RSNF Technical Institute of Naval Studies AS2-202 Worksheets Includes: Lesson activities Lesson Vocabularies Consolidation Cadet Name: ………………………………………………………………………………………. ID: …………………………………………………………………………………………………… Group: ………………………………………………………………………………………………. Date: ………………………………………………………………………………………………...
Book 1
RSNF Technical Institute of Naval Studies New Words and Terms - Handout Item (Identify Item; e.g. Definition (Define and/or Example (Id word, term, phrase, describe Item) abbreviation) The (natural) purpose of something “He performs Function or duty of someone “The thermost “Many of the k Calculation The way in which something works or Automatically operates Accessed The use of mathematical procedures “By his calcula Power/Exponent (addition, subtraction, multiplication “His calculatio etc.) to determine a value Shorthand If a machine does something “His watch au automatically, it is usually done world” without human control; “He reacted to If a person does something automatically, they usually do it without thinking about their actions. Gained entry to; opened up “The restricted “The scientific In mathematical terms, the Power, or “The mathema Exponent, is a number or sign that multiplied by i indicates how many times a number (the Base number) is to be multiplied thus: 6 x 6 (= by itself A quick or short way of referring to “He used the W something or saying something “Are you in the Version 2.0 / H016340-AS_001-AS2-LP007-New-Words-and-Terms-Handout.docx
dentify example use of term) several important functions within the organisation” tat performs the function of controlling temperature” keys on the calculator perform more than one function” ation, it was going to take several hours to drive the whole distance” on was the result of several different considerations” utomatically adjusted for different time zones wherever he travelled around the o the situation automatically” d area of the building can only be accessed with a special pass” c functions of the calculator are accessed with the use of a specific key” atical expression: 64 indicates that the value 6 (the Base number) is to be itself 4 (the Power, or Exponent value) times, 36) x 6 (= 216) x 6 (= 1296) i.e. 64 = 1296” Wifi to save his data allowance” – Wifi is shorthand for Wireless Fidelity e RSNF, he asked”? – RSNF is shorthand for the Royal Saudi Naval Forces Date: 22/01/2020
RSNF Technical Institute of Naval Studies New Words and Terms - Handout Item (Identify Item; e.g. Definition (Define and/or Example (Id word, term, phrase, describe Item) abbreviation) The process of doing something “The design o Iteration repeatedly, often to improve it. The “On the third i term can also be used to mean one Value of the times that it is repeated. In mathematics, an amount that you get when you use a mathematical rule several times How useful or important something “The father ex is. Usually in numbers the higher the 5 Riyal note” number, the greater its value “The math tea than the figure Version 2.0 / H016340-AS_001-AS2-LP008-New-Words-and-Terms-Handout.docx
dentify example use of term) of the control room required several iterations in order to get it right” iteration of the requirement, the sales assistant finally understood!” xplained to his young child that the 10 Riyal note was of greater value than a acher explained to the class that the figure 0.10 represents a value that is less e 1.0” Date: 22/01/2020
RSNF Technical Institute of Naval Studies New Words and Terms - Handout Item (Identify Item; e.g. Definition (Define and/or Example (Id word, term, phrase, describe Item) abbreviation) To judge or calculate the quality, “The farmer h Evaluate importance, amount or value of highest price a something Simplify “The jeweller w purity” Combine Ratio To make something less complicated “The governm Translating and therefore easier to do or to would be able understand To join together, to make a single “None of the t thing or group the could affo The relationship between two groups “The ratio of s or amounts that expresses how much bigger one is than the other To change words into a different “As a languag language; to change something into a new form, especially to turn a plan “They were lo into something real translated into Version 2.0 / H016340-AS_001-AS2-LP009-New-Words-and-Terms-Handout.docx
