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Sylvania AdVantage FIRST SEPT

Published by Sylvania AdVantage 2020-2022 Publications, 2020-09-02 09:35:45

Description: We believe a positive outlook is power against the barrage of negativity all around us and makes for upbeat living while offering cohesive strength for our community.


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Sept. 1 - Sept. 15, 2020 Time-Sensitive Material Vol. 25, No.10 • PRSRT STD U.S. Postage PAID Sylvania, OH 43560 Permit No. 8 YOUR HOMETOWN GOOD NEWS PAPER Catherine Frye Outdoor Playscape Takes Shape The Outdoor Playscape at the north end of Kaitlyn Stutzenstein and Cora Manthey take advantage of the new outdoor Olander Park is named for Catherine Frye, playscape at Olander Park. who was one of the first commissioners of Olander Park, along with Milton Olander and Jack Callahan. She helped to estab- lish Olander Park in 1960, and was an inte- gral part of opening it to the public in 1963. The play area in her name debuted in 2013, and was dedicated as a memorial to her legacy with the park system. It initially contained the Bonita Scheidel amphithe- ater, several garden boxes, a greenhouse made with pop bottles, and a Stream Ex- ploration Area with decks and a rain gar- den. This was the first phase of a comprehensive plan to create a natural play area that would be a place for chil- dren to run around free, explore a creek and experience plants and natural sur- roundings. —More on 7B SIZZLE SIMMER SAUTÉ SYLVANIA LOCAL SCOUT HONORED Gary Harden receives Fresh from the farm: the 2020 Lifetime Celebrate late summer’s Achievement and bounty with dishes Special Recognition starring tomatoes, awards from the Boy zucchini and corn. Scouts of America Erie Shores Council #460. 3B 8B dignity 419-661-4001 ©2020 Hospice of Northwest Ohio

FIRST SEPTEMBER 2020 • SYLVANIA ADVANTAGE YOURGOOD.NEWS 3A Get a Taste of Chocolate Baklava is one of the Sylvania Public Meeting Scheduled Greece at Greek pastries that will be available drive-up event at the Taste of Greece event on Join Sylvania native and Environmental Design Group Sept. 11-12. Director Michelle Johnson in a Zoom public meeting on BY JENNIFER RUPLE Sept. 15 at 6 pm to learn her recommendations for Nite Lite Farmers Market set revitalizing Sylvania’s downtown business district. Public What would have been the 50th annual While the annual Sylvania Fall Festival is on comments and input are encouraged and invited. Call city Greek American Festival has been postponed hiatus this year due to COVID-19, the Sylvania of Sylvania Economic Development Director Bill Sanford, until September 2021 due to COVID-19. Area Chamber of Commerce will offer a Sylva- 419-885-0482 or email him at [email protected]. That’s a long time for loyal festival-goers to nia Nite Lite Farmers Market. Mark the calendar wait; however, they need not despair. The for Saturday, Oct. 17 from 4 to 9 pm. Wherever life takes you, Holy Trinity Greek Orthodox Cathedral is we’re there. giving them a taste of Greece anyway. Bring the family and shop “Under the Lights” on Main Street and experience northwest Ohio’s Bernie Heinl In lieu of the festival, the community is fall market vendors. Activities will include Trick 7110 W. CENTRAL AVE., STE. D invited to pick up their Greek food favorites or Treating on Main Street and a pumpkin patch Toledo, OH 43617 during the church’s drive-thru event, Taste of for the kids to explore. Costumes are encour- 419-841-9036 Greece, on Friday, Sept. 11 and Saturday, aged. There will be live music and food trucks. Sept. 12 from 11 am to 7 pm each day. Products underwritten by Nationwide Mutual Insurance Company and A liated Companies. Home O ce: To advertise, email Columbus, OH 43215. Nationwide and the Nationwide N and Eagle are service marks of Nationwide Mutual The menu includes Roasted Lamb Shank, [email protected] Insurance Company. ©2020 Nationwide CPC-0609AO (1/19) 12062912 Greek Lemon Chicken, Gyro on pita, 5657 N. Main St., Suite 1 Spanikopita (spinach pie), Dolmathes Sylvania, Ohio 43560 (stuffed grape leaves), and Pastitsio (Greek Telephone: 419-824-0100 lasagna). A four-piece Baklava plate and a Facsimile: 419-824-0112 pastry sampler will be available, as well as Email: [email protected] Greek wine and beer and a selection of sodas. YOURGOOD.NEWS All items are available a la carte and will be PUBLISHER offered on a first come, first served basis. The Sharon Lange Holy Trinity Greek Orthodox Cathedral is located at 740 Superior St. in downtown EDITORS Toledo. Customers may use the drive-thru or Mary Helen Darah, Jennifer Ruple walk-up window on Walnut Street to pick up their food. CONTRIBUTING WRITERS Janet Amid, Kristie Gallagher, Gayleen Town Hall meetings planned Gindy, Inga Holton, Larry Johnson, Ph.D., Ohio House of Representatives - District 47 candidate and Sylvania resident Nancy Larson Mike Jones, Veronica Motley, Ed,D,, is offering a series of interactive online Town Craig Stough, Janis Weber Hall meetings at which citizens can learn about her positions and ask questions. CONTRIBUTING PHOTOGRAPHER John Crisman of AssetWare Four Town Hall meetings are scheduled for 7 - 8 pm on Sept. 6 and 20, and Oct. 4 and 18. COPY EDITORS Those interested in participating can register at Sarah Groves, Bobbie Ziviski and send a message with the date they would like to attend. PRODUCTION ASSISTANT Susan Utterback INSIDE Sylvania Now & Then 4-5A ADVERTISING REPRESENTATIVES Sylvania Government 6-7A Dave Achen, Suzy Crawford, The Mouse Trap Mary Rose Gajewski, Molly O’Shea 8A Business Cards GRAPHICS AND PRODUCTION HEAD 9A Penny “Comic Relief” Collins Downtown News 10-11A Views expressed by contributing writers do not Farmers Market necessarily reflect those of the publisher or staff. 12-13A Business 14-15A Schools 16-17A Sports 18-19A Home/Food 2-3B Community 4-11B Congratulations 9B Stars Speak 10B Lives Remembered 12-13B Real Estate 14B Classifieds 15B

4A YOURGOOD.NEWS SYLVANIA ADVANTAGE • FIRST SEPTEMBER 2020 SYLVANIA–THEN AND NOW BY GAYLEEN GINDY–L O O K I N G B A C K 5445 Main Street Harry Bidwell, known to all as Uncle Eliza Chamberlain Bidwell, 1832-1911 Charles E. Rockenstyre, 1850-1921 Hattie Bidwell Rockenstyre, 1861-1944 Harry, 1819-1885 On May 19, 1897 William Bush married Street. She had married Charles Rockenstyre in they had the home at 5449 Main Street built in Moving from Sylvania-Metamora Road back Gertrude Rockenstyre of Sylvania, and family 1877, and he took on many professions over the between their home and the 1902-built home. to South Main Street, the next historic home is records show this home was built the year of years, including butcher, blacksmith, wagon- These became rental homes. 123 years old, built in 1897, and was owned by their marriage. In checking the Lucas County maker, wagon-painter and detailer. Charles the same family for 116 of those years. The records, the house is recorded as being built in Rockenstyre came to Sylvania in the early 1870s In the 1910 census the Rockenstyre and Bush owner of the property at the time the home was 1897, so these facts agree. to work for James J. Richie Carriage Works. He families were both living in this subject home. constructed was Hattie (Bidwell) Rockenstyre. then later built a large two-story wagon and car- Charles was 59 years old and employed as a Since 1872, the property that the house sits riage making operation of his own where Saut- blacksmith; Hattie was listed as 49; William Bush Recently, four small beautifully framed pho- on, and all the surrounding properties spanning ter’s is today. was listed as 35 years old and employed as a tos were donated by an individual who had pur- both sides of the creek and west to the railroad brakeman with the railroad; and Gertrude was chased a portion of the property that was once tracks, had been owned by Harry Bidwell. He In 1879 Charles and Hattie had a daughter 31 years old and employed as a china painter. owned by the Bidwell, then Rockenstyre, and was well-known in Sylvania as the owner and and named her Gertrude Mae Rockenstyre. She then Bush families. The photos were apparently operator of a large hotel/restaurant that he and would be their only child. Gertrude married At some point before the 1920 census, found in the home owned by Berkley and Mary his wife Eliza operated on the northwest corner William Bush in 1897. William and Gertrude moved out of this home Bush. The donor knew it was important to pre- of Main Street and Maplewood Avenue. It was and were not living here in the 1920 census. serve these, and they were donated to Heritage called the Bidwell Exchange and became the so- Bush family records show that William and They were found living at 2328 Whitney Avenue Sylvania’s large collection of old photos. cial center of Sylvania and surrounding commu- Gertrude moved into this new double home as in Toledo. Also living with them were Gertrude’s nities. soon as they were married, and Gertrude’s par- parents, Charles and Hattie Rockenstyre. Charles The list of owners of our subject property is ents, Charles and Hattie Rockenstyre, lived in was 69 years old and employed as a wagon re- recorded as follows: Eliza’s good cooking became famous far and another portion of this home. pairer, owning his own shop. William was listed wide, and every month, and on all holidays as a trainman for the railroad. Charles and Hattie 1888 – Hattie (Bidwell) Rockenstyre throughout the 1870s and 1880s the Bidwell’s The 1900 census listed Charles Rockenstyre still owned the home on Main Street and they 1924 – William K. and Gertrude R. Bush sponsored a ball that was attended by hundreds. – 49 years old - butcher; his wife Hattie Rocken- were renting the home out to two different fam- 1968 – Berkley R. Bush Harry was known by all as “Uncle Harry” and it styre – 38 years old; their daughter Gertrude ilies. 1973 – Berkley R. and Mary H. Bush was a sad Christmas Day in 1885 when he died. Bush – 21 years old – music teacher; and their 1981 – Berkley R. Bush Eliza continued the tradition until she sold the son-in-law William Bush – 24 years old – brake- Charles Rockenstyre died in 1921.William 1983 – Berkley R. and Mary H. Bush operation in 1891. man for railroad. All were living here in this and Gertrude Bush, after 26 years of marriage, 2000 – Berkley R. Bush, Trustee house. had a son in 1923 and named him Berkley. On 2013 – Helen M. White, et al. By 1888, Bidwell’s daughter Hattie had inher- Oct 1, 1924 a building permit was issued to Mrs. 2013 – Edifice Rex Ltd. An Ohio Limited Li- ited all the land that he owned on South Main In 1902 Charles and Hattie had the home at C.E. Rockenstyre to make alterations to the ability 5457 Main Street built to the north and in 1907 SYLVANIA, LUCAS COUNTY, OHIO; FROM FOOTPATHS TO EXPRESSWAYS AND BEYOND By Gayleen Gindy VOLUME 7 RELEASED JULY, 2018 The seventh of an eight VOLUMES 1-6 volume set of history books about Sylvania, Lucas County, Ohio was released by local author Gayleen Gindy. When all eight volumes are published the top of the spines will spell out S-Y-L-V-A-N-I-A! VOLUMES ONE THRU SEVEN ARE AVAILABLE NOW 1900 AND CAN BE PURCHASED THROUGH AMAZON.COM OR BARNES & NOBLE. MAYBE YOUR NAME, OR YOUR ANCESTOR’S NAMES, ARE MENTIONED!

FIRST SEPTEMBER 2020 • SYLVANIA ADVANTAGE YOURGOOD.NEWS 5A SYLVANIA–THEN AND NOW William K. Bush, 1874-1970 and Gertrude M. Rockenstyre Bush, 1879-1967 home in order to accommodate her daughter, apartment that his grandparents had occupied. 1976 son-in-law and grandson living in the home. In 1959 Berkley and Mary built their own home 2017 The estimated cost of the alterations was listed on the vacant land to the south of this home. at $3,000. The 1960 Suburban Directory shows William In 1924 the home was transferred to Mr. and K. Bush still living in one half of the house and Mrs. Bush, and her mother Hattie continued to renting the other portion of the house to live here until she died in 1944. Dorothy Day. Berkley and Mary were now listed living at 5441 Main Street. In the 1930 census William and Gertrude were listed living in this home with their son Berkley’s mother died in 1967 and in 1968 Berkley and Gertrude’s mother Hattie. William this home transferred to his name. His father was 55 years old and listed as a trainman with William Bush lived here until he died in 1970, the steam railroad. Gertrude was 51 years old and Berkley began renting out both apartments and Berkley was 7 years old. Hattie Rockenstyre to various people for the next 42 years. Mary was listed as 68 years old. Bush died in May of 2013 and at that time the property transferred to their two daughters. That The Feb. 2, 1939 issue of the Sylvania Sentinel same month the daughters sold this duplex, the reported: “Work on the remodeling of the dou- 1959 built home at 5441 Main where Berkley ble house belonging to Mrs. Hattie Rockenstyre, and Mary lived and the home at 5449 Main, and located on South Main Street, is going for- which included all the property to the rear run- ward. The two apartments will be thoroughly ning to the railroad tracks. modernized.” Berkley Bush died in February of 2014. His The 1940 census listed William – 65 years; obituary notice said that he had lived from 1925 Gertrude – 61 years; Berkley – 17 years; and Hat- to 2012 on the South Main Street property, grad- tie – 77 years still living here in this home. uated from Sylvania’s Burnham High School in William was still employed as a brakeman for the 1941, attended the University of Toledo, and railway company. then worked for Libbey-Owens-Ford from 1951 until he retired in 1987 as Vice President of Man- Hattie died in 1944, and in 1946 her grand- ufacturing Services. son, Berkley Bush, married Mary Stauffer. It ap- pears they moved into this home, occupying the 1923

6A YOURGOOD.NEWS SYLVANIA ADVANTAGE • FIRST SEPTEMBER 2020 MIKE JONES ested in downsizing, but remaining in Sylvania Park, residential to the west, agricultural to the profile monument signs. The staff also noted Township. As an example, the consultants east and a church which is under construction studies have suggested that billboards have “sec- TOWNSHIP TOPICS pointed to zoning districts A-4 and R-A. The to the south. ondary negative effects on surrounding property largest single difference in the categories is the values.” Residential Development overall lot area. The A-4 designation requires a Although the township’s land use plan calls Zoning Changes lot area of 15,000 square feet, while R-A requires for residential development south of Resource The staff recommendation was for the com- 12,000 square feet. The recommendation is to Park, Daryl Graus, manager of the township's mission to recommend against approval of the The number of classifications in Sylvania maintain the standards as they exist for the R-A planning and zoning department, noted that the proposed amendment. The staff noted that, “re- Township’s Zoning Resolution for residential de- designation. construction of the church makes it unlikely that cent measures have been taken to reduce the vi- velopment and use is likely to be reduced as a re- the 3.4-acre parcel will be developed as residen- sual blight of non-monument style signage in sult of the ongoing updating of the resolution, While there are similar examples which tial. He added that the church in the future will Sylvania Township.” according to Daryl Graus, manager of the town- would reduce the number of residential cate- act as a buffer between the light industrial and ship planning and zoning office. Graus gave a gories, another part of the memo suggests any residential development to the south. Annual Pickup brief update on the project at a recent meeting adding a designation which would be at least of the Sylvania Zoning Commission after its partially residential. Reveille notes that Sylvania John Healey, agent for the applicant, re- If you haven't yet, it's time to check the attic, members had been furnished with a memo pro- Township does not have a designation for a dis- sponded to a question, saying final plans in basement, garage or wherever you have broken duced by Reveille Ltd. which suggested reducing trict designed for a mixture of residential and terms of the building design and landscaping or no longer used items which can be placed at and streamlining residential township zoning commercial. Although the township does allow aren’t finalized, but assured the board that the the curb for Sylvania Township's annual pickup categories. He asked commission members to for such a development in what is known as a development will be in keeping with the sur- of household goods. Monday, Sept. 14 will be the forward any thoughts or concerns they might Planned Unit Development, Reveille suggests rounding area. first day of a one-time sweep of Sylvania Town- have on the proposals. that with certain guidelines the township de- ship streets to pick up household items and for velop a mixed-use zoning category. Graus noted that those concerns will be con- brush and leaves which may have accumulated A revision of the zoning resolution began al- sidered when the development is submitted for through the summer. Rob Nash, superintendent most a year ago when township trustees ap- The consultants also suggested that Sylvania a project plan review. of the roads department, said to be on the safe proved a contract with Reveille to update and, Township may want to consider increasing side, it is a good idea to have all items at curbside where possible, simplify the document. Graus height limits on new construction to create a Billboard Vote the night before. cautioned that the memo is preliminary. competitive advantage over nearby communi- ties. Reveille suggests that the limit of 45 feet in The Lucas County Plan Commission has Sylvania Township has contracted with Arch- In making recommendations, Reveille said it some districts be increased to 60 feet, and where voted to recommend against a proposed amend- bold Refuse Service Inc for the household item had considered the zoning regulations of nearby the limit is 60 feet, consideration be given to an ment to the Sylvania Township Zoning Resolu- pickup. Those items, too, should be left at the townships and of other Ohio townships with increase to 75 feet. tion which could allow for a billboard to be curb, not in the street. Items which will be col- similar demographics to Sylvania Township erected at Central Park West. The billboard sug- lected are bicycles, bundled books and papers, along with those that are near large cities. Graus told the commissioners that the con- gested would be what is known as “off-premise,” rolled carpeting (no longer then five feet), empty sultants and his office are continuing to work on meaning its advertising would not be limited to containers and drums. Also collected will be fur- Reveille noted that some residential zoning the revision to Resolution regarding residential businesses located at the site. niture (any item with legs more than 12 in. districts permit lots which are slightly smaller development. should be separated from the item), appliances than currently allowed. That change, Reveille Daryl Graus, manager of the Sylvania Town- without refrigerants, mattresses and box springs, said in a memo, may allow developers to in- Zoning Change Approved ship office of planning and zoning, said the miscellaneous (non-hazardous) loose material crease the number of lots on a given property. township does allow for some off-premise signs, placed in disposable containers and toys. Leaves The memo from Reveille suggests that allowing The Sylvania Township Zoning Commission but they are limited to 15 ft. in height with a sign and branches should be separated he said, slightly more dense development may also en- has recommended approval for a request to face no greater than 72 sq. ft. The amendment adding that the process is not meant for the re- courage construction of “missing middle hous- change the zoning of a property on Herr Road requested by JPM Holdings, LLC would allow sults of lot clearing or tree removal. Accumulated ing.” This is housing that is attractive to both and Resource Park Drive from agricultural to for a sign of 32 ft. in height with a face of up to limbs and branches should be no more than 6 ft. young professionals and older residents inter- light industrial. The current uses in the area are 382 sq. ft. The county plan commission staff in length or 6 in. in diameter. light industrial to the north, across Resource noted that in 2016 Sylvania Township began to discourage pole-mounted signs in favor of lower

