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Home Explore SYL ADV MID JAN 2021


Published by Sylvania AdVantage 2020-2022 Publications, 2021-01-20 16:30:51

Description: We believe a positive outlook is power against the barrage of negativity all around us and makes for upbeat living while offering cohesive strength for our community.


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Jan. 18 – Feb. 1, 2021 Time-Sensitive Material Vol. 25, No.18 • PRSRT STD YOUR HOMETOWN GOOD NEWS PAPER U.S. Postage PAID Sylvania, OH 43560 Permit No. 8 Lauren and Kristen Blythe enjoy some play time after reading ‘The Mitten,’ a family favorite along the storybook trail at Olander Park on Jan. 13. SYLVANIA RESIDENT PROMOTED Once Upon a Time Kate Fineske has been at Olander ... named senior director of Institutional Advancement P20A for the National Museum of the Great Lakes. THE LAST OF THE PRE-CODE LADIES ON FILM P1B Mae West is one of several film stars featured in ‘Ladies they talk about ... the end of an era.’ P11B

MID JANUARY 2021 • SYLVANIA ADVANTAGE YOURGOOD.NEWS 3A City Council, Township Leaders Named Ringing in the New Year at TOPS enjoy the storybook trail featuring “The Mit- BY ERIKA BURI ten,” by Jan Brett. Happy New Year! We are so looking for- Inspired by this month's story, make a dif- wardto a fresh start in 2021. ference by donating new mittens (new scarves, hats, gloves) to Sylvania Area Family Services. An exciting year ahead has been planned Donations can be dropped off inside and out- with lots of projects in the wings, including a side of the Callahan Administrative Building paved walking trail at Whetstone Park and at Olander Park until Feb. 12. new shelter and playground at Fossil Park. Several smaller projects are also planned Finally, Park It At Home with TOPS with throughout the year, as well as awesome pro- kids Fun Packs featuring a winter theme this grams to help you keep healthy and engaged. month. Kick-off a new year of healthy habits by We love seeing you all in the parks and are joining the TOPS 365 Wellness Challenge. To- so glad we can help make this challenging ward the middle of the month, stroll Olander time easier to manage. Park with your kiddos (or on your own) and Best wishes in the new year from all of us at TOPS! Mark Frye, a member of Sylvania John Crandall was re-elected as INSIDE City Council, has been elected chairman of the Sylvania Township president at the Jan. 4 meeting. Board of Trustees at the Jan. 5 Before his 2014 appointment to meeting. He is a life-long resident council, he served as a member of Sylvania and has been a trustee of the Sylvania Municipal Planning since 2014. More on 5A Sylvania Now & Then 4A To advertise, email Commission. More on 6B [email protected] Sylvania Government 5A 5657 N. Main St., Suite 1 Sylvania, Ohio 43560 School Board President Elected The Mouse Trap 6A Telephone: 419-824-0100 Facsimile: 419-824-0112 Julie Hoffman has been elected Business Cards 7A Email: [email protected] as president of the Sylvania YOURGOOD.NEWS School Board at the Jan. 11 Downtown News 8-9A meeting. Hoffman, a Southview PUBLISHER and University of Toledo Business 12-16A Sharon Lange graduate, has served as a school board member since 2010. She is Schools/Sports 18-19A EDITORS the mother of two Northview Mary Helen Darah, Jennifer Ruple graduates. Hoffman is an In Style/Food 2-3B attorney in private practice with CONTRIBUTING WRITERS a focus on family law and has Community 4-10B Erika Buri, Tom Cole, Gayleen Gindy, spent much of her career Dr. Larry Johnson, Mike Jones, Craig Stough, working as a Guardian Ad Litem Sunnyside Up 5B for abused and neglected Janis Weber children. Reel Cinema 11B CONTRIBUTING PHOTOGRAPHER More on 18A John Crisman of AssetWare Lives Remembered 12-13B COPY EDITORS Sarah Groves, Dee Kalb, Bobbie Ziviski Tuning Up for Spring Showcase Real Estate 14B PRODUCTION ASSISTANT Classifieds 15B Susan Utterback ADVERTISING REPRESENTATIVES Dave Achen, Suzy Crawford, Mary Rose Gajewski, Molly O’Shea GRAPHICS AND PRODUCTION HEAD Penny Collins Views expressed by contributing writers do not necessarily reflect those of the publisher or staff. Forte Music School piano student Caleb McMunn gets ready for the Wherever life takes you, Spring Showcase to be held Friday and Saturday Feb. 5 and 6. The we’re there. concert will be held at Harvest Lane Alliance Church, 5132 Harvest Lane. The young pianist is a student of Jim Stanton. Bernie Heinl 7110 W. CENTRAL AVE., STE. D For more, turn to 7B Toledo, OH 43617 419-841-9036 Products underwritten by Nationwide Mutual Insurance Company and A liated Companies. Home O ce: Columbus, OH 43215. Nationwide and the Nationwide N and Eagle are service marks of Nationwide Mutual Insurance Company. ©2020 Nationwide CPC-0609AO (1/19) 12062912

4A YOURGOOD.NEWS SYLVANIA ADVANTAGE • MID JANUARY 2021 SYLVANIA–THEN AND NOW BY GAYLEEN GINDY–L O O K I N G B A C K 6826 Maplewood Avenue The next house that is 100 years or older is their retired lives. This was the case with old. His obituary notice said that he had Edinger brothers. They all lived on Erie Street. the house on Lot No. 20 of Burnham’s Addi- Sylvester and Harriett (Mason) Smith. They worked as a millwright for the Chevrolet Remember!! tion subdivision laid out in 1901 by Henry and were married in 1871 and had four children: Transmission plant for 20 years, retiring in Celestia Burnham. The house on this lot was Mina – 1872; Charles – 1874; Blanche – 1876; 1960. We all remember their son Roy “Bud” In 1981 this house was sold from the constructed in 1917 while still owned by Delia and Mary Maude – 1877. Records show that Becker as a teacher at Burnham High School Becker family name to Richard and Sara Cosgrove. She was the wife of Dr. T. Taylor in1874 they purchased their first acreage of and coach of basketball and tennis teams. He Hively. They owned it for eight years until they Cosgrove and they lived around the corner on farm land in the southwestern portion of Syl- became an assistant principal and then prin- purchased a home on Parkwood Boulevard in Phillips Avenue. In 1918 they moved and lived vania Township, although they lived in Wood cipal at Sylvania High School, and then prin- Sylvania in 1989, which they still own today. the rest of their lives in the home down the County during this time. Then, in 1886, they cipal of Northview High School until retiring street at 6754 Maplewood Ave., which I al- purchased more land in Sylvania Township in 1984 after more than 30 years in the Sylva- A review of the Suburban Directories from ready wrote about a couple of months ago. and at that time, moved here and farmed this nia School System. We also all remember their 1989 through 2020 shows that the next three land until they retired in 1921. daughters Ariel and Evelyn who each married property owners lived in this home while they 1922 - Hattie and Sylvester Smith owned it. After the Cosgroves had this home built they At the 1920 census Mr. and Mrs. Smith sold it in 1921 to the Smiths. The list of owners were still living on their farmland on Central 1938 is recorded as follows: Avenue and listed as retired. He was 73 years old and she was listed as 66 years old. During 1998 1921 – Sylvester S. and Harriett I. Smith his lifetime, while living in Sylvania, Sylvester 1929 – Sylvester S. Smith Smith was very involved in local government 1929 – Roy G. Becker and was elected as a Sylvania Township 1934 – Lucy Becker Trustee, Justice of the Peace and Sylvania 1978 – Roy G. Becker Township School Board member, among 1981 – Richard and Sara Hively other positions. In 1921, they purchased this 1989 – Albert and Cheryl Jackson home on Maplewood Avenue and lived out 2003 – Patrick E. Kollars, et al. the rest of their lives here. She died in 1925 2012 – Brian and Julie Kaser and he died in 1929. Back in the farming days it was very com- mon in Sylvania for a couple to farm all their Their daughter Blanche married George married lives, raise their family to adulthood, Becker. They had one child while married, and then in retirement sell their farm, or turn and named him George LeRoy Becker, but it over to their children. Then they would- Blanche died giving birth to him. At that time move into the “village” to live out the rest of the Smiths took care of their grandson, who they called LeRoy. Four years later George Becker, who was already their son-in-law, married their youngest daughter Mary Maude Smith, and they went on to have many chil- dren. In the meantime, young LeRoy stayed with his grandparents and is found living with them at age 6 at the 1900 census, and age 16 at the 1910 census. He was working on the family farm for his grandfather during this time. LeRoy was married in 1913 to Lucy Utz. At the 1920 census they were living on Central Avenue in Sylvania Township with their two daughters Ariel and Evelyn. He was listed as a farmer and owning his farm. In 1929 after his grandfather died. LeRoy, or Roy as he became known, acquired this home on Maplewood Avenue, and he and his wife proceeded to live here for the next 52 years, raising their chil- dren Ariel, Evelyn and Roy S. Becker. Lucy Becker died in 1978 at the age of 84 years and Roy Becker died in 1980 at 86 years SYLVANIA, LUCAS COUNTY, OHIO; FROM FOOTPATHS TO EXPRESSWAYS AND BEYOND By Gayleen Gindy VOLUME 7 RELEASED JULY, 2018 The seventh of an eight VOLUMES 1-6 volume set of history books about Sylvania, Lucas County, Ohio was released by local author Gayleen Gindy. When all eight volumes are published the top of the spines will spell out S-Y-L-V-A-N-I-A! VOLUMES ONE THRU SEVEN ARE AVAILABLE NOW 2020 AND CAN BE PURCHASED THROUGH AMAZON.COM OR BARNES & NOBLE. MAYBE YOUR NAME, OR YOUR ANCESTOR’S NAMES, ARE MENTIONED!

MID JANUARY 2021 • SYLVANIA ADVANTAGE YOURGOOD.NEWS 5A CRAIG STOUGH Sylvania City Operations been meeting via \"GoToMeeting\" Continue During COVID-19 since early last year. MAYOR’S MESSAGE All city of Sylvania services are still being I continue to meet weekly on provided to residents, even as the COVID-19 Tuesday afternoons via Zoom with pandemic continues to take its toll in our community. Police protection, area mayors and representatives of fire/EMS, rubbish collection/curbside recycling, water, sewer, street mainte- Lucas County and the Health De- nance/snow removal, and all other services have not been curtailed. partment to receive pandemic up- Sylvania City Hall and other city facilities are currently closed to the public dates and discuss the mutual due to the pandemic, but accessible by appointment. The Sylvania Municipal challenges of our communities. Court is in operation, having reopened in mid-December following COVID- Some of our neighboring commu- Craig Stough 19 infection of some court personnel. Similar to City Hall, the court is imple- nities have suffered more employee menting digital and telephone services when practical. illnesses than Sylvania, but we now Public meetings of Sylvania City Council and the Municipal Planning Commission are now have had positive cases and unfor- being held virtually via Zoom, as permitted by Ohio Law and strongly encouraged by the Lucas tunately an employee had to be County Health Commissioner. This does not mean public access to and participation at the hospitalized with COVID. meetings has been curtailed. Public comment has always been encouraged as part of our local The latest issue for reporting on Following state of Ohio protocols, masks are and discussing at these area mayors government proceedings, and continues during the pandemic. meetings is vaccine distribution required to enter the Sylvania municpal building. Sylvania City Council meetings are being live streamed on the city of Sylvania YouTube and facilitating the inoculation of residents. It is no accident that our meetings follow Governor Channel, making it more convenient than ever to view the proceedings. Public comment and DeWine’s televised press conferences on Tuesday afternoons. Governor DeWine is setting the participation can be submitted or requested during the meeting or in advance with the Clerk criteria for Ohio vaccine distribution, and we listen to the Health Commissioner responses of Council. If residents are not technologically equipped to view or participate electronically, and plans to meet those requirements. The input of the local mayors has proven valuable to a limited safe number of residents can view the electronic meeting live on a display in City review and improve that planning and convey it to residents. Council Chambers. Hopefully, we will all have access to the vaccine yet this winter and early spring. I, like you, Other local governments are also meeting digitally via Zoom or other similar digital meeting look forward to life returning to normal. I look forward to seeing my family members again programs. Both the Sylvania Area Chamber of Commerce and Sylvania Rotary meetings are and to seeing all of you as we work to improve and enjoy life in Sylvania. available via Zoom. The Toledo Metropolitan Area Council of Governments (TMACOG) has MIKE JONES “They seemed to always be in the build- When they aren’t called on to be else- age price of homes to be built. Last year the ing. In the cafeteria at meals, just talking to where, the lieutenant said, the three officers average was $348,127, compared to the av- TOWNSHIP TOPICS a youngster in the hallway. For some of the of community affairs will likely be found in erage of $307,611 in 2019. students, seeing an officer might create some one of the school buildings in the township. Christmas tree pickup anxiety, but after a time you could see that Township board leaders anxiety fade.” “They are police officers. They'll respond Sylvania Township will continue to pro- as necessary, but they’re not there for a prob- The Sylvania Township Board of Trustees vide a space where residents can dispose of He acknowledged that community affairs lem. They go because they enjoy the inter- has re-elected John Crandall as chairman for their Christmas trees until Feb. 1. Residents isn’t what many people think of when they action and want to support and guide the the year and John Jennewine as vice-chair- may place their trees, without any plastic think of first responders, “but I know how kids,” she said. man. The board also determined that meet- bagging, in a fenced-in area at the southwest important their work can be and I know how ings will continue to be on the first and third corner of the parking lot of the township ad- important the kids are to the Sylvania Town- The three officers designated as First Re- Tuesdays of each month, beginning at 5 pm. ministration building, 4927 Holland-Sylva- ship police, so I just decided they deserved sponders of the Week are Jeff Matuszewski, Trustees changed the time they will hear nia Rd. All lights, decorations, and tinsel to be nominated.” Dan Krajicek, and Bob Snow. zoning matters to 5:30 pm at those meetings. must be removed. Previously, zoning issues had been heard at Lt. Sarah Toth, head of the Sylvania Town- Housing permits 6 pm, but trustees said there were too many There will be no street-side tree collec- ship Police community affairs department, occasions when they had concluded their tion. said, “I know it’s not a big fire or a car crash, Housing permits for the construction of agenda, and those with an interest in a zon- but if a kid is in crises, that’s an emergency single-family homes in Sylvania Township ing issue have had to wait until the sched- Township Police recognized and our community affairs officers will re- reached 106 last year, an increase over the uled 6 pm. spond. They may be the first to respond, and previous year's total of an even 100. The The Community Affairs officers of the because of earlier relationships they may be number 100 is thought of as an unofficial Firefighters promoted Sylvania Township Police Department were the most effective.” sign reflecting healthy local economic activ- recently recognized by Channel 13abc as ity. Sylvania Township trustees have approved First Responders of the Week. They were She noted that the officers in her depart- the promotion of two members of the town- nominated by the Sylvania School District ment are responsible for other types of duty John Crandall, chairman of the Sylvania ship fire department. At the recommenda- for the honor, although their duties go be- such as meeting with businesses to discuss Township trustees, said, “That's a good sign,” tion of Sylvania Township Fire Chief Mike yond work in the schools within the town- crime prevention matters, hosting ‘coffee particularly when you consider COVID-19’s Ramm, Jeffrey Bennett be promoted to cap- ship. with a cop’ programs and other community effect on the economy overall. He and others tain. Capt. Bennett has been serving as an outreach efforts. “COVID-19 has curtailed had earlier voiced concerns about the poten- acting captain in charge of training. His pro- Tim Zieroff, assistant superintendent of some of our efforts recently, but there's still tial of a negative impact the virus might motion resulted in a vacancy for a lieutenant Sylvania Schools, said his admiration for the plenty to do.” cause township government. and trustees approved the promotion of department goes back to when he was prin- Jeremy Gillen for that position. cipal of Arbor Hills Junior High School. In addition to the number of permits, there was an increase in the cost of the aver-

