Tiger TalesNews from the Delta Theta Colony of Chi PhiVolume 1, Issue 1 April 2017We’re Back!!! The summer of 2016 saw the return of Delta In the Spring, the Delta Theta Colony continuedTheta to the Clemson University campus through ex- its growth by initiating five new members into its broth-pansion efforts of the Chi Phi National Office. After a erhood. These new members have become a model ex-concerted effort by the expansion team, a great group ample for how future initiated brothers will allow Chiof new members were recruited and later initiated into Phi to enter their hearts. They were properly educatedChi Phi at the Omega Chapter at Georgia Tech this not only on the values of the Chi Phi Fraternity, but alsopast October. how to run a successful colony. Since Chi Phi attracts men of exceptional character in its recruiting, Delta On November 12, 2016, the twenty-eight men Theta has not skipped a beat in its journey to becomingpictured above were initiated as Chi Phi Brothers for a stronger organization on campus.life. Even before initiation, a colony-wide effort hasbeen made towards strengthening and growing Delta With big plans in store for the upcoming fall se-Theta as a colony. There is still work to be done, but mester and beyond, we will need all the help we canwe have already established a positive reputation at get. Delta Theta is full of resilient and bright men, butClemson University. we are still just getting started. Continued on Page 3…
2 Tiger Tales From the From the Alpha… Alumni Will Greene Chair… DQ’18 Gabriel Nadolski My name is Will Greene and I'm a junior fi- DQ’19nance major with a minor in accounting. I am fromIrmo, South Carolina and graduated from Dutch Fork Hello Brother! Wherever you are, I hope thatHigh School. After I graduate from Clemson I intend this newsletter finds you in good health and fortune.on entering a MBA program and getting my real estate You may have already heard that the Chi Phi Fraternitylicense with an emphasis in commercial real estate. It has established a colony at Clemson University, buthas been a great honor to be selected as Alpha of the were wondering what we have been up to. Well, fromDelta Theta colony. I am humbled that the expansion the day we were initiated, the brothers of Delta Thetateam from the Chi Phi National Office has trusted me have been working hard to make our presence knownwith leading this group of men. I have taken this re- on campus. There is still a lot of work to be done, butsponsibility head-on, and I will ensure that this colony we invite you to peruse this newsletter to catch up onis successful in its mission to grow in size, strengthen what we have accomplished in our first full semester inin character, and keep true to the Creed of the Chi Phi operation.Fraternity. I am honored to be a Chi Phi Brother, and to be This past winter, I had the pleasure to attend the able to address you as my fellow brothers. Above all, IAlpha's Academy in Atlanta, Georgia. At the Alpha’s am very excited to be a Founding Father of the rebornAcademy, I learned about important leadership quali- Delta Theta Colony! I can already tell that my Chi Phities from other Chi Phi Alphas. I apply what I learned experience will be a rewarding one.at this conference every single day in leading DeltaTheta on the right path. I also brought back the Chi Phi was appealing to me because I had al-knowledge of running a successful fraternal chapter to ways wanted to have a Brotherhood that I belonged to.the colony, which has proven crucial in our beginnings After only one semester, I have not only learned a greatas a brotherhood. These important lessons have helped deal about brotherhood, but also how to start a new fra-me grow into a professional leader. ternal colony. In addition to being the Alumni Rela- tions Chair, I am also the Recruitment Chair of the I've had great fun leading this great group of Delta Theta Colony, and in my position I have learnedguys. Being President of a fraternity isn’t easy, but I valuable lessons in networking, people skills, and eventam eternally grateful for this opportunity to grow as a planning. These are all valuable skills that Chi Phi hasleader. Thanks to the teachings of Chi Phi and the taught me that I could not learn anywhere else.members of Delta Theta, I have grown into a betterman and a better leader. I have created strong ties with Looking forward to the future, we are workingthe brothers of Delta Theta and I continue to be sur- very hard to get chartered and become a Chi Phi Chap-prised by these ambitious men. I will continue in my ter as soon as possible. We invite you to stay in con-hard work to set an example for the Alphas who suc- tact, so we can update you with our progress. If youceed me here at Clemson University to ensure the con- would like for us to share any personal news in ourtinued success of the Delta Theta colony and it’s inevi- next newsletter coming out this summer, please emailtable chartering. us at [email protected]