FIRST SEPTEMBER 2020 • SYLVANIA ADVANTAGE YOURGOOD.NEWS 7A CRAIG STOUGH lease part of the Maplewood Marketplace to In- Metroparks purchases 64 acres from terrupt Marketing for their offices. We then sold MAYOR’S MESSAGE the Maplewood Marketplace for $1.1 million in Courageous Community Services Downtown Sylvania January, 2017 to Inside The Five who built their Update brew pub in the former Treo Restaurant space. Metroparks recently purchased about 64 acres, where it has operated summer camps acres of land from Courageous Community since the land was donated 57 years ago. It was During its recent meeting on Our purchase of the duplexes has been effec- Services for $483,625, and the Clean Ohio previously known as Camp Courageous. tive, leading to the leasing and eventual sale of Fund will reimburse all costs associated with About 300 people of all ages attend the camps Monday, Aug. 17, Sylvania City the Maplewood Marketplace building. The the purchase. over 14 weeks each year. building houses two businesses that have be- Council unanimously voted to come major employers in the downtown (Inter- Courageous Acres will be able to enhance \"Courageous Community Services is ex- rupt Marketing and Inside the Five) adding to summer camp experiences for children, teens tremely fortunate to be partnering with such sell two duplexes at 5705 and the growth, vitality and success of our down- and adults with developmental disabilities, a tremendous community partner in town. while Metroparks Toledo will restore sur- Metroparks Toledo,” said Jeff Sabin, president Craig Stough 5711 North Main St. for rounding natural areas in the rare Oak Open- of the board. “Metroparks focus on providing $200,000 to First Brookside, Before selling the duplexes, the city solicited ings Region, thanks to an agreement between best in class facilities, parks and programming other purchase offers and proposed uses. The the two organizations. aligns perfectly with CCS’ commitment to LLC, the owners of Inside the Five Brewing duplex buildings themselves proved difficult and provide comprehensive and inclusive outdoor expensive to convert to ADA accessible non-res- Camp renovations, joint programming and recreation to individuals with developmental Company. idential uses such as offices or shops. additional public parkland are some of the disabilities.” benefits of the agreement. After demolishing the duplexes and garage, The city has purchased and resold several Sabin added, “This collaboration will other properties in the downtown to encourage The land has “exceptionally high quality” greatly expand the diversity of options avail- the additional property will allow Inside the Five redevelopment and downtown growth. These Oak Openings habitat, noted Tim Schetter, able to the entire CCS community, not only include the old post office, the Wingate Hotel, Ph.D., director of natural resources for the when camping at Courageous Acres, but any- to add to its building and add patio seating areas. the Root Building, the Center for Eating Disor- park system. The property harbors popula- time throughout the year. Having Metroparks ders, the Maplewood Marketplace, the Element tions of at least 15 plant species listed as en- as a new neighbor is certainly going to make They will also replace and upgrade the existing 112 restaurant and SOMO. dangered, threatened or potentially threatened this even better for generations to come.” in Ohio. parking lot. The city has never lost money on these prop- Metroparks will partner with Courageous erties as we assembled and prepared them for re- “Acquisition of this property by Metroparks Community to provide nature‐based pro- Inside the Five plans $1,000,000 of new in- development, and then sold them back into will ensure that the property’s remarkable nat- grams as part of the summer camp experience. private hands. That is true of this latest duplex ural features will be stewarded for future gen- Eventually, the property will connect to the vestment in our downtown because of this sale sale because of the over $200,000 of rent the city erations to enjoy,” Schetter said, adding that existing Oak Openings Preserve trail system, collected. the Clean Ohio award also will cover the cost providing park visitors additional hiking op- and will add 20-25 additional employees. They, to restore the first 8 acres. portunities. The city is continuing to plan the redevelop- instead of the city, will now be responsible for the ment and the future of our downtown, and will Courageous Community retained about 20 be hosting a Zoom meeting on Tuesday, Sept. 15 maintenance and snow removal of the parking with our downtown development consultant Michelle Johnson of Environmental Design. lot. Downtown business and property owners are welcome to attend, as are citizens. The city of Sylvania purchased these two du- plexes for $230,000 in July, 2011 after I was con- tacted by the son of the previous owners. His parents had passed away, he lived out of town and he did not want to continue owning or man- aging the properties. The city's main interest in the property at that time was to add additional parking spaces be- hind the duplexes for the Maplewood Market- place, which the city also owned. The city continued to lease out the four units in the two duplexes and collected over $200,000 in rent YOURGOOD.NEWS during the time that we owned the duplexes. With the additional parking we were able to Franciscan Care Center Why move now? For more information • Safety and security • Registered dietitian about all of • Pastoral care our services, • 24/7 nursing care • Respite care call Shannon at • Engaging activities 419.882.6582. • Adherence to all CDC guidelines Skilled Nursing Rehabilitation 4111 N. Holland Sylvania Road Long-Term Care Toledo, Ohio Respite Care Nationally Accredited

8A SYLVANIA ADVANTAGE • FIRST SEPTEMBER 2020 JANIS WEBER Snipping Tool. Click on it to activate. A small screen will appear with options. If you tap on THE MOUSE TRAP the word New, your screen will fade out some, but a crosshair will show up. Press Screenshot down on a corner of what you want to snip and drag to enclose the displayed item, A screenshot is an image, word, or icon. Anything can be snipped from your monitor and saved or image, somewhat like a pasted anywhere else like in an email, a document or even a design you have created. photograph, that a It will be saved as an image that you can place anywhere. It is saved forever unless you computer takes of all the delete it from your files. visual items being Try it now. Play with it a few times. You will get the knack of it. For either of these fun displayed on a monitor tools, feel free to contact me for more detailed instructions. Janis Weber at a certain point in time. It is taking a photo Sylvania Senior Center Classes of the screen. Sometimes you may have New classes with be held as soon as the center reopens. Check the SSC newsletter something displayed on your monitor that and website for the most current information. Included will be Windows 10 Labor Day Sale you wish you could just print a portion of, Computers Basics, Facebook, Microsoft Word, Google Docs and iPhone/iPad. If you 12 MONTHS INTEREST FREE not the whole page. Let’s say someone asks, have a topic and know some folks who are interested, call the Senior Center and ask for 4-piece Stainless Steel Kitchen Suite from “Can you take a screenshot of that and send it Susan Jennelle at 419-885-3913. Limited seating fills fast so call ASAP to reserve a to me?” Well, yes you can. spot. We are considering an Excel Club. Interested? Call the SSC. This is how to do it on a PC. On your I Make House Calls (I wear a keyboard there is a key that says Print Screen mask) or even Prt Scrn. If you tap that key, you will I will come to your home or office and help you with almost any predicament see and hear nothing but indeed you have including repairs, upgrades and general software or hardware issues. I can be your taken a photo of what is showing on the resident “Geek.” I have an endless amount of patience and knowledge with years of screen. Open a blank piece of virtual paper experience. Give me a text or call at 419-290- 3570. Do not forget to sign up for my Free and give the command to paste. You should Newsletter at Subscribers will get a copy of this article plus see what was on the entire monitor. added hints, tips, and trusted/valuable web- links. This image can be enlarged or moved BACK UP YOUR COMPUTER’S around on the page. It also can be saved for DATA TODAY – Critical action! future use. I use screenshots when I do Janis Weber, B.A., owner of Ohio Computer Training & Support, is a professional PowerPoint presentations. It is a great computer adjunct instructor. E-mail any specific questions or comments to demonstration for show and tell. [email protected] or call for assistance at 419-290-3570. Private tutoring and repairs On a MAC it is different. Take a partial are just a phone call, text, or email away. Check me out on The Sylvania AdVantage screenshot by pressing the \"Command,\" website titled Computer 101. \"Shift\" and \"4\" keys. The cursor becomes a crosshair. Move the cursor to the corner of the screen where you want the picture to Whirlpool® 24” Front Control start. Press the mouse key and drag the Built-In Tall Tub Dishwasher Whirlpool® 24 Cu. Ft. Capacity Whirlpool® 1.7 Cu. 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Subject to credit approval. Financing options available on purchases of $599 or more. Interest will be charged to your account from the purchase date if the balance is not paid in full within 12 months, or if you make a late payment. Minimum payments required. *Free local delivery on purchases of $499 or more.

FIRST SEPTEMBER 2020 • SYLVANIA ADVANTAGE YOURGOOD.NEWS 9A Christopher M. Joseph FAUCETS / FIXTURES SUMP PUMPS • WATER HEATERS • TOILETS New York Trained Singer and Entertainer LOW WATER PRESSURE • Song Stylist ~ All Occasions 419.882-5952 • Voice Lessons ~ Young Adult & older [email protected] 419/841-6554 One FREE Consultation with this ad! ‘Rubies in the Sand” CD Now Available on most platforms! Follow me on Facebook: ChrisJosephMusiq Norwex Microfiber removes up to 99% of Bacteria from surfaces – without the use of harmful chemicals. Products for the bath, kitchen, floors, car & even pets! Visit to learn of MayÊs SALE items! Plumbing, Sewer & Drain Wrestling Your Plumbing Problems 24/7 Drain Repair • Toilets • Faucets Sewers • Gas Lines Sump Pumps • Back Up Sump Pumps Hot Water Tanks • Water Line Repair Garbage Disposals AND MUCH MORE!! Don’t Let Your Roots Get You Down! Mike Miller 419-467-1738 [email protected] • Business Card Space Available $30 each issue with a six-issue minimum Call Sarah at 419-824-0100 or email [email protected]

10A YOURGOOD.NEWS SYLVANIA ADVANTAGE • FIRST SEPTEMBER 2020 Farmers Market fun is a Tuesday happening in Sylvania where shoppers can buy Harmony in Life LAW OFFICE OF John Metro and his dad, Steve, stop Erica Knuckles and her children Lilly, MELAN M. FORCHT by the Olde Tyme Kettle Korn booth Betty and Ramy place their order at A Healing,Arts & Education Center to buy a bag of the popcorn from the Tropical Sno truck. • Divorce • Dissolution Jack Carls. Yoga, Reiki, and Massage • Collaborative Divorce available • Shared Parenting Plans John and April Curtis purchase corn Margaret McCann talks with Tim Keil at Harmony in Life with the help of Robin Parker of Turk of Louis Keil & Sons about the • Custody • Support Farm. produce he has available. The Harmony Shoppe • Post-Divorce Matters is filled with unique gift items, • Bankruptcy Law many made by local artists! Unique Resolutions for 5747 Main St. • 419.517.0047 Every Client 6715 MAPLEWOOD AVE. SYLVANIA, OHIO 43560 Located directly behind the Sylvania Municipal Court 419-517-4277 • theVillage Candy Shoppe Beautiful Flower Arrangements Unique Sweets, Sylvania Town Crier Mike Lieber George Cordray, his wife, Danita for all Occasions Nostalgic and New makes an official visit to the Sylvania Binkowski, and their grandson Farmers Market and enjoys chatting Sawyer Cordray are ready to shop. Call 419.824.0777 for delivery 5727 Main Street with Ali Ismail of Zane’s Lebanese or order online at Sylvania, Ohio Grill. Satisfaction Guaranteed! 419-246-7838 5723 N. Main St. Sylvania , OH [email protected] Follow us on Facebook & Instagram Find us on Facebook! SYLVANIA’S OWN COMMUNITY CREDIT UNION JOIN NOW. ALL MEMBERS ARE PART OWNERS! SYLVANIA AREA If you live, work, go to school or volunteer in the Sylvania area, you can become a member. Visit our FEDERAL CREDIT UNION web site for complete banking services or stop by and see us. SYLVANIA AREA HOME MORTGAGES NOW AVAILABLE! FEDERAL JOIN TODAY! Downtown Sylvania Carole Wilson and Bambi Croke Erin Stampflmeier and her children, CREDIT enjoy their snocones away from all Michael, Madison and Melanie get UNION 6613 Maplewood Ave. of the shoppers. ready to order their dinner from Smashdawgz. 419-882-3525

FIRST SEPTEMBER 2020 • SYLVANIA ADVANTAGE YOURGOOD.NEWS 11A Fresh fruits, vegetables, flowers, more 419-824-0683 bakery 5758 Main St, Sylvania and cafe Follow us on Facebook! ® Zingerman’s breads available! WE CATER • WE DELIVER • FARM TO TABLE • SIMPLY DELICIOUS! Judi Styler and Kelly Smith of Adrian Gerri and David Givens purchase a Enjoy Saturday Brunch 10-2 LUNCH DAILY 10-2 visit with Emmy Bagnato of Emmy’s variety of cookies and pies from Patt Kitchen.  Morr, The Pie Lady. KIDS UNDER 12 EAT FREE in our renovated socially distant dining room or the (WITH ACCOMPANYING ADULT) outdoor patio No microwaves and no fryers - Just baked in goodness Also carryout or Made from scratch soups, salads, unique sandwiches & fresh baked goods FREE delivery within 5 miles ALL EARTH TO OVEN SANDWICHES SERVED ON ZINGERMAN’S BREAD NEIGHBORHOOD The Amazing All New ACE HARDWARE DOT’S 5619 N. Main St., Sylvania Seasoned Homestyle® Pretzels Adele McMunn and her son Weston Kevin Hood purchases peanut brittle (419) 882-6516 BUY ONE purchase chicken feet from from Andrea Geer of Geer Edibles, GET ONE Amanda Appleman of Acorn Hill while her friend, Laura Bick, looks Hours: Farm. on.  Mon. – Sat. 9am – 6pm 50% OFF Sun. 10am – 6pm 6$ .59 1 lb. bag Each Rachel McCarthy brings her children Eloise, Palmer and Lennon to the market in style. Check out our lower rates for your home & auto! Call Jamilynn Fox Stop in for a quote on home and/or auto and receive a $15 gift certificate to Earth to Oven. Adam Lenhart of Innoscents, helps Connor Bartlett of Dee’s Bees talks Sarah and Maureen Moomey with honey with Chris Kunckel and Linda their soap selection. Huddleston.

