mozart), The Wild Party, Tommy, Curtains, Sweet You Can, Carrie the Musical. off! (dancer), dancer and MC Eurobeat, Lucky Stiff, Tommy. Charity, Jesus Christ Superstar, And another thing…: at many corporate gigs, and as And another thing...: Works as The Wedding Singer, A Chorus Produced and performed her an entertainer on a cruise ship. a nurse at the Royal Melbourne Line, Anything Goes, Barnum, own COVID safe Broadway And another thing…: Works Hospital, and has understandably The Sound of Music, Bugsy themed cabaret in February as a doctor at Thorne Harbour been very busy over the last Malone. 2021 called “Broadway Health, working with the 16 months. And another thing...: Works Obsessive Disorder”. LGBTIQ and transgender as a senior account manager diverse communities, with a at an advertising agency. special interest in HIV. Has a Master of International Public Health. Since the beginning of 2020, has been working on the COVID frontline. 9

CASTLIST Lee Threadgold Bernadette Angel Dolejsi Mitzi / Tick Daniel Baker Felicia / Adam Andrew Roberts Bob Hayley Nissen Diva#1 Nadia Gianinotti Diva#2 Carolyn Bruce Diva#3 Matty Mills Jimmy Jai D' Alessandro Benji Thomas Smithers Benji ENSEMBLE Lucinda Barratt Marion James Bourke Lars 3 Scott England Mitchell Groves Cara Hamilton Kate Hirst Matt Jakowenko Lars 1 Thomas Kitt-Thompson Frank Jasmine Kwan Cynthia Emily Mill Tom Morley Errol Hayley Noy Cameron O' Reilly Farrah / Young Bernadette Thomas O' Reilly Pastor / Farm Girl 2 Claire Robinson Chris Rogers Nic Russ Barman Sujanthan Satkunarajah Elise Stevens Shirley Johnathon White Miss Understanding / Lars 2 / Farm Girl 1 Elijah Ziegeler CHILDREN’S PERFORMANCES Jai D’ Alessandro April 30 and May 2, 6, 8, 13, 15, 21 Thomas Smithers May 1, 7, 9, 14, 16, 20, 22 BANDLIST Andy McCalman Conductor SEMPRE LIBERA BY VERDI Tony Toppi Keyboard 1 (Translation) (Dep: Toneyha Gall) aFdloraentyehgeiastnnhbdeeowarsnuimd,reoflaelricgsaeshstIotsffhrtloeihfleaidc’tasfymrpodaamtikehesjoa,myhsyaItopspppljeoiirlayyits. sIeFt.lsuoAowrasnirnt.thgoe Lester Cheung Keyboard 2 David Banen Guitar mLmyosvyteehrieisoaaurtsh.,Oeaalhtre!tbOrienhag!tLttohhvereot!uoMgrmhadoeunntet stahsn!edEuudnpeihlvigeorhrsitaeo!, f Patrick Devine Bass Daniel Modica Reed Dan Heskett Trumpet Jonty Smith Trombone Ben Ingvarson Drum Kit Katie Thomas Percussion Tony Toppi - Keyboard programming 10

SCENES/MUSICAL NUMBERS ACT 1 Sydney/Cockatoo Club Divas, Mitzi, Company It’s Raining Men Cockatoo Club What’s Love Got to Do with It Miss Understanding, Divas Tick’s Dressing Room Tick, Divas I Say a Little Prayer Cockatoo Club What’s Love Got to Do with It Tick, Miss Understanding, Divas (reprise) The Funeral Bernadette, Pastor, Company Don’t Leave Me This Way Night Club Felicia, Divas, Company Venus Go West Adam, Tick, Bernadette, Company Go West The Journey Begins Adam, Tick, Bernadette The Journey The Black Stump Tick, Divas I Say a Little Prayer Broken Hill Pub Shirley, Bernadette, Mitzi, Felicia, Company I Love the Nightlife Outside the Bar Bernadette, Adam, Tick True Colours On Top of the Bus Adam Sempre Libera The Middle of Nowhere Adam, Tick, Bernadette, Company Colour My World The Middle of Nowhere I Will Survive Bernadette, Mitzi, Felicia, Company ACT 2 Back of Woop Woop Thank God I’m a Country Boy Company Bob’s Kitchen Young Bernadette, Les Girls A Fine Romance Mitzi, Bernadette, Felicia, Divas Woop Woop Hotel Cynthia, Company Shake Your Groove Thing Bob Pop Muzik A Fine Romance (reprise) Coober Pedy Here We Come Girls Just Want to Have Fun Adam, Divas Coober Pedy Drive-In Hot Stuff Felicia, Bernadette, Divas, Company The Back of Beyond Bernadette, Adam Go West (Reprise) Bernadette, Tick, Divas, Company MacArthur Park Alice Springs Casino Punters, Casino Staff Boogie Wonderland Tick, Marion, Punters, Casino Staff The Morning After Casino Floor Show Casino Floorshow Montage M itzi, Felicia, Bernadette, Divas, Company Benji’s Bedroom Tick, Benji Always On My Mind WARNING Ayers Rock Strobe lighting will be used onstage Kylie Medley Felicia, Company We Belong Mitzi, Felicia, Bernadette, Company during this performance Finale Finale Company 11

