Davie County Resource Guide Compiled by Local Interagency Coordinating Council 2019/2020 The role of the LICC is to: Develop and distribute county-specific public awareness & child find materials; Support interagency partnerships & information sharing; Promote parent & family involvement in all community events; Support community efforts that involve children with special need & their families. Crisis Assistance
We do not endorse or recommend any organization listed in this directory. This directory was designed for informational purpose only. The information in this guide may not be a complete listing of available county or community resources. Advocacy Center……………………………………………………………………...……….336.753.0407 261 South Main Street | Mocksville, NC 27028 www.advocacycenterdaviecounty.com The Advocacy Center of Davie County is a faith-based, non-profit 501 (c)(3) corporation established for the purpose of helping low income and disadvantaged Davie County residents to connect with support resources in a time of crisis. American Red Cross (NW North Carolina Chapter)…………………………...…...……336.724.0511 690 Coliseum Drive | Winston Salem, NC 27016 Monday - Friday 8:30 am - 5 pm | www.nwnc-redcross.org/ Provides emergency services to disaster victims, military personnel and families. Educational classes on CPR, First Aid, Winter Safety, and HIV/AIDS. Carolinas Poison Center…………………………..……………………………….…...…...1.800.222.1222 www.ncpoisoncenter.org Davie Center for Violence Prevention………………………………………………..……..336.751.4357 172 South Clement Street Suite 2 | Mocksville, NC 27028 Monday - Friday 8:30 am - 5 pm Davie Domestic Violence Services and Rape Crisis strives to prevent violence in families through community awareness and educational programs for children and adults. The staff and volunteers provide victim support through crisis intervention, victim advocacy, court ad- vocacy, referrals and support groups to victims of domestic violence and sexual assault. The agency has a 24-hour crisis line and also offers assistance with seeking emergency shelter. The Dragonfly House Children’s Advocacy Center……….……………………….........336.753.6155 The Dragonfly House is a Nationally Accredited Children’s Advocacy Center (CAC) offering a safe, private, child focused, family-friendly space for child victims of abuse to talk about what happened during a forensic interview. The center also provides victim advocacy services and a child medical exam by a certified CMEP physician. Children are seen during a private appointment, which is scheduled ONLY by law enforcement or social services. Therapy is also offered to child victims of abuse. If your child has experienced this type of trauma and needs help, contact The Dragonfly House to learn more. We serve children from birth to 17 in Davie, Davidson, Yadkin and surrounding counties. S.A.F.E. Hotline:….………………………………………………………………………...…….336.692.8588 129 E. Depot Street | Suite 200 | Mocksville, NC 27028 Www.liferestorebyfaith@gmail.org | liferestoredbyfaith7@gmail.com S.A.F.E.(Substance Abuse Family Education) offers weekly workshops, detox, rehab, aftercare, 1:1 Life Coaching, guidance to obtain higher quality of life (shelter/food/transportation). Crisis Assistance
Davie County Board of Education………………………………………………………336.751.5921 220 Cherry Street | Mocksville, NC 27028 http://davie.k12.nc.us/district/ Davie County Elementary Schools (Each elementary school offers preschool services.) Cooleemee Elementary…………………………………………………………………...336.284.2581 Cornatzer Elementary………………………………………………………………………336.940.5097 Mocksville Elementary……………………………………………………………………...336.751.2740 Pinebrook Elementary……………………………………………………………………...336.998.3868 Shady Grove Elementary…………………………………………………………………..336.998.4719 William R Davie Elementary………………………………………………………………..336.492.5421 Davie County Middle School William Ellis Middle School………………………………………………………………….336.998.2007 North Davie Middle School………………………………………………………………...336.998.5555 South Davie Middle School………………………………………………………………...336.751.5941 Davie County High School…………………………………………………………………336.751.5905 Early College………………………………………………………………………………….336.753.0888 Central Davie Academy…………………………………………………………………...336.751.5712 Davie County Schools Preschool Programs / NC Prek……………………………….336.751.0016 220 Campbell Road |Mocksville, NC 27028 Davidson County Community College, Davie Campus……………………………..336.751.2885 1205 Salisbury Road | Mocksville, NC 27028 YVEDDI Head Start…………………………………………………………………………..336.284.2374 www.yvheadstart.com Each school handles registration on site; call the office number listed for more information. Education