12A YOURGOOD.NEWS SYLVANIA ADVANTAGE • FIRST SEPTEMBER 2020 Change is in the air for Brieschke family Kyle Brieschke grew up in Brieschke’s Bakery, with his two brothers while his parents mixed, 5639 Main St. in downtown Sylvania, a business baked and decorated the many pastries, cakes, owned by his parents Don and Bonnie Brieschke cookies and more they have available on a daily for the past 37 years. He has fond memories of basis. His mother Bonnie recalls him standing riding his tricycle through the store and playing on an upturned bucket decorating his first cake with his original Snoopy drawing. “He was prob- Don and Bonnie Brieschke wish their ably all of 5 years old,” she smiled. son Kyle, center, well as he begins his “I started working ‘officially’ and getting paid journey on a new career path. The young Brieschke begins a new job on when I was a sophomore at Northview in 2005,” Sept. 14, leaving the bakery after Kyle said. His part-time employment in the bak- working there since 2005 when he ery continued past graduation from Bowling was a sophomore in high school. Green State University in 2011 until 2014 when ‘While we will miss him, we are thrilled he joined the family business full time. that he is following his dream,’ Bonnie and Don Brieschke agree. Now, Kyle is ready for the new adventures and challenges which await him as he begins a man- agement career on Sept. 14. Brieschke has been accepted to begin a management training pro- gram for Enterprise Car Rentals and will be based at the Central Avenue store. “I learned so much working with my parents and watching them run a successful small busi- ness. This has been a great experience for me and has prepared me to take this next big step,” he reasoned. “I do love this business but I am ready to find my own path.” His parents have been aware of and support- ive of this decision to move in a new direction ever since their son enrolled in the MBA pro- gram at Lourdes University last year. “We have encouraged him to follow his dreams, whatever those might be,” his mother reflected. “While it has been a joy to have him working with us, we are proud of him and happy for him as he steps into this new role. But, we will certainly miss him.” “And I know I will miss working with my par- SEPTEMBER 2020 ents and all of the customers I have come to know through the years,” Kyle agreed.“That is the really hard part about leaving.” In observance of this next big step for their son, the Brieschkes are hosting a celebration from 7 am until they close at 2 pm on Saturday, Sept.12. Bonnie is inviting all, saying, “We are encouraging our customers and friends to stop in to wish Kyle well as he begins his new jour- ney.” “It is delightful to see how thrilled and happy Kyle is about his new career. And that makes us very happy too,” his parents agreed. Lakeview CremationTOLEDO MEMORIAL PARK Garden No article would be complete without thoughts from Kyle Brieschke’s younger brother Cody, now STARTING AT in the Air Force and stationed in Africa: $199 “This has to be the most bittersweet time of my brother Kyle’s life. All the memories from FIND YOUR FOREVER PLACE | TOLEDOMEMORIALPARK.COM being a kid just walking through the bakery grabbing as many cookies as we could to grow- ing with the business and community that loves him. The memories that he has made working with my parents are something he will hold onto for the rest of his life. Change is never easy but I couldn’t be more excited for him. I know he is going to continue to do great things wherever he goes! Nothing but love and support for Kyle in the Sylvania community.” Township Trustee meeting planned The Sylvania Township Trustees will hold their meeting at 5 pm on Tuesday, Sept. 1. The public may attend the meeting electronically via telephone at 877-568-4106 using the Access Code 677-255- 877 or via their computer, tablet/smartphone at Citizens who would like to test the technology in advance of the meeting are encouraged to contact Township Administrator Oliver Turner at oturner@sylvania-

FIRST SEPTEMBER 2020 • SYLVANIA ADVANTAGE YOURGOOD.NEWS 13A Inside the Five owners to purchase adjoining property for expansion Katie and Brandon Fields and Krista and Plans call for the duplexes to be demolished Chris Morris of Inside the Five have been given and an addition to Inside the Five to be built. Inside the Five owners Chris Morris, Katie and Brandon Fields are ready for the approval by Sylvania City Council to purchase Also, an outdoor patio area will be added, the next expansion of their business. the two properties at 5705/ 5707 and 5711/5713 parking lot will be upgraded and a new drive- Main St. for $200,000. The property is adjacent way entrance to the site will be added. The total This past July, Waterford to the Maplewood Marketplace building that cost for the new project will be over $1 million. Bank, N.A. was honored to houses their brewpub and restaurant. be recognized by The Wall “Buying the duplexes in 2011 was a wise in- Street Journal for helping According to city of Sylvania’s Economic De- vestment for the city of Sylvania as it has led to our customers obtain Small velopment Director Bill Sanford, the city bought over $2 million being invested in our downtown Business Administration the two duplexes in July, 2011 for $230,000. and jobs that will be paying income tax for years Paycheck Protection (PPP) in to come,” Sanford stated. “Our main interest in the property at that time was to add parking behind the duplexes as The Fifth Floor additional lot space was needed for the Maple- wood Marketplace, which the city also owned at Earlier this year, the Fields and Moores com- that time. Our purchase of the duplexes has led pleted renovation on the second floor of the to the sale of the Maplewood Marketplace build- Maplewood Marketplace. The former offices ing for over $1 million, housing two entities that have been transformed into a private event space have become major employers for the city (In- and expanded restaurant space designed by ar- terrupt Marketing and Inside the Five) and we chitect Lyndsey Stough. Brandon Fields and collected over $200,000 in rent from the du- Chris Morris did most of the construction on the plexes during the time of our ownership,” San- project. ford explained. “As soon as we opened in May 2018, people The two couples realized the potential for the inquired about a private event space. We quickly property next to their business. “There is a lack learned there was a need in the area for more pri- of outdoor gathering space in downtown Sylva- vate dining areas,” Katie Fields remembered. nia. We want to provide a family- friendly space for our community to make memories. As we “Having this space available has made a huge expand, we plan to continue the same feel and difference to us this year. Because of COVID-19 vibe of our brewpub, expanding it to an we had to decrease the number of tables in our indoor/outdoor area. It will be a casual gathering regular dining area, but with upstairs open we space with room for entertainment,” Katie Fields can seat more tables while following all state and said. county health department guidelines,” she added. their time of need. ARK Real Estate Services launches website A LOCAL BANK for ARK Real Estate Services, a property manage- multi-family properties,” said Ambrea Mikola- COMMUNITY BUSINESS ment company dedicated to providing quality, jczyk, ARK Real Estate Services owner. “Our Commercial Lending & Treasury Management newly renovated, safe, clean, modern and com- team can see something special in undesirable At Waterford Bank, we believe the only way to help a business grow is to be close to the action. That’s why bankers like Mindy McCarthy spend time out fortable places for all to call home, has recently buildings and structures, and we are driven to in the community. She sees her clients as neighbors, friends, and family, and understands how they work, where they’ve been, and where they want to be. launched its website which details its services restore these properties with unmatched quality Through relationships like these, we identify specific business needs and create tailored solutions to meet those unique needs—optimizing cash flow, securing and available properties. and detail.” construction financing and managing risk, to enhancing cash management and simplifying business banking services. We live and work on the same The user-friendly site allows visitors to ARK encompasses several family brands in- blocks you do. When you need us, we’ll be here. That’s what friends do. quickly find and navigate Ark’s renovated prop- cluding ARK Restoration and Construction, Member FDIC. Equal Housing Lender. erties and units. ARK single family homes and ARK Development, ARK Academy, and Torrey All loans subject to credit approval. NMLS# 520256 apartments all offer quality location, community, Hill Apartments. ARK Real Estate Services man- WAT E R FO R D B A N K N A .CO M TOLL FREE: 866 707 2871 and convenience. Realizing families and individ- ages Torrey Hill Apartments, which exists to uals desire updated, affordable housing conve- make properties whole again, investing in un- niently located near popular attractions, ARK derserved neighborhoods as an investment in highlights its unique property offerings on the people by providing quality places to live. To new website as well as services, contact informa- learn more about the ARK family brands and its tion, and rental application. commitment to providing value and improving “We are passionate about maintaining and properties, individuals, and communities visit improving single family homes, duplexes, and

14A YOURGOOD.NEWS SYLVANIA ADVANTAGE • FIRST SEPTEMBER 2020 Newly formed Citigirl concept introduced at launch party L-R: Emma Seltz, Katie Borton, Tara Wilson and Megan Kabour of MK Beauty Danielle Dale and Jason Mercurio of Red Line Circuit Training mix and mingle were on hand to encourage women to look and feel their best. with business owners and Citigirl members and guests. Citigirl founding partner Lindsey Life coach Liz Thees was on hand to Summer Vanni of the Nutrition Spot Kristin O’Neill welcomes guests to Hickey welcomes guests to Citigirl, an offer inspiration and opportunities serves up healthy beverages and the Citigirl Launch Party held at organization by women, for women. for growth. smiles at the event. Sylvania Country Club on August 24. Norty’s –byMaryHelenDarah owF1naem9dils2yin6ce FULL SERVICE AUTO REPAIR & SALES WE DO IT ALL — BUMPER TO BUMPER! • ENGINES • BRAKES • TRANSMISSIONS • RADIATORS • TIRES • BUMPERS & MIRRORS • HARD TO FIND PARTS • and we sell VALUE PRICED USED CARS We’ll give your car the attention it deserves plus reliable, friendly service at great prices. Have a challenge? We’ll solve it. TRY NORTY’S! 2815 W. Central Ave. • Toledo, OH 43606 567.200.4069 • OPEN MON – FRI 8 AM – 5:30 PM • BETWEEN SECOR RD. AND DOUGLAS

FIRST SEPTEMBER 2020 • SYLVANIA ADVANTAGE YOURGOOD.NEWS 15A Local company expands to meet demand for its products Canberra Corporation, located on North offices and production area, and provided masks Holland Sylvania Road in Sylvania Township, and hand sanitizer to all the employees. “Our has been manufacturing commercial cleaning employees have been great and everyone pitched chemicals for over 60 years. The company has in wherever help was needed.” an extensive offering of cleaning products, in- Yacko anticipates the building and line exten- cluding a wide array of disinfectants marketed sions will enable the company to produce over under the Husky® and JAWS brands. 100 million cartridges next year. Sales of JAWS Through its subsidiary, JAWS International, cartridges this year have increased 300 percent, Ltd, the company sells concentrated cleaners di- and there are no signs of slowing down. Just this rectly to consumers. JAWS® – the Just Add month, the company launched JAWS at Albert THE FLOORING PROFESSIONALS COUPON Water™ System – is an innovative concept Heijn, the largest Dutch Supermarket chain in SERVING TOLEDO FOR OVER 50 YEARS! 10% OFF in household cleaners. Concentrated cleaning the Netherlands and Belgium. CORNER OF SECOR & ALEXIS MATERIALS ONLY Coupon Must Be Presented chemicals are “However, this has 419-472-7190 At Time Of Purchase packaged in small been a most challeng- refill cartridges, de- ing time,” Yacko re- signed for use with flected. “But the calls You’ve tried the REST, now call the BEST! refillable, reusable we received from peo- Let our PROFESSIONAL craftsmen take care of your HOME REPAIR needs bottles.  It’s an in- ple all around the novative system country who are so designed to make grateful to receive our using concentrates disinfectants make it all easy and conven- worthwhile.” ient. The recent emphasis Included in the on producing disinfec- Expires 09/30/20 Expires 09/30/20 JAWS offering is an tants to meet the ongo- Expires 09/30/20 EPA registered ing demand has not • PLUMBING • ELECTRICAL INCLUDING UPGRADES • CARPENTRY • PAINTING • DRYWALL Disinfectant stopped his team from • CERAMIC TILE • FLOORING • REMODELING: Cleaner that is in- developing new prod- KITCHEN, BATHROOM & BASEMENT • GUTTER CLEANING AND INSTALLATION • SIDING REPAIR AND INSTALLATION cluded on List N: ucts. In September, • ROOFING • WINDOWS • DOORS • GENERAL HANDYMAN Disinfectants for Bruce Yacko they will launch JAWS REPAIRS • CARPET CLEANING Use Against SARS- Foaming Bathroom • Free Estimates • 1 Year Guarantee • Senior Discounts COV-2 (COVID-19). Cleaner - a lavender fragranced foaming prod- • Insured & Bonded • Locally Owned • No Job Too Small “When COVID19 hit, we were well posi- uct that clings to vertical surfaces such as shower tioned to meet the challenges presented,” recalled stalls and doors to remove soap scum and min- Company President/CEO Bruce Yacko.“We eral deposits. were already selling JAWS products online – we JAWS range of products include: just had to increase production to meet the de- • Disinfectant Cleaner mand, particularly for disinfectants.” • Glass Cleaner To do this, Yacko extended the work week, • Daily Shower Cleaner added extra shifts and increased his workforce • Kitchen Cleaner / Degreaser by 1/3. He also increased his capacity by adding • Hardwood Floor Cleaner three more production lines. Furthermore, he • Granite Cleaner embarked on a building expansion project that • Foaming Bathroom Cleaner is scheduled to be complete in December. JAWS products are available locally at Saut- All the while, Yacko had to ensure that his ter’s, Appliance Center, White Water Car Wash, employees were safe. To that end, he set up strict Walt Churchill’s, Kazmaier’s, and on line at guidelines to maintain social distancing in the Sylvania Rotarians Build Ryan Kane, Sylvania Rotary, Jon Boykan, Habitat volunteer, Laura Dosch Sylvania Rotary president, Nancy Jomantas, Sylvania Rotary, George Dosch, volunteer, and Ben Malczewski, Sylvania Rotary, help at a Maumee Valley Habitat for Humanity build site on Aug. 22. —by Mary Helen Darah

16A YOURGOOD.NEWS SYLVANIA ADVANTAGE • FIRST SEPTEMBER 2020 SCHOOLS Sylvania resident leads NASA student competition As careers in the sciences grow for young ration. The garment that the team designed for mer. There, she has assisted in surgeries, x-rays, women, Sylvania resident Tiare Nicholas- astronauts could be worn on the Artemis voyage and dental procedures on a variety of animals. Tiare Nicholas-Bublick Bublick plans to take full advantage of the op- to Mars in 2024 if the SUA team advances in the portunities—and fortunately science is also her competition. The students hope to present their Outside of her work as a veterinary volunteer passion, so she’s already well suited to embrace design to NASA officials in person. and STEM leader, Nicholas-Bublick is an avid the challenges. athlete. A cross-country runner for SUA, she For the NASA competition, Nicholas-Bublick also finds time to teach self-defense classes to her Nicholas-Bublick, a senior, is the leader of the and her teammates designed a garment which classmates and karate to children at Sylvania St. Ursula Academy (SUA) Science, Technology, resembles a long down vest and uses recyclable Family Karate. She holds a second-degree black Engineering, and Math (STEM) team that is polyethylene pellets packed into mesh pockets belt in American Karate. currently involved in a NASA competition for to cover the exterior. The team placed a solar students. The challenge is to create wearable ra- particle eruption (SPE) detector under the pock- This well-rounded student also co-leads the diation countermeasures for deep space explo- ets to warn the astronauts if any radiation would Earth Club and is a member of the Ambassador seep through. A special feature of the garment is Society and National Honor Society. She plans SMALL, INDEPENDENT, LOCAL, ART SUPPLY STORE its ability to be multifunctional; it can transform to attend Hillsdale College next fall. to serve as a blanket, pillow, room divider/pri- FOR THE LOVE OF ART INC. vacy curtain, bag or cover for any object. Astro- A graduate of St. Joseph Parish School Sylva- nauts could also use the garment in a variety of nia, she is the daughter of Dr. Selena Nicholas- • ART SUPPLIES ways after landing on Mars, such as creating a Bublick and Matt Bublick. • CUSTOM FRAMING greenhouse covering or protecting other tools • ART CLASSES and technologies from radiation. Student Shares Experiences with Rotary • STAFFED BY Already in the second round of competition, WORKING ARTISTS the team will learn if it has advanced by the end of August. The gift of art, from the heart... Art Classes Ages 5 - Adult Nicholas-Bublick has always been drawn to science. She especially enjoys biology, oceanog- Everything for every artist - raphy and space exploration. “The complexity kids & adults, students & professionals! of it all is just so fascinating to me and sparks so much curiosity,” she said. For her future career, 4027 N. Holland-Sylvania she intends to focus on veterinary science. She has already spent many hours volunteering at Just NORTH of Sylvania Ave. on Holland Sylvania Rd. veterinary clinics, most often at locations in the Cook Islands, where she visits family every sum- 419-882-2060 • Frogtown Computers 419.517.6069 • Free Recycling Young journalist and reporter Jayden Jefferson, center, attends a recent Sylvania Rotary Club meeting at Highland Meadows Country Club with his WE BUY USED COMPUTERS AND APPLE iOS DEVICES parents James and Lynell. A student at Maumee Valley Country Day OUT OF WARRANTY APPLE COMPUTERS ARE OUR SPECIALTY School, he shares his national and global experiences with the Sylvania Rotary Club. STOYH1LAF1VNABYNKUEISAYAINOFREUOSSRS! In-home setup of your new Mac/PC, wireless router in-home install SCAT Speaks... habits parents try to instill in their kids, we have Mac & PC Upgrades & Repair BY INGA HOLTON to set the good example by getting enough PC Malware / Virus Cleanup sleep. It will make us healthier and better FREE ESTIMATES Anxiety and Stress equipped to parent our children. This is espe- cially important with the challenging circum- 6565 Erie St., Sylvania 43560 One of the first presentations I gave was stances we have during the COVID-19 about anxiety and stress. That was last fall pandemic. when the landscape was very different than it ESTABLISHED 2009 • A LOCALLY OWNED AND OPERATED BUSINESS is today. One of the things that hasn’t changed Now that you are making sure you are get- is the role of sleep on anxiety and overall health. ting enough sleep, you probably are wondering When my son was a baby, he didn’t sleep a lot. how much sleep your children should be get- Which meant I didn’t sleep a lot, and I often felt ting. Preschoolers are supposed to sleep 10-13 groggy. Sleep deprivation affects memory, con- hours/night. School age children (ages 6-13) centration, mood, likelihood for accidents, im- should sleep 9-11 hours/night. Teens (ages 14- munity, high blood pressure, diabetes, weight 17) should sleep 8-10 hours/night. If your kids gain, heart disease, libido, and balance. are challenging that, one thing that will help is getting some additional physical time outside. I have always been a night owl and used to The human body has developed to regulate brag about how little sleep I could function on. sleep based on the sun, so having more time The reality is I did still function, but I could outside in the sun helps the brain know when have been even better with additional sleep. I it is time to sleep. made a personal resolution two years ago to sleep more, and I have been sick less often. I am I will have more information to help with able to be patient more often in difficult situa- stress and anxiety in the next column. Good tions. I am sure I have had other benefits, but luck with the start of school and have a good those are the ones that I have definitely noticed. night’s sleep! It is recommended that adults have 7-9 Feedback can be emailed to Inga at ingas- hours of sleep per night. As with many good [email protected]

