NW REGIONAL NEWSLETTER Newsletter for July, August and September 2020 Summer 2020…one for the record books! Life in a pandemic has been highly unusual with so many industry’s struggling we are at the opposite end of the spectrum with more business then we have operations staff to handle. This is a snapshot of the 3rd quarter closings, July 111,993,579, August 112,432,865, September 113,170,527. Through September we have closed 834M, all last year we closed 707M, we are tracking to do over 1.1B. Many branch and individual sales records have been broken in the 3rd quarter. We also have 7 team members who have qualified for President’s Club and 5 that have reached Executive Club with still 3 months to go. I want to give a big Shout Out to Tera Davis who was selected as the Affiliate of the Year by the Washington State Realtors Association! This is for the entire state and not just the Walla Walla association, huge honor! Ev and I do not have a day go by without having to answer questions on underwriting turn times. The only way to get them lowered is staffing and I am thrilled during the 3rd quarter underwriters Marcy Haynie and Karen Fogg joined our Academy family! Ev has another underwriter starting in 11 days, but who is counting. We also needed to expand our closing department I am excited that Kristine Lyman, Julia Hope, and Jennifer Tiemeier came aboard! I want to thank all our operations teams for the long hours and the added stress with the unimaginable volume. You have performed incredibly and please know how much you are appreciated! The pandemic sent many of you home and even with all the distractions you have done an amazing job. Those of you who are also home schooling, I am truly in awe. Records do not happen without all of you! The hardest part of the pandemic is not seeing everyone’s smiling faces, zoom calls are a poor excuse for face to face interaction. I yearn for the day that you don’t have to put on a mask to leave the house, that there is civility between those protecting themselves and others and those that believe it is their constitutional right to not wear a mask. It is important that each and everyone of you take care of yourselves and your family’s. This is not a time to worry about things we have no control over. “Worry is like a rocking chair: It gives you something to do but never gets you anywhere.”- Erma Bombeck. -Dave Schile
EVELYN COX I normally start off with some “Did You Knows”; however, during this special time; we have encountered numerous things that had us all scratching our heads and leaning heavily on the guidelines to make sure we weren’t over/under thinking the situation because the guides where changing so rapidly due to COVID. I am so excited to have Region Operations teams growing; to provide more of a work/life balance that many of us have missed over the last 6 months or longer – it sure seems like we have been running full throttle for a long time. As we grow, we will be able to get our turn times down to a reasonable expectation and give the teams much needed breaks. I’m really looking forward to adding that 10th underwriter to the team; and in closing we have 7 fulltime closers and 3 funders, the only position not filled yet is that of the Underwriting Manager; which we are still looking for the ideal person. I miss seeing the smiling faces, which we get to catch up on when we do our Zoom calls; it’s always nice to hear laughter and funny stories about things. The year 2020 is definitely one for the books – and we still have 4th quarter to survive. We have managed to go remote and still remain effective. I remember back in March, when we started the discussion of working remote, and people were like, concerned about it and now they can’t believe how easy it was to get into the system of being remote. In every pandemic, we all have opted to take something “additional” on, and I’m not any different than most. In June, I lost my mind and adopted Oliver aka Ollie. While I might have thought harder about it and longer, but anyway, Ollie is about 7 months old and weighs just over 70 lbs.; so he loves children; my granddaughter just can’t get enough of Ollie time; I think he outweighs her by a good 25 or so pounds, thank fully he isn’t carrying any kids off – yet. “It’s Nana – can Ollie have a sleep over?” – I know how I rate now. For laughs…… Which is smarter, longitude or latitude? Longitude, because it has 360 degrees What did the grape do when it was stepped on? It let out a little wine Why are fish so smart? They are always in schools. Why was the coach yelling at the vending machine? He wanted his quarter back.
