merryland.vnLet the children play
(04)3200 4739 (084) 905 389 888 [email protected] LETTER Dear Clients and Partners, Merryland LLC was founded on the idea of cooperation with partners fromItaly, the Netherlands and Vietnam. The company is a pioneer in the design,manufacture, installation and export of high-quality European safety standardplayground equipment. Beside our factory with modern technology equip-ments, we have a talented and experienced team working hand-in-hand withClients and Partners on every project to build safe, fun kid-friendly play-grounds that bring the best values to childhood. Made of advanced HDPE imported from Korea and components from Den-mark, Merryland products are safe, and durable. We offer a comprehensiverange of outdoor equipment which includes: slides, seesaws, swings, springs,crawl tubes, climbing equipment, playhouses, tness equipment and so on. Wealso offer designs and installations of unique, safe kid-friendly playgrounds atschools, apartment buildings, urban areas, hospitals, resorts, parks and otherpublic areas. In conjunction with our willingness of cooperation, Merryland prides our selfon being a reputable and reliable partner. We are committed to providing ourClients and Partners with quality products, professional services, and trustworthypolicies on price and comprehensive warranties and maintenances. Respectfully looking forward to the co-operation of our Clients and Partners! Sincerely, MERRYLAND LLC
ABOUT us Researched and developed on the idea of cooperation with partners from Vietnam, and the Netherlands in the elds of design, manufacture, import and export of children’s safe premium playgrounds. Enrich childhood through play is our commitment we give to children, parents and communities. At Merryland, we see the great advantages of physical and mental health for children’s development and make a range of efforts to promote through active outdoor play. We constantly create playgrounds to provide an ideal envi- ronment with real-life experiences where our children burst into minds, knowledge and creation and help them build a solid basic foundation for their future. Our professional experts support every step of the way to bring big values and high-standard products and services to our clients, not just the way we manufacture our products, all the way we do business. Our custom- ized free design process will commit that our clients will choose best products with right places and right costs. In addition, by using recycled, safe, European standard materials, we always try our best to contribute communi- ties’ growth and environmental protection. Our export of outdoor playground equipment is still pushed up. We have had several strong Asian partners such as Japan, China and Malaysia. We aim to co-operate with more partners from all around the world. We aim to be the global leader in the industry of design, installation and export the safe, high-class outdoor play- ground.4
We are proud to work toward a com mon goal of better healthy communities for ourchildren and families. We give the best products and take our clients’ trust. Escape from everyday play and customize your own dreamed playground, we offer thehigh class outdoor playground equipment strictly tested in the quality standard. “We raise our children the value to make the world better” 5
OUR EXPERTS “We design the creative product, also the safe one” - Giacomo Felace – Technical design professionals playground equipment “Not just playgrounds, we design dreams.” - Sanne Veenhuijzen – Art design professionals playground equipment At Merryland, the combination of the talent designers from Netherlands, Italia and Vietnam blows an endless inspiration and emotion into their work. We know each playground is unique and every child is different. Every projects we design is not just about portfolios, they are community’s contribute. And we know that we are build spaces that develop our future leaders. That why all designing steps is carefully counted and watched out to create the best of the best one. 8
“Play is not only a break time; for children italso another big class.” 9
OUR Located at Lien Ninh, Thanh Tri Dis- trict, Ha Noi, Viet Nam, our manu- facturer covers an area of over 2000m2, and is applied internation- al standard modern technology and machines operated by a team of pro- fessional technicians. We strictly respect the quality and safety of out- door playground equipment. 10
