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Home Explore Welcome to Ivy Kids Booklet 2018

Welcome to Ivy Kids Booklet 2018

Published by nina, 2020-07-03 15:36:13

Description: Welcome to Ivy Kids Booklet 2018


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19919 Lakemont Bend Ln, Richmond, TX 77407 E: | P: 832-595-1900

WELCOME TO IVY KIDS! Thank you for choosing Ivy Kids Early Learning Center, where The Future Starts NOW! We are excited to have you join our extended family. Founded in 2003, Ivy Kids’ mission was to establish a learning center that would emphasize early childhood brain development and academic excellence. That goal remains the same today, and Ivy Kids has established itself as the premier choice for parents in the communities we serve. Transparency and communication are very important to us. We encourage you to visit our center at any time. We believe that everyone benefits when parents visit the classroom. We are proud to offer many fun events, parties, and family outings throughout the year which we hope you are able to attend. We strive to provide the best possible care for your child. Our state of the art learning center is equipped with a science and language lab, age-appropriate playgrounds, and a splash pad. We provide healthy and balanced meals prepared daily. Additionally, IvyPrep curriculum creates developmentally appropriate learning activities which focus on supporting brain development. Our focus, devotion, and love is centered on the well-being of your child. We look forward to a great partnership with your family. Thank you for choosing Ivy Kids Early Learning Center! Sincerely, The Ivy Kids Team

Technology at work for you EXPERIENCE A SCHOOL CREATED BY PARENTS FOR PARENTS Ivy Kids was founded by Al and Laila Bandali in Pearland, Texas in 2003, it was established to provide an alternative to other childcare providers. Disheartened by the childcare offerings available to them, Laila and Al decided to take the challenge on themselves and create a learning center which would combine academic excellence and innovation with a nurturing and joyful environment. Currently, Ivy Kids serves children ranging in age from six weeks to six years old. Our schools are also proud to offer after-school programs and holiday camps for children up to twelve years old. In just a few years, Ivy Kids has grown into one of the most trusted preschool providers, offering premier education programs for children and families.

WHY CHOOSE IVY KIDS? 1 Family Owned and Operated 2 Innovative Curriculum & Childcare 3 Best in Class Facilities 4 Exceptional Loving Team & Staff 5 Transparency with Parents 6 Top Safety and Security 7 Age Appropriate Classrooms 8 Health and Nutrition Focus

