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Home Explore Work at Home Scams

Work at Home Scams

Published by burke, 2015-01-24 07:31:58

Description: If you need to make money at home, youare no doubt starting looking for work at home opportunities. Every woman who wants to become a Wahm has traveled down the same path. Unfortunately, that path is littered with scams and traps to take money and time from honest women looking to make money from home. With a little common sense and extra research, you can find legitimate work at home opportunities.
The first step is to search for jobs in the right places. Donot simply click on ads to find work. Try to find helpful groups of Wahms who have successful work at home jobs to guide your search.


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Work at Home ScamsIf you need to make money at home, youare no doubtstarting looking for work at home opportunities.Every woman who wants to become a Wahm hastraveled down the same path. Unfortunately, thatpath is littered with scams and traps to takemoney and time from honest women looking to makemoney from home. With a little common sense andextra research, you can find legitimate work athome opportunities.The first step is to search for jobs in the rightplaces. Donot simply click on ads to find work.

Try to find helpful groups of Wahms who havesuccessful work at home jobs to guide your search.You can try searching on message boards or findinge-mail groups for ideas of where to start yourwork at home job search. Many of these women cangive you insight into which work at homeopportunities are actually worth your time.Keep in mind that there are no real ways to getrich quick on the Internet or by working at home.The only people who get rich are those who arescamming others. Never believe an ad or anmployer?who claims that you will get richinstantly.There are also a few red flags to look for whenyou are searching for Internet jobs. You shouldnever have to pay for work or job lists. There areplenty of free listings available that canprovide tons of work at home opportunities.Companies that want to charge you for lists ofjobs are just trying to get your money. The lists

are often filled with dead job leads, or lists ofcompanies that want to charge you money. Many workat home scams will also require you to pay astart-up fee or cover the cost of 搉ecessary?training. Again, legitimate jobs willnever require you to pay them any money for youto work.Another warning sign is if the ad or website tellsyou to ct now.?You should always do researchbefore joining a company and never feel pressuredto make a decision right away. Many websites areset up with text that says that the offer willexpire on today date. But if you revisit thatwebsite the next day, the ad says that the offerexpires on that day.If you are unsure about a company, do someresearch on the Better Business Bureau website.The BBB has files on all businesses that have hadcomplaints filed against them. You can see whatother people have to say about a particular

company and be steered away from scams.There are some scams that have been around foryears that should be avoided at all costs. Thesebusiness scams have unfortunately beensuccessful for the scammers, so they continue totake the money and time of hardworking Wahms. Ifyou see an offer for any of the following typesof jobs, run the other way.Envelope stuffing is a common scam, although itis being seen less and less these days. These jobsare normally listed as mail service jobs, and thenyou are asked to pay for a start up kit. After youreceive a start up kit, you are given instructionsto place your own work at home ads. You basicallyjust sell the start up kit to other people andbecome a scammer.Craft assembly scams can take many forms.Typically, you receive a set of crafts to completewith instructions. You generally pay for the set

and then are told you will be reimbursed for thekits and also paid for their assembly. Afterworking hard at assembling the kits and returningthem, you will be told that your work is not upto their quality standards. You will be out thecost of the kits, and they will sell your craftsanyway.There are legitimate jobs out there for Wahms, butyou have to do some research on the opportunitiesfirst. With a little time and careful analysis youcan find a work at home job that will be rewardingand scam free.PPPPP(word count 683)

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