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Published by malabajuma, 2017-02-15 12:30:26

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2 The EDGE Magazine Dripping water hollows out stone, not through force but through persistence’. What a quote! The even- tual publication of this magazine demonstrates how persistence is an important ingredient of success. Maya Angelou once said that you may encounter many defeats, but you must not be defeated. In fact, it may be necessary to en- counter the defeats, so you can know who you are, what you can rise from, how you can still come out of it. When it looked like The Edge had been defeated, its existence threatened, its presence faded, it emerges again in new format, morphed into something bigger. The Edge re-emerges with vigor, re-written by a team whose passion is a reflection of DAP that forms their DNA! It is all about us: the Liberty Life family. This Family has had a num- ber of interesting activities that have spiced and shaped up our life here. One cannot fail to feel and notice its leap to great heights. In this issue, we highlight what has been happening. Right from the Summit (the MDs desk); to the Social Corner where we share some interesting tidbits on marriage and weddings!;to the Customer Service week where we seek to show how we put the best foot forward by showcasing our skills inCustomer Experience: indeed it is a differentiating factor in modern business; to the team engaging activities that thefamily will live to remember in the next 12 months! Of course without forgetting our very important pillar of business, theSales Challenge. And those who travelled to the land yonder…. thrilling.We thank The Edge team for its collective, unyielding support accorded to this issue from the start to its conclusion.Have a happy reading!

NEWS... 3Edge Editorial Team… Customer Service Week... Deberius Juma By: Deberius Juma Connie Kirika Victoria Mwangi The year 2016 is a Bonventure Conyinno year that has Darlene Ikirima witnessed a trend where customers are setting their own terms. No longer does a ‘today’ customer compare you only to your direct competitor. No! We are in the insurance space, but our customer service is being compared to the customer’s recent experience at the telecoms shop, at a restaurant, at the airlines, or even to an employee at a grocery shop who is so helpful and mindful. The rise in the millennial customer base is a trend that should jolt us into action. For us to remain afloat, we should recognise the characteristics of this population and capitalise on them. Shep Hyken, a renowned customer experience keynote speaker, says that this population is tech savvy and interacts with companies differently compared with the older generation. Besides this, they have lower tolerance to slow response time to their issues, whether on social media or email or even our contact centres. Our customers want and expect appreciation from us. Companies that take their time to appreciate their customers stand out from the rest. During this customer service week, both internal and external customers were appreciated. We stood tall. This is not just an obligation or were we doing this because every other company was doing it, but it is a culture where we put the customer first. -End -

4 MD’S Abel Munda service by our staff and agents to our clients assures me that we shall attain the top position very soon. How would you say the year 2016 was? However, I would like to remind all of us that a brand The year was generally well except we did not meet the is also about service/experience, so no matter how much you invest in promotion campaigns, if you don’t new business targets. It was a tough year for new have the service to match it, you shall have wasted business but we are focusing on new opportunities money. I wish to call upon all of us to consistently and we expect to turn around this picture as soon as offer possible. We have also had challenges with renewal contributions for our pension business due to some schemes that have terminated because our comparatively low bonus declaration. Again, we are reviewing our investment strategy at the Investment Committee in order to address this situation. In the meantime, we introduced the Boresha Maisha product to cater for people who want high returns but without the guarantee that one would get in our traditional pension product. Any key achievements you are proud of? The launch of our EVP and the CVP was a milestone. I am equally proud of our re-launch of the Boresha Maisha product. Any key challenges or learning’s drawn from the year? We continue to face challenges with renewal of group schemes due to rate undercutting. We also disappointed some of our clients with low bonus declaration. The best way to counter such issues is through unmatched service. Most customers want excellent service and this is why we came up with the CVP. It has also been a year of low returns in the capital markets particularly the stock market. We must however maintain a disciplined approach to the investment of our policyholder funds. We constantly review investment performance in the investment committee and (where necessary) change strategy for the benefit of our clients. What are your thoughts on the brand awareness and its growth since rebranding 2 years ago? The Liberty brand has grown quite well in the last two years which has enabled us to remain among the top 4 brands in the country. Our main goal is to be number 1 and we will soon be investing in our brand promotion. In order to achieve this, excellent

