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Home Explore December 2017 Newsletter

December 2017 Newsletter

Published by angela.bowden, 2018-01-19 16:35:34

Description: December 2017 Newsletter

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NW REGIONAL NEWSLETTER HIGHLIGHTS FOR THE MONTH OF DECEMBER My apologies for our year end newsletter making it to the presses late. The calendar synched up nicely for the holidays to provide some much needed down time for our team. It is important to spend time with friends and family and also recharge your battery. Some New Year’s resolutions may have already gone by the way side but not to worry we have only tip toed into 2018 and it is time to lace up your running shoes and get walking so you can begin to jog and break into a run. Keep your “one page business plan” close by and make this your best year ever professionally and personally! We ended up closing about 50M in December and finished the year at 552M, up from 482M in 2016, an increase of 14%. Applications were off in December which is typical so January funding’s will be weaker. The key to our success is to not bury ourselves in the first quarter, digging out is not much fun so the concentrated efforts early in the year producing activities that bring in business will provide dividends the rest of the year. Our operations team showed tenacity in dealing with shortfalls in Encompass, busy months, long days, and sometimes high emotions. To all of you along with your coaches Ev and Susan I appreciate all you do and am honored to work alongside you! Please understand the need to keep overtime down this time of year and know that our sales team is moving through the gears to get their cars speeding down the track. Our sales team rallied last year, we finished with 7 qualifiers for President’s Club, 5 for Executive Club and 5 for Top Producers. These 17 individuals represent 40% of our regions sales force and 78% of our 2017 closings. Big news for President’s Club and Executive levels qualifying this year will be going to Israel and Los Cabos next year! “Although no one can go back and make a brand new start, anyone can start from now and make a brand new ending.” --Carl Bard ~Dave Schile

EVELYN COX Well it’s 2018 and it sure has not been light on the character building opportunities. Looking back at last year, it was quite the adventure for us. Volume was good and steady; we brought on new team members, we showed outstanding team work to bring them on board and they survived to tell us that we did a good job. (I’m not sure that some of us remember any days between August 1 and August 31 – they were definitely a blur for me) What an awesome group of people that st dropped their own work to jump in and help – to which we are grateful. I’m thankful for our Operations teams, the ability and willingness to jump in and help each other has been AWESOME. I’m impressed at all the team members that did the volume to qualify for one of the trips – you all ROCK! It sometimes takes an army to do it, but it just goes to show it can be done with teamwork. Remember that your teammates need to be acknowledged when they go above and beyond; kind words (shout outs) always go a long way. Today’s top Quotes Our greatest weakness lies in giving up. The most certain way to succeed is always to try just one more time. … Thomas A. Edison Go for it now. The future is promised to no one. …Wayne Dyer Do not wait; the time will never be “just right.” Start where you stand and work with whatever tools you may have at your command, and better tools will be found as you go along. …. George Herbert When one must, one can. …Charlotte Whitton If you want to lift yourself up, lift up someone else. … Booker T. Washington Always deliver more than expected. …Larry Page, co-founder of Google I’ve missed more than 9000 shots in my career. I’ve lost almost 300 games. 26 times I’ve been trusted to take the game winning shot and missed. I’ve failed over and over and over again in my life. And that is why I succeed. …Michael Jordan

SUSAN HOLMES Happy New Year! I hope you all enjoyed Christmas and were able to relax and recharge. I enjoyed seeing those that could make it to Big Al’s. And I look forward to getting to know each of you better. The new year is traditionally a time to take a fresh look and make any needed changes. Take time to make some long range goals for yourself, personal or professional. Then identify the incremental steps necessary to get there. Success happens one step at a time. Personally, if I take too much on at once, I set myself up for failure. My long range goal is to be more fit. I have started by getting a Fitbit to see where I am at. And I am getting back into yoga. I wish you great success in whatever you set your sights on! Be kind, work hard, stay humble, smile often, stay loyal, be honest, travel when possible, never stop learning, be thankful always, and love.