Happy Anniversary to Bonnie Maxwell! I can’t believe it’s been seven years already! Here is to many more good years to come! Love ya lady! ~Jen Bender A huge special shout out to Ryan Shelby, you have been such a huge blessing in my life and you do not get enough credit for all the support, help, knowledge, assistance and most of all your friendship that you have given me all these years. I don’t say it enough so THANK YOU! P.S. Soph want’s to know, “What’s Shelby Doing?” Hugs my friend, ~ Jen Bender THANK YOU, THANK YOU, THANK YOU to Ev and her entire team! I truly feel we have the best underwriters, closers and funders. I am not sure how you continue to keep up with the volume we are experiencing but I am so lucky to work with all of you. ~ Ann Schnibbe SHOUT OUT TO: Kelly Beebe for picking up and processing for our team! I thank her enough! Truly an incredible team member and asset to this company! SHOUT OUT TO: Gabi Rhoades, Fran Larsh, Christy Milliren, Brandi Albers, Maggie Weekes, Julia Hope, Mike Larsh, Vicki Green and Ben Schile for all their help closing and funding one of the most productive seasons many of us have ever seen! SHOUT OUT TO: Angela Bowden for being such an incredible marketer and ALWAYS helping with ideas and creativity toward making my business shine! ~ Jonathan Michalski
Big Shout out to Darla Austin for being one of the top processors in the region! She has processed a record breaking amount of loans year to date. We are lucky to have her on our team! Shout out to Taylor Zingg for taking on a new role and jumping right in. The addition of Taylor to our team has allowed the Dave Perry Team to grow in leaps and bounds! Glad to have you part of team. Big Shout out to Dave Perry and Jason Oswald for being great bosses and showing their staff how much they appreciate them. I feel honored to work for these men. Congratulations on setting record breaking production numbers this year. I am grateful to be a part of the team. Shout out to Brandi Albers and Maggie Weekes for working long hours to make sure all our loans get closed. We couldn’t do it without you. Huge thank you to Natalie, Sara, and Marissa for working in the office so the rest of our team can work from home with no worries. I appreciate you manning the office, phones, and all the other details that go along with making our office a safe and inviting workplace. I love Devy! She is fun loving, smart, and very approachable. She always has time to answer a question or say hi. I’m so glad you are on our team. We are lucky to have you!!! ~ Heidi Williamson HUGE shout out to Danielle Costa, Justin Petersen and Ashley Craig for all of the hard work keeping the CDA Branch running I can’t say thank you enough!!!!!!!!!!!! ~ Scott Petersen
DEBBIE HENDERSON I seriously couldn’t survive this craziness with- out you! THANK YOU for everything that you do for me!! I’m beyond grateful for you!! You’ve been an AMAZING addition to our team!! - Lacie Zachary A big thank you to all of our UW’s, Closers and funders from CDA! You all are AWESOME! ~ Scott Petersen Too many hero’s to acknowledge!! This month, I would like to recognize our fabulous closers and funders to work tirelessly to make the last step in this process seamless. We are blessed to have such an awesome group. Thank you! ~Lynn Hergenreder SHOUT OUT for Carol Martin, Ann Schnibbe, Fran and Mike Larsh. All of these worked way above and beyond on a file that looked like it would NEVER close, with tenacity and fabulous attitude and assistance. I work with an AMAZING team!!!! ~ Brenda Heller GINOURMOUS shout out to Danielle Costa, our processor. Danielle jumped in as a processor, WITH NO TRAINING, in mid February, and has been a processing phenom. We forget how new you are at your job, and we can’t say THANK YOU often enough Plus we appreciate the fact you still smile and laugh, in spite of how busy you are So glad you’re on our team!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! ~ Ashley, Justin, and Scott in CDA Shout out to the Bender Team for SMASHING their personal record of closed volume in the Month of September! Congratulations to Jeanne, Casja, Tressa, and Laura A for the assist helping them break their record! ~ The Shelby team
Thank you to every person in Operations! I appreciate and value the long hours, missed weekends and incredibly supportive and kind words of encouragement. You all are Incredible!! Exceptional Lifesaver Loyal Intelligent Encouraging Thank you Ellie for being all these things and so much more. I could not do this job without you! Shout out to Branch Manager Leon McKean. No matter how busy you are, you jump in and provides guidance when needed! I sure appreciate you! ~Monica Barton I’d like to thank Dave for allowing support and grace as we navigate thru this heavy volume and our ever changing environment. He is always just a call away to help support us in all we need and I am super grateful for that! I’d like to also think Ev and her team over and over and over again. I know you are buried in loans coming in daily and you’ve done an amazing job prioritizing, hearing us out, and dealing with us. Without a strong team surrounding us all we would never be able to stay sane, so thank you!! A SPECIAL shout out to Kelsey King for being a rockstar. She picked up the jobs of two this last week and did an amazing job staying on top of it all. THANK YOU Kelsey!!! ~ Tera Davis