FIRST SEPTEMBER 2020 • SYLVANIA ADVANTAGE YOURGOOD.NEWS 17A A look at the new school year NOW OPEN! BY DR. VERONICA MOTLEY soon and as safely possible. On Aug. 24, the A natural approach Board of Education approved the plan for the to your wellness plan. Sylvania district to move all grade levels to hybrid Schools wel- learning starting Sept. 14 through the end of comes stu- the first quarter, Oct. 22. The COVID-19 case dents to the trend in our area will be monitored for further 2020-2021 decisions about when it may be necessary to school year switch between the learning models. Students starting Mon- who enrolled in the Sylvania Alternative day, Aug. 31. Learning Academy will continue with 100 Students met percent online learning with Sylvania teacher with teachers support for at least the first semester. in person and remotely Aug. The district is working to make the school 25-28. year as normal as possible given the protocols This opportunity allowed the students to and guidelines that are in place. I am grateful get a sense of familiarity and comfort with the for the parents and teachers who have been new classroom setting and learn expectations called upon to be more flexible than ever as before school begins. we begin a second school year with COVID- New this year is the use of Schoology, a 19. learning management system, to enhance the remote capabilities for learning and engaging I appreciate our families and teachers as we our students in grades K-12. Prior to the first work to address our reopening of school. As official day for teachers on Aug. 14, 50 teach- we look ahead to what school will look like for ers became Schoology trainers for their col- our students there is a lot to be proud of, de- leagues to expedite the learning curve and get spite the circumstances brought upon by the the groundwork ready for the year. The teach- pandemic. I’ve had the opportunity to visit ers will also provide building-level support each of our buildings and I can attest, teachers throughout the course of the school year. and students alike are excited about starting As the first day of school quickly ap- the school year. proaches, the district is looking forward to bringing back students into the classrooms as To keep up with the highlights and infor- mation from the district, visit sylvani-, and follow us on social media. Become a CASA Volunteer APPLY TODAY! C39H00AKNinGgERoAad, Toledo ProMedica Natural Wellness Shop is for those who know exactly CHILD'S STORY what they’re looking for and those who have no idea where to begin. Drop in to let our knowledgeable staff help you round out your wellness plan with the very latest natural products, or schedule an appointment with our natural wellness practitioner. ACUPUNCTURE • AROMATHERAPY • CBD • CUPPING • TEAS • VITAMINS AND SUPPLEMENTS 5700 Monroe St., Ste. 114, Sylvania | ProMedica Health and Wellness Center | 567-585-0500

18A YOURGOOD.NEWS SYLVANIA ADVANTAGE • FIRST SEPTEMBER 2020 SPORTS Toledo NW Ohio Food Bank Hosts Tourney Local High School Sports Schedules President/CEO of Toledo Football Northwestern Ohio Food Bank James Caldwell and Northview Southview DeAnna Zywocki welcome guests to the event that 09-04-at Bowling Green 09-04 Maumee will support the Food 09-11 Springfield 09-11 at Perrysburg Bank’s Harvest Market. 09-18 Maumee 09-18 at Anthony Wayne 09-26 at Napoleon 09-26 Springfield 10-02 Southview 10-02 at Northview 10-09 Playoffs 10-09 Playoffs TBD Bowling Green St. Francis St. John 09-04-at Whitmer 09-04 at Central Catholic 09-11 Central Catholic 09-11 at Findlay 09-18 Clay 09-18 Lima Senior 09-26 at Lima Senior 09-26 at Fremont Ross 10-02 Fremont Ross 10-02 Whitmer Other St. John’s Sports L-R: Ken Knight, Jim Minor, Rick Yarder and Dan LaValley participate in the Soccer Golf Third Annual Golf Classic on Aug. 24 at Sylvania Country Club. 09-08-at Findlay, 7 pm 09-08-at Archbishop Hoban Invitational 09-12 Perrysburg, 11 am Portage Country Club 12:30 pm 09-15 at St. Francis, 11 am 09-09 Clay TRAC Shootout, 09-22 at Lima Senior, 7 pm Eagles Landing Golf Course 09-24 at Northview, 7 pm 09-12 Trojan Invitational, Findlay 09-27 at Walsh Jesuit, 4 pm Country Club 1 pm 09-29 Fremont Ross, 7 pm 09-22 at Lima Senior, 7 pm 10-03 Anthony Wayne, 5 pm 09-14 Golden Bear Invitational, 10-06 at Whitmer, 7 pm Zanesville Country Club, 9 am 10-10 Hawken, 1 pm 09-16 Catholic Cup, Stone Oak 10-13 Central Catholic, 7 pm Country Club, 2 pm 09-19 Bryan Invitational, Cross Country Riverside Greens, 10:30 am 09-21 Nolan Belden Invitational 09-19-Dave’s XC Invitational, Ottawa Brookside Country Club Park, 10 am 09-22 TRAC Championship, 09-26 at Seneca East High School, 7:30 pm Stone Ridge Golf Club, 10 am 10-03 Midwest Meet of Champions, 10-17 TRAC Championship, TBD 10-24 District Championship, Owens Community College, Findlay Notre Dame Academy Varsity Fall Sports Schedule L-R: John Szuch, Josh Adams, Roy Hutcheison, and Stephanie Morris are Volley Ball 09-10 TRAC Match #3, Maumee Bay ready to head to the course to benefit the Toledo Northwestern Ohio Golf Club, 4 pm Food Bank. —by Mary Helen Darah 09-10-at Findlay, 6 pm 09-14 NWOGGL Match, Heatherdowns 09-17 Lima Senior, 7 pm Country Club, 3:30 pm welcomes 09-19/20 Mercy McAuley Fall Classic 09-15 TRAC Match #4, Maumee Bay Tournament, Cincinnati Golf Club, 4 pm CHRISTINA 09-24 at Clay, 7 pm 09-23 TRAC Championship, Stone Oak JAWORSKI, CNP 10-01 Central Catholic,7 pm Country Club, 10 am 10-08 at Fremont Ross, 6:30 pm Certi ed Nurse Practitioner,Tina 10-10 Quad Match, Miami East, Tennis Jaworski, brings over 15 years’ Casstown, Ohio, 9 am experience in cardiology, hospital, 10-15 at St. Ursula Academy, 7:30 pm 09-05, North Canton Hoover HS, and family practice settings to our Twos Athletic Club, 10 am health care family. Cross Country 09-08 at Lima Senior, 4:30 pm She will provide individualized primary care and education 09-10 St.Ursula Academy, Twos Athletic to patients 7 years of age and older, supplementing the 09-19-Dave’s XC Invitational, Ottawa Club, 4:30 pm comprehensive services of our Springforest Family practice. Park, 9:30 am 09-15 at Fremont Ross, 4:30 pm 09-26 at Seneca East High School, 7:30 pm 09-18 at Walsh Jesuit HS, 4 pm 3020 N. McCord Rd., Suite 200 • 419.843.3349 10-03 Clay Eagle Invitation, 09-19 at Lexington Tennis Invitational, 9 am Now accepting new patients • Same day appointments available Oregon Rec., 9 am 09-24/25 TRAC Championship at Clay, 10 am Hours: Mon – Thurs 8:30am to 5pm • Fri 8:30am to 3:45pm 10-17 TRAC Championship, Walsh Park, 09-30 Northview, Twos 4:30 pm Fremont, 9 am 10-24 District Championship, Owens Soccer Community College, Findlay 10-31 OHSAA Regional Meet at 09-05, Magnificant High School, 10 am Hedges-Boyer Park, Tiffin 09-09 at Lima Senior, 4:30 pm 11-07 OHSAA State Championship 09-12 Ontario HS, 5 pm at The Fortress, Obetz, Ohio 09-19 at Walsh Jesuit, 2 pm 09-21 at Southview, 7 pm Golf 09-23 Lima Senior 5:30 pm 09-26 at Granville HS, 2 pm 09-05-LCC Lady Thunderbird Invitational 09-30 at Fremont Ross, 4:30 pm Colonial Golf Club, Harrod, Ohio, 9 am

FIRST SEPTEMBER 2020 • SYLVANIA ADVANTAGE YOURGOOD.NEWS 19A SPORTS Golfers ‘Scramble’ For a Cause Rally for the Cure Golf Outing Bonnie Earle, Rob Reiter, Tom Crothers and Amy Tobias were members of the winning team for the Rally for the Cure Golf Tournament at Highland Meadows Golf Club on Aug. 15 L-R: Ryan Shedd, Patrick Mollenkamp, Ryan Smith and Honorary Chairman OHSAA offers guidelines for fall sports participants Robert Thompson relax at the Jim Murray Golf Classic held on August 25. L-R: Bill Chalmers, Rob Vela, Greg Braylock Jr., and Liz Michalak are • Up to 60 players may dress for games. host school will determine the specific length of happy to support the American Cancer Society. • The team box on the sideline has been ex- halftime. tended from the 10-yard line to the opposite 10- yard line so that coaches and players can adhere • Timeouts may be two minutes in length to social distancing guidelines. • Officials will have limited contact with the • All coaches, players, medical staff, game ball. The umpire will place an orange bean bag workers, media and spectators must wear a facial at the spot where the ball will be snapped. covering at all times, other than the 22 players • Each player should have own water bottle. on the field of play. • Players and coaches from the visiting team • The OHSAA recommends that halftimes will not use a locker room, and will arrive fully be shortened to 10 minutes (plus three minutes or partially dressed in their game uniform. for warm-up) and that team members be kept • Pregame and postgame handshakes lines socially distanced outside their locker room. The are not permitted. L-R: Mike Keane, Mike Kott, Rod Dr. George Darah and soon-to-be We’re in Bowe and Greg Kott participate in son-in-law David Cassavar this together the Jim Murray Memorial Golf participate in the American Classic held at SCC. Cancer Society Jim Murray Golf Just like a loyal teammate, Classic. we’ll always have your back. Brian McNulty and Craig Saffran L-R: Fenton Challgren, Rick Briars Cathleen McGuire are ready to hit the greens for a and Brian Iott enjoy the event held McGuire Group Insurance Agency good cause. at the Sylvania Country Club. 6387 Monroe Street Sylvania, OH 43560 –by Mary Helen Darah Fax: 419-885-9017 419-885-4600 Erie Insurance Exchange, Erie Insurance Co., Erie Insurance Property & Casualty Co., Flagship City Insurance Co. and Erie Family Life Insurance Co. (Erie, PA) or Erie Insurance Co. of New York (Rochester, NY). Go to for company licensure and product details. CMS149_sports1 2/18

TMP Hosts Eighth Annual Car Show Brian Wexler helps Luke Jennewine handle the fire hose from Ralph Emery’s 1953 LaFrance pumper on exhibit at the car show. Behind the scene Adam Wuest helps to contol the water pump on the rig. 9640 Sylvania-Metamora Road | Sylvania, OH 43560 419 -724 -1200 Sales O ce: 5877 Stonelily Lane 419 -386 -2686 Despite an early morning rain and COVID-19, over 168 vehicles of all makes and models participate in the annual car show on Aug.16 at Toledo Memorial Park. Donations from the event benefit the Toledo Metro Area Chapter of Wreaths Across America’s efforts to honor and respect the graves of veterans in the park and surrounding areas. Last year, 3,900 wreaths were placed on the graves of veterans. Donations can still be made by visiting —by Fred LeFebvre The Wreaths Across America Mobile Education Exhibit helps people understand the mission of the organization.

Sept. 1 - Sept. 15, 2020 SECTION B Vol. 25, No. 10 • YOUR HOMETOWN GOOD NEWS PAPER Sylvania Senior Center staff eager to welcome back participants The Sylvania Senior Center might still be participants while the Center has been closed but the staff has been very busy mak- closed. ing the facility ready for re-opening once the “We make phone calls every day, checking state guidelines are published, along with the on our people, making sure they are ok, are Lucas County Health Department’s recom- able to get their medications, groceries and mendations. that they are safe. We have found that our “We cannot wait to welcome our partici- participants are so very appreciative of these pants back,” exclaimed Senior Center Exec- phone calls. They are lonely, but for the most utive Director Julie Graf. “We miss part no one has been frantic or in a panic everyone.” about this situation. We are so lucky to be in “However, our center will look a bit dif- a community that is so giving and thought- ferent once it is ful. Many of our deemed safe for seniors have us to open,” she been well taken added. “Our care of thanks participants will to the efforts of have to schedule those at Saut- appointments ter’s and the and their tem- volunteers from peratures will be McCord Road Sylvania Senior Center Program Coordinator Susan Jennelle, Director Julie Graf, Office Manager Deb Rozek and Events and Volunteer Coordinator taken before Christian Karen Underwood are making sure all procedures are in place in preparation for re-opening. they can enter. Church who Excellent breeding We will practice delivered gro- grounds for fish, wildlife and private investment. social distanc- cery orders ing as well. For through example, indi- March,” Graf viduals partici- Susan Jennelle hosts a successful Zoom said. pating in fitness meeting for participants recently. C u r r e n t l y, classes in the the Senior Cen- great room will ter staff is host- have to stay on floor markers that are 10 feet ing Zoom groups such as current events, apart,” she reported. “But, we will all be so book club, and knitting and crocheting. “We happy to have people back in our building will keep adding to these groups,” Graf and start to resume some of those activities promised. “Our phone calls, emails and that we all so enjoy. It’s just that we will have Zoom meetings are not like reaching out and to do things a bit differently.” hugging someone, but they are helping us all According to Graf, she and her staff have stay connected, which is most important.” continued to stay in touch with the center Conserving and restoring natural places contributes to quality of life, attracting people and business. Metroparks. For you. For us. Forever. Senior Center Environmental Services Consultant KJ Petinoit keeps the gardens and grounds in top shape.

