May 5, 2019 CONGRATULATIONS TO THE NEWEST MEMBERS OF THE ROUNDTABLE 2018-2019 What is THE ROUNDTABLE? It is a place where the Sword of Truth is not sheathed until the words of man bow before the Word of God. Roundtable in Theology: Milfo r d Cam p, Mar io Gom ez, Michael Stew ar t, Fr ancis W in ter , Nathan W estbr ook Roundtable in Ethics: Sean Do n nell, Zach Gar n er, Don Gordoni, Andr ew Haw cr oft, Nathan ial Lydick, Jared Penner, Jonathan Williams These men of The Roundtable have successfully completed a one-year training commitment in which they honed their skills at bran- dishing the Sword of Truth in spiritual warfare. These men learned to stand for Christ in an environment where mercy was scarce, challenges were unrelenting, pride was repeatedly left hemorrhaging, and the clashing of the Sword of the Truth with the ideas of man was fierce. Who are the men of The Roundtable? We are those who “though we walk in the flesh, we do not war according to the flesh, for the weapons of our warfare are not of the flesh, but divinely powerful for the destruction of fortresses. We are destroying speculations and every lofty thing raised up against the knowledge of God, and we are taking every thought captive to the obedience of Christ” (2 Corinthians 10:3-5). I commend each of you for your love for God, His Word, His people, and the people Jesus died for. Ronnie W. Rogers “Does God Love All or Some?” addresses Calvinist challenges such as libertarian freedom undermines God’s sovereignty, rejecting Calvinism requires a weak view of depravity, and what about those who never hear the gospel? It demonstrates how human acts like prayer really can affect a person’s salvation, something which true Calvinism precludes. I demonstrate true Calvinism is internally and biblically inconsistent by exploring such things as how the good faith offer is a really a bad deception, God is inescapably the ultimate cause of all sin, Calvinism’s commitment to compatible moral freedom means eve- ry prayer, act, or proclamation that even hints at being able to change outcomes or involve a choice between accessible options con- tradicts true Calvinism, faith does not precede regeneration in Scripture and the analogy of human death cannot be used to demon- strate it does, reprobation is not necessary to demonstrate God’s holiness, God does not have two wills, and the doctrines of grace do seriously affect evangelism. Copies of this new book will be available Sunday in the main hall for $25. Other books that Ronnie has written will be available for sale as well. SCHEDULE May 5 - May 11, 2019 SUNDAY WEDNESDAY 9:15am................Campus Groups/Sunday School 4:45pm ..............Food Pantry - Room 116 K!DZ on Mission - 201/205 5:00pm ..............Fellowship Meal - Gym 6:00pm ..............Adult Bible Study - FH 10:40am ................Morning Worship Engage Youth Preschool Praise & Worship - Room 211 Childcare for Elementary Children - Gym K!DZ Worship - 201/205/207/209 Honeybees - Room 211 6:15pm .............Adult Comm. Group - Chris Haynes’ home 12:15pm................Cancer Fundraising Meal for Families - Gym 7:15pm .............Adult Choir Practice - Choir Room 5:00pm ...............Discovering Trinity 101 - FH 1 Prayer time - Pray at home Missions Prayer - Room 112 AWANA, Puggles/Cubbies THURSDAY 6:00pm ...............Evening Worship 12:45pm .............Lifetime Ministries - Brookhaven 7:15pm ...............Prayer Time - Hal Clary - FH 1 2:00pm .............Lifetime Ministries - Rambling Oaks 3:30pm .............Lifetime Ministries - Silver Elm MONDAY 7:00pm .............Prayer Time - Pray at home 7:00pm ...............Prayer Time - Jackson home 8:00pm .............College Comm. Group - Zach Garner home TUESDAY FRIDAY 7:00pm ...............Prayer Time - Pray at home 7:00pm ............Prayer Time - Blackford home Randy & Kathy Presley request the honor of your presence at the SATURDAY 8:00am............Prayer Time - Led by Kevin Gerber - FH 1 Marriage of Eliana Presley & Isaiah Massing June 8th, 2019 | 11:00am | Trinity Baptist Church | Reception to follow
