2019 Impact Report Ordinary people can create an extraordinary impact, together.
2 4 6 8TheImpact of our members 10 12 14 16ImpactonActionOur VisionOur ValuesOur ServicesMemberships Our Mision IHCCS & the SDGs Our Spaces Benefits Social Programs Our Community18 20 24ImpactonActionMentorshipsEvents & its indicators Mentors Corporate events Support Programs for Technovation Girls Impact Raiser 26 28 32Entrepreneurs Crowdfunding Campaign 34 36 38Impact cannot happen inAccelerate 2030 DESSI-Cop +Acumen GrandPreneurs isolation. SummerShip Collective Impact Indicators 2019 40 42It requires collectiveAcuaponiaTo achieve the SDGs 44action. Year to Date Our Team 2014 - 2019 Allies & Clients
Introduction “When I think about our Venezuelan entrepreneurs, I don’t only think about resilience, but also - as Nassim Nicholas Taleb would say - in “anti-fragility”. They have gone far beyond resisting, enduring blows, crisis and hyperinflation. The resilient one resists, endures, bends and recovers, going back to its essence. The anti-fragil one becomes better, surpasses itself and grows when exposed to uncertainty, volatility, risk and unknown, unexpected and random events. It's the opposite of fragile. I deeply admire our Venezuelan entrepreneurs. They are capable of moving forward, reinvent themselves, innovate, create quality jobs, collaborate with others and create triple impact: financial, social and environmental in the middle of the worst crisis this land of grace has ever known. And even more, they are capable of taking their products or services beyond our borders, scaling, replicating and growing. Putting a piece of our Venezuelan talent with pride, in any corner of the world. That is why I never lose hope for this country, but remain firm in my optimism, because at Impact Hub Caracas I live surrounded by wonderful, creative, innovative, sensitive, supportive, hard-working and strong people. I declare myself as an “anti-fragil” person in Venezuela, and - as Anne Frank used to write -“I don't think of all the misery but of the beauty that still remains”.” Claudia Valladares Olaizola Co-Founder & President Impact Hub Caracas REPORTE DE IMPACTO ANUAL IMPACT HUB CARACAS
VisionImpact Hub network 1 Candidate 2 Opening soon 1.200 +100 5 +55 Locally Rooted, makers (staff & communities countries Globally Connected. volunteers) regions Africa & Middle Europe Moscow Ottawa 16.500 +10.000 East Amsterdam Munich Pittsburgh 1 actual members new ventures Accra Athens Odessa Ostrava Bamako Barcelona 1 Prague Salt Lake City 29.000 Bujumbura Bari Reggio San Francisco members since 2012 Dakar Basel Emilia Seattle Dar es Salaam 2 Belgrade Rome Latin America Intrapreneurs Dubai Bergen Ruhr & the Investors and Funders Harare Berlin Stockholm Caribbean Students Johannesburg Bern Stuttgart 1 Academics Khartoum Kigali Bratislava Syracuse Antigua Career Shifters Lagos Brno Trento Belo Horizonte Activists Lusaka Bucharest Turin Bogotá Artists Asia Pacific Budapest Vienna Brasilia Nonprofit Professionals Almaty Jakarta Donostia Vigo Buenos Aires 2 Business Professionals Kuala Lumpur Dresden Zagreb Zaragoza Caracas Start-up Professionals Kyoto Florence Zurich Curitiba Freelancers Manila Geneva North America Florianopolis Entrepreneurs Phnom Penh Hamburg 1 Austin Managua Shanghai Inverness Baltimore Manaus IMPACT HUB CARACAS ANNUAL IMPACT REPORT Taipei Islington Boston Medellín Tbilisi Istanbul Honolulu Mexico City Tokyo King’s Cross Houston Monterrey Yangon Leipzig 2 Minneapolis- Port-au-Prince Yerevan Lisbon Saint Paul Recife Waikato 2 Madrid Montreal San José Málaga 2 New York San Salvador Milan Metropolitan Sao Paulo Area 2 Tegucigalpa
Our Mision We Inspire Connectpassion for triple impact Enablea local and international ecosystem the design of innovative solutions IMPACT HUB CARACAS ANNUAL IMPACT REPORT 3
Our Values We may have different approaches, but we share an underlying positive intention and set of values. • Trust: Collaboration We believe that a better world is possible. And we can help to create it by the achievements and collaboration of creative, committed and compassionate individuals. Individuals who use their entrepreneurial talents to transform their environments. We trust in each other to accomplish our goals. And we believe that ordinary people can create extraordinary impact together. • Collaboration: While supporting each other, we approach adversities with optimism and hope. We bring out the best in all of us, achieving novel goals. Collaboration is the key to solving the problems of our times. We welcome diversity and partnership with like-minded organizations to make a significant difference. • Courage: Trust Courage We cultivate the spirit of warriors to impulse our projects in times of adversity. We have the courage to venture ourselves on these empty roads. In order to create impact for the future, we must honor the past and be able to pioneer on the creation of new solutions. 4 IMPACT HUB CARACAS ANNUAL IMPACT REPORT
SDGsImpact Hub Caracas & the Tranversal SDGs: Top 3 IMPACT HUB CARACAS ANNUAL IMPACT REPORT 5 1 The Sustainable Development 2 Goals have provided a common 3 language for the problems that require our urgent attention and action. We need to raise awareness and share stories that inspire and engage more people on every corner of the world, especially focusing on the young people who will shape our future. We also need to explore and share lessons learned, best practices, and trends that can help others drive solutions that drive systemic change.