MERYLAND WARRANTY 1. Merryland warranty applies for our 4. Products installed near or under products for the time periods and each chlorinated water or saltwater are not product type listed on the following covered by the Merryland warranty for table. The warranty only covers defects any defects caused by corrosion. in materials. 5. Merryland provides non-Merryland 2. Warranty applies only if our prod- branded products and installation ucts have been properly installed and services performed by certi ed third maintained party supplied. Our warranty does not apply to such cases but we will pass on 3. No coverage for accidents, their own warranties to our clients where possible. improper care, normal wear and tear, cosmetic issues or failures due to misuse and vandalism. Time period of warranty (year) Parts 2 years 5 years 10 years 15 years Lifetime Flexotop™ recycled Electronic components EPDM rubber membranes material Rope and net constructions Hollow plastic parts Other painted metal parts HPL oors and panels “S” clamps on Hercules rope Engineered Robinia timber Steel poles, cross beams, oor frames EcoCore™ and other HDPE panels12
Merryland understands that a playground is not only a fun, safe space for your kids merryland.vnto express themselves, but it also colors the beauty of city. That’s why we always care-fully oversight every steps of our process from design, manufacturing, delivery, andinstallation in order to bring our customers’ dream take shape in a real life. The recess in a classroom may be is a break, but in a playground, it is more. Weeffort to provide safe premium playgrounds to make our kids’ time in the playgroundsis more and more valuable they take. Best services, high-standard products, strong growth! 13
OUR PRODUCTS Merryland products are mainly divided Outdoor Playground Equipment. Playground Equipment. Fitness and Sport. Gardening. Park Accessories. Surfacing.14
Merryland core values: - A strong physical health. - Build a basic knowledge of surrounded world. - Open a creative mind; develop kids’ senses and emotions. - Unlock their potential capacity early. - Develop communication and social skills. 15
UV PVC Coating PRODUCT INFORMATION Powder Coating For the surface of deck, crossing Plating, melting, cleansing and heat boards, and stairs, PVC coating is used treatment make our pillars and pipes to prevent slipping so that no one has highly corrosion resistant. to hit sharp corners. ClampA variety of clamp used to connect parts ensure the quality and aestheticism of our products. Special Bolt/ Nut Loose-proof bolts and nuts thatcannot be loosened by ordinary tool. LLDPE Panel HDPE Low density PE with Roto molding’s Panels made of different colored PE blocks The material is durable and highlyrotational molding technology is used. can re ect images or letters. corrosion resistant.(Plastic products such as roof, slides, or panels) 17
PLAY Play Structure is a must-have item in a perfect playground. Its highlight is the link of kinds of activities and design styles. Features: Develop your children’s muscles throughout activities like: climbing, running, jumping, crawling, and sliding. Open their creative imagination world. Improve social, communicable and team working skills. 20
Train Play Structure CODE AGE #PSML019 3 - 12 yrsLadybug Play StructureCODE AGE#PSML002 3 -12 yrs Countryside Play Structure CODE AGE #PSML018 3 - 12 yrs 21
SPRINGER CODE AGE CODE AGE CODE AGE #SML014 From 1 yrs #SML013 From 1 yrs #SML012 From 1 yrs CODE AGE CODE AGE CODE AGE #SML010 From 1 yrs #SML008 From 1 yrs #SML005 From 1 yrs CODE AGE CODE AGE CODE AGE #SML003 From 1 yrs #SML002 From 1 yrs #SML001 From 1 yrs Springer is an equipment at an outdoor playground. Our cute child- hood designs always tell dif- ferent fantastic stories waiting for children to explore. Features: Improve your child’s creative thinking. A mild exercise for younger child.22
SEASAWSCODE AGE CODE AGE CODE AGE#SSML013 From 2 yrs #SSML008 From 2 yrs #SSML002 From 2 yrsMerryland pay much attention into the safety and community interactivity of our merryland.vnseasaw designs. Therefore, though simple but always hit the point of attraction,the designs also create a play space for children, their friends and family.Features: Strengthen your child’s physical exercises. Enhance the ability of community interaction. Improve social skills. 23
CRAWL TUNEL Merryland Crawl Tunels encourage creative and imaginative play for ages 2 to 5. It's a cool place to explore or hang out while the children play in Merryland playgrounds. Features: Promote the development of children’s muscles. Open creative mindset. Have a strong and exible feelings and senses.24
SWINGSafety must be a prerequisite inspiration for our designing team, so in addition to the merryland.vnconventional swing, we focus on baby and face-to-face swings.Features: Strengthen your child’s physical exercises. Enhance the ability of community interaction. 25
