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Home Explore TL Newsletter July 22, 2018

TL Newsletter July 22, 2018

Published by chris, 2018-07-20 10:03:57

Description: TL Newsletter July 22, 2018


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July 22, 2018Please be in prayer for youth and adult sponsors who will be at Falls Creek this week. Folks willbe handing out sheets with names of all the students and adults who will be attending FallsCreek. Most of the students are TBC members and some are friends.Thank you to everyone who helped make Sports Spectacular 2018 a success! We are alsovery grateful for Chick-Fil-A, Tarahumara, Sams Club, Homeland, Sonic and Andy Alliga-tors, who provided drinks, snacks, meals and prizes!Please plan to be at our evening service next Sunday, July 29th as we celebrate the Lord’s Supper together as a church family. Trinity has an opening for a custodian! Applicant must be at least 16 yrs. old For more information, Contact Chris Groves: [email protected] are in need of cheerful faces to be Greeters on Sunday mornings! You may greet by yourself, signup with friends, or as a family. Greeters are put on a rotation basis (usually once every 2 to 3months). You may sign up to greet at 9am or after the service or both! To sign up (or if you haveany questions), please contact Lori: [email protected]. Thank you!SCHEDULE July 22 - July 28, 2018SUNDAY WEDNESDAY9:15am...................Campus Groups/Sunday School 4:45pm................Food Pantry - rm. 11610:40am..................Morning Worship 5:00pm................Fellowship Meal - Gym 6:00pm................Adult Bible Study - FH K!DZ Worship - 201/205/207/209 Youth are at Falls Creek this week Preschool Praise & Worship - 211 WOW! @ Hansmeyer’s, 2651 E. 36th Ave. NE 6:00pm.................Evening Worship *No Honeybees or childcare tonight 7:15pm.................Prayer Time - Led by Greg Hughes - FH1 7:15pm ..............Prayer time - Led by Justin Devero - FH1MONDAY - Youth at Falls Creek this week 8:00pm ..............College Comm. Group - Zach Garner’s home 6:30pm.................“Covenant” Precept Bible Study -at Cathy Duggan’s home THURSDAY 7:00pm.................Prayer time - Colvin home 12:45pm .............Lifetime Ministries - Brookhaven 2:00pm .............Lifetime Ministries - Rambling OaksTUESDAY 3:30pm .............Lifetime Ministries - Silver Elm 6:30pm.................Zumba - Gym 7:00pm .............Ladies Fellowship Comm. Group-Mary L. home 7:00pm.................Prayer Time - Pray at home Prayer Time - Pray at home FRIDAY 7:00pm ............Prayer Time - Pray at home SATURDAY 8:00am ...........Prayer Time - Led by Gary Norman - FH1

MEMBER NEWS Wednesday Night Fellowship Dinner | 5-6pm Chicken & Rice | Salad | Fruit | German Chocolate CakePreschool Offering No childcare for Preschool this Wednesday evening. Weekly Offering: ..........$16,219.41 Extended Session workers needed, once every other month Monthly Offering: ........$50,697.06 Offering YTD: ............$485,313.38 from 10:30-12:15. Contact Kara Polk to sign up: ka- Budget YTD: ...............$501,994.36 [email protected]. Balance: ......................($16,680.98 )H!z K!dz Elementary W.O.W.--Water on Wednesdays, All K-5th graders may meet us in the south foyer with bathing suit on and towel in hand for our weekly swim times at members' houses. July schedule is as follows: July 25-Hansmeyer's home-2651 E. 36th Ave., Norman 5th Grade Graduation Breakfast is July 29 at 9:15 in the gym. All parents and 5th graders will be served breakfast by the 4th graders. Promotion Sunday for all elementary classes is August 5th. We look forward to our new kindergartners! Step Up! Leadership Training for all 4th and 5th graders 2018/19 school year will be Sunday nights in August 12, 19 and 26, from 6:00-7:00 p.m. in room 207/209. Email: [email protected] to sign up. Elementary children attend the evening worship with their parents during the summer months. AWANA Club (K-6th graders) sign up begins August 5 and the club will begin meeting September 9. Please prayerfully consid- er being a small group leader for a Sparks or T&T group. Contact [email protected] if interested. STARZ! Elementary Choir will NOT meet again until September 5, 2018, when we will begin with a kick off party for our new musical \"O Chicken of Little Faith\".Engage Youth: College Youth at Falls Creek this week  Sunday, 9:15am  College Community Group, Wed. at 8pm @ Zach Garner’s, 1704 W. Robinson-A.Spiritual Growth Daily Bible Reading for this week Titus 2:12-13 (NASB) Sunday 7/22: 2 Chron 10-12, Ps 19:7-14, Matt 24For the grace of God has appeared, bringing salvation Monday 7/23: 2 Chron 13-15, Ps 20, Matt 25 Tuesday 7/24: 2 Chron 16-18, Ps 21, Matt 26 to all men, instructing us to deny ungodliness Wednesday 7/25: 2 Chron 19-20, Ps 22:1-18, Matt 27-28 and worldly desires and to live sensibly, righteously Thursday 7/26: 2 Chron 21-23, Ps 22:19-31, Mark 1 and godly in the present age, looking for the blessed Friday 7/27: 2 Chron 24-25, Ps 23, Mark 2 hope and the appearing of the glory of our great God Saturday 7/28: 2 Chron 26-28, Ps 24, Mark 3 and Savior, Christ Jesus.CAMPUS SERVICE July 22 July 29 July 22 K!DZ Worship - July 22 Greeter Team 7 Greeter Team 1 109 - Cheryl Malone & Grace Branscum Evan & Angie Bushey, Kathy Presley, Han family Shaw family 107 - Branscum family Lisa Wilmoth Allison Wilson Gunnar Colvin 105C - Justin & Anna Peavler Barnett family K!DZ Worship - July 29 Safety Team 3 101 - Dean & Mary Long 5th Sundays all elementary children sit with their Safety Team 2 Jason Colvin 102 - Zach & Kaylan Garner Zach Hunter Stacy Loague 103 - Abigail & Nisha Blackford parents in the Worship Center Gene Peavler David Latham 211 - Valerie Haynes & Family Blake Seeley K!DZ Worship Step-Up Leaders July 22 Jared Penner Usher Team 3 July 29 Luke Winkle, Jonathan Gordoni Gene Peavler 109 - Harrison & Kathy Pennel Clay Groves, Jacob Redeker Usher Team 2 107 - Carol Lawrence & Eliana Presley Eddie Charlson Jim Pitt 105C - Gene & Nancy Peavler K!DZ Worship Step-Up Leaders July 29Dawcett Middleton Mike Snowdon 5th Sundays all elementary children sit with their Pete Jackson 101 - Wilmoth Family Hal Clary Stephen Tomlinson 102 - Wilson Family parents in the Worship Center Howard Yokley 103- TBA Joe Wilhite 211 - Elise Haynes & Family

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