Dr. Kitchlu Public Sen. Sec. School, Moga FOR GRADE- 5
ENGLISH 1. Bravia- On the basis of your reading fill up the exercises from page no. 11 to 21 2. Literature- Write and learn the question- answers of chapter 1 3. Writing- Notice (Bravia pg-58, 60) 4. Grammar- Complete all exercises of chapter- 6, 7 ,11. 5. Learn the exact pronunciation of the given words: (a) Accent (b) Articulate (c) Phonate (d) Bought (e) Campaign 6. Create a word wall of Articles. 7. Write and learn 5 words with silent letters. (a) Reign (b) Gnome (c) Island (d) Column (e) Handsome 8. learn the given idioms and make sentences clearing the meaning of each idiom. (a) Buy a lemon (b) A couch Potato (c) A drop in the bucket (d) In hot water (e) A piece of cake Use separate test notebook for English Homework HINDI उन्मेष ह दिं ी पाठ्यपुस्तक - ऩाठ- 4, 10 (शब्द- अथ,थ प्रश्न उत्तर) लऱखने और याद करने है │ उन्मेष ह दिं ी पाठ्यपुस्तक - ऩाठ- 4, 7, 10 में से 15-15 कठठन शब्द ढॊढकर वाक्यों मंे प्रयोग करंे│ मैं और मरे ा व्याकरण - ऩाठ- 4, 13 प्रश्न उत्तर याद करंे और ऩाठ-6 (वचन) याद करके लऱखंे│ रचना ऱेखन: (1) अऩने नाना- नानी जी को गरमी की छु ठियाॉ साथ बिताने का ननमतॊ ्रण देते हुए ऩत्र लऱखो│ (2) दषु ्ट व्यक्क्त को दषु ्टता से ही जवाि देना उचचत है | लशऺा के आधार ऩर कहानी लऱखखए तथा कहानी से सिचॊ धत चचत्र भी िनाए│ॊ Do all the Homework in Hindi test notebook.
PUNJABI ਾਠ-ੁਤਕ ਦ ਾਠ - 4(ੁਕਾਰ) ਅਤ ਾਠ- 5(ਤਰੰ ਗਾ-ਰੂ ੀ ਲੋਕ ਕਥਾ) ਧਧਆਨ ਨਾਲ ੜ੍ਹੋ ਅਤ ਧਸਾਰੀ, ਧਿਸਾਰੀ, ਔਕਂ ੜ੍ ਅਤ ਦਲੁ ਂੈਕੜ੍ ਲਗਾਂ ਵਾਲ ਸ਼ਿਦ test notebook ਉੱਰ ਧਲਖੋ │ 'ਤਾਕਤ ਅਤ ਸੌਂ ਲਾ' ਕਸਾਣੀ ਨੰ ੂ ੜ੍ੋਹ ਅਤ ਇਦੀ ਧੱਿ ਧਖਆ ਨੰ ੂ ਅਧਾਰ ਿਣਾ ਕ 10 ਵਾਕ ਧਲਖ│ੋ (ਧਵਆਕਰਨ) ਰੋਜ਼ਾਨਾ ਜੀਵਨ ਧਵਿੱ ਚ ਵਰਤ ਜਾਂਦ ੰ ਜ ਮੁਸਾਵਰ ਧਲਖ ਕ ਵਾਕ ਿਣਾਉ│ ੰ ਜਾਿ ਦ ਰਧੱਿ ਧ ਮਧ ਲਆਂ ਧਵੱਿ ਚੋਂ ਧਕ ਇਿੱ ਕ ਮਲ ਦੀਆਂ ਤਵੀਰਾਂ ਲਗਾ ਕ ਉ ਿਾਰ (200 -250 ਸ਼ਿਦਾਂ ਧਵੱਿ ਚ ) ਧਲਖ|ੋ ਰਚਨਾਤਮਕ ਗਤੀਵਿਧੀ:- ਾਠ- ੁ ਤਕ (ਨਵੀਂ ਨੁਸਾਰ ) ਧਵਚਲ ਾਠ- 7 (ਰਰਨਾਰੋਤ ਧਮਲਖਾ ਧੰ ਘ) ੜ੍ਹ ਕ ਧਮਲਖਾ ਧੰ ਘ ਦ ਜੀਵਨ ਿਾਰ ਤਵੀਰਾਂ ਧਸਤ ਕਾਰਜ ਂੌਣੀ (assignment) ਧਤਆਰ ਕਰੋ | Use separate test Notebook for doing Punjabi homework MATHS 1. Do chapter Revision of Ch-1, Large Numbers Page No - 24 2. Do chapter Revision of Ch- 2, Number Operations Page No- 36 3. Do Maths worksheet 3,4 (page No- 5 to 8) Do the given work in separate Test Notebook SCIENCE Chapter- 1 Reproduction in Plants I. Give two examples of each: (i) Dispersal by wind ____________ ____________ ____________ (ii) Dispersal by water ____________ ____________ ____________ (iii) Dispersal by animals ____________ ____________ ____________ (iv) Dispersal by birds ____________ ____________ ____________ (v) Dispersal by human beings ____________ ____________ ____________ (vi) Dispersal by explosion of fruits ____________ (vii) Rabi crops ____________ (viii) Kharif crops ____________ (ix) Manure ____________ (x) Fertilizers ____________
II. Complete the flow chart of steps of Agricultural practices choosing from the box 1. Preparation of soil irrigation, storing, 2. adding manure, 3. spraying pesticides, 4. harvesting, sowing 5. threshing 6. 7. 8. Chapter- 2 Reproduction in Animals I. Give two examples of animals who give birth to young ones. II. Give two examples of animals who lay- eggs. III. Complete the following life cycles of hen, butterfly and frog. (i) Hen Egg Hatching (ii) Butterfly Larva