Tiger Tales 3We’re Back… from page 1 2017 Executive Council What makes us special is that the future is so Alpha (President) - Will Greene ‘18bright and our potential is unimaginable. Within just afew months, so much has been accomplished. With Irmo, SC; Junior; Finance/Accountingsome alumni support, we can achieve all our goals. Ifyou do not forget about us, we will never forget about Beta (Vice-President) - Bradley Meyers ‘20you. Hartsville, SC; Freshman; Political Science We are planning to work diligently over thesummer to have a superior recruitment plan in place, Gamma (Secretary) - Seth Hester’20and connected with a great PR & social media push weare going to accomplish great things in the Fall!!! We Greenville, SC; Freshman; Computer Sciencelook forward to having our alumni visit us during rushand for football tailgates—look for more info in our Delta (Treasurer) - Hunter Bond’20next issue of Tiger Tales. Laurens, SC; Freshman; Electrical Engineering If you would like more information on how tohelp, or if you would like to be alerted about any up- Epsilon (Sergeant–at-Arms) - Jason Brule’20coming alumni events, please contact us at: N. Charleston, SC; Freshman; Mechanical Engineering [email protected] Zeta (Historian) - CJ Connelly’19 Prosperity, SC; Sophomore; Industrial Engineering Eta (Risk Manager) - Benjamin Bloom’20 Gaithersburg, MD; Freshman; Business Administration Theta (Membership Educator) - Braxton Baird’19 Lexington, NC; Sophomore; Genetics Iota (Recruitment Chairman) - Gabriel Nadolski ‘19 Barre, MA; Sophomore; Biochemistry Delta Theta on the Move...
4 Tiger TalesWe want to hear from you! Send your comments, questions, news & notes [email protected] following alumni are “lost” from the National or University records… showingthe last town we have for them… Any info you can provide to help us re-establishcontact will be greatly appreciated!Nick Bascom, 2008 Michael Francis, 2008 Michael Morrone, 2007Tyler Braxmeier, 2005 James Garrett, 2008 Joseph Piccirilli, 2004Colin Brown, 2008 Douglas Gibson, 2005 Taylor Pitelka, 2007Nicholas Caramancio, 2008 Keith Godfrey, 2005 Ryan Sands, 2005Richard Chesser, 2010 Kevin Hackett, 2008 Jackson Sparks, 2008Kyle Dalton, 2007 John Hawley, 2005 Michael Svoboda, 2004Jacob Davis, 2010 Thomas Lawton, 2008 John Swick, 2005Bryan DiNallo, 2004 Christopher Malliet, 2010 Christopher Teixeira, 2005Joshua Domingo, 2004 Brendan McCall, 2005 Jeff Thomas, 2008Zachary Doyle, 2004 Alton Meekins, 2008 Ricard Very, 2006Alexander Fanshel, 2008 Michael Milano, 2008 Scenes from Spring 2017 Football Tailgate Rumor has it on two of Delta Theta’s Founding Fathers…. Kirk Thomas, 2004 is continuing his career withAnheuser-Bush in Dallas, Texas… and Ryan Toole, 2004 is teaching in the Business Department at Clemson. Please send your news and updates to [email protected] Photos are always welcome!!!
Tiger Tales 5 Fall Rush Around The Corner...Omega Brother Lends a Hand for The weekend of August 26-27 will mark the be-Spring Rush… ginning of Fall Rush at Clemson University. Formal Rush at Clemson always kicks off with “Smokers,” anThe hand of Brotherhood is always extended... event where all the fraternities on campus set up tents on Bowman Field for the weekend and invite those interest- Delta Theta Brothers had a surprise lending ed in fraternity membership a chance to meet the broth-hand from Tim Murphy, W’15 and firefighter with the ers and enjoy some great food in an effort to receive aCorinth-Shiloh Volunteer Fire Department, who used bid.his skills to help the Brothers set up their new tent forthe spring rush smoker. Delta Theta is very excited for fall rush because there is potential of a historically large amount of fresh- See how Brother Murphy puts the Chi Phi man interest in joining fraternities because of the recentCreed into practice by serving his community: spike in enrollment. This will be a great opportunity for the colony to grow and invite men of great character to join our brotherhood. Stay tuned for more de- tails in our summer issue of Tiger Tales. We would love to have some of our Alumni come by if you are in the area!https://youtu.be/aLmsIofyPwIBelow: Brothers set up the new Chapter Tent for anevent at Bowman Field Delta Theta Brothers Join Delta Zeta Sorority to Raise Funds for the Starkey Hearing Foundation Even though the brothers did not place highly or win any prizes in this skeet shooting competition, they had a lot of fun and helped raise money for the ǻǽ Sorority’s philanthropy. Beta Meyers shot the highest score on the team.