Hayley Noy Has a Bachelor of Arts (Music Theatre), from Federation University, and a Masters of Education (Secondary Music and Drama) from Deakin University. CLOC: First CLOC show. Other shows: Company (Katherine), A Midsummer Night’s Dream (Hermia), Cinderella (Fairy Godmother/ Evil Stepmother), Sweeney Todd, Rent, Bye Bye Birdie (Mae Peterson). And another thing…: Works as a singing teacher and also as a performer (Captain Starlight) with the Starlight Foundation at Monash Children’s Hospital. Chris Rogers (Sat May 1 performance) Cameron O’Reilly Thomas O’Reilly Claire Robinson A Melbourne music theatre veteran, who has appeared in over 50 Farrah/Young Bernadette Pastor, Farm Girl 2 Originally from Tauranga, productions, both musical and New Zealand. Relocated to non‑musical, over the past 30 years. Trained in dance at the Originally from Brisbane. Melbourne in 2010. Has studied, This is his 16th CLOC show. Victorian College of the CLOC: Strictly Ballroom taught, choreographed and CLOC: Mamma Mia! (Eddie-Guild Arts and the Dance Factory. (2018-Wayne Burns), adjudicated dance, both here nomination, Ensemble), Kinky Boots Spent six years working as a Wicked (2016-Young and in New Zealand. (2019-George), Strictly Ballroom dancer on international cruise Wizard), Mary Poppins CLOC: Strictly Ballroom (2018), (2018), A Chorus Line (2017), Wicked ships (P&O, Princess, Royal (Valentine/ensemble-2015), Wicked (2016), Mary Poppins (2016), Mary Poppins (2015), 42nd Caribbean). Legally Blonde (2014). (2015), 42nd Street (2014), The Street (2014), Guys and Dolls (2013), CLOC: Kinky Boots Other shows: Rock of Ages Phantom of the Opera (2013). All Shook Up (2012), Shout! (2007), (2019-Angel). Wicked (Candi), Sweet Charity (Big Other shows : Rock of Ages, Crazy for You (1999), 42nd Street (2016-Chistery/ensemble), Daddy), Joseph...Dreamcoat Sweet Charity, NZ - Cats (1996), A Funny Thing...Forum (1995), Legally Blonde (twice), High School (Bombalurina), Beauty and the Barnum (1995), Funny Girl (1993). (2014-Grandmaster Musical, Grease, The Wizard Beast, Oliver!, Showboat (Ellie), Other shows (a small recent Chad/ensemble). of Oz, Hairspray, corporate Pirates of Penzance, featured selection): The Witches of Eastwick, Other shows: Performer – performances with Warner dancer for corporate/sports Footloose, Joseph…Dreamcoat, The Pajama Game (Lyrebird Brothers, Channel 9’s Carols events. Jesus Christ Superstar, Crazy for You award), The Music Man in the City, Scooby Doo And another thing…: Works (three times), The Wizard of Oz, The (Tommy Djilas), A Chorus Line Show (Shaggy Rogers). as office manager in a legal Wiz, The Mystery of Edwin Drood, (Greg Gardner), The Boy from And another thing…: recruitment company, as well Hello Dolly!, Seven Brides for Seven Oz (Guild Dancers award). Works as a stylist. as a freelance dance and gym Brothers, They’re Playing Our Song, Choreographer – Hello Dolly!, instructor, including 15 years Mack & Mabel, Hairspray, How to Oliver! (Guild nomination). with the Les Mills program. Succeed in Business…Trying, Fiddler And another thing…: Works on the Roof, The Boy from Oz, Chitty as a communications analyst. Chitty Bang Bang. In 2019 married his partner And another thing...: Works in of 19 years, Warwick Reid vehicle upholstery, and occasionally (another CLOC regular). makes costumes and mascots. 12

