Created by design
Created by designWellfields Stud is a small family concern set in 60 acres of beautiful Monmouthshirecountryside. With a select herd of hand picked mares, top stallions and the bestbloodlines, we have achieved excellent results in all disciplines.The privilege of breeding, rearing and training our horses has always been apassion executed with pride but these attributes alone are not enough - applyingknowledge and experience with an eye for detail is where everything comestogether to make the difference.
From foal to fully trainedOur mares and the stallions we use are chosen for bloodlines, type, temperament,conformation and movement and our foals are the beneficiaries of experiencedhandling, excellent facilities and an understanding of natural nurture allowingfoals to be foals and horses to be horses whilst maximizing full potential. Thisgives them the best possible start in life and assures buyers that there has beentotal commitment to the care and consideration of every individual.Rupert has been breaking and training horses for 20 years and always startsall our horses under saddle himself so he knows precisely how each horse isprogressing and which discipline might suit each individual. This approachrepeatedly ends up with happy, healthy young horses produced carefully to fulfiltheir potential in their next home whether with an amateur or professional rider,or to be enjoyed as an owner alone or in a syndicate.
ST. PR/EL DOUBLE TAKE Brown Hanoverian 2013 16 hands 3 inchesPedigree: Dimaggio Don Primero Hauptstutbuch Winnipeg Detroit St. Pr./El. Hauptstutbuch Rhapsodie Lord Liberty G. Hauptstutbuch Londonderry St. Pr./El. Hauptstutbuch Rhythmik Londana Lauries Crusador Hauptstutbuch Gana Hauptstutbuch Windsor Queen Galvano St. Pr./El. Hauptstutbuch WacholdisDESCRIPTION:Very impressive 3 year old mare with extraordinary hock action, natural balance and frame,not to mention prescence and flair.Double Take is in foal to CASIRO for 2017. Casiro (2002 171cm bay Holsteiner). This GrandPrix jumping stallion is a Holsteiner lc-premium stallion with an ideal frame for sport, superbconfirmation and high quality movements: uphill canter, spirited trot and relaxed walk. Casiroshows courage, technique and enormous scope at the fence.Detroit, her father, was the most expensive colt at the auction in Vechta in his day. Recentlyhe has won at Grand Prix with his new rider Jan Brink.He is a son of Dimaggio – who himself was World Champion of young dressage horses.Castle Farm, Usk, Monmouthshire NP15 1SD Tel: 07752 656469
ST. PR./EL COTE D’AZURE Bay Hanoverian 2005 15 hands 3 inchesPedigree: Contender Calypso II Bravo Hauptstutbuch Gofine Contendro I Drosselklang II Hauptstutbuch Good By Reichsgraf Hauptstutbuch Ofarim Dorint Don Carlos Hauptstutbuch Forstlady Goldloewe Hauptstutbuch MassliebDESCRIPTION:This little mare packs a mighty punch! She has it all… type, movement, breeding, ability andproven herself time and time again. Her second foal won the German free jumping class as a2 year old. All her babies have gone to compete at International level.She has a stunning 2016 filly by MYLORD CARTHAGO. MYLORD CARTHAGO (2000, Grey,Selle Francais) is out of a super motherline, including Jalisco B the sire of sires. 2012 PenelopeLeprevost won the Global Champion Tour Grand Prix CSI*****of Vienna: Victory with the Frenchteam in the Nations Cup at the CH10 Auchen, amongst other things. He won WEG 2010 andis a permanent member of the French Nations Cup Team.We plan to start early next spring and put her back into foal to MYLORD CARTHAGO in 2017for 2018.Castle Farm, Usk, Monmouthshire NP15 1SD Tel: 07752 656469
