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Published by Veronna Corral, 2016-06-07 13:34:36

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Online Marketing ProposalSydney Japanese International SchoolDate: 17th December 2015Email: [email protected]: 02 9450 1833Website: Review By: Linda Jordan

Requirements Job Type Integrated Digital Strategy Monthly Management of an integrated online marketing solution for the website Key Discussion Points Our aim is to conduct a fully integrated targeted online marketing campaign with a focus on building enrolment enquiries over the 2016 year for actual enrolment in 2017. Whilst the school is primarily targeting Japanese students the campaign needs to highlight the advantages of a bilingual education across all nationalities. In the current status it is understood that SJIS has approximately 210 enrolled students that have been attracted from international x-pats, majority from Japan and also Australian residents with Japanese lineage, mainly within a 10klm radius of the school in Terrey Hills, Sydney. The aim of the campaign is to lift the enrolments for 2017 to 260 students in total, which, when you take in attrition of current students in 2016, we have estimated you will require an additional 70-85 new enrolments over the course of 2016. To achieve this result and assuming your conversion to enquiry rate sits at around 30%, this being the people who make it through to the enquiry stage from the website, would therefore require 250-265 actual conversations with potential students. As such, based on industry averages, the conversion rate from traffic to enquiry online, i.e. visitors to your site that then go onto make an enquiry with the school, is between 2% - 3.5%.

Therefore doing the math, to achieve 265 direct to school enquiries, at say a 2% websiteconversion rate, will then require traffic in the vicinity of 13,250 over the duration of thecampaign.If this were to be a stand-alone AdWords campaign, i.e. only driving traffic with paidadvertising on Google, the following budget would be required.Based on an average cost-per-click of $3.80 for education it would then require a budget of$50,350 for the Google spend alone, plus our management fees.Clearly this is way above the budgeted amount and as such we would like to present thefollowing solution, focussing on your website and a content strategy to target the desiredresult.Key Specific Activity 1. In April 2015 Google changed the rules and now mobile friendly sites are rewarded and non-mobile are being outranked as a result. Your current website is not mobile responsive/friendly and we would strongly recommend you set aside a degree of budget to get this updated asap. 2. A complete website SEO audit to ensure the site is technically sound from a Google Authority position standpoint. 3. Review the site to ensure all key attributes of the schools offering have adequate information and positioning on the site to provide meaningful information to the website users. Whilst updating the site to drive conversions based on analytical data. 4. Ensure all tracking codes are set-up correctly and are being measured in Google Analytics. 5. Commence a high frequency content marketing campaign. This content will sit on the website and all activity offsite i.e. Social Media, AdWords, & PR, will use this content to drive users back to the website. SJIS to produce the content at the guidance of Digilari. 6. Focussing the content on specific keyword/phrases – in conjunction with whole page optimisation as the content is formed – this will enable organic search activity also.

Investment Workshop Set-up Integrated Monthly ManagementWebsite Upgrade: not included in this proposalMonthly Management Fee: $1,050 + GST per monthPeriod: January 2016 – June 2016Recommended Google daily spend = $10 per day @ 183 days = $1,830Recommended Facebook daily spend = $5 per day @ 183 days = $915Campaign Costs:Management: $6,300 + GSTMedia: $2,745Total Investment (GST inclusive) = $9,675NB – Google & Facebook paid directly by SJIS at the required daily budget

Letter of Engagement Online Agreement For: Business Name Here. Thank you for considering Digilari Pty Ltd to handle this important aspect of your marketing for Sydney Japanese International School. If the above is in-line with budget and expectations please complete the following and return to [email protected] and we’ll get things underway. This letter of appointment is to indicate that Digilari Pty Ltd (ACN 607 240 844) has permission to act on our behalf for Online Marketing services for Sydney Japanese International School. This includes (but is not limited to) management related to; Search Engine Marketing, Social Media Marketing, You Tube Marketing, SEO and Online Marketing Services and associated promotions. I hereby authorise DIGILARI to manage our Online Marketing needs on my behalf as such all logins used in association with my Online Marketing needs are to be passed on to DIGILARI Pty Ltd without hesitation. These include logins for Google Analytics, Adwords, Webmaster Tools, Google My Business, Website CMS and FTP Access. Also if applicable I hereby authorise DIGILARI to manage my Google Adwords through the Digilari MCC account. I fully understand that the services provided by Digilari are to be pre-paid prior to any work being undertaken and therefore agree to pay on receipt of invoice via direct debit into designated account. I fully understand that there is no set contract period with Digilari and that either party can cease the agreement and services by providing thirty (30) days written notice.Client Details ________________________ ________________________Company: ________________________Contact Person: ________________________Position Held:Company ABN:Signed: ________________________ Date: ____/____/______

Online Marketing Agreement By placing an order with Digilari Pty Ltd (“Digilari”), you (the Client) confirm that you have read and will be bound by the terms and conditions in this Agreement. Digilari General Terms and Conditions and the Proposal form essential parts of this Agreement. 1. General Digilari will provide the services set out in the Proposal with reasonable skill and care. However, Digilari has no direct control over search engines (or their system) and activities of other companies that may impact the results of the services provided by Digilari. As such you accept that Digilari cannot guarantee that the professional delivery of the services will result in Increases in revenue, profits, sales leads, website traffic, page ranking, etc. 2. Payment for Services The Client is to pay periodic invoices as per the proposal. Billing occurs in advance. The initial invoice of a new campaign is due on the date of issue. At our discretion, we can choose to continue or commence activity if the invoice has not been fully paid. The Client agrees that any failure by the Client to make payment of the set fee will be dealt with under the general terms and conditions of trade as supplied by Digilari.