6A YOURGOOD.NEWS SYLVANIA ADVANTAGE • MID JANUARY 2021 JANIS WEBER you need a list of sorts to remind you of all you time to keep a booklet of passwords. and ask for Susan Jennelle, 419-885-3913. Lim- need to reinstall. So, where are they? Many This new computer can be personalized with ited seating fills fast so call ASAP to reserve your THE MOUSE TRAP merely must be downloaded especially the spot. We are considering an Excel Club. Inter- printer and any other peripherals. Brand and a ton of options. Most are personal preference. ested? Call the SSC. I will post a heads up as soon Did you get a model numbers are required. Look through your The others are default settings. This means given as I know. new computer program list and make notes. a choice what browser or media player do you or tablet want to use, etc. If you have a new laptop most I Make House Calls (I wear a recently? You will have to install or reinstall your an- likely you will no longer have a CD/DVD (opti- mask) tivirus program. The license can be transferred cal) drawer. Never fear, you can purchase an ex- It seems so many peo- through its website by logging in. Speaking of ternal one and just plug it in whenever you like. I will come to your home or office and help logging in, you probably have plenty of pass- How often have you used it lately anyway? you with almost any predicament including re- ple have received new words that will enable your email and the other pairs, upgrades and general software or hardware sites you visit often. How about some shortcuts If any of this is overwhelming, let me come to issues. I can be your resident “geek.” I have an equipment lately. It is so to your favorites? Be ready with pencil in hand to the rescue. I will come to you and help you set endless amount of patience and knowledge with record new passwords like for instance you will everything up. Don’t forget a list of questions. years of experience. Give me a text or call at 419- Janis Weber fun to have fresh, fast new now have an official Microsoft Account including There are no dumb ones. I will give you that per- 290-3570. Do not forget to sign up for my free stuff; however, a few ques- an email address and a unique password. You will sonal atmosphere to get it all running perfectly. newsletter at Sub- be surprised how often the machine will have you If you have moved to a tablet environment, that scribers will get a copy of this article plus added tions come to mind. How do you move all your verify this information. This might be a great is awesome. Most of us do not need a laptop or hints, tips, and trusted/valuable web-links. desktop anymore. Your files will still be saved and files and folders from the old computer to the accessible. The most important thing is to know BACK UP YOUR COMPUTER’S DATA where your data is backed up. There are multiple TODAY – Critical action! new one safely? How can you organize your new solutions to this. It is not “if” but “when” your data will be compromised, lost, or stolen. AMEN. Janis Weber, B.A., owner of Ohio Computer computer, so it is most efficient? Programs can- Training & Support, is a professional computer ad- Next Sylvania Senior Center junct instructor. E-mail any specific questions or not be moved from one computer to another, so Classes comments to [email protected] or contact her for assistance at 419-290-3570. Private tutor- Check out our lower rates New classes with be held as soon as the center ing and repairs are just a phone call, text, or email for your home & auto! reopens in 2021. Check the SSC newsletter and away. website for the most current information. In- Call Jamilynn Fox Stop in for a quote cluded will be Windows 10 Computers Basics, Check out the archived articles on The Sylvania on home and/or auto Facebook, Microsoft Word, Google Docs and Advantage Website ( titled COM- iPhone/iPad. If you have a topic and know some PUTER 101. and receive a folks who are interested, call the Senior Center $15 gift certificate to Earth to Oven. Gavarone Sworn in to Full Term CHARLIE’S TOLEDO, INC. The Honorable Mary Katherine Huffman of the Montgomery County Court of Common Pleas administers the oath of office to State Senator Theresa THANK YOU Gavarone (R-Bowling Green) marking the beginning of her first four-year term in the Ohio Senate. Monday's ceremonies served as the official start of the NORTHWEST OHIO AND SOUTHEAST MICHIGAN 134th Ohio General Assembly. Gavarone will continue to the 2nd Senate District, which encompasses all or parts of Erie, Fulton, Lucas, Ottawa and for making Charlie’s and Grogan’s Towne the #1 Chrysler, Jeep, Wood counties. In addition to her public service, Gavarone is an attorney Dodge and Ram Automotive Group in the Area for 2020! and co-owner of a family business with her husband, Jim. She holds a bachelor’s degree in business administration from Bowling Green State University and a law degree from the University of Toledo College of Law. RAM 1500 JEEP JEEP CHRYSLER DODGE SYLVANIA’S OWN COMMUNITY CREDIT UNION WRANGLER GLADIATOR PACIFICA DURANGO JOIN NOW. ALL MEMBERS ARE PART OWNERS! 2017 RECIPIENT 2018 RECIPIENT SYLVANIA AREA If you live, work, go to school or volunteer in the Sylvania area, you can become a member. Visit our FEDERAL CREDIT UNION web site for complete banking services or stop by and see us. SYLVANIA AREA HOME MORTGAGES NOW AVAILABLE! Our amazing customers and dedicated employees are what makes this possible, year after year! Thank you for making FEDERAL JOIN TODAY! Charlie’s Dodge Chrysler Jeep Ram and Grogan’s Towne Chrysler Jeep Dodge Ram your dealer group of choice! CREDIT UNION 6613 Maplewood Ave. 419-476-0761 • 6100 N.TELEGRAPH RD. • TOLEDO 419-893-0241 • 725 ILLINOIS AVE. • MAUMEE GROGANSTOWNE.COM CHARLIESDODGE.COM 419-882-3525 Downtown Sylvania

MID JANUARY 2021 • SYLVANIA ADVANTAGE YOURGOOD.NEWS 7A FAUCETS / FIXTURES SUMP PUMPS • WATER HEATERS • TOILETS LOW WATER PRESSURE 419.882-5952 [email protected] $25 OFF FOR NEW CLIENTS bbb accredited business personal & business tax returns *i have expanded ways to help accomodate my clients due to the pandemic* face to face appointments/drop offs/email/fax * i am here for you! [email protected] 419-517-0284 ask for: pam marquis WƌŽǀŝĚĞǁŽƌŬĨŽƌĂĚƵůƚƐǁŝƚŚĚŝƐĂďŝůŝƟĞƐ͊ TLC Insurance Group ^ĞĐƵƌĞŽĐƵŵĞŶƚĞƐƚƌƵĐƟŽŶΨ͘ϮϬͬWŽƵŶĚ “Medicare & Retirement Planning with a Little TLC” Serving Individuals and Local Businesses JOE M. GIACCI, CLU Independent Insurance Broker ĂůůϰϭϵͲϱϭϳͲϱϱϲϬƚŽůĞĂƌŶŵŽƌĞ͊ Life, Health & Annuity 6800 CENTRAL AVE #B • TOLEDO, OH 43617 6377 River Crossings, Ste 2 | Sylvania 419-283-1747 • [email protected] 120 S Holland Sylvania Rd | Toledo Let Us 5(3$,563(&,$/,67‡*877(56 567-200-2291 &200(5&,$/ 5(6,'(17,$/‡/,&(16(',12+,2 0,&+,*$1 remove snow “Speedy Expert Service” from your property Pam Marquis sidewalks D r i v e ways Independent Scentsy Consultant & More You name it; we have all the smell goods for all of your needs: Wax melts, warmers, essential oils, laundry, cleaning, bath/body, pets, car, Nick’s Lawn Service room sprays, scentsy buddies for the kiddos, ect ect ... Call for Free Estimate So many AMAZING scents to choose from! 419-320-6407 You can shop and order online @ 5745 Phillips Avenue • Sylvania Check me out on facebook: PAM'S VIP SMELL GOODS Business Card Space Available $30 each issue with a six-issue minimum Call Sarah at 419-824-0100 or email [email protected]

8A YOURGOOD.NEWS SYLVANIA ADVANTAGE • MID JANUARY 2021 George and Carol France enjoy the December Art Walk. Dr. Larry Johnson and wife Jill are regular Art Walk patrons. Art Walks begin Red Birds are flying high and are ready for the inaugural First Friday Art Walk on Friday, Feb. 5 after a month break. “We look forward to an invigorated First Friday Art Walk.. The commu- nity embraced our November and December theme to keep Sylvania thriving. We want to build on that success and keep the momentum growing,” said Downtown Sylvania Association President Dani Fuller. The February Art Walk will highlight the two downtown breweries, UpSide Brewing and In- side the Five, just across the street. Nick Dallas of UpSide Brewing said he will feature an IPA, 6 Feet Away; an amber lager, On The Up And Up; a fruit beer with black, blue and raspberries; Royal Haze; a fruit beer with black, blue and raspberries; 10 Mile Red Ale and more for the night. According to Brandon Fields, Inside the Five is offering a Scottish ale, Kilt On; a Kettle sour IPA, Wildcat 3.0; a pilsner, Pooch Punt; a peanut and chocolate porter, Dez Nutz; a gin barrel- aged New England IPA, The Devil Wears Hood- ies; and a milk stout, Ashes of Victor. “In addition to having several new brews to enjoy, Art Walk participants will have the oppor- tunity to shop in all of our downtown stores, enjoy the art and entertainment featured that night,” said Dani Fuller of Fuller Art House, cur- rent Downtown Sylvania Association president and a First Friday Art Walk co-founder. “We want to encourage people to shop local and support our small, unique, locally owned small businesses in downtown Sylvania,” she in- vited. “Our ‘Keep Sylvania Thriving,’ campaign that we launched for the holiday season was very suc- cessful and we want the enthusiasm shoppers had to continue into 2021,” Fuller stated.

MID JANUARY 2021 • SYLVANIA ADVANTAGE YOURGOOD.NEWS 9A New DSA Leadership Team Elected LAW OFFICE OF MELAN M. FORCHT 5774 Main St., Sylvania • Divorce • Dissolution • Collaborative Divorce • Shared Parenting Plans 419-824-4079 • Custody • Support • Post-Divorce Matters • Bankruptcy Law Unique Resolutions for Every Client 6715 MAPLEWOOD AVE. SYLVANIA, OHIO 43560 Located directly behind the Sylvania Municipal Court 419-517-4277 • Dani Fuller, Fuller Art House, has been elected president of the NEIGHBORHOOD The Amazing All New Downtown Sylvania Association. Katie Fields, Inside the Five Brewing, is ACE HARDWARE DOT’S the new vice president; Ben Malczewski, Toledo-Lucas County Public Library Sylvania branch, is secretary; and Brian Kezur, Sylvania Steel 5619 N. Main St., Corp., will serve as treasurer. In addition, the board of directors includes Michelle Sprott, Sylvania Area Chamber of Commerce; John Healey, Miller-Danberry Realty; Melan Forcht, Melan M. Forcht Law; Carmen Wigmans, Reve Salon & Spa; Scott Hudson, Hudson Gallery; Nick Dallas, J&G’s Pizza Palace/Upside Brewing; Terry Keller, Lourdes University; Jen Linehan, Beautiful Blooms by Jen; and Mark Frye, Sylvania City Council. According to Fuller, she and the executive board along with the board of directors are putting plans into place for events such as LocalFest, the Downtown Farmers Market and invigorated First Friday Art Walks as conditions improve. Sylvania Seasoned Homestyle® Pretzels Frogtown Computers (419) 882-6516 7$ .99 Each 419.517.6069 • Free Recycling WE BUY USED COMPUTERS AND APPLE iOS DEVICES $1 OFF OUT OF WARRANTY APPLE COMPUTERS ARE OUR SPECIALTY with ACE REwARds CARd STOYH1LAF1VNABYNKUEISAYAINOFREUOSSRS! In-home setup of your new Mac/PC, Hours: 1 lb. bag wireless router in-home install Mon. – Sat. 9am – 6pm 6$ONLY .99 Mac & PC Upgrades & Repair Each PC Malware / Virus Cleanup Sun. 10am – 6pm FREE ESTIMATES 6565 Erie St., Sylvania 43560 bakery 419-824-0683 and 5758 Main St, ESTABLISHED 2009 • A LOCALLY OWNED AND OPERATED BUSINESS Sylvania cafe Follow us on Facebook! ® Zingerman’s breads available! WE CATER • WE DELIVER • FARM TO TABLE • SIMPLY DELICIOUS! LUNCH DAILY 10-2:30 Eat Healthy All day breakfast and lunch Here!Ocfcroaduorketrye-rtoosrseuuwaatrnectVdeyoatopolteurakenrisesatteirsntis,leef:!s,No on Saturdays from 10 to 2:30 Check our our new menu in in the socially distant of comfort foods! dining room Catering Also carryout, curbside or for office or home FREE delivery within 5 miles microwaves and no fryers - Just baked goodness Made from scratch soups, salads, unique sandwiches & fresh baked goods

10A YOURGOOD.NEWS SYLVANIA ADVANTAGE • MID JANUARY 2021 Drive and Dine Winners! The Discovery Shop Dan Saad, center, of Citizens National Bank, is the grand prize winner of $2500 of restaurant gift cards. Jeff Clegg, right, of Toledo Memorial Park Upscale Resale received $1,000 of restaurant gift cards as second place winner and Jan 6600 Sylvania • 419-882-6567 Watkins, left, of Reeb Funeral Home takes home $500 of restaurant gift cards in the Sylvania Area Chamber of Commerce’s Drive and Dine raf- • Unique gifts • Vintage and trendy clothing • Artwork • Furniture fle presented by Dave White Chevrolet and the Northwest Ohio Chevy • Dishes • Jewelry • Silver • Knickknacks Dealers. Restaurant participants include Back Forty Catering; Barry Bagels; Bombay Kitchen; Buffalo Wild Wings; Chandler Café; Chick-Fil-a; Hours: Mon-Sat 10-5 • Thur till 7pm Ciao!; Dave & Busters; Dunkin; Element 112; Emmy’s Kitchen; Fricker’s; Georgio’s Grill; Handel’s Ice Cream; Inside the Five; J-Cups; Kengo Sushi All proceeds go to the American Cancer Society. & Yakitori; Mancy’s Italian; Marco’s Pizza; Mayberry Ice Cream; MyWay Bistro; Nothing Bundt Cakes; Gino’s Pizza; Starbucks, Monroe Street; Star- bucks, Central Avenue; Sundown Cantina; Tekela; The Spot Sylvania; The V.I. Sylvania; Tony Packo’s; Ventura’s; Whiskey & The Wolf; and Zane’s Lebanese Grill. The winners were drawn on Jan. 1, 2021. Premier Bank’s Kindness Movement assists over 75 organization As part of its new movement designed to fos- more inspired than ever to give back to our local ter kindness, “Powered By (kind) People. Fueled communities and spread kindness in the places By You.” Premier Bank has committed to more that we call home,” said Vince Liuzzi, EVP, Chief than $535,000 in donations benefitting 75+ of Banking Officer, Premier Bank. “There's no bet- the Bank’s community partners who share their ter way to celebrate the true meaning of the sea- dedication and passion for spreading kindness, son than by giving thanks and lending a helping doing good and making their communities hand to the community partners who provide stronger. vital services to those in need.” “As the holiday season shines upon us, we are

