Title:My Little Online ExperimentWord Count:877Summary:So Christmas is now behind us and now it's allabout what you can accomplish in 2008. PersonallyI want to build a career in charity fund raisingand I don't mean standing in a shopping mallshaking a bucket to pull in a few dollars.
Keywords:career in charity fund raisingArticle Body:So Christmas is now behind us and now it's allabout what you can accomplish in 2008. PersonallyI want to build a career in charity fund raisingand I don't mean standing in a shopping mallshaking a bucket to pull in a few pounds (ordollars). I'm thinking much bigger. I think theinternet is vastly untapped as to it's true fundraising potential. 'Old School' ways of thinkingwill have you believe that unless you're aregistered charity with a website you shouldn'tdo it. Who made the rule that says you must give& get nothing in return apart from the knowledgethat you just did a good deed. Money is just a toolinvented by the human race to make life easier (ifyou have it). It's not how much you've got but howyou use it that matters. I just don't think youhave to be another Gandhi or Mother Teresa to do
the right thing.So here's my little online experiment in helpingpeople. It's not about making me rich. It's notabout making you rich either but what if it couldgive you some cash you wouldn't have otherwise hadto give to your own favorite cause while helpingme raise cash for my favorite cause?Too me a forced matrix program script is just atool to be used as a fancy calculator to sort outwho gets what amount of cash. As a little onlineexperiment on the internet, I want to build amailing list of like minded people, the more onthe list the better for everyone involved.Instead of using the script to give you anaffiliate link to promote I want to just offer thelist members the chance to get in at the top ofthe matrix each week. How can I do this? Simple!Just delete the scripts data base each weekend doit all again from scratch the following week, mylittle online experiment. So now I hear you all
gasp 'Arrrrr MLM scam!' What a small minded person,not really capable of embracing change, thismakes you! The matrix script is just a tool! It'show you use it & what you do with any money youmake that makes ALL the difference! For almost a year now I've been figuring out howto create a way of self funding a fully legal, UKregistered CAF Trust fund to create a gift thatkeeps on giving by donating the trust fundsinterest to charity supporting the victims of Darfur. The big problem is what comes first? thechicken or the egg? By this I mean I've got toraise ?0,000 minimum (about 22,000 USD) to setupthe trust fund with. Sure having a trust fund inplace already would give me a lot more credit tostart with but well, I'm just not that rich andI've got bills to pay like everyone else.Like I said before, it's not what you've got buthow you use it that defines who you are. So farit's taken me 2 months to build a list of 60 people
interested in how I want to do things, no wherenear enough yet. There's just no point in startingto use the script before I've got at least 20,000on the list.There will always be power in numbers and thanksto the information now available to the publicthrough the internet politicians have no choicebut to take action on foreign policy. Don't everforget a politicians job is to sell themselves sothey get elected and a pay packet out of all ourtaxes. Mostly they do this by offering what themajority wants them to do as an elected official.In the mean time people die as the painfully slow'political dinosaur's' of the world come aroundand start to make changes. I have absolutely nointerest in becoming a politician. What afrustrating waste of my time dealing with otherpoliticians would be. I'd rather be out there onthe ground seeing that aid is getting to those whoneed it.
Let's face it, in the 21st century it's justembarrassing that poverty still exists around theworld. I want to do my bit to raise cash & helpreduce that poverty. Food & medical aid stillcosts money, including getting it to where it'sneeded.To me there are 2 types of poverty. Third worldpoverty as above and what I call first worldpoverty. First world poverty is where youstruggle to pay ever increasing mortgage costs orrent and basic utilities. This is becoming abigger problem in our credit fueled western worldlifestyle. It's because of this that it's time fora different type of fund raising program, one thataims to give some help to everyone. My littleonline experiment will do just that.That's it, I've said my piece. You either get itor you don't. The worlds getting ever morecomplicated. It's time to keep it simple.generally you get more done that way. The basis
of this article forms my website's homepage andadditional thought's & ideas get added regularly.If you would like to help out with my little onlineexperiment in helping people please visit my site& sign up.
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