MD’S CORNER... 5‘‘We must not wait to be tougher. We have been well trained and we know what it takes told what to do by our to win, and to win we must. supervisors.’’ Make sure you set some goals for yourself even as you discuss your KRAs with your supervisors. I always like to set goals for the year so that I celebrate when I achieve them. I don’t know if goals are the same as resolutions which, most often, are made to be broken. Ensure you achieve your goals. -End- great service to our customers; let us ‘wow’ them at all times.What would you advise staff as we begin the year?First I wish to start by appreciation all our members of staff and agents because they are at the core of our strategy; we cannot achieve our objectives without them. The year 2016 went so fast and this year will even go faster with the looming elections. So, what I am saying is that one must run in order to achieve their objectives; whether personal or for the company therefore must not wait to be told what to do by our supervisors. I can re-emphasize that the company values everybody who plays their rightful role and contributes to the growth of the organization. The year2016 was a tough year but the level of contribution by most of staff was tremendous and I salute them. Having enjoyed the holidays, I expect each one of you to come back rejuvenated and ready to take on the New Year with the necessary vigour.What’s in store for 2017?As I mentioned earlier this year promises to be a tough one given the elections but as they say, “when the going gets tough, the tough get going”, and I know we are

6 BREATH OF LIFE... By: Wangechi Gachahi W e often cruise the streets and catch a glimpse of a couple or two with their children in hand deep in conversation about life, hopes and dreams that are yet to come true. And we murmur to God about our secret desires of a family just like that one. Or we arrive in church and meet with friends with whom you shared the premarital class and shared life with; and God seems to have visited with them more than once in recent years. They seem to have it all 'together'. The we analyse the life we are leading and launch into a soliloquy about the 'why' question. Fast forward 2 years later, in room 11 of the Agakhan Hospital duplex, a baby was birthed on a cold Tuesday morning. I waited anxiously for the first cry, it did not come immediately, but it came! You can imagine the joy, theanxiety, tears cried, plans laid out; all that culminated into that single phenomenal moment, I called it the moment ofdecision that my destiny is shaped, as Tony Robbins would put it. I knew my life would never be the same again.You see, 4 days back I had gone for my last clinic visit with the doctor (God bless his heart) and he confirmed that allwas well with the baby and I. But two days later I could not feel the baby's movement all day and I remembered the listof danger signs my doctor had written for me on a piece of him in the best way I know how and that my inadequaciespaper tucked away into my purse. I fished it out and there it and imperfections will not affect his upbringingwas, number 3 on the list. My husband had to leave work earlythat day as I was in panic mode by now. Somehow there was - End -little traffic that day and there were no long queues at the clinicas was the norm, the Lord was at work. We quickly got into thefirst place of the sonographer's queue (these were the longest10 minutes of my life). At last we were called to have theultrasound done and it confirmed one of our worst fears, hehad a double nuchal cord. On consulting the doctor of thechances of survival, we knew surgery would be inevitable. Iwas not prepared, I had all these plans of how it would be andhad even contacted my doula. So when the baby cried, myheart leaped and I said a silent prayer, life had overcome all.Then began the sleep deprived nights and the zombie likemornings. Frankly I cannot recall how days turned to nightsand nights to days until the legal time limit was spent.Suddenly there was a little person who was fully dependant onme for his all. I knew my life has changed when he cried and Icried too! I am naturally a problem solver but this, I was notaccustomed to. Mum never gave me a manual and I wouldoften call to feed from her three-time experience. But all shewould say is, 'Children are different, I have not faced thatchallenge.' The world had suddenly become small, extremelysmall. I could hold it in my hands but could do nothing tomould it. I sort divine facilitation as I knew God is the creator oflife-of course He would know how to deal. I confessed all thesins I committed towards my own mother and sought reprieve.Now 8 months later, i cannot believe how time flies! He sleepsall night; can you believe it? I know, I can't believe it, seeingthat some nights I just wake up find out whether he isbreathing before going back to sleep. I often shed a tearknowing that he is a miracle and pray for women who have thedesire and have not had such an opportunity. I pray forwisdom to raise this child in the ways of the Lord and that hemay never depart from His teaching. I pray for patience to train