• Lacie – What’s it been now, over 10 years that you’ve been putting up with Jason and myself? That should be worthy of an award by itself! You’re as good as it gets, and we’re so grateful to have you as part of our team for all of these years. • Carole – Your steadiness and consistency is impressive. You’ve always got a smile on your face, and it helps us keep things light & enjoyable! • Marissa – It’s been fun to see you learning and growing into your new role. It’s great to have you as part of our team! • Brandi – I miss seeing you at the office! However, we know you’re working so hard to keep things to- gether and keep people happy! I hope that your role never feels like it’s “thankless” because we’re so grateful to have you! • Maggie – It’s great to know that we can simply depend on you to get done what needs to be done! You’ve been doing this for a while, and knowing that there’s not much that you haven’t seen at this point gives us confidence that whenever you’re involved, it will be done, and done right! • Devy – Aside from being an absolute riot to talk to, we’re so grateful to have you as part of our under- writing team! You’ve been a huge asset to us, especially during this crazy time. Can’t wait to put names to faces with you sometime in the future, hopefully soon! • Tina – I swear you are the “one touch” queen! Thank you for helping us reach, and then exceed our goals as a branch! Your reliability is a huge asset! • Tara – I’ve never seen someone just grind out the work like you do! Jason is lucky to have you on his team for sure! • Debbie – I’ve been told several times how helpful you’ve been and how much having you on the team as been a game changer. Well done! • John – Congrats on a year that’s already been impressive to say the least! It’s amazing to watch you reach, exceed, then conquer new production goals… Congrats! • Charles – It’s been enjoyable to watch you learn and grow in your production, as well as what you thought you could become. Keep it up, you’ll continue to break through barriers and set new benchmarks for your success. • Mardee – It’s always great to see your smiling face, and know that you’re doing all you can to make peo- ple happy. John is lucky to have you on his team! • Nicci- Congrats on doing some amazing numbers this year so far! Impressive! • Bob – I know that we haven’t spoken much since COVID came about, but you and Nicci are doing great and blowing up your previous numbers! Well done! • Mike – If I was going to pick a spot to hunker down during COVID, McCall would be the place! You keep making it happen and doing great things. Nice! • Kristine – Welcome to the Academy family! It’s been awesome working with you and thank you for get- ting our loans funded with efficiency! Ev -You’re always there to help when I have an off the wall question on how to make a deal work. Thank you for being dependable and helpful! If I missed someone, please forgive me! ~ Dave Perry
Whittney Curran – thank you so much for taking time to answer all mine and my teams ques- tions. I know your very busy and you jumping in to help answer the questions is very appreciated. Angela Bowden – I can not thank you enough for offering to jump in and fill a need that you saw. It took a huge stress of my shoulders and gave me time to focus on other areas of my job. Thank you so much! Jeanne Armstrong and Casja Weatherbie – thank you both so much for continuing to rock it each and every month, I know your burning both ends of the candle and I hope you know it’s very appreciated! Closers and Funders – thank you all for working so hard to make sure all our files get CD’s, Loan Docs and Wires out for our files. I know the numbers of files you all have on your plate is huge and your diligent effort it’s very appreciated! Laura Alexander- Thank you for keeping my plants well-tended at the office and for taking care of the clients who come in and drop off documents. Seeing a friendly face during this time does wonders for people. Also, the clients are enjoying their wrapped thank you gifts so thank you for making them look so beautiful! Bonnie and Laura LaHorgue – what can I say ladies, you both spoil me. Thank you for doing all that you do. I am proud of how much the team has adapted to paperless and working remote. I truly would be crazier if it wasn’t for you both! Kelly, Dave and Ev – I can tell you I don’t envy any of your roles especially during