2B YOURGOOD.NEWS SYLVANIA ADVANTAGE • FIRST SEPTEMBER 2020 HOME Toledoan is one of two winners in coveted Ohio food contest Sylvania Farmers Market Friday, Sept. 18, Trivia with the Wine Nicole Reno ingredients such as oatmeal, nut butters, Sylvania First United Methodist Guy, 7 pm honey, coconut oil and raisins. “My personal Church, 7000 Erie St. BY JENNIFER RUPLE trainer once told me that if something has Tuesdays, 3 - 7 pm FOOD TRUCK FUN more than five ingredients, it’s probably not With more space to spread out, the Nicole Reno is a firm believer in the that good for me,” Reno said. Reno creates weekly Sylvania market offers local Yark Automotive Group phrase, ‘you are what you eat.’ Having three versions of her award-winning bars produce, flowers, herbs, baked goods, 6019 W. Central Ave. struggled with weight issues her entire life, including Oatmeal Raisin, Peanut Butter wine, popcorn and handmade items. 11:30 am – 1:30 pm Reno made the decision to cut processed Chocolate Chip and S’mores. Grab dinner to go from a variety of Thursday, Sept. 3 – The Dawg House foods and added sugars from her diet. To food trucks. Enter off Erie Street and Thursday, Sept. 10 – Chef Rob’s Side help with sweets cravings, she developed a Although not yet available in stores, Reno exit on Orvieto Drive. Hustle Pizza snack bar called the R.O. Bar which became sells her bars to family and friends and Thursday, Sept. 17 – The Saucy one of two winning entries in the 11th annual through her Facebook page for $1 per bar. Toledo Farmers Market Slamwich Ohio Signature Food Contest. “Everything healthy is so expensive. People 525 Market St., Toledo should not have to pay so much for things Saturdays, 8 am – 2 pm TASTINGS The contest, co-sponsored by the Center like personal training and healthy food,” she Sundays, 9 am – 1 pm for Innovative Food Technology (CIFT) and remarked. A long-standing tradition, the Toledo Bottle Shop at Mancy’s Italian the Ohio Farm Bureau Federation (OFBF), Farmers Market features fresh local 5453 Monroe St. showcases innovative food entrepreneurs and Reno’s goal is to be able to sell her bars in produce, flowers, breads, coffee, Wine tastings, Wednesday – Saturday their products, ready to take that next step in fitness facilities and at farmers markets. “I cheese, farm fresh eggs, honey, beginning at 4 pm making their dreams a reality. feel like CIFT has opened a world of sauces, jams, baked goods, crafts A new theme each week. Call 419- opportunity for me. I’m super excited to work and food trucks. First hour is reserved 824-2463 for reservations Reno, a financial and first-time home with them and have their resources available for those higher at risk. buyers’ coach, loves to cook and bake and has to me,” she said. HOME and GARDEN been working on her product since September 2018. “I took a lot of time to figure The second award-winning entry in the Pig Roast (Curbside Style) Found Our Haven – Open House out what would make these bars better. I contest came from Bijou Nuakey  of Canal Sofia Quintero Art and Cultural 119 N. Ontario St., Toledo didn’t want them to be too crunchy or too Winchester, Ohio. Nuakey creates an exotic Center Sept. 17 - 19, 10 am – 5 pm, each day chewy,” she explained. kebab rub with a blend of special African 1225 Broadway St., Toledo Home décor spices ground with corn and a touch of Friday, Sept. 4, 5 - 7 pm boutique The R.O. Bar, which stands for raw and roasted peanuts/almonds and secret The annual Sofia Quintero and Club featuring organic, is made with just a handful of ingredients. Taino Pig Roast is available to go! The antiques, meal includes Roasted Pork, Arroz con refinished During the food contest, held August 2, Gandules (Puerto Rican Rice with furniture, and each finalist made a one-minute pitch about Pigeon Peas), Yucca with Garlic Mojo handcrafted their product, and then judges asked a series and signature cookies. Beer, pop and pillows and of questions. At the end, scores were water are also available. Meals are accessories. tallied based on the viability of the product, $15 adults and $12 children. Preorder Open the commercialization potential, business at or call 419-241-1655. third strategy and overall appeal to the weekend of marketplace. Harvest Market Dinner 2020 each month. More details on Toledo Botanical Garden Facebook @foundourhaven. CIFT and the  Northwest Ohio 5403 Elmer Dr. Cooperative Kitchen (NOCK), which are Thursday, Sept. 24, 6 – 9 pm The Butter Barn – September Sale located in Bowling Green, Ohio, will be Enjoy a small group, open air culinary 5541 Consear Rd., Ottawa Lake, working with the two winners for one year, experience. Event features a four- Mich. providing business and technical assistance, course plated dinner prepared by to help them bring their vision of becoming a local chefs. Includes beer and wine Sept. 24 - 27, 10 am – 4 pm, each day food entrepreneur to life. The contest can be and features produce from the Toledo Vintage treasures, handmade farm viewed on BCAN Arts YouTube Channel GROWs farm. $100 per person. Space tables, one-of-a-kind accessories and at is limited. For reservations, visit more. Located one mile east of exit 3, off US 23. Five minutes north of Sylvania. More details on Facebook MUSIC, WINE and BEER @butterbarnantiques. Benfield Wines Garden Tour Series 102 N. Main St., Swanton Flowering Perennial Care Kick back, relax and enjoy wine, beer Toledo Zoo, 2 Hippo Way and dinner from Switchback Café. Tuesday, Sept. 22, 10:30 am – noon Visit @benfieldwines on Facebook for Learn how to incorporate native more information. plantings into your landscape and Saturday, Sept. 12 – Music from how to care for them. 20 guests per Abbigale Rose, 6 pm tour. $10 members, $15 non-members. For tickets, visit Got foodie events? Email Jen at [email protected]

FIRST SEPTEMBER 2020 • SYLVANIA ADVANTAGE YOURGOOD.NEWS 3B Tomatoes, zucchini and corn: Recipes to celebrate late summer’s bounty BY JENNIFER RUPLE Zucchini Lasagna slicing. Serve warm or at room Corn and Green Chile temperature. Casserole Have you noticed a Salt and freshly ground black pepper to nip in the air? Mornings taste (Recipe by Jennifer Ruple) Spray two baking sheets with olive oil. are a tad cooler and the 1 ½ cups mozzarella cheese Arrange sliced zucchini in a single layer on evening sun is setting 2 tablespoons grated Parmesan cheese Corn and Green Chile baking sheets. Broil for 5 minutes or until earlier and earlier. Fall is 1 egg, beaten Casserole moisture is released. Allow zucchini to cool, on the horizon. For and then pat it dry with paper towels. some of you who are Heat oven to 375 F. Here’s a new spin on my classic ready to move on to Pat tomatoes with paper towels to remove corn casserole recipe. By adding Heat oven to 350 F. 2021, that’s good news. excess moisture. roasted green chiles and spices, I’ve In a bowl, combine ricotta cheese, However, I’m not ready to let go of summer On a parchment lined baking sheet, unroll created a Mexican-style version. mozzarella cheese, egg, salt and pepper. Set just yet. pie crust. Set aside. Enjoy it as a meatless main or a aside. I’ve been having too much fun at farmers In a large bowl, combine tomatoes, basil, satisfying side dish alongside grilled In a medium skillet, heat oil. Sauté onion markets, shopping for harvest’s treasures. garlic, oil, vinegar, seasoning and salt and fajitas. After baking, top with and carrot until they begin to soften. Add And I’m enjoying the relaxing, comfort from pepper. crushed tortilla chips for a little spinach and cook until wilted. Set aside. the earth vibe I get when picking my own To the pie crust, add cheeses leaving a 2- crunch. Recipe makes 6 side dish In a medium casserole dish, spoon half of vegetables and flowers at area farms. What’s inch border of crust. Next add tomatoes servings. the marinara sauce over the bottom. Add the even more fun is bringing my big, burlap mixture. Fold the crust up and over the outer first layer of zucchini slices. Next, add half of market tote home filled with all those goodies part of the filling, leaving the center of the pie 3 ears of corn, cooked and cut from the cheese mixture, and top it with half of the and creating new recipes from them. Did I open. their cobs sautéed vegetables. Add a second layer of mention the gorgeous fresh flower bouquets I Brush egg over top of crust. Bake for 25-35 4 ounces of roasted green chiles zucchini slices and add the remaining cheese get to look at on my kitchen island each day? minutes, covering crust with strips of foil 2 tablespoons flour mixture and then remaining vegetables. I’m in no hurry; fall can hold off for after 15 minutes to prevent over browning. 2 eggs, lightly beaten Finish with a third layer of zucchini. Drop a little longer. Allow pie to stand for 10 minutes before 1 cup milk dollops of the remaining marinara sauce over 1 cup cheddar or Mexican blend the zucchini. Sprinkle with Parmesan cheese. Tomato Basil Pie Tomato Basil Pie cheese, plus more for topping Bake for 1 hour. Allow to rest for 15 minutes 2 teaspoons chili powder before slicing. Garnish with basil and pine This rustic pie, also known as a 1 teaspoon cumin nuts. galette, is a single layer of crust ½ teaspoon garlic powder (Recipe by Jennifer Ruple) simply folded up and over the ½ teaspoon salt contents. With layers of cheeses, ¼ teaspoon freshly ground black pepper Zucchini Lasagna tomatoes and Italian spices, it tastes Lime wedges a bit like a deep dish pizza, only Crushed tortilla chips enveloped in a flaky crust. Recipe makes 6 servings. Heat oven to 350 F. In a medium bowl, combine all ingredients. Pour into a medium 1 refrigerated pie crust, room casserole dish coated with olive oil spray. temperature Sprinkle with a bit more cheese. 3 medium tomatoes or the equivalent in Bake uncovered for 1 hour. Enjoy hot with assorted sizes, sliced a squirt of lime juice and a sprinkling of ¼ cup fresh basil leaves, thinly sliced crushed tortilla chips. 2 teaspoons extra virgin olive oil 1 – 2 cloves garlic, minced (Recipe by Jennifer Ruple) 1 teaspoon balsamic vinegar 1 teaspoon Italian seasoning Zucchini Lasagna Sliced zucchini takes center stage to replace lasagna noodles in this lower-in- carbs meal. Inside, you’ll find an explosion of veggies – spinach, carrots and onions – layered with creamy ricotta and mozzarella cheeses. Recipe makes 6 servings. 2 medium zucchini, sliced about ¼ inch thick 15 ounce container ricotta cheese 1 cup mozzarella cheese 1 egg, lightly beaten Salt and freshly ground black pepper to taste 1 tablespoon olive oil 1 medium onion, diced 1 cup shredded carrot 2 cups fresh spinach 1 ½ cups marinara sauce Parmesan cheese Fresh basil leaves, sliced ¼ cup toasted pignolias (pine nuts) for garnish

4B YOURGOOD.NEWS SYLVANIA ADVANTAGE • FIRST SEPTEMBER 2020 Love conquers distancing need anything they are there to help. We are and perfecting her chair volleyball game without thankful we can have time together outside. the hindrance of social distancing. “We are all BY MARY HELEN DARAH There is a beautiful courtyard as well as tents set doing our best during this tough time,” she stated. up for visitation. We have five living parents “The staff takes very good care of us which really Kingston Care of Sylvania resident Phyllis Di- ranging from age 84 to 95. Phyllis is the one I helps in keeping our spirits up. They keep finding amond has greatly felt the effects of the pan- worry about the least.” creative ways to help us stay connected but I am demic but is finding that love conquers all, even excited for things to get back to normal.” forced distancing. The 95-year-old is keeping in Diamond hopes that the virus can be con- tained soon so she can get back to visiting friends touch with her family in creative ways thanks to the supportive staff at Kingston. Volunteers Package Needed Products Diamond has a granddaughter living in Israel and a son and daughter-in-law living in Hous- ton, Texas. “Israel has a seven-hour time differ- ence,” stated Diamond. “I am able to Skype with my granddaughter and I actually find that I am talking with her more now than ever. I talk with my family in Texas on the phone, but it’s so much better when we can visit with each other in per- son.” The personal visits were not possible until re- cently. “We have to chat through a closed win- dow due to government restrictions but we are Phyllis Diamond, a resident of Kingston allowed scheduled, outdoor, distanced visits,” Care Center in Sylvania, looks forward to stated Diamond. “Yet our guests are not allowed virtual and distanced visits from family. to eat, drink, or give us gifts or food.” Family visits are not the only change that has the pandemic and made the best of the situation. occurred during the virus. “I like to socialize,” “People from our temple came by to say ‘happy said Diamond. “Before the virus we could sit to- birthday’ and I was able to chat with them gether and visit in the common area and partic- through the window and then they had cup- ipate in activities. We would sit together at meals. cakes,” said Diamond. “We are finally able to One of my favorite things I like to do is sit on the have some activities as well. I am looking for- benches outside and talk. Now we are no longer ward to chair volleyball. It will be safe because allowed to congregate there. We are finally al- we will be distanced. They will also have Bingo, Shannon Szyperski, Jennifer Archer, Knick Laux and Audrey and Chris lowed to go to the dining room but there is only but I fall asleep during that game. I like action.” Cassavar prepare hygiene baskets on Aug. 21 for distribution at Sylvania one person allowed at a table.” Area Family Services. The project was funded by a grant from the COVID- Daughter-in-law Debbie Beren Diamond 19 Response Fund of the Greater Toledo Community Foundation. Diamond is staying positive even though the from Texas was in town to visit her mother-in- restrictions are limiting her social life. The nona- law. “We get here about 4-5 times a year,” she —by Mary Helen Darah genarian celebrated her birthday in June during said. “The Kingston team here is great. If we Nationally Accredited 7140 Sylvania Avenue | Sylvania, OH | phone: 419.885.3913

FIRST SEPTEMBER 2020 • SYLVANIA ADVANTAGE YOURGOOD.NEWS 5B The Franciscan prayer garden prospers under the hands of Sr. Jeremias Since Sister M. Jeremias Stinson took shel- strata and ledges for future plantings of na- ter from a sudden thunderstorm in the neg- tive flowers and ground cover nestled among lected Portiuncula, or little chapel, on the the rocky ledges. Franciscan grounds in 1974, she has been on “I want to make sure that people can see a mission to carry forth the original footprint beauty wherever they look,” she promised. A laid out by founder Mother M. Adelaide, who waterfall watched over by the Our Lady of had died 10 years before. Seeing the disrepair, Fatima statue for all to enjoy has been added. Sister Jeremias realized that no one was con- “Birds, bees and butterflies respond to the tinuing Mother Adelaide’s vision for the sound of water, as do people.” grounds and shrines. Benches, originally created by Mother “I learned that Mother Adelaide had com- Adelaide, have been given new life. They pleted the little chapel in 1936,” said Sister Je- have been placed in strategic places around remias. “She was fulfilling a promise after and in the garden providing inviting stops for being able to save the 89-acre grounds during those who wish to pray, reflect, contemplate the Great Depression. This Portiuncula is a and enjoy the beauty. replica of one repaired by Saint Francis in To provide access to the new garden, Sister The rocks lining the newly created Franciscan prayer garden were part of the original lily pond established by Mother Adelaide. 1212. Also, at that time, on what is now Jeremias has overseen the construction of known as the Sisters of St. Francis Mother- stone steps on both sides of the bridge. She house campus, there was no bridge spanning coordinated the native plants to ensure con- the ravine, part tinuing color of a glacier throughout the groove adjacent garden. She also to the little gave much chapel.” thought to the In 1946, winter season, Mother Adelaide making sure to designed the have eye pleas- construction of ing growth when the Duns Scotus flowering is Library, named complete. after a 13th cen- On the Por- tury Franciscan tiuncula side of scholar, just be- the bridge, Sister yond the ravine Jeremias filled A framework of color lines the Our Lady of Fatima watches over overlook down to the native grasses the waterfall in the garden. and planted the ravine with a in the ravine. spruce, pine and variety of native other trees along Sister M. Jeremias Stinson points out some of grasses to pro- the walkway, the the tiny saplings taking root in the grove of vide filtration of only access to trees, many of which were planted by Mother the water run TOMASE DENTAL CARE this newest Adelaide. off. Lining the building. It walls of the Friendly and Caring Team, Your Comfort is our Priority! Accepting new patients! wasn’t until 1955 that the bridge was built, al- ravine are a myriad of blooms leading the eye lowing for easier access to the area and to a symphony of color. While Sister Jeremias paving the way for additional buildings, in- places most of her emphasis on caring for the cluding Mother Adelaide’s “Basilica,” Our over 5,000 trees on the grounds and the year- Lady Queen of Peace Chapel, completed in round garden to feed the poor, she takes 1961 just before she died in 1964. great delight in this new garden. “When I Once the bridge was in place, to enhance first was working with the land, I stored my the area even further, Mother Adelaide had a materials under the bridge and used it as my lily pond created in the ravine that nourished workshop,” she chuckled. many species of fish and other plantings and Just beyond the new prayer garden is a DR. TOMASE AND TEAM Call Dr. Timothy Tomase for a variety of treatment options to restore wildlife. According to Sister Jeremias, stand of white pine trees, some of which were your smile to health, comfort and beauty. Mother Adelaide’s vision was to have two planted by Mother Adelaide many years ago. 7616 King’s Pointe Rd. • Sylvania Township ponds on either side of the bridge for all to “Unfortunately, we had to take down three of 419.474.5858 • enjoy: one in celebration of St. Francis and her trees, but look what has happened,” Sister Protecting pets for 315 dog years.Recommended: the second in honor of St. Clare. Jeremias explained. “We have over 450 baby Save $150 Mother Adelaide realized that she was seedlings from those white pines along with Exclusive Boundary Plus® working with farmland, but her vision ex- other varieties that have just blown in and Pet Fence tended much beyond. She wanted to create taken root. We are creating our own little for- O er valid on professionally installed, Boundary Plus® Outdoor Technology. Not to be combined with other discounts or valid on not just a park, but a monastic garden to cel- est here.” According to Sister Jeremias, these previous purchases. Participating dealers only. Expires 09/30/2020. ebrate the integration of nature in a place that tree seedlings are flourishing because no To learn more, visit or call 1-800-578-3647. is quiet, full of beauty and harmony, a place chemicals are used on the grounds and all Invisible Fence Brand of Northwest Ohio for contemplation, a place to renew one’s natural mulch is placed around the area. “It 6100 Monroe Street | Sylvania, OH 43560 spirit. “We, who follow, must be stewards of is such a joy to see how nature renews itself.” 419-882-3644 | this sacred ground and take care of all that is In her role as Superintendent of Environ- ©2020 Radio Systems Corp. All Rights Reserved. The Best Buy Seal and other licensed materials are registered certification marks and trademarks of Consumers Digest Communications, LLC, used under license. For awards information, visit here,” said Sister Jeremias. mental Stewardship, Gardens, Shrines and Sister Jeremias accepted that mission and Woodland Management for the Franciscan takes this role very seriously. In 2018, she campus, she and her team have done much. turned her efforts to the place of the former They have created shrines, restored bridges, lily pond, which structurally failed and was built two hermitages, felled trees and re- filled in with soil in 1974. It is now known as planted thousands more. They have estab- the Sunken Garden. Sister Jeremias, Sister lished the year-round garden, which Grace Ellen, Sister Adrienne and the rest of produces food for families in need and much her team, Joe and Tomas, began excavating more. While Sister Jeremias originally served the walls of the former pond. Most of this as a math teacher, she has found her ministry work was done manually. The rocks and is to “witness to God by being a steward of boulders were cleaned and reset to create all he has created.”