ProMedica Welcomes Toledo Orthopaedic Surgeons You now have greater access to orthopaedic specialists who treat all bone and joint conditions. When it comes to your bone and joint health, you can choose from among an extensive network of highly trained and experienced ProMedica providers, surgeons and care team. Don’t let joint pain or injury—whether it’s knee, hip, hand, foot, ankle, shoulder, spine or sports—hold you back. Turn to the orthopaedic specialists at ProMedica. Our expertise and experience make us unrivaled in the region. Andrew Assenmacher, MD Benjamin Assenmacher, MD Craig Assenmacher, MD Dennis Assenmacher, MD Joseph Assenmacher, MD Jeffrey Bair, MD Monroe Oregon Oregon Toledo Oregon Oregon Karl Beer, MD Ashok Biyani, MD Aaron Buerk, MD Michael Diment, MD NEW PROVIDER NEW PROVIDER Toledo Toledo Toledo Adrian David Ervin, MD Paul Fenton, MD Toledo Toledo Christopher Foetisch, MD NEW PROVIDER Gregory Georgiadis, MD NEW PROVIDER NEW PROVIDER Adrian Lewis, DO Sylvania Toledo Toledo Anthony Frogameni, MD Anil Gupta, MD John Houghtaling, MD Toledo Toledo Toledo Kenneth McNamee, MD Anthony Melonakos, MD NEW PROVIDER NEW PROVIDER NEW PROVIDER NEW PROVIDER Monroe Monroe Thomas Padanilam, MD Luke Ragan, MD Stephen Saddemi, MD Asher Smith, MD Toledo Toledo Toledo Toledo Michael Armstrong, PA-C; Christine Barchick, PA-C; Meghan Beck, PA-C ; James Bitz, PA-C; Laurie Boudreaux, PA-C; Daniel Brow, PA-C; Zefiryn Bryan, PA-C; Caitlin Ceglarek, PA-C; Arnold Cruz, PA-C; Meghan Dier, PA-C; Joseph Dieringer, PA-C; Lindsay Dillon, PA-C; Stephanie Gerken, PA-C; Nathan Haupricht, PA-C; Stacey Hogan, PA-C; Kristie Jones, PA-C; Bridget Jurkiewicz, PA-C; Kristina Kaufmann, CNP; Megan Mayo, PA-C; Shaun Morrison, PA-C; Theresa Musgrave, PA-C; Chad Niemann, PA-C; Simone O’Drobinak, PA-C; Paige Onweller, PA-C; Brian Pickens, PA-C; Mariah Rittwage, PA-C; Jason Roberto, PA-C; Sarah Roberts, PA-C; Joseph Rose, PA-C; Ryan Roth, PA-C; Joseph Scherger, PA-C; Karter Sell, PA-C; Gilbert Sinco, PA-C; Matthew Spangler, PA-C; Meredith Stanford, PA-C; Stephen Tisdale, PA-C Jason Tank, MD Toledo CALL TODAY TO MAKE AN APPOINTMENT! 800-PPG-DOCS | © 2021 ProMedica

12A YOURGOOD.NEWS SYLVANIA ADVANTAGE • MID JANUARY 2021 We Remove Snow BUSINESS NEWS So You Don’t Have to Stellar Blooms in Mayberry Square VISIT • Units from 5x10 to 10x40 • Climate-Controlled Units • RV Parking 419 - 8 2 4 - 5 2 0 0 6424 Memorial Hwy., Ottawa Lake, MI NORTH OF DOWNTOWN SYLVANIA A healthy alternative Holly Lopinski of Stellar Blooms has not let the move to Mayberry Square for lunch, after school, stop her from arranging flowers and filling orders for her customers. She moved her shop from downtown Sylvania Jan. 1 and opened her doors for or anytime! business on Jan. 5. —photo by Jennifer Ruple 4024 Holland Sylvania Rd. Award-winning New business locates in Sylvania bagels with full deli offerings! Mr. Appliance offers full service 419/885-1900 Sylvania resident Keith Nelson has recently pride is reflected in how we treat you, as well opened Mr. Appliance, a locally owned and as how we treat your home. We hold true to operated franchise providing full-service our Code of Values, which not only outlines home appliance repair. how we work but also how we live our daily lives,” Nelson promised. “Starting a business that focused on helping others’ needs was important to me. I wanted He continued, “Our mission at Mr. Appli- to open a business that could be both family- ance is to create encore experiences that cus- oriented and provide service-first for our cus- tomers can't wait to share with others. We tomers. Mr. Appliance is the perfect business want our customers to know their needs are to combine these goals,” reported Nelson, a respected from the time they first call us to mechanical engineer. when their repair is complete. Our service technicians work with integrity and hold re- The new company began operations the spect for our customers’ time, property, and first of January. expectations. One of the ways we show this is by providing our customers with an upfront “We strive to deliver a superior service to pricing before any work begins so there are no all our customers by taking the extra steps surprises on their final bill.” needed to fully protect their home. When you work with our team, you can trust you will be Mr. Appliance technicians provide service working with expert technicians who take within Toledo, Sylvania, Perrysburg and more. pride in the cleanliness of their work; that

MID JANUARY 2021 • SYLVANIA ADVANTAGE YOURGOOD.NEWS 13A Geer Edibles Bakery opens for business in Mayberry Square THE FLOORING PROFESSIONALS COUPON SERVING TOLEDO FOR OVER 50 YEARS! 10% OFF CORNER OF SECOR & ALEXIS MATERIALS ONLY Coupon Must Be Presented 419-472-7190 At Time Of Purchase Andrea and Tom Geer are the owners and bakers at Geer Edibles Family Bakery and More, which is now open in Mayberry Square. BY JENNIFER RUPLE colossal cookies. Our best seller is what we call the PBCCB, which stands for peanut butter Sylvania Farmers Market vendors, Tom and chocolate chip butterscotch,” Geer offered. Andrea Geer of Geer Edibles, saw an opportunity to grow their business when they heard that the “My husband was a mechanic for over 20 years former Next Sweet Thing Bakery in Mayberry and was a looking for a change,” remarked Geer. Square was for sale. The couple made a quick de- Today, Tom makes most of the donuts and bakes cision and opened Geer Edibles Family Bakery the cookies and cakes, while Andrea decorates and More, 8252 Mayberry Square N., on Dec. 5, them. “It’s a team effort. He’s mostly in the back 2020. “All of the pieces fell into place at the right of the shop, and I’m out in front,” she said. The time. It all happened within a month,” said An- Geers live not far from their business and have drea Geer. nine children ranging from age 33 to nine-year- old twins. “We hope to get some of them involved The couple was operating their business under with the bakery too,” said Geer. a cottage food law, creating a trio of peanut brit- tles, baked goods and seasoning mixes in their Geer Edibles Family Bakery and More also of- Sylvania home and selling them at the Sylvania fers homemade seasoning mixes including taco, Farmers Market and at markets in Fremont and chipotle and chili. “That’s where the more comes Clyde, Ohio. “Tom has been making peanut brit- in,” said Geer. “It all started one night when we tle for 10 years. He makes three varieties including were home and ran out of seasoning, so Tom honey, chocolate, and coconut with a dark choco- made up a batch. He’s been making it for us ever late backing. Over the holidays he would give it since. There are no fillers in our mixes like corn to our family and friends,” explained Geer. starch or flours and each bag contains enough “Everyone was telling us that we should sell it, so seasoning for three pounds of meat,” she added. we started participating in the markets.” Even more to come are paint your own cookie Expanding on that base, the Geers now make kits, retail items such as stuffed animals and several varieties of donuts; cake pops; cookies; Valentine’s Day gift baskets. Bakery hours are and chocolate covered pretzels, marshmallows Tuesday through Saturday from 7 am to 2 pm and and sandwich cookies. “Tom makes his 4-inch Sunday from 8 am to 1 pm. Custom orders can be placed through the website, An assortment of Geer specialty foods and gifts are available to create Valentine gift baskets.

14A YOURGOOD.NEWS SYLVANIA ADVANTAGE • MID JANUARY 2021 Local attorney relocates to Liberty Square Office Building Liberty Square Property Manager Bobbie Ziviski welcomes new tenant, Attorney John Manore III has relocated his ternatives. Megan Malczewski suggested that I attorney John Manore, who has leased space in Building I in the Liberty office to Liberty Square, Building I, 4149 Hol- might like an office suite that was available in Square building complex. land-Sylvania Rd. Megan Malczewski CCIM, the Liberty Square office complex. As I am a of Signature Associates, negotiated the lease for history buff and spend a good bit of my free the office suite. time participating in Civil War re-enactments, the name of the building had a great deal of ap- Megan Malczewski, CCIM, of peal for me. Then, when I looked at the build- Signature Associates ing I was very impressed with how well managed, how clean, professional, and yet “My space needs have changed,” Manore re- homey it is,” he recalled. ported. “When the lease on my former office space was about up, I began looking at some al- “This space is perfect for my practice,” he added. “And, working with Bobbie Ziviski, the property manager, has been a delight. She made my move here very easy.” He continued, “My clients all agree that they feel very comfortable in this new space.” Manore is a graduate of The University of Toledo School of Law several years after he earned his bachelor's and master's degrees. “I spent at least five years teaching history, work- ing for private industry and in the investment business before entering law school. I wanted to have experience in several fields to broaden my knowledge,” he remembered. “I feel my diverse background allows me to better help my clients now. I also feel it is most important to communicate with my clients to make sure they understand all aspects of their case. I also treat all of my clients with dignity and respect. Manore‘s general law practice is primarily concentrated in family law, domestic relations, and estate work. Beautiful Flower Arrangements YWCA Milestone honorees for all Occasions Lisa McDuffie, YWCA president and CEO, announced the 2021 Honorees for the YWCA Call 419.824.0777 for delivery Milestones: A Tribute to Women annual awards or order online at event. Named were Suzanne Rorick– Arts, Linda Mansour–Business, Clara Petty– Education, Satisfaction Guaranteed! Judge Nicole Khoury–Government, Dr. Michelle Now at Knox–Sciences, Shantae Brownlee–Social Serv- ices, and Sue Carter– Volunteerism. 8248 Mayberry Square, Sylvania , OH Follow us on Facebook & Instagram This marks the 26th year that the YWCA of Northwest Ohio has recognized women in the community who have demonstrated outstand- ing leadership qualities and contributed to the empowerment of women. “The members of the YWCA and I are honored to recognize these outstanding women with this prestigious award,” said McDuffie. Milestones: A Tribute to Women Awards will be held virtually on March 26, 2021 at 11:30 am. Register at Working Clint D. Keifer, Au.D., together. Doctor of Audiology, Supporting examines a patient each other. 3780 King Rd. 2C n Toledo, OH 43617 419.327.2273

MID JANUARY 2021 • SYLVANIA ADVANTAGE YOURGOOD.NEWS 15A A taste of Asia comes to Saxon Square with opening of Kay’s Table Kayoua Xiong realized her long time dream which are grown in the large garden she and her to create. “I like to keep my menu small because pending on the season. I only use the freshest of in late December when she opened Kay’s Table now 91-year-old mother tend. “My mother can I want to really focus on bringing the best to my ingredients. I want everyone who eats here to in Saxon Square. The young Xiong along with grow anything, and she is teaching me about friends, neighbors, and community. I want to enjoy every dish. I make sure that the last bite is her parents and siblings fled from their home in herbs and more. We continue to grow plants that provide quality cooking not quantity.” Five Viet- every bit as good as the first one,” Xiong assured. Laos in the mid 1970s. “I remember learning to are the outcropping of the many seeds my namese dishes with Xiong’s special touches in- “I want to bring the best of my culture to my pa- make rice pots from my father in a refugee cen- mother had the foresight to bring even as we clude Vietnamese Pho, a rice noodle and beef trons,,” she said. ter during our journey to America,” she offered. were fleeing for our lives,” Xiong recalled. “The dish; Bun Ga/ Thit Nuong, lemongrass mari- “I grew up loving to cook, learning how to pre- herbs we harvest from those plants are very dear nated meat topped with a spring roll; Bun Cha, Hours are 11 am to 7 pm Tuesday through pare authentic dishes with my father who taught to me and I use all of them in my cooking,” she grilled seasoned pork with rice noodles; Banh Saturday. Currently, Kay’s Table is offering car- me well.” said. Mi, a very popular Vietnamese street sandwich; ryout service only. When the COVID-19 situa- and Cha Gio /Gab Yoj, a spring roll dinner and tion changes, there will be seating for 40 guests. While cooking remained her passion, Xiong “Also, all of the menu items at Kay’s Table are appetizers are also available. In addition, patrons chose the medical field as her career path. It was dishes I prepare for my family. I am excited to of Kay’s Table may enjoy Boba or bubble tea; in Erie, Pennsylvania that she met her Viet- introduce these dishes and bits of our culture to Vietnamese coffee; Dalgona coffee and various namese-born husband while they were in pre everyone in the community,” she said. drinks. med together. After a year of medical school in Philadelphia, she chose to become an ER Physi- Currently, Xiong offers a limited menu with “Our menu is flexible and will change de- cian’s Assistant while her husband continued an occasional special whenever she’s in the mood through medical school at MCO. She practiced Ask us about in Santa Barbara, Calif. and moved to Sylvania Kayoua Xiong invites diners to her after she and her husband got married. They new restaurant for an authentic had three wedding ceremonies. The first was a taste of her native land and Hmong Thai Laos, followed by a Vietnamese, neighboring Asian countries. and lastly an American white wedding to cele- brate their combined heritages. “I never forgot my dream of opening a restau- rant,” she reported. “And, as our children are now older, my husband and I felt this would be the time for me to follow my dream,” she said. “He is so very supportive and he is also my best but toughest critic. I have become a better cook because of him.” Thanks to her husband’s guidance, Xiong has mastered the art of Vietnamese cuisine along with that of her native Hmong, Thai, and Laos. She also combines flavors from Chinese and other Southeast Asian cuisines. “I like to think I add my own flair to each dish I prepare,” she ex- plained. “I love to experiment with different fla- vors and textures and make each dish my own,” she said. Xiong uses only fresh ingredients, many of Young Artists At Work program transferring hiring youth apprentices to a No The Arts Commission’s Young Artists At about being an artist that one would want to Fee HSA Work (YAAW) program is accepting appli- know and that it's an asset to your commu- cations for youth apprentices for the 2021 nity to have a program like YAAW to help Open your Health Savings Account (HSA) at any local State Bank edition. unify your city through works of art.” of ce or contact us online at Since 1994, YAAW has offered paid sum- How to Apply • Easy to Open • Easy to Use mer apprenticeships to area teens to learn • Easy to Access • Easy to Contribute creative skills, foster artistic self-expression, Complete an application online at and a quality work ethic. The Arts Commis-, have a legal sion is committed to diversity and inclusion guardian prepared to answer additional in the selection process and is an equal op- questions, and have one non-relative char- .POSPF4USFFU• 4ZMWBOJB, 0IJP portunity employer. acter recommendation. Applications should be submitted by March 19 at 4:30 pm.  This six-week summer youth employment program runs from June 28 - Aug. 6. Ap- The application can be completed online A high deductible health care plan is required. No minimum opening deposit required. prentices are expected to work from 9 am to or printed and mailed to: Must be used to pay for quali ed medical expenses. Annual contribution limits apply. 4 pm, Monday through Friday. Applicants Consult your tax advisor about tax bene ts. Closure fee is $25.00 if closed within 180 must be at least 14 years of age by June 28 to The Arts Commission days. 3rd party message/data/ISP rates may apply. be eligible for hire. Attn: YAAW 1838 Parkwood Avenue, Suite 120 Apprentices will be expected to work col- Toledo, Ohio 43604 laboratively with staff and teams, be active participants in discussions, and produce and The Young Artists at Work Program is create artwork. Youth ages 14-18 with a spe- sponsored by: The Image Group, ProMedica, cial interest in performing, literary, and vi- Lucas County Department of Job & Family sual arts are encouraged to apply. All details Services, The City of Toledo Community are at Development Block Grant, The LaValley ment. Young Artist at Work Alumna Melissa Foundation, the Martha Holden Jennings Mintz (2019, 2020) reflects on her experi- Foundation, the Ohio Arts Council and the ence: “It's such a good program for getting National Endowment for the Arts. For de- young kids started on the right foot for a ca- tails on sponsorship information, email reer in the arts. It tells you a lot of things Kelly Rose Hirsh at KHirsh@TheArtsCom-

