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Home Explore Reading Practice

Reading Practice

Published by almeidabeneditofilho, 2014-10-15 15:35:09

Description: Reading Practice


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Reading Practice Connecting Body Systems–Endocrine SystemThe central function of the endocrine system is to secrete hormones that have a diverse effect on cells,tissues, organs, and organ systems. Specific functional associations between the endocrine system and otherbody systems are: Blood, lymph, and immune • Hormones from the thymus stimulate lymphocyte production. • Glucocorticoids depress the immune response and inflammation. Cardiovascular • Hormones influence heart rate, contraction, blood volume, and blood pressure. • Estrogen helps to maintain vascular health in women. Digestive • Hormones help to control digestive system activity. • Hormones influence motility and glandular activity of the digestive tract, gallbladder secretion, and secretion of enzymes from the pancreas. • Insulin and glucagon adjust glucose metabolism in the liver. Female reproductive • Hormones are important in the development and function of the reproductive organs. • Hormones influence the menstrual cycle, pregnancy, parturition, and lactation. • Oxytocin triggers contraction of the pregnant uterus and stimulates the secretion of breast milk. Integumentary • Hormones regulate activity of the sebaceous glands, distribution of subcutaneous tissue, and hair growth • Hormones stimulate melanocytes to produce skin pigment. • Estrogen increases skin hydration. Musculoskeletal • Hormone secretions influence blood flow to muscles during exercise. • Hormones influence muscle metabolism and mass. • Hormones from the pituitary and thyroid glands and the gonads stimulate bone growth. • Hormones govern blood calcium balance. Respiratory • Hormones stimulate red blood cell production when the body experiences a decrease in oxygen. • Epinephrine influences ventilation by dilating the bronchioles; epinephrine and thyroxine stimulate cell respiration. 1 MEDSCHOOL – Evidence-based Medical English

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