LIFE AFTER THE WEDDING 7by Victoria Mwangi later that is towards end of 2013, we ended up in the same department – CSC. Our friendship begun while we were inW e have all dreamt on the fairy tale, a handsome the Customer Service Department and for a while we were knight/beautiful princess whom we will spend nothing but friends. Later on, Ruth changed residence since eternity with. God created this person for you, to she wanted to be near the work place and as a result waslove, complete and support you. Some of us, me included, looking for a church. I invited her to our Bible Study and overare still looking for this person. I wouldn’t be in a position to time she felt that was home to her. It is here that ouroffer advice in this section but what I have learnt from interactions intensified and our bond grew stronger.spouses that I have interacted with are the Ingredients for asuccessful marriage are love, respect, trust and friendship How did you know she was the one? First and foremost, I would say we met at a time when our I minds were clear that any relationship was towards marriage. Again our friendship and relationship was nurtured inside of a context that strongly emphasized certain biblical values. Through the guidance of our mentors and leaders and prayer it was clear that we were meant to spend the rest of our lives together as husband and wife. So from that moment, the structure of our relationship changed and it called for a high level of maturitytalked to Maureen Kabugi and Joshua Mutugi, the recent What would you say you are enjoying most aboutnewlyweds at Liberty Life, to get some tips in this area. marriage?From Mrs Maureen Macheru's view: The most beautiful thing in a marriage and I believe every couple will agree with me is to spend the rest of your life withHow did you both meet? your best friend and doing what you were created to do. II attended a training session a few years back where I saw find fulfilment in this phase of my journey and have noa fine-looking gentleman and my heart literally skipped a regrets for the decision. I look forward to every day in mybeat J. I said hi to him and the rest is history J marriageHow did you know he was the one? Marriage is enjoyable if God is involved in every stage. In aI was looking for a person that I could have a good quality time when many of our generation do not believe in marriagerelationship with. He is a genuinely caring person and very – my message is: it's possible and you can enjoy it to theempathetic. Since we got along very well (most of the fullest if you play within the rules; operating within the valuestimeJ), I was sure that I wanted to do life together with him. of trust, true covenant, faithfulness and having God as theWhat would you say you are enjoying most about centre of focusmarriage?The quality of my life has transformed for the better since - End -getting married (I hope it is mutual, LOL) because hesupports me in my pursuit of the things that matter to me. Ialso love the fact that being married to him feels like oneloooong date JFrom Mr Joshua Mutungi‘s view:How did you both meet?We met at Liberty Life by then it was CfC Life. We wereworking in different departments (Premium Processing andCustomer Service). We used to have a fellowship whereher boss then was part of the same and she was invited forprayers. This was the first time that we met. Some months

8 WHAT TO WEAR TO A Deberious Juma Don't wear white because it competes with the bride. There are plenty of other colours available.Once in a while we all get invited to those special and Remember it is her day. social occasions like weddings. It turns out to be particularly tricky when it comes to deciding what to Don't wear black or sequins during the daytime. This is no funeral.wear. I was having a chat with Sylvia who is a fashionista Don't worry about wearing the same colours as theand breached the topic, and she turned out to be quite bridesmaids or mothers. You can't possiblyhelpful in this field. Here I share some of her suggestions to coordinate with everyone in the wedding party.make you feel comfortable and at home at the weddings, Creativity is you a chance to strut around in confidence and enjoy Do wear something feminine and appropriate, out ofthe cake. respect for your hosts. Club wear, overtly sexy clothing (strapless, see-through, etc) doesn't belongWedding Guest Style for Her at a weddingInformal Daytime: Short dress or suit (business attire OK Don't wear opera-length gloves (to top of arm) withfor morning weddings) anything but sleeveless or strapless gowns.Informal Evening: Cocktail dress Do take off gloves to eat or drink.Semi-Formal Daytime: Short dress or suit Do use good judgment if the invitation doesn't specifySemi-formal Evening: Cocktail dress the formality of the event. A pastel suit or soft floralFormal Daytime: Short dress or suit. Hats and gloves dress for daytime or a little black dress for eveningoptional. (after 6 p.m.) will take you almost anywhere.Formal Evening or Black-Tie: Long or dressy shortcocktail (beading, glam accessories, wrap) And who said men should just jump into any thing they comeUltra-formal or White Tie: Long gown, extra glitz (furs, across first in the closet? Sylvia begs to disagree. Thediamonds, etc.) women will be looking nice, and my bothers from Mars should complement the occasion by considering theAnd to avoid turning out as a fashion disaster take note of following.the following;Do's and Don’ts for Her Wedding Style for Him Informal Daytime: Dress shirt and pants, preferably a sports jacket. Informal Evening: Suit Semi-Formal Daytime: Suit Semi-Formal Evening: Dark suit Formal Daytime: Dark suit and tie Formal Evening: Tuxedo (if invitation states \"black tie\") or dark suits if women wear short dresses. Ultra-formal Evening or White Tie: White tie, vest and shirt. Do's and Don'ts for Him Don't try to get cute with a tuxedo. A black tux with white shirt and black bow tie is the best way to go. If \"Creative Black Tie\" or \"Texas Formal\" or some sort of other vague formal description is used, then going with a tux and black shirt, no tie, might be acceptable. Do wear a dark suit, with a tie if the wedding is after 6 PM, and doesn't say \"Black Tie.\" Don't wear a tuxedo during the day time, regardless of the formality of the event. Do use good judgment if the invitation doesn't specify the formality of the event. A dark suit and conservative tie will take you just about anywhere. So guys; don’t panic anymore about what to wear when you get those cards. Get the couple a nice gift to go with it and step out into the sun with glamour. (Some tips adopted from Guide by Cynthia - End -