Mane Attraction PIEbald Warmblood 2000 16 hands 1½ inchesPedigree: Ico Sun Ico Iris Sambrina Irco Lhee Samber CadansDESCRIPTION:A well built mare that has proved herself competingconsistently in British Eventing. This mare has a verytrainable nature under saddle which she passes on to herprogeny.She is in foal to CEVIN Z for 2017 (by CORIALL 2 – Cor DeLa Bryere)CEVIN Z was the highest placed foal at the ZangersheideAuction in 1997. He finished 4th at HOYS as a 6 year old hisinternational winnings totalled £8,000 when competingin Lisbon, Chantilly and Vimeiro in 2007. Injury ended hisinternational career but now ridden by a 12 year old.Castle Farm, Usk, Monmouthshire NP15 1SD Tel: 07752 656469
Primatech Bay mare Thoroughbred 2001 16 hands 1 inchPedigree:Priolo Northern Dancer Spring is Sprung Bold Princess Ida Lupino Statoblest AhonooraSovereign Dancer Primevere Statira Irish River Alpine Symphony Northern Dancer AlicevaDESCRIPTION:An exceptionally well balanced and athletic mare that is well build and true to type. She isextremely well bred with the prolific NORTHERN DANCER on her father's side, and won onthe race track. She consistently adds quality to her foals and has achieved diploma status atthe BEF futurity with her 2013 foal Lincoln (who himself achieved HIGHER FIRST status).Primatech is in foal to METALL for 2017 (KWPN). Metall competed up to Prix St Georges andhas produced several Grand Prix horses – the most notable is Uthopia. Uthopia was TeamGold winner at The European Championships 2011, and won the individual silver in both theKur and the Special. Metall carries 40% thoroughbred blood contributing to his lightness.His offspring are renowned for being uphill with lift, refined with beautiful heads and highconfirmation scores.Castle Farm, Usk, Monmouthshire NP15 1SD Tel: 07752 656469
wellfields Jois De Vivre Bay Filly Belgium warmblood 2016 To make 16 hands 2 inchesPedigree:Je T’aime Flamenco Flamenco Desemilly Le Tot De Semilly Quanse Van De Halhoeve Quenotte Du CheminPrimatech Priolo Landetto Sovereign Dancer Korena Van De Halhoeve Northern Dancer Bold Princess Primeveve Irish RiverDESCRIPTION:Bred to fulfill an all-round sports criteria, this leggy, classy filly is intelligent and extremelyelegant with superb basic gaits. She is out of the diploma winning TB Primatech and by theworld renowned Je T’aime Flamenco – a winner of 7 of the world’s major Grand Prix ShowJumping for Billy Towmey. He introduces looks, temperament and ability to his stock and thisfilly is no exception.We plan to retain this filly to compete and breed from in the future.Castle Farm, Usk, Monmouthshire NP15 1SD Tel: 07752 656469
Sambuca Skewbald Gelding British Warmblood 2015 To make 16 hands 2 inchesPedigree: Solimande Hus Sandro Hit St Pr Rendezvous Danea Woodlander Irco Lhee Supertramp Rotspon Lonika Mane Attraction Ico Sun IrisDESCRIPTION:Confident, charismatic, personable chap who exudes quality, movement and athlesticity. Hehas inherited his father’s beauty and presence which is genetically solidified with stallions inhis bloodline such as Donnerhall, Rubenstein, Sandro Hit and Lauries Crusador.Sambuca has also been blessed with fabulous markings so may well make his name in theshow ring as well as dressage/show jumping/eventing.Castle Farm, Usk, Monmouthshire NP15 1SD Tel: 07752 656469
Waccaro of Maesrhyddid Chestnut Gelding Hanoverian 2013 16 hands 2 inchesPedigree: Weltmeyer World Cup Western Lady Anka Wenkenstern Polarpunkt Venzia Western Star El. Pirouette Lanthana Arogno Polarreisse Benz CorridaDESCRIPTION:This is the 3 year old full brother to Sarie bred and owned by Glenys Tucker. And againPirouette has produced a superb correct type with athletic, elastic pace and charmingtemperament. He is calm and confident under saddle. His ridden career includes hackingaround the farm and he is working exceptionally well in the arena.His father WENKENSTERN is an FEI International Grand Prix dressage stallion by WELTMEYER.His mother PIROUETTE is graded Elite in Germany.This is another star of the future that we are very pleased to have started for Glenys and welook forward to following his career.Castle Farm, Usk, Monmouthshire NP15 1SD Tel: 07752 656469