TTHHEE IIVVYYPPRREEPP CCUURRRRIICCUULLUUMM IvyIvPyrPerpe*pi*s iasnanenegnaggaignign,gr,erseesaeracrhcehde-db-absaesde,dc,ucrurircruiclulmumdedveevleolpoepdedbybIyvyIvKy iKdisdEsaEralyrly LeLaeranrinigngCeCnetnetre. rO. uOrumr mulutilptilpeleinitnetleliglliegnecnecebabsaesdedcucrurircruiclulmumenecnocuoruargaegsews welel ll roruonudneddendensessasnadndprpormomotoetseascaacdaedmemicicexecxeclelellnecnecethtrhoruoguhghouoruarcatcivteivelelaeranrinigng mmetehtohdoodlolgoyg. yW. We estsritvreivetotobubiuldildwworoldrldchcahnagnegresrbsybeynecnocuoruargaignigngstsutduednetnsttsotodrderaemam bibgiganadndmmakaekepopsoitsiivteivechcohioceicse. s. EMEMPHPAHSAISISONONACATCITVIEVLEELAERANRINNIGNG MMULUTLITPILPELIENITNETLELLIGLIEGNECNECFEOFUONUDNADTAITOINON ReaRdeiandging 10%10o%f wohf awthwaet wreeadread HeaHreinagring 20%20o%f wohf awthwaet wheahrear WoWrdosrds 30%30o%f wohf awthwaet wseeesee SeeSieneging WaWtchatinchgiangmaomvioevie 50%50o%f wohf awthwaet wseees&eeh&eahrear LooLkoionkgiantgaant aexnheibxhitibit 70%70o%f wohf awthwaet wsaeysay GivGinivgiangtaalktalk DoiDnogitnhgethreearletahlinthging 90%90o%f wohf awthwaet wdoe do OuOrucrucrurircruiclulmumis ibs absaesdedononHaHravravradrd PrPorfoefsessosroDr rD. rH. oHwowaradrdGaGradrndenre’sr’tshtehoeroyry ThTehIevyIvPyrPerpeCpuCrurircruiclumlumenegnaggaegsecshcilhdilrdernewn iwthith thtahtaetveevreyriynidnidvidviudaulaisl igsigftieftdedinindidffieffreernetnt mmeaenainginfguflualcaticvtiitvieitsietshtahtarterqeuqirueircerictricitaiclathl tohuoguhgth. t. wwayasy, sa,nadndthtehseeseinitnetleliglliegnecnecseasraere YoYuorucrhcilhdildwiwll illel alernartnotaonaanlyazlyez, ec,recraetaetaenadndthtinhkink prporcoecsessesdedinindidffieffreernetnatraeraesaosfotfhtehebrbariani.n. crictricitaicllaylliynienaecahclheslesossnopnlpanla. n. WWe efofcoucsuosnonbubiuldilidnigngwwelel-lrlo-ruonudnedded WWOROLRDLDCHCAHNAGNEGRESRSPHPIHLOILSOOSPOHPYHY stsutduednetnstbsybeyxepxopsoinsigngthtehmemtotoasams manayny initnetleliglliegnecnecseassaps opsossibsilbeleinineaecahchlelsessosnon OuOrusrtsutduednetnstlselaeranrnabaobuotultelaedaedresrfsrofrmomthtehe plpalna.n. prperseesnetnatnadndpapsatswt whohohahvaevemmadaedechcahnagnegseisnin thtehier ilrolcoaclaclocmommmunuintyitaynadndthtehewworoldrldataltalragreg.e. ChCarhaacrtaecrter ThTrhoruoguhghouorulrelsessosnonplpalnasn, sw, we einisntsiltlibll absaicsic vavlauleuseasnadndchcahrarcatcetrebr ubiuldilidnigngataatnaneaeralyrlaygaeg.e. ByBeydeudcuactaintigngouorusrtsutduednetnstosnonfufnudnadmamenetnatlal WoWrlodrld vavlauleuseasnadndthtehehihstisotroyroyfoifmimpoprotartnatnmt menenanadnd ChCanhgaenrger wwomomene,nw, we ehohpoepetotoiginginteitethtehespsaprakrkthtahtawt willill EdEucdautcioantion CoCnfoidnefindceence inisnpsipreirethtehmemtotochcahnagnegethtehewworoldrldfofrotrhtehebebtetettre. r. *Iv*yIPvyrPeprep- P-aPteatnetnPtePnednindgin. g.

VISUAL LESSON PLANS THE IVY KIDS DIFFERENCE FOR YOUR CHILD At Ivy Kids, We understand that each child has a unique way of processing information. All of our lesson plans cater to a diversity of learning styles and types of intelligence. Our lesson plans are posted prominently in front of each classroom. Additionally, each activity is posted on a card giving parents and teachers easy accessibility to observe which activities are implemented and which intelligences are being engaged. Obeuirnvgistauuagl hletsisnotnhpelcalnasssdreotoamil.exactly what is