6B YOURGOOD.NEWS SYLVANIA ADVANTAGE • FIRST SEPTEMBER 2020 ProMedica raises awareness of opioid overdoses within the community BY Kristie Gallagher definition of naloxone is: wide range of community members have the ing the instructions on the go. A medication that can reverse an overdose opportunity to access the kits. Also, at this Since October 2019, ProMedica Emergency As Ohio continues to focus on the state’s caused by an opioid drug (heroin, fentanyl, or time, six of the seven Ohio ProMedica emer- Departments have distributed over 200 kits. opioid crisis, ProMedica joins the fight to help prescribed pain medications). When admin- gency departments have the capability to dis- To learn more about the PEND Program or decrease the number of opioid-related over- istered during an overdose, naloxone blocks tribute them. how to obtain a naloxone take-home kit, con- doses within the communities it serves. As a the effects of opioids on the brain and quickly tact ProMedica’s PEND Program Coordinator, partner of Project DAWN (Deaths Avoided restores breathing.[i] When a take-home kit is given, the recipi- Tiffany Sayre, at 567- 585-0272. With Naloxone), Ohio Department of Health’s ent is taught specialized instructions on how naloxone education and distribution program, There are many different methods to obtain to administer nasal naloxone and is informed Kristie Gallagher, RN, MSN, CEN, TCRN, ProMedica works to inform and distribute the naloxone take-home kits. ProMedica of the different signs and symptoms of an opi- EMTP, EMSI, FAEN, is the ProMedica Metro take-home kits to patients, family or de- Emergency Department Naloxone Distribu- oid overdose. Signs can include a slower Region Emergency Department Educator signees. tion (PEND) Program works with local breathing pattern, tiny pupils, bluish lips and churches, health departments, behavioral fingernails, and unresponsiveness. An info- The Ohio Department of Health’s current health agencies, and pharmacies to ensure a graphic is also provided for ease of remember- BY DR. LAWRENCE JOHNSON tality, which makes all relationships temporary. creases. Lawrence J. Johnson, Ph.D., FAPA, is a clinical We fear abandonment, rejection and judgment. The ability to simply share of ourselves will psychologist with over 38 years of diverse ex- Sharing This fear thwarts the sharing process which lim- perience in the field. its the growth of intimacy. increase our ability to survive, and maybe even Sharing is the focus of thrive in this pandemic. this relational need dis- The human skill which increases sharing is cussion. We often think of the ability for us to listen with empathy and the Litter clean up encouraged sharing in terms of shar- freedom to share ourselves. Try this exercise and, Who hasn’t seen a discarded facemask, ers and the city of Toledo, is doing its part. ing experiences, for in- believe me, it is difficult. Sit facing the person gloves, or other PPE littering their neighbor- Each month there will be one scheduled day stance, sharing a meal or a with whom you want to build intimacy. Person hoods, parks, and streets? In addition to the movie. When we consider sharing as a relational “A” begins to speak. They are allowed to speak normal litter that is seen every year, COVID-19 to clean up litter. They will focus on one area need, it is the need to share ourselves. Individuals about anything without correction or editing. has resulted in an increase in protection equip- from 9 am to noon and another from 1 to 4 pm. seek an emotionally protected environment in They are encouraged to share their thoughts and ment being improperly discarded and turning Cleanup Locations will be posted on the website which to share. We need to share our thoughts feelings while Person “B” listens without inter- into litter. If an appropriate trash receptacle is ( and on the Facebook Page at least and emotions without being edited, corrected or ruption, correction or editing. When Person “A” not within 12 steps the average person will drop one week prior to each cleanup. The next clean- judged. When two people meet and a genuine, has finished sharing, it is Person “Bs” turn to their trash to the ground, creating litter. People up date is Sept. 12. simple sharing occurs, they typically experience share, while Person “A” listens with an empathic are now switching gloves and taking off dispos- intimacy. As people increase their sharing, the ear. Person “B,” needs to remember they are able facemasks every time they leave the gro- Individuals, families, businesses, corporate experience of intimacy naturally increases. sharing and not responding to or correcting the cery store and this type of litter is adding up. organizations, community groups, and youth Vince Lombardi once said, \"Winning is sharing of Person “A.” programs (minors must be at least 10 years old everything.\" This quote has been highly misun- When people evaluate a city to live in, visit, and accompanied by a responsible adult) are derstood. People have believed that he meant The environment of empathic listening pro- or bring business to, cleanliness is one aspect welcome to volunteer. Register and fill out a winning is the only acceptable outcome. How- motes sharing - i.e. people telling their stories. that they evaluate in making their decision. Lit- waiver at ever, he meant that everything a team does is fo- We all love to tell our stories. Like my grandfa- ter also impacts the housing market, diminishes cused on winning. The team eats, sleeps, and ther used to say in that thick Oklahoma accent, a sense of community, reduces a commitment All litter cleanup supplies will be provided practices to win. “People are always talking about themselves . . to environmental stewardship, and is costs (gloves, litter tongs, trash bags, and safety vests). I believe “intimacy is everything.” We live our .they just love talking about themselves!” money. Since 2007 it has cost Ohio taxpayers Social Distancing and PPE recommendations lives seeking intimate connections. Intimacy is $37 million dollars for the Ohio Department of will be followed. the experience of being in a relationship in The relational environment of COVID has Transportation to pick up other people’s which both people feel free to be themselves certainly gotten in the way of our process of garbage. For those who cannot make one of the above without the fear of judgement or correction. In sharing. Fear increases our need to control. The dates, but have a specific area they want cleaned such a relationship, the understanding and amount of unknown variables with this virus in- Research shows that people are more likely can organize their own litter cleanup. Any or- deeper knowledge of each other naturally grows. creases our fear. Therefore, our desire to control to litter in an area that is already littered. It is ganized litter cleanup taking place in Lucas However, a paradox exists within this process. our environment increases. Criticism, correct- time to turn back the tides of litter filling neigh- County can request cleanup supplies from As we all seek intimacy, we also fear it. Being ness, and judgement enters into our relation- borhoods, streets, rivers, and lakes. Keep (gloves, litter tongs, trash bags, and safety vests) known and connected is risky. We all have mor- ships. Fear inhibits sharing, and intimate Toledo/Lucas County Beautiful, with support at no cost. The organization will also help with connection decreases. The very experience we from the Board of Lucas County Commission- promoting the cleanup on Social Media and as- need to have during a time of uncertainty de- sist with the pickup of the bags of litter after the cleanup is over.

FIRST SEPTEMBER 2020 • SYLVANIA ADVANTAGE YOURGOOD.NEWS 7B New additions made to TOPS Catherine Frye Outdoor Playscape FROM 1A In the early summer of 2018, planning started early March, which were unloaded at the site. Un- for the second phase of the Outdoor Playscape at fortunately, a 3-month delay due to the pandemic Olander park. A focus group that combined com- halted work on the project, and it wasn’t until early munity partners, citizen volunteers and park staff July that the specialty construction crew (Corby worked to create a concept that would set the new Associates) was able to travel from their homes in play area apart from others in the region. The goal New Jersey and New York to finally complete the was to have a playground featuring natural ele- installation. This new play area now incorporates ments and organic materials that challenge kids a large ADA-accessible basket swing, a rope nest of all ages with an unstructured style of play not with roof for \"hanging out\", two different triangu- seen in most commercial playgrounds. TOPS lar tower structures with various rope bridge con- Project Manager Dan Marsalek collaborated with nectors, and a very large “timberfall” structure that local landscape architects at The Collaborative looks like a log pile with an integrated rope net. along with playground special- These five natural timber ele- ists APE Studios (New York) to ments were constructed using help refine the overall design for two types of specialty woods, the Outdoor Playscape and Mountain Larch and Robinia specify the play equipment that (Black Locust), which are well would be installed in this quar- known for their water and rot ter million dollar project. resistance and low splinter rate. Construction work began in To top it all off, 325 yards of Layken, Leni and Harrison Heurman share the large swing with Naomi August of 2019 with the rejuve- IPEMA certified playground Williams as they get a push from Ivy Majewski, their sitter, and Naomi’s nation of the stream explo- mulch from Renewed Outdoors mother Alexandra Lee. ration area - removing the rain in Perrysburg was placed 12\" garden, working on the decks, thick around all of the new creating a retaining wall using equipment as a safety precau- large Indiana limestone out- tion for fall protection. cropping rocks, and building Adam Stutzentstein is proud A new, oversized sandbox an ADA-compliant ramp to the he made it across the rope was completed by Olander stream. The placement of a bridge on a climbing structure. staff recently and features 20 number of large outcropping tons of yellow beach sand rocks in the stream along with ten tons of smaller ringed with Indiana limestone slabs. This design river rock, make this water feature both inviting ties the play area to the Stream Exploration Area. and challenging for youth of all ages. The dilapi- Upcoming additions to the sandbox will include dated pop bottle greenhouse was removed due to a 6 to 8 foot long sand table to help provide an it's poor condition and use of non-natural mate- equivalent experience for those persons with rials. physical disabilities. Work continued in November on the site The Outdoor Playscape is now open, but work preparation, and saw the removal of 16 large continues on creating formal borders for mulched (damaged, sick, or dead) trees in the Outdoor areas and the implementation of crushed lime- Playscape area. This was an important step in stone paths between the equipment for ADA opening up the site for construction and remov- compatibility. This second phase of the project, ing potential hazards. Local sawyer Allen Magsig over 2 years in the making, is expected to be com- Kaitlyn Stutzenstein and Cora Manthey take time out from playing to relax harvested some of these timbers and milled them pleted with the final task of planting of new trees on the oversized hammock. on site into timbers and boards for reuse as mate- next spring. rials in construction of houses and other build- ings. It was a win-win as the milling of this felled timber also provided a cost savings for the park. More site preparation in December occurred with the initial layout and excavation of the areas for the new natural play equipment. Two large sec- tions of 42\" diameter pipe were donated by North- ern Concrete Pipe on Centennial Ave., allowing for the creation of a dirt hill with a tunnel. The project continued on schedule as the new play equipment arrived from the well known Ger- man playground manufacturer, Richter Spiel- geräte GmbH, in two large shipping containers in

8B YOURGOOD.NEWS SYLVANIA ADVANTAGE • FIRST SEPTEMBER 2020 Scouts honored with achievement and special recognition awards BY MARY HELEN DARAH Assistant Scoutmaster and Scoutmaster for Harden is an attorney at Eastman & Smith Awards can be earned. It is recognition that you Troop 254. He was a National Council Repre- Ltd. and a peer reviewed “Best Lawyers in Amer- Gary Harden has been awarded the 2020 sentative for the Boy Scouts of America Erie ica” 1994- to present. He was awarded Lawyer of have tried to follow the Scout Oath and Law in Lifetime Achievement and Special Recognition Shores Council and served in numerous capac- the Year in 2013 and 2016. He and his wife, Sher- awards from the Boy Scouts of America Erie ities for the Council including as President in rie, enjoy their family of three children, Gregory, your daily life, and for the Hendel Award, in Shores Council #460. The awards were presented 2012-2014. Kyle and Stephen, who have also earned the at the Annual Scout Recognition Dinner at highest medal of scouting, the Eagle Scout. business interaction. Its value is to provide a pos- Camp Miakonda on Aug.17. The awards recog- Harden has also been recognized by the Boy nize noteworthy service and exceptional charac- Scouts of America with the Parvuli Dei, Ad Al- The lifelong scouting enthusiast is honored to itive example for others to follow. For the BSA ter. tarie Dei and Bronze Pelican Roman Catholic receive the awards. He stated, “The award is not Religious Awards. He also received the Heroism about the recipient. It is about the joys of servant that means developing character and leadership The Gregory A. Hendel Lifetime Service Award for Saving a Life in 2010, the Silver Beaver leadership and what can be accomplished in Award was established in 2009 to honor Gregory Award and the American Red Cross National business as a volunteer. None of the Lifetime in today’s youth and young adults.” A. Hendel, who tirelessly served his community Certificate of Merit. Achievement Awards or the BSA Silver Beaver through his exemplary lifelong volunteer service. Silver Beaver Award Recipients The award is given to honor Scouts who have di- rectly supported their communities and who The Silver Beaver Award is conferred by have taken leadership roles in the business com- the Erie Shores Council, Boy Scouts of Amer- munity. ica for distinguished service to youth. The award is made for noteworthy service of ex- Harden, the 2020 recipient, was awarded the ceptional character to youth by registered designation of Eagle Scout in 1968. He served as Scouts within Ottawa, Sandusky, Lucas and Wood Counties under the jurisdiction of the Erie Shores Council. Gary Harden receives the Gregory David Dreier is honored with the David Schultz receives the John C. Dennis Nemec A. Hendel Lifetime Service Award. Glenda M. Bowman Lifetime Haar Lifetime Service Award. The Jennifer Vancil Inspirational Leadership Award. This award is intended to honor Scouts award honors lifelong inspirational who have provided lifelong service Larry Caffro leadership, examples of which would to their community, including Sarah Crosby include: serving as a positive role having served in leadership roles in model and mentor; demonstrating civic and community organizations. courage in the face of adversity; fostering the spirit and intent of diversity; and, motivating and helping others to reach their full potential. Christian Business Owners (& Ministry Leaders) Are you Lonely? Are you Isolated? Are you Overwhelmed? If you're like most leaders, you answered, \"Yes, to all 3... today, more than ever!\" Imagine what it would feel like to no longer feel so Lonely, Isolated, or Overwhelmed. Or being a part of a group of like-minded leaders who serve as your personal \"board of advisors\" in helping you to navigate your biggest professional, business, and even spiritual challenges. 70 Local leaders in our community experience this for real on a monthly basis through their involvement in Truth At Work. You are invited to learn more. Attend our free Private Briefing being held on Wednesday Sept. 2 and Oct. 6 from 7:30 - 9 am at Truth At Work's office near the Franklin Park Mall. Based on our 11+ years in Toledo, we assure you that even if you don't feel this is a fit, you will be blessed by what you learn. Register today, or ask for more information by emailing [email protected]. Blessings to you! Jim Lange

FIRST SEPTEMBER 2020 • SYLVANIA ADVANTAGE YOURGOOD.NEWS 9B CONGRATULATIONS Drews-Crawford Micsko-Kreuz — A Miami Merger Dr. Brittany Lynn Drews and Dr. Leslie Richard Crawford III were united in Emily Jean Micsko and Zachary Aaron Kreuz established another ‘Miami marriage on Saturday, Aug. 8 at Nazareth Hall. She is the daughter of Merger’ when they exchanged wedding vows on Saturday Aug. 15 at the Robert and Barbara Drews of Mount Vernon, Ohio and is a graduate of home of her aunt and uncle Katy and Keith Walker. Daughter of Susan The Ohio State University College of Dentistry. The groom is the son of and Gary Micsko of Sylvania, the bride is a graduate of Southview High L. Richard and Janette Crawford of Sylvania. He is a graduate of St. School and Miami University. She is in her final year of a physical therapy Joseph’s and St. John’s Jesuit High School and The Ohio State University doctorate program at the University of Mount Union. The groom, son of School of Dentistry, where the two met. The couple has planned a fall Maria and John Kreuz, Swanton, is a graduate of Miami University. He is a honeymoon on Mackinac Island, Mich. They are both practicing dentistry Certified Public Accountant with Ernst & Young. The couple is residing in in the area and are residing in Maumee. Toledo.