Davie County Licensed Child Care Centers A Child’s World Learning Center………………………………………………………….336.940.3975 Almost Home Child Care…………………………………………………………………...336.751.7529 Cuddly Care…………………………………………………………………………………..336.751.5640 Kountry Kids Learning Center………………………………………………………………336.940.2418 Little Friends……………………………………………………………………………………336.492.7114 Mudpies Child Development Center…………………………………………………….336.751.5298 Preschool of Performing Arts……………………………………………………………….813.465.9733 Young Children’s Learning Center……………………………………………………….336.751.7118 Davie County Faith Based Preschools Bethlehem Angels Preschool……………………………………………………………...336.998.6820 Center United Methodist Church Preschool…………………………………………...336.492.5853 First Presbyterian Church Preschool……………………………………………………...336.751.2507 First United Methodist Church Preschool………………………………………………..336.751.2503 Hillsdale Baptist Church Preschool………………………………………………………..336.940.6618 Hillsdale United Methodist Church Preschool…………………………………………..336.998.1098 Macedonia Moravian Preschool………………………………………………………….336.998.4394 Trinity Baptist Academy……………………………………………………………………..336.284.2404 Big Brothers Big Sisters……………………………………………………………………...336.751.9906 41 Court Square| Mocksville, NC 27028 | www.bbbsnc.org Mentoring for children (girls ages 6-15 and boys 6-13) Blaise Baptist Mothers of Preschoolers (MOPS)………………………………………..336.751.3639 Children’s Developmental Services Agency (CDSA)………………………………...336.713.7412 Regional early intervention center for infants and toddlers (birth-36 months) with develop- mental disabilities or delays. Provides evaluation, treatment service coordination and con- sultation to families in Forsyth, Davidson, Davie, Stokes, Surry and Yadkin Counties. Children’s Home Society of North Carolina………………………………………….1.800.632.1400 604 Meadows Street Greensboro, NC 27415 | www.chsnc.org/ Monday - Friday 8:30 am - 5 pm Offers information on adoption and foster care placement, post-adoption counseling and pregnancy support services. Family Support
Crossnore School and Children’s Home………………………………………………….336.721.7600 1001 Reynolda Road | Winston Salem, NC 27104 | www.crossnore.org Crossnore School & Children’s Home is a non-profit residential foster care home for children in crisis from North Carolina. Consumer Credit Counseling Services…………………………………………………...336.896.1191 8064 Northpoint Blvd. | Winston Salem, NC 27106 | www.cccsforsyth.org/ Confidential and affordable budget counseling, debt counseling, and HUD approved counseling. Seniors may obtain additional services such as filing and check balancing. Davie County Department of Social Services………………………………………….336.753.6250 228 Hospital Street | Mocksville, NC 27028 | www.co.davie.nc.us Monday - Friday 8:30 am - 5 pm Child Protective Services; Foster care; Adoption; Child Care Assistance; child care support collection; emergency financial assistance; foods stamps for eligible persons; general in- take assistance such as energy and utilities; Work First; child support enforcement; Medicaid Services for children and eligibility programs such as Food and Nutrition Services. Davie County Public Library……………………………………………………….……...336.753.6750 371 North Main Street | Mocksville, NC 27028 Monday-Thursday 9 am to 8:30 pm; Friday 9 am - 5:30 pm; Saturday 9 am - 3 pm; Sunday 2 pm - 5 pm | www.library.daviecounty.org/ Cooleemee Branch Library………………………………………………………………..336.753.6049 7796 NC Highway 801 South | Cooleemee, NC 27014 Monday—Friday am—12 pm and 1 pm - 5 pm www.daviecountync.gov Books, DVDs, audiobooks, public access computers, preschool story time, summer reading programs. Davie County United Way………………………………………………………………...336.751.0313 121 Country Lane | Mocksville, NC 27028 Monday - Friday 9 am - 5 pm |www.davieunitedway.org The mission of the Davie County United Way is to advance the common good of Davie County by uniting the resources of the community to identify and address the most pressing human needs. This is achieved through direct programs facilitated by DCUW, such as Call Family Support