Charity and Community Involvement Giving is definitely more special than receiving! Branch 260 of Spokane, Washington adopted a family through the Salvation Army for the holiday season consisting of a young mother, 4 year old girl, 2 year old boy, and 9 month old baby girl. This family has recently moved into their very own apartment, previously homeless. Hopefully, we will make their Christmas the best ever! They will receive new, coordinating household items for every room; cute, warm clothes for everyone, and exciting toys for all the kids. (Also diapers, baby wipes, and a gift card for groceries and housing essentials that are not as much fun as the gifts, but definitely necessary) In addition, we collected warm winter clothing for homeless men and women served by the Union Gospel Mission, and pet food, toys, and monetary donations for the Spokane Regional Animal Protection Service to help out our furry friends. Left to right: Kristi Lacroix, Manesseh Castro, Linda Bloom, Lynn Hergenreder, Ann Schnibbe, Steve Linnenkamp, Sheryl Ossello, and Carole Condon Since opening its doors in 1988, Covenant House Alaska (CHA) has served thousands of homeless, at-risk, and trafficked youth in Anchorage. They help youth in crisis 24 hours a day, seven days a week, 365 days a year. While meeting the basic needs of youth in crisis, Covenant House Anchorage also provides them with the support to become healthy, self-sufficient, contributing members of our community. The McKean Team supports their efforts by regularly donating laundry baskets full of needed items for youth first entering Covenant House. Leon also put some Academy promotional items in the Leon McKean basket: lip conditioner, hand sanitizer, and some fidgits for fun!

Charity and Community Involvement Thank-you everyone for your donations to the boxs upfront for the Angel Wings Network- --I am delivering a first round of items in the morning… picture attached, plus Walmart also donated to our cause a couple of hundred dollars more! Ryan Shelby with Meridan, Idaho - Academy Mortgage implemented this charity. Charitable Christmas Donations with Local Riding Club Kelly Beebe donated a Dyson Vacuum, Ryan Shelby donated $100.00, Jennifer Bender, Bonnie Maxwell, Fran Larsh, Christy Milliren and Angela Bowden donated Toys and Clothes to both of these families. Thank you notes from both families below.

CHOOSE YOUR ATTITUDE: Laugh a little!! Miss Ev in her bright sunglasses. May Ev’s future look bright for 2018!

Shout out to all of the closers, funders, and UW’s. Great job all year!!!!!!!!!!! Thank you very much from all of us in CDA. ~Scott Petersen I would like to give a shout out to Pearl Smith for jumping in and helping me so much while Jeanne was out. Can’t say how much I appreciate your constant willingness to jump in where needed and for being such a great part of our Academy Family… ~Kelly Beebe Shout Out to Fran, Brandi, Modesty, Jonathan, Stacey and Susan for handling my files while I was on vacation. ~Christy Milliren I would like to send a shout out to Jeanne Armstrong for working her “little you know what” off and getting everything submitted, approved and to docs before she left for vacation, just to make it easier on me and the processors. I really appreciated it and am so thankful for your dedication. You are a great part of the Academy Family.. ~Kelly Beebe I’d like to give a HUGE shout out to Amy Hobbing! Great job on coordinating the branch relocation, and all the other stuff you do to keep our branch running – most of it all done behind the scenes – We all love you!!!! ~Darla Austin

Thank you to the Leon Team…. Leon, Sandi, Dena, Kris and Vicki for all you did to get us ready for our big move, with picking out paint samples, flooring, blinds and overseeing the project for me. You all are so amazing and I can’t tell you how blessed I feel to work with each and every one of you and to have you as part of the Academy Family.. Here is to 2018 in our new office!! ~Kelly Beebe Shout to Lynn, she is always available and willing to help with such a positive attitude it makes it easy to go to her and ask for help. Thanks Lynn you make working for Academy great. ~Ela Conner Huge Shout Out to Dave Schile for helping to pull a really great Christmas Party together. I am sure most employees enjoyed their time and it was great getting everyone together, especially the newest employees. Thank you Dave!! ~Angela Bowden Thank you to Georgea, Mike, Tina, Alice and Jen for welcoming Carolyn Summerton to the office, a new location for her. It warms my heart on how you opened your arms with joy for her to be a part of the branch. Thank you Carolyn for your constant kindness and compassion you show to me, your clients (realtors and borrowers) and all who come into your path. You are such a great part of our Academy Family.. ~Kelly Beebe

“Shout Out to Dave Schile!” Thank you for the Wonderful Christmas Party, Songs, and to ”Santa Ben!” for entertaining us and making us laugh!!! Ha-Ha! I especially “LOVED” meeting everyone at the Christmas Party from all of our branches locally and getting to see all of your shining faces! Also, a BIG Thanks to Fran Larsh for all her help with WORKADAY SUPPORT! Lastly, to everyone that had to put up with me in 2017 – Ha-Ha!! ~Laura Alexander “I just wanted to thank everyone for helping make my first year of Moth- erhood so special. Your love and sup- port towards Sophia and it means the world to me. I am so blessed to be a part of this Academy family. I truly can’t thank everyone enough.” ~Jennifer Bender Shout Out to MAUREEN MILLER!!! I am always in awe of what she accomplishes in a Month — considering she processes her own loans. You go girl!!! ~Angela Bowden