ServicesOur Connect Inspire Enable Since 2014 we have offered a workspace and a collaborative environment that promotes the transformation of ideas into concrete projects. Our spaces enable the growth and scale of our entrepreneurs' projects, as well as their impact. In 2019, we enabled a unique ecosystem of resources, inspiration and collaboration opportunities to our members and third parties that wanted to grow the positive impact of their ventures. MEMBERSHIPS INCUBATION, ACCELERATION MENTORING PROGRAM INTERNAL AND CORPORATE EVENTS AND SCALING PROGRAMS CORPORATE SERVICES COMMUNICATIONAL SERVICES IMPACT HUB CARACAS RADIO OF ENTREPRENEURSHIP & INNOVATION PRO BONO TALKS SCHOLARSHIP PROGRAM SUPPORT PROGRAMS FOR ENTREPRENEURS SOCIAL PROGRAMS 6 IRMEPPAOCRTTHEUDBECIMAPRAACCTAOS ANNUAULALIMIMPAPCACT THRUEBPCOARRTACAS
Our Spaces 1.241 We have transformed our meeting rooms into flexible spaces, available to our members and third Hours of Occupied parties to design, organize and facilitate events that create unique experiences. Rooms In 2019 ávila 1 ávila 2 ávila 3 Dimensions: 22 m2 Dimensions: 22 m2 Dimensions: 150 m2 Seats capacity: 20 Seats capacity: 20 Seats capacity: 120 Desks capacity: 12 Desks capacity: 12 Desks capacity: 20 REPOIMRPTAECDTEHIUMBPACCATROACAANSUALNNIMUPAALCIMT PHAUCBTCRAERPAOCRATS 7
Memberships Office 47.2% Fixed Desk 17.6% • We have offered memberships that adapt to the Unlimited Hub 5.6% 19.4% possibilities of each entrepreneur. Hub 100 4.6% Hub 50 • We have formed a vibrant and growing community of Hub 25 Hub 15 entrepreneurs who share a great determination to carry Hub Connect out their projects, valuing the connections between them, in order to modify the different profiles and areas of action at Impact Hub Caracas. • • The percentages reflect the number of startups corresponding to each membership in 2019. 8 IMPACT HUB CARACAS ANNUAL IMPACT REPORT
Events Free meeting Locker Coffee Internal Events for Impact Hub 24/7 Impact Hub Desk discounts rooms hours newsletter members Passport Access Community App In 2019 our members enjoyed the following benefits: Fixed Desk Unlimited Hub Benefits Hub50 Hub 100 Hub 25 100 hrs./month Hub Hub 15 25 50 Connect 15 hrs./month hrs./month hrs./month IMPACT HUB CARACAS ANNUAL IMPACT REPORT 9
Members THE IMPACT Of our members 217Closing 2019: 692Total since 2014: Actual A community is the nucleus of any entrepreneurship network. In members Members have been 2019, members of Impact Hub Caracas community fostered part of Impact Hub 84% 55,3%innovation, promoted education, and created employment Caracas opportunities through the vibrant solutions they launched, grew, and scaled. Of our members have managed to increase Of our members are founders their income. 57%or co-founders of their 87,5% business. Of our members have increased the quality of the products and services they offer. Triple Impact Importance: 50% 50% 37%Members are choosing \"impact first\" 9,8% 75% 85%Men Women Our members attribute EnviRroentumrnen4ta0l,3% Of our members are under Of our members Of their professional success to 42,5% FiRneatnucrnial 35 years old. completed undergraduate RSeotcuiarnl studies Impact Hub Caracas 10 IMPACT HUB CARACAS ANNUAL IMPACT REPORT
Entrepreneurial Ecosystem To achieve impact at scale, it is necessary to inspire, connect, and engage a critical mass of people by providing them with valuable and inspiring knowledge, resources and access to an engaged and like-minded community. Whether they are working independently or as intrapreneurs within a larger organization, relevant connections and a wider supportive community are essential when starting out on their entrepreneurial journey. From this point, more dedicated support is needed to accelerate growth - support such as training in new skills, providing increased visibility, giving access to new customers and markets, and more - offered through a flexible, needs-based approach. InspireIn 2019, our members felt supported in the following areas… Coming up with new ideas 89.8% Learning about new issues and trends 89.8% “The ambiance of Impact Hub Caracas contributes ConnectHaving a stronger motivation 92.6% to creating an energy that Venezuelans are looking for: Feeling part of a larger community and network 92.6% people that help each other achieve their goals and even find Partnering and collaborating with other members 91.7% common ground to make them a reality. It is a ray of hope in an EnableConnecting to advisors and experts 86.1% atmosphere that is plagued with difficulties and that helps you dream and improve your community” Atilana Piñon CFO & Co-Fundadora City Wallet, member of Impact Hub Caracas Gaining visibility and credibility 91.7% Developing skills and capabilities 75.3% Accessing better working infrastructure 92.6% IMPACT HUB CARACAS ANNUAL IMPACT REPORT 11
OurCommunity 35.2 % 67.8% 98.1 68. 5And its indicators %% Our members consider our Of our members would Of our members have had Of our members feel environment as very recommendImpact Hub more than 5 opportunities that they can lean on to create a new venture at other members in 17positive. 8Caracas to a friend or Impact Hub Caracas. % 8difficult moments. colleague. 78.4 % hours Of our members consider that their jobs Of our members can Of voluntary support to product or service is easily find other other members per new to the world, a 10 %Are created on average by competent members month are offered on \"Pure Innovation\" when they need advice. average by each each member of Impact Hub 15.7% Caracas 43. 6% 42 . 5memberofImpactHub Of our members Of our members have Of our members have Caracas participated in at been part of the least one of our 83 . 5createdmorethan21 community for more % programs. than a year. jobs Of our members consider that social % profitability is the most important indicator of Of our members believe success. that the people of Impact Hub Caracas are trustworthy. 12 IMPACT HUB CARACAS ANNUAL IMPACT REPORT
