July 28, 2019 Please join us in showering Bethany Jenkins, Bride-elect of Josiah Presley Saturday, August 10th, Come and go 10am-11:30am At Pat Yokley’s home: 4816 Wellman Dr., Norman Registered at: Bed Bath & Beyond, Target & Amazon Summer Fellowship Get Together - 5:30pm | Sunday evening July 28th | Gym This Sunday evening we are looking forward to another great night of fellowship, dessert, hymns, and the Lord’s Supper! This week, bring your favorite homemade ice cream! If you don't make ice cream, bring your favorite store-bought ice cream or frozen yogurt! We will began at 5:30pm followed by our normal Sunday evening worship beginning at 6pm. We will have childcare for preschool starting at 6:00pm. The church will provide drinks, bowls and spoons. TODAY (July 28th) we will add elementary check-in as well as mobile check-in. Elementary and Preschool parents, you will be able to check-in your children at one of 5 different check-in kiosk locations: Fellowship Hall entrance, the Information Center, Preschool Lobby, 2nd floor Elementary Hallway, or the South Office entrance. Check out the TBC Facebook page for some video instructions to make your check-in experience as easy as possible. If you are interested in working part-time with Trinity’s Custodial staff, please contact Chris Haynes for more info.: [email protected]/(405) 570-1512. Bethany Jenkins & Josiah Presley Together with their families, invite you to their wedding Sunday, August twenty-fifth, two thousand nineteen, 6:30 in the evening Rustic Grace Estate / 13299 FM 121, Van Alstyne, TX, hors d’oeuvres & dancing to follow SCHEDULE July 28 - August 3, 2019 SUNDAY WEDNESDAY 9:15am..............Campus Groups/Sunday School 4:45pm...............Food Pantry - Room 116 5th Grade Graduation Breakfast - Gym 5:00pm...............Fellowship Meal - Gym 10:40am.............Morning Worship 6:00pm...............Adult Bible Study - FH Preschool Praise & Worship - Room 211 Engage Youth - Swimming at the Gibbs’ K!DZ Worship - 201/205/207/209 - 303 Glade Ct., Norman 5:00pm...............Missions Prayer - Room 112 K!DZVenture - Westwood Aquatic Center 5:30pm...............Summer Fellowship Ice Cream Social - Gym - 1017 Fairway Dr., Norman 6:00pm...............Fellowship/Hymns/Lord’s Supper - Gym Preschool Childcare - Room 211 7:15pm...............Prayer Time - Led by Greg Hughes - FH 1 6:15pm...............Adult Comm. Group - Chris Haynes’ home 7:15pm...............Adult Choir - Choir Room MONDAY Prayer time - Pray at home 7:00pm...............Prayer Time - Pray at home 8:30pm...............College Community Group - Chris Haynes’ home TUESDAY THURSDAY 9:30am ...............Philippians Bible Study - Choir Room 12:45pm..............Lifetime Ministries - Brookhaven 7:00pm...............Prayer Time - Pray at home 2:00pm..............Lifetime Ministries - Rambling Oaks 3:30pm..............Lifetime Ministries - Silver Elm 7:00pm..............Ladies Fellowship Comm. Group - Off Campus Prayer Time - Pray at home FRIDAY 7:00pm ............Prayer Time - Pray at home SATURDAY 8:00am............Prayer Time - Led by Mike Tinney - FH 1