Davie County Health Department………………………………………………………...336.753.6750 210 Hospital Street | Mocksville, NC 27028 | www.daviecountync.gov Monday - Friday 8:30 am to 5 pm Nutrition education and supplemental food program for pregnant, breast-feeding, and postpartum women, infants and children (WIC) to the age of five, breastfeeding counseling and support, screening and testing services, health education, immunizations, sexually transmitted disease clinic, diabetes education clinic, Health Check, purchase of medical care services, car seat and installation program, tuberculosis control program, breast and cervical cancer control program, family planning program, maternity care coordination program, maternal health/newborn home visiting program, prenatal clinic, prepared child- birth classes, child health clinic, care coordination for children (CC4C), sickle cell testing program and genetic counseling, SIDS counseling, and Welcome Home Baby Program. The Nest Family Counseling Center……………………………………………..336.753.4673 A division of Davie County Health Department serving children ages 3-18 years and their families. Davie Pregnancy Care Center…………………………………………….……………..336.753.4673 491 Madison Road | Mocksville, NC 27028 Tuesday - 12-6 pm Wednesday - Thursday 10-4 pm www.daviepregnancycare.com Abstinence information, peer counseling, confidential setting, maternity clothing, baby needs, spiritual counseling and guidance, free pregnancy tests, pregnancy information, adoption information, parenting information, and post-abortion counseling. Family Promise of Davie County…………………………………………………………..336.284.4200 Monday - Friday 9 am - 5 pm |lfoster@familypromisedc.org Family Promise of Davie County (FPDC) provides temporary shelter and supportive services to families with children experiencing homelessness. We partner with faith-based congre- gations who use their facilities and organized volunteers to provide overnight shelter and meals for our families. Families have access to our day center during daytime hours. Family Services, Inc. (Winston Salem)…………………………….……………………...336.722.8173 Www.familyserv.org……………………..……………………………Contact Helpline: 336.723.HELP Provides solution-focused counseling for children and families, individuals, and couples. Of- fers adoption services for families wishing to adopt and to the families after adoption. Pro- vides pregnancy counseling for individuals, couples and families. Family Support Network of Greater Forsyth…………………………………………….336.924.5301 4505 Shattalon Drive | Winston Salem, NC 27106 | www.fsngreaterforsyth.com An Outreach Program of the Centers for Exceptional Children Serving Forsyth, Davie, Da- vidson, Surry, Yadkin and Stokes Counties. Family Support
HUD……………………………………………………………………………………………..336.837.0648 773 Sanford Avenue | Mocksville, NC 27028 | www.hud.gov/kathy.banks@cccsforsyth.org Housing and Urban Development Affiliated with Consumer Credit Counseling. Offers counseling to homebuyers, Single and multi-family public housing (Section 8 housing), Self-help home ownership program, etc. Just Hope, Inc……………………………………………………………………………….336-909-4241 643 Wilkesboro St.| Mocksville, NC 27028 | www.justhopeinc.org Mobile outreach agency that provides food and non-traditional services to families in need. NC Cooperative Extension Service, Davie Center…………………………….……..336.753.6297 180 S. Main Street, Ste 210 | Mocksville, NC 27028 | www.davie.ces.ncsu.edu Educational information on budgeting, family and consumer education, farm animal and agricultural information and 4-H. No Fee. North Carolina Division of Child Development………………….…………………...1.800.859.0829 319 Chapanoke Road Suite 120 | Raleigh, NC 27603 | www.ncchildcare.dhhsstate.nc.us Monday - Friday 8 am - 5 pm excluding state holidays Building a stronger social & economic future for North Carolina by promoting high quality early childhood experiences. Information on child care and the laws surrounding child care. Smart Start of Davie County……………………………………………………………...336.751.2113 1278 Yadkinville Road | Mocksville, NC 27028 |www.daviesmartstart.org Monday - Friday 8 am - 5 pm Parents as Teachers (home visiting program); Nurturing Parenting Program (parenting clas- ses); Dolly Parton’s Imagination Library; Strengthening the Foundations of Quality providing early childhood training for teachers and caregivers; technical assistance for childcare pro- viders; Child Care Health Consultant providing health and safety trainings and technical support for child care providers; WAGE$; Reach Out and Read; Child Care Scholarships (call 336.753.6250)and Early Childhood Resource Center (Lending Learning Library) with a wide variety of resources available: Children’s Big Books, Resource Books, Curriculum Kits, Laminating (fee), Die Cuts, Paper (fee), and Copies (fee), Book Binding. Programs are free. We Achieve…………………………………………………………………………………….336.940.2088 1187 Cana Road | Mocksville, NC 27028 | www.weachievepeds.com In-home occupational therapy in Davie and surrounding areas. Family Support
