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Published by maykie arca, 2023-04-13 18:14:00

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Understanding the Self April 2023 Digital Portfolio Maykie Arca B74


The Biological Self physical self sexual self



Reflection I've learned that one part of human development is the biological self's progression through one's physical and sexual characteristics. The physical qualities and attributes that result from our biological and environmental variables are determined by our physical selves. The sexual self, on the other hand, is related to sex and gender and affects a person's total sexual development. Although both our physical and sexual development has a significant impact on how we identify as distinct individuals, some aspects prevent us from expressing our true selves and having a thorough grasp of our bodies. These are the so-called social norms, including ideals of beauty and traditional values. Social standards are necessary guidelines that drive human behaviour most rationally, but they can potentially harm us in several ways. For instance, the current beauty standards are continually used to evaluate physical appearances. In my example, I had a love-hate connection with my appearance since I felt that the only reason I was worth less than others was that I didn't conform to the norms imposed by my culture. In addition, society has expectations about how men and women need to act by their gender roles. In the view of others, breaking social conventions were considered unethical or dishonorable. But as I learned more about my biological being, I had a different outlook on myself and others. I gained confidence in my body and learned to appreciate my individuality as a means of self- expression. It additionally inspired me to value and respect everyone's differences, which enabled me to improve my physical and sexual well-being.


Cultural Self My family has its own traditions, which we uphold since they are so important to us. For instance, we always lend a hand to one another when a family member is in need. To help the family member who needs assistance, the entire family unites its efforts. Our family members greatly value this mutual support, but we do not see it as odd. On the other hand, we take family members' mutual support for granted. We will undoubtedly aid each other since we are a family, even if we are miles apart and haven't seen each other in years. These pictures show my family and me having fun on numerous occasions. It's always been our tradition to spend Christmas and New Year's Eve together. And we have been doing it for a very long time.

The Socio-Digital Self Based on my post, I am open to sharing my opinions in the internet community. I often share little-known facts about myself that indicate my personality and preferences. Even though I enjoy online anonymity, I ensure that nothing I post is offensive or threatening to anybody else. I am a responsible and polite person. In line with this, I share positive vibes on social media to uplift and cheer others, even with small gestures. I share memes to spread positivevibes in I also share posts that relate to my real- the online community. world experiences.

Material / Economic Self I enjoy taking pictures with my film camera and collecting film cameras. I enjoy listening to pop and K-pop music. I also enjoy buying K-Pop merchandise like photo cards, albums, posters, etc., and going to concerts. K-pop makes me feel so happy and connected to other fans and artists; there is such a special relationship between the idols and the fans, making me feel loved and special. With k-pop, I've also gained some incredible pals.

Reflection The social self significantly influences human growth. It establishes the connections we create with those around us. The social groupings that one interacts with directly, their ties with one another, unrelated external influences, culture, society, economy, and critical events are among them. Additionally, social media is a significant factor in determining one's behavior and ideals. People have become more socially conscious as the world has developed, which is why technology has made it possible for us to establish connections quickly. Due to our exposure to digital platforms, we rely on technology to communicate, pursue common interests, and voice our opinions. Our social self uses this to shape our perceptions and ideals when making crucial life decisions. I acknowledge that it has had a negative impact on both my personal relationships and my perception of myself in recent times because I find it difficult to explain why I no longer have the energy to connect with others. I learned the value of ongoing social interactions due to this particular event of mine and its negative consequences. Since connections allow us to understand ourselves from the perspective of others, they tremendously impact our health, well-being, capacity for empathy, and sense of self. As a result, I have learned to put effort into developing and maintaining my relationships.

The Mental Self


Human Learning It's a shagidi-shagidi-shapopo activity where we copy the first person's dancing move, but not at the same time. It sounds like \"follow the leader\" vibes.

Reflection Everything we do, including our ideas and behaviors, is influenced by our mental selves, significantly enhancing our feeling of self. The nature of human cognition and metacognition, which combines our numerous bits of intelligence, are covered by this particular element. Although our mental abilities and areas of intellect may differ from others, they are always inborn and develop with each person. As a result, we can all comprehend and process our ideas and activities; however, our different approaches to using intelligence in various domains will vary. We can also adopt multiple learning methodologies to sharpen our knowledge and increase our capacity for understanding, learning, and situational perception. My low IQ results from the activity; however, I can say that it challenges the mind. The exercise tests our knowledge and capacity to reply to direct queries. Toward the conclusion, there will undoubtedly be something new to learn. Once you've found your purpose in the shagidi shagidi shapopo activity, it's best to concentrate on yourself rather than trying to live like other people. After learning about the mental aspect of the self and engaging in the activity, I realized that my ideas and beliefs could affect my emotions and behaviours. I may develop techniques to alter negative thought patterns and foster positive beliefs. Everyone must also constantly remind themselves to focus on the good aspects of their lives.

