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Home Explore Life-without-charlotte.


Published by Suchananja2538, 2017-05-28 11:39:05

Description: Life-without-charlotte.


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Life without Charlotte

The part of summer days on a farm are thehappiness. The days grow warm and soft. School ends,and children have time to play. On Saturday morningMr. and Mrs. Arable and Fern were sitting at breakfast inthe kitchen. Avery had finished and looks at the clockwaiting for his friends. “Where’re you going Avery?” said Mr. Arable “I going to fishing in the brook with friends”said Avery “It’s very cool. Yes, it’s sure.” said Mr. Arable

Mrs. Arable looks at Avery. “Oh, be careful tofishing.” said Mrs. Arable Now that school was overFern visited the Henry Fassy’shome almost every day, to playon the yard. And picnic in thefarm. She talks a lot and veryhappy to speed the tome withher friend.

After Charlotte died, her three daughters, Nellie,Aranea, and Joy are now in the stages of youth, withWilbur serving as a friend and mentor. During this time,Wilbur befriends Anna, a new barn chick that get lost inthe forest. Then Mr. Zuckerman looks after Anna in thebarn. And Wilbur takes Anna to meeting his friends in thebarn. Let’s introduce Anna know new friend. One day, during Wilbur and Anna are walking inthe farm. Mrs. Zuckerman was cooking the breakfast. Sheis friend the chicken in the kitchen and the wind

throwing in the window. So, Anna stopped to walking andlooks at the kitchen. “The smell is so good. What is that?” said Anna “It’s smell of food. Now,Mrs. Zuckerman is cooking thebreakfast. She made the chickenfries.” Said Wilbur “Ah! …What?” “Chickenfries.” Said Anna “Yes, chicken fires.”Said Wilbur

“It’s me. That’s my meat.” Said Anna She wascrying. “Oh! Clam down Anna.” Said Wilbur “I don’t like to be the chicken fries.” Said Anna “Don’t worry about that. Anna, you’re thechick!” said Wilbur “Please don’t be sad, life cycle has Born, OldPainful, and Death. Satisfy and Disappoint are normalthings happened, therefore, keep the positive memoryof each other in your own hart forever and go on your

life to make it the best. If you grow up more than now,you will know that Death is nature of life” said Wilbur “Why did you learning about life?” said Anna “Because I’m older more than you, Anna” “I learned something the hard way in my life that mademe growth. I never forgot Charlotte. ” said Wilbur “Charlotte” “Who is she?” said Anna “She is my friend and saved my life” “she taught

me how to live” said Wilbur “Where is she now?” said Anna “She died.” replied Wilbur “I’m sorry” said Anna “Don’t worry Anna. I’m ok although she gone butshe still in my heart. I always remember her with the heartof hearts.” said Wilbur “You only live once, but you” “do it right”, “onceis enough.” said Wilbur “Thanks you, Wilbur” said Anna

As time went on, and the months and years cameand went, he has old as the hills. Fern did not comeregularly to the barn any more. She was grow up, and wascareful to avoid childish thing.He knew that he hasn’t time enough to live.In a few days he eats like a bird. He always remembers Charlotte although she did.And he was learning the special things from her, who istrue friend in Wilbur’s life.He trough death is a simple way. Death is part of life. It’sdoesn’t afraid likes he was young.

Mr. Zuckerman took fine care of Wilbur all therest of his day until the last day of his life, and thepig was often visited by friends and admirers, fornobody ever forgot the year of his triumph and miracleof the web. Everyone is sadness when they knew Wilbureats like a bird. Next morning, when Lurvy arrived with breakfast,there was the quite pigpen and Wilbur died. Lurvyrushed and called Mr. Zuckerman. Mr. Zuckerman rushedand called Mrs. Zuckerman. Mr. Zuckerman ran to thephone and called the Arables.

The Arables climbed into their truck and hurriedover. Everybody stood at the pigpen and started at theWilbur and cry to know that Wilbur passedaway. When Fern knew that Wilburdied, she ran to pigpen andcried. Tears ran down hercheeks. She came slowly downthe ground. Her eyes were redfrom crying. She looked at Wilbur.“Oh! Dear only the god’s know that time for you gone.

You are always in my heart Wilbur. I must keep you inmind.” said Fern

Exercise1. What’s the name of Charlotte’s children?2. Who is Wilbur’s new friend?3. Why did Anna come from?4. Who saved Anna’s life?5. Who is Wilbur still remember in his life?6. Why Anna afraid to killing?7. Who Charlotte is important for Wilbur?8. Who was found Wilbur died?9. Why he knew that Wilbur died?10. What is the cause of Wilbur died?

Key1. Joy, Aranea, and Nellie.2. Anna.3. Forest.4. Mr. Zuckerman.5. She saw Mrs. Zuckerman fried chicken in the kitchen.6. Charlotte.7. Charlotte is true friend who saved his life.8. Lurvy.9. Lurvy is carrying a pail of food for Wilbur in the barn.10. Wilbur is old and he eats like a bird.

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