MULTIPLE INTELLIGENCE IN ACTION Musical - high understanding of songs, patterns, rhythms, instruments and musical expression Enjoy: rhyming, singing, playing instruments Need: background music, instruments, sing-alongs Kinesthetic/Bodily - excel in activity, games, movement, hands-on tasks, building, tactile/sensory experiences Enjoy: sepnogratgsi,ndgatnhcee,wdhroamleabtoizdaytiCionnaa,nctatdicvytiitlieeTsiot,enpmhgysusiecal games Need: AG-9.620 Naturalistic - love the outdoors, animalLse, naarntuTroa:l mIdaetnetrifiayls5, senses pick up on subtle differences Enjoy: classifying, nature walks, animals, earth materials Need: outdoor experiences, natural elements, activities involving plants & animals, physical science , cooking Spatial/Visual - think in pictures, remember visual details, grasp physical relation of objects and space, skilled in assembly Enjoy: designing, drawing, visualizing, decorating Need: charts, graphs, maps, art, puzzles, costumes Interpersonal- people oriented and outgoing, work well cooperatively, talkative, caring Enjoy: organizing, relaxing, manipulating Need: friends, group games, social gatherings Intrapersonal - especially in touch withTtheexirtuowren pHerasonndasl fENeneejleoindyg::ss-d,ervlefaalpmuaeicnse,gd&, pmirdeoedjaeitsca,ttsrie,nasgel,orsnveeetALdttie,iGnmaign-r9etng.u,6oTiqt2aoiul2v:sieeIdtesnptaicfyes5 senses Logical/Mathematical -aptitude for numbers, reasoning, problem solving, abstract thought Enjoy: experimenting, questioning, problem solving Need: exploration, science materials, mental challenges Linguistic/Verbal- strength in the language arts, speaking, writing, reading, listening Enjoy: reading, writing, word games Need: books, writing tools, dialogues

SAMPLE LESSON CARD Name of Activity Developmental Milestones Scratch and Sniff THE IVY KIDS DIFFERENCE FOR YOUR CHILD AG-9.621 Learn To: Identify 5 senses Cognitive Development - Name and match primary colors Physical Development - Exercise fine motor skills Sensory Development - Identify and differentiate various smells Scratch and Sniff CandyMultiple Intelligence Mix Kool-aid packets with corresponding colors of paint. Ask the stu- Print the mouth and tongue page on red p dents to paint items that match each scent, or let them freely paint. it out, and glue it to construction paper. eral different items to taste test. Have t DpLLaiGsiicns-ut0t.s.es7tn0h7einsegnsFeoofrsm…ell, and what the students are smelling as they that they liked to the tongue. Explain through the taste buds on our tongues. Ta SLuepaprlniesT:o: Identify 5 senses our brains where we decide if we like the Paint, Kool-aid packets Supplies: Mouth (RF), variety of candy or food items Instructions to Teacher Texture Listening For... Have children turn their backs, and listen to try to identify different Print the texture hands for each studen sounds. (stomping, clapping, snapping, musical instruments, etc.) items into small squares for each child t

HEALTHY MEALS THE IVY KIDS’ DIFFERENCE FOR YOUR CHILD HEALTHY BODIES NUTRITIOUS MEALS Each Ivy Kids facility is outfitted with a fully equipped commercial kitchen. Our certified chefs are trained to cook nutritious, fresh, delicious meals and snacks daily onsite for your children. Our meals are uniquely designed by a certified nutritionist to contain the daily requirements that your child needs. We also work with each family to accommodate most food-allergies and dietary restrictions. Every meal is prepared with your child’s health in mind, with a focus on supporting brain development and healthy eating habits. We strive to provide healthy food with no food dyes. And unlike many other childcare providers, our nutritious meals are included in the tuition fee! That is no additional cost to families as we take care of preparing healthy daytime meals and snacks.

ongue Technology at work for you IVY KIDS PROGRAMS At Ivy Kids, we understand that family plays an integral part in their child’s early stages. We include families in celebrating a child’s achievements and developmental milestones by creating and maintaining a strong relationship between home and school. Our programs are specially developed to stimulate and encourage growth and development in every child. Our infant and toddler programs are designed to provide a nurturing loving “home away from home,” while our Preschool and Pre-Kindergarten programs help prepare your child to excel by building skills and confidence for the next big adventure – Elementary School. In each age-group, teachers use a curriculum customized by Ivy Kids’ Education Directors to accelerate your child’s reading, listening, and speaking skills. Our priority is to work with parents, and ensure all students feel challenged and confident in each developmental stage. er. Allow children to cut ovide students with sev- m glue one of each item at we taste everything buds send a message to e. t supplies Hands ut a variety of textured xamine. Talk about the