dentify example use of term) had to evaluate the animals in the herd to decide which ones would get the at the market” was asked to evaluate the gem stones and identify the one with the greatest ment minister was asked to simplify the words of the new law so that everyone e to understand it” three had enough money to buy a meal, but if they combined what they had, ord three simple meals” students to staff at the college has increased this year” ge translator, he spent his days translating books from English to Arabic”. ooking forward to seeing the architect’s drawing for their new house being o a beautiful home by the builders and decorators” Date: 22/01/2020
RSNF Technical Institute of Naval Studies AS_001 / AS2 / Consolidation 2 – Activity Work Book Cadet Name:___________________________________________________ Activity 1 - Addition and Multiplication Crossword 12 34 5 67 89 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 ACROSS 16. 2 x 3 + 7 DOWN 15. 3 x 4 + 3 1. 2 x 2 + 15 19. 6 x 7 + 12 2. 7 x 8 + 35 17. 9 x 2 + 15 3. 2 x 7 + 14 21. 5 x 6 + 7 4. 2 x 6 + 70 18. 6 x 6 + 15 6. 2 x 4 + 8 23 2 x 2 + 14 5. 4 x 8 + 6 20. 4 x 8 + 10 8. 5 x 4 + 5 25. 2 x 9 + 8 7. 3 x 8 + 41 22. 8 x 8 + 11 10. 5 x 8 + 44 27. 9 x 9 + 18 9. 5 x 9 + 8 24. 7 x 9 + 26 12. 8 x 6 + 5 28. 7 x 7 + 1 11. 7 x 4 + 16 26. 8 x 8 + 1 14. 3 x 9 + 14 13. 4 x 6 + 7 Version 2.0 / H016340-AS_001-AS2-Consolidation 2-Activity Workbook.docx Date: 22/01/2020
RSNF Technical Institute of Naval Studies Activity 2 - Algebra Choice Tick the correct match for each of the equations 2n – n n 2n +2 3n n+2 n2 n+n 2n 2n - 4 n-3 n+1 n2 + n Version 2.0 / H016340-AS_001-AS2-Consolidation 2-Activity Workbook.docx Date: 22/01/2020
RSNF Technical Institute of Naval Studies n 2n + n 2n +2 1+n 3n n+2 n2 2n 2n -4 n–3 n+1 n2+ n Version 2.0 / H016340-AS_001-AS2-Consolidation 2-Activity Workbook.docx Date: 22/01/2020
RSNF Technical Institute of Naval Studies Activity 3 – Word Search JHCDRZCBHFHTVDZ J ZQ J EDT ES FOB I BYHUTURB I YQCUN V Y E NMOY K V V T A BRLUOVOZ E FUPVUFGNS OZ P L I NAML X FMRE ZOPK DWZ V V V S R I I G I E O TWN Y MHUQMAA T I N Z KCR P X VR AQDFQT V LAAAOV I AEBZ S I BLHNZ FENBTD I ETRU F S Z N H P V TWN T L O F T NO Y I ZCDFXOZ ZP TSERLKTR U C K B A B OWR C Z VM V U B H S Answer the clues below and find the answers in the word search above 1. What is the top number in a fraction called? 2. What is the acroynm used to describe the Order of Operations? 3. What is the name for the part of an equation of a number we do not yet know? 4. What type of fractions have the same value even though they look different? 5. What is the bottom number in a fraction called? 6. What is the term in algebra that contains only numbers? 7. What type of fraction has a numerator larger than the denominator? 8. A number in algebra used to multiply a variable is known as what? Version 2.0 / H016340-AS_001-AS2-Consolidation 2-Activity Workbook.docx Date: 22/01/2020
RSNF Technical Institute of Naval Studies Activity 4 – Find the path Starting at number 5 in the bottom left hand corner, add the numbers as you go, creating a path to add up to 232 in the top right hand corner. 1 4 2 6 = 232 17 23 39 4 5 8 6 9 15 27 58 14 3 65 40 5 6 18 7 26 Version 2.0 / H016340-AS_001-AS2-Consolidation 2-Activity Workbook.docx Date: 22/01/2020
RSNF Technical Institute of Naval Studies AS_001 / AS2 / Consolidation 2 – Bingo Cards 52 10 82 45 25 8 17 89 98 56 104 83 80 7 7 18 Version 2.0 / H016340-AS_001-AS2-Consolidation 2-BingoCards.docx Date: 22/01/2020
RSNF Technical Institute of Naval Studies 7 45 89 10 82 22 80 104 18 89 56 52 98 17 7 83 Version 2.0 / H016340-AS_001-AS2-Consolidation 2-BingoCards.docx Date: 22/01/2020
RSNF Technical Institute of Naval Studies 45 104 18 80 81 52 56 10 7 98 6 7 82 25 89 83 Version 2.0 / H016340-AS_001-AS2-Consolidation 2-BingoCards.docx Date: 22/01/2020