I want to give a shout out to everyone in the new and improved Legacy branch. This last couple of weeks has been semi-organized chaos with the move/merger of the two branches. Everyone has been awesome! Special thanks to Amy Hobbing for putting in all of the extra effort to make sure it was all taken care of – like she always does. Thanks Amy! ~Jason Oswald I want to give a shout out to my Underwriters: Tina Helm Zoe Cruz Becky Godina Melanie Baldwin Tak Imanishi and CJ Martin Thanks for being FANTASTIC! ~Kristine Link Shout out to Angie Bowden for putting together this monthly newsletter for our viewing pleasure! I can only imagine how much work goes into making it happen. Great job Doll!!  ~Amy Hobbing

TOP THREE LOAN PRODUCERS FOR 2017 JASON OSWALD $71,838,232 DAVE PERRY $48,389,455 TERA DAVIS $32,391,601 TOP THREE BRANCHES FOR 2017 LEGACY—MERIDIAN $131,472,246 MERIDIAN $130,399,010 COEUR D’ ALENE $38,242,295 President’s Club Executive Club Top Producer’s Jason Oswald Dave Perry Ryan Shelby Terry Anderson Tera Davis Scott Petersen Mike Lipinski Leon McKean John Spiker Karen Wright Leon Baker Lynn Hergenreder Maureen Miller Whittney Curran Jennifer Bender Vicki Leavitt Kelly Beebe

DECEMBER NUMBERS TOP FIVE BRANCHES IN THE NORTHWEST REGION Legacy Meridian 12,939,769 Meridian 11,719,403 Meridian Overland 5,310,205 Nampa 12th Avenue 3,040,538 Walla Walla II 2,573,050 TOP TEN IN VOLUME TOP TEN IN PURCHASE VOLUME Jason Oswald 7,159,946 Jason Oswald 6,220,921 David Perry 5,574,853 David Perry 4,259,219 Vicki Leavitt 2,633,483 Tera Davis 2,573,050 Tera Davis 2,573,050 Ryan Shelby 2,269,309 Whittney Curran 2,455,870 Whittney Curran 2,194,678 Ryan Shelby 2,374,309 Michael Julius 1,632,587 Scott Petersen 2,350,023 Anissa Franklin 1,575,536 Leon Baker 1,918,735 Leon McKean 1,567,308 John Spiker 1,686,434 Scott Petersen 1,549,423 Michael Julius 1,632,587 Maureen Miller 1,507,454 If you never try and take great opportunities or allow your dreams to become realities, you will never unleash your true potential. Fear of failure (or even fear of success) often prevents you from taking action and putting your creation out there in the world. But a lot of opportunities will be lost if you wait for things to be right.

NORTHWEST LOAN OFFICERS 1. Jason Oswald $7,159,946 23. Robert Beisly $633,775 2. David Perry $5,574,853 24. Frank Keller $574,692 3. Vicki Leavitt $2,633,483 25. David Moberly $544,260 4. Tera Davis $2,573,050 26. Dalton Clark $508,500 5. Whittney Curran $2,455,870 27. Dave Baldwin $498,831 6. Ryan Shelby $2,374,309 28. Lisa Miles $408,600 7. Scott Petersen $2,350,023 29. Alice Thomas $403,654 8. Leon Baker $1,918,735 30. Lance Sweet $348,667 9. John Spiker $1,686,434 31. Kelly Beebe $316,304 10. Michael Julius $1,632,587 32. Kristi Lacroix $307,991 11. Anissa Franklin $1,575,536 33. Mike Lipinski $732,874 12. Leon McKean $1,567,308 34. Stephanie Johnson $249,000 13. Maureen Miller $1,507,454 35. Craig Soelberg $235,000 14. Terry Anderson $1,254,223 36. Craig Ballhagen $214,051 15. Carolyn Summerton $1,121,803 37. Steve Linnenkamp $212,823 16. Jennifer Bender $963,709 38. Robert Beisly $204,970 17. Karen Wright $943,959 39. Mike McLean $186,868 18. Michael Louden $694,675 19. Teresa Metz $678,412 40. Anne Erickson $180,500 20. Jason Kaiman $677,000 41. Michelle Mireles $128,000 21. Cheryl Lipp $659,315 42. Tina Ellis $95,000 22. Heidi Bateman $635,200 Total Loan Volume $49,622,244

SOME VERY SAD NEWS TO SHARE WITH ALL OF YOU Ev’s (Evelyn Cox—Meridian, Idaho office) 2 year old granddaughter has been diagnosed with a DIPG (an inoperable brain tumor). Below is a GoFundMe account for them. They can use any and all support that is able to get to the family. Ev of course is struggling as you can imagine. She knows we are passing this on and that it will most likely bring some emails - calls to her. She is trying really hard to be as positive, without tears as she can be..

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