A Storehouse for Jesus……………………………………………………………………..336.753.8081 675 East Lexington Road | Mocksville, NC 27028 | www.astorehouseforjesus.org Monday, Wednesday & Thursday 9 am - 11 am and Tuesday 1 - 3 pm Provide clothing, food, toys, infant items, etc. for families in need; school supplies in August for Davie County families; Thanksgiving dinners & Christmas gifts of new clothes & toys for Davie County families (begin signing up for holiday programs mid-to-late September). Turning Point Family Services……………………………………………………………..704.660.6854 201 S. Church Street | Moorseville, NC 28115 | www.turningpointfamilyservices.org/ Therapeutic family services, transitional living, intensive in-home (mental health, substance abuse, sexually/reactive youth, dual diagnosis and trauma focused), medication manage- ment, outpatient therapy, residential programs. Family FUN Davie County Boy Scouts - Old North Start Council…………………………………………………...336.378.9166 Davie County 4-H…………………………………………………………………………..336.753.6100 Davie County Arts Council……………………………………………………………….336.751.3000 Davie Family YMCA………………………………………………………………………..336.751.9622 Girls Scouts-Tarheel Triad Council……………………………………………………….336.274.8491 Lake Myers…………………………………………………………………………………...336.492.7736 Davie County Recreation and Parks……………………………………………….…...336.751.2325 Rich Parks…………………………………………………………………………………….336.751.5500 River Park at Cooleemee Falls…………………………………………………………...336.751.2325 Thousand Trails………………………………………………………………………………336.998.2013 Forsyth County Bethabara Historic Park…………………………………………………………...……….336.924.8191 Tanglewood Park…………………………………………………………………………...336.778.6300 Reynolda Gardens………………………………………………………………………….336.758.5593 SCIWORKS…………………………………………………………………………………….336.767.6730 Children’s Museum of Winston Salem…………………………………………………..336.723.9111 Old Salem…………………………………………………………………………………....336.721.7300 Rowan County Dan Nicholas Park…………………………………………………….704.636.2089 or 1.866.767.2757 Lazy Five Ranch……………………………………………………………………………...704.663.5100 NC Transportation Museum……………………………………………………………….704.636.2889 Family Support
Alanon Alateen Family Services…………………………………………………………..336.723.1452 206 North Spruce Street | Winston Salem, NC 27101 | www.al-anon.alateen.org Monday- Friday 8:30 am - 5 pm Alcoholics Anonymous (AA)……………………………………………………………….336.725.6031 Winston Salem, NC | www.alcholics-anounymous.org Arc of North Carolina………………………………………………………………………..336.273.4404 5500 A West Friendly Avenue | Greensboro, NC 27410 | www.arcnc.org Provides support to individuals with developmental disabilities including financial assistance to special education classrooms in Davie County, a week long summer camp for school age children and adults with developmental disabilities. Bowman Gray Child Guidance…………………………………………………………..336-716-4551 Winston-Salem, NC | www.wfubmc.edu/psychiatry Monday – Friday 8 am - 5 pm Provides outpatient mental health evaluations and treatment for children and adolescents. Cancer Services, Inc………………………………………………………………………..336.760.9983 3175 Maplewood Avenue | Winston Salem, NC 27130 | www.cancerservicesonline.org Monday - Friday 9 am - 5 pm Cancer Services, Inc. is a United Way, non-profit organization dedicated to enhancing the quality of life for those living with cancer and to providing the gift of life through education. Services offered include: Information and Referral, Patient Advocacy, Cancer Medication and Emergency Financial Assistance, Pink Broomstick Breast Cancer Support, Peer Support, Home Health Equipment Loan Closet, Medical Supplies, Wigs, Prosthesis, Resource Lending Library, Transportation Assistance for Radiation Appointments, Conversations on Cancer Programs, and Community Education. Volunteer opportunities are also available. Cape Fear……………………………………………………………………………………..336-677-1116 372-B W Maple St | Yadkinville, NC 27055 |www.capefearregionaltransport.com Cape Fear Regional Transport, Inc. Offers Professional, Cost Effective, Non Emergency Transport Services for: Doctor Appointments, Hospital Discharges and Out Patient Procedures. CareNet Counseling Center of Davie County…………………………………………336.716.0855 412 North Main Street | Mocksville, NC 27028 | www.carenetcounselingofdavie.org A non-profit agency that provides a full range of faith-based counseling services to the public. Center for Substance Abuse Treatment (CSAT)…………………………………….1-800-662-4357 National drug and alcohol treatment referral hotline | Se habla Español……1.800.662.9832 Support for recovering substance abusers and people who wish to stop using drugs. Health & Development Services