ENRICHMENT SCIENCE LAB WITH A DIFFERENCE Our science rooms are Ivy Kids offers a variety of programs to enrich your child’s equipped to conduct learning and exploration. Some of these include: experiments, explore scientific presentations, SCIENCE and host expert guests. As children begin to explore and discover the world around SMART BOARDS them, Ivy Kids' brainSTEM curriculum seeks to inspire and nurture connections through hands-on activities and Our diverse technologies learning experiments.. allow teachers to customize lesson plans to MUSIC & MOVEMENT individual students. Music and movement strengthens both fine motor and gross NUTRITION motor skills; it is incorporated into both indoor and outdoor play from our infant room all the way to our school age Children learn why program. Many centers also host dance instructors, a healthy diet and musicians, and yoga for kids! a healthy life go hand in hand. GARDENING Children learn about the environment and the plant cycle by growing and harvesting vegetables and herbs in our school garden. SPANISH To help facilitate early experiences with learning a foreign language, Ivy Kids integrates Spanish vocabulary starting from the age of two along with classes led by a Spanish instructor twice a week.

I N FA N T S NURTURE & CARE INFANTS’ PROGRAM Our infants’ program is a safe and welcoming “home away from home” for your child. We have created a nurturing, creative world designed especially for developing minds. We understand that being separated from your child can be difficult. At Ivy Kids Early Learning Center, our directors, staff, and teachers will stay in close touch with you to help make the transition as easy as possible. OUR FOCUS 1. Individualized activity reports for parents and caretakers 2. Fine and gross motor skill development 3. Multi-sensory art activities 4. Alignment with baby’s home schedule for feeding, sleeping and play 5. Language and baby sign language development 6. Introduction to basic color, shapes, and numbers 7. Self-help skills including feeding

SAFE LOVING “HOME INFANT AWAY FROM HOME” SAMPLE SCHEDULE TESTIMONIAL 6 - 8AM: Arrival Greeting My son started at Ivy Kids in September, and I absolutely 8 - 8.30AM: Music love all of his teachers and the staff! I was worried that he Movement would cry, but the teachers are so nurturing and caring he did not even notice that I left. Of course I watched on 8.30 - 9AM: Morning Snack the cameras all day long at first (as I imagine any new parent would), but my son was always happy and well 9 - 10AM: Circle Time taken care of. BEVERLY P. 10 - 10.30AM: Arts & Crafts 10.30 - 11AM: Lunch 11 - 11.30AM: Fine Motor Activity 11.30 - 11.50AM: Outside Time 11.50 - 2.30PM: Naptime 2.30 - 3PM: Afternoon Snack 3 - 3.30PM: Outside Time 3.30 - 4PM: Story time and Singalongs 4 - 4.30PM: Large Motor Activity 4.30 - 5PM: Small Group Activity (Indoor/Outdoor) 5 - 5.30PM: Manipulatives 5.30 - 6.30PM: Free Play *NOTE: Activities vary per infant age/class.