10B YOURGOOD.NEWS SYLVANIA ADVANTAGE • FIRST SEPTEMBER 2020 janet amid Jupiter direct in Capricorn abilities, wants and desires. When we lay claim to poses your sun sign, occurring in your area of our feelings, we own them. During this period, partners, you may feel a bit overwhelmed, All at once, summer collapsed For Sags you will be relieved as your ruling with Mars in retrograde of your 12th house of se- whether through relationships, business or per- into fall. -Oscar Wilde planet moving direct places less stress on your fi- crets, you may see yourself more likely to relin- sonal, or in conflict about signing any sort of nances, and will decrease its “heaviness.” During quish old patterns. Letting go of unresolved issues agreements. If possible hold off, if not read be- Dear Readers, this time, with Jupiter direct, the focus will be on as this transit can help to clear out the debris of tween the lines and make sure your agreements Hang on to your seats, the month of Septem- progress and increased awareness. When planets the past. This will eventually force you to take are clear and precise. ber will be an interesting ride, an eerie calm be- are in retrograde, we reflect, we look back, hold- stock of working through any unresolved issues. fore the storm. During this month we will ing on to its unique influence. Jupiter is a happy, This can be a profound transit as you see yourself SCORPIO (Oct. 23-Nov. 21) experience a Mars retrograde in its ruling sign of social influence. However, in retrograde most of more caught up with the past, reminiscing, pos- Aries. Its last occurrence was from Sept. 6, 1941 that influence is diminished and its influence sibly unwilling to let go. It’s all about forcing your- Inherent in sustaining good health, along with until Nov. 10, 1941, then Sept. 19, in Taurus, turn- rather serious. The veil will lift and many of us self to stay in the now. It can also influence the the ability to deal with adversity and respon- ing direct Nov. 25, 1973 in Aries, as well as will feel less encumbered. health-related matters, so take stock. Don’t step sibilities is the mantra for your 6th House transit. Aug.1988 through Oct. 28,1988. too far away from your comfort levels. As human beings, we struggle with inconsisten- History aside, currently, this is a period in In dwelling, live close to the ground. In think- cies, adversity and more. So, how do we deal with which we find ourselves struggling with issues re- ing, keep to the simple. In conflict, be fair and GEMINI (May 21-June 20) them? How do we handle our sense of responsi- lating to the election, Covid, as well as financial generous. In governing, don’t try to control. In bility? As Mars, your ruler, in retrograde transits shakeups relating to the economy. Our instincts work, do what you enjoy. In family life, be com- The 11th House of a chart represents groups, your 6th house you may find yourself more or are tested and impulses are amplified. It's a toss pletely present. friendships, whether through close alliances or less motivated. Either way, during this time, you up between rationality and emotional reactions. work-related. We often find strength in numbers would be better off if you just stay on a single In addition, it can influence us on a personal Mars retrograde from Sept. 9 and empowerment through a collective group. path, stick to a plan, whatever it may be, then im- level. Specifically speaking, it’s about physical and through Nov. 13 During this retrograde your relationship with plement after Nov. 2020. energy levels, confidence, work performance as friends, whether co-workers or personal, may well as stamina. Relationships issues that have As mentioned above, one of the most intense undergo a bit of a shift as you see yourself more SAGITTARIUS (Nov. 22-Dec. 20) been brewing for awhile begin to unfold. Truth retrogrades occurs with Mars, the planet of ac- dismissive, lacking the luster you felt before. You be known. tion, as it rules aggression, action and motivation. may be more critical, more aware of what may A 5th House transit is where your inner self It's certainly not the best time to initiate a task, When in retrograde it can stir up some unex- have not been as apparent in the past. This can reveals its fun side. It is where you have the op- start a new job, or begin a new relationship. It pected turbulence if not dealt with. Given the be a transit where you find yourself having less portunity to express your personality to the would be wise to coast a while. Adjusting expec- state of current issues, it may bring matters to the patience. On the flip side, you may be open to ex- fullest and in doing so you bring more satisfac- tations, working calmly through frustrations is surface. The saying, ‘You can run but you cannot panding your inner circle and meeting new tion through personal interests, romance, hob- the best bet. It is a good time to plan, then initiate hide,’ will be the motto here. This is a time where friends. In the aftermath of Mars direct, that bies, speculation, risk-taking and more. The 5th later. Reevaluate goals and resolve conflicts by you learn to find courage to stand up for your be- could shift and your connections could be tem- house is all about being more creative and just sticking to a plan. Work through issues that have liefs. Let your voice be heard. When Mars is in porary. Stay true to yourself, stay open, but aware. letting yourself do your own thing. However, been clouding your judgment. This particular retrograde you may feel more burnt out, less mo- during this retrograde you may want to pull it transit is intense and quite overwhelming if not tivated than usual, more inclined to slow down. CANCER (June 21-July 20) back a bit. Sometimes during a Mars retrograde dealt with. In astrology Mars represents action, On the flip side, you may begin to feel more anx- new or former partners emerge. So, therefore, as well as behavior, energy and drive. How Mars ious or aggressive than usual. This transit may Your mid-heaven, your 10th House, refers to step back and reassess. functions in our own charts is contingent on also bring to light issues that need resolution, your social status, your calling in life, who and where it is placed based on time of birth. This maybe unfulfilled dreams or a strong desire to what you aspire to be. Whether you achieve it, or CAPRICORN (Dec. 21- Jan 19) particular Mars retrograde will be taking place in eliminate debt. It may also trigger unsettled grief. not, depends on you. As Mars in retrograde tran- the Mars-ruled sign of Aries, so those born under No matter what, the main purpose of this retro- sits your mid-heaven, your career aspirations feel A 4th House transit is explained through our Aries, Libra, Cancer, Capricorn and Scorpio will grade is to address what is holding you back so less stable and more unpredictable. During this roots, home and family. It is sometimes through be feel its affects more closely. For others, where you can put it behind you and move forward. time, it is important not to take chances or make dreams and personal relationships, as well as our it falls in to your chart, based on time of birth, After this period, Mars will not retrograde in major decisions without thinking it through. inner core, our ability to feel grounded, to love, will indicate its relevance. Aries until 2067. Take this time to work through any minor and relate. It can also refer to our home, where mishaps and plan things out. Then if you still feel we nest. During this transit of Mars in retrograde Full moon in Pisces-Sept. 2 Jupiter/Saturn conjunction the same way after Nov. 13, plan a change or you may feel a profound need to purge, to clean move after Jan. 2021. This can relate to home as house, to renovate or move. It would be wise to Pisces is known to be the most spiritual, imag- During this time, create new and better ideas well as work. hold back and think it through before jumping inative, sensitive sign of the zodiac, and each year for yourself. Get grounded. This transit will allow in full speed ahead. as the Sun transits this feeling-oriented water you to conceptualiz and expand in a more con- LEO (July 22-Aug. 22) sign, it's time to tap into the creative self. Every- structive manner. Make plans for travel for 2021. AQUARIUS (Jan. 20- Feb. 18) one has at least a little bit of the inventor/designer Work beyond the borders of your comfort levels. The 9th House in astrology represents philos- in them. Follow your intuition, pursue your Get your finances in order. ophy, spirituality, religion and your higher self. The 3rd House of a person’s chart governs the dreams and watch the magic begin! Those most Since we all have our own insights and experi- mind, chat, intellect and ideas. It also represents affected by this full moon are Cancer, Virgo, “Your Highest Self is not just an idea that ences, this particular transit can affect us all dif- creative endeavors through writing or exchang- Pisces, Sagittarius and Gemini. Though much of sounds lofty and spiritual. It is a way of being. It ferently. These spheres of life include intuition, ing ideas. It can include siblings, neighbors and this relates to where it falls in your birth chart is the very first principle that you must come to insight, education and religious beliefs, and dur- animals. During this Mars retrograde it would be based on your time of birth. understand and embrace as you move toward at- ing this transit you may be in question about wise to watch your words, delivery counts as this tracting to you that which you want and need for these things. You may begin to look at life transit is more potent than a Mercury retrograde New moon in Virgo-Sept. 17 this parenthesis in eternity that you know as your through a different lens, and in doing so, have a and it can pounce without warning. Be very life.” –Wayne Dyer different perspective. So be aware of this transit aware of travel, making sure you double check This week’s new moon in Virgo brings to light that can even take you into a place of solitude. Or your checklist. Family members and even neigh- a need for personal clarification and problem SIGNS: you may suddenly have a desire to get away, to bors may get on your last nerve, so tread carefully. solving. This is a meticulous situation in that the escape from life’s everyday stresses. Either way, it sun and moon conjunct each other with little in- ARIES (March 20-April 19) may be good to just take each day and coast. PISCES (Feb. 19-March 19) terference. This new moon will highlight all those imbalances in our daily routines. Do we spend The 1st House represents our outward char- VIRGO (Aug. 23-Sept. 22) As with most Pisceans, money is not your too much time and effort on being healthy, eating acter, the facet that is revealed to the outside guide. However, during this transit of Mars ret- right, exercising, and criticizing every bite we world, how others may perceive us and how we The 8th House is about transformation, power rograde let it lead you to a path of more aware- take, fighting against diseases, real and imagined, act on our own perception. For most Aries, it’s al- and regeneration, and with Mars retrograde tran- ness where finances are involved. Be cautious, yet all the while driving ourselves and everyone ways about push and shove, motivation and am- siting your 8th house, proper use of power, also enjoy the fruits of your labor is your mantra around us crazy with too much emphasis on bition. They are the movers and shakers of the whether through money, ambition or self reflec- for the month. A good period in which to sit back every little detail? On the other hand, do we eat zodiac. As Mars moves retrograde in your own tion, is indicated here. It can relate quite heavily and reevaluate your financial situation. Pay close too much, not exercise at all, and are hoping that sign, you may see yourself pulling back and ques- to renewal in most areas of your life, as well as re- attention to details, contracts and otherwise. You these habits will not cost us too much? They usu- tioning your every move. It’s not the best time to gaining yourself financially. Take stock of what is may become more involved in your Earthly pos- ally do. There are very few people in the world forge ahead on new ideas, though it is an excellent needed to get back on track, or to remain in sync. sessions as you see yourself more in touch with right now who are in the middle: yes, they do care time to plan accordingly. Your energy may be This is a good period to take control while re- what is happening around you. about what they eat, but it does not become such slightly diminished and your focus may be less- maining still while this retrograde is in progress. a central issue filled with anxiety and criticism, ened, though in good time you will feel replen- Don’t make any hasty changes. The next Celebrate The Senses psychic event they do take care of their health, and again, give ished and ready to begin again much the wiser. will be October 4 at the Maumee Pinnacle. it due proportion. Work-related issues as well as personal choices LIBRA (Sept. 23-Oct. 22) Doors are open 8:30 am until 4:30 pm. Masks may be questioned. are mandatory. Enjoyment as well as safety will The 7th House is sometimes referred to as the be a main concern. TAURUS (April 20-May 20) house of partnerships, whether it encompasses marriage, business, contracts, cooperative rela- Janet Amid is a columnist and radio/media person- The 2nd House refers to possessions, things tionships, divorce, separation, quarrels, enemies we own. Symbolically not limited to tangible and lawsuits. During this retrograde as Mars op- ality, that writes for Sylvania Advantage. She can be items, it can also represent our emotions, our reached at 419-882-5510 or by e-mail at [email protected]. Check out her website at

YOURGOOD.NEWS 11B FIRST SEPTEMBER 2020 • SYLVANIA ADVANTAGE The Postal Service Delivers Josh Allor of the U.S. Postal Service delivers a check on Aug. 17 from funds collected by Sylvania postal workers since The Stamp Out Hunger 2020 campaign was canceled. Funds will assist Sylvania Area Family Services and their efforts to combat food insecurities in the community. —by Mary Helen Darah Lifelong Learning fall program launched The Lourdes University Lifelong Learning to Talk About Race” as the guide, the discussion program offers a new selection of lectures and will center around these topics, but examine the Lisa’s Nails Make 2020 classes for September 2020. Monthly lectures are ways white people can work towards a more fair the year to free and offered online through Zoom. A hybrid and just world. “So You Want to Talk About pamper yourself option offers limited seating on site. Race” by Ijeoma Oluo was published by Seal with a “Now that Lifelong Learning classes are on- Press in 2019 (ISBN-13: 978-158005882). mani/pedi! line, people can enjoy our programs from home,” Diana DePasquale is an Assistant Teaching Pro- 419/517-0092 explained Laura Megeath, Coordinator of Life- fessor in Ethnic Studies and Women’s Studies at Gift cards available! Lisa’s Nails • 4024 N. Holland-Sylvania Rd. • Toledo, OH 43623 long Learning. “We have classes exploring Italy, BGSU and as well as a doctoral candidate in the Buckeye Trail and ancient civilizations of the BGSU’s American Culture Studies program. Indus Valley.” The Story of the Symphony I: Classical to Romantic To register or for more information, call 419- Presenter: Dr. Christopher Williams 824-3707 or email [email protected]. Monday, Sept.14, 21 and 28, 3:30-5 pm You can Zoom! This class traces the history of the symphony Presenter: Laura Megeath from its beginnings in the mid-18th century to Thursday, Sept. 10, 2-3 pm the “classical style” of Joseph Haydn, Wolfgang Using Zoom is easier than you think! Join the class for one of these free lessons. First they will Mozart, and Ludwig Beethoven, to the Romantic cover all the basics so you are able to make the Generation of Felix Mendelssohn, Robert Schu- most of Lifelong Learning online events. Then mann, and Hector Berlioz. you will learn how to share your own slides and Christopher Williams holds a PhD in Music His- videos. Free, no registration necessary. tory and Literature from the University of Califor- Holy Toledo: Faith Diversity nia at Berkeley, and has taught at the University of Toledo, Bowling Green State University, the Speaker: Judy Trautman Universität Salzburg, and in the joint program of Friday, Sept. 11 the Cleveland Institute of Music and Case Western Reserve University. He is considered an expert on In 2014, an initiative of the MultiFaith Coun- the music of Fin-desiècle Vienna. cil led to Toledo’s official designation as a Com- passionate Community when the mayor, city Roaring through the Twenties: council and Lucas County commissioners American History Experienced passed resolutions affirming the Charter for through Poetry Compassion. Learn more about the MultiFaith Council and how diverse faith groups found in Presenter: Shari O’Brien, Ph.D., J.D. NW Ohio are drawn together for fellowship, ed- Tuesday, Sept. 15, 22 and 29 ucation, and engaged community service. The group has built six Habitat for Humanity houses, Those who love history or poetry or both will encourages faith-based community gardening, be dazzled by this timely centennial celebration and supports many service organizations in the of the dramatic 1920s. The class will begin by area. They also host very active multifaith men’s discovering the Lost Generation left disillu- and women’s groups, monthly universal worship sioned by World War I and end with a discussion services with participants from 8-9 faiths, as well of the stock market crash of 1929. In between it as help Toledo compete in the international will explore, among other things, the Harlem Compassion Games, in which cities compete to Renaissance, the Jazz Age, and what the French be the most compassionate. termed the “annees foiles” (crazy years) of flap- pers, bootleggers, the advent of the Golden Age Speaker Judy Trautman formally founded the of radio and the movies, the Scopes’ “Monkey MultiFaith Council of NW Ohio in 2003 together Trial” and the lives of ordinary people who with her late husband, Woody. Woody’s mantra would become the Greatest Generation. was “mingle and chat” as a path towards greater Throughout, the session will pair the work of understanding and respect. poets like Frost, Sandburg, Edna St. Vincent Mil- lay and Langston Hughes to events of the era, Talking about Race breathing life into history and culture. Dr. O’Brien has doctorates in English and law; she Presenter: Diana DePasquale worked in United States District Court. Publishing Saturday, Sept. 12 and Sept.19 2:30-4 pm The murder of George Floyd this past May catapulted the nation into a long overdue con- five law review articles as well as hundreds of es- versation about race and the legacy of slavery in says and poems in national journals, she taught the United States. Activists and anti-racist edu- writing and poetry for 27 years at UT and contin- cators urged white Americans to educate them- ues to practice law and write poetry today. selves on mass incarceration, police brutality, the school-to-prison pipeline and the need for the Additional Lifelong Learning classes will be listed Black Lives Matter movement. Using Ijeoma in the next issue of Sylvania AdVantage. Oluo's New York Times bestseller “So You Want