Cardinal Innovations Healthcare…………………………………..……Access line 1.800.939.5911 Cardinal Innovations Healthcare is the country's largest specialty health plan serving individ- uals throughout North Carolina who are eligible for Medicaid or are uninsured with complex needs. Cardinal Innovations serves individuals in Davie County and other areas who need mental health, intellectual and developmental disability, and/or substance use/addictions services. For 24/7 referral and crisis, call 1.800.939.5911. Centers for Exceptional Children……………..…………………………………………..336.727.2440 2315 Coliseum Drive | Winston Salem, NC 27101 | www.thecfec.org A day school for orthopedic and other health impaired children from birth to 11 years old. Davie County Group Home……………………………………………………………….336.751.5014 785 Sanford Avenue | Mocksville, NC 27028 Provides residential services to adults with developmental disabilities and opportunities to acquire social skills, independent living and self-reliance skills. The supported living program offers independent apartment living with services geared toward each individual. Davie County Health Department………………………………………………………...336.753.6750 210 Hospital Street | Mocksville, NC 27028 | www.daviecountync.gov Monday - Friday 8:30 am - 5 pm Nutrition education and supplemental food program for pregnant, breast feeding, and postpartum woman, infants and children (WIC) to the age of five; breasting counseling and support, screening and testing services, health education, immunizations, sexually transmit- ted disease clinic, diabetes education clinic, Health Check, purchase of medical care ser- vices, care seat and installation program, tuberculosis control program, family planning program, maternal health/newborn home visiting program, prenatal clinic, prepared child- birth classes, child health clinic, care coordination for children (CC4C), sickle cell testing program and genetic counseling, SIDS counseling, and Welcome Home Baby Program. Daymark Recovery…………………………………………………………………………..336.751.5636 119 West Depot Street | Mocksville, NC 27028 | www.daymarkrecovery.org Provides outpatient therapy and community support for people with mental health diagno- sis. Serves people with depression, bipolar, ADHD, ODD, schizophrenia and other various mental disorders. Services for young children or adolescents with behavioral problems that are significant to warrant a mental health diagnosis. Dial-A-Hearing…………………………………………………………………………...…...919.929.4327 Screening tests over the phone. (This a recording, not for screening children) Disability Hotline……………………………………………………………………..……...1.800.638.6810 Information about Social Security Disability and the Supplemental Security Income (SSI) Pro- gram. Provides direct emergency financial assistance for past due rent, utilities, food and lodging. Health & Development Services
Disability Rights North Carolina………………………………………………………….1.877.235.4210 3724 National Drive, Suite 100 | Raleigh, NC 27612 | www.disabilityrightsnc.org Disability Rights NC may be able to help. We deal with cases involving discrimination or violations of the rights of people with disabilities. We provide advocacy and legal services at no charge to people with disabilities throughout North Carolina. Monarch New Horizons……………………………………………………………………...336.751.1805 161 Funder Drive | Mocksville, NC 27028 | www.monarchnc.org Monday - Friday 8 am - 4 pm Provides organized activities for adults with mental retardation/developmental disabilities in preparation for life and work pursuits. Services include activities in the areas of personal hy- giene, prevocational and supported employment to socialization, educational and group activities. North Carolina Services for the Blind…………………………………….……………...1.866.222.1546 Monday - Friday 8 am - 5 pm | www.ncdhhs.gov/dsh Independent living counselor, Medicaid, orientation and mobility teachers. NC Health Check…………………………………………………………………………..1.800.367.2229 Monday - Friday 8 am - 5 pm Spanish Translator. Child and infant health, pregnancy health and planning, community referrals. Call for more information. Northwest Community Care Network…………………………………………………....336.713.6226 2000 West First Street, Suite 704 | Winston Salem, NC 27104 | www.nwcommunitycare.org Care Coordination for children 0-4 years, Care Management (5 & up), Pharmacy Services, Pregnancy Medical Home, Behavioral Health, Chronic Pain, Quality Improvement - Patient Centered Medical Home, Health Check, CHIPRA, Advanced Care Planning, ABCD (Assuring Better Child Health & Developmental Project), A+ Kids. Partnership for Drug Free North Carolina………………………………………………...336.725.8389 Insight Human Services, Inc. 665 West Forth Street | Winston Salem, NC 27101 | www.drugfreenc.org | 1.877.4HELP.NC Insight Human Services, Inc. is a 501(c)(3) accredited non-profit providing substance abuse and mental health services in 50 counties across North Carolina. Our corporate offices are located in the heart of downtown Winston-Salem. Social Security Administration…………………………………………………………...1.800.772.1213 1840 Jake Alexander Blvd. | Salisbury, NC 28147 | www.ssa.gov No fee. Medicare, Medicaid and SSI Health & Development Services