Member News Wednesday Night Fellowship Meal Offering Chicken Alfredo | Broccoli | Key Lime Cake Weekly Offering: .......... $11,635.78 Monthly Offering: ........ $78,818.92 Preschool Offering YTD: ............$306,639.04 Budget YTD: ..............$298,574.91 Puggles/Cubbies - Tonight at 5pm Balance: ............................ $8,064.13 We had a great year in Honeybees and learned so much this year! We will now transition to childcare on Wednesday nights until next Fall. H!z K!dz Elementary AWANA Club (K-6th graders) Sundays, 5:00-7:00 p.m. TODAY, May 5th, is \"Bless Your Leader Night\" so plan now how you will say a special thank you to your leader. NO AWANA Mother's Day, May 12th. K!DZ on Mission: TODAY is the 1st Sunday of the month. All 1st-5th graders will meet in rooms 201/205 from 9:15-10:30 a.m. to explore missions. We will watch the last DVD of the children of mis- sionaries, The Wild Brothers, as they share Jesus as they are going. Snacks and crafts round out the morning. CAMP-CrossTimbers Camp-June 12-15. Our parent/camper/sponsor meeting is May 19 after morning worship in rooms 201/205. This meeting is where you will buy extra wrist bands for concessions, if you would like. May and June are busy months, so we must take care of this business early. Plan to attend. VBS--The Incredible Race--One Family, One Race, One Savior--May 28-31, 9:00-12:00 each morning! Mark your calendars! Register at H!Z K!DZ Worship meets each Sunday (except the 5th Sunday of the month) from 10:40 a.m.-12:00 p.m. in rooms 201/205/207/209. Engage Youth: Pursuit College • Apologetics for Everyday • New Testament Engage Youth - Wed. 6-8pm - Youth Room Sundays at 9:15am: Discipleship for Life Leadership Essentials Spiritual Growth Daily Bible Reading for this week 1 Peter 1:18-19 (NASB) Sunday 5/5: Judges 17-18, Ps 114, 1 Cor 6-7 Monday 5/6: Judges 19-21, Ps 115, 1 Cor 8-9 Knowing that you were not redeemed with perishable Tuesday 5/7: Ruth 1, Ps 116, 1 Cor 10 things like silver or gold from your futile way of life inher- Wednesday 5/8: Ruth 2-4, Ps 117, 1 Cor 11 ited from your forefathers, but with precious blood, as of Thursday 5/9: 1 Sam 1-2, Ps 118, 1 Cor 12-13 Friday 5/10: 1 Sam 3-5, Ps 119:1-8, 1 Cor 14 a lamb unblemished and spotless, the blood of Christ. Saturday 5/11: 1 Sam 6-8, Ps 119:9-16, 1 Cor 15-16 Campus Service May 5 May 12 May 5 K!DZ Worship Step-Up Leaders May 5 Greeter Team 6 Greeter Team 7 109 - Logan and Lexi Gragg Evan & Angie Bushey, Kathy Presley Darla Lynn, Don & Lori Gordoni Lindley family Han family 107 - Gilleland family Melody Gibbs Allison Wilson 105C - Elizabeth Schroeder & Lily Chen K!DZ Worship Step-Up Leaders May 12 Nisha Blackford Faith Gordoni Evan & Angie Bushey, Kathy Presley Tomlinson family Barnett family 101 - Riley family Lisa Wilmoth, Don & Lori Gordoni Safety Team 3 Safety Team 4 102 - Lindley family Jason Colvin Pete Jackson 103 - Devero family K!DZ Worship Step-Up Leaders May 5 Stacy Loague Chris Groves 211 - Gray family BellaRose Black, Mary Gordoni, David Latham Grahm Dickinson Emma Bushey, Lindyn Devero Michael Stewart May 12 Usher Team 1 Luke Rigell 109 - Kim Pitt & Anita Charlson K!DZ Worship Step-Up Leaders May 12 Andy Blackford Usher Team 2 107 - Dee Burdick & Kiley Snowdon Melody Chen, Miranda Huang, David Peetoom Eddie Charlson Ava Colvin, Emma Redeker, Greg Hughes Dawcett Middleton 105C - TBA Kennedy Stewart Jason Colvin 101 - LaFon family Luther Banks Hal Clary 102 - Jill Wheeler & Jennifer LaCour Matthew LaFon Howard Yokley 103 - Snowdon family 211 - Winkle family
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