Member News Wednesday Night Fellowship Meal Offering Frito Chili Pie | Salad | Root Beer Floats Weekly Offering: .......... $13,952.47 Monthly Offering: ........ $49,565.58 Preschool Offering YTD: ........... $510,754.95 Budget YTD: .............. $509,333.67 We need 2 adults to teach our toddler class during the 9:15am hour beginning Aug 18. We Balance: ........................... $1,421.28 also need a teacher’s assistant for the younger 4’s 9:15am class beginning Aug 18. Please contact Kara for more info.: [email protected]. H!z K!dz Elementary 5th GRADE GRADUATION BREAKFAST: TODAY, Sunday, July 28 at 9:15 a.m. All 5th graders and their parents will be hosted in the gym by Trinity's 4th graders at a breakfast to recognize them. K!DZVenture. Wednesdays, 6:00-7:15 p.m., we will either be going swimming or having some other adventures at or near the church. The summer schedule is posted on the 1st floor main stairway bulletin board. July 31st is swimming at Westwood. Please bring your child/children to Westwood at 6:00 p.m. or make arrangements for payment and a ride. Parents are welcome and encouraged to stay. The swim session is $5.00 for 6:00-8:00 p.m. August 7th is swimming at Mike & Dana Smith's house. All elementary children sit with their parents in evening worship during the summer months. STEP UP! leadership training will be Sunday, August 11th at 6:00 p.m. for all 2019/20 4th/5th graders. Please RSVP to [email protected]. PROMOTION SUNDAY: August 18th will be the day all elementary children will promote into their new classes. H!Z K!DZ Worship meets each Sunday (except the 5th Sunday of the month) from 10:40 a.m.-12:00 p.m. in rooms 201/205/207/209. STARZ! Children's Choir (K-5th graders) will resume September 4, 2019. AWANA Club (K-6th graders) will begin again September 8, 2019. Engage Youth: Pursuit College Engage Youth - Swimming at the Gibbs’ Sundays at 9:15am: - 303 Glade Ct., Norman Large group bible study during the summer. Spiritual Growth Daily Bible Reading for this week Titus 2:12-13 NASB Sunday 7/28: 2 Chron 26-28, Ps 24, Mark 3 For the grace of God has appeared, bringing salvation to all Monday 7/29: 2 Chron 29-30, Ps 25, Mark 4 men, instructing us to deny ungodliness and worldly desires Tuesday 7/30: 2 Chron 31-32, Ps 26, Mark 5 Wednesday 7/31: 2 Chron 33-34, Ps 27, Mark 6 and to live sensibly, righteously and godly in the present Thursday 8/1: 2 Chron 35-36, Ps 28, Mark 7 age, looking for the blessed hope and the appearing of the Friday 8/2: Ezra 1-2, Ps 29, Mark 8 Saturday 8/3: Ezra 3-5, Ps 30, Mark 9 glory of our great God and Savior, Christ Jesus, Campus Service July 28 August 4 July 28 K!DZ Worship Leaders July 28 Greeter Team 4 Greeter Team 5 109 - Anthony & Nishay Alfonso Evan & Angie Bushey, Kathy Presley, 107 - Cheryl Malone & Mary Thomas Lisa Wilmoth, Don & Lori Gordoni Devero family Maynes family 105C - Chris & Valerie Worley K!DZ Worship Leaders August 4 Paul Lawrence CJ Haynes Evan & Angie Bushey, Kathy Presley, Pennel family 101 - Norman Family Nathanael Weber, Don & Lori Gordoni Haynes family 102 - Justin & Anna Peavler K!DZ Worship Step-Up Leaders July 28 Safety Team 7 Safety Team 8 103 - Dean & Mary Long Clay Groves, Abe Corcoran, James Branscum David Haynes 211 - Kara Polk Luke Winkle, David Carpenter, Cameron Harp August 4 James Carrel, Matthew Zhao, Jonathan Gordoni Mike Smith K!DZ Worship Step-Up Leaders August 4 Greg Hughes Von Elmegreen 109 - Stephanie Kiosterud Mary Gordoni, Emma Bushey Gary Black 107 - TBA Lindyn Devero, Kirby Burdick Zach Garner Alexa Kennedy, Ana Gomez 105C - Hunter Family Usher Team 1 Usher Team 2 101 - Oxsen Family Ivy Qiu Andy Blackford Eddie Charlson 102 - Groves Family David Peetoom Dawcett Middleton 103 - Cameron & Polly Harp Greg Hughes 211 - Mike & Dana Smith Hal Clary Jason Colvin Howard Yokley Luther Banks Matthew LaFon
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