hard times like this. Just know your efforts are not going unnoticed. Branch 115 – I miss you guys! I miss smelling your stinky eggs cooking in the morning (eggs in a microwave seems wrong), your yummy popcorn in the afternoon and all the four letter words I hear when you get stuck with an empty coffee pot. I miss seeing your faces as we rushed about during our busy days. Yes, I even miss hearing about all the very important golf updates and other crucial sporting events that is talked about so earnestly. Most of all I miss seeing my work family, I hope you are all ok and surviving these crazy times. Know that each and every one of you are very missed! Hugs! P.S. Sophie still talks about coming to the office and remembers all your names, thank you for being a family for my kids too, I will always treasure that! ~Jennifer Bender I would like to send out a thank you to the sales and management groups. I have received gifts and notes of encouragement throughout this unique time and it’s much appreciated. Those things go a long way, especially when we are all separated from each other in our personal bubbles. Thank you so much, I know this time has been hard for you as well. ~ Tina Helm
CONGRATULATION TERA DAVIS! Tera Davis won the Washington Realtors Affiliate of the Year (for the state). They are not doing the formal ceremony this year to announce it so this email is it. Tried to call you to tell you in person, but thinking you may be out for a long holiday weekend. Congratulations! Hi Viki – Happy Friday! I wanted to let you know that your nominee for the Affiliate of the Year (Tera Davis, Academy Mortgage) was selected by the WR Awards Task Force to receive the award! Since we are not hosting a live awards ceremony this year due to COVID-19, we will be announcing all of the award winners in the Kick-off Event at the Virtual 2020 Fall Business Conference. Normally, our award winners would be present at a luncheon and would get a little stage time to accept their award. To make up for that, we are sending all of our award winners a beautiful wooden box with their engraved glass cube award inside, a really nice bottle of champagne and two champagne flutes with the WR logo engraved on them. Plus, we’ll include an insert with a message from President Kitty Wallace congratulating Tera and thanking her for her service to the industry. Viki Hendrickson Executive Officer 6 ½ N. Second Ave #314 Walla Walla Association of Realtors 509-525-0934
Laugh a little
MEET OUR NEWEST EMPLOYEES Julia Hope Closer 2 Kalispell, Montana I live in Kalispell, MT with my husband, 3 daughters (Ages-4, 2, 1) and 2 dogs. I have worked in the mortgage industry for about 7 years, 5 years as a closer. I enjoy running outdoors, especially trail running. Also, love to spend time at one of the many lakes in NW Montana. Either relaxing on the shore or on our boat. I’m excited to be part of the Academy family! I live in Cedar Rapids, Iowa, I am married to Jonathan and have three children, Payton, Wade, and Zoe and a dog named Trooper. I enjoy time with family, fishing, swimming, reading, and crafting. My favorite place to visit is our cabin on Eagle Lake, in Ontario, Canada – wish we could go there this year! Jennifer Tiemeier Closer 3 Cedar Rapids, Iowa
MEET OUR NEWEST EMPLOYEES Mike Anderson I was born and raised in Boise. I graduated from Bishop Kelly before attending Creighton Processor I University, where I was recruited to play soccer. After Creighton, I moved to Dallas Meridian, Idaho where I coached youth club soccer, wrote for several websites and magazines, including ESPN, and joined the communications staff at the US Youth Soccer Association; the largest youth sports organization in the country. In 2013 I moved to Seattle, where I was asked to revamp the marketing and communications department at the Washington State Youth Soccer Association. After five years there I joined Protime Sports, a sports apparel manufacturer, as their Director of Marketing. This past Spring, I decided to return to Boise as a more appealing long-term destination and joined Academy this month! I am working as a processor and am in the process of getting licensed to join the Anderson team. Besides being an avid sports fan, I enjoy music, art, travelling and the outdoors. “Born and raised in the San Francisco Bay Area, I Rich Gega have recently relocated to Coeur D’Alene, Idaho to Transaction Coordinator settle down and enjoy the natural beauty that North Idaho has to Rathdrum, Idaho offer. In my free time, I enjoy hunting, fishing, camping, and my newest hobby, archery. I was previously a Loan Officer for Academy Mortgage in Walnut Creek, CA, and more recently, a Business Development Manager for SocialSurvey, (some of you may recognize me from setting up your SocialSurvey page!). I am excited to return to Academy with the awesome team here at the Rathdrum branch as I start my new life in Idaho!”