CLIMBING EQUIPMENT Children love climb and discover, that is a main reason why outdoor climbing ments are one of the most favorable products and available at all international out- door playground. Features: Strengthen exercise to build hand and leg muscles. Explore children’s potential capability. Make the opportunity to conquer challenges that promote exible thinking. Creative imagination is indispensable.28
CODE AGE CODE AGE#CEML016 From 2 yrs #CEML014 From 5 yrsCODE AGE CODE AGE#CEML010 From 3 yrs #CEML008 From 5 yrsCODE AGE CODE AGE#CEML006 From 5 yrs #CEML001 From 2 yrs 29
SMART PANEL CODE AGE MẪU AGE MẪU AGE #PML005 From 1 yrs #PML004 From 1 yrs #PML003 From 1 The panel is a great combination between play and learn as an important value in early education for your children. It can be installed separately or perfectly com- bined with other Merryland products like play structure, playhouse or sandpit. Features: Develop children’s creative thinking and wisdom.30
SANDPIT PLAYCODE AGE CODE AGE CODE AGE#SPPML002 From 1 yrs #SPPML003 From 1 yrs #SPPML006 From 1 yrsChildren have the playhouse and sandpit been an ideal playing place. Mix them to merryland.vnthe other equipment in a Merryland playground certainly encourages your childrenmore exciting and happiness.Features: Develop children’s creative thinking and wisdom. Strengthen exercise to build hand and leg muscles. Enhance communication and knowledge. 31
OVERHEAD Our designs are based on the research of kid’s movement, - they always love moving and playing. Especially kids aged 6 to 12 years old. Features: Train and develop the exibility of the muscle systems. Strengthen the ability of community interaction. Develop kid’s brain and senses. 32
DESIGN YOUR OWN MENTALMerryland sets a full designing, producing and installingpackage according to our customer’s requirements of eachplayground projects. Plan your colors, themes and styles to t within your space and customize your own ideal out-door playground.POLYETHYLENE (HDPE)NETS 33
Merryland LLC is a producer and supplier of outdoor tness and sport equipment for use in schools, universi-ties, parks, senior living areas, and other public spaces.The highlight of the products is simple design, focusingon features of tness levels. The products promote com-munity interactions, muscles, health and reach to a per-fect body size. Match all ages. We design each project to match each using objects from children, teens, adults, the elder and the disabled Our equipments help improve your health and body Some designed for exercises of functional rehabilitation. Enhance community interaction. Safe and durable. HDPE and other durable materials with- stand constant use in harsh climate. No need a coach always. A guide table attached with our products. 35
CASUAL OUTDOOR FITNESS MASSAGE MUSCLES CODE AGE CODE AGE CODE AGE #FSML028 From15 yrs #FSML054 From15 yrs #FSML025 From15 yrs CODE AGE CODE AGE CODE AGE #FSML026 From15 yrs #FSML027 From15 yrs #FSML030 From15 yrs36
CODE AGE CODE AGE CODE AGE#FSML033 From15 yrs #FSML039 From15 yrs #FSML065 From15 yrs CARDIOCODE AGE CODE AGE CODE AGE#FSML090 From15 yrs #FSML076 From15 yrs #FSML015 From15 yrsCODE AGE CODE AGE CODE AGE#FSML077 From15 yrs #FSML081 From15 yrs #FSML085 From15 yrs 37
CHILDREN OURDOOR FITNESS CODE AGE CODE AGE CODE AGE #KFSML001 From 7-15 yrs #KFSML002 FFrroomm77-1-155yyrrss #KFSML003 From 7-15 yrs CODE AGE CODE AGE CODE AGE #KFSML004 From 7-15 yrs #KFSML005 From 7-15 yrs #KFSML006 From 7-15 yrs38
CODE AGE CODE AGE CODE AGE#KFSML007 From 7-15 yrs #KFSML008 From 7-15 yrs #KFSML009 From 7-15 yrsCODE AGE CODE AGE CODE AGE#KFSML010 From 7-15 yrs #KFSML011 From 7-15 yrs #KFSML012 From 7-15 yrs 39
GARDENING EQUIPMENT We offer a special design for ten and primary school. Create a green and clean environment for your children school. Teach your kids knowledge of the world. Enhance independent thinking through working. Develop your kids’ physical and mental health.40
Park accessories complete yourplayground with seats, amenities,shades, or recycled bins. Wedesign these amenities to t thequality, style and budget of yourplayground. All of them are con-structed of the safe, durable mate-rials. Our shade can block up to90% of harmful UV rays. Theseaccessories will be an ideal placefor families or adults to relax orwatch out when their children areplaying. 43
It is very important to nd theright safety surfacing for yourplayground project. MerrylandLLC provides a range ofaffordable options like RealGrass, Arti cial Turf, PouredRubber, Recycled Rubber Tiles,Rubber Mulch, Wood Fiberand Sand to bring to yourplayground a natural andbeautiful look. Our surfacingoptions meet all safe andquali ed rules for a standardplayground. 45
OUR SERVICE Merryland offer free design and installation of your playground at urban areas, schools, parks, hospitals, spas and resorts and other public places. merryland.vnWe include several our playground models we serve: Urban Area Playground 46