TODDLERS DISCOVERY & EXPLORATION TODDLER PROGRAM Toddlers are terrific learners with an amazing amount of energy and an eagerness to try new things. Everything they do, they do at full speed. Accordingly, our classrooms and lesson plans for toddlers are packed with activities to encourage questions, confidence, interaction, and most of all, discovery. Our Toddler program helps naturally transition your child to the more structured classroom in our Preschool Readiness Program. OUR FOCUS 1. Pre-literacy and conversation skills 2. Sign Language 3. Daily circle time for guided-teaching and vocabulary building 4. Group play and social skill building 5. Spanish-language integration 6. Outdoor time for gross motor skills development 7. Multi-sensory art activities

LEARNING TODDLER THROUGH PLAY SAMPLE SCHEDULE TESTIMONIAL 7- 8.10AM: Arrival Greeting / Enrichment My children love going to Ivy Kids! There are more than a Centers. Learning Centers / few days they don't want to leave when it's time to go. Fine Motor Skills Everyone that works at the center knows my child's name, even if he isn't in their room. I love that they treat each of 8.10 - 8.30AM: Science / the children as an individual and works with them to be Spanish / Library the best person they can be. Enrichment KIMBERLY H. 8.30 - 9AM: Circle Time & Snack 9 - 9.45AM: Instruction Time 9.45 - 10.50AM: Story Time / Indoor / Outdoor Gross Motor Activities 10.50 - 11.30AM: Hand washing & Lunch 11.30 - 12PM: Storytime. 12 - 2.30PM: Naptime 2.30 - 3PM: Music & Movement 3 - 3.30PM: Afternoon Snack & Circle time 3.30 - 4.35PM: Creative Arts. Indoor / Outdoor Activities 4.35 - 5.45PM: Sensory & Enrichment Centers 5.45 - 6.30PM: Table Activties / Story Time NOTE: Diaper changes occur every 2 hours.

PPRREESSCCHHOOOOLL EEXXPPLLOORREERR && AADDVVEENNTTUURREERR PPRREESSCCHHOOOOLLPPRROOGGRRAAMM ThTeheIvIyvyKKidisdsPrPersecshcoholoPl rPorgorgarmamwwillilpl rperpeapraereyoyuorutrhtrhere-ey-eyaera-ro-lodldtotoexecxeclel inin PPrer-eK-Kinidnderegragratretnen anadnd bbeyeoynodnd. . ThThrere-ey-eyaera-ro-lodlds s araere inicnrcerdedibiblyly iniqnuqiusistivtieveanadndaraereexecxicteitdedtotobebechcahlalellnegnegdedininthteheclcalsassrsoromom. E. aEcahchnenwew acaccocmomplpislihsmhmenetntfilfilsllsthtrhere-ey-eyaera-ro-lodlsdswwithithprpidriedeanadndthtehededseisreiretotolelaeranrn mmoroer.e. OOUURRFFOOCCUUSS 1.1.AActcivtieveanadndhohloislitsicticlelaeranrinnigngthtrhoruoguhghouoruIrvIyvPyrPerpepCCururricriucluulmum 2.2L. eLaedaedresrhsihpipanadndsoscoicailarlersepsopnosnisbiibliitlyitythtrhoruoguhghouoruWr WorolrdldCChahnagnegresrsPrPorgorgarmam 3.3F. oFcoucsusononeaeralyrlyreraedaidnignganadndwwritrintigngsksikllislls 4.4S. iSgihgthwt worodrsdsanadndspseplelilnligng 5.5C. oCuonutnintignganadndmmatahthsksikllislls 6.6F. iFnienemmotootrosrksikllisllsuscuhchasascuctuttintignganadndpapsatsintigng 7.7S. tSotroyrtyetlelilnlignganadndcocmomprperheehnesnisoinon 8.8S. cSiceinecnec,es,oscoicailasltsutduideisesanadndspsapnainsihshinitnetgergartaiotinon

