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Home Explore Office Line Seating + Soft Furnishings Range Brochure

Office Line Seating + Soft Furnishings Range Brochure

Published by Office Line Team, 2017-12-11 01:49:56

Description: Introducing Office Line’s latest range of new and exciting chairs, stools, sofas and soft furnishings. The ‘Seating + Soft Furnishings Range’ covers everything from basic and stackable chairs through to the latest in leather and designer soft furnishings. Every item has been chosen for it's good looks, ergonomic design and durable construction.

Keywords: sofa,lounge,collaborative,student chairs,auditorium,soft furnishings


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OFFICE LINE – SOFT FURNISHINGS – SMART CHAIRREQUEST A QUOTE.With its universal design, the Smart Chair is a very versatile chair. In waiting areas, the seatangles and arms make it easy to get in and out of; especially for the elderly. The arm heightof 640mm allows the Smart Chair to fit under most dining tables. Upholster in a single fabricor use a contrasting or compatible fabric selection on the arms. SMART With armsSMART SMART SMARTRight face Back face Left faceFEATURES DIMENSIONS RECYCLABLE› Universal design principles › 560w x 570d x 830h x 640h arms MATERIALS USED› Formed ply and solid timber FINISHES› Solid construction yet lightweight › Legs – ash, wenge or black› Neat dimensions. › Upholstery – refer FABRICS andUSES› All reception, breakout, waiting areas, FINISHES Range. boardroom, meeting and dining sets. 51

OFFICE LINE – SOFT FURNISHINGS – LIBERAL CHAIR REQUEST A QUOTE. Manufactured in Europe the Liberal is stylish, and like its name suggests, generously proportioned. With a slightly lowered backrest, it is especially suited to reception and breakout areas. Featuring clean-cut lines, a slim profile and chrome legs. Optional finish selections of fabric, vinyl or leather can create any atmosphere that you want. LIBERAL Wait chair LIBERAL LIBERAL Back face Front face FEATURES FINISHES RECYCLABLE › Wide open side styling › Upholstery selections – refer FABRICS MATERIALS USED › Finely crafted and fully upholstered and FINISHES Range frame › Legs – chrome. › Premium grade anti-microbial foam DIMENSIONS › Chrome legs › 660w x 580d x 430h seat with 810 back. USES › Reception, waiting and residential spaces.52

OFFICE LINE – SOFT FURNISHINGS – AMPLE BARIATRIC CHAIRREQUEST A QUOTE.Manufactured in Europe the Ample has all the qualities of the Liberal chair, with someenhanced qualities to specifically service bariatric needs.Using materials of quality and strength it is guaranteed suitable for all body types.AMPLE BARIATRICWithout arms AMPLE BARIATRIC With armsFEATURES USES RECYCLABLE› 250kg weight capacity › Reception, waiting and residential spaces. MATERIALS USED› Wide open side or with arm styling FINISHES› Finely crafted and fully upholstered › Upholstery – refer FABRICS and 53 frame with back rail on arm versions FINISHES Range› Premium grade anti-microbial foam › Legs – powder coat with non slip feet.› Strong steel legs DIMENSIONS› With arms option has an ultra- › 780w (o/s) + 650w (seat) x 580d (os) + heavy duty steel support under the 490d (seat) x 430h seat with 810h back. upholstered pad or without arms

OFFICE LINE – SOFT FURNISHINGS – PARC COLLECTIONREQUEST A QUOTE.A fun set of 6 foam-filled ottomans with each face covered in a different shade of greenfabric to bring the colours of the outdoors inside. Lightweight, Parc is perfect for educationcollaborative groupings, or equally at home in a modern office environment.PARC OTTOMANSSet of 6 pieces PARC OTTOMANS PARC OTTOMANS Informal gatherings Reception seating FEATURES USES RECYCLABLE › Fun and colourful › All collaboration and breakout areas. MATERIALS USED › Solid foam core with softer foam DIMENSIONS › 400 cube topping FINISHES › Lightweight, easy to relocate › Designer fabric selections in a six › Easy comfort › Ordered as a set of 6. colour combination as imaged.54