10 STORY FROM CHINA Stella Njunge Palace, among others. At the Great Wall city’, Guangzhou is the most strategic of China the team had to use a cable car hub of trade between China and Africa.In the year 2015 the to access the higher points of the wall. Approximately 200,000 Africans live in management of Liberty More modern sites visited were the the city and the number keeps growingLife Kenya defined key Guangzhou old town, Beijing Olympic with each passing day. ‘We felt more atstrategic objectives to Stadium, a herbal medicine market, a home in Guangzhou’ says Stella.ensure that the company pearl shop, a tea shop and a silk factory. ‘Overall the people were friendly butconsolidates its position For commercials the team visited an language proved a barrier. We had veryas a key player in the electronics centre and a clothing mall. helpful guides Jeans and Jackson. It wasKenyan Life Insurance impossible to move around without themIndustry. Stella had this to say on the Chinese as communication was a problem’ said delicacies; ‘Chinese believe in natural Stella. Key among these foods and their herbal tea is anstrategic objectives is to accompaniment for all meals especially Chinese visit the historic sites in largegrow persistency, in Guangzhou. We ate a lot of numbers and travel as a complete familyincrease policy count and mushrooms, rice, chicken, fish and unit including grandparents. The teamimprove agent’s vegetables. For those with more exotic was quite challenged to see how fit theyproductivity. palates frogs, turtle, monkey, snake, and were, including the older people. rats were available. The food was very Exercise and good health is their way ofTo ensure target fresh; we took some time to adjust to life. China is now a one party state, afterachievement, a number of eating with chop sticks the end of the dynasties where they weresales campaigns and but eventually got the ruled by emperors.challenges were launched hang of it.’to spur production. Among them is the The cities were very clean; there is noChomoka challenge that is currently The people have not had littering despite the high population.running where the top agent will drive much interaction with Guangzhou is home to 15 millionaway in a brand new car. Each year, a Africans in most of the Chinese and is the 5th largest city whileforeign trip challenge is launched where sites visited by the team Beijing is the third largest. In terms ofthe top qualifier win an all-expense paid and therefore there were manufacturing Chinese industries are fortrip to an overseas destination. The 2015 many requests for all markets whether low or high class anddestination was China. photos. Nyambare was a the selection is quite wide. popular target and Asked whether they missed anythingBut why China? ‘China as a destination almost hit celebrity status while in China, Stella had this to say; ‘wewas selected after consultation with the in China. had issues with band width, no google,agency team. It was viewed as an no Facebook, they were simplyattractive location,’ says Stella Njunge, But did you know that unavailable’.General Manager Retail business. The there is a city in Chinacontest ran from 1st April 2015 to July called ‘little Africa’? Also So what is in store for 2017? ‘Germany2016. Joseph Ikirima was the only known as the ‘chocolate tunasija! (Germany here we come)’ saysqualifier in the Agency Managers' Stella. ‘The team has rolled up theirCategory while the agents’ category had sleeves and is looking forward to the trip.’three qualifiers namely CatherineMutinda, Kennedy Nyambare and - End -Franklin Bora Malenge.According to Stella, the trip wasinformative and a good culturalexperience, ‘We visited two cities Beijingand Guangzhou, where we visited manyhistoric sites and were given aneducation in Chinese mythology andhistory.’ Martial art is a major part ofChinese culture and the team had anexperience of attending a Kung Futheatrical show. They also sailed a nightcruise on the Pearl river in Guangzhou.Among the historic sites visited were theForbidden City, Tiananmen Square, TheTemple of Heaven, The Ming Tombs,The Great Wall of China, The Emperor’sSummer Palace, The Presidential