Emotional Self

Emotional Intelligence The activity, which our instructor is conducting, asks us to answer a series of 24 questions and count how many times each answer is accurate to determine the type of lover we are.

Emotional Regulation This screenshot shows a discussion of romantic relationships, including how they went, whether it was joyful, and other topics. I first understood what emotion regulation is and why it is crucial.

Reflection We all naturally experience emotions. They cannot be avoided, yet depending on our beliefs and experiences, our feelings dictate how we subjectively interpret and express our emotions. Our ability to control our emotions, as demonstrated by how well we can identify, control, and define them in trying or challenging circumstances, indicates our level of emotional intelligence. Furthermore, managing our emotions does not include exerting maximum effort to restrain and repress them. To manifest happy and healthy emotional well-being, it is more important to logically control how we express our emotions and make decisions based on the circumstances. Back then, I always associated emotional expressiveness with a bad reaction when facing difficult circumstances. This is so that others don't mistake tears for weakness and fury for destructive behavior. As a result, I usually try to control my negative emotions to avoid any harmful effects they might have. As a result, there is no transparency in how I react to diverse circumstances, which will limit my ability to grow and develop emotionally. But as I got to know my inner self, I discovered that suppressing our feelings implies we don't deal with them. It may lead to accumulations that harm behavior and health. As a result, we shouldn't hesitate to express our feelings and emotions as much as possible. However, we shouldn't neglect to employ practical and healthy coping techniques because they can aid in our development into empathic beings by allowing us to learn more about ourselves and others.

The Spiritual Self

Inner Soul This picture cheers up my broken spirit. When my difficulties make me anxious, I stare at the night sky or go somewhere I can view city lights—the nighttime scene. The vastness of the atmosphere affects my thoughts. I try to expel my anguish and anxiety while inhaling the beauty. I eventually became less agitated. I occasionally witness a full moon in all its splendor. I sometimes see stars, although this is uncommon because of city lights.

Connections with Nature This image was taken in Basilan. Being in nature or watching natural scenes makes you feel better and less stressed, angry, or afraid. I feel better emotionally when I am in nature. I am once again entire and filled with wonder. I am conscious of my connection to all other living beings. I feel that I am a part of this Earth.

Connections with Nature Every time I look at these pictures, the memories they depict never fail to make me smile. These images serve as a constant reminder to me that life is precious and vital and that it is worth fighting. I'm incredibly grateful for my family, friends, and nature. All I need are these things. I'm thankful to have what everyone wants or needs. Without it, life wouldn't be the same. Right now, I'm glad because of my family, friends, and world. My family is the first thing I am grateful for. They are present for me at all times. Regardless of where I am, what I do, or the situations I find myself in. The most important thing in my life is my family. Before anything else, they come first.

Reflection Our relationship with other people and the natural world gives our lives significance and enables us to enjoy them to the fullest. This is referred to as spirituality. It involves our path towards a more fulfilling existence and health. However, to find inner peace, we must fulfill several elements of who we are. When our fundamental requirements and objectives—such as those related to our education, finances, interpersonal relationships, etc.—are accomplished, we might feel content. However, I also think it should happen when people realize their genuine potential as individuals who enable love in their community and care for themselves. And occasionally, to achieve these objectives, we must endure never-ending hardships and sorrows. I used to believe that the only way I could be comfortable and happy was to live the life others expected me to, such as achieving good grades, graduating from college with a respectable degree, earning a steady job, and having children by a certain age. I mistakenly believed that success is defined by meeting these cultural expectations, yet this is an attempt to win approval from others. Now I think that satisfaction is a type of success we obtain when we enjoy what we want to do in life after learning from our spiritual selves. From here, understanding who we are and what truly matters can assist us in understanding ourselves better, resulting in a life full of hope and meaning.

My Overall Experience If I had to sum up my total experience in module 2, it was challenging but also fascinating. I can go deeper into my inner aspects since it is essential to understand oneself. Before gaining insights into the lessons, I was unaware of how complicated the self is. The social self is the component of oneself that most piqued my interest because it's here that I learned about the relationships between the people and things around us and how they affect how we might grow. Answering each exercise helped me become more self-aware. The \"MEvolution\" collage activity captured my attention the most because it made me think about the physical changes I underwent at various points in my life. Overall, I am captivated by the topics I am learning through this course, but I genuinely believe that given better conditions, I could have accomplished more and performed better in this course. We are grateful to you, sir, for giving us the motivation and courage to improve ourselves. In this setting, I appreciate your energy and patience.

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