16A YOURGOOD.NEWS SYLVANIA ADVANTAGE • MID JANUARY 2021 Mercy Health introduces a consolidated air and ground transportation company Are You Caring & Outgoing? Apply Now! As Mercy Health continues to evolve to bet- at caring for our patients and the communities ter meet the needs of its patients and the com- that we serve.” You can make a di erence in the lives of Variety of positions munity, the company has introduced a adults with disabili es! available consolidated air and ground transportation The consolidation of the air and ground services company to provide quality care to services allows our health care partners the those who require medical transport services, ability to work with a single, high quality, pa- including critical care transport. tient-focused and complete medical transport $500 Sign-On Bonus service. Mercy Health – Life Flight Network LLC Enjoy paid days o , health insurance and more! will combine and coordinate its existing air Once operational, Mercy Health – Life (Life Flight) and ground (LACP and LifeStar) Flight Network will consistent of five multi- Loca ons in medical transport services and expertise into engine helicopters, five mobile ICU units as Sylvania & Toledo a combined entity. By consolidating the tradi- well as 28 ambulances and 12 ambulettes. The tionally separate ground and air resources, ex- initial service area will cover more than 11,500 *$100 upon comple ng orienta on perience, and operations into a new company, square miles throughout Northwest Ohio, (1 week) & $400 a er 90 days Mercy Health will improve the efficiency of West Central Ohio, and Southwest Michigan. its transportation network, while adding in- creased flexibility and availability of medical The Mercy Health – Life Flight program transportation to all the communities it has long been lauded in the area as it was the serves. first air ambulance service to be established in the region and is among the first to be estab- Mercy Health – Life Flight Network is lished in the country. Since taking flight in slated to start its engines on Feb. 1, 1979, Life Flight has transported more than 100,000 critically ill and injured people and “As the first air ambulance service estab- has provided trauma scene response and crit- lished in the region and with decades of expe- ical care transports in the region. rience providing ground medical transportation, Mercy Health has been a con- “In emergency medical situations, time is sistent leader in providing safe, high quality of critical importance. By consolidating air and expedient transportation for patients and ground medical transportation, Mercy throughout the region,” said Bob Baxter, pres- Health – Life Flight Network can respond ident, Mercy Health – Toledo. “By bringing even more efficiently while maintaining the these two respected services together as one high standard of quality care and service that company, Mercy Health – Life Flight Network our patients and community associate with can become even more efficient and effective the Life Flight name,” said Dr. Kevin Casey, chief clinical officer, Mercy Health – Toledo. *$100 a er comple ng orienta on and $400 a er 90 days Capital Budget bill is $2.1 billion investment WHAT State Senator Theresa Gavarone (R-Bowl- ovations and maintenance for primary and WE’RE ing Green) recently announced the introduc- secondary facilities. This is in addition to the READING tion of the state's capital budget, a $2.1 billion $300 million already approved this year by NOW investment in Ohio's schools, infrastructure, the General Assembly in Senate Bill 4. public services and local community proj- The Book of Happiness Skinnytaste How to be ects. •$452 million will be invested in projects Delights Becomes You Meal Prep an Artist supporting Ohio’s 37 public colleges and uni- The legislature generally approves a capital versities. by Ross Gay by Tina Turner by Gina Homolka by Jerry Saltz budget every two years, and the bill funds needed improvements to public services and Infrastructure Investments facilities across the state, including schools, 419.259.5200 roads and bridges, and mental health and ad- A substantial portion of capital spending diction facilities. goes to local roads, bridges, water-supply sys- tems, storm sewers and wastewater systems, “Although we have faced serious chal- and $280 million will be directed to local in- lenges this year, sound fiscal management of frastructure projects through the Public the state’s finances have put us in a position Works Commission. This is in addition to to continue with this bill. It creates tens of the $255 million for the Public Works Com- thousands of jobs and helps grow our econ- mission already approved by the General As- omy,\" said Gavarone. \"These capital invest- sembly in Senate Bill 4. ments are an opportunity for communities to strengthen existing infrastructure and invest •$253 million for the maintenance and in vital projects that ultimately make our re- preservation of Ohio’s dams, parks, trails, wa- gion a better place to live and work.” terways and wildlife. Local Highlights •$62.5 million to support the Clean Ohio program which funds preservation of green Over $171 million will be used for eco- space, farmland, open spaces and expanded nomic development and cultural projects of recreational opportunities. local and regional importance to boost growth and increase opportunities through- $18 million to improve the security and ef- out the state. Some of the project funding in ficiency of public agency websites and the the second district include:. MARCS first responder communications system. •$800,000 for the Toledo Zoo to be used for interactive educational exhibits. Other Community Investments •$1 million for the construction of the •$95.6 million will be invested in critical JEEP Museum, creating a new tourist desti- health and human services funding for men- nation in northwestern Ohio. tal health and addiction treatment facilities in communities across the state. •$250,000 for repairs and improvements to Sylvania Tam-O-Shanter community •$280.7 million for renovations of state sports complex. and local prisons. Investing in Schools Committee hearings and session meetings are streamed live and archived at OhioChan- •$305 million will be invested in local school construction, including repairs, ren-

MID JANUARY 2021 • SYLVANIA ADVANTAGE YOURGOOD.NEWS 17A Sylvania Schools add tech website Sisters of St. Francis Foundation Fund As high school scheduling for the 2021- these programs, not only gaining practical 2022 school year begins, Sylvania Schools has knowledge and skills, but also earning indus- distributes over $475,000 in grants launched a new website highlighting the ca- try credentials, applying skills in internships, The Board of Trustees of Greater Toledo awarded to support the Equity in Education reer technical education programs and accumulating college credit, and competing Community Foundation recently approved Project. courses available to students. Sylvania Schools with peers from across the state and nation. grants totaling $477,906 from The Sisters of St. is a full career center, offering 14 full programs Francis (Sylvania) Foundation Donor Advised US Together, Inc. – $50,000 was awarded to for career technical education. These pro- Alex Clarkson, Secondary Director of Fund. Grants were awarded to 14 area non- support mental health services for refugees. grams are available to all Sylvania high school Teaching and Learning states “The experi- profit organizations. students and can be pursued while continuing ences in our programs adds a layer of diversity Water for Ishmael – $30,000 was awarded education in regular courses, honors and AP and authenticity to Sylvania students’ educa- Advocates for Basic Legal Equality, Inc. – to support the American School for Women programs, and special education supports. tion. It pushes them past the narrower scope $50,000 was awarded to support the Immigra- program. This flexibility offers students the opportunity of academics, where students learn to know, tion Advocacy Project. to fully participate in on-campus activities and and into the real world, where students learn Zepf Center – $50,000 was awarded to sup- extracurriculars while gaining valuable career- to do. Combining both gives our students a Advocating Opportunity – $49,697 was port the Safety Net Emergency Shelter pro- building academic and technical skills. rounded and robust education.” awarded to support legal and social advocacy gramming for youth-at risk of human services for victims of human trafficking. trafficking exploitation With the variety of programs offered, a sig- This site has been created to provide more nificant number of Sylvania high school stu- information to students and families about the Arts Commission of Greater Toledo, Inc. – The mission of the Sisters of St. Francis of dents find interest in and take at least one career technical programs offered in our dis- $35,209 was awarded to support the Arts and Sylvania, Ohio is to live the Gospel in joyful exploratory career technical course. Over 50% trict. Community Conversations project. servanthood among the people and as mes- of students in the Class of 2020 completed two sengers of peace to commit themselves to or more full credits in career technical classes. Sylvania Schools Career Technical pro- Habitat for Humanity - Maumee Valley – works that reverence human dignity, embrace Sylvania Schools CTE provides students the grams include: business technology, construc- $25,000 was awarded to support the home re- the poor and marginalized and respect the gift opportunity to build career knowledge and tion, cosmetology, education and training, pair program. of all creation. Greater Toledo Community skills needed to make informed career deci- engineering and fabrication, family and con- Foundation and the Sisters of St. Francis Foun- sions while earning high school and often- sumer sciences, financial management, horti- Habitat for Humanity of Lenawee County dation have partnered to support program- times post-secondary credits. Students explore culture, interactive media, mechanical and – $5,000 was awarded to support the home re- ming through the Sisters of St. Francis industry-standard topics and applications in aerospace engineering, medical technologies, pair loan program. Foundation Donor Advised Fund (“Sisters of programming, theatrical performing arts and St. Francis Fund”). visual communication design. Heartbeat of Toledo – $40,000 was awarded to support the Your First Look program. Consistent with their mission statement, Mercy names Sylvanians to honors list grants from the Sisters of St. Francis Fund sup- The following students received recogni- Flanders, Honors List, Emilyrose Galenski, Inclusive for Women, Inc dba Women of port a variety of organizations and programs tion from Mercy College of Ohio, which has a Honors List, Aurora Gilbert, Honors List, Toledo – $16,750 was awarded to support the which are working in one or more of the fol- campus in Toledo and a location in Lindsey Gozdowski, Honors List, Isaac Responsive Advocacy Initiatives project. lowing areas: (1) aiding in the fight against Youngstown: Courtney Adlington, Honors Kookoothe, Dean's List, Jessica Kozak, Hon- human trafficking and/or offering support to List, Kacie Andry, Honors List, Andrea Carter, ors List, Hannah Kuhr, Honors List, Alisse La Conexion – $28,000 was awarded to its victims; (2) offering support to immigrants Dean's List, Trevor Coates, Honors List, Sarah Lagger, President's List, David Miller, Honors support the Immigrant Rights project. and refugees; and (3) broadly advancing social Crescenzo, Honors List, Jodi Dusa, Honors List, Jessica Rauschenberg, Dean's List, and justice and equal access to opportunity List, Kelsie Finkbeiner, Dean's List, Michael Megan Trauring, Honors List The Ability Center of Greater Toledo – through other programs and strategies. $40,000 was awarded to support the Social Jus- tice Now Initiative. The Cocoon – $16,500 was awarded to sup- port services for survivors of sex trafficking. The Mareda Center, Inc. – $41,750 was

18A YOURGOOD.NEWS SYLVANIA ADVANTAGE • MID JANUARY 2021 SV students fare well in national, local meets NV Musician Science students place in school students who love STEM and want to top 25 in national tourney stay engaged in learning either at home, at school, or after school. Southview had four Science Olympiad stu- dents compete and place in the top 25 in the Speech/Debate National MY SO Competition in December. Team places first Fletcher Machanda placed fourth; Andrew The Speech and Debate Team competed at Zheng was sixth; Claire Elsie placed 16th;, and the virtual Wauseon Invitational. The team Jin Wong placed 25th. placed first in sweeps. MY SO is a new program that complements Piper Nicely was a first-time champion in Science Olympiad's traditional US tournament Original Oratory.. structure and is available to all middle and high SV Musician School Board president elected FROM3A AJ Laffartha-Stockdale has been a “I was honored to be nominated and “However, I respect her decision to do what tremendous member of the Andrew Zheng who is a member elected president of the Board of Education she felt was appropriate for her. On behalf of Northview Band program the past of the violin section of the this year. It is honor to serve this community the board, I would like to thank Shannon for four years. AJ is a member of the Southview Chamber Orchestra. alongside my dedicated colleagues. We are her three years of service on the board and we Marching Band, Concert Band, Andrew has been chosen to committed to working with Dr. Veronica Mot- wish her well in her future endeavors,\" she Symphonic Band, Wind Ensemble, participate in the OMEA District 1 ley, our talented teachers, administrators and added. Pep Band, Jazz Bands and Honors Orchestra, the Northwest staff members as we navigate through these Symphony Orchestra. AJ has also Regional Orchestra, and the challenging times. We are excited to select a Szyperski’s resignation from the Board of participated in the Toledo Youth OMEA All-State Orchestra in both community member to join us on the board Education creates an opening on the board. Symphony as well as numerous 2019 and 2020. Director Megan as we move forward, keeping our focus on our Applications are now being accepted to fill OMEA and regional honors bands Fitzpatrick adds, ’Andrew is an amazing students,” Hoffman said. that position. District residents who are in- and festival competitions. In excellent example for the rest of terested in serving in this capacity should addition to his musical activities, AJ his section. He knows his parts During the Jan. 11 meeting, Shannon complete the online application. The deadline is also involved in Track & Field. AJ and plays with confidence. I Szyperski resigned her seat on the board. to submit an application is 5 pm on Wednes- is the son of Brooke Cox. absolutely love hearing him play.’ day, Jan. 20. “I think we were all surprised by Shannon’s Fall kindergarten information is virtual abrupt resignation during our organizational The application can be found on the Sylva- Sylvania Schools is holding a virtual a typical day in kindergarten, and much more. meeting especially given the challenging and nia Schools website, Kindergarten Information Night Sessions for In order to receive information from the extenuating circumstances our district is parents of incoming kindergarten students for school, the district requests that parent(s) sub- going through,” Hoffman noted. The term for the vacated seat ends on Dec. the fall of 2021. Principals will email a presen- mit an email address through the website 31, 2021. tation to families sharing information about where addi- the school, how to enroll, what to expect from tional details can be found. Scholarships available for Sylvania students The Sylvania Schools Foundation announces education. The application is available through the 2021 Marjorie M. Fitkin scholarship appli- the Greater Toledo Community Foundation cation is now open to graduating seniors at website, Applications must be sub- Northview High School and Southview High mitted by Feb. 11, 2021. School who plan to pursue a career in education Additionally, there are two new scholarships Southview Tech Student Named or an education-related field. This student schol- available. The Robert Kumpe Memorial College arship was made possible by the bequest of long- Scholarship is for those who have played soccer time Sylvania teacher Marjorie Fitkin who in high school and its deadline is March 31. The retired in 1977 and passed away in 2013. This is Harry Hughes Memorial Scholarship is for a stu- Quinton Clum is a senior in Visual Communication Design II. a $2,000 renewable scholarship. Since the schol- dent who is a member of an organized horse ac- Quinn designed the upcoming SV agenda book, and received the arship was first awarded four years ago, $42,000 tivity and have supported the Harry Hughes outstanding art award at the end of the year. He worked at Tam-o- has been awarded in new and renewed scholar- Youth Equestrian Center. Shanter as a graphic designer. Quinn plans on majoring in graphic ships to Sylvania graduates pursuing a career in design, and going on to work in a firm or independently.