OFFICE LINE – SOFT FURNISHINGS – EDUFLEX SQUARE COLLECTIONREQUEST A QUOTE.With an inner solid timber core and foam topping, the Eduflex Square is great for all interiorenvironments. Available in sets of 2, the ottomans can be finished in your choice of coloursor – as shown – in two matching or contrasting colours. FEATURES/OPTIONS › Fun and colourful › Solid construction with softer foam topping › Ordered as a set of 2. USES › All interior areas. DIMENSIONS › 400sq x 430hEDUFLEX SQUARE OTTOMANS FINISHESset of 2 pieces › Glides – black › Feet – square timber ash, wenge or black › Castors – black › Designer fabric selections in a blue colour combination or, › Upholstery – refer FABRICS and FINISHES Range.EDUFLEX SQUARE OTTOMANS RECYCLABLESwap face colours to create configurations of light, dark, or mixed colour runs MATERIALS USEDOFFICE LINE – SOFT FURNISHINGS – EDUFLEX ROUND COLLECTIONREQUEST A QUOTE.With an inner solid timber core and foam topping, the Eduflex Round is great for most interiorenvironments. The ottomans can be finished in your choice of colours or – as shown – in twomatching or contrasting colours. Multiple ottomans in varied vibrant colours can really bring aspace alive.EDUFLEX ROUND FEATURES/OPTIONS › Fun and colourful › Timber frame construction, with durable foam padding › Ordered as a set of 2. USES › All interior areas. DIMENSIONS › 400dia x 430h FINISHES › Designer fabric selections as imaged › Upholstery – refer FABRICS and FINISHES Range. RECYCLABLE MATERIALS USED 55

OFFICE LINE – SOFT FURNISHINGS – EDUFLEX EDUCATION POD REQUEST A QUOTE. A learning pod which outperforms all others. The Eduflex Education Pod, available in bright fun colours to suit the education sector, provides a bright central focus. EDUFLEX EDUCATION POD set of 5 pieces OTTOMAN POD SET Centre ottoman 450w Outer ottoman 525w FEATURES USES RECYCLABLE › A group of 5 pieces that close into a › Collaborative learning and gathering. MATERIALS USED DIMENSIONS full circle › 1500dia x 430h › Expands to suit the environment or FINISHES › Vinyl as imaged. separates into individual components › Timber frame construction, with durable foam padding › Ordered in a set of 5 pieces.56

OFFICE LINE – SOFT FURNISHINGS – POD OTTOMAN SETREQUEST A QUOTE.This Pod ottoman set can be tailored to your fabric and colour preference. Select from anysuitable upholstery fabric range or view our Designer selections. Versatile for most openspaces and gathering points to create a specialised retreat.POD OTTOMAN SET5 x sections POD OTTOMAN SET Centre ottoman 450w Outer ottoman 525wFEATURES USES RECYCLABLE› A group of 5 pieces that close into a › Collaborative learning and gathering. MATERIALS USED DIMENSIONS full circle › 1500dia x 430h› Expands to suit the environment or FINISHES › Refer FABRICS and FINISHES Range. separates into individual components› Timber frame construction, with durable foam padding› Ordered in a set of 5 pieces. 57

OFFICE LINE – SOFT FURNISHINGS – LOZ OTTOMAN REQUEST A QUOTE. A clean lined and friendly form, the Loz allows up to 3 individuals at one time to sit in all directions if required. Use as a single ottoman or group in multiples for larger spaces. LOZ OTTOMAN 900w version LOZ OTTOMAN LOZ OTTOMAN LOZ OTTOMAN LOZ OTTOMAN LOZ OTTOMAN 2 x 900w + 1 x 1200w 3 x 900w 2 x 900w + 1 x 1200w 2 x 900w + 2 x 1200w 1200w version FEATURES DIMENSIONS RECYCLABLE › Two optional lengths › 900w x 450d x 430h MATERIALS USED › Fully upholstered › 1200w x 450d x 430h. › With or without piping to top edge. FINISHES USES › Upholstery – refer FABRICS and › Collaborative gathering or waiting areas. FINISHES Range.58

OFFICE LINE – SOFT FURNISHINGS – ROK OTTOMANREQUEST A QUOTE.A suite of 5 identical polygons which slot together or separate into multiple seatingarrangements. In three different fabric colours, the irregular rock-like combinations create astandout winning interior solution. PLAN Overall dimensionsFEATURES FINISHES/OPTIONS RECYCLABLE› Suite of 5 polygons that fit together › With glides MATERIALS USED › Timber frame construction, with durable as a pentagon› Use independently or in collaborative foam padding › Upholstery as imaged or refer FABRICS combinations. and FINISHES Range. DIMENSIONS › 761w x 616d x 430h (each unit) 59

OFFICE LINE – SOFT FURNISHINGS – SHIFT OTTOMANREQUEST A QUOTE.Ideal for any dynamic learning environment or adaptable spaces as the handle makes theseottomans easy to Shift around.SHIFTUpholstered ottoman SHIFT Use independently, gather into groups or combine with other seating products FEATURES DIMENSIONS › Tapered design fits perfectly under › 242-522w x 600d x 450h. FINISHES curved desks › Refer FABRICS and FINISHES Range. › Suits collaborative type desking › Portable with Shift handle. RECYCLABLE USES MATERIALS USED › All education, office and home office workspace applications.60