6 Tiger TalesMeet the Newest Members Brothers Engage inof the Delta Theta Colony Community Service Projects Moving from left to right in the photograph above, please allow us The brothers of the Delta Theta Colony areto introduce the New Member Class of Spring 2017, in their own words: committed to giving back to our community through a wide variety of service events in the Clemson area. AtJonathon Finazzo- “I am entering my sophomore year each event, we put our all into anything that is asked ofat Clemson as a double major in Economics and Fi- us, and we represent the Chi Phi Fraternity with thenance. I am super excited for this Fall since it will honor that it deserves.begin my first full year as an active member!” Every week, a few brothers go to the GreenvilleBryan Friers- “I’m very excited to be a brother of the Boys and Girls Club to help with the after-school day-Chi Phi Fraternity here at Clemson. In the short time I care program. The brothers have done events with thehave been a member, I can already see a bright future Crossroads Animal Rescue Shelter ranging from clean-for our fraternity.” ing kennels to volunteering at their ‘Pints-for-Pups’ adoption event. The brothers also helped out with theMason Kingery- “I came to Clemson because I fell in Walk for Water and the Relay for Life.love with the campus, and it’s here that Chi Phi hasprovided the brotherhood I’ve been longing for. “ Above, Walking the walk at the Charleston Walk for Water Below, Brothers assist at Crossroads Animal RescueJonathon Pugilese- “I am a sophomore computer engi-neer from Charlotte. I am excited to be a part of ChiPhi because its brotherhood extends beyond Clemson.”Caleb Hardison- “Honestly, joining Chi Phi has beenone of the best experiences of my life. Becoming a betterman while accomplishing our goals along the way is whatI have gained from this fraternity. I look forward to thefuture I spend with my brothers.”
Tiger Tales 7Chapter Excellence Fund a Great Delta Theta Brothers take Way to Support Delta Theta First Place in GFB Sorority A Chapter Excellence Fund (\"CEF\") is a sepa- Lip Sync Battlerate account held within the umbrella of the Chi PhiEducational Trust that is restricted for the exclusive Delta Theta made a splash on campus after win-benefit of an individual Chapter and its members. This ning the īșǺ Sorority Lip Sync Battle, a philanthropicfall, Delta Theta will be establishing a CEF to provide event to raise money for ‘Girls on the Run’, an organiza-an avenue for future Alumni support of scholarships tion with the goal of instilling positive growth in youngand an awards program for the Chapter members. girls. On top of taking the top prize inLook for details in the next issue of Tiger Tales. the event, the brothers who participated were able to meet some of the players of To learn more about the CEF please visit the National Championship-winninghttp://chiphi.org/educational-trust/cef/ Clemson Tigers football team, who were judging the competition. Brothers Attend Regional Leadership Alliance at View the Performance here: UNC-Wilmington https://www.youtube.com/watch?=pFBJaGOXUnc Six Brothers traveled to UNC-Wilmington inFebruary to attend a three-day conference presented by Delta Theta New Member Retreat in North Carolinathe National Fraternity. Brothers joined 80 other mem-bers from southeastern area Chi Phi chapters to learnabout chapter operations, Ritual, problem solving, re-cruitment, and many other facets of chapter functions. The opportunity to meet and exchange ideaswith other Chi Phi Brothers from around the countryand to share common challenges and experiences willhelp Delta Theta advance towards their goal of Char-tering in the near future.
E-MAIL: [email protected] WEBSITE http://chiphiclemson.weebly.com FACEBOOK: facebook.com/ChiPhiCU/ INSTAGRAM: chiphiclemson TWITTER: @ChiPhiCU Send us news and info… Rekindle contact with your alumni Brothers…. Support the re-chartering of the Delta Theta Chapter... Tiger TalesDelta Theta Colony Newsletter Clemson University 100 Norris Hall Clemson, SC 29634Address Box
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