12B YOURGOOD.NEWS SYLVANIA ADVANTAGE • FIRST SEPTEMBER 2020 LIVES CELEBRATED Richard Lautzenheiser was a member of Liberty Baptist Church. never had a bad day, was always fun to be Jackson Weis Youth Athletic Achievement Richard would always joke that his hair only around and brought joy to a room with his Fund in care of Waterford Bank, 3900 N. Mc- Richard Leon turned gray from raising his girls but would cheerful presence. He was going into the Cord Rd., Toledo, OH 43617. always make it known how much love he had fourth grade at Stranahan Elementary where Lautzenheiser Jr., age 54, for his daughters and his other half, Theresa. he regularly earned the PAWS Award for Arnie Elzey being Positive, Accountable, Well-Managed passed away Aug. 12, Richard is survived by his wife, Theresa; and Self-Controlled. He was very bright and Arnold Frederick daughters Rebecca (Justin) Starkey, Rachael excelled at mathematics. Elzey (Arnie) of Toledo, 2020 at home in Toledo, (Sean) Witt, Colleen Lautzenheiser, Chelsey Ohio, passed away Aug. (Tyler) Suffety, Kristen (Jordan) McKee and Jackson loved sports and was just starting 24, 2020. He was 75 years Ohio. Richard was born Ariah, Savanna and Emalee Lautzenheiser; to play football. He also played travel soccer old. He was born Dec. his mother, Dorothy Young; sisters Deborah with the 2010 Red Team through Pacesetter 27, 1944 in Columbus, in Toledo on Oct. 21, (Dave) Brenner, Dawn Rodriguez, Denise in Sylvania, but hockey was his greatest love. Ohio, to George and Vir- Tackett; twin sister Dianne (Tim) Metzger; Jackson started playing organized at the age ginia Elzey. Raised in 1965. He was a graduate his grandchildren Bailey, Jaiden, Kaylee, Hai- of three and skated with numerous teams. Toledo, he attended St. ley, CJ, Aiden, Ana, Chance, Zeppelin, Logan, Most recently, he was on the Sylvania North Francis De Sales High School and The Uni- of Libbey High School Ella and Baby McKee, many nieces and Stars, playing with the same group of beloved versity of Detroit where he stood out among nephews and his brother and sisters-in-law. teammates for the past five years. Jackson was his peers as an outstanding football player. He where he played the He was preceded in death by his father, Wal- a forward and had a high ‘Hockey IQ’ and later transferred back to The University of ter Young; twin brothers Jerry and Barry was extremely competitive. He was a huge fan Toledo where he and his late brother Paul trumpet and fell in love with his future wife, Lautzenheiser; and his mother-in-law and fa- of the Detroit Red Wings. Jackson will also be were among the standouts on the wrestling ther-in-law Helen and Joseph Brown. lovingly remembered for his welcoming smile mat and football field. Theresa. After graduation, Richard enlisted and the warm kindness he offered to every- Following many years as a restauranteur in Condolences may be shared with the fam- one he met. Northwest Ohio, Illinois, and the U.S. Virgin in the Navy in 1984. He then married Theresa ily at Islands, he planted his roots in Toledo and Left to cherish his memory are his parents, opened up Arnie’s Eating and Drinking Sa- in 1985 and they began their family while he Jackson Weis Jeffery and Jessica Weis; siblings Cody loon on July 11, 1980. Arnie’s was a Toledo William, Taylor Lynn, Cooper Jeffery and staple and was known as the place where was serving. He was honorably discharged in Jackson James Weis, Carter Michael Weis; grandparents Karen strangers became friends. He took pride in age 9, died July 25, 2020 ‘Gigi’ (Jim) Savage, Randy (Helen) McClure, supporting local athletics and charitable 1990 as a Petty Officer 3rd class. As proud as from injuries sustained Judy (Danny) Smith and Mike (Susan) Weis; causes like the Old Newsboys and Easter in a tragic automobile ac- and numerous aunts, uncles and cousins. Seals. An avid supporter of local businesses, he was for serving in the Navy he was even cident. He was born Sept. Arnie had a soft spot for anyone in the service 5, 2010 in Toledo and The family is planning a celebration of life industry. He was a great boss, friend and more proud of being a father and grandfather. from an early age at a later date. In lieu of flowers, contributions mentor to all who stepped foot inside the bar. demonstrated that he in Jackson’s memory are suggested to the Richard was a devoted father of eight girls was special. Jackson and never missed his daughters’ activities. He was a softball, track and orchestra dad and al- ways made car rides to and from memorable with his music loud and his contagious laugh. He was a jack of all trades who specialized in electronics and telecommunications. Richard worked in roadside emergency assistance for AAA and State Farm where he found joy in helping people. Richard would never hesitate to help or provide assistance where he could and would do anything to help everyone. He loved spoiling his sons-in-law with tools and enjoyed spending time with them. Richard loved woodworking and gun collecting. He

FIRST SEPTEMBER 2020 • SYLVANIA ADVANTAGE YOURGOOD.NEWS 13B LIVES CELEBRATED When he wasn’t controlling the televisions in ished. In addition to his sense of humor and Stanley Mikolajczyk for his grandchildren. He could always be the Press Box, cheering on UT Athletics, or loving personality, he was stubborn. This be- found cheering on his grandchildren at their playing Golden Tee, you could find him on a came more and more prevalent in his later Stanley “Stan” John events. He enjoyed spending time with his barstool with a drink and the sports section. years as he fought against several health com- Mikolajczyk, age 82, of family creating lifelong memories. plications, most notably Parkinson’s Disease. Toledo, Ohio passed Arnie married Dianne Detwiler in March Arnie pushed through many difficult circum- away Aug. 20, 2020 at Surviving are his loving wife of 54+ years, of 1985 and went on to raise two children in stances to see his family through significant home in the loving arms Patricia; children Michelle (Greg) Demoulin, West Toledo where they continued to support life events. He had an extra special bond with of his wife. Stan was born Kim (Dennis) Ross, Stanley “Stosh ”Mikola- youth athletics at Ottawa Hills and St. Francis his daughter and granddaughter and firmly Jan. 2, 1938 to Stanley jczyk II, Stacey (Fred) Bodmer; grandchil- De Sales. He and his family enjoyed summers believed in the saying “the apple doesn’t fall and Mary (Dembinski) dren Holly, Cory, Brett, Jessica, Josh, Kaylyn, out west and spring breaks in the Caribbean. far from the tree.” In his last year, Arnie was Mikolajczyk. He gradu- Molly, Josie, Emma and 13 great-grandchil- Some of his favorite travel memories included able to enjoy his son’s wedding and expressed ated from Woodward High School, joined the dren. father/son fishing trips, white water rafting, tremendous joy knowing another grandbaby U.S. Marine Corp where he proudly served camping in the mountains, sipping tropical is on the way. his country. Stan also served as a Toledo Fire- The family would like to extend their deep- drinks at local island bars, and bicycling in fighter for 30 years. Stan married the love of est gratitude to the caring of Stan by the VA the northeast. Arnie always managed to guide Arnie is survived by his devoted wife of 35 his life, Patricia Ann (Hurst) Mikolajczyk, Ann Arbor Healthcare System and Hospice his family off the beaten path in order to sup- years, Dianne, their son Arnold J. Elzey (Mar- Oct. 9, 1965 at St. Jerome’s Church of Wal- of NWO. In lieu of flowers, memorial dona- port small and local hospitality businesses seille) of Cincinnati, daughter Elizabeth Hupp bridge, Ohio. Stan and Pat lived and raised tions can be made to the Fisher House Michi- and create once-in-a-lifetime opportunities of Toledo, adored granddaughter Marjorie their family for 54 years in Toledo. After re- gan, Hospice of NWO, Toledo Firefighters for his kids. Arnie made memories with Jane Hupp, sister-in-law Lee Elzey, niece tiring from the Toledo Fire department, he Museum or St. Pius X Church. Condolences everyone he came in contact with, and cher- Kirsten Porter (both of Bradenton, Fla.), sev- took on an active role of a loving Dzia caring may be shared with the family at walkerfuner- ished his vacations with family and friends. eral extended cousins and great-nieces and nephews, and countless friends. He is prede- Arnie was the past president of the North- ceased by his father, George Allison Elzey, his The Discovery Shop west Ohio Restaurant Association and was mother, Virginia Mary Chudzinski Elzey, and the proud recipient of the Ohio Restaurant his brother Paul Vincent Elzey. Upscale Resale Association’s Lifetime Achievement Award. 6600 Sylvania • 419-882-6567 He introduced Toledo to stadium seating, Arnie’s Eating and Drinking Saloon turned chicken wings, and radio coaches shows, set- strangers into friends, but Arnie himself • Unique gifts • Vintage and trendy clothing • Artwork • Furniture ting the bar high for other establishments in turned friends into family. He has answered • Dishes • Jewelry • Silver • Knickknacks the area. He was a powerful voice within the his last call and will be truly missed. local restaurant industry opposing the ban on Hours: Mon-Sat 10-5 • Thur till 7pm smoking, and taking a stand for small busi- In lieu of flowers, the family recommends ness owners throughout the city. supporting a locally owned restaurant, donat- All proceeds go to the American Cancer Society. ing to St. Francis De Sales, or supporting From his pet duck, to trotting a horse right Parkinson’s research in his name. Condo- through the doors of a local bar, Arnie had lences may shared with the family at walker- the best stories and created hilarious memo- ries with his friends that will forever be cher- Christ Presbyterian Church WORSHIP St. Stephen DIRECTORY Lutheran Church 4225 Sylvania 7800 Erie Street, Sylvania, Ohio (corner of Sylvania and Talmadge) 419-885-1551 419-475-8629 Follow worship services on Facebook @StStephenSyl Christ Presbyterian invites you to join worship online at Epworth United Methodist Church St. Michael’s In The Hills Episcopal Church 4855 W. Central 419-531-4236 4718 Brittany 419-531-1616 Times of Service: Follow the sermons on Sundays, 8:30, 9:45, and 11 am or on Facebook Details at @stmichaelsinthehillsepiscopalchurch Free Trip to Heaven! McCord Road Christian Church Zion Lutheran Church ~ LCMC Bring your family for details! AKA Five Lakes Church Rev. Jeffrey Geske Sunday 10:30 am 8307 Memorial Hwy., Ottawa Lake, MI 49267 Wednesday 7 pm 4765 McCord Road • 419-882-6703 Live or Via Facebook! Attendees Should Register in Advance 734-856-2921 Saturdays 4 pm • Sundays 10 am Flanders Road Church of Christ Services: Sundays 9 am and 11 am Wednesdays 7:30 pm Bible class will begin Sundays at 9 am before worship 5130 Flanders Rd • Toledo, Ohio 43623 Like us on Facebook and visit us on the web at Want to publicize your worship services and activities? Contact Sylvania AdVantage for more info! 419-824-0100 or [email protected]

14B YOURGOOD.NEWS SYLVANIA ADVANTAGE • FIRST SEPTEMBER 2020 Commercial Buildings, Land, and House SYLVANIA TOWNSHIP-BENTBROOK FARMS EAGLE TRACE ~ NEW LISTING ONLINE REAL ESTATE AUCTION 5550 Golf Creek Dr. ~ $769,000 5666 Eagle Trace Dr. ~ $299,000 2229 and 2231 Tremainsville Rd Beautiful estate tucked away on a 1.83 acre lot 4 beds, 2.5 baths and 2820 sf of living space. Island Toledo, Ohio 43613 backing up to the Ottawa River. 5 beds, 4 full kitchen has tile oor and granite countertops. Hard and 2 half baths. 6,334 sf. Huge open island surface ooring throughout most of the main level. BIDDING ENDS: kitchen with granite countertops. First floor Family room has vaulted ceiling and gas replace. Thursday, September 10, 2020 at 12 pm master suite. Indoor gym/basketball court. In-ground pool. 4 fireplaces. 3.5 car sideload First oor den. Finished basement. Online Commercial Auc on! First me o ered, Big, beautiful brick paver patio. same family since 1951. Tra c count of 15,299 garage. Possession at closing. Lushly landscaped lot. vehicles (2018). Property has a 3 bedroom ranch with basement with newer siding and windows. Brad Crown – Realtorman 419/467-7070 Brad Crown – Realtorman 419/467-7070 Two out buildings of 1160+/- SF and 720+/- SF. RE/MAX Central Group RE/MAX Central Group There is an extra 67′ x 328′ lot. Formerly John’s Trailer Sales. Possible uses: Building maintenance, CHARMING HISTORIC VICTORIAN HOME! Realtors business equipment support, communica ons, Advertise your fast food, daycare, religious, veterinarian, animal 3-4 beds, 2 baths with approx. New Listings sales and grooming, etc. 2,111 sf. Original flooring in OPEN HOUSE most areas and beautiful chan- with us! September 3, 2020 and September 8, 2020 deliers throughout. Attached 1 from 10:00 am – 12:00 pm car garage. Vinyl fenced back Call 419-824-0100 yard. With a little imagination BID NOW at www.PamelaRoseAuc | O ce: 419-865-1224 this could be a beautiful home for your family! Tecumseh Michael Murray, Broker, Auc oneer, CAI, GRI Pamela Rose, REALTOR®, Auc oneer, CAI, AARE Schools. $178,000. Call Lorraine Burgess Pamela Rose Auction Company, LLC 517-605-6950 REAL ESTATE | AUCTIONEERS | CONSULTANTS Faust Real Estate, LLC There May Be A Pandemic But Homes Are Still Selling! SYLVANIA TWP. My Pending Listings SPRINGFIELD TWP. SYLVANIA 3531 Southpoint Road 6915 Nebraska 7557 Westcroft $819,000 $465,000 $279,900 SYLVANIA TWP. My Sold Listings 2229 Castlebrooke Ln. 3204 Romaker, Sylvania  2300 Waterwheel Ct., Holland       5831 Monroe St., #205 Sylvania        2156 Old Planke Rd., Holland         6838 Erie, Sylvania          5726 Crossbrooke, Monclova        7429 Club Rd., Sylvania 729 W. Carisbrook, Maumee           5335 Fox Run,  Sylvania Twp.          9866 LaPlante, Monclova 8523 Blackforest, Sylvania   4020 LaPlante, Monclova  5831 Willow Pond, Sylvania          5364 Gross Point, Toledo 7857 Brint Rd.,  Sylvania                   2449 Westbrook, Toledo 8933 Orchard Lake, Stone Oak 4030 Grantley, Toledo My Active Listings NEW PRICE-$729,000 NEW LISTING-$449,900 4610 Tradition Way 4611 Country Walk Lane One Owner, former Parade Spectacular! Like new, one Home & Home of the Year owner custom home on on Sylvania Country Club large corner lot. Picture per- Golf Course! First floor mas- fect inside & out. Gourmet ter. Chef’s island kitchen island kitchen, newer paint, w/high end appliances. Rec decor & roof. Fantastic room in basement, 3 car finished basement w/wet garage and so much more! bar, 3 car garage & more! Marcia Rubini ABR, CRS, CLHMS RE/MAX Preferred Associates 419-870-2009 Licensed Since 1979 RE/MAX Hall of Fame [email protected]

FIRST SEPTEMBER 2020 • SYLVANIA ADVANTAGE YOURGOOD.NEWS 15B SERVICES PUBLIC NOTICE BRG PAINT & WALLPAPER NOTICE OF PUBLIC HEARING/MEETING Painting - Paper Removal - Wall Repair The Sylvania Township Board of Zoning Appeals will hold a *meeting on Monday, Wallpapering since 1986 September 14, 2020 at 5:00 p.m. at the Township Hall, 4927 Holland-Sylvania Rd., References - Insured - Reliable Sylvania, OH 43560 for consideration of the following: Free Estimates Brian 419-297-9686 PEST CONTROL CLEANING SERVICES PROVIDED *Due to the Covid-19 Pandemic, until further notice, all Sylvania Township public More than 25 years experience providing meetings will be held virtually, and not in-person. The virtual meeting will be on Ants, Termites, Bed Bugs, Mice, (Access information available at Boxelder Bugs, Bee/Wasps high quality performance with a conscientious attitude. Goal oriented to Please contact the Sylvania Township Zoning Department with any questions. dependability & thoroughness. Conditional Use for a Home Occupation within an A-4 District References provided upon request. for the property located at 8402 Eordogh Dr. Please call Tammy @ 419-882-8258 (Parcel No. 78-63917) STZR – SECTION 602 Holland, Ohio HOUSE CLEANING Notice: The Board of Zoning Appeals will conduct hearings on all issues published Deb’s Duz Wonders. Experienced home and within this agenda. All persons interested in or affected by said requests will have the 419/868-8700 right and opportunity to be heard on the question of granting or denying of said requests. office cleaning. References available. Information concerning said matters is on file in the Sylvania Township Zoning Office Special events, weekly, or biweekly. and may be seen Mon., Wed. Thurs., 8:00 a.m. to 4:30 p.m. HURLEY’S PAINTING FREE ESTIMATES By Order of BZA Don Miller, Chairman Interior/Exterior • Paper Removal CALL DEBBIE 419-509-7825 Janet AmidAstrological Counselor Deck Staining TREE TRIMMING & Quality Work • Reasonable Prices SMALL TREE REMOVALS Private Consultations ~ Lectures and Parties ~ Profiles ~ Readings by Appointment Over 30 years experience offering high quality FREE ESTIMATES performance with a conscientious attitude. LONCAETWION! 419-882-5510 CALL 419/882-6753 Mention this ad to receive a 10% Discount. 5600 Monroe St, Bldg B - Suite 206, Sylvania JOHN’S STUMP GRINDING Please ask for Jeff –Stump Grinding– The Tree Specialist 40 Years Experience! 419-882-8258 or 419-810-1034 $5 OFF a 30 Minute or 1 Hour Session* 419-467-9504 HELP WANTED *In office, 30 or 60 min. sessions only. Not valid for gift certificates or SPACE FOR LEASE 15 min. sessions. Expired coupons not accepted BATHROOM/KITCHEN INSTALLERS 5425 + 5427 SCHULTZ DRIVE NEEDED! Expires 09/30/20 OFF ALEXIS TOP Pay, Paid Weekly. No Material Costs! LISTEN TO JANET ON 105.5 FM MONDAY MORNINGS FROM 8:15 TO 8:45 AM LIGHT INDUSTRIAL Schedule Flexibility. Join a Winning Team! 5425 - 1800 sq. ft. warehouse Call 1-844-Arnolds or 5427 - 1800 sq. ft. office & warehouse email your resume to [email protected] 419-344-0275 BOOTH RENTAL Hair stylists and nail techs at Sheer Perfection WANTED Hair Studio, 6381 Monroe St. OLD POSTCARDS WANTED Call Pam at 419-517-4774 also... JEWELRY, WATCHES, Find Us On Facebook! COSTUME JEWELRY, Sylvania AdVantage Newspaper MILITARY (Dog Tags, etc.) Mark Hazlett 419-279-6902 I Make House Calls

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