RSNF Technical Institute of Naval Studies 80 103 18 7 52 7 45 89 56 17 89 83 10 82 25 98 Version 2.0 / H016340-AS_001-AS2-Consolidation 2-BingoCards.docx Date: 22/01/2020
RSNF Technical Institute of Naval Studies AS_001 / AS2 / Consolidation 2 – Revision Sheet Cadet Name:_________________________________________________ There are ten questions in each section below. Have a go at working out all of them, and ask the Instructor if you need any help in answering them. Use the graph paper section for any working outs. You can complete these in any order you like.(Time allowed: 90 minutes) Mixed Basic Operations Types of basic mathematical operations are, addition, subtraction, multiplication and division. Adding and subtracting are the most basic. Subtracting is the opposite to addition. 1. 92 + 13 = 2. 58 – 44 = 3. 7 x 3 = 4. 10 ÷ 2 = 5. SAR1.30 + SAR4.40 6. 2 + 10 x 2 = 7. 60 x 5 = 8. 800 ÷ 80 = 9. 120 ÷ 10 = 10. 5 + 6 x 3 = Version 2.0 / H016340-AS_001-AS2-Consolidation2-Revision Sheet.docx Date: 22/01/2020
RSNF Technical Institute of Naval Studies Version 2.0 / H016340-AS_001-AS2-Consolidation2-Revision Sheet.docx Date: 22/01/2020
RSNF Technical Institute of Naval Studies Algebra Like Terms Algebra like terms are terms that contain the same variables, but numerical coefficients can be different. To combine like terms, you add the coefficients and keep the variables the same. 1. 2c + 11c = 2. 10z + 11z = 3. 4y + 10y = 4. 12x + 11x = 5. 9a + 6a = 6. 3z + 9z = 7. 9b + 8b = 8. 2a + 3a = 9. 2x + 8x = 10. 7c + 9c = Version 2.0 / H016340-AS_001-AS2-Consolidation2-Revision Sheet.docx Date: 22/01/2020
RSNF Technical Institute of Naval Studies One Step Equations One step equations are the simplest equations, as they only take ‘one step’ to solve; Main objective to have the variable on one side and the numbers on the other; When variables and numbers are moved from one side to another they change signs. For example: z + 11 = 27 To solve this equation move the number to the right hand side and change the sign so it now becomes: z = 27 – 11 This can now be easily worked out to: z = 16 1. z + 11 = 27 2. 10n = 20 3. 12a = 108 4. m + 3 = 8 5. 9n = 36 6. 8c = 72 7. 5n = 40 8. c – 7 = 10 9. y + 11 = 25 10. c – 2 = 4 Version 2.0 / H016340-AS_001-AS2-Consolidation2-Revision Sheet.docx Date: 22/01/2020
RSNF Technical Institute of Naval Studies What are the following as Percentages To convert decimals to percents multiply the decimal by 100. To convert fractions to percents multiply the numerator by 100 and then divide that number by the denominator. 1. 0.2 = 2. 7/10 = 3. 5/10 = 4. 0.75 = 5. 3/10 = 6. 3/5 = 7. 1/10 = 8. 2/10 = 9. 1/5 = 10. 0.15 = Version 2.0 / H016340-AS_001-AS2-Consolidation2-Revision Sheet.docx Date: 22/01/2020
RSNF Technical Institute of Naval Studies Work out the percentages Without a calculator, first divide the percentage by 100, for example 25% of 100 would be 25 ÷ 100 = 0.25, you then multiply this by the whole, so 0.25 x 100 = 25%. With a calculator that has a percentage function, you simply multiply the whole amount by the percentage. For example: 66% of 220 would be 220 x 66% = 145.2 1. 10% of 50 = 2. 66% of 120 = 3. 25% of 400 = 4. 25% of 12 = 5. 50% of 40 = 6. 33% of 210 = 7. 50% of 12 = 8. 66% of 60 = 9. 25% of 16 = 10. 25% of 56 = Version 2.0 / H016340-AS_001-AS2-Consolidation2-Revision Sheet.docx Date: 22/01/2020
RSNF Technical Institute of Naval Studies Greatest Common Factors The easiest way to to calculate the Greatest Common Factor (GCF) of two numbers is to list all the factors of those numbers, choose the ones they have in common and the largest of those is the GCF. For example: The GCF of 24 and 36 The number 24 can be divided by: 1, 2, 3, 4, 6, 8, 12 and 24 The number 36 can be divided by: 1, 2, 3, 4, 6, 9, 12, 18 and 36 So the Greatest Common Factor of 24 and 36 is 12. Find the Greatest Common Factor of the following: 1. 24 and 36 2. 20 and 8 3. 45 and 27 4. 15 and 45 5. 45 and 20 6. 30 and 50 7. 42 and 21 8. 20 and 30 9. 32 and 24 10. 48 and 36 Version 2.0 / H016340-AS_001-AS2-Consolidation2-Revision Sheet.docx Date: 22/01/2020
