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Home Explore Important Changes Affecting Your Medicare Claims Processing

Important Changes Affecting Your Medicare Claims Processing

Published by jordanmulkey08, 2017-08-24 16:30:02

Description: Important Changes Affecting Your Medicare Claims Processing


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141 Sal Landrio Drive, Johnstown, NY 12095phone: (800) 866-3342 fax: (518) 725-0207If you have any additional questions orconcerns, please do not hesitate to contactus at (972) 349-8812. Our ReimbursementDepartment can offer you and your staffappeals processing, claim counseling andcoding and billing education.

Attention to Medicare Providers:Important Changes Affecting Your Medicare Claims ProcessingWe thought it was important to notify you of some Medicare Part Aimportant changes that will affect your Medicare (Institutional providers, including any out-of-jurisdiction providers, Indian Health Service (IHS)/claims processing in the very near future. Tribal/Urban Indian and Veterans Affairs providers currently served by TrailBlazer who submitOn November 8, 2011, CMS awarded the Jurisdic- Part A UB-04 claims.)tion H (JH) MAC (MEDICARE ADMINISTRATIVE CON-TRACTOR) contract to Highmark Medicare Services States Outgoing Fiscal Incoming MAC Cutover/(HMS). The JH MAC contract covers Medicare Part A Arkansas, Louisiana, Intermediary/Outgoing MAC Novitas Transition Dateand Part B claims processing services in the states & Mississippiof Arkansas, Colorado, Louisiana, Mississippi, New Colorado, New Mexico, PBSI 8/20/2012Mexico, Oklahoma and Texas. As of January 2012, Oklahoma, & TexasHighmark Medicare Services has assumed the new Trailblazer Novitas 10/29/2012corporate name of Novitas Solutions, Inc. (Novitas).As the incoming MAC, Novitas will start process- Medicare Part Bing the Medicare claims workloads for JH Medicare (Physicians, practitioners and suppliers, national Indian Health Service (IHS)/Tribal/Urban Indianproviders according to the schedule. and Veterans Affairs providers currently served by TrailBlazer who submit Part B 1500 claims.)For more detailed information States Outgoing Fiscal Incoming MAC Cutover/ Intermediary/Outgoing MAC Transition Date Arkansas & Louisiana PBSI Novitas 8/13/2012 Mississippi Cahaba Novitas 10/22/ or 800.866.3342 Colorado, New Mexico, Trailblazer Novitas 10/29/2012 Oklahoma & Texas LT-057 Rev. 0

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