THE PROPOSITION... 11Aby Loise Njunge rejected the first time. This then calls due to the altered policy. Thus, each s an insurance agent, my on the insurance agents to spend addi- time there is an error in information the goal is to spend the ma- tional time filling out the same forms. paperwork must be filled again. Paper- jority of time bringing in So just when a new bundle of paper- work is a crucial part of the insurancenew business, a considerable amount work is finished, the old package agent’s life, but the idea is to minimizeof time managing existing accounts makes its way back for corrections. the time spent on it while maximizingand the least amount of time on menial The cycle repeats daily with less time the return.tasks like filling out paperwork. After to solicit new business. What causes How do we become business focusedmany years in the insurance industry, I this scenario then? rather than being paper-centric? Howhave seen a pattern day-to-day that It is imperative that we acknowledge do we leverage on technology to deliv-turns out contrary. For many agents, the importance of paperwork in the er us from this morass?their days frequently function in thereverse direction with the greatest timespent each day on filling and re-fillingout paperwork as part of their dailyroutine. Woe unto you if you messedup filling sections! You have to ‘really’justify a replacement.Usually, an insurance agent comesinto the office each day to renew theirenergies by attending meetings, listen-ing to motivational speeches; getting toexchange the previous day’s challeng- process. This means receiving the cor- Technology deficiency is the first majores with others and above all sell insur- rect information and having it input and issue facing the insurance industryance policies. However, somehow, processed is imperative at the form today. It is lagging behind in technolo-whether at the beginning, the end or level. Besides the business metric of gy upgrades. Most agents use staticthroughout the whole day, filling out time and money spent on not-in-good pdf/Excel documents and usually mailand processing paperwork considera- order, incorrect paperwork may mean or deliver them manually to the admin-bly eats into that time. The agent may more than that. For instance, if the istrators who then capture details intohave a 30 minute conversation with date of birth on an insurance form is the system, thereafter deliver themthe client, only to end up spending the off by decades, (an easy inverse of 39 manually again to the three hours identifying and obtain- and 93 in the age field) it can severely The same applies even to the claimsing policy forms, filling them out with affect the insurance premium, agent department: paperwork! It is an openclient information and submitting them commission and client experience. If secret that they are rarely maintainedfor processing. Unfortunately, the that applicant were to pass away be- completely electronically throughoutforms process does not end there: fore the error was noticed, there could the process. Moreover, the agent doesmore than ¾ of all applications can be be a major issue with payments given not have all the forms needed in a cen- Continued on Page 13

