July 14, 2019 Summer Fellowship Meal 5:30 - Sunday evening July 14th in the gym Pizza - $5/family This Sunday evening we are looking forward to a great fellowship time of food, worship, and bible study. We hope your family will come and be a part of this fun summer event! Dinner will begin at 5:30 followed by our normal Sunday evening worship at 6pm. We will have childcare for preschool starting at 6pm. The church will provide drinks. Falls Creek Youth Camp: July 22-26. Bethany Jenkins & Josiah Presley Together with their families, invite you to their wedding Sunday, August twenty-fifth, two thousand nineteen 6:30 in the evening Rustic Grace Estate / 13299 FM 121, Van Alstyne, TX hors d’oeuvres & dancing to follow Dear TBC church family, we are very grateful to all who helped organize and/or participate in the fundraisers for our family and for another family. Your prayers and loving, kind, thoughtful and practical assistance is such an encouraging blessing to all of us. We love you all and we thank the Lord for you! Love, Don and Lori Gordoni and family SCHEDULE July 14 - July 20, 2019 SUNDAY WEDNESDAY 9:15am..............Campus Groups/Sunday School 4:45pm...............Food Pantry - Room 116 10:40am.............Morning Worship 5:00pm...............Fellowship Meal - Gym Preschool Praise & Worship - Room 211 6:00pm...............Adult Bible Study - FH K!DZ Worship - 201/205/207/209 Discovering Trinity - FH 1 5:00pm...............Missions Prayer - Room 112 Engage Youth - Swimming at the Qiu’s 5:30pm...............Summer Fellowship Meal - FH ??? -4309 Carrington Ct., Norman 6:00pm...............Evening Worship - FH ??? K!DZVenture - “Tie Dye T-shirt Night” - Gym 7:15pm...............Prayer Time - Led by Mason Lawrence - FH 1 Preschool Childcare - Room 211 6:15pm...............Adult Comm. Group - Chris Haynes’ home MONDAY 7:15pm...............Adult Choir - Choir Room 7:00pm...............Prayer Time - Barnett home Prayer time - Pray at home 8:30pm...............College Community Group - Chris Haynes’ home TUESDAY 9:30am ...............Philippians Bible Study - Choir Room THURSDAY 7:00pm...............Prayer Time - Pray at home 12:45pm..............Lifetime Ministries - Brookhaven 2:00pm..............Lifetime Ministries - Rambling Oaks 3:30pm..............Lifetime Ministries - Silver Elm 7:00pm..............Prayer Time - Peavler home FRIDAY 7:00pm ............Prayer Time - Pennel home SATURDAY 8:00am............Prayer Time - Mike Smith - FH 1
Member News Wednesday Night Fellowship Meal Offering Taco Salad | Bl. Bean/Corn Salad | Chocolate Cake Weekly Offering: ..........$19,049.26 Monthly Offering: ........$19,049.26 Preschool Offering YTD: ............$480,238.63 Budget YTD: ..............$474,207.21 Childcare is available at 6pm on Wednesday nights until next Fall. Balance: ............................ $6,031.42 H!z K!dz Elementary Fifth grade GRADUATION BREAKFAST: 5TH GRADERS AND THEIR PARENTS are invited to attend our graduation breakfast on Sunday, July 28th at 9:15 a.m. in the gym. Fourth graders will help provide the breakfast food that will be served. This is always a special time of our 4th graders serving their older fellow students and parents and the promotion of our 5th graders. Please email [email protected] with your head count registration. Promotion Sunday is August 18th! Step Up! 4th/5th graders for the 2019/20 school year will have leadership training on Sunday, August 11th 6:00-7:00 p.m. in rooms 201/205. Please email [email protected] to register your student. K!DZ Venture. Wednesdays, 6:00-7:15 p.m., we will either be going swimming or having some other adventures at or near the church. The summer schedule is posted on the 1st floor main stairway bulletin board. July 17th is tie dye t-shirt night in the gym. Every student needs to bring their own white t-shirt to use for this project. July 24th is swimming at Mike & Dana Smith's house. We meet in the south foyer by 5:55 for swimming. All elementary children sit with their parents in evening worship during the summer months. H!Z K!DZ Worship meets each Sunday (except the 5th Sunday of the month) from 10:40 a.m.-12:00 p.m. in rooms 201/205/207/209. AWANA Club (K-6th graders) will begin again September 8, 2019. STARZ! Children's Choir (K-5th graders) will resume September 4, 2019. Engage Youth: Pursuit College Engage Youth: Wednesday, July 17th, swimming at the Sundays at 9:15am: Qiu’s - 4309 Carrington Ct., Norman Large group bible study during the summer. Spiritual Growth Daily Bible Reading for this week 1 John 2:15-17 NASB Sunday 7/14: 1 Chron 21-23, Ps 13, Matt 15 Do not love the world nor the things in the world. If any- Monday 7/15: 1 Chron 24-25, Ps 14, Matt 16-17 Tuesday 7/16: 1 Chron 26-27, Ps 15, Matt 18 one loves the world, the love of the Father is not in Wednesday 7/17: 1 Chron 28-29, Ps 16, Matt 19 him. For all that is in the world, the lust of the flesh and the Thursday 7/18: 2 Chron 1, Ps 17, Matt 20 Friday 7/19: 2 Chron 2-4, Ps 18:1-24, Matt 21 lust of the eyes and the boastful pride of life, is not from Saturday 7/20: 2 Chron 5-6, Ps 18:25-50, Matt 22 the Father, but is from the world. The world is passing away, and also its lusts; but the one who does the will of God lives forever. Campus Service July 14 July 21 July 14 K!DZ Worship Leaders July 14 Greeter Team 2 Greeter Team 3 109 - Logan & Lexi Gragg Evan & Angie Bushey, Kathy Presley, 107 - Dee Burdick & Kiley Snowdon Pennel family John Kiosterud 105C - Jared & Amanda Penner Lisa Wilmoth Kaed Petroski Tomlinson family 101 - Matthew & Alana LaFon C. Haynes family K!DZ Worship Leaders July 21 102 - Jill Wheeler Evan & Angie Bushey, Kathy Presley, Nathanael Safety Team 5 Safety Team 6 103 - Snowdon Family Mike Snowdon Kuyler Johnson 211 - Winkle Family Weber, Don & Lori Gordoni John Kiosterud Jamebo Wilson Andy Blackford July 21 K!DZ Worship Step-Up Leaders July 14 Charles Collins Bo Maynes 109 - Gina Harmon Melody Chen, Miranda Huang, Matthew LaFon 107 - Chris & Valerie Worley Ava Colvin, Emma Redeker, 105C - Craig & Erin Combs Kennedy Stewart Usher Team 2 Usher Team 3 101 - Norman family Eddie Charlson Gene Peavler 102 - Todd & Dema Hansmeyer K!DZ Worship Step-Up Leaders July 21 Dawcett Middleton 103 - Kuyler & Caitlin Johnson Bailey Jones, Rachel Maynes Jim Pitt 211 - Valerie Haynes & family Bella Mauterer, Brianna Liu, Hal Clary Mike Snowdon Brooklyn Cummins Howard Yokley Pete Jackson Stephen Tomlinson
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