Nic Russ Barman Originally from Newcastle, NSW. Has studied with NIDA and Darlinghurst Theatre Co. CLOC: First CLOC show. Other shows (Melbourne): Company (Paul), Snoopy the Musical (Linus van Pelt), Singin’ in the Rain, Chess (The Arbiter). (Sydney): I Love You, You’re Perfect, Now Change. And another thing...: Works as an Executive Assistant at Myer, after clipping his wings as a flight attendant. Sujanthan Elise Stevens Johnathon White Elijah Ziegeler Satkunarajah Shirley Miss Understanding, Is a Graduate of Patrick A graduate of the Young Lars 2, Farm Girl 1 Studios three year Music Australian Broadway Returned to CLOC in 2019, after a Theatre and Performing Chorus Triple Threat 17 year hiatus, and had such a great Has a Bachelor of Creative Arts Arts courses, and is Program. A member of the time, that she decided not to wait (Performance Major) from Victoria now studying law at the National Boys Choir for another 17 years before returning University. Has worked extensively University of Melbourne. seven years. Has trained once more (although this latest return onstage as a performer, as well as CLOC: First CLOC show. with Melbourne Opera. was temporarily stymied by COVID). in production as director, producer, Other shows: Cabaret, CLOC: First CLOC show CLOC: Kinky Boots (2019-Trish), My writer, choreographer, stage Chicago, Hairspray (Link and first adult show. One and Only (2002-Mickey, Guild manager, set designer/builder. Larkin), High School Other shows (all with nomination). CLOC: Jesus Christ Superstar Musical (Ryan Evans), West YABC): You’re a Good Other shows: Shrek (Mama Ogre/ (2016-Apostle), Mary Poppins Side Story (Riff), Little Man, Charlie Brown Bear), The Little Mermaid (Ursula), (2015-Robertson Ay), Fiddler on Shop of Horrors (Seymour), (Charlie Brown), Guys 9 to 5 (Margaret), Legally Blonde the Roof (2011-The Fiddler), South Pacific, The Hatpin, and Dolls (Nicely-Nicely), (Paulette-Guild award), Oliver! Other shows: Cosi (Roy), Violet Thoroughly Modern Millie, Charlie and the Chocolate (Nancy), Cats, Joseph…Dreamcoat (Preacher), Rumors (Lenny), Les Jesus Christ Superstar. Factory (Willy Wonka), Big (Narrator), Jesus Christ Superstar Misérables (Enjolras), One Man And another thing…: River (Jim), Mack & Mabel (Mary), Hello Dolly (Ermengarde), Two Guvnors (Stanley Stubbers), Elijah performed numbers (Mack), Sweeney Todd Mame, The Sound of Music. The Wedding Singer (George), The from Priscilla with the (Sweeney Todd). And another thing...: Is a proud Boy from Oz (Chris Bell), Bonnie professional cast on the And another thing...: mum of four children, aged 11, 14 and and Clyde (Buck), All Shook hallowed turf of the MCG Studying mechanical 16 year old twins. Has co-founded Up (Dean Hyde), My Fair Lady in 2018 as part of the pre- engineering at RMIT a not-for-profit charity called The (Freddy Eynsford-Hill), Sweeney match entertainment in University. As a member Generosity Collective Inc. Todd (Anthony), Hairspray support of Beyond Blue. of the National Boys Choir, ( (Seaweed), Miss Saigon (Thuy), performed alongside Seussical, Beauty and the Beast. 13 Melbourne Symphony And another thing...: Works as a Orchestra, Hugh Jackman drama school manager and drama/ and Oprah Winfrey! music teacher. Was supposed to be married by now until COVID got in the way, so now due to walk down the aisle with the gorgeous Amy in October (COVID willing).

