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Home Explore Door Collection

Door Collection

Published by antmmathews, 2016-03-30 14:44:01

Description: Collection


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THE SHAKERCOLLECTIONAvailable for kitchens, bedrooms and bathroomsAdd as many lines and arches as you like to create yourown Individual shaker doorMinimum borders 50mm top & bottomEnlarge or decrease the size of the rebateDesign your own shaker style door and we will try our bestto match itAvailable in 18mm or 22mm (Ivory & White Back Board) Design: Rebated Shaker (No Lines) Finish: Textured Ivory174mm & Below T&G linesmust be statedBetween 175mm - 250mm251mm & above Design: Beaded Rebated Shaker Finish: Vanilla52

Standard Shaker Rebated Shaker Rebated Shaker (No Lines) Rebated Shaker (Cove Square)Lined Rebated Shaker Rebated Shaker Arched Rebated Arched Rebated Shaker T&G Shaker T&GBeaded Rebated Beaded Rebated Shaker Bevelled Shaker Rebated Shaker Shaker T&G (No lines) (Custom Borders) 53

BEDROOM DOORSArched Tramlines Diamond Handle Charlotte Cathedral Cove Square54

BEDROOM DOORSWessex Cranham Winchester Cathedral Modern Shaker 55

BEDROOM DOORS Arched Rebated Sterling Leanne Chateaux Shaker56

FRAME VARIATIONSA selection of various standard open frames are shownhere, mostly manufactured using the Westminster cutter.Any cutter may be used to match the design you’ve chosen. All frames are supplied with gaskets to hold your insert (Gaskets are available in White, Ivory & Beech) Create as many feature inserts as you like to create your own personalised look Fretted frames shown; 4 Panel, 6 Panel & 8 Panel are standard dependant on the door size. Although any amount of apertures are available All Frames are also available in Gloss vinylMinimum Borders:With drilling: 60mmWithout Drilling: 35mmOpen 4x Fretted 6x Fretted Half Open Open Top & Bottom 57

Fully Open 4 Equal Openings Arched Tramlines Gothic Fully Open58

Veronica 8x Fretted Single Twist Harlequin Vertical Vertical 59

® 3D PANELSCube Diamond HawaiiVenice Full Twist Single Twist Nevada Parliament Canyon60

® 3D PANELSCubist Horizontal Cubist Sand DunePeak Harlequin Tree BarkSquare Stud Large Patch Work Barcode 61

BESPOKE WORKTOPSMade to MeasureOnly with ‘made to measure’ doors can you achieve the goal of a seamlessly fitted room. Bespoke fitting optimisesthe cupboard space available, the look and feel delivered to you through a tailored design assures you of a space that‘works‘. By choosing seen end panels in vinyl, the final fitted room delivers quality from every angle.Our doors can be made to 2610mm in length. There is no need for designers to fill a panel with plasterboard orchipboard. Designers can now keep the design of the room consistent and not compromise their work. Worktops can bemade any shape between 3000mm x1200mm.WorktopsShaped worktops are available upto 3000mm x 1200mm any shape. A diagram is needed similar to below showingvariations of edge and radius details. All edge are available on page 44 and 45. ? ? ? Radius Required ? Internal Radius or Standard = 25mm ? = Square Edge = Any edge from selected range Angle Size? ?62

COORDINATED ACCESSORIES MIRRORS STOOLSSingle Modern Traditional Triple Mirror Modern Triple Mirror Mirror Height: 700mm Width: 820mm Height: 536mm Width: 800mmMADE TO MEASURE FIXED SIZES NEWStandard Torus Pelmet Single L Shaped Traditional ModernPilaster Skirting Made to Round Cornice Cornice Cornice Board Measure 3000mm 3000mm 3000mm x 48mm x 95mm x 95mm 63


EULAR DESIGN To make chunky panels, shelves, cabinets or worktops this solution is flexible for all and is custom made to your perfect size. Eular designs are available from 38mm thick and as deep as your unit. Your options as a designer now have few limits. This solution is of one-piece construction providing an exceptional finish for chunky furniture. The three smaller pictures above show how the Eular design is constructed.DESIGN: 38MM DESIGN: 38MM END PANELSWRAPPED BOTH SIDES CURVED ON ONE EDGEFINISH: LISSA OAK FINISH: PAINTED WHITE OAK 65

MADE TOMEASURE ‘V’ Cutter T&G 12mm ‘V’ Westminster ‘V’ ‘V’ Cutter Westminster Skipton Emily Double-Pass Emily Single-Pass Wessex Chateaux Chelsea Bowland Whitton Leanne York Milan Alpine Wetherby Cove Harrogate Westminster T&G Warwick Cutters66 All cutters are available in Gloss foils although the definition may be lost on certain profiles. * Please note that the cutters are not to scale

TRADITIONAL & MODERN KITCHENS | BEDROOMS | BATHROOMS | OFFICE | COMMERCIAL Every effort has been made to illustrate these products as accurately as possible. However due to the limitations of the printing processes, colours may vary from actual sample.68

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