3. CancellationA request to cancel services under this agreement can be made at any time. A request tocancel this service will only be accepted by Digilari if:• The client completes and submits the Digilari' Cancellation Form; or• Sends an email to their primary contact at Digilari.Requests for the cancellation of services take effect (30) thirty days from receipt of writtencancelation notice however invoices dated prior must still be paid. Cancellation requestsmade in any other format will not be accepted by Digilari.4. Website AccessThe client agrees to supply Digilari with the necessary FTP and Content Management Systembackend access to the website, in order to provide the services under this agreement.5. Disclaimers, Limitations, Warranties and Liability5.1 The Client agrees that Digilari is not liable for any failure to carry out services for reasonsbeyond Digilari control.5.2 Digilari shall not be responsible for URLs or web pages dropped or excluded by a searchengine for any reason.5.3 The Client will not alter, and will procure that no other person alters any content, orsource code of the website, at any time during the service period, without Digilari’s priorwritten consent. Digilari cannot be held responsible for any consequential loss of listings,ranking, visibility, outcomes or associated damages that may arise from parties other thanDigilari changing content or code;5.4 The website should be hosted on a reliable server, based in the country of Search Engineinterest, with constant availability, for optimum results. The client will not hold Digilariresponsible for any errors resulting from the client’s website being unavailable for any reason.5.5 If the client or any 3rd party, after engaging Digilari service, makes modifications to thewebsite, or uses unethical SEO techniques (such as cloaking, hidden text, keyword stuffing,etc.) or add pharmaceutical, gambling or pornographic links to the website that have norelevance to the website, Digilari will issue a cancellation of service notice. Digilari will cancel

the existing agreement with immediate effect and all fees payable to Digilari will be due andpayable. Digilari will not be held liable for the resulting effects caused by the client or a thirdparty.6. Search Engine OptimisationOptimisation / SEO / Search Engine Optimisation: The process of improving the visibility andranking of a webpage in search engines via natural / un-paid / organic search results.6.1 Digilari SEO Service will be based upon the agreed exact keywords / phrases and the exactweb page to optimise. Once the list of keywords has been compiled by Digilari and the client,Digilari will begin optimisation with billing commencing at this time.6.2 The Client will receive a regular report on how their website is performing.6.3 The client can choose to change the keywords in their list at any point in time, however ittakes time to increase the websites ranking for each new keyword, and therefore Digilari donot recommend changing keywords frequently.6.4 Digilari advises that regular, fresh content added to the website will significantly help toimprove the stability of rankings within search engines. By accepting this agreement, theclient understands fully that regular, unique content plays an important part in the successthe ranking of their website. Failure to add unique content will lessen the impact of theservices provided by Digilari.

6.5 The client agrees to supply Digilari with relevant content (text and images) that can beadded to the web page that is being optimised. If Digilari has to create or source content onthe client’s behalf outside the scope of the Proposal, the client will be given a quote for thiswork before proceeding with the service.6.6 The client agrees to allow Digilari to add content to existing and new pages on theirwebsite on an ongoing basis for the purpose of improving it’s ranking on Google.6.7 The client gives permission for Digilari to set, create and or set up relevant accounts withsearch engines on behalf of client, in order to fulfil its obligations under these terms.6.8 Digilari cannot guarantee an exact timeframe for SEO services.6.9 Google and other Search Engines do change their policies and ranking algorithmsregularly. This can alter what can be achieved and Digilari cannot be held responsible.6.10 You authorise Digilari to establish links to and from your web site, and other websitesand/or industry guides and/or directories, and you appoint Digilari as your agent for thispurpose. Digilari agrees to use all reasonable efforts to ensure that links established do notharm the ranking of your web site.7. Pay-Per-Click (PPC) Campaigns including Adwords7.1 Prior to the commencement of a campaign, you and Digilari shall agree:• The keywords to be used in the campaign;• The budget for the campaign;• The setup fee to create the campaign; and• The management fee to operate the campaign;These aspects shall be revisited during the campaign and may need to change.7.2 To activate a PPC campaign, Digilari will make a number of requests. Where Digilari makesreasonable requests for information or changes to the website, you agree to respond within areasonable timeframe.7.3 You appoint Digilari as your agent for the purposes of:

(a) Creating an account with Google (or others) as requested;(b) Agreeing on your behalf to the terms and conditions applicable to those accounts;(c) Paying for any charges applicable to those accounts using the information you provided toDigilari;(d) Adding, deleting or modifying keywords and copy; and(e) Altering bids.

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