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Home Explore Reading Comprehension for Ebook

Reading Comprehension for Ebook

Published by saranporn1296, 2020-06-16 05:07:47

Description: Reading Comprehension for Ebook


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Recycling Paper Recycling paper is a big part of keeping our environment clean. When paper, cardboard or wood products are recycled, we don't need to chop as many trees down. Recycling ensures the water is polluted 35 percent less and the air is polluted 74 percent less than they would be otherwise. The recycling process can be highly complex. First, the customer throws out old magazines, juice cartons, and even telephone directories. Second, a recycling truck comes around to homes and office buildings. This truck picks up those and takes them to a recycling plant. Then various types of paper are sorted by grade. This is the third process. Getting the ink out of the paper fiber is the fourth and most important process. This is called the deinking process. All the ink on newspapers, scrap paper and even milk cartons needs to be removed. It involves a difficult chemical and mechanical process. The paper is washed with soapy water. This removes the ink and any plastic coating or glue. At this point, the paper is very wet and mushy. The fifth process is putting this wet paper into a vast holding tank.

The staff at the recycling plant then adds different material to the wet paper. This is how different types of new paper are ma1d. _e_.__O__f__cocoumrspele, xA4 paper forAcompliguhtet rbopxreinstoerrsconnetaeidnesrtso, be a typically one made of waxed cardboard different thickness than thatoor fpplaaspticeringwrohcicehrdyrbinakgs so.rTfhooedssitxutfhfs are packaged. pro2c. _e_s_s__i_s__spvareriaodusing the typesBof pathpeersuornrotuonldairngges oflractosnhdeiteiotsn.s in The largest of these sheets wowilplheibcrehatauessp.eedrsofonr, anneimwaslp, orirnptltaontmlivaekseor ne3w.s_p__a_p__e_r_st.hTichkenefisnsal process Cis theladckryininggthsetapgoew.eAr tfotepretrhfoartmthe physically demanding tasks; lacking paper is ready to be shippedp. hysical strength and energy. 4. _________ mushy D single; separate. 5. _B__y__r_e_c__ycwlienagk paper, we canE not roenmloyvseaivnek tfrroemes(,pbaupterablseoinsgave energy. Making one roll of rerceyccylceleddn).ewspaper uses 40-64 6. _________ ensures F consisting of many different and percent less energy than goincogntnoecttheed fpoarretss.t and cutting down 7. _________ environment G soft and pulpy. another tree. But there are limits to recycling paper. After a piece 8. _________ deinking H make certain that (something) of wood pulp paper is recycleshda4ll~o5cctuirmoersb,eththeeicnadseiv. idual fibers in 9th. _e__p_a__p_e__r cbaertcoonms e too weakI. The redcifyfecrleendt pfraopmeornceanannootthebre; of different kinds or sorts. ma1d0e. _i_n__to___n_einwdipvaidpuearl productsJ. the state or quality of being thick. .

Vocabulary Vocabulary environment Meaning chop the surroundings or conditions in ensures which a person, animal, or plant complex lives or operates. cartons cut (something) into pieces with repeated sharp blows of an axe or directories knife. make certain that (something) various shall occur or be the case. deinking consisting of many different and thickness connected parts. mushy light boxes or containers, typically individual one made of waxed cardboard or weak plastic in which drinks or foodstuffs are packaged. books listing individuals or organizations alphabetically or thematically with details such as names, addresses, and telephone numbers. different from one another; of different kinds or sorts. remove ink from (paper being recycled). the state or quality of being thick. soft and pulpy. single; separate. lacking the power to perform physically demanding tasks; lacking physical strength and energy.

Exercise 1.1 Key Vocabulary Directions: Match the words and phrases with the right definitions. complex various thickness mushy weak ensures environment deinking cartons individual 1. ________ light boxes or containers, typically one made of waxed cardboard or plastic in which drinks or foodstuffs are packaged. 2. ________ the surroundings or conditions in which a person, animal, or plant lives or operates. 3. ________ lacking the power to perform physically demanding tasks; lacking physical strength and energy. 4. _________ single; separate. 5. _________ remove ink from (paper being recycled). 6. _________ consisting of many different and connected parts. 7. _________ soft and pulpy. 8. _________ make certain that (something) shall occur or be the case. 9. _________ different from one another; of different kinds or sorts. 10. ________ the state or quality of being thick. score _____________________ Checker_____________________

Exercise 1.2 Comprehension Directions: Choose the correct answer of each questions from the passage. 1. How many steps of the recycling process? 1 five steps 2 six steps 3 four steps 4 three steps 2. What is the first step of the recycling process? 1 throwing out old magazines, juice cartons, and telephone directories. 2 recycling truck comes around to homes and office buildings. 3 removing the ink from newspapers or cardboard 4 choosing different thicknesses for the new paper 3. The fourth and most important step of recycling paper is ____________ . 1 cleaning out the recycling truck 2 putting the wet paper into the holding tanks 3 removing the ink from newspapers or cardboard 4 choosing different thicknesses for the new paper

4. What happens after the fifth step? 1 The ink is washed with soapy water. 2 The recycling staff adds color to the paper. 3 Wood pulp paper is recycled again. 4 The types of paper are spread onto large sheets. 5. What is the main idea of the passage? 1 The process of recycling paper 2 The pros and cons of recycling paper 3 The importance of recycling things 4 The chemical process of making wood products 6. What is the closest meaning to mushy as it's used in the passage? 1 rough and hard 2 clean and pure 3 soft and pulpy 4 dirty and heavy 7. What's the benefit of recycling paper? 1 we don’t need to chop as many trees down. 2 The ink is washed with soapy water. 3 removing the ink from newspapers or cardboard 4 The chemical process of making wood products

8. Which of the following is NOT true? 1 Different types of paper are sorted by grade. 2 Wood pulp paper is only recycled once. 3 Deinking means removing the ink from the paper fiber. 4 Recycling paper includes a chemical and mechanical process. score _____________________ Checker_____________________

Exercise 1.3 Summary Directions: Fill in the blanks with the right words to complete the summary. ( spreading recycling by grade sorting save energy ) paper fiber wet paper (1.)________________________ paper is a big part of protecting the environment. The first three steps involve throwing out garbage, garbage pickup and (2.)_________________________ various types of paper (3.)_________________________ . Getting the ink out of the (4.)________________________ is the fourth process. The fifth process is adding different material to the (5.) _______________________. The sixth process is (6.)_______________________ the different types of paper onto large flat sheets. By recycling paper, we can not only save trees, but also (7.)____________________________. score _____________________ Checker_____________________

Exercise 1.4 Graphic Organizer Directions: Fill in the blanks with the right words to complete the summary. The Chemical Process of Recycling Paper Recycling paper is a good way to ___________________________. There are several steps that have to be completed in order to recycle paper. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6.

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