MEET OUR NEWEST EMPLOYEES Marcy Haynie Underwriter III Meridian, Idaho I’m an Idaho native and spend my time partly in Idaho and in Maryland as we have kids and grandkids on both sides of the country and my husband works in Washington DC part of the time. I’ve been in the mortgage business for over 25 years and pretty much done it all. I love underwriting and have a passion for helping borrowers become homeowners or benefit from home ownership. I have 2 kids + 4 by marriage and we have 10 grandchildren. We love the outdoors, spending time family, and gardening. We recently took a trek across the country camping in our Rpod to avoid hotels just so we could see everyone. Karen Fogg Underwriter Northwest Region I have a husband and three kids, one girl 26yrs old and 2 boys one 20yrs and one 23yrs,. And 2 grandbabies one little girl that is 22 months old and one a little boy that is 2 1/2 months old. And I have 1 dog and a 1 cat. One big happy family!
From the Desk of Scott Petersen Now we get to be in the IHFA annual report to their shareholders!!!!!!!!! This will be in their annual report distributed to everyone at the end of the year Kinda cool Hi Scott, Thank you again for your help with this story. Below is my draft. Please let me know if it sounds okay to your or if there is anything you’d like changed. We really appreciate it! A Dream Home in the Making When Alfredo first dreamed of owning a home, he had something very specific in mind. That home was unatainable at first so he decided on a starter home instead. He recently resumed the search for the perfect home, but couldn’t quite find exactly what he had in mind and high home prices in north- ern Idaho, combined with some debt he’d incurred was making it seem unattainable once again. Or, so he thought. Determined, Aflredo found a home that needed a complete remodel, but having building skills he knew he could make it into exactly what he was dreaming of for his blended family of six; including four preteens and teens. He proceeded with the loan process, which included taking a Finally Home! Homebuyer Education course necessary to qualify for a second mortgage. “Although I had experi- ence from owning a home previously, it was a great refresher,” said Alfredo. “It would be very in- formative for helping a first-time buyer, including how to chose what type of lender you want to work with.” Alfredo was able to qualify for a FHA loan as well as a Second Loan through Idaho Housing. “With Alfredo’s equity from the sale of his first home, he was able to pay off his bills which fixed his debt ratio, allowing the new loan to be possible,” said Scott Petersen, branch manager with Academy Mortgage. “I worked with Alfredo on the loan for his first house and it’s so gratifying to help such a nice family again.” With Scott’s help and the second mortgage, Alfredo was able to retain funds to remodel the house to his liking. “We’ve gutted the house and rebuilt everything except the master bedroom already,” said Alfredo. “The kids are excited for the next stage since they get to pick the color and décor of their rooms. It’s turned out great for the entire family.” Leslie Perkins Senior Marketing Coordinator Idaho Housing and Finance Association