Wellfields Sanctus Bay Filly Warmblood Pony 2015 14 HandsPedigree: Mageukruis Valentijn Leuns Velds Lord Oosting Manuella Zeldenrusts Lucy Cyden Oosting Oaktree Starstorm Amigo Cayberry Playja Veronas Bo-Gi Oosting Petronella Cayberry Storm QueenDESCRIPTION:This beautifully put together premium filly has inherited her mother’s love of people,intelligence and willingness to please coupled with fabulous paces. She is by Cyden OostingAmigo who was imported to the UK in 2012 and has an exceptional temperament matchedwith ability, achieving scores of 75% dressage. Amigo is from the very famous Veronas Bo-Gibloodlines with International level ability in abundance.We are thrilled with the outcome of the cross of the rare breed Dartmoor motherline to theDutch warmblood pony and look forward to this expressive, charismatic pony’s ridden career.Castle Farm, Usk, Monmouthshire NP15 1SD Tel: 07752 656469
Wellfields Memphis Belle Bay Filly Hanoverian 2016 To make 16 hands 2 inchesPedigree: Carthago Capitol Fragrance De Chaus Perra Mylord Carthago Contendro I Haupistutbuch Dorint Jalisco St. Pr./El. Nifrane Cote D’Azure Contender Bravo Drosse Uklang II Haupistutbuch Good ByeDESCRIPTION:Memphis Belle is quite possibly the most exciting foal we have bred to date. From a breedingpoint of view she really has everything we could have asked for when we imported hermother from Germany last year in foal to Mylord Carthago. As an individual this filly is strong,compact and correct with elevated paces and friendly attitude.We plan to retain her for the continuation of our breeding programme.We plan to put her mother Cote D’Azure back in foal to Mylord Carthago next year.Castle Farm, Usk, Monmouthshire NP15 1SD Tel: 07752 656469
Wellfields Surtees Brown Gelding British Warmblood 2015 To make 16 hands 2 inchesPedigree: Soliman De Hus Sandro Hit St. Pr Rendezvous Danea Woodlander Able Albert Supertramp Mountain Saint Rotspon Lonika Saga Moon Abonah Polly Penguin Mountain View Drimoleague LassDESCRIPTION:This cool, calm, collected gelding is everybodies best friend. He is never aggressive ordominant but engaging and contented. With Supertramp as his father he is geneticallydrawing on a wealth of top sire’s such as Donnerhall, Rubenstein, Sandro Hit and LauriesCrusador XX. His mother was part ID which shines through his personality resulting in a veryamenable, trainable willing nature of a horse.His grandfather on his motherline ABLE ALBERT stood in Germany and America where hewas rated the top eventing sire.Castle Farm, Usk, Monmouthshire NP15 1SD Tel: 07752 656469
Chance Encounter Grey Gelding Oldenburg 2015 To make 16 Hands 2 InchesPedigree: Clinton 1 Carolus Idylle CB St. Pr. M. Waage 1 Clintissimo Ludwig Von Bayern Hera Carthargo St. Pr. St. Luca Delmara Landor 5 La Perla Cantus WeganDESCRIPTION: SHOWJUMPINGA delightful yearling full of character and beautiful conformation. His movement andtemperament are outstanding and we have high hopes for his future. Can’t wait until wecan get him under saddle. His sire Clintissimo’s offspring are only 6 years old but already3 of them are licensed sons in Clintreyo, Calais and Captain Van Ovens. Clintissimo sold atauction for 300,00€ to the Zangersheide Stud. Judy Ann Melchoir rode the sire and wasplaced in the final at the World Championships for young jumping horses.Castle Farm, Usk, Monmouthshire NP15 1SD Tel: 07752 656469
Lincoln Bay Gelding British Warmblood 2013 16 Hands 2 InchesPedigree: Guidam Quidam De Revel Eljendhove Fougere Luidam Priolo Sovereign Dancer Akteur Primatech Poline Northern Dancer Bold Princess Primeveve Irish RiverDESCRIPTION:This 3 year old has so much quality it’s hard to know where to start. He is going really wellunder saddle and finding his work easy and relaxing. He loves his jumping not being phasedby fillers, grids or coloured poles.His father was described by Michael Whitaker as “one of the most exciting and promisingstallions to breeding programmes in many years”.Lincolns XX mother Primatech is a diploma winning mare that consistently passes on herquality.Castle Farm, Usk, Monmouthshire NP15 1SD Tel: 07752 656469