RSNF Technical Institute of Naval Studies Two Step Equations The main difference between one step equations and two step equations is that it takes one more step to solve. The additional step may be something like multiplying the variable by a certain number. Otherwise the rules are the same as for one step equations. For example: 4x – 7 = 13 First thing is to get all the variables on one side and the numbers on the other: 4x = 13 + 7 Add the two numbers so you now have: 4x = 20 This has now completed the first step, what is left now is to get rid of the number next to the variable. You do this by dividing the whole equation with that number of 4, like this: 4x = 20 ÷ 4 so, x = 5 1. 5n + 5 = 20 2. 3k – 2 = 1 3. 2 + 5n = 42 4. 5 + 5x = 15 5. 5a + 2 = 17 6. 4 – 2r = 4 7. 5x + 2 = 32 8. 2 – 2n = 4 9. 5 – 5v = 25 10. 3 – x = 10 Version 2.0 / H016340-AS_001-AS2-Consolidation2-Revision Sheet.docx Date: 22/01/2020
RSNF Technical Institute of Naval Studies Version 2.0 / H016340-AS_001-AS2-Consolidation2-Revision Sheet.docx Date: 22/01/2020
RSNF Technical Institute of Naval Studies Simplifying Fractions Simplifying fractions is a very useful skill. If you are solving an equation in which the fractions have large numerators or denominators, then reducing those fractions to the lowest value will make finding the result much easier. To make a fraction simpler, the fraction needs to have at least two numbers that can be divided with the same number For example 20/40 can be simplified as both the numerator and the denominator can be divided by 20, giving the simpler fraction of 1/2 1. 24/30 2. 12/15 3. 6/10 4. 18/27 5. 6/9 6. 9/36 7. 10/12 8. 30/36 9. 6/8 10. 4/10 Version 2.0 / H016340-AS_001-AS2-Consolidation2-Revision Sheet.docx Date: 22/01/2020
RSNF Technical Institute of Naval Studies Squares and Square Roots Squares and Square roots are basic mathematical terms in various equations. Squares are the result of numbers multiplied by themselves. For example the square of 3 (32) would be 9 because 3 x 3 is 9, the square of 4 would be 16 and the square of 5 would be 25. Square roots are the opposite of squares. A Square root is the number you multiplied with itself to the number whose square you are looking for. For example the square root of 100 (√100) is 10 because 10 squared (102) is 100. The multiplication table below can help in finding the squares and square roots of numbers, however this only goes up so far. To work out the square root of larger numbers, you will have to estimate and use your calculator to find the correct answer. X 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 1 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 2 2 4 6 8 10 12 14 16 18 20 22 24 3 3 6 9 12 15 18 21 24 27 30 33 36 4 4 8 12 16 20 24 28 32 36 40 44 48 5 5 10 15 20 25 30 35 40 45 50 55 60 6 6 12 18 24 30 36 42 48 54 60 66 72 7 7 14 21 28 35 42 49 56 63 70 77 84 8 8 16 24 32 40 48 56 64 72 80 88 96 9 9 18 27 36 45 54 63 72 81 90 99 108 10 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90 100 110 120 11 11 22 33 44 55 66 77 88 99 110 121 132 12 12 24 36 48 60 72 84 96 108 120 132 144 Version 2.0 / H016340-AS_001-AS2-Consolidation2-Revision Sheet.docx Date: 22/01/2020
RSNF Technical Institute of Naval Studies Work out the squares and square roots of the following: 1. 32 = 6. √144 = 2. 82 = 7. √289 = 3. 112 = 8. √361 = 4. 62 = 9. √484 = 5.162 = 10. √625 = Version 2.0 / H016340-AS_001-AS2-Consolidation2-Revision Sheet.docx Date: 22/01/2020
RSNF Technical Institute of Naval Studies Cubes and Cube Roots To cube a number, just multiply it 3 times. For example 3 cubed (33) is 27. As you can see in this cube, there are 27 indiviudal cubes making up the whole cube. Cube roots are the opposite of cubes; 3 cubed (33) is 27, so the cube root of 27(3√27) is 3. Work out the cubes and cube roots of the following: 1. 53 = 6. ³√8 = 2. 83 = 7. ³√512 = 3. 123 = 8. ³√125 = 4. 183 = 9. ³√64 = 5.263 = 10. ³√216 = Version 2.0 / H016340-AS_001-AS2-Consolidation2-Revision Sheet.docx Date: 22/01/2020
RSNF Technical Institute of Naval Studies Version 2.0 / H016340-AS_001-AS2-Consolidation2-Revision Sheet.docx Date: 22/01/2020