(iii) Frog Eggs Tadpole with Tadpole four legs Ch- 3 Health and Diseases I. Name the following: (i) Sources of protein (ii) Disease caused by deficiency of Vitamin C (iii) Disease caused by deficiency of iron (iv) Vaccination done at the time of birth (v) Main communicable disease. II. Give main symptoms of following diseases (i) Night blindness (ii) Rickets (iii) Beri- Beri (iv) Scurvy Ch- 4 Our Skeletal System I. Which joint comes into use when you do the following? (i) Move your hand (ii) Bend down to touch your school bag (iii) Move your head from one side to other (iv) Rotate your shoulders while exercising II. Think and answer: (i) If your backbone is not working, what problems do you think you will have? (ii) We can move our arms in circular motion but not our elbow. Why? Complete the science practical. Do all work on separate test notebook.
SOCIAL SCIENCE Learn and write long ques / ans of Ch-1, 2 & 3. Read the chapters and answer the following questions Ch- 4 (Weather and climate) 1. Name the factors that influence the climate of a place. 2. Draw a labelled diagram of 'Sea Breeze' and 'Land Breeze'. 3. What causes rainfall? 4. Why is the amount of carbon dioxide increasing in the atmosphere? 5. At the end of the month, make a note of the days that were 1. hot 2. Humid 3. Cool 4. cloudy Ch- 14 (Unforgettable personalities) 1. Name two books written by Karl Marx. 2. Name the movements started by Gandhi ji. 3. Who was forced to drink the cup of hemlock (a poison) and why? 4. Describe the role of Gandhiji in the freedom struggle of India. 5. Which Indian leader impressed Martin Luther King JR? Activity:- There are so many people who inspire us in life. Collect information and prepare biography of the person who inspires you the most. Do the given work in separate test notebook. Map work:- Complete the following maps in map practice booklet. 1. States and their capitals 2. Continents of the world 3. Oceans of the world 4. Rivers of India FINE ART 1. Topic Name: Paper Quilling is fun page no. 31 2. Topic Name: Paper collage page no. 9 \"Do the activity with the help of given page numbers and follow the instructions step by step given on your art book.
COMPUTER SCIENCE 1. Topic: Application of computer in the different fields: a) Advertisement b) Science and Technology c) Games and sports d) Hospitals e) Railways f) Film Industry g) Communication h) Transportation i) In school and class rooms j) Designing k) Agriculture l) For students and academic Choose any 10 topics and write about it in a Holidays Homework notebook and paste the pictures related to the topic. 2. Topic: 'Journey of Computers from Vacuum tubes to Artificial Intelligence' Make a chart on the given topic which includes the different generations of computer, their time period and technology. House G.K 1. Garnet 2. Jade Topic Sports- (Bio data of your favourite sports person) 3. Lavender Who is who (Chief Minister's name of all states of India) National symbols of our country 4. Sapphire Traditional dress of all states of our country.
CHART TOPICS One student will make only two chats as distributed by class teacher. ENGLISH 1) Noun 2) Pronoun 3) Verbs 4) Subject and predicate HINDI 1) भाषा और उसके कौशऱ 2) वणथ ववचार और भदे 3) सऻॊ ा 4) सवनथ ाम PUNJABI 1) ਨਾਂਵ 2) ੜ੍ਨਾਂਵ 3) ਧਕਧਰਆ 4) ਲਗ ਅਤ ਲਗਾਖਰ MATHS 1) Indian & International place value chart 2) Factor tree of 625 3) Roman numerals 4) Divisibility rules SCIENCE 1) Structure of the ear 2) Solar Eclipse 3) Lunar Eclipse 4) Layers of Earth SOCIAL SCIENCE 1) Major Landforms 2) Latitudes and Longitudes 3) Temperature zones of the earth 4) States and their capitals
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