cecnetnetre, ra, nadndeyeeysesclocsloesde.dW. Walkalkaraoruonudndthteheinsinidseideofotfhtehecirccirlec,lea, nadnd SuSpupplpielise: s: chcohoosoesechcilhdirldernenbybytotuocuhcinhgingthtehireihr ehaedasd. s.InIsntrsutrcutcthteheseslecletcetdedchcilh-il- TeTxetxutruerehahnadnsdsprpinrtinatbaleble(R(FR)F, )t,etxetxutruerde drdernentotoclacplap(st(ostmomp,ps,nsanpa,po,rohrithirthryhtyhtmhmstisctkicsk)sw) AfAteftrear afefwewsesceocnodnsd, st,etlletllhtehmemtotostostpo,pa,nadndrerpeepaetatthteheprporcoecsess. s.ChCilh-il- hahradr,ds,tisctkicyk,yf,ufzuzzyz,yr,oruoguhg)h) drdernencocmompapraere aecahchroruonudndtotodedtetremrmineinewhwichhichsosuonudndwawsagsrgeraetaetreor ror lesless. sC. oCuonutntthtehneunmumbebreorfocflacplappepresrtsotgoegtehtehretrotcohcehcekcykoyuorugrugeusessesse. s. BBUUIILLDDIINNGG PPRRESESCHCHOOOLL CCOONNFFIIDDEENNCCEE SSAAMMPPLELESSCHCHEDEDUULELE 6 6- 8- A8AMM: :ArArirvriavlaGl Grereeteintigng/ / EnErnicrihcmhmenetnCt eCnetnetresrs 8 8- 8- .815.1A5AMM: Y:oYgoaga 8.815.15- 8- .83.03A0AMM: M: Musuicsic&& MMovoevmemenetn. tH. Hanadnwdwritrintigng 8.84.545- 9- A9AMM: S:nSancakck 9 9- 9- .93.03A0AMM: C: iCrcirlceleTiTmime e 9.93.030- 1-01.03.03A0AMM: L:eLaeranrinnigng CeCnetnetresr:sS: mSmalal lGl Groruopup ReRaedaidnigng 101.03.030- 1-11A1AMM: S:cSiceinecnec,e, SpSapnainshis,hW, WoroldrldChCahnagnegresrs 111-11-11.41.54A5AMM: O: Outustidsiedetimtime,e, HHanadnwdwasahsihnign,gR, eRsetsrtoroomom BrBeraekasks 111.41.545- 1-21.215.1P5MPM: L:uLnucnhch TTEESSTTIMIMOONNIAIALL 121.215.15- 1-21.23.03P0MPM: M: Medeidtaittaiotinon 121.23.030- 3-P3MPM: N: Napatpimtime,e, BBotohthofomf my ykikdisdsenejnojyoygogionigngtotoIvIyvyKKidisdseveevreyrydadya.yI.cIacnanontot snsancakckanadndclcelaenaunpup tetlel lyloyuoueneonuoguhghhohwowgrgeraetatthtehetetaecahcehresrasnadndmmanaangaegmemenetnt 3 3- 4- .43.03P0MPM: A: rAtr/t L/eLaeranrinnigng tetaemamaraereataItvIyvyKKidisd.sT.hTehyeyalal ltlrteraetamt my ykikdisdsasasifitfhtehyeywwereere CeCnetnetresr:sS: mSmalal lGl GroruopupMMatahth thtehierior wown,na, nadnditimt makaeksems meecocmomfofrotratbalbeleknkonwowinigngmmy ykikdisds 4.43.03-05-P5MPM: O: OutudtodooroGr Grorsosss araeretatkaeknencacraereofo. f. MMotootroAr cAtcivtivtietises LILNINDDAAHH. . 5 5- 5-.53.03P0MPM: C: lColsoinsigngCiCrcirlcele TiTmime,eM, Musuicsic&&MMovoevmemenetnt 5.53.030- 6- .615.1P5MPM: Y:oYgoaga&& TaTbalbeleAcAtcivtivtietises