RSNF Technical Institute of Naval Studies Version 2.0 / H016340-AS_001-AS2-Consolidation2-Revision Sheet.docx Date: 22/01/2020
Book 2
RSNF Technical Institute of Naval Studies New Words and Terms - Handout Item (Identify Item; e.g. Definition (Define and/or Example (Id word, term, phrase, describe Item) abbreviation) Very many, of the same type, or of “The clerk was Multiple different types “He suffered m Prefix A letter or a group of letters added to “The teacher e the beginning of a word to make a English. They Symbol new word won it easily” A sign, shape or object that is used “The $ symbo to represent something else “The Olympic interlocking rin Version 2.0 / H016340-AS_001-AS2-LP010-New-Words-and-Terms-Handout.docx
dentify example use of term) s tasked to produce multiple copies of the report” multiple bone breaks and other injuries in the accident” explained that the letters ‘un’ are one of the most common prefixes in y are used to change words such as, “He was prepared for the contest, and to say “He was totally unprepared for the contest and as a result, he lost.” ol is used to represent the dollar currency” games are represented by the symbol of the five ngs” Date: 22/01/2020
FoldRSNF Technical Institute of Naval Studies AS_001 / AS2 / Lesson 12 - Activity-A (Construct Issue activity worksheet to each Cadet, using the printout below Cadets sticky tape. Allow them approximately 5 minutes to make their own cube Version 2.0 / H016340-AS_001-AS2-LP012-Activity-A.docx
a Cube) are to create a cube. They are to use the supplied scissors, ruler and es. Fold Fold Fold Fold Fold Fold Date: 22/01/2020
RSNF Technical Institute of Naval Studies AS_001 / AS2 / Lesson 12 - Activity-B (Construct Issue activity worksheet to each Cadet, using the printout Cadets are to create a rectangular prism. They are to use the supplied scissors, ruler and sticky tape. Allow them approximately 5 minutes to make their own rectangular prism. Fold Fold Version 2.0 / H016340-AS_001-AS2-LP012-Activity-B.docx
a Rectangular Prism) Fold Fold Fold Fold Fold Date: 22/01/2020
RSNF Technical Institute of Naval Studies AS_001 / AS2 / Lesson 13 - Activity (Calculating the Value of Angles in Triangles) Working on your own calculate the missing angle(s) on the following 7 question. Q1. ?° Q2. 28° 50° ?° 38° 92° Q3. Q4. 61° ?° ? ? Q5. 57° Q6. 42° 25° 128° Version 2.0 / H016340-AS_001-AS2-LP013-Activity.docx Date: 22/01/2020
RSNF Technical Institute of Naval Studies Q8. Draw an ‘Acute’ angle Q7. ?° Q10. Draw a ‘Right’ angle ?° ?° Q9. Draw an ‘Obtuse’ angle Using a Protractor find the value of the following angles: Q11. Q12. Version 2.0 / H016340-AS_001-AS2-LP013-Activity.docx Date: 22/01/2020
RSNF Technical Institute of Naval Studies AS_001 / AS2 / LP014 – New Wo Item (Identify Item; e.g. Definition (Define and/or Example (Id word, term, phrase, describe Item) abbreviation) Relating to measuring, or measured “The scientists Quantitative by the quantity (i.e. amount) of exist” something rather than its quality Coordinates One of a pair of numbers and/or “The leader of letters that show the exact position of coordinates of a point on a map or graph “The architect graph paper” Version 2.0 / H016340-AS_001-AS2-LP014-New-Words-and-Terms-Handout.docx
ords and Terms - Handout dentify example use of term) s conducted a quantitative enquiry to establish how many types of the virus f the expedition made sure that everyone in the group knew the map f their destination for the day” t plotted the precise coordinates of the wall that he was designing, on the Date: 22/01/2020
RSNF Technical Institute of Naval Studies AS_001 / AS2 / LP015 – New Wo Item (Identify Item; e.g. Definition (Define and/or Example (Id word, term, phrase, describe Item) abbreviation) In mathematics, magnitude is the “The paint in t Magnitude size of a mathematical object (i.e. a the paint in tha number or other value), it determines Quantity whether the object is larger or Defined smaller than other objects of the same kind. Adopted Convention A certain, usually specified, amount “Each of the d or number of something exact quantity Expressed The act of providing definition: to “The scope of provide meaning for a word, not exceed its sentence or phrase; to give boundaries To take up and use an idea, practice “The organisa or policy. authority.” A custom or a way of acting and “By conventio doing things that is widely accepted and followed To make something known; to state “To own half o clearly and deliberately the measure o Version 2.0 / H016340-AS_001-AS2-LP015-New-Words-and-Terms-Handout.docx