MID JANUARY 2021 • SYLVANIA ADVANTAGE YOURGOOD.NEWS 19A Myer to play with Swamp Rabbits Gordi Myer has joined the ECHL Greenville enough for all that they have done for me,” Swamp Rabbits. He had signed to play hockey Myer said. with the Toledo Walleye last September; but the He also credits many others for his hockey Toledo season has been cancelled. Myer was success. “I’ve been lucky to have some pretty in- granted free agent status by the league as he credible coaches since I was a little kid. I can’t signed in the off season. really name them all, but I just think they Accomplishing his dream to play profes- taught Sylvania students to be mentally strong, sional hockey has been quite a journey for the have a great work ethic, and other intangible young Sylvania native and not without a lot of things like those, which are just so much more hard work and sacrifice. He moved from home important than hockey.” at 16 to play in Cleveland and later for junior Myer admits to growing up as a Detroit Red teams in Wisconsin and Nebraska. Wings fan and following the career of Nick Those experiences and the skills he acquired Lindstrom. “I was a huge fan. He was a great led to his making The Ohio State University defenseman and a first class individual,” hockey team where he was named team cap- Myer stated. tain. He also earned the Best Defensive Player From a player’s perspective, Myer’s advice to title his senior year. young players is that they have to be commit- Being able to play at Ohio State is one of ted. “You just really have to love the game to go Myer’s high points. “There are not too many far. It can’t be your parents who want it for you. Ohio natives that get to play on the hockey You really have to eat, sleep and breathe hockey. team there, so it was just a very special oppor- When I was young I played street hockey in my tunity for me. I didn’t play at Northview when driveway literally everyday. I was a rink rat at I was in high school, and they had great success. Tamo. And don’t be afraid to follow your own I kind of felt left out at times because those kids path,” he advised. got a chance to play for their school and in front Myer started playing hockey when he was of their friends. Being able to play for Ohio State quite young. “My older brother played hockey in front of my friends and family definitely so I think naturally I just got signed up when I made up for that. Getting to play for your was three to start playing. My brother and I school was one of the biggest reasons I wanted would play all day together, whether it was mini to play college hockey. I have so much love and hockey in the house or street hockey in the passion for that university and can’t thank them driveway. It was just hockey 24/7,” he recalled. TOM COLE the best life lesson I ever learned in football was Gordi Myer will play for the Greenville, South Carolina Swamp Rabbits. coaching at St. John’s Jesuit in the early 90s. We REFLECTIONS made the playoffs and played Massillon in quar- ter finals of the state playoffs at the Akron Rub- I think in football today ber Bowl. We traveled with 4,000 SJ fans. many people do hot have a Massillon brought 10,000. Their band was 120 good handle on what WIN- strong. They had a real tiger on the sideline on a NING means. First of all, chain. They were incredibly physical and fast. anyone who has the guts to We had a lot of kids on our team that were 150 put on a football uniform lbs. that went both ways. Not the case with the and step out on the field Tigers. One offensive team, one defensive team. wants to WIN. That is a We were outmanned. But our SJ team had so given. When Vince Lom- much heart, effort and desire they had Massillon bardi said, “Winning isn’t everything, it is the down 21-7 at the half. Our kids played beyond only thing,” I think what many folks don’t un- their abilities it was a beautiful thing to watch. It derstand is that the great coach was only talking was like watching a modern day David vs. Go- about pro football. Men get paid. It is a business liath. The courage and desire our kids showed and they are judged on wins and losses. There that night in the Akron Rubber Bowl was some- are no moral victories in professional football. thing I have never forgotten. We did not win that But for high school and college, ‘winning is the football game that night, but I can say with a only thing’ doesn’t hold up. High school and col- high degree of confidence that the lesson of lege football is about EFFORT and ATTITUDE. competing even when you were outmanned Seven percent of all the athletes in high school physically but you still fought your heart out and that play sports can make a high school football never quit, was a remarkable life lesson to learn team. Six percent of all high school football play- . It was something no SJ player or coach in the ers can make a college football team. Two per- stadium will ever forget. The lesson learned that cent of the college football players will get some night even in defeat was also about WINNING. type of pro tryout and less than one percent will actually make a living playing professional foot- So winning isn’t the only thing in high school ball. and college football, there is much more to it. That being said, high school and college foot- Just like in life and in the real world, you are not ball are about getting a good education that will going to win a championship every year. Some lead to a productive job. High school and college years will go well, some won’t. But that does not football should teach the values of hard work, mean you don’t give your best effort. You can determination and understanding how to func- learn those things through playing football in tion as a team player. And oh, by the way, having high school and college. It is about EFFORT a little FUN. when the odds are against you. You compete. When you win a championship or not in foot- That is the real winning that the game of football ball is not the only thing. There is still so much gives you. to gain; so much to learn about making the at- tempt, by competing to the best of your abilities. Tom Cole is the Community Outreach I will give a real life example. In high school Coordinator for the Taylor Automotive Family and college, I was so very fortunate to play and and teaches broadcasting at St. John’s Jesuit and coach on a myriad of championship teams. But Adrian College.

20A YOURGOOD.NEWS SYLVANIA ADVANTAGE • MID JANUARY 2021 ‘Once Upon a Time’ Outside at Olander on the Storybook Trail Fatima Barakat-Iota, Leila Barakat and Emini Natalie, Benjamin and Dave Malenfant show off Barakat enjoy the day with their children the leaves they found during a walk in Olander. Mohamed Ali Karchour and Youssef Barakat. Michael Ellison compares his height with those of Parker Holland is all bundled up for a walk at Michael Ellison joins his grandmother Valerie the snowmen on the board at Olander before Olander along the storybook trail. Hendricks as they read a sign along the storybook heading to read ‘The Mitten’ by Jan Brett along trail. –by Mary Helen Darah the storybook trail. RENT INCLUDES ALL UTILITIES: KING’S POINTE SENIOR APARTMENTS gas, electric, water, sewer, garbage 4120 King Rd, Sylvania, Ohio 43560 and basic cable. Move in specials : 1st-month’s free rent. Reserve a unit for up to 6 months with a deposit. 3 different units are available: 1 bedroom and 1 bath; 2 bedrooms and 1 bath; 2 bedrooms with a bath and a half. King's Pointe Senior Apartments is located in a quiet, residential area of Sylvania, Ohio with a multitude of shopping and dining options close by. King's Pointe is the perfect place to call home! FULLY HANDICAP ACCESSIBLE. SO MANY FEATURES IN THIS HIGH QUALITY SENIOR LIVING (55+) COMMUNITY INCLUDING: Common lounge with fireplace, fitness center and beauty parlor/barbershop. These are just a few of the many offered! CALL TODAY FOR DETAILS! 567-408-6343 Visit us at and choose King’s Pointe property for a virtual tour

SECTION B Jan. 18 – Feb. 1, 2021 Vol. 25, No.18 • YOUR HOMETOWN GOOD NEWS PAPER Sylvania resident promoted at the Museum of the Great Lakes BY MARY HELEN DARAH equately describes the vital role she’s played in Kate Fineske strengthening our institution’s forward move- The Great Lakes Historical Society, founded ment, especially during this past year’s unprece- in 1944, has been preserving the area’s cultural dented challenges,” said Christopher Gillcrist, history through publishing a quarterly journal, the organization’s executive director. Since join- Inland Seas®, since 1944 and by operating a mar- ing the museum’s team in August of 2019, itime museum since 1952. The Great Lakes His- Fineske has successfully led communications torical Society has also been offering educational and fundraising efforts during what became a programs to the public since 1956, conducting year of unprecedented challenges. Under her underwater archaeological research across the guidance and amid exceptionally challenging Great Lakes since 2001, managing the Col. James times, the museum increased their individual M. Schoonmaker Museum Ship since 2014 and and corporate support, expanded community the Museum Tug Ohio since 2019. The opening partnerships and created a more collaborative of the National Museum of the Great Lakes en- communications foundation for internal orga- abled the Great Lakes Historical Society to con- nizational success.       tinue its mission to preserve and make known the important history of the Great Lakes. Fineske is excited to take the helm of her ex- panded role. “Our successes this past year would The Society and its National Museum of the not have been possible without the guidance and Great Lakes recently announced the promotion support of my incredible colleagues and our of Kate Fineske as senior director of Institutional phenomenal board of directors. Truly, when you Advancement. “Mrs. Fineske’s new title more ad- Promotion to 4B Being recognized is an honor. Caring for you is our privilege. We’re so proud that our commitment to outstanding patient care has been recognized by U.S. News and World Report, which recently named ProMedica Toledo Hospital as number 1 in metropolitan Toledo. While receiving awards and designations such as this is a great compliment, our highest honor is the privilege of caring for you and your family. © 2020 ProMedica

2B YOURGOOD.NEWS SYLVANIA ADVANTAGE • MID JANUARY 2021 Pantone reveals Color of the Year 2021 Pantone, the global color authority and A marriage of strength and optimism, Ul- BY JENNIFER RUPLE on a cold winter evening. provider of professional color language stan- timate Gray and Illuminating do not have to dards and digital solutions for the design com- be used in equal proportions, either color can So far 2021 hasn’t Slow Cooker Broccoli Egg munity, has announced PANTONE 17-5104 take precedence. The two hues are a great proven to ease any Casserole Ultimate Gray and PANTONE 13-0647 Illu- combination to set the mood in any room in of our daily stress. minating, as the Pantone® Color of the Year for the home adding a dose of sunshine and pos- We’ve still got work to do Here’s a breakfast that’s lower in carbs and 2021. itivity. Juxtaposing Illuminating with Ultimate (from home albeit), can be adapted to fit your family’s tastes. You Gray in table linens, sheeting and home acces- homeschooling, clean- may want to plan this one for a late-morning Illuminating is a bright and cheerful yellow sories including pillows and tabletop infuses ing, laundry, and per- breakfast, unless you rise at 4 or 5 am. sparkling with vivacity, a warming yellow vitality and liveliness. Painting a front door in haps DIY projects we Nonetheless, it couldn’t be any easier to pre- shade imbued with solar power. Ultimate Gray bright yellow conveys a warm and welcoming started last year. Did I pare and the veggies can even be chopped or is emblematic of solid and dependable ele- message when supported by solid and de- mention cooking? For some, that means three diced the night before to save additional prep ments which are everlasting and provide a pendable gray in the exterior finishes. times a day! time. 6-8 servings firm foundation. Give yourself a break and let your slow To arrive at the Color of the Year selection, cooker do some of the work for you. I’ve got Cooking spray “The selection of two independent colors Pantone’s color experts comb the world look- three meal ideas, a breakfast, lunch and din- 1 head broccoli, cut into small florets (3 ½ to highlight how different elements come to- ing for new color influences. This can include ner, that may help make meal prep and 4 cups) gether to express a message of strength and the entertainment industry and films in pro- cleanup a bit easier. 1 red bell pepper, seeded and cut into medium hopefulness that is both enduring and uplift- duction, traveling art collections and new Slow Cooker Broccoli Egg Casserole is dice ing, conveying the idea that it’s not about one artists, fashion, all areas of design, popular loaded with veggies and is truly a one pot 1 ½ cups grated cheddar cheese color or one person, it’s about more than one. travel destinations, as well as new lifestyles, meal. Chili Mac will feed the whole family at 3 green onions, thinly sliced The union of an enduring Ultimate Gray with playstyles, and socio-economic conditions. lunchtime and probably give you leftovers. Fi- 1 cup half-and-half the vibrant yellow Illuminating expresses a The Color of the Year for 2020 was PAN- nally, Beef Stroganoff with Mushrooms is a ½ teaspoon kosher salt message of positivity supported by fortitude,” TONE 19-4052 Classic Blue. hearty dinner that is sure to warm everyone ¼ teaspoon black pepper said Leatrice Eiseman, executive director of the Pantone Color Institute. Broccoli Egg Casserole Toledo Farmers Market Italy, 5:30-6:30 pm, $60/person Indoor Market Sunday, Jan. 31, Great British Baking: 525 Market St., downtown Toledo Afternoon Crumpets and Tea Cooking Saturdays, 9 am – 1 pm Class, 1-3 pm, $125/person The Toledo Farmers Market continues Sunday, Jan. 31, Floral Arrangements throughout the winter months. From Workshop with Wildscape Floral Co., 4- now until May, the market will be held 5 pm, $85/person indoors, with plenty of fresh air. Winter produce, homemade pierogi, coffee, Benfield Wines breads, cheese, farm fresh eggs, 102 N. Main St., Swanton honey, sauces, jams, baked goods. Kick back, relax and enjoy wine, beer, house plants, crafts and food trucks. live music and dinner from Switchback First hour is reserved for those higher at at Valleywood. Visit @benfieldwines on risk. Please practice social distancing. Facebook for more information. Saturday, Jan. 23 – Music with Dragon- fly, 6 pm Zingerman’s Cornman Farms Saturday, Jan. 30 – Music with EZ Friday, Jan. 29 – Sunday, Jan. 31 Pickenz, 6 pm Cornman Farms, an event venue, culi- nary destination and picturesque farm HOME and GARDEN outside of Ann Arbor, Mich. announces a new winter virtual event series which Found Our Haven - Open House includes wine tastings, floral workshops 119 N. Ontario St. and cooking classes with Executive Di- downtown Toledo rector and Founder Kieron Hales. More Jan. 21-23, 10 am - 5 pm virtual events to come in February and Home decor boutique featuring an- March. Register at shop.zinger- tiques, refinished furniture, and hand- crafted pillows and accessories. Visit Friday, Jan. 29, Wine Tasting: Wines of @foundourhaven on Facebook.