CLOC Patron PRODUCTION TEAM CO-DIRECTORS: Lynette White, Chris White STAGE DIRECTOR: Bernard Hedger MUSICAL DIRECTOR: Andy McCalman ASSISTANT STAGE MANAGER: Gemma Hedger CHOREOGRAPHER: Lynette White FLY MANAGER: Tony Hall PRODUCTION MANAGER: Debbie-Anne Osborne ASSISTANT FLY MANAGER: Robert Griffin TECHNICAL DIRECTOR: Grant Alley OAM FLOOR MANAGERS: Paul Belli, Ian Simmonds STAGE MANAGER: Sandra Davies STAGE CARPENTER: Justin Karakai ASSISTANT TO THE DIRECTOR: CLOC Musical Theatre is John-Michael Debbie-Anne Osborne DRESSERS’ CO-ORDINATOR: Melinda Peebles a member of the Music Howson PRODUCTION ASSISTANT: Karen Greenwood ASSISTED BY: Rebekah McLaughlin, Theatre Guild of Victoria OAM AUDITION & REHEARSAL PIANISTS: Rebecca Parham, Taylor Prokopiou, Jaimi Richards, Lester Cheung, Toneyha Gall, Adeline Han, Emma Sheard, Amy Wolchyn CLOC Committee Kathryn Leonard, Tony Toppi, Ned Wright-Smith CHILD CHAPERONE: Sheridan Daniels DANCE ASSISTANT: Jess Mohi PROPS CO-ORDINATOR: Jodie Lawson SET DESIGNER: Chris White ASSISTED BY: Sara Bayley, Heidi Crook, SET PAINTING: Chris White Emily Daniel, Karen Greenwood President Administrator TECHNICAL DESIGNER: Grant Alley OAM STAGE CREW: Alannah Brelis, Laurence Clarke, Ric Birkett Sandra Davies SET CONSTRUCTION: Grant Alley OAM, Craig Dixon, Maria England, Stephanie Hedger, Patsi Boddison, Olivia Brennan, Craig Dixon, Kelsey Henderson, David Hobbs, Justin Karakai, Noel Hall OAM, Tony Hall, Stephanie Hedger, David Southall David Hobbs, Rick Howden, Justin Karakai, CATERING: Emily Daniel, Karen Greenwood David Popper, Mel Purcell, Craig Symons, FIRST AID: Ian Simmonds Barry Venning COVID-SAFE MANAGER (BACKSTAGE): BUS (CONSTRUCTION & TECHNICAL DESIGN): Karen Greenwood Chris White, Grant Alley, Justin Karakai, Peter Turley SPECIAL PROPERTIES: Justin Karakai, THANKS ALSO: Nikki Imberger, Ian Viney, Chris White Neville West, Robbie Wilton Secretary Treasurer SOUND DESIGNER: Marcello Lo Ricco MARKETING MANAGER: Jon Sebastian Patsi Boddison Grant Alley OAM (LSS Productions) MARKETING TEAM: Sandra Davies, Craig Dixon, SOUND OPERATOR: Jake Sipcic Ben Fon, Karen Greenwood RADIO MICROPHONE TECHNICIAN: WEBMASTER & FACEBOOK: Jon Sebastian Rhiannon Gilmore PROGRAM: Jon Sebastian ASSISTED BY: Natalie Coleman, Maria England, ASSISTED BY: Sandra Davies, Karen Greenwood Kelsey Henderson, Lalli Kirby PROGRAM GRAPHIC ART/DESIGN: David Clark SOUND EQUIPMENT: LSS Productions Pty Ltd at The Wizarts PHOTOGRAPHY & MEDIA: Ben Fon Committee Committee LIGHTING DESIGNER: Brad Alcock (BAAC Light) (Fon Photography) Carolyn Bruce Carol Humphrey LIGHTING ASSOCIATE: David Boddison-Gray VIDEOGRAPHER: Nick Campbell, LIGHTING PROGRAMMER: Brad Alcock Michael Schofield PROJECTIONS: Andrei Chlebnikowski OPENING NIGHT PHOTOGRAPHY: (BAAC Light) Denise Damianos assisted by Trudi Sheppard PROJECTIONS CREATIVE: Michael Fletcher PRINTING: Bluestar Group SET LIGHTING: Grant Alley OAM, ADMIN SUPPORT: Janet Cameron, Malcolm Lutchner Karen Greenwood, Debbie-Anne Osborne SET 3D VISUALISATION: Sally Martin LIGHTING BOARD OPERATORS: Patsi Boddison, TICKET SALES MANAGERS: Carol Humphrey, David Boddison-Gray Cameron Osborne FOLLOW SPOT SUPERVISOR: Patsi Boddison ASSISTED BY: Cheryle Osborne FOLLOW SPOT OPERATORS: Celeste Ady, FRONT OF HOUSE CO-ORDINATOR: Committee Committee Gordon Bull, Maddy Sahely, Jessica Watson Meryl Withers Justin Karakai Rebekah McLaughlin LIGHTING CREW: Brad Alcock, Patsi Boddison, BOX OFFICE MANAGER: Grant Alley OAM David Boddison-Gray, Andrei Chlebnikowski, ASSISTED BY: Ric Birkett, John Davies, Daniel Gosling, Jake Kirby and Linda Hum Carol Humphrey, Cheryle Osborne of The National Theatre COVID-SAFE DUTY MANAGERS (FOH): Mark Houghton, Ric Birkett Committee Committee COSTUME