landmarc Skewbald Gelding British Warmblood 2014 To make 16 Hands 3 InchesPedigree: Guidam Quidam De Revel Eljendhove Fougere Luidam Irco Lhee Akteur Mane Attraction Poline Ico Sun IrisDESCRIPTION:This very well adjusted happy gelding is mega amenable and obliging. He has lovely elasticloose paces that translate well into a very neat, capable loose jump.His father Luidam is one of the most consistent performers on the European circuit and nowsire of horses winning at the top level. Described by Michael Whitaker as “one of the mostexciting and promising stallions to breeding programmes in many years”.Castle Farm, Usk, Monmouthshire NP15 1SD Tel: 07752 656469
Walsarie of Maesrhyddid Chestnut Mare Hanoverian 2012 16 Hands 3 InchesPedigree: Weltmeyer World Cup Western Lady Anka Wenkenstern Polarpunkt Venzia Western Star El. Pirouette Lanthana Arogno Polarreisse Benz CorridaDESCRIPTION:Delightful mare with exceptional temperament and trainability under saddle. She has correct,expressive paces and superb walk. Sarie achieved Hanoverian main stud book status at 3years old – missing elite by just 0.25 of a mark. She competed this year at the BadmintonYoung Dressage Competitions; her scores increased everytime as did her confidence.Her father WENKENSTERN is an FEI International Grand Prix Stallion by WELTMEYER.Her mother PIROUETTE is graded Elite in Germany and has been an outstanding marefor Glenys Tucker, having produced 8 foals of top quality – this 4 year old daughter is ajoy to own and ride.Castle Farm, Usk, Monmouthshire NP15 1SD Tel: 07752 656469
Haybrook Dempsey Black Mare Hanoverian 2011 16 Hands 2 InchesPedigree: Don Primero Winnipeg St. Pr. Fantasia Donnerhall Dimaggio Rubesnstein Antine World Cup I Dolce Vita Lisa Digentana Rusen Kavalier Blue Hors Agent DianaDESCRIPTION:Bred by Scott Gregory and Barbara Ripman in Carmarthenshire: this mare is the beauty queenof the operation – she’s correct, elegant, talented and thoroughly enjoyable to work with. Shehas start to her competitive career this year in the 5 year old young horse dressage serieswhere she never put a foot wrong.Her pedigree is outstanding; her mother was bred in Denmark on the world famous HP studfrom the most successful lines in Denmark. Dolce Vita was an elite mare on the Danish studbook and has at least two half siblings at Prix St George level.Dimaggio – her father, known in Germany as “a producer of Grand Prix stock” has bredmany famous horses including Delphy and Dynasty for Michael Eilberg; Dzeko at the WorldChampionships and Don Louis for France in the Olympics.Castle Farm, Usk, Monmouthshire NP15 1SD Tel: 07752 656469
St. Pr. Diamantina Bay Hanoverian 2010 16 Hands 1 InchPedigree: Don Schufro Elite Donnerhall EliteSt. Loretta Elite St Fiesta Diamond Hit Lavauzelle Hauptstutbuch Prinzessin Ramino Lovely Girl Lassie Fol Avril Iole Prince Thatch XX AntheaDESCRIPTION:Fabulous athletic mare that was super under saddle before she began her breeding career.Her bloodlines make her an extremely versatile addition to our breeding programme –drawing on Don Schufro lines with Diamond Hit, thoroughbred in the background with PrinceThatch and the Westfalian Stallion Ramino. She also has an athletic jump and sporty frame.Diamantina is in foal to DON FREDERICO for 2017 and we intend to put her in foal toCONTENDRO I for the following year.Castle Farm, Usk, Monmouthshire NP15 1SD Tel: 07752 656469
Castle Farm, Usk, Monmouthshire NP15 1SD • Tel: 07752 656469
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