MID JANUARY 2021 • SYLVANIA ADVANTAGE YOURGOOD.NEWS 3B Take it easy with a trio of slow cooker meals Chili Mac Chili Mac the beef is just cooked through and the onion 2 tablespoons chopped fresh flat-leaf (Italian) has softened. parsley Generously coat the inside of a 6-quart slow This hearty lunch or dinner comes together cooker with cooking spray. in no time. While the recipe says to cook it 3 Scrape the mixture from the skillet into the In a bowl, stir together the 3 tablespoons to 3 ½ hours, mine was ready in about 2 hours. slow cooker. Add the remaining ingredients flour, 1 teaspoon salt, and ½ teaspoon pepper. Add half the broccoli, half the bell pepper, Just be sure to check it occasionally. (except the optional cheese) and stir together, In a large frying pan over medium-high heat, and half the cheddar and green onions. Repeat 6 or more servings making sure the macaroni is covered with liq- melt 6 tablespoons of butter with 2 table- the layers once more. uid. spoons of olive oil. Working in batches, roll Vegetable oil spray the steak in the seasoned four and cook, turn- In a large pitcher or bowl, combine the ¾ pound lean ground beef Cook on high approximately 3 hours, until ing occasionally, until browned on all sides, eggs, half-and-half, salt and pepper. Whisk 1 medium onion, minced the macaroni is tender. The mixture should re- about 5 minutes. Remove from pan and set until light and fluffy, about 1 minute. 8 ounces uncooked elbow macaroni main a bit soupy. aside. 3 cups low-sodium beef broth, preferably, or Pour the egg mixture over the top. chicken broth Serve hot in bowls. If you wish, top each Add the onion to the pan and sauté over Cover and cook on low for 3 ½ to 4 hours, 1 can (15 ounces) chili beans, undrained bowl with 1 to 2 tablespoons of cheese. medium-high heat until tender, 3 – 4 minutes. until golden around the edges and just barely 1 can (10 ounces) diced tomatoes and green Add the garlic and sauté for about 30 seconds. set in the center. chilies, such as Ro-Tel (Recipe from Cheryl Alters Jamison, Texas Add the wine and broth and bring to a boil, Make this a custom dish with swap-ins 2 garlic cloves, minced Slow Cooker, 2017) stirring and scraping up the browned bits on Add or substitute any of the following. Play 1 tablespoon chili powder the pan bottom with a wooden spoon. with different combinations to make it your 2 teaspoons kosher salt or coarse sea salt Beef Stroganoff with own. 1 ½ teaspoons ground cumin Mushrooms Transfer the steak and juices to a slow Frozen diced hash browns cooker. Pour the broth mixture over the steak Cooked crumbled breakfast sausage Shredded mild cheddar cheese for garnish, This rich and creamy stew is best served and add the thyme. Cover and cook until the Cooked crumbled bacon optional over hot, buttered egg noodles and garnished steak is tender, 3 hours on high or 6 hours on Baby spinach with lots of freshly chopped Italian parsley. low. Grated Swiss cheese Generously spray the inside of the slow 6-8 servings Sautéed mushrooms cooker with oil. In a large skillet over high heat, melt the re- Jarred pesto 3 tablespoons all-purpose flour, plus 2 table- maining 6 tablespoons butter with the remain- Sun-dried tomatoes Sauté ground beef in a heavy medium or spoons ing 1 tablespoon oil. Add the mushrooms and Quartered artichoke hearts large skillet over medium-high heat, breaking Salt and freshly ground pepper sauté until they begin to brown, about 4 min- A mix of chopped fresh herbs it apart with a spatula while it cooks. As soon 12 tablespoons unsalted butter, divided utes. Season with salt and pepper. Add the (Recipe adapted from Ree Drummond, The as it loses its raw color, mix in the onion and 3 tablespoons olive oil mushrooms to the steak. New Frontier, 2019) continue cooking about 5 more minutes, until 3 pounds beef chuck steak or round steak, cut crosswise into strips about ½ inch wide In a bowl, stir together sour cream, sherry 1 yellow onion, thinly sliced and Worcestershire sauce. Stirring constantly, 2 cloves garlic, minced sprinkle in the remaining 2 tablespoons flour 1 cup dry red wine such as cabernet and the dry mustard until thoroughly 2 cups beef broth blended. Add to the slow cooker, cover and 1 ½ pounds assorted fresh mushrooms, cut cook until the sauce thickens, about 5 min- into ½ - inch pieces utes. 2 cups sour cream ¼ cup dry sherry (Recipe adapted from Williams-Sonoma, 2 tablespoons Worcestershire sauce Essentials of Slow Cooking, 2008) 1 ½ teaspoons dry mustard Beef Stroganoff with Mushrooms

4B YOURGOOD.NEWS SYLVANIA ADVANTAGE • MID JANUARY 2021 Sylvania resident promoted at the Museum of the Great Lakes FROM 1B you surround yourself with good people, formerly serving as Assistant Executive Di- nity mindedness into something I am pas- during these difficult times. Just like with good things happen.”  Fineske has over 20 rector for a national non-profit organization sionate about and share this great enhance- parenting, it shows the importance of rela- years of experience in communications, ed- based in New York and, most recently, as ment with the Toledo region.” tionship building, being able to ask for guid- ucation and nonprofit leadership. She has a Vice President at United Way of Greater ance when needed and to be flexible.” Bachelor's degree from the University of Toledo. “This feels like the culmination of Fineske hopes to raise awareness about the Toledo in marketing and communications where I wanted to be in life,” she stated. “My museum using her background in communi- The new Senior Director of Institutional and a Masters of Business Administration love for the Toledo community and the Great cations and marketing. “We celebrated our Advancement wants to bring more people, from Lourdes University. Having begun her Lakes, especially Lake Michigan and Erie, 75th anniversary in 2020,” she stated. “I dis- especially those in the local community, to career in advertising, over the past few serve as a connection to our mission. This covered the museum when working at the the museum. “We have a lot of out of town decades she has strived to combine her com- role has allowed me to blend my professional United Way. I thought, ‘How in the heck did visitors,” she stated. “We also have a lot of munication work with non-profit operations, experiences, cultural awareness and commu- I not know this existed?’ So many people people who visit that are part of the Great come here and discover how amazing it is. Lakes industry, have a love of the Great TOMASE DENTAL CARE Our Toledo Art Museum, Toledo Zoo, Imag- Lakes, are interested in shipwrecks and/or ination Station, and Metroparks and library have a passion for history. Hopefully, this Friendly and Caring Team, Your Comfort is our Priority! system are such treasures. To have the Na- year we are going to start building momen- Accepting new patients! tional Museum of the Great Lakes to supple- tum locally and in the region. I would also ment these great institutions is highly like to enhance our education program. Dur- DR. TOMASE AND TEAM rewarding.” ing the pandemic we started a history from Call Dr. Timothy Tomase for a variety of treatment options to restore home program. It provided us with many re- During 2021 the organization will con- sources that we can now expand upon for ed- your smile to health, comfort and beauty. tinue the 75th anniversary celebrations that ucation for all ages.” Growing awareness for they were unable to host due to the pan- the organization and the ability to educate demic. “We take things one month at a time,” people about the Great Lakes is paramount said Fineske. “I think it takes a year to get to to Fineske. “It is surprising that many people understand the board members, members, in our community don’t think of themselves patrons and get embedded in the mission as living on the Great Lakes. Let’s turn you are supporting. I was just starting to get Toledo/Sylvania into a Great Lakes commu- my bearings and around six months after I nity!”  came here, we were dealing with a global pandemic. We don’t know what to expect 7616 King’s Pointe Rd. • Sylvania Township 419.474.5858 • Nationally Accredited Kate Fineske

MID JANUARY 2021 • SYLVANIA ADVANTAGE YOURGOOD.NEWS 5B BY MARY HELEN DARAH It is time to unzip my diet and exercise as weight lifting, phoning an old friend, or- goals so that I can remain in pants with zip- ganizing a top shelf or yoga sun salutations Time to unzip! pers. Thankfully, being outside is said to be rather than lifting a glass one of the safest options to visit with others. I was so excited to kick 2020 to the curb and Get a buddy and hit the trails. We live in a world of uncertainty but we was equally thrilled to hear that our annual must keep dreaming for a brighter future. May “Vision Party” was still going to occur in the It’s been close to a year of allowing myself 2021 find you unzipping your goals, whipping midst of a global pandemic. Annually, a dear to believe that wine is considered a serving of out a glue stick and firmly placing your hopes friend of mine opens her abode to post-holi- fruit and that baked goods can be consumed on this crazy board called life. day-frazzled women for a night of mapping on any day ending in “Y.” Even if you start out our goals and dreams for the year ahead. small, MOVE and prove that every time your May you have a happy, healthy New Year! We arm ourselves with magazines, scissors, elbow bends it can be for a loftier reason-such poster board, glue stick, Ziplock bags for items new, and socializing more seemed fruitless to you might want to place at a later date and place with the current state of affairs. It was wine. We cut, paste and glue some visuals to a also pointed out to me that “upgrading my vision board in hopes of motivating us to style” has morphed into “try to get out of greatness or at least not counting trips to the stretch pants once a week” and “spending time fridge as exercise. Some guests like to share with family” has been transformed to “I need and discuss what they have chosen to place on a break from you people.” I was saddened by their boards, while others would require a mil- all the Ziplocked dreams. Maybe it’s time we itary strategy to get a peek at their pasted de- all unzipped. sires. It’s all good. As my friend would say, “It doesn’t have to be a ‘kumbaya’ moment.” Traveling is always a popular “cut-out” for our boards. I have not been able to get to our Of course we had to adapt safety measures home in Canada since March of 2020 and into our event. There were two sessions to en- missed out on countless adventures near and sure we could maintain social distancing and far. Does this mean a girl has to stop dream- sadly there was not a communal charcuterie ing? No! Plan, plot and envision every detail. board within a mile of her place. Individual Research adventures online. One day, the snacks, beverages, and supplies are the new world will reopen and you and your itinerary norm. and tips on packing will be good to go. The women began cutting out the tradi- Another highly favored item for us singles tional goals we tend to see every year such as is finding a companion. The dating world was exercising more, repairing relationships, scary before it was possible to catch a deadly learning a new language, traveling and reading virus. COVID-19 has taken it to a whole new more. I looked around the room after we had level. One woman kept her visuals of cuddling been snipping visuals out of periodicals and with someone special and holding hands noticed something interesting and also deflat- while trouncing through a field of flowers ing. There was not a glue stick in sight. Every- firmly zipped. She asked, “How the heck are one’s hopes, dreams and goals were firmly you supposed to meet someone masked up placed into Ziplock bags and sealed shut. I and six feet apart?” Well, here’s a thought. began to inquire why no one had placed any Maybe the person you can get to know is items on her board. One woman said, “I've yourself. We can use this time, no matter what been dreaming of finally going to Europe but our marital state, to reflect on who we are, I’m also a realist.” The same held true for oth- who we can become and where we want to be. ers. Getting a new house, meeting someone The most difficult thing to “unzip” during a pandemic in my humble opinion, pertains to food and exercise. I promised myself I would not turn into one of the most fascinat- ing 11th century monarchs of England, William the Conqueror. Not only did he grow in power but from his to favorite pastimes, fighting and feasting, he grew in girth as well. William created an all-liquid diet (as in alco- hol) and although slimmer, he died, not from his diet of wine but from falling off his horse. Here When You Need a Hand! Labor for your Home Repairs and Routine Maintenance. (Office Repairs & Maintenance Too!) Ceiling Fan, Dishwasher, OTR and Exhaust Fan Installations.

6B YOURGOOD.NEWS SYLVANIA ADVANTAGE • MID JANUARY 2021 NV Swim/Dive Team aid SAFS City Council has new leadership FROM3A Westphal resigns as Coach Holly Williams of the Northview High School Swim and Dive team president; retains her Mary Westphal delivers donated food and funds that the team collected to SAFS on City Council seat Jan. 4. In addition to pantry items, the team raised over $300 for Sylvania phal said. Area Family Services. –by Mary Helen Darah Mary Westphal has been a member of Syl- “Mary became Sylvania City Council Presi- vania City Council since she was appointed to fill the seat vacated by Dr. Read Backus who re- dent in July, 2012 following the resignation of tired from council in August 2008. She was Todd Milner. To the best of my recollection and elected president of the governing board on knowledge, with a tenure of eight and a half July 16, 2012 serving in that capacity until Jan. years she is the longest serving President of Syl- 4, when she offered her resignation. She then vania City Council,” Sylvania Mayor Craig nominated Mark Frye for that position and he Stough offered. was unanimously elected. “As a lifelong resident of Sylvania, Mary “It has been an honor and a privilege to serve brought considerable community insight and as president of Sylvania City Council. During knowledge to the job of City Council President my nearly nine year tenure, I have learned a benefitting all Sylvania residents. As a proven great deal about the hard work and dedication business leader, she brought equally valuable of our elected council members. Additionally, organizational skills, including the ability to I have learned that Mayor Stough and the city build consensus and move issues forward. City administration members have a very real pas- Council President is not an easy job when done sion and commitment for their work and are properly and effectively. She was of great assis- focused on ensuring the highest possible qual- tance to me, helping to understand and re- ity of life for our community residents,” West- search issues, interact with residents, find phal related. solutions, and coordinate with City Council members to move our community into the fu- “I do plan to continue serving as an active ture. I thank her for her years of service as member of Sylvania City Council. I remain Council President. Although I will miss her committed to the continued growth and suc- leadership in that position, I look forward to cess of the city and will do all I can to contribute her continuing service and contributions as a to a brighter future for all who reside here,” she member of Sylvania City Council,” he added. continued. “I am confident that City Council remains in good hands as Mark Frye steps up to the role of Sylvania City Council President. He brings the experience, the passion and the ability to build consensus among council members that will ensure a smooth transition and many good things for the future of the community,” West- FOR SALE BUSINESS, BUILDING or BOTH In Prime Downtown Sylvania Location After 37-plus years, the owners are ready to retire. The building is equipped for baking but could be transformed for other uses. Buy the business, the building or both! Email offers to [email protected]

MID JANUARY 2021 • SYLVANIA ADVANTAGE YOURGOOD.NEWS 7B Forté Music School’s Spring Student Showcase planned FROM 3A The Forté Music School Spring Student concerts every half-hour, starring students Showcase will be held on Friday, Feb. 5 and from various studios until Saturday at 5 pm. public. as much as anything else. Friends, families, Saturday, Feb. 6 after the December per- This year Forté Music School will be hold- Forté students have been working hard and strangers all come together here thanks formance was postponed. The performance ing 11 half hour recitals to adhere to social to the power of music. Our students are will be held at Harvest Lane Alliance distancing while still offering students the and have enjoyed some extra practice time constantly making strides toward musical Church, 5132 Harvest Lane. The Showcase opportunity to perform. Concerts are free, this year. In the process, they have had breakthroughs, encouraging, competing will start Friday at 6 pm featuring different and livestreams will be available for the much fun, and have further unlocked their with, and supporting each other in a net- musical potential, according to their in- work of inspiration. This year, more than structors. ever, Forté students are finding peace and comfort from their music lessons,” noted “People from all walks of life come to- school director Virgil Lupu. gether at Forté to learn, perform, and create music together. Music is about connection YOURGOOD.NEWS Norty’s Aaron Krajicek is a saxophone Dipakshi Pal is a violin student of student of Ashley Gawle. Bogdan Berindean. The Discovery owF1naem9dils2yin6ce FULL SERVICE Shop AUTO REPAIR & SALES Upscale Resale 6600 Sylvania WE DO IT ALL — 419-882-6567 BUMPER TO BUMPER! • Unique gifts • ENGINES • Vintage and trendy clothing • BRAKES • TRANSMISSIONS • Artwork • Furniture • RADIATORS • Dishes • Jewelry • Silver • TIRES • BUMPERS & MIRRORS • Knickknacks • HARD TO FIND PARTS • and we sell All proceeds go to the American Cancer Society. VALUE PRICED USED CARS Hours We’ll give your car the attention Mon-Sat 10-5 it deserves plus reliable, friendly Thur till 7pm service at great prices. Have a challenge? We’ll solve it. TRY NORTY’S! Maya Nair guitar teacher is Dianne 2815 W. Central Ave. • Toledo, OH 43606 Mays. 567.200.4069 • OPEN MON – FRI 8 AM – 5:30 PM • BETWEEN SECOR RD. AND DOUGLAS

8B YOURGOOD.NEWS SYLVANIA ADVANTAGE • MID JANUARY 2021 A huge Thank You ... Females in Action Toledo To all of our loyal clients old and new! Wishing you all a healthy and prosperous New Year! Lisa’s Nails 4024 N. Holland-Sylvania Rd. • Toledo, OH 43623 • 419/517-0092 Members of FiA Toledo celebrate the eighth anniversary of FiA with their sisters around the nation with 80s themed music and workout fashion. Coming to YOU!  LtoindesnajoyyDfiitllnioenssiswaitlhl sFmiAile. s at 5:30 am L-R: Jen Beaudoin and Erika Fertig attend the festivities at Southview Receive every issue of the High School on Jan. 11. You mSyalyvabneisataAyidngVahonmtaegbeuftoSryl1v2anmiaoAndthVas ntage SuYbfoosurc1cr2iabmneoaanlsitnsohdcsreoObScmynueislpniuyvgpbe$,ost2coar6rttyibyyopionoueguufrrorfdyorLoertohooacisnrrsailtsyeslu$pNe2,e6!ewpveesrrpyyaiespsauere!r! Nam e______________________________________ Address_____________________________________ City_________________________Zip_____________ Phone_______________Email___________________ Enclosed is my check Mastercard Visa Number_______________________________________ Exp_______Security code______ FILL OUT AND MAIL TO: QUESTIONS? COMMENTS? WANT TO JUST SAY HELLO? Sylvania AdVantage Call or eMail: 5657 N. Main St. #1 Sylvania, OH 43560 PH: 419/824-0100 [email protected] Thank you for reading the Sylvania AdVantage!