44O2194u71..r4..721m%%%%emberSEsFsOtrniaCdeteIrreAnteltL-aipfuyrnEpetcNhsneTeRermPuERsrPeOlRFvEeEsNSaSEsIU:ORNAL ADNOur Their ventures are dedicated to: The nature of their ventures is: Arts & Culture (13.9%) Communities Development (9.3%) Nonprofit organizations Computer Sciences (16.7%*) Consultancy (14.8%) 17.4% For-profit trade associations Design (11.1%) 5281..77%% Independentworkers Education and Learning (15.7%) Information & Technology (13.9%) Media and Communication (28.7%) Music & Entertainment (5.6%) Technology (22.2%) The stages of their ventures are: Our community is diverse: 34.4% As Venezuelans, our community is made up of 23.4% 26.6% members of different races and descendants of immigrants. 10.9% We integrate people with disabilities (deaf, reduced mobility, Asperger, etc) Our doors are open to the LGBTQ+ community 3.1% We are a vibrant community Intention Formation Idea Development Start-up Initiative Operative Scaling IMPACT HUB CARACAS ANNUAL IMPACT REPORT 13
MENTORING 49 60 69 At Impact Hub Caracas we care about the training, guidance Pre-mentoring Individual Program and accompaniment of anyone who has a venture, project or sessions in 2019 mentoring mentoring idea and may have a weakness in any of these processes. sessions sessions in That is why we offer advice to our community of entrepreneurs In 2019 2019 and third parties, supporting the development and resolution of the problems their ventures may present at a given time. Accompaniment 270 min. 30 min. 90 min. 14 IMPACT HUB CARACAS ANNUAL IMPACT REPORT
OurMentors Claudia Beatriz Pérez Adriana Mata Pedro Carlos Iguanzo Juan Augusto Valladares Ayala Berroterán Araujo Juan Latassa Yhosemar Juan José Ma. Alejandra Diego Sarría Eddy Gouveia Méndez Pocaterra Hernández Iva Pérez Joaquín Secada Aura Matheus Victor Mejías Natasha Lashly Juan Claudio Pagés IMPACT HUB CARACAS ANNUAL IMPACT REPORT 15
70 88 Events Internal Corporate Impact Hub Caracas is synonymous with connection, we events in Events in believe that there is no better way to connect with our 2019 2019 entrepreneurship network than through internal and corporate events. Each event we offered in 2019 was a great opportunity to learn and participate in the Impact Hub Caracas network. Academic, Health & Trend & Culture Professional and Wellness Conferences Talks about Yoga Classes Entrepreneurship Music sessions Fit-Combat Courses Diplomats Che-Dance Workshop Emotion Boards of Management Directors and work meetings Workshops FuckUp Nights 16 IMPACT HUB CARACAS ANNUAL IMPACT REPORT
Corporate Services Of Entrepreneurship and Innovation 2 INNOVATION LABS ENTREPRENEURSHIP CONSULTING PROGRAMS PROGRAMS • Value Proposition Canvas • Business Model Innovation • Reframing • Incubation Program • Design Thinking • Strategic Innovation Lenses • Lean StartUp • Corporate Incubation Program • Theory of Change • Acceleration Program • LEGO® SERIOUS PLAY® • Scaling Program 7 IMPACT HUB CARACAS ANNUAL IMPACT REPORT 17 Workshops & Programs in 2019 +45 National & International Clients Since 2014
Impactin action 20 The problems our world faces require people and spaces that are willing to take the necessary opportunities to provide solutions. In 2019, Impact Hub Caracas combined these opportunities with our social programs to co-create the future of our society. Technovation Girls Global tech education program that empowers girls between 14 and 18 years old to become leaders, creators and problem-solvers. The program is based on the creation of Mobile Apps and Business Plans as new businesses to solve the problems of their communities. Campaign: Impact Raiser Awareness campaign that aims to promote new subscriptions to the United Nations Children's Fund’s (UNICEF) partner program by inviting the Impact Hub Caracas community to become Impact Raisers. 18 IMPACT HUB CARACAS ANNUAL IMPACT REPORT
19 Social Programs In 2019 we delivered: 4 +400Benefiting: Social People Programs Crowdfunding Campaign Impact Hub Caracas has promoted a crowdfunding campaign to cover the needs of its community of entrepreneurs. The collected funds were used to provide physical and emotional support to the makers, entrepreneurs and families of Impact Hub Caracas through medicines and food. Scholarship Program Our Scholarship Program works as a financial support program for entrepreneurs who need economic support to pay for their memberships or mentorships at Impact Hub. REPIMOPRATCETDHEUIBMCPAACRTAOCAASNAUNALNUIMAPLAICMTPAHCUTBRCEAPROARCTAS 19
Technovation girls The program Technovation Girls is the main program of the Iridescent organization, known as the world's largest technology competition for girls. It offers the opportunity to learn the necessary skills to emerge as technology entrepreneurs and leaders, inspiring them to see themselves as inventors, designers, builders, and entrepreneurs. Participants encounter a problem in their communities and develop a mobile app to help solve this problem. Claudia Valladares, Director and President of Impact Hub Caracas, is the Regional Ambassador of the program and has been the host and organizer of 1Pa6rt2icipantstheeventinourcountry. 95We have had the support Coming from different vulnerable areas in of: Caracas and the Metropolitan Area: Mentors Technovation Girls Venezuela has Catia, La Urbina. El Cementerio, 23 debenefited: Enero, Valles del Tuy, Charallave, Guatire, Young Los Teques, El Junquito & Petare. women 20 IMPACT HUB CARACAS ANNUAL IMPACT REPORT
venezuela The girls are accompanied by mentors who support them in the creation of the mobile applications, business plans, videos and presentations, on a voluntary basis. The content of the coding classes has been taught by Ibsen González (4Geeks Academy), Roberto Romero and José Ortega (UPASoftware), and the content of the business entrepreneurship module has been presented by María Alejandra Hernández (Impact Hub Caracas). The program has also provided extra workshops on Design Thinking (by Claudia Valladares, Impact Hub Caracas), Recording and Video Editing (Héctor Barboza, Plátano Verde) and Pitching (Gaby Alfonzo). Objectives CurriculumPromoteafeelingofwell- being (physical, emotional and mental) 1 Encourage their ability to create change (leadership and empowerment) 2 Improve their communication skills by expressing 3 themselves and resolving conflicts using non-violent Ideation: This module seeks to teach participants to understand their community and gather evidence about the problems they face. Coding: This module seeks to teach programming languages and their uses; basic understanding of computer logic. Entrepreneurship: This module seeks to teach about different types of businesses; communication what it takes to build an effective business plan. IMPACT HUB CARACAS ANNUAL IMPACT REPORT 21