mesmscuctuftofrogr lugilnuging(so(sfto,ft, PPRREE--KKIINNDDEERRGGAARRTTEENN AACCAADDEEMMIICC GGRROOWWTTHH PPRREE-K-KPPRROOGGRRAAMM OOururPrPer-eK-iKnidnedregragratretnenPrPorgorgarmamisisdedveevleolpoepdedtotoacaccocmommmodoadtaeteeaecahch chcihldil’ds ’sinidnidvivdiudaulalelaeranrinnigngstsytlyel.eO. Oururtetaecahcehresrsusuesea acucrurircriucluulmumthtahtatisis cucsutsotmomiziezdedbybyIvIyvyKiKdisd’ s’EdEudcuactaiotinonDDireircetcotrosrstotodedveevleolpopyoyuorurchcihldil'ds 's reraedaidnign,gli,sltisetneinnign,ga,nadndspsepaekaiknigngsksikllisl.lsO. Ourupr rpioriroitryitiysitsotowworokrkwwithithpapraernetnsts totommakaekesusruerePrPer-eK-iKnidnedregragratretneenresrasraerechcahlalellnegnegdedininouorucrlcalsassrsoroomoms, sa,nadnd cocnofindfiednetnet netnetreinrigngkiknidnedregragratretne.n. OOUURRFFOOCCUUSS 1. 1.AcAtcivteiveanadndhohloisltisicticlelaeranrinnigngthtrhoruoguhghouoruIrvIyvPyrPerpepCuCrurircriucluulmum 2.2L.eLaedaedresrhsihpipanadndsoscoicailarlersepsopnosnibsiibliitlyitythtrhoruoguhghouoruWr WoroldrlCdhCahnagnegresrsPrPorgorgarmam 3.3F.iFnienemmotootrosrksikllisllas nadndhahnadnwdwritrintigngdedveevleolpompmenetnt 4.4H. Higihgehreor rodredremr matahtehmemataictiscsuscuhchasasimsimplpelefrafrcatciotinosns 5.5D. Deveevleolpoipnignglitleitrearcaycythtrhoruoguhghgugiudieddedanadndinidnedpeepnednednetnrteraedaidnigng 6.6S. iSgihgthwt worodrsd,sw, worodrdfafmamiliielise, sa, nadndspseplelilnligngsksikllislls 7.7S. cSiceinecneceanadndenevnivroirnomnmenetnatlaislmismprporgorgarmam

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BEFORE AND AFTER SCHOOL PROGRAMS Our before and after school programs offer school age children a place to relax with friends while still remaining engaged in an active learning environment. At Ivy Kids, we offer a wide variety of activities to keep your child stimulated in fun and creative ways. Our after school teachers assist children with homework and re-emphasize concepts that are learned in school. Our facilities include access to our science room, computers, playground, splash pad, and cafeteria. These facilities are designed to encourage exploration and learning in a fun and safe environment for your child. Ivy Kids buses offer before and after school transportation to nearby public schools. We also offer a school age program for holidays set by the local school districts.

SUMMER, SPRING SUMMER CAMP AND WINTER CAMPS SAMPLE THEMES Ivy Kids has your child’s Passport to Fun in the spring, Week 1: Extreme Gross Out summer and winter! All of our school age children (Messy activities with dirt) discover, create, express, connect, and play while they learn new skills and go on exciting field trips all summer Week 2: Survivor Camp long. (Gardening, caring for the environment) All of our seasonal camps are packed with exciting, creative experiences, sure to build fun long-lasting Week 3: Ivy Kids Games memories. Our activities cater to a wide variety of (Sports and competition) interests in science, technology, engineering, arts and maths. In addition, we build upon character values Week 4: Cooking Around the through our WorldChangers program. World (Learning different cultures and international cuisine) Week 5: Splash Down (Water-based activities) Week 6: Time Traveler (Activities to celebrate different decades) Week 7: Mad Science (Science experiments galore!) Week 8: Iconic Comics (Animated film activities with iconic characters) Week 9: Mission Impossible (CSI, Mystery, Escape room) Week 10: Inventor's Workshop (STEM activities, coding, Legos) Week 11: Superstars (Dancing, Lip syncing, Theatre)