DESIGNER: Victoria Horne ASSISTED BY: Geoff Kavanagh, Barry Rickard, Debbie-Anne Osborne Melinda Peebles COSTUME CO-ORDINATORS: Victoria Horne, Jan Sheppard, Meryl Withers, Peter Witney Melinda Peebles Sebastian Bellofiore, Emily Busch, Ian Carlsson, COSTUME ASSISTANTS: Lisbeth Campbell, Grace Ephraums, Adeline Han, Pater Maver, June Craig, Naomi Dall, Vickie Edwards, Greg Ramsay Glennis Eather, Eva Fabian, Rebecca Fortin, Mary Fraser, Samantha Gore, Stephanie Hedger, CLOC is indebted to all our Front-of-House Team PO CLOC Musical Theatre 3194 Carol Humphrey, Elisabeth Klouth, Ciara Lynch, Members who so willingly give up their time to Box 3250 Mentone East Vic Nancy Matthews, Brian Misson, Julian Regan, ensure our patrons enjoy their theatre experience. Ticket Enquiries: 1300 362 547 Jaimi Richards, Emma Sheard, ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS: Web: Dirk Strachan-Thornton, Wendy Stanley, Judy Schaube (for lizard headpieces) Email: [email protected] Isabelle Turnbull, Amy Wolchyn Assistant to the Treasurer-Mike Strahan MILLINERY: Christina Scott The staff of The National Theatre Melbourne: ASSISTED BY: Lizzie Barton, Lisbeth Campbell, Gordon Boyd, Linda Hum, Brendan Osborne, Catherine Chan, Caroline Cody, Heidi Edwards, Natalie Vincent Adele Lipson, Delwyn Poyser, Katrina Stanley WIG & MAKE-UP DESIGNER: David Wisken Rehearsal tracks and software WIG SUPERVISOR: Jenny Barratt provided by Right On Cue Services ASSISTED BY: Laura Chaplin, Caitlin Gasperino, Bek Goldsmith, Jess Mohi MASK PROSTHETICS: Peter Turley, Gordon Watson MASK PAINTING: Caitlin Gasperino 14

SONG CREDITS ACT 1 Composed by Paul Shaffer ©1982 Postvalda Music, Martin Bandier Music, Charles Koppelman Music It's Raining Men and Paul Jabara and Jonathan Three Music. By permission of Sony/ATV Music Publishing (Australia) Pty Ltd What's Love Got Composed by Terry Britten ©WB Music Corp & Good Single Ltd. By permission of Warner Chappell To Do With It and Graham Lyle Music Australia Pty Ltd. By kind permission of BMG Australia Pty Ltd. I Say A Little Prayer Written by: Bacharach, David New Hidden Valley Music Co. Administered by: Universal Music Publishing Pty Ltd. By Permission of BMG Australia Pty Ltd. Don't Leave Me Composed by Cary Gilbert, ©1975 Warner-Tamerlane Publishing Corp. By kind permission of Warner This Way Kenneth Gamble and Leon Huff Chappell Music Australia Pty Ltd Venus Written by Robert Van Leeuwen Published by New Dayglow BV/Nanada Music BV. Administered by Hebbes Music Group Go West Composed by Henri Belolo, Scorpio Music (Black Scorpio) Jacques Morali, Victor Willis Locomotion Written by: King, Goffin By permission of Sony/ATV Music Publishing (Australia) Pty Ltd Can't Get You Out Of Written by: Davis, Dennis Universal/MCA Music Ltd. Administered by Universal Music Publishing Pty My Head Ltd. By permission of Sony/ATV Music Publishing (Australia) Pty Ltd Skippy Theme Composed by Eric Jupp Licensed courtesy of AMCOS I Love The Nightlife Written by Hutcheson/Bridges Licensed courtesy of Peermusic Pty Ltd obo Concord Music True Colours Written by Kelly/Steinberg By permission of Sony/ATV Music Publishing (Australia) Pty Ltd Sempre Libera Verdi Public Domain Colour My World Written by: Hatch, Trent Welbeck Music Ltd. Administered by: Universal Music Publishing Pty Ltd I Will Survive Written by: Fekaris, Perren Perren-Vibes Music, Inc., Universal PolyGram Int. Publishing, Inc. Administered by: Universal Music Publishing Pty Ltd ACT 2 Written by John Sommers By permission of Mushroom Music Pty Ltd. By permission of BMG Thank God I'm A Composed by Dorothy Fields Australia Pty Ltd. Country Boy and Jerome Kern ©Shapiro Bernstein & Co. Inc. By kind permission of A Fine Romance Written by: Fekaris, Perren Wallaby Music Pty Ltd Perren-Vibes Music, Inc., Universal PolyGram Int. Publishing, Inc. Shake Your Groove Written by: Scott Administered by: Universal Music Publishing Pty Ltd Thing Written by: Hazard By permission of BMG Australia Pty Ltd. Pop Muzik By permission of Sony/ATV Music Publishing (Australia) Pty Ltd Girls Just Want To Written by: Morricone Have Fun By permission of Sony/ATV Music Publishing (Australia) Pty Ltd The Good, The Bad, Composed by Pete Bellotte, The Ugly Keith Forsey and Harold ©1979 WB Music Corp. By kind permission of Warner Chappell Music Hot Stuff Faltermeier Australia Pty Ltd Written by: Webb MacArthur Park Universal PolyGram Int. Publishing, Inc. Administered by: Universal Music Written by: Willis, Lind Publishing Pty Ltd Boogie Wonderland Irving Music, Inc. Administered by: Universal Music Publishing Pty Ltd. ©Published by Big Mystique Music. Administered by Kobalt Music The Morning After Composed by Joel Hirschhorn Publishing Australia. By permission of Sony/ATV Music Publishing Come Into My World and Al Kasha (Australia) Pty Ltd Always On My Mind Written by: Davis, Dennis ©1972 WB Music Corp. and Warner-Tamerlane Publishing Corp. By kind Spinning Around permission of Warner Chappell Music Australia Pty Ltd Written by Christopher/ Universal/MCA Music Ltd. Administered by: Universal Music Publishing Confide In Me Thompson/James Pty Ltd. By permission of Sony/ATV Music Publishing (Australia) Pty Ltd We Belong Composed by Ira Schickman, Licensed courtesy of peermusic Pty Ltd obo Concord Music. By permission Finally Osborne Bingham, Paula Abdul of Sony/ATV Music Publishing (Australia) Pty Ltd and Kara Dioguardi ©2000 WB Music Corp, Funktional What Music, Dinky B Music. All rights Original Score For on behalf of Funktional What Music and Dinky B Music. By kind permission Priscilla The Musical Written by: Anderson, Barton, of Warner Chappell Music Australia Pty Ltd. By Permission of BMG Seaman Australia Pty Ltd Written by: Navarro, Lowen Complete Muisc Ltd., Steve Anderson Music Ltd. Administered by: Written by: Delgado, Jackson, Universal Music Publishing Pty Ltd. Musiqware Publishing GmbH Linnear, Peniston By permission of Sony/ATV Music Publishing (Australia) Pty Ltd Blue Zephyr Music, Cece Pen Music, Leethal Musik, Main Lot Music, Urban Composed by Stephen \"Spud\" Tracks Music, Wax Museum Music. Administered by: Universal Music Murphy Publishing Pty Ltd ©2006 Stephen \"Spud\" Murphy 15

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SYNOPSIS BACKGROUND Sydney, Australia, 1994. Anthony ‘Tick’ Belrose, AKA drag Priscilla, Queen of the Desert is a musical adaptation of the queen Mitzi Mitosis, receives a call from his estranged wife classic Australian 1994 movie The Adventures of Priscilla, Queen Marion, who lives in Alice Springs with Benji, their 8 year old of the Desert, written and directed by Stephan Elliott. The film son, and manages the Alice Springs casino. She calls in a favour was a surprise worldwide hit and its positive portrayal of LGBT and asks Tick to come to Alice Springs to perform his drag individuals helped to introduce LGBT themes to a mainstream act, to enable her to have a break and also to give Tick the audience at a time when AIDS was a world-wide scourge for the opportunity to get to know his son. Tick decides to go, but only gay community. The movie won an Academy Award for Best after asking along for the ride, Bernadette Bassenger, a recently Costume Design, was screened at the 1994 Cannes Film Festival bereaved older transgender woman (born Ralph), and Adam and became a cult classic in both Australia and abroad. Whitely, a flamboyant and obnoxious younger drag queen who The musical, adapted by Stephan Elliott