Results 3 168 2,800 Program editions Program hours Meals and snacks 3 11 1 Semifinalist Young girls Winning team teams have become of LATAM members of the community 3,350$ In prizes Regional winners latam The 2018-2019 edition of Technovation Girls had two winning teams: CitySens, an APP designed to improve public services, and CleanUpPlastic (CUP), an APP that encourages recycling through games. Both teams participated in the Global Semi-Finals and the ¨CUP¨ team was selected from among 236 projects as the Technovation 2019 Latin American Regional Winner, winning a scholarship equivalent to USD1,000. 22 IMPACT HUB CARACAS ANNUAL IMPACT REPORT
Testimony “Cup” app Verónica Girón, 16 years old “It was an incredible experience. Technovation came at the right time for me, I was finishing my last year of high school, therefore I had to choose a career. During the competition I realized that I am fascinated by the area of computing sciences and much more when it is linked to entrepreneurship. Experimenting for almost six months in computer engineering was much more useful than reading it on the pages of the universities. Technovation guided me in my decision. Participating in this program helped me to develop myself more and better. By meeting several professionals and entrepreneurs who do the same thing that I want to do in the future: seeing how they act, how they develop in this profession, marked for me a guideline between what I had known so far in my academic learning and what I want to start doing. \" Personally, it was a very big growth. Now I dream of being able to launch the application and position it here in Venezuela and carry out my university career. In the long term I dream about running a major company and making a significant social change in any field or space, a really G5lo8b%al 8im0p%act 35 %positivechange.” Of the students Of the students Of the students enroll in more demonstrate a basic demonstrate IMPACT HUB CARACAS ANNUAL IMPACT REPORT 23 computer science understanding of sophisticated features courses after programming, such as the use of finishing incorporating loops and databases and fusion Technovation conditionals tables
Impact raiser The campaign 28 59 The Impact Raiser campaign, conducted between UNICEF and Impact Raisers New UNICEF Partners Impact Hub Caracas, aims to attract new individual donors (UNICEF partners) to contribute to UNICEF programs through monthly donations. ImpactHubbers (members of Impact Hub Caracas) were invited to become ImpactRaisers and have the opportunity to contribute to change the lives of children and adolescents in Venezuela. The ImpactRaisers had to use their contact networks (like- minded people, family, friends and colleagues) and managed to make 10 new UNICEF Partners to make monthly contributions for the most vulnerable children in Venezuela. 24 IRMEPPAOCRTTHEUDBECIMAPRAACCTAOS ANNUAULALIMIMPAPCACT THRUEBPCOARRTACAS
CrowdSfCuHnOdLAinRgSHcIPamPpRaOiGgRnAM& The campaign 3.204$ Collected in 2019 Considering the difficult circumstances Venezuela is facing, Impact Hub Caracas has promoted a crowdfunding campaign to cover the needs of its community of entrepreneurs. 93 23 The collected funds have helped to provide physical and emotional support to the Delivered medicines Food boxes delivered “makers” (collaborators of the Impact Hub Caracas), entrepreneurs and families of the 50 Impact Hub Caracas through medicines and food. In 2019, Impact Hub Caracas was able to acquire 93 boxes of medicines that benefited 27 Benefited families families in its community of entrepreneurs. In addition, Impact Hub Caracas managed to 8 15 Scholarship programcollect715fooditemsin23packagesanddeliverthemtothe23makers. Membership Mentoring The Impact Hub Caracas Scholarship Program gives participants the benefits and scholarships scholarships advantages of our entrepreneurial ecosystem and social innovation practices. This program began in 2015 and is aimed for those entrepreneurs who need financial resources to cover their membership or mentoring packages. In 2019, our Scholarship Program benefited 23 startups, benefiting 8 entrepreneurs with memberships and 15 with mentoring. REPIMOPRATCETDHEUIBMCPAACRTAOCAASNAUNALNUIMAPLAICMTPAHCUTBRCEAPROARCTAS 25
Impactin action We work in partnership to create and scale solutions to problems. At Impact Hub Caracas we allow citizens, entrepreneurs and organizations to work together in collaborative spaces and jointly create resilient business ecosystems through entrepreneurial support programs. Accelerate 2030 Accelerate 2030 offers entrepreneurs the opportunity to scale the impact of their ventures internationally, through the generation of transformational social and environmental impact and contributing to the UN Sustainable Development Goals. Dessi-CoP +Acumen The + Acumen community of practice ¨Designing for Environmental Sustainability and Social Impact¨ is a facilitated peer learning group that develops entrepreneurship solutions and promotes environmental conservation while tackling poverty. GrandPreneurs GrandPreneurs is a program designed for senior entrepreneurs who want to learn, teach, and design. The purpose of this program is to promote the integral well-being of the participants, in addition to improving business skills in people over 55 years of age. 26 IMPACT HUB CARACAS ANNUAL IMPACT REPORT
Support Programs for Entrepreneurs In 2019 we delivered: 5 147We benefited Support Programs for Entrepreneurs Entrepreneurs SummerShip Summership seeks to offer young students the opportunity to work in a company or startup during the summer, while experiencing their first job. It admits +15-year-old high school students (junior) and also undergraduate students. Acuaponia The \"Aquaponia, a sustainable challenge\" contest was co-designed and sponsored by the Plaza's Supermarkets Foundation. It aims to present a plan for the Development of an Aquaponics System (Aquaculture + Hydroponics) with the potential to achieve adequate production and consumption. IMPACT HUB CARACAS ANNUAL IMPACT REPORT 27