Yadkin Valley Economic Development District, Inc………………………………...…336.753.8205 Community Block Services Block Grant Self Sufficiency Project 622 North Main Street, Suite 203 | Mocksville, NC 27028 The Self-Sufficiency Program is designed to assist individuals/families to overcome poverty. Our service model assists customers to obtain the necessary resources for a full life, insights into the hidden rules of economic class, develop strategies to evaluate themselves, choose behaviors, and make plans to help stabilize their environment, and build resources for a better life. Davie Wellness Center…………………………………………………………..…………..336.778-3658 142 Gaither Street | Mocksville, NC 27028 | www.cardinalinnovations.org Monday - Friday 8 am to 5 pm Wellness Centers are gathering places where community members can come to meet people, have fun, participate in healthy activities, gather information and learn about community resources. See website for calendar of events each month. Pediatrician Offices Advance Pediatrics…………………………………………………………………………..336.998.9742 114 Kinderton Blvd. | Advance, NC 27006 Mocksville Pediatrics……………………………………...………………………………....336.753.8244 113 Marketplace Dr.| Mocksville, NC 27028 *Generally pediatricians see children until they are 18 years old. Medical Practices Novant Health Davie Medical Associates ………………………………………………336.751.8000 485 Valley Road | Mocksville, NC 27028 Novant Health Hillsdale Medical Associates ………………………………...…………336.998.9060 121 Medical Dr, Advance, NC 27006 Family Care Center of Mocksville………………………………………………….……...336.753.0800 101 Wilkesboro Street #2 | Mocksville, NC 27028 Family Medicine - Hillsdale…………..……………………………………………………336.716.WAKE 147 Peachtree Lane |Advance, North Carolina 27006 Health & Development Services
Driver’s License Office………………………………………………...……………………..336.751.5016 161 Popular Street Ste. 101 | Mocksville, NC 27028 | www.ncdot.org/dmv Monday - Friday 8 am - 4:30 pm Internal Revenue Services……………………………………………………….……….1.800.829.1040 www.irs.gov Legal Aid Society of Northwest NC, Inc………………………………………………..1.866.219.5262 102 West 3rd Street, Ste. 460 | Winston Salem, NC 27101 | www.legalaidnc.org\\apply Monday - Friday 9 am - 5 pm There are no fees for services, but clients must be within 200% of the federal poverty level for most programs. Clients are given counsel and advice in areas such as family law, consum- er law, foreclosures, and Hispanic outreach. Services are offered in Spanish. Services are provided for domestic violence victims seeking legal advice and representation. Services for a wide range of services for low income clients in a variety of areas of law. North Carolina Bar Association…………………………………………………………..1.800.662.7407 North Carolina Lawyer Referral Service………………………………………………..1.800.662.7660 Public Transportation (YVEDDI)……..………………………………………………………336.751.2187 Monday - Friday 6 am - 6 pm US Citizenship and Immigration Services……………………………………………...1.800.375.5283 www.uscis.gov/portal/site/uscis | Application support line Local Law Enforcement Non-Emergency Numbers Davie County Sheriff’s Office………………………………………...……………………..336.751.6238 140 South Main Street | Mocksville, NC 27028 Mocksville Police Department…………………………………………..…………………336.751.6231 278 North Main Street | Mocksville, NC 27028 Cooleemee Police Department……………………………………………...…………….336.284.4098 114 Duke Street | Cooleemee, NC 27014 NC Highway Patrol………………………………………………..……...336.751.2021 or 704.637.0207 140 South Main Street | Mocksville, NC 27028 Other Services & Important Numbers
This Resource Guide is presented to you by: Smart Start of Davie County The Dragonfly House Children’s Advocacy Center Just Hope, Inc, Family Promise of Davie County Winston Salem CDSA Northwest Community Care Network ABCD Project Care Coordination for Children (CC4C) Davie County Health Department Davie County Department of Social Services Davie County Schools Davie County Preschool Programs (NC Prek) YVEDDI Head Start YVEDDI Community Services Block Grant (CSBG) Child Care Resource and Referral (CCR&C) Davie County Domestic Violence Education Services for the Deaf & Blind S.A.F.E. Program ~ Life Restored by Faith Outreach Ministry Inc. NOTES
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