MID JANUARY 2021 • SYLVANIA ADVANTAGE YOURGOOD.NEWS 9B Celebrate anniversary 80s style Sylvania Community Action Team’s 6th Annual Hot Cocoa 10K, 5K &1 Mile Saturday, February 20, 2021 Olander Park, 6930 W. Sylvania Ave. Sylvania Race at 9 am or Virtual Race Early Bird Registration Late Registration: if received by Feb 5th: after Feb 5th- (Long sleeve t-shirt guaranteed) In Person: 10K $40 / 5K: $30/ 1 Mile: $20 (long sleeve t-shirt not guaranteed) Virtual: 10K $35/ 5K: $25/ 1 Mile: $15 In Person: 10K $45 / 5K $35 / 1 Mile $25 Virtual: 10k $40/ 5K $30 / 1 Mile $20 **the course to be used for the event is not a closed course and traffic will be maintained** Enjoy a Safe & Fun Family Environment Online Registration available at:  Health Department Approved Safety Plan ScatHotCocoa21  Check our website for current regula ons-subject to change based on health department recommenda ons  No Race Day Signups, packet pickups or registra ons All registrations are non-refundable!  Race Wave Starts  Enjoy Prepackaged snacks a er race  Online results with no race day awards *Early Packet Pick-up at Dave’s Running  No parking at Olander Park. Parking will be available at Tam Shop, 5700 Monroe St., Sylvania, O’Shanter and surrounding areas. Feb. 18th & 19th from 4:30-6:30pm. To accommodate social distancing and safety guidelines, we have changed the common age group awards to ra e prizes. Tumblers will be randomly awarded during packet pickup. For more Information or help with registration: Proceeds will go to SCAT’s youth programs Call 419-824-8588 or [email protected] for promoting positive, healthy lifestyle choices, leadership and team building skills and the prevention of drug, alcohol use and other at-risk behaviors in our community. Members of FiA Toledo meet in downtown Sylvania on Jan. 8 for their first Sylvania Community Action Team’s Ruck Walk of 2021. The women enjoyed an evening of friendship, fellowship, and fitness to begin the new year. Saturday, February 20th at Olander Park We cordially invite you to participate as a Sponsor for our 6th annual family friendly Hot Cocoa event. We know this year might look different and we appreciate your support. Please know we will continue to acknowledge your support at every opportunity throughout the year. Title sponsorship $1,000 Snowball sponsorship $500  Large banner at event  Small banner at event  Your website hyperlinked to our  Medium business logo on event website’s event page t-shirt  Large business logo on event t-shirt  One race entry  2 race entries  Literature in race packet  Literature in race packet  Logo in Thank You Ad in Sylvania Advantage  Logo in Thank you Ad in Sylvania Advantage Cocoa sponsorship $250 L-R: Janet Moore and Brittany L-R: Austin Eckhart and Lindsay Frosty sponsorship $750 Fischer celebrate the 8th Sparks exercise with their fellow FiA  Small business logo on event t-shirt anniversary of FiA in Toledo with members.  Medium banner at event  Literature in race packet members around the nation.  Your website hyperlinked to  Mention in Thank you ad in Sylvania Advantage –by Mary Helen Darah our website’s event page Frozen Toes sponsorship $100  Medium business logo on  Business name on event t-shirt event t-shirt  Literature in race packet  One race entry  Mention in Thank You Ad in Sylvania Advantage  Literature in race packet  Logo in Thank You Ad in Sylvania Advantage Marshmallow sponsorship $50 or In-kind donation [email protected]  Literature in race packet  Mention in Thank You Ad in Sylvania 419-824-8588 Advantage Proceeds will go to SCAT’s youth programs for promoting positive, healthy lifestyle choices, leadership and team building skills and the prevention of drug, alcohol use and other at-risk behaviors in our community.

10B YOURGOOD.NEWS SYLVANIA ADVANTAGE • MID JANUARY 2021 BY DR. LAWRENCE JOHNSON dysfunction into the relationship. Impact is a ence. member me.” This is an example of the need relational need, which we can fulfil on our Our awareness of our need for impact is a for impact being severely unfulfilled. Remem- Impact own. For example, on an annual basis, during ber when relational needs are not met, the in- the Christmas season we watch the movie, “It’s primary key to emotional self-control and our dividual reconciles the unmet need through It is very fitting during A Wonderful Life.” No matter how many ability to be a change agent for the people rage. This emphasized how important it is for the Christmas season to times I have watched the movie, know the around us. us to be aware of the need for impact for be examining the rela- story line and the dialogue, the movie has a everyone. tional need of “impact,” powerful impact. The Hallmark Channel As an addendum to this article which is our desire/need builds upon the relational need for impact. The nation and Nashville experienced an Lawrence J. Johnson, Ph.D., FAPA, is a clinical psy- to influence another per- individual’s need for impact gone awry. Ac- chologist with over 38 years of diverse experience in son emotionally or behaviorally. During this time of COVID; Christmas, the cording the new reports, the individual who the field. All of us have the need to impact others people around us are starving for positive im- detonated the bomb in Nashville, said to his both emotionally and behaviorally in a desired pact. This need for positive impact, I believe, neighbor, “Nashville and the world will re- direction. In a healthy relationship of give- is manifested in the significantly noticeable in- and-take and mutual respect the relational crease in Christmas decorations this year. It Exploring the World of Nature need for impact is acknowledged and hon- seems as though people are countering their ored. A dysfunctional relationship transforms feelings of isolation with the joy of decora- the desire for impact into manipulation. tions. A healthy form of expressing our need for impact is gift giving. We give gifts to emotion- If you pay attention and open yourself up ally touch those people who we love. The to the possibilities your need for impact and choice of gift represents the intensity and being impacted is everywhere. Expressing an depth of our love. We also want to bring them unexpected compliment or smile to those joy and enjoy observing their elation as they around us might influence the entire day of open their gift. The true nature of a gift is free- people we encounter. (I have a two-year-old dom from expectation. In other words, we chocolate Lab who simply walks into a room give our loved ones gifts without expectation and can bring a smile to my face, no matter of something in return. When we give a gift what emotional state I might be experiencing). with expectations this transforms our need for During these days of COVID, calling someone impact into manipulation, which introduces who you know is experiencing isolation, could have an incredible positive emotional experi- Christian Business Owners Sandra Seiple and friend Brenda Ray enjoy exploring the world of nature (& Ministry Leaders) painting and sipping wine at the Manor House, located on the grounds of Wildwood Metropark, on Jan. 6. Metroparks Toledo offers many low-cost Are you Lonely? or free socially distanced programs for all ages. Are you Isolated? Visit for a Are you Overwhelmed? complete list of activities. If you're like most leaders, you answered, \"Yes, to all 3... today, more —by Mary Helen Darah than ever!\" Maple Syrup & Honey Imagine what it would feel like to no longer feel so Lonely, Isolated, or Overwhelmed. Or being a part of a group of like-minded leaders who NATURE’S HEALTH FOOD serve as your personal \"board of advisors\" in helping you to navigate your biggest professional, business, and even spiritual challenges. Hives are Locally Owned and Gathered - Sylvania, OH 419-824-3691 / 419-824-3749 or [email protected] 70 Local leaders in our community experience this for real on a monthly basis through their involvement in Truth At Work. 1/2 lb. 100% Pure Maple Syrup: $8.00 U 1 lb. 100% Pure Honey: $9.00 Mini Sweet Ohio Gift Pack: $14.95 (1/4 lb. honey in muth jar & 2.4 oz maple syrup in maple leaf jar) You are invited to learn more. Sweet Ohio Gift Pack: $21.95 (l lb. honey in muth Jar & 1/2 lb. maple syrup) Attend our free Private Briefing on (Cash or checks accepted - Payable to S.A.V.E. Inc.) Tuesday, February 2, 2021 from 7:30 - Money helps to promote environmental education on all levels. 9 AM at Truth At Work's office near Can be purchased at two sites at 6832 Convent Blvd., Sylvania, OH 43560 the Franklin Park Mall. U All Good Things Gift Shop, Madonna Hall - Lourdes Campus U c/o Jana Whitmore U 419-824-3749 Based on our 11+ years in Toledo, we assure you that even if you don't U Lourdes University, St. Agnes Hall - Room 166 U c/o Sr. Rosine Sobczak OSF U 419-824-3691 feel this is a fit, you will be blessed by what you learn. Register today, or ask for more information by emailing [email protected]. Blessings to you! Jim Lange

MID JANUARY 2021 • SYLVANIA ADVANTAGE YOURGOOD.NEWS 11B Ladies They Talk About – The end of an era BY JENNIFER KELLOW-FIORINI REEL CINEMA When selecting a handful to write about, Mae West there have been so many wonderful actresses I couldn’t get to: leading ladies — Constance Marlene Dietrich in ‘Seven Sinners.’ Claudette Colbert with Clark Gable Bennett, Loretta Young, Ann Dvorak, Marlene Dietrich, Miriam Hopkins, Joan Crawford, Dietrich could not play those roles once the Astrological Counselor and Sylvia Sidney; Funny ladies—Una Merkel, Code was enforced. Her first film after its en- Thelma Todd, Mae West, and Glenda Farrell; forcement was “The Garden of Allah” where Janet Amid character actresses—Aline MacMahon and she played a devout Catholic who said, “No- Private Consultations ~ Lectures and Parties ~ Profiles ~ Readings by Appointment Marie Dressler; and exotic beauties like Do- body but God and I know what is in my heart.” lores Del Rio and Anna May Wong. Later Dietrich lamented, “Imagine having to LONCAETWION! 419-882-5510 say that line! The conceit of it — I nearly A WomanÊs Place died!” Claudette Colbert always resented Pro- 5600 Monroe St, Bldg B - Suite 206, Sylvania duction Code restrictions, feeling that moral- At the turn of the century, propaganda to ists with no talent had no right to tamper with keep women happy in roles of domestic servi- a creative production. Mae West said, “I resis- $5 OFF a 30 Minute or 1 Hour Session* tude was achieved with religious imagery that ted the type of censorship that quibbled over reinforced women as sainted homemakers every line as if the devil were hiding behind *In office, 30 or 60 min. sessions only. Not valid for gift certificates or and with information from pseudo-scientists each word.” But, there wasn’t much she could 15 min. sessions. Expired coupons not accepted like craniologist Carl Vogt, who said that an do, there was a censor on her set every day. analysis of women’s skulls showed they lived Expires 01/31/21 in an arrested state between childhood and The list of Code restrictions was so long it adulthood. The ideal woman was pure in was a wonder any film got made. Criminals LISTEN TO JANET ON 105.5 FM MONDAY MORNINGS FROM 8:15 TO 8:45 AM thought and action, without interest in physi- must be punished and unmarried couples, cal intimacy. unwed mothers, women who tried to have a career and a marriage must suffer — double Post WWI, people migrated to big cities standards made a comeback. “Anna Karen- and women started working in offices where ina” could only be made if the unmarried cou- they interacted with men. There were social ple rarely touched one another and never changes for both sexes in the 20s, but the enjoyed it. In a letter to producer Selznick, changes in women’s lives cannot be overstated. Breen said any physical contact between on- Suddenly women on screen and in life were screen couple Anna and Vronsky was “ex- fully realized people with jobs, careers, sex tremely dangerous.” lives, and dreams that went beyond the laun- dry and the dishes. The Code disapproved of happy, liberated, assertive women. Under new restrictions, ac- “When women go wrong, men go right after tresses whose images were synonymous with them.” – Mae West intelligent driven women like Shearer, West, and Dietrich struggled. Screwball comedi- Like all major social changes, there was fear ennes Katherine Hepburn, Irene Dunne, and and a longing by some to return to the Rosalind Russell found stardom. “norms” we were leaving behind. When Joseph Breen became head of the censorship Enforcement of The Code on July 1, 1934, board, putting the horse back in the barn so ushered in 30 years of propaganda designed to speak, was a priority. Breen was able to to keep women in their place. Finally, in 1968, summon a tremendous amount of support a ratings system replaced the draconian Code. from the Catholic Church to censor films and The pre-Code era documented the birth of the shape them with their moral code. Large cities modern woman, and to see these films now is were more progressive, but the middle of the to marvel at how much these women were like country was still fairly conservative. After the women of today. FDR was elected people were hopeful the de- pression would end and some were ready to For links, pictures and more go to go back to traditional values. Breen used his influence to work with priests who railed against morally questionable films by getting their congregations to sign papers promising not to see certain films. This movement and Breen were what collided to finally give the ex- isting Code a set of teeth. “You know it was a toss-up whether I’d go in for diamonds or sing in the choir. The choir lost.” – Mae West What woman would want a life of domestic servitude when she saw women on screen having a better time? Pre-code films told women’s stories with intelligence, artistry, and most importantly, without judgement. Author Mick Lasalle wrote, “In the pre-Code “Shang- hai Express” Dietrich plays prostitute Shang- hai Lily. She says, ‘It took more than one man to change my name to Shanghai Lily.’ Yet here’s the thing, the movie is not about her becom- ing worthy of him, but about the journey of faith that allows him to become worthy of her. Shanghai Lily doesn’t need to change. Her boyfriend needs a new attitude.”