ACCELERATE The program Accelerate 2030 is a co-initiated program by Impact Hub Geneva and the UNDP. Its mission is to internationally scale up the impact of entrepreneurs who create social and environmental positive change, contributing to the UN Sustainable Development Goals. The program is aimed for social enterprises that are going through expansion phases and that have proven solutions and business models. Accelerate 2030 guides entrepreneurs in the process of evaluating their goals and scaling their operations by building a support plan (business models, financial evaluation, etc.) according to their needs. The program helps entrepreneurs establish their financial strategy and raise the necessary funds to accelerate their projects. It connects them with a vibrant community of impact investors and sustainable financial institutions and support them in closing transactions. Throughout the program, it provides local and global visibility as well as media exposure. AGUAVIVA TEACHLR NEDRAKIParticipant 8 AGGUREORCROEGRNOITSIVAEZULECSUANNÍTSIPXERODPARWOJEERCETTeams 28 IRMEPPAOCRTTHEUDBECIMAPRAACCTAOS ANNUAULALIMIMPAPCACT THRUEBPCOARRTACAS
2030 venezuela The participant teams received, for a period of three months, a local acceleration program that included private mentoring sessions, panel discussions and training workshops to help them refine their strategies, ideas, and business plans. Subsequently, the Accelerate 2030 Pitch Event was held, in which the 4 startups nominated for the international phase of the Bootcamps ObjectivesScalingFrames 1Financial Translation of Business Models to Scale Impact Measurement 2Sustainable You Investor Readiness Scaling for Impact Leadership and Resilience 3Ready to Pitch program were selected: Agrocognitive, Aguaviva, Cuantix and Dawere. Raise awareness and promote business solutions that address sustainability Scale business models and provide access to financing, experience and strategic networks Fostering strong entrepreneurial and innovation ecosystems that support the SDGs, both nationally and internationally REPIMOPRATCETDHEUIBMCPAACRTAOCAASNAUNALNUIMAPLAICMTPAHCUTBRCEAPROARCTAS 29
Results 1.500$ 6 69 Of financial support Months of Hours of acceleration mentoring sessions 8 41 AGROCOGNITIVETrainingNationalFinalist nominees Team workshops Accelerate 2030 Finalist After three months of arduous preparation in the local phase of the program along with Aguaviva, Cuantix and Dawere, AgroCognitive conquered its place among the 10 finalists in the world of Accelerate2030 after a total of 150 participating ventures and one preselection of 70 finalist ventures from 16 countries around the world. AgroCognitive is a precision agriculture business, which processes a photographic record of crops, to offer small and medium farmers low-cost productive analysis, with the use of drones and satellite images, through artificial intelligence and advanced analytics. AgroCognitive, along with the rest of the 9 global finalists, was invited to Geneva, Switzerland, for Global Escalation Week, a week of intense connections, global exposure and work on its international scale plan. After this week, the international finalists continued with a longer and more intense escalation program, lasting 9 months, working with coaches, mentors, and assigned experts to achieve their escalation goals. 30 IMPACT HUB CARACAS ANNUAL IMPACT REPORT
Testimonies IMPACT HUB CARACAS ANNUAL IMPACT REPORT 31 Agrocognitive - A2030 Finalists ¨Agrocognitive was transformed since the beginning of the program on the local phase, where we were able to review everything from our finances to sustainability strategies through mentoring and close support. The mentoring related to scaling and impact measurement were of great value, since we were able to go deeper and understand how to measure our impact as we scaled our startup. The other thing of great value was to start being part of a community of triple impact entrepreneurs, knowing everyone's experiences and keeping in touch has served us to be informed about training, capital raising and best practices. But above all, the local phase was a window to the outside world, connecting us to a new vision. In the Global Phase, we had a week full of mentoring and networking, with a breakthrough in understanding capital raising and the world of sustainable entrepreneurship. After the Geneva Scaling Week, we had 6 months (which were extended to 8) from mentoring with global experts (Boston Consulting Group, Amazon, International Trade Center). This program allowed us to continue with an escalation road map, we were accepted into the YCombinator Startup School, successfully completing the training program. We were also accepted into the UK Global Entrepreneur Program and most recently into the acceleration program at the Birmingham Enterprise Community and the FORWARD program. These last programs being the beginning of a new phase in our escalation. \" maría Alejandra hernández - Coordinator “We were selected from a total of 150 startups from 16 Impact Hubs around the world. We are very proud that one of our Venezuelan ventures has been recognized worldwide, showing the level of innovation and impact of the ventures in our country. In addition, it is very gratifying to have witnessed the great teamwork carried out in the country, not only by the Impact Hub Caracas team, but also by the facilitators and mentors who participated in the program. ”
Dessi-cop +acumen The program: DESSI-Cop cLAuacmrcTpareucagrau,,scbL,ioigsEgabsolottpaaáa,m,,VbSBiueaulnod,aapK.pa.ue.uaslltoa,, The Designing for Environmental Sustainability and Social Impact Community of Practice 2 28 (Dessi-CoP) was presented by Impact Hub Lausanne in alliance with the +Acumen organization and the MAVA Foundation. The purpose of the program is to build a peer learning group that modulesCoP Editions maximizes the reach, access and percentage of graduates of online courses, as well as Participants enhances the learning results of the participants using the methodology of face-to-face meetings and online lessons. This methodology allows to reduce dropout rates, as well as : increases the commitment of the participants and solidifies the learning experience through practice. The Link Between Poverty and the Environment Systems Thinking A “Community of Practice (CoP)” is a group of people who come together in order to discuss a common topic and thus deepen their knowledge. It is a social learning system in which Circular Economy and Circular Design practitioners share ideas, solve problems, build tools, and develop relationships. Behavior Change Impact Hub Caracas has been the perfect place to make way for this type of initiative, hosting Natural Capital and the Business Case for two communities of practice in 2019 along with more than 10 Impact Hubs globally. The Environmental Conservation constitution of CoPs in various parts of the world allows the creation of a social system of knowledge production that transcends borders, languages and cultures. Dessi-Cop has been an invaluable driver of social innovation at participating Impact Hubs. 32 IMPACT HUB CARACAS ANNUAL IMPACT REPORT