OFFICE LINE – SOFT FURNISHINGS – SIT or SWAY OTTOMANREQUEST A QUOTE.Place the flat side on the floor for a static seat, or upright for active sitting to sway and move.Sit or Sway is versatile and adds a fun dynamic to your space.SIT or SWAY FEATURESUpholstered ottomans › 3 flat sides offer options to sit › Upright orientation for rocking movement with curved edge. › Active sitting improves focus and encourages posture › Available in 3 different heights › Australian Made. USES › All education, office and home office workspace applications. DIMENSIONS › Small – 450w x 400d x 320h › Medium – 450w x 400d x 400h › Large – 450w x 400d x 450h. FINISHES › Refer FABRICS and FINISHES Range. RECYCLABLE MATERIALS USEDOFFICE LINE – SOFT FURNISHINGS – 365 OTTOMANREQUEST A QUOTE.Ideal for any dynamic learning environment or adaptable spaces FEATURES › Australian made › Suits collaborative spaces USES › All education, office and home office workspace applications. DIMENSIONS › 242-522w x 600d x 450h. FINISHES › Refer FABRICS and FINISHES Range.365 OTTOMANUpholstered ottoman RECYCLABLE MATERIALS USED 365 OTTOMAN Top view 61

OFFICE LINE – SOFT FURNISHINGS – BORDEAUXREQUEST A QUOTE.The ideal contemporary piece for any break-out area to create a calming, relaxedenvironment.BORDEAUXReversible Seat and Back Cushions FEATURES USES RECYCLABLE › Top stitching › All collaboration and breakout areas. MATERIALS USED › Reversible seat and back cushions DIMENSIONS › Open chrome leg › 2880 x 2300 2 piece modular › Easy comfort › 1160 no arm 2 piece chair only › Dunlop stamina foam incore FINISHES › Optional Harvey wooden leg62

OFFICE LINE – SOFT FURNISHINGS – THE TETRIS OTTOMANREQUEST A QUOTE.This versatile lounge encourages new ways of working. Simply scatter individual seatsaround your space or together to create a tessellated collaborative area.THE TETRISUpholstered ottomans THE TETRIS Side view THE TETRIS USES RECYCLABLE Top views › All education, office and home office MATERIALS USEDFEATURES› 3 flat sides offer options to sit workspace applications.› Upright orientation for rocking DIMENSIONS movement with curved edge. ›1350w x 675d x 450h with 770h back› Active sitting improves focus and FINISHES encourages posture › Refer FABRICS and FINISHES Range.› Australian Made. 63

OFFICE LINE – SOFT FURNISHINGS – COLLABORATIVE COLLECTIONSREQUEST A QUOTE.Office Line have an extensive range of collaborative collections and individual piecespurpose made for the modern teaching environment.PRIVE RECYCLABLESingle, double and 3 seater options MATERIALS USED SWELL COLLECTION RECYCLABLE Refer the Office line website for the full collection MATERIALS USED64

OFFICE LINE – SOFT FURNISHINGS – COLLABORATIVE COLLECTIONSREQUEST A QUOTE.Each collection is available with its own unique selection of elements that configure intocombinations and dimensions to suit any space.SPECTATOR BENCH COLLECTION RECYCLABLERefer the Office line website for the full collection MATERIALS USEDSPECTATOR BOOKCASE COLLECTION RECYCLABLERefer the Office line website for the full collection MATERIALS USED 65


COLOURINTRODUCINGTHE RANGEDESK+TABLEINTRODUCINGTHERANGEFUN | FUNCTIONAL | FLEXIBLE CONFIGURE | CUSTOMISE | COLLABORATE 1OFFL0005_Colour Range Catalogue_FNL.indd 1 23/04/2016 8:37 pm OFFL0013_Desks+Tables Range_FNL.indd 1 18/08/2016 7:19 pmCOLLABORATIVEINTRODUCING OURFURNITUREThTohuoguhgtfhutlf,uflu, nfucntciotinoanlaflufrunrinsihsihnigngs which innssppiirreessppaaccee IN STOCK | FAST DELIVERY | ECONOMICAL RANGEBLACK WHITEINTRODUCINGTHE AND FAST DELIVERY | GREAT VALUE | TOP QUALITY 1 OFFL0034_Black+White Range_w5.indd 1 31/08/2017 11:58 amAlso refer our other extensive ranges for additional product options. 67

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