EXCEEDING OUTCOMES We are proud of the strong reputation we have built within the communities we serve. In just a few years, we have helped families and students reach their greatest potential. We are excited to be part of their journey and we look forward to assisting more families in the future. We understand the tremendous trust you place on us. We are grateful that out of all the childcare facilities, you’ve chosen to entrust the care of your child to the team at Ivy Kids Early Learning Centers. When our students and families are happy, we are happy! Results from a recent survey shows that parents are extremely satisfied with their experience at Ivy Kids Early Learning Center. PARENT SATISFACTION SURVEY 2% 7% 45% 46% Extremely Satisfied Very Satisfied Not Satisfied Somewhat Satisfied

PA R E N T TESTIMONIALS “We just enrolled our son at the Richmond Ivy Kids location for Summer Camps and after the 1st week he told me that he wants to be the first kid there every morning. As a parent, it feels good to know that he is enjoying everything that they have to offer.” Raphael and Janice Randal – Houston Methodist, Leading Medicine “The reason I keep my children at Ivy Kids is because the well-trained staff sees every child as an individual. The teachers are calm and loving, and use child-specific methods when motivating or redirecting the kids.” Suzanne Gschwind “When we arrive to pick our son up he doesn't want to leave. He has made many friends and has taken some great field trips. We were so pleased with our experience at Ivy Kids that we’ve recommended it to friends.” Mark & Kimberly Snow “Cameras in the classrooms allow us to watch our children throughout the day. Our preschooler has excelled under the direction of the qualified and caring staff. The after school program ensures that our second grader completes his homework and still has time to play.” Tho & Rod Miller “Ivy Kids is the epitome of education! When my 3-year old girls walk into the doors of Ivy Kids, we are relaxed by the comforting and loving professional staff. My girls are respected, loved and inspired to get their young little minds working! Thank you for all that you do Ivy Kids!!!” Katie Spencer, Health Education-Seven Lakes High School Katy, Texas

PA R E N T FA Q S How safe is your center? Safety and security are one of our top priorities. We will always make sure your child is safe and sound. All of our facilities feature front door buzzer entry as well as front desk administrators that are present during all business hours. What does my child do throughout the day? Each classroom has a daily schedule that they follow throughout the day. This includes circle time, small group learning, snacks and lunch, naptime, outside time, yoga and meditation, music and movement and enrichment centers. Are there healthy food options for my child? Healthy food leads to healthy minds. At Ivy Kids, all of our facilities are outfitted with commercial kitchens featuring chefs specifically trained to cook nutritious meals made with fresh ingredients for your children onsite. What events are held at Ivy kids and do you have parental involvement? There are multiple events held at Ivy Kids throughout the school year. Parents and families are always welcome and are encouraged to attend all events. How qualified is your staff? Many of our teachers have obtained their Bachelors or Master’s degree. Ivy Kids also sponsors several teachers every semester to obtain their CDA credential. In addition, all of our teachers go through advanced, age-specific curriculum training and must be CPR, First Aid certified, and attend workshops and training throughout the year,

GET STARTED THE FUTURE IS BRIGHT Can I call the center to see how my child is doing? You can call the center any time of the day to inquire about your child. We also have Internet cameras in all classrooms for full-day monitoring from your desktop or handheld device. What is the class size and student-teacher ratio? Ivy Kids is a licensed childcare facility that follows the Texas Minimum Standards for Childcare Centers. However, at Ivy Kids our ratios are much smaller than required by the state and vary by each age group. Is there a waiting list? There are a limited number of spots in each classroom. Please call the center to check if there is space available for your child’s classroom. What are your hours of operation? The hours of operation are Monday to Friday 6:00AM to 6:30PM. What age children do you accept? Our students ages range from 6 weeks to 12 years old. How do I get more info about enrolling my child? For more information, please log on to our website at or call the Center and speak to one of our friendly management staff who can further assist you with any other questions you may have.