Grandpreneurs 72 24 The program Senior entrepreneurs Graduates of the GrandPreneurs is a program designed for those entrepreneurs over 55 years old who want to start, participants Basic Bootcamp in learn, teach and design new ventures. The purpose of this project is to promote the integral well- Social Networks being of the participants, enhancing their entrepreneurial skills. The activities of this program are framed in the pillars of Impact Hub Caracas: Inspire, connect and enable; promoting the physical, emotional, cognitive and social well-being of senior entrepreneurs. The program seeks to create a peer community and a space of trust, where they can connect and find support. The program also promotes a generational exchange with the community of younger entrepreneurs at Impact Hub Caracas. In this way, Grandpreneurs bet on diversity and inclusion, creating a synergy between wisdom and innovation, experience and daring. In 2019, one of the activities carried out by the program was the Basic Bootcamp in Social Networks, whose main objective was to provide tools to Grandpreneurs for the use of technology. Gabi Valladares (@gabipapusa) was in charge of facilitating this bootcamp, where participants learned to use their phones, tablets, and computers to communicate with loved ones inside or outside Venezuela, obtain updated information in their areas of interest, and exchange experiences. After 12 academic hours, they received training in platforms such as: WhatsApp, Facebook, Twitter and Instagram, in a friendly, reliable and very practical environment, which allowed them to connect at their own pace with the digital age. IMPACT HUB CARACAS ANNUAL IMPACT REPORT 33
Summership The program The Summership program seeks to offer young students the opportunity to work in a company or startup during the summer, and to experience their first job. Since 2017, it has admitted high-school students and also undergraduate students, who carry out their academic internships in our spaces and with our entrepreneurs. The participants are advised by an academic tutor, who channels doubts and concerns and has the responsibility of monitoring the experience of the interns by being in permanent contact with business tutors, program organizers, administrators and also with representatives. The program has been carried out along with different companies allied to Impact Hub Caracas and some of the ventures of its community of entrepreneurs. Testimony 10 593 Hours of “My experience in the Summership program was something totally different from Participants internships in what I expected. Impact Hub Caracas is more than a job, its a place where you can in 2019 share and explore and where many people come together to learn and work with the 2019 purpose of undertaking and achieving great results. This experience helped me to pIamlpappeeanrtcsoatoi,,nhacfu,uibtncycwdhaaoarcclaoilólcenaatt,sme,aiserale.fcpry.iattcanra,cane3bds0ace0jdhloaie,,vy understand that, since we are the future of the country, we must learn from experiences like this. For us to be agents of change, we must begin by gaining experience in the labor field, in order to be able to contribute and leave a mark on Luis sanabria,ourVenezuela.¨ 16 years old 34 IMPACT HUB CARACAS ANNUAL IMPACT REPORT
Acuaponia 321Selected A sustainable challenge Acuaponia Trinitarias Greens Food G.G. The Acuaponia program was created by Impact Hub Caracas in alliance with the Jadeca Plaza’s Foundation. It's objective was to present a preliminary project for the Development of an Aquaponics System (Aquaculture + Hydroponics) which had the potential to achieve suitable production and consumption. The proposals had to respond to a green project: sustainable, profitable, products with nutritional value and low environmental impact in relation to the type of energy and raw materials used. After the call, 15 teams were pre-selected. From these, 6 teams were selected to present their projects at a Pitch Event, in which Acuaponia Trinitarias, Greens Food G.G. and Jadeca were the three finalist teams. The winning team, Acuaponia Trinitarias, received 6 months of financial support from investors to implement the project. 15 3 1 Finalist Pre-selected teams projects Winner project IMPACT HUB CARACAS ANNUAL IMPACT REPORT 35
Collective impactTo achieve the SDGs ODS 17 ODS 1 The Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs), are ODS 16 PGaortanlsersPheIanipsctseitatuontidoanJcsuhsiteicveeSttrhoeng ODS 2 described by the UN as a \"blueprint for a better and more sustainable future for all”. They offer a No Poverty ODS 3 Zero Hunger tphcTwohoobareeemjvaeysmicmncscahitgnoaiipvegnanpevscelsbea.ahdeanagtgrplhelluoeoesanbsoigigamltveeliepvnstedaoea.cctdntwhedtaoshanrcakgrftiretboaoetuwmortwaehmrwaederowsdmrtsokbhrtweelhdrsii'stseshaaminrgeoewsnthdicaOh, DOS D1O1SDO1SD21SCS3uo1ams5tnRamdeisnuPpCanroolObiintmdLliseeuaiiDfbscetCelteoiSioAOOntCncieLto1aisDDonn3nasdSSunmd1p1t43ion Good HealBtheianngd Well- Quality Education ODS 4 Reduced inequalities InIfnrdasutsrtrucy,t Iurnenovation and Decent Work and EcoGnroomwitch Gender Equality ODS 10 ODS 5 The size of the circle segments ODS 9 indicates which SDGs our members focus on. ODS 8 36 IMPACT HUB CARACAS ANNUAL IMPACT REPORT
17.6% 23.1% 4.6% 13.9% 13% 5.6% 29.6% 1.9% 6.5% 3.7% 33.3% 13% 11% 12% IMPACT HUB CARACAS ANNUAL IMPACT REPORT 37