July 2020 TOP FIVE BRANCHES IN THE NORTHWEST REGION *Indicates Record Volume LEGACY MERIDIAN 36,979,553 MERIDIAN 23,233,026 WALLA WALLA II 7,979,160 NAMPA—IDAHO CENTER 7,086,658 COEUR D’ ALENE 6,935,581 TOP TEN IN VOLUME TOP TEN IN PURCHASE VOLUME Jason Oswald *14,087,895 Jason Oswald 10,288,575 David Perry 10,975,219 David Perry 6,652,354 Tera Davis 7,210,662 Tera Davis 5,597,264 Leon Baker 7,086,658 Monica Barton 4,857,792 Monica Barton *5,829,511 Scott Petersen 5,693,070 Leon Baker 4.514,408 John Spiker 5,647,246 Whittney Curran 4,755,342 John Spiker 3,955,946 Maureen Miller 4,710,783 Scott Peterson 2,734,820 Maureen Miller 2,516,623 Whittney Curran 2,378,142 Jennifer Bender 4,171,032 Cheryl Lipp 2,369,013 “The purpose of our life is to be happy.” ~ Dalai Lama “You only live once, but if you do it right, once is enough.” ~ Mae West
NORTHWEST LOAN OFFICERS JULY 2020 * Indicates Record Volume 1. Jason Oswald *$14,087,895 20. Lynn Hergenreder $1,759,700 2. David Perry $1,630,920 3. Tera Davis $10,975,219 21. Mike McLean $1,545,302 4. Leon Baker *$1,484,488 5. Monica Barton $7,210,662 22. Tressa Anderson *$1,420,337 6. Scott Petersen $1,183,100 7. John Spiker $7,086,658 23. Teresa Thomas $1,123,395 8. Whittney Curran $1,037,990 9. Maureen Miller *$5,829,511 24. Jonathan Michalski $1,000,511 10. Jennifer Bender $996,861 11. Ryan Shelby $5,693,070 25. Garrit McGuire $802,124 12. Michael Julius $768,498 13. Cheryl Lipp $5,647,246 26. Alicia Chaves $733,790 14. Georgea Lipinski $563,751 15. Nichole Thueson $4,755,342 27. Charles Stevenson $510,000 16. Austyn Shuman $4,710,783 28. Marty Fortier *$489,250 17. Vicki Leavitt $4,171,032 29. Tina Ellis $455,200 18. Teresa Dean $4,126,035 30. Mike Lipinski $260,100 19. Leon McKean 31. Jim Tackett $242,000 $111,993,579 *$3,233,941 32. Kelly Beebe *$2,979,513 33. Judy Woods $2,567,304 34. Jamie Nettles $2,417,183 35. Leonard Holladay $2,248,799 36. Andrew Tschida $2,171,791 37. Alice Thomas $2,071,000 38. Anne Erickson $2,003,278 Total Volume
August 2020 TOP FIVE BRANCHES IN THE NORTHWEST REGION LEGACY MERIDIAN 32,556,350 MERIDIAN 25,651,642 WALLA WALLA II 9,040,437 NAMPA—IDAHO CENTER 8,773,094 COEUR D’ALENE 8,229,500 *Indicates Record Volume TOP TEN IN VOLUME TOP TEN IN PURCHASE VOLUME David Perry 11,230,123 David Perry 7,439,573 Jason Oswald 10,329,540 Jason Oswald 7,215,629 Leon Baker *8,773,094 Whittney Curran 5,606,595 Tera Davis 7,128,537 Leon Baker 5,317,535 Scott Petersen 6,853,598 Whittney Curran 6,250,395 Tera Davis 4,625,678 Ryan Shelby *6,169,680 John Spiker 5,234,533 Scott Petersen 4,551,498 Vicki Leavitt *3,572,195 Ryan Shelby 3,940,880 John Spiker 3,384,633 Leon McKean 3,202,133 Leon McKean 3,508,419 Monica Barton 2,289,484 “The way I see it, if you want the rainbow, you gotta put up with the rain.” ~Dolly Parton “Many of life’s failures are people who did not realize how close they were to success when they gave up.” ~ Thomas A. Edison
