March 17, 2019 Please pray for these 2 ministry trips over Spring Break: Chris Haynes and college students: Beach Reach at South Padre Island, TX Jim White: leading about 100 family members with the Chinese Fellowship to New Life Ranch in NE OK for their annual retreat Have you missed a 201 class? Just come for the session(s) you need! All classes are one hour each on Saturday morning, March 30: Session 1 - 8am Session 2 - 9am Session 3 - 10am Session 4 - 11am Several ladies in the church have organized the process to provide a funeral meal when it is needed. If you would like to join/serve in this ministry, please contact: Leisa Peetoom - (405) 919-6600 or Janet Banks - (405) 326-3557 Also, if you feel led to help financially with this ongoing ministry, any amount would be helpful. Amazon Smile - When you make a purchase through Amazon Smile, they make a donation to Trinity! Use this link to sign up: http:// SCHEDULE March 17 - March 23, 2019 SUNDAY WEDNESDAY 9:15am ................Campus Groups/Sunday School 6:00pm .............Adult Bible Study - FH No Engage Youth tonight 10:40am ................Morning Worship No STARZ! Preschool Praise & Worship - Room 211 No Honeybees K!DZ Worship - 201/205/207/209 -Childcare available for Preschool & Elem. 7:15pm .............Prayer time - Pray at home 5:00pm .................Leadership Community Group - FH-3 No AWANA THURSDAY Missions Prayer - Room 112 12:45pm .............Lifetime Ministries - Brookhaven -Childcare available from 5-7pm for Preschool & 2:00pm .............Lifetime Ministries - Rambling Oaks Elementary) 3:30pm .............Lifetime Ministries - Silver Elm 7:00pm .............Prayer Time - Pray at home 6:00pm.................Evening Worship 7:15pm.................Prayer Time - Jamebo Wilson - FH-1 FRIDAY 7:00pm ............Prayer Time - Pray at home MONDAY 7:00pm.................Prayer Time - Pray at home SATURDAY 8:00am............Prayer Time - Pray at home TUESDAY 6:30pm ..................Ephesians Bible Study - Cathy Duggan’s home 7:00pm ..................Prayer Time - Pray at home
Member News Wednesday Night Fellowship Meal Offering Cheesy Chicken Chowder | Rolls | S'mores Bars Weekly Offering: .......... $32,503.09 Monthly Offering: ........ $40,939.38 Preschool Offering YTD: ............$180,367.64 Budget YTD: ..............$175,632.30 No Puggles/Cubbies tonight. Childcare provided. Balance: ..........................($4,735.34) No Honeybees this Wednesday. Childcare provided from 6-7pm. H!z K!dz Elementary STARZ! Children's Choir meets Wednesdays from 6:00-7:00 p.m. in the Choir Room. We are excited to work on our spring musical. Audition results for drama parts and for solos have been assigned. Each person with a drama part is responsible for their own costume. NO STARZ! Spring Break, March 20th. AWANA Club (K-6th graders) Sundays, 5:00-7:00 p.m. NO AWANA March 17th, Spring Break, but we WILL have it Sunday, March 24. CAMP-We have 2 girls spots and 1 boy slot left for CrossTimbers Camp this summer, June 12-15, 2019 for 3rd- 6th graders. See Kathy Presley for details. Forms are available in the pocket near the door of room 205. All re- maining balances of $110 PLUS the completed forms are due April 15th. VBS--The Incredible Race--One Family, One Race, One Savior--May 28-31, 9:00-12:00 each morning! Mark your calendars! Make plans to help! Let me know if you would like to work with elementary kids! H!Z K!DZ Worship meets each Sunday (except the 5th Sunday of the month) from 10:40 a.m.-12:00 p.m. in rooms 201/205/207/209. Engage Youth: Pursuit College • Apologetics for Everyday • New Testament No Youth Choir today and no Engage Youth Sundays at 9:15am: on Wednesday. Happy Spring Break! Discipleship for Life Leadership Essentials Spiritual Growth Daily Bible Reading for this week Colossians 2:13-14 (NASB) Sunday 3/17: Num 16, Ps 70, John 12 Monday 3/18: Num 17-18, Ps 71, John 13 When you were dead in your transgressions and the uncircumci- Tuesday 3/19: Num 19-20, Ps 72, John 14 sion of your flesh, He made you alive together with Him, having Wednesday 3/20: Num 21-22, Ps 73, John 15 forgiven us all our transgressions, having canceled out the certif- Thursday 3/21: Num 23-24, Ps 74 John 16 icate of debt consisting of decrees against us, which was hostile Friday 3/22: Num 25-26, Ps 75, John 17 to us; and He has taken it out of the way, having nailed it to the Saturday 3/23: Num 27-28, Ps 76, John 18 cross. Campus Service March 17 March 24 March 17 K!DZ Worship - March 17 Greeter Team 6 Greeter Team 7 109 - Anita Blevins & Gina Harmon Evan & Angie Bushey, Kathy Presley Nathanael Weber, Don & Lori Gordoni Lindley family Han family 107 - Adam & Kelly Westerman Melody Gibbs Allison Wilson 105C - TBA K!DZ Worship Step-Up Leaders March 24 Nisha Blackford Faith Gordoni Evan & Angie Bushey, Kathy Presley Tomlinson family Barnett family 101 - Norman Family Lisa Wilmoth, Don & Lori Gordoni Safety Team 4 Safety Team 5 102 - Hansmeyer Family Pete Jackson Mike Snowdon 103 - Kuyler & Caitlin Johnson K!DZ Worship Step-Up Leaders March 17 Chris Groves John Kiosterud 211 - Valerie Haynes & Family Bailey Jones, Rachel Maynes Grahm Dickinson Andy Blackford Bella Mauterer, Brianna Liu, Charles Collins March 24 Brooklyn Cummins Luke Rigell Usher Team 1 109 - Cheryl Malone & Mary Thomas Usher Team 3 Andy Blackford K!DZ Worship Step-Up Leaders March 24 Gene Peavler David Peetoom 107 - Branscum family Clay Groves, Abe Corcoran, Greg Hughes 105C - Kaylan & Zach Garner Jim Pitt Jason Colvin 101 - Abigail & Nisha Blackford Luke Winkle, David Carpenter, Mike Snowdon Luther Banks James Carrel, Matthew Zhao, Jonathan Gordoni Pete Jackson 102 - Dean & Mary Long Stephen Tomlinson 103 - Justin & Anna Peavler 211 - Kara Polk
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