Radio, 21 Sesiones de Technovation Girls, 1 Regional Pitch, 225 Reuniones de Miembros, 88 Eventos Externos, 70 Eventos Internos, 10 Almuerzos de miembros, 2 Pregúntale a Clo, 1 Charla de Blindaje Patrimonial, 1 Fiesta de Carnaval, 1 Charla de Situación actual y perspectivas de la economía venezolana en el 2019, 1 Encuentro entre emprendedores, 5 Ediciones de FuckUpNights Caracas, 1 Laboratorio de Bienestar, 1 Lanzamiento de la App Givanna, 1 Taller de Seguridad y crisis, 1 WorkShop de A2 Legal, 1 Yoga Master class, 1 Evento de Mesas de Reflexión: Aliados y Clientes IHC, 1 Fiesta V Aniversario, 2 Inducciones a la Community App, 1 Taller de Vocería, 15 Clases de Entrenamiento Funcional, 4 Noches de juegos, 3 Tardes de películas, 12 Clases de baile, 1 Taller de Lengua de Señas, 1 Impact Hub Got Talent, 1 Noche de Karaoke, 1 Fiesta de Halloween, 1 Fiesta de Navidad Country, 11 horas de salas probono, 16 entrevistas de Indicatorsradio y televisión, 49 Prementorias, 60 Mentorías, 69 Mentorías de Programas, 8 Talleres para Clientes Corporativos, 8 actividades de Grandpreneurs, 2 jornadas de emprendimiento, 2 Ediciones de Dessi-CoP +Acumen, 14 Sesiones de Dessi-CoP +Acumen, 7 Charlas probono, presencia en 5 Eventos en el Exterior, 1 Campaña Impact Raiser, 10 Sesiones Accelerate, 9 Becas de Mentorías, 1 Edición de Acuaponia, 3 Ganadores de Acuaponia, 41 Programas de Radio, 21 Sesiones de Technovation Girls, 1 Regional Pitch, 225 Reuniones de Miembros, 88 Eventos Externos, 70 Eventos Internos, 10 Almuerzos de miembros, 2 Pregúntale a Clo, 1 Charla de Blindaje Patrimonial, 1 Fiesta de Carnaval, 1 Charla de Situación actual y perspectivas de la economía venezolana en el 2019, 1 Encuentro entre emprendedores, 5 Ediciones de FuckUpNights Caracas, 1 Laboratorio de Bienestar, 1 Lanzamiento de la App Givanna, 1 Taller de Seguridad y crisis, 1 WorkShop de A2 Legal, 1 Yoga Master class, 1 Evento de Mesas de Reflexión: Aliados y Clientes IHC, 1 Fiesta V Aniversario, 2 Inducciones a la Community App, 1 Taller de Vocería, 15 Clases de Entrenamiento Funcional, 4 Noches de 2019juegos, 3 Tardes de películas, 12 Clases de baile, 1 Taller de Lengua de Señas, 1 Impact Hub Got Talent, 1 Noche de Karaoke, 1 Fiesta de Halloween, 1 Fiesta de Navidad Country, 11 horas de salas probono, 16 entrevistas de radio y televisión, 49 Prementorias, 60 Mentorías, 69 Mentorías de Programas, 8 Talleres para Clientes Corporativos, 8 actividades de Grandpreneurs, 2 jornadas de emprendimiento, 2 Ediciones de Dessi-CoP +Acumen, 14 Sesiones de Dessi-CoP +Acumen, 7 Charlas probono, presencia en 5 Eventos en el Exterior, 1 Campaña Impact Raiser, 10 Sesiones Accelerate, 9 Becas de Mentorías, 1 Edición de Acuaponia, 3 Ganadores de Acuaponia, 41 Programas de Radio, 21 Sesiones de Technovation Girls, 1 Regional Pitch, 225 Reuniones de Miembros, 88 Eventos Externos, 70 Eventos Internos, 10 Almuerzos de miembros, 2 Pregúntale a Clo, 1 Charla de Blindaje Patrimonial, 1 Fiesta de Carnaval, 1 Charla de Situación actual y perspectivas de la economía venezolana en el 2019, 1 Encuentro entre emprendedores, 5 Ediciones de FuckUpNights Caracas, 1 Laboratorio de Bienestar, 1 Lanzamiento de la App Givanna, 1 Taller de Seguridad y crisis, 1 WorkShop de A2 Legal, 1 Yoga Master class, 1 Evento de Mesas de Reflexión: Aliados y Clientes IHC, 1 Fiesta V Aniversario, 2 Inducciones a la Community App, 1 Taller de Vocería, 15 Clases de Entrenamiento Funcional, 4 Noches de juegos, 3 Tardes de películas, 12 Clases de baile, 1 Taller de Lengua de Señas, 1 Impact Hub Got Talent, 1 Noche de Karaoke, 1 Fiesta de Halloween, 1 Fiesta de Navidad Country, 11 horas de salas probono, 16 entrevistas de radio y televisión, 49 Prementorias, 60 Mentorías, 69 Mentorías de Programas, 8 Talleres para Clientes Corporativos, 8 actividades de Grandpreneurs, 2 jornadas de emprendimiento, 2 Ediciones de Dessi-CoP +Acumen, 14 Sesiones de Dessi-CoP +Acumen, 7 Charlas probono, presencia en 5 Eventos en el Exterior, 1 Campaña Impact Raiser, 10 Sesiones
Our 2019 4 SOCIAL PROGRAMS Social 131 1 28 Programs Young women Regional Pitch Impact COMMUNITY 4 4 2? 10 benefited Technovation Raisers Ask Clo 217 15 Game nights Celebrations Member 21 Girls 59 Members lunches UNICEF 1 Technovation 2.240 Partners 2 Girls Sessions Meals and Impact Hub snacks Functional Talent Community training classes 4 App inductions 3 12 Workshops for SUPPORT PROGRAMS FOR Dance the Movie nights classes 5 ENTREPRENEURS community MENTORING PROGRAM 8 60 69 Support Programs Grandpreneurs Individual Program for Entrepreneurs activities mentoring Mentoring sessions CROWDFUNDING CAMPAIGN 147 Sessions EVENTOS 49 $3.204 93 Benefited Delivered in Medicine entrepreneurs Pre-mentoring medicines, food and boxes sessions 50 CORPORATE SERVICES OF scholarships ENTREPRENEURSHIP AND INNOVATION Benefited 70 88 families 7 +45 Internal Corporate National and Events Events 5 SCHOLARSHIP PROGRAM Workshops and international programs for clients FuckUpNights Caracas editions corporate clients COMMUNICATIONS 15 11 +400 SPACES Mentoring Pro bono scholarships working hours m2 under 650m2 construction 49k 41 23 8 1 Of spaces Pro Bono talks Followers on Radio program and interviews Memberships Coffee Shop Social Media editions scholarships Aroma Di Cafe IMPACT HUB CARACAS ANNUAL IMPACT REPORT 2339
Sesiones de Dessi-CoP +Acumen, 7 Charlas probono, presencia en 5 Eventos en el Exterior, 1 Campaña Impact Raiser, 10 Sesiones Accelerate, 9 Becas de Mentorías, 1 Edición de Acuaponia, 3 Ganadores de Acuaponia, 41 Programas de Radio, 21 Sesiones de Technovation Girls, 1 Regional Pitch, 225 Reuniones de Miembros, 88 Eventos Externos, 70 Eventos Internos, 10 Almuerzos de miembros, 2 Pregúntale a Clo, 1 Charla de Blindaje Patrimonial, 1 Fiesta de Carnaval, 1 Charla de Situación actual y perspectivas de la economía venezolana en el 2019, 1 Encuentro entre emprendedores, 5 Ediciones de FuckUpNights Caracas, 1 Laboratorio de Bienestar, 1 Lanzamiento de la App Givanna, 1 Taller de Seguridad y crisis, 1 WorkShop de A2 Legal, 1 Yoga Master class, 1 Evento de Mesas de Reflexión: Aliados y Clientes IHC, 1 Fiesta V Aniversario, 2 Inducciones a la Community App, 1 Taller de Vocería, 15 Clases de Entrenamiento Funcional, 4 Noches de juegos, 3 Tardes de películas, 12 Clases de baile, 1 Taller de Lengua de Señas, 1 Impact Hub Got Talent, 1 Noche de Karaoke, 1 Fiesta de Halloween, 1 Fiesta de Navidad Country, 11 horas de salas probono, 16 entrevistas de radio y televisión, 49 Prementorias, 60 Mentorías, 69 Mentorías de Programas, 8 Talleres para Clientes Corporativos, 8 Year to dateactividades de Grandpreneurs, 2 jornadas de emprendimiento, 2 Ediciones de Dessi-CoP +Acumen, 14 Sesiones de Dessi-CoP +Acumen, 7 Charlas probono, presencia en 5 Eventos en el Exterior, 1 Campaña Impact Raiser, 10 Sesiones Accelerate, 9 Becas de Mentorías, 1 Edición de Acuaponia, 3 Ganadores de Acuaponia, 41 Programas de Radio, 21 Sesiones de Technovation Girls, 1 Regional Pitch, 225 Reuniones de Miembros, 88 Eventos Externos, 70 Eventos Internos, 10 Almuerzos de miembros, 2 