12 CUSTOMER VALUE PROPOSITIONby Jackline SagweOn the 1st ofMarch 2016 Idrove pastNyerere road toLiberty House.There was a lot ofuncertainty goingthrough my mindabout the newplace. However,my experience withthe security guard atthe parking lotchanged myperception. Hewelcomed me with allsmiles. This was one of akind; nothing like what Ihad experienced in mypast 8 years of workexperience. Heliterary changed my mind aboutcustomer service. I got excited to meet manner. perfectnew, warm people and reaffirmed that Indeed, CVP is the silver bullet in our analogy for the role that CVP plays inwas indeed a great multinational to work business strategy endeavor. We are our business, and the role for which wefor. Little did I know that my first cognizant to the fact that successful are called to play our part.assignment would be to spearhead the implementation of CVP is a function of Without customers, there is little or noCustomer Value Proposition (CVP) people and processes. Management hope for business dealings. Bearing inproject. I remember the brief from my has embarked on ensuring that all of us mind, the insurance industry comprisesboss that we can only win if we embed read from the same script. With support of more than twenty life insurancecustomer service in our DNA. I took up of data, and continuous tracking of companies and with many morethe project whole heartedly. With the these initiatives, embedding CVP will be entrants likely to join this space throughsupport of the GM retail we executed the way of doing things. This is a move either acquisitions, mergers or greenthe baseline survey in a record of 4 days that will consequently create a fields. The products seem similar; weusing an online survey platform. Speed competitive advantage for Liberty; and can only differentiate ourselves throughwas of essence and I really loved it as I in effect become a market differentiator service. The customer of today is wellam always passionate about projects for the business. As, Steve Jobs puts it: informed and has several choices tothat are time bound. Innovation is the only way to win choose from. Let us make them stick toAccording to the survey findings, customers. On a monthly basis, staff us by leaving a positive experience. LetLiberty's customers spoke their minds has given ideas on areas of us all join hands in this noble courseand indicated that the only three things improvement on service delivery, courtesy of the Liberty customer. Theymattered to them were; Dependability, products and distribution. It is a journey say if you win people's hearts they willAccessibility and Personalized service. that will see us attain top three as per spend money on you. All Kenyans needTo cascade CVP, I got the opportunity our strategy 2020 blueprint. insurance, we only need to make themto engage and interact with fellow staff As a customer-centric organization, understand why and serve DAP to them.through interdepartmental sessions. Not CVP is the most important move we We cannot forget the millennials. Thisonly was it an eye opener, it also made have embarked on to drive us to generation more often than not, tends tomy on-boarding process experiential. achieve our objectives. CVP is multi- be very assertive about theirThis was after a successful launch that faceted as it involves all departments’ preferences. They tend to know whatwas held on the 24th of June 2016. coordination. Let's think of a car. We do they want, when they want it, and howKudos to all who made this possible! It know that the engine is core and they want it. Hence such trends demandis my prayer and dream that Liberty without it , despite having all the best an intensive and conscious practice ofbecomes a point of reference as far as car aesthetics any man would dream of, the CVP philosophy. Banks andexperiential customer service is if the engine is faulty all possible telecoms have managed to connect withconcerned in Kenya and beyond. We all movements are fatally halted. Similarly, them. As Liberty, we have to answerhave what it takes to deliver exceptional if the tyres are flat, still movement is their call. The secret of any successfulservice in a timely and a personalized impracticable. This example serves as a business is the ability to anticipate  Continued on Page 13

CUSTOMER VALUE PROPOSITION 13various customer needs and whims, and subsequently as customers so that the service is processed with maximumpositioning itself to meet the needs of the customers, quality and effectiveness, there making CVP a way of life.satisfactorily and in a timely fashion. Let us 'CVP' this I leave you with Aristotle words, “Quality is not an act; it is acustomer segment. habit.\" Combine this with the advantage of knowing. Now thatThere is need to enhance more innovativeness if substantial you know, spread the CVP gospel to all you meet and thenachievements are to be made in the quest to satisfy ourcustomer. But the change can only begin from “within”. Courtesy of the Liberty customer 22nd of every month is ourColleagues need to start viewing their colleagues as their best day. Consequently we shall all make CVP our daily“customer”. When a customer request (or service) is being practice.processed it goes through various departments and handoffs. -End-In the midst of these activity people ought to treat each other Continued from Page 11 tral and organized place. agent focus more time and energy on clients and prospec-The auto-raters are still in Excel format, not app format. tive clients. If done correctly, the agent canThis is a substantial reason why paperwork is rejected. Thetrend in the industry toward dually licensed insurance and have that ideal day every day- one during which the mostsecurities agents makes the life of the typical agent even time is spent finding new business and making connec-more complicated – as there is increased pressure to sell tions, followed by managing existing relationships, and withand process both insurance and securities products. the least amount of time spent on paperwork.It is important to recognise the fact that an agent is in thebusiness of helping clients select an insurance product that -The writersuits their needs, not engross themselves in the process of is a unitfilling forms. This therefore calls for serious investments in manager atthe development of tools and processes that ultimately fa- Kitengela Branchcilitate forms management. As already said, this will get the


CHEMSHA BONGO 15 By Victoria Mwangi and Bonventure Conyinno1. Stella and the team visited a city in China nicknamed as Little Africa. What is its true name?2. What is Liberty Life Kenya Competitive advantage according to Abel Munda?3. Which newly married couple met in a Bible Study forum?4. What 3 products that declare reversionary bonus?5. When was TPP revamped to TPDP?6. What riders can a client select on Lifevest product?7. On which policy month does Income builder convert to an Investment product?8. What was the special dividend declared on Income Builder?9. Name 1 disease that is covered under the Critical Illness Product?10. Abel Munda knows all our birthdays, but when is his?11. What is the minimum annual premium on Family Protector? Send your answers to [email protected] - End -

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