ords and Terms - Handout dentify example use of term) that 10 litre container, has a magnitude that is ten times (10 x) greater than at 1 litre container.” different ingredients required for making the cake were carefully listed as an y in the recipe.” f the project was clearly defined; it was only to last for two months and could s budget by one Riyal!” ation adopted a new policy that had been devised by a leading legal on, in the UK all cars drive on the left side of the road.” of a property can be expressed as a 50% (percent) holding” – percentage is of ownership being expressed here. Date: 22/01/2020
RSNF Technical Institute of Naval Studies Denomination A way of classifying things; to name “The currency the type or value of something – required, SAR often used in relation to money Proportional To describe something that has a “The ratio of m Extend/extended relative size or amount to something proportional else; to describe something that has a constant ratio (particularly in mathematics) To add something; to push further; to “The length of expand or increase in scope students were Version 2.0 / H016340-AS_001-AS2-LP015-New-Words-and-Terms-Handout.docx
y exchange clerk asked the customer what denominations of Riyals were R10s, SAR20s, SAR50s?” millimetres to meters on the architect’s drawing ensured that the plan was to the final product.” f the course was extended by a week in order to ensure that all of the e able to understand all of the new information.” Date: 22/01/2020
RSNF Technical Institute of Naval Studies AS_001 / AS2 / Consolidation 3 – Activity Workbook Cadet Name:_________________________________________________ Activity 1a - Match the formula to the shape Below are five shapes. 1. Write the name of each shape above it. 2. Write the formula for calculating the area (A) of each shape underneath it. Select the formula for each shape from the list below: a. A = l x w b. A = a2 c. A = b x h 2 d. A = π x r2 e. A = l x w plus A = b x h 2 Version 2.0 / H016340-AS_001-AS2-Consolidation 3-Activity Book.docx Date: 22/01/2020
RSNF Technical Institute of Naval Studies Activity 1b - Match the formula to the solid Below are three solids. 1. Write the name of each solid above it. 2. Write the formula for calculating the surface area (SA) of each of the solids underneath it. Select the formula for each solid from the list below: a. SA = 6a2 b. SA = 2 x π x r2 + 2 π x r x h c. SA = 2 x (w x l + h x l + h x w) Version 2.0 / H016340-AS_001-AS2-Consolidation 3-Activity Book.docx Date: 22/01/2020
RSNF Technical Institute of Naval Studies Activity 2 – Word Search OCDACMX P P LOVRMACGH AOKT J EOAPXKPS ZMAKE VWU C Z T I S H I I N Z X P N E R S C R T V R K CWN L E C X E D L T M O L E R E M A U UO W C R R E V Z Y ZBTBS I LUNGTCQE L I P V R F L U C XQNWROGR L A N I NGXHMUDNOAAN T S V Y F V J M Z B S B F D N T MU QWAWX Z HUYBQEFDHT STCXF EYL AONMCDQV S ECOND Z Y I L LMQD X J OU L E R E EG J KA T Answer each clue below and find that answer in the word search above. 1. What is the correct unit for measuring weight? 2. What is the unit for measuring volume? 3. What unitt is used for measuring energy? 4. What unit is used for measuring pressure? 5. What unit is used for measuring force? 6. What unit is used for measuring electric current? 7. What unit is used for measuring Luminous Intensity? 8. What unit is used for measuring frequency? 9. What unit is used for measuring temperature? 10. What unit is used for measuring a quantity of a substance? 11. What unit is used for measuring Time? 12. What unit is used for measuring Power? Version 2.0 / H016340-AS_001-AS2-Consolidation 3-Activity Book.docx Date: 22/01/2020
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