Pregúntale a Clo, 1 Charla de Blindaje Patrimonial, 1 Fiesta de Carnaval, 1 Charla de Situación actual y perspectivas de la economía venezolana en el 2019, 1 Encuentro entre emprendedores, 5 Ediciones de FuckUpNights Caracas, 1 Laboratorio de Bienestar, 1 Lanzamiento de la App Givanna, 1 Taller de Seguridad y crisis, 1 WorkShop de A2 Legal, 1 Yoga Master class, 1 Evento de Mesas de Reflexión: Aliados y Clientes IHC, 1 Fiesta V Aniversario, 2 Inducciones a la Community App, 1 Taller de Vocería, 15 Clases de Entrenamiento Funcional, 4 Noches de 2014-2019juegos, 3 Tardes de películas, 12 Clases de baile, 1 Taller de Lengua de Señas, 1 Impact Hub Got Talent, 1 Noche de Karaoke, 1 Fiesta de Halloween, 1 Fiesta de Navidad Country, 11 horas de salas probono, 16 entrevistas de radio y televisión, 49 Prementorias, 60 Mentorías, 69 Mentorías de Programas, 8 Talleres para Clientes Corporativos, 8 actividades de Grandpreneurs, 2 jornadas de emprendimiento, 2 Ediciones de Dessi-CoP +Acumen, 14 Sesiones de Dessi-CoP +Acumen, 7 Charlas probono, presencia en 5 Eventos en el Exterior, 1 Campaña Impact Raiser, 10 Sesiones Accelerate, 9 Becas de Mentorías, 1 Edición de Acuaponia, 3 Ganadores de Acuaponia, 41 Programas de Radio, 21 Sesiones de Technovation Girls, 1 Regional Pitch, 225 Reuniones de Miembros, 88 Eventos Externos, 70 Eventos Internos, 10 Almuerzos de miembros, 2 Pregúntale a Clo, 1 Charla de Blindaje Patrimonial, 1 Fiesta de Carnaval, 1 Charla de Situación actual y perspectivas de la economía venezolana en el 2019, 1 Encuentro entre emprendedores, 5 Ediciones de FuckUpNights Caracas, 1 Laboratorio de Bienestar, 1 Lanzamiento de la App Givanna, 1 Taller de Seguridad y crisis, 1 WorkShop de A2 Legal, 1 Yoga Master class, 1 Evento de Mesas de Reflexión: Aliados y Clientes IHC, 1 Fiesta V Aniversario, 2 Inducciones a la Community App, 1 Taller de Vocería, 15 Clases de Entrenamiento Funcional, 4 Noches de juegos, 3 Tardes de películas, 12 Clases de baile, 1 Taller de Lengua de Señas, 1 Impact Hub Got Talent, 1 Noche de Karaoke, 1 Fiesta de Halloween, 1 Fiesta de Navidad Country, 11 horas de salas probono, 16 entrevistas de radio y te4l0evRisEiPóOnRT,E D4E9IMPPACreTOmAeNUnAtLoIMriPaACsT, HU6B0CAMRACeAnStorías, 69 Mentorías de Programas, 8 Talleres para Clientes Corporativos, 8
52y0e1a4rs -of2im0p1a9ct SOCIAL PROGRAMS COMMUNITY CROWDFUNDING CAMPAIGN 12 social programs 59K food dished delivered 217 actual members $10.532 raides 568 kids and youth benefited 692 total members 4 wellness workshops for the community 43 member lunches 635 program hours 7 Community App inductions +1.100 benefited people 95 mentors 63K cups of coffee consumed 107 assisted families 2.830 internet megas consumed $3.350 in prizes 20 celebrations 150 medicines delivered 300 shirts delivered 23 food boxes delivered 180 pairs of shoes delivered MENTORING PROGRAM 400 food dishes delivered 200 school supply kits delivered 2 theater plays financially supported: Mi 200 school bags delivered 816 total mentoring sessions Hijo sólo camina (un poco) más lento & La 34 hours of extra workshops 523 individual mentoring sessions 293 program mentoring sessions Catira del General SUPPORT PROGRAMS FOR ENTREPRENEURS EVENTS SCHOLARSHIP PROGRAM 26 support programs for entrepreneurs 1.457 total events 23 memberships scholarships 870 benefited entrepreneurs 498 internal events 68 mentoring scholarships 959 corporate events 91 benefited ventures 19k on financial support and seed capital +30 FuckUpNights Caracas editions 224 program mentoring sessions 139 working spaces hours donated 283 pre-selected products COMMUNICATIONS 48 selected products 24 months of acceleration 48K followers on Social Media 89 radio program editions CORPORATE SERVICES OF 63 pro bono talks and interviews ENTREPRENEURSHIP & INNOVATION +45 national and international clients Workshops and programs for corporate clients SPACES 650 m2. Of spaces +400 m2. Under construction 1 coffee shop: Aroma Di Café 1 meditation booth: Yivana IMPACT HUB CARACAS ANNUAL IMPACT REPORT 41
Jesús Pamplona Francesca Bonalda Adriana López TeamOur Maintenance Programs Coordinator Communications Coordinator Andrea Abdul Aura Matheus Ariakna Espinoza Hosts Coordinator Mentorships & Programs Assistant Communications Manager Ma. Alejandra Hernández Mentorships & Programs Coordinator Valentina Gómez Administration Assistant Claudia Valladares Sara Torres José Cisneros Karina Rojas CoFounder & President Jessika Medina Host Host Administration Manager Community Manager Leonardo González Edgar López Cesar Barone Administration Assistant Host Host Keyla Figuera Rommel Gutiérrez Finance & Strategy General Manager Manager Juan Claudio Pages Yurian Blanco Nicola De Caro Corporate Services of Victor de YavorskyEntrepreneurship and Innovation Events Assistant Host CoFounder Ma. Fernanda Pacheco 17 42 IMPACT HUB CARACAS ANNUAL IMPACT REPORT General Assistant
ecmvohawpl“elletaoulatpoxThuebttgihhaslnordeeaytgrotyaolsfhaiutrkehetdinseeorardiuk\"npntvs,so,arsetototcr,thjomyhlooiadauigointmarneteiaersknpdigteowatyethruchh,.aerteyt,metwefeoarm Allies and clients 44 IMPACT HUB CARACAS ANNUAL IMPACT REPORT
Special thanks Because you have been an unconditional ally, committed to the development of entrepreneurship in Venezuela, We would like to express our deepest gratitude and recognize the constant, generous and disinterested support that Fondo de Valores Inmobiliarios and its President Horacio Velutini have provided to Impact Hub Caracas since 2016. Without you, the path would have been even more difficult. We have felt accompanied because we share the same love for Venezuela and Venezuelan entrepreneurship. Thank you for your trust and for betting on us and our community! ¡Thank you, Fondo de Valores Inmobiliarios! IMPACT HUB CARACAS ANNUAL IMPACT REPORT 45
Our clientes pro bono clients IMPACT HUB CARACAS ANNUAL IMPACT REPORT 47
www.caracas.impacthub.net @ImpactHubCcs /Impacthubcaracas @ImpactHubCaracas Impact Hub Caracas #bepartofthechange Displayed member data and information is based on the Annual Global Member Survey conducted in February/March 2019. The final sample contains a total of 3,017 responses from 78 Impact Hubs. Results have been independently analyzed and compiled by the Social Entrepreneurship Center / Vienna University of Economics and Business in coordination with Impact Hub GmbH.
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