from his own script, goes under the drag name Felicia Jollygoodfellow, to whom opened in 2006 in Sydney before travelling to Melbourne, Bernadette takes an instant dislike and vice versa. New Zealand, the United Kingdom, Canada and Broadway Felicia procures an old disused bus for the journey, which the (where one of its producers was Bette Midler). The show was trio paint and christen “Priscilla, Queen of the Desert”, and they nominated for the Laurence Olivier Award for Best New Musical set off on the road trip from Sydney to Alice Springs through as well as two Tony Awards, winning these awards in the Outback Australia. They meet a variety of characters, including costume design categories. a friendly Aborigine and a group of tourists for whom they The original Australian cast featured Tony Sheldon perform. They also come up against the less accepting attitudes (Bernadette), Jeremy Stanford (Tick), Daniel Scott (Felicia) of rural Australia in such towns as Broken Hill and Coober Pedy, and Michael Caton (Bob). A 10 year anniversary revival tour and are subjected to homophobic abuse, violence, hostility and of Priscilla performed throughout Australia in 2018, with Tony hatred, including having their tour bus vandalized with graffiti. Sheldon once again playing Bernadette, David Harris as Tick, When the tour bus breaks down in the middle of the desert, Euan Doidge as Felicia and Robert Grubb as Bob. Tony Sheldon Adam spends the whole day repainting it pink to cover up the played the role of Bernadette almost 2,000 times during a 12 vandalism. The trio later meet Bob, a middle-aged mechanic year stretch, including Australia, New Zealand, London, Toronto from a small outback town who fixes Priscilla and then joins and Broadway. For this role, he was nominated and/or won 14 them on their journey. awards over the 12 years in which he was involved with the Upon arrival in Alice Springs, Tick reveals his secret ‘other’ show. Interestingly, Jason Donovan played Tick in the London life to Bernadette and Felicia, and apprehensively meets his production, and then took the production on tour. son, who he has not seen for many years. He is surprised Our production is set in 1994, when the original film was and relieved to discover that Benji already knows and is fully written and released, and stands as a historical timepiece supportive of his father’s sexuality and career. Meanwhile, Bob showing just how much perceptions have changed since then and Bernadette become close. in acceptable attitudes towards gay and transsexual culture, Finally, the trio perform their show at the resort and realize that as well as portrayals of different cultural and ethnic groups. through their experiences on their outback trek in their trusty These changes are underlined by setting and portraying the bus, they have forged an understanding and a bond that will show as originally written, and give us much cause to last forever. celebrate the advances we have made since as we reflect on how far we have come in just 27 years. 18

Book by Marshall Brickman & Rick Elice Music by Bob Gaudio Lyrics by Bob Crewe Original Broadway Stage Production by Dodger Theatricals (Michael David, Edward Strong, Rocco Landesman, Des McAnuff); Joseph J. Grano; Tamara and Kevin Kinsella; Pelican Group in association with Latitude Link Rick Steiner/Osher/Staton/Bell/Mayerson Group World Premiere Produced by La Jolla Playhouse, La Jolla, CA Des McAnuff, Artistic Director & Steven B. Libman, Managing Director OCT 8 – 23, 2021 The National Theatre Melbourne 20 Carlisle St, St Kilda | 1300 362 547 BY ARRANGEMENT WITH ORiGiN™ THEATRICAL 19 ON BEHALF OF THEATRICAL RIGHTS WORLDWIDE, NEW YORK

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