NORTHWEST LOAN OFFICERS AUGUST 2020 * Indicates Record Volume 1. David Perry $11,230,123 21. Tina Ellis *$1,650,655 2. Jason Oswald $10,329,540 3. Leon Baker *$8,773,094 22. Jamie Nettles $1,648,570 4. Tera Davis $7,128,537 5. Scott Petersen $6,853,598 23. Alice Thomas *$1,459,480 6. Whittney Curran $6,250,395 7. Ryan Shelby *$6,169,680 24. Charles Stevenson *$1,406,905 8. John Spiker $5,234,533 9. Vicki Leavitt *$3,572,195 25. Jonathan Michalski $1,390,016 10. Leon McKean $3,508,419 11. Maureen Miller $3,294,010 26. Georgea Lipinski $1,336,863 12. Jennifer Bender $3,003,490 13. Mike McLean $2,727,468 27. Teresa Thomas $1,310,414 14. Michael Julius $2,647,090 15. Monica Barton $2,289,484 28. Teresa Dean $1,278,975 16. Cheryl Lipp $1,998,104 17. Alicia Chaves $1,959,834 29. Nichole Thueson $1,257,781 18. Jim Tackett *$1,911,900 19. Andrew Tschida *$1,772,472 30. Austyn Shuman $1,206,936 20. Lynn Hergenreder $1,672,810 31. Marty Fortier $1,034,226 32. Brenda Heller $951,332 33. Tressa Anderson $839,000 34. Kelly Beebe $750,400 35. Mike Lipinski $682,924 36. Carolyn Summerton $467,000 37. Jared Carlisle $382,936 38. Garrit McGuire $370,000 39. Anne Erickson $341,676 40. Frank Keller $340,000 Total Volume $112,432,865
September 2020 TOP FIVE BRANCHES IN THE NORTHWEST REGION LEGACY MERIDIAN 34,892,383 MERIDIAN 27,518,797 WALLA WALLA II 7,639,322 COEUR D’ ALENE 7,562,634 WASILLA 6,605,275 *Indicates Record Volume TOP TEN IN VOLUME TOP TEN IN PURCHASE VOLUME Jason Oswald 11,804,735 Jason Oswald 7,831,635 David Perry 11,580,414 David Perry 6,269,380 Jennifer Bender *7,477,605 Monica Barton 4,541,945 John Spiker 6,638,271 Whittney Curran 3,659,334 Tera Davis 5,647,922 Leon Baker 5,597,796 Tera Davis 3,657,011 Scott Petersen 5,386,884 Monica Barton 5,094,574 Leon Baker 3,609,496 Maureen Miller 4,875,970 Ryan Shelby 3,185,392 Leon McKean 2,755,037 Jennifer Bender 2,703,839 Whittney Curran 4,488,334 Scott Petersen 2,655,734 “Never forget the people who take time out of their day to check up on you.” “When someone helps you and they’re struggling too. That’s not help, that’s Love”
NORTHWEST LOAN OFFICERS SEPTEMBER 2020 * Indicates Record Volume 1. Jason Oswald $11,804,735 Teresa Dean $1,649,834 2. David Perry $11,580,414 Cheryl Lipp $1,589,528 3. Jennifer Bender *$7,477,605 Alicia Chaves $1,472,713 4. John Spiker $6,638,271 Anne Erickson $1,461,150 5. Tera Davis $5,647,922 Mike McLean $1,453,329 6. Leon Baker $5,597,796 Tressa Anderson $1,414,949 7. Scott Petersen $5,386,884 Teresa Thomas $1,325,558 8. Monica Barton $5,094,574 Nichole Thueson $1,318,265 9. Maureen Miller $4,875,970 Jamie Nettles $1,171,500 10. Whittney Curran $4,488,334 Andrew Tschida $1,161,853 11. Ryan Shelby $4,261,363 Judy Woods $860,266 12. Vicki Leavitt $2,978,457 Jared Carlisle *$838,724 13. Leon McKean $2,969,178 Tina Ellis $737,201 14. Charles Stevenson *$2,290,399 Marty Fortier $714,600 15. Austyn Shuman $2,254,222 Brenda Heller $698,000 16. Georgea Lipinski $2,204,587 Leonard Holladay *$671,977 17. Jonathan Michalski *$2,021,053 Alice Thomas $667,913 18. Jim Tackett *$1,991,400 Mike Lipinski $446,500 19. Michael Julius $1,920,241 Frank Keller $130,000 20. Lynn Hergenreder $1,903,262 Total Volume $113,170,527
C L U B Q President’s Club: Jason Oswald, Dave Perry, Tera Davis, Leon Baker, Scott Petersen, Whittney Curran, U Kelly Beebe A L Executive Club: Monica Barton, John Spiker, I Ryan Shelby, Jennifer Bender, Lynn Hergenreder F I SHOOT FOR THE STARS You have three months to reach Executive Club or E move from Executive Club to President’s Club, go for R it!
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