12B YOURGOOD.NEWS SYLVANIA ADVANTAGE • MID JANUARY 2021 LIVES CELEBRATED Margherita Rowe a stay-at-home mom as together they raised teller at Sylvania Savings, Toledo Trust, Soci- siding at Sunset Village in Sylvania. The last six daughters. They were married for 22 years ety, and retired in 2006 from KeyBank. She two years of her life were very challenging due It is with deep sadness until his untimely death in 1983 at the young worked most of her banking years at the Mon- to health issues and she endured great diffi- we announce the passing age of 46. She successfully continued to raise roe/Sylvania Branch until it closed, and then culty, but she showed us all how to handle ad- of our mom, Margherita their children to adulthood, and was a proud finished the rest of her career at the Talmadge versity with grace, courage, and always humor. (Marge) (Saccucci) Rowe and loving grandma and great-grandma. Road Branch. on Jan. 12, 2021 at Left to cherish her memory are her chil- ProMedica Flower Hos- As her daughters attended St. Clement As her children grew up and had families dren: Sue Rowe; Terri (James Kroetz) Rowe- pital, Sylvania, Ohio. Catholic Grade School, Marge was very in- of their own, Marge was always the center of Jamie Rowe; Katie Pickens-Stephanie (Fred) Mom sat down with one volved as room mother, campfire leader and the family. It was her most special times, and Weidenthal, Jayden Scott, Addison, Freddie, of her daughters before lunch lady, as well as helping her husband with we were all her greatest accomplishment. Her and Cole Weidenthal-James (Rosalie) Pickens, her passing, and wanted to make sure her many PTA and school projects and drives (She favorite thing to do was to spend time with her Emma and Gianna Pickens-Emily (Austin Ja- obituary reflected everything she wanted to did all of the work and, of course, he got all children, her grandchildren, and her great- cobs) Pickens; Linda (Wayne) Harris-Richard say. So, these are her words, with love from her the credit). She was a lifetime member of St. grandchildren. She and her family’s favorite (Jessica) Harris, Brody and Hartley Harris- daughters mixed in. Clement Parish, with someone in the family tradition was Sunday dinner at Mom’s house. Cory (Toni) Harris-Nicholas (Kayleigh Marge was born in Toledo, Ohio on April attending the school from 1967 until the During the summer, she also enjoyed doing Heckel) Harris-Lauren and Erica Harris; Di- 19, 1936 to Nicholas and Mary (Simone) Sac- school closed in 2008. the Sunday dinners and spending time with anne (Shawn) Osborn; Richelle (Ryan) Smith- cucci, both immigrants from Italy. She at- her family and in-laws the “other Rowes” at Carter (Kylie Foetisch), Carson and Bella tended St. Charles Grade School, and Marge made many lifelong friends living on their Devils Lake Cottage. Many wonderful Smith. She also leaves behind very special graduated in 1954 from Libbey High School. Calyx Lane for over 52 years. Together Dick, and fun memories were made over the years friends of over 50 years, Carol, Dolly, Mari- She then graduated from Stautzenberger Sec- Marge, and the neighbors had many years of there. She was a great cook, and loved to cook anne and Sandy, many other friends, as well retarial College and started her career as an block parties, cards, Pinochle, cookie ex- and bake for many occasions and, of course, as many beloved nieces and nephews includ- executive assistant at OI. changes, 4th of July picnics, and so many we always had to have dessert every Sunday. ing the “other Rowes,” the Saccuccis, and the She met and married her one true love, other cherished memories. She was especially We all loved to eat her many delicious meals. Reardons. Richard (Dick), on April 30, 1960. She became known for making her famous “Pink Ladies.” Marge enjoyed her last couple of years re- She was preceded in death by her parents, Marge went back to work in 1978 as a bank walkerfuneralhomes com

MID JANUARY 2021 • SYLVANIA ADVANTAGE YOURGOOD.NEWS 13B LIVES CELEBRATED her grandson Michael Harris, brother Marvin Marjorie Marcet (Christina) Cushman; grandchildren, Ohio Bell, and worked as a nurse for Drs. (Carol) Saccucci, sister Antoinette (Edward) Greyson and Layla, whom she adored; sister, Ballinger and Hill in Lambertville, Mich. Pat, Reardon, nephew Edward Reardon, and spe- Marjorie Merrow Ann (Ron) Lofaro; brother, Randy (Liz) Mer- along with her husband owned and operated cial brother and sister-in-law Ben and Joan Marcet age 68 of Ottawa row; nephew, Frank; and niece, Samantha. Schnipke’s Park in Ottawa Lake, Mich., for the Rowe. Lake, MI passed away She is also survived by her very good friend, past 47 years. She enjoyed painting, ceramics, peacefully in her sleep on Merrilee Jaskulski and her children Christian landscaping, volunteering her time at Ebeid Mass will also be available to livestream by Thursday, January 7, and Catherine. Hospice, but most of all spending time with going to and click- 2021 in her home. She her grandchildren. Pat was also a member of ing on Margherita’s “tribute wall” on her page. was born July 28, 1952 in Friends may visit the family on Wednesday, Regina Coeli Catholic Church. Memorial contributions may be made to the Fernandina Beach, January 13, 2021 in the Walker Funeral American Cancer Society. Florida to Samuel and Home, 5155 Sylvania Ave. (west of Corey) She is survived by her loving husband of 52 Marjorie (Bonner) Merrow. She was a grad- after 9 am where prayers will begin at 10:30 years, Robert; children Karen (Don) Bliss, Mom wanted to make sure it was a mass of uate of the University of South Alabama with am followed by the funeral mass at 11 am in Shannon (Brad) Schwanbeck, and Rob celebration of her wonderful life. She loved a Bachelor’s degree in Philosophy. She worked St. Joseph’s Catholic Church, 5411 Main St. (Nancy) Schnipke, II; grandchildren Saman- her family more than anything, and wanted to at various medical facilities as an ultrasound Sylvania, Ohio 43560. Due to COVID masks tha (Josh) Kirby, Dillon Schwanbeck, Wyatt be sure she thanked them for all of the love technician in Alabama and northern Virginia. and social distancing will be observed. Inter- Schwanbeck, Sabashtan (Jessica) Kreft and shown to her, and the happy memories, over Later, she was an 8th grade assistant at St. ment will be private. The funeral mass will be Kendall Schnipke and great-grandchildren the years. Joseph School and finished her working ca- livestreamed and may be viewed on St. Henrik, Emelia, Dillon, Jr., Harper, Nolan and reer as an office worker for Jeff Traudt State Joseph’s website; The family Weston. The family would like to thank the staff at Farm Insurance. suggests memorials be to St. Joseph’s Church. Sunset Village for the wonderful and loving Her life revolved around her faith and she Pat was preceded in death by her brother care they provided to her in the last couple of was a proud convert to Catholicism. Marjorie Patricia Schnipke Edward Welch and sister Esther Tomanski. years of her life. Especially for this last year was actively involved in every choir of every during COVID, when she couldn’t be with her church she attended. She was also involved in Patricia “Pat” A. Pat had decided to donate herself to family like she so desperately wanted to be, funeral ministry, altar guild, Alpha, Welcom- Schnipke, 85, of Ottawa UTMC. Services will be announced at a later they all stepped up and gave her so much love ing Committee, and Bible study. She was a cer- Lake, Mich., died Jan. 10, date. Arrangements by the Michael W. Pawlak and friendship. We also would especially like tified catechist, Eucharistic Minister and 2021, at home sur- Funeral Home, Temperance, Mich. to thank our sister Sue for being Mom’s care- lector. She also loved to cook. Her greatest rounded by her loving taker for the last few years. You have gone wish was to share the Gospel of Jesus Christ family. Born May 27, above and beyond in so many ways, and we with everyone she met. On the lighter side, 1935, in Toledo, Ohio, can never thank you enough for the love and she was proud to be the only one at church she was the daughter of selfless care you provided to her. camp who could touch her nose with her Charles and Doris tongue. (Smothers) Welch. We know Mom is once again with Dad, and Preceded in death by her parents, she is Pat married Robert B. Schnipke on Feb. 3, we all take solace in knowing they are in each survived by her only son, Benjamin 1968. Pat was the owner and operator of Merle other’s arms. Norman Cosmetics in downtown Sylvania for 40 years. Prior, she had been employed by Rest easy Mom/Marge/Gma/Gram/GG. We will keep your legacy alive. Thank you for all you have sacrificed and done for us! Christ Presbyterian Church WORSHIP St. Stephen DIRECTORY Lutheran Church 4225 Sylvania 7800 Erie Street, Sylvania, Ohio (corner of Sylvania and Talmadge) 419-885-1551 419-475-8629 Follow worship services on Facebook @StStephenSyl Christ Presbyterian invites you to join worship online at St. James St. Michael’s In The Hills Lutheran Church Episcopal Church 4727 Sylvania Avenue at Brockton 4718 Brittany 1/4 mile west of Franklin Park Mall 419-531-1616 Follow the sermons on Sunday Services 9 am Christmas Eve 4 pm or on Facebook 419-841-8659 @stmichaelsinthehillsepiscopalchurch We May Not Be Dairy Queen McCord Road Christian Church Zion Lutheran Church ~ LCMC But You’ll Like Our Sundays! AKA Five Lakes Church Rev. Jeffrey Geske Come Worship With Us 8307 Memorial Hwy., Ottawa Lake, MI 49267 Sunday 10:30 am 4765 McCord Road • 419-882-6703 Attendees Should Register in Advance 734-856-2921 Flanders Road Church of Christ Saturdays 4 pm • Sundays 10 am Services: Sundays 9 am and 11 am 5130 Flanders Rd • Toledo, Ohio 43623 Wednesdays 7:30 pm Bible class will begin Sundays at 9 am before worship Like us on Facebook and visit us on the web at Want to publicize your worship services and activities? Contact Sylvania AdVantage for more information 419-824-0100 or [email protected]

14B YOURGOOD.NEWS SYLVANIA ADVANTAGE • MID JANUARY 2021 $69,000 THE SYLVANIA REAL ESTATE SPECIALIST SINCE 1979 MINIMUM BID AUCTION Sylvania’s Best Buy Per Sq. Foot! 4539 sq. ft. 4 bed 4-1/2 bath THURSDAY JANUARY 28TH 7337 Winsford Lane Patton- built home on one of the largest cul de sac lots in 5:30 PM Country Walk. 1st floor 6619 MILL STREET SYLVANIA, office/den with full bath. Spacious island kitchen with OHIO 43560 large eat-in area & sunroom overlooking deck & private yard. Preview and registration open at 4 pm. Rec room in basement & 3 car garage. Only 399,900! 3-bedroom home in Sylvania schools on a .43 +/- acre lot! Huge 3 car detached garage and built-in pool! This location is perfect! Marcia Rubini Preferred Associates Close to Lourdes University, restaurants, and expressway. 419-870-2009 Come in and make it your own! Jack Amlin, CAI, AARE • Auctioneer/Danberry Realtors • 419-867-7653 TRAR 2014 Citizen of the Year RE/MAX Life Time Achievement 2018 RE/MAX Platinum Club 2019 TRAR Award of Excellence 5674B Mayberry Square [email protected] • Sylvania, OH 43560 419-386-0123 FOR LEASE, 2,625 SF Jack Schroeder, Owner/Realtor Start your next chapter in an EPIC way! 120+ HOMES SOLD THIS YEAR Gary A. Micsko 3115 Centennial Rd. WE HAVE BUYERS! CCIM Senior Associate Industrial Properties Call Gary for details 419.794.3965 To view our listings, visit Joe Mathias 419.509.9386 [email protected] Lance Tyo 419.290.3713 [email protected] Give us a call or check us out on our website!

MID JANUARY 2021 • SYLVANIA ADVANTAGE YOURGOOD.NEWS 15B SERVICES NOTICE OF PUBLIC HEARING/MEETING BRG PAINT & WALLPAPER The Sylvania Township Board of Zoning Appeals will hold a Meeting* on Monday, Painting - Paper Removal - Wall Repair February 1, 2021 at 5:00 p.m. at the Township Hall, 4927 Holland-Sylvania Rd., Wallpapering since 1986 Sylvania, OH 43560 for consideration of the following: References - Insured - Reliable *Due to the Covid-19 Pandemic, until further notice, all Sylvania Township public Free Estimates meetings will be held virtually, and not in-person. The virtual meeting will be on Brian 419-297-9686 (Access information available at PEST CONTROL CLEANING SERVICES PROVIDED Please contact the Sylvania Township Zoning Department with any questions. Ants, Termites, Bed Bugs, Mice, More than 25 years experience providing 1. Variance Request for a wall sign from a maximum of 42 sq. ft. Boxelder Bugs, Bee/Wasps high quality performance with a per building width permitted to 47.25 sq. ft. per building width provided for the property located at 5910 W. Central Ave. conscientious attitude. Goal oriented to (Parcel No. 78-34089) STZR – SECTION 3107 (C) dependability & thoroughness. References provided upon request. Please call Tammy @ 419-882-8258 Holland, Ohio HOUSE CLEANING Notice: The Board of Zoning Appeals will conduct hearings on all issues published Deb’s Duz Wonders. Experienced home and within this agenda. All persons interested in or affected by said requests will have the 419/868-8700 right and opportunity to be heard on the question of granting or denying of said re- office cleaning. References available. quests. Information concerning said matters is on file in the Sylvania Township Special events, weekly, or biweekly. Zoning Office and may be seen Mon., Wed. Thurs., 8:00 a.m. to 4:30 p.m. HURLEY’S PAINTING FREE ESTIMATES By Order of BZA Don Miller, Chairman Interior/Exterior • Paper Removal CALL DEBBIE 419-509-7825 NOTICE OF PUBLIC MEETING/HEARING Deck Staining TREE TRIMMING & Quality Work • Reasonable Prices SMALL TREE REMOVALS The Sylvania Township Trustees will hold a Meeting* on Tuesday, February 2, 2021 at Over 30 years experience offering high quality 5:30 p.m., at the Township Hall, 4927 Holland-Sylvania Rd., Sylvania, OH 43560 FREE ESTIMATES performance with a conscientious attitude. for consideration of the following: CALL 419/882-6753 Mention this ad to receive a 10% Discount. *Due to the Covid-19 Pandemic, until further notice, all Sylvania Township public JOHN’S STUMP GRINDING Please ask for Jeff meetings will be held virtually, and not in-person. The virtual meeting will be on –Stump Grinding– The Tree Specialist (Access information available at 40 Years Experience! 419-882-8258 or 419-810-1034 419-467-9504 Please contact the Sylvania Township Zoning Department with any questions. BUSINESS/BUILDING FOR SALE HELP WANTED 1. Zone Change Request from C-2 (General Commercial) to R-2 (Residential) Excellent Downtown Location for the property located at 7522 Trotter Rd. (Parcel No. 78-62337) BATHROOM/KITCHEN 5639 North Main St. INSTALLERS NEEDED! Notice: Upon receiving recommendations from the Lucas County Plan Commission TOP Pay, Paid Weekly. No Material Costs! the Zoning Commission will conduct hearings on all zoning issues published for leg- Schedule Flexibility. Join a Winning Team! islative consideration within this agenda. All persons interested in or affected by said requests will have the right and opportunity to be heard on the question of granting or Call 1-844-Arnolds or denying of said requests. Information concerning said matters is on file in the Sylva- email your resume to [email protected] nia Township Zoning Office and may be seen Mon., Wed. & Thurs., 8:00 a.m. to 4:30 p.m. After the Zoning Commission takes action on zoning matters before it; said ac- BOOTH RENTAL After 37-plus years, the owners of this tions will be referred to the Board of Trustees for final determination. Hair stylists and nail techs at Sheer Perfection downtown Sylvania business and building are ready to retire. The By Order of David Simko, Fiscal Office Hair Studio, 6381 Monroe St. building is equipped for baking but Call Pam at 419-517-4774 Sylvania AdVantage Subscriptions could be transformed for other uses. FOODIES WANTED All offers must be emailed Receive Every Issue of the Earth to Oven now hiring eager foodies for the Sylvania AdVantage ON OR BEFORE front and back of the restaurant. Subscribe and Support your Local Newspaper! 419-824-0683 Jan. 30, 2021 to Only $26 per year [email protected] Name__________________________________________________ CLASSIFIEDS Address________________________________________________ $10 - first 20 words 35¢ each City_______________________State___________ZIP__________ additional word Yes, I wish to have home delivery of Sylvania AdVantage Box/picture/logo: $5 419-824-0100 or My check is enclosed [email protected]

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