February 10, 2019 The Oklahoma Baptist Symphony will be performing at Trinity! TONIGHT in the Worship Center at 6pm HAVE YOU TAKEN DISCOVERY 101 AND ARE READY TO MOVE ON TO THE NEXT LEVEL? COME JOIN US FOR DISCOVERY 201 TONIGHT AT 5PM IN ROOM 115! Sign up today for the BGCO Women’s Conference LIGHT, April 12-13 @ Falls Creek Conference Center Register online: BGCOWomen.org (Church Name: Norman Trinity, Group Leader Name: Leisa Peetoom) For cost and more information please refer to the BGCO website listed above For any other questions, please contact Leisa Peetoom: [email protected] GUATEMALA MISSION TRIP - JUNE 15-22, 2019: For more information, please contact: Chris Haynes: [email protected] or George Schroeder: [email protected] You’re invited to the Life for All International Gala | March 5, 6:30pm—8pm Sign up at the Information Center or via text to Blake Lindley: (405) 546-8860 SCHEDULE February 10 - February 16, 2019 SUNDAY WEDNESDAY 9:15am ................Campus Groups/Sunday School 4:45pm .............Food Pantry - Room 116 5:00pm .............Fellowship Meal - Gym 10:40am ................Morning Worship 6:00pm .............Adult Bible Study - FH Preschool Praise & Worship - Room 211 Engage Youth K!DZ Worship - 201/205/207/209 STARZ! - Choir Room Honeybees 4:30pm.................The Academy - Room 111 6:15pm .............Adult Comm. Group - Chris Haynes home 5:00pm.................AWANA (\"Restock the Pantry\" month) 7:15pm .............Adult Choir Practice Prayer time - Pray at home Discovering Trinity 101 - Library Discovery 201 - Room 115 THURSDAY Missions Prayer - Room 112 12:45pm .............Lifetime Ministries - Brookhaven 6:00pm.................OK Baptist Symphony - Worship Center 2:00pm .............Lifetime Ministries - Rambling Oaks 7:15pm.................Prayer Time - Led by Mason Lawrence - FH 1 3:30pm .............Lifetime Ministries - Silver Elm 7:00pm .............Ladies Fellowship Comm. Group - off campus MONDAY Prayer Time - Pray at home 6:00pm.................Women’s Bible Study - Gina Rogers’ home 8:00pm .............College Comm. Group - Zach Garner home 7:00pm.................Prayer Time - Pray at home FRIDAY TUESDAY 7:00pm .............Prayer Time - Pennel home 9:15am .................Women’s Precept Bible Study - FH 9:30am .................Gospel of Mark Bible Study - Choir room SATURDAY 6:30pm ..................Ephesians Bible Study - Cathy Duggan’s home 8:00am.............Prayer Time - Mike Smith - FH1 7:00pm ..................Prayer Time - Presley home
Member News Wednesday Night Fellowship Meal Offering Frito Chili Pie | Salad | Brownies Weekly Offering: .......... $16,724.82 Monthly Offering: ........ $16,724.82 Preschool Offering YTD: .............. $75,413.63 Budget YTD: ................ $87,816.15 Puggles/Cubbies: tonight at 5pm. Balance: ....................... ($12,402.52) Honeybees: Wednesday at 6pm. Lottie Moon ................... $56,354.48 H!z K!dz Elementary STARZ! Children's Choir meets Wednesdays from 6:00-7:00 p.m. in the Choir Room. We are ex- cited to work on our spring musical. Audition results for drama parts have been assigned. Solos will be assigned in the next two weeks, but it's not too late to join us! AWANA Club (K-6th graders) Sundays, 5:00-7:00 p.m. February is \"Restock the Pantry\" month, so support our benevolence ministry by bringing poptop canned goods, peanut butter, and other easily prepared foods. Points will be given for each item brought. CAMP-We have 3 girls spots and 1 boy slot left for CrossTimbers Camp this summer, June 12-15, 2019 for 3rd-6th graders. See Kathy Presley for details. Engage Youth: Pursuit College Engage Youth - Wed. 6-8pm - Youth Room Sundays at 9:15am: Discipleship for Life • Apologetics for Everyday Leadership Essentials • New Testament Spiritual Growth Daily Bible Reading for this week Philippians 1:6 (NASB) Sunday 2/10: Ex 26-27, Ps 37:23-40, Luke 1 For I am confident of this very thing, that He who Monday 2/11: Ex 28, Ps 38, Luke 2 began a good work in you will perfect it until the Tuesday 2/12: Ex 29-30, Ps 39, Luke 3 Wednesday 2/13: Ex 31-32, Ps 40, Luke 4 day of Christ Jesus. Thursday 2/14: Ex 33-34, Ps 41, Luke 5 Friday 2/15: Ex 35-36, Ps 42, Luke 6 Campus Service Saturday 2/16: Ex 37-38, Ps 43, Luke 7 February 10 February 17 February 10 K!DZ Worship - February 10 Greeter Team 1 Greeter Team 2 109 - Grahm & Candice Dickinson Evan & Angie Bushey, Kathy Presley Lisa Wilmoth, Don & Lori Gordoni Shaw family Pennel family 107 - Mary & Theresa Harvey Gunnar Colvin Kaed Petroski 105C - Mauterer Family K!DZ Worship Step-Up Leaders February 17 C. Haynes family 101 - Qiu Family Evan & Angie Bushey, Kathy Presley Safety Team 7 Safety Team 8 102 - B. Stewart Family Krista Stewart, Don & Lori Gordoni James Branscum David Haynes 103 - Tomlinson Family Cameron Harp 211 - Colvin Family K!DZ Worship Step-Up Leaders February 10 Mike Smith February 17 Melody Chen, Miranda Huang, Dean Long Von Elmegreen 109 - Yamei Hou Ava Colvin, Emma Redeker, Gary Black Kennedy Stewart Usher Team 1 Usher Team 2 107 - Chris & Valerie Worley Andy Blackford Eddie Charlson 105C - Jed & Gennifer Redeker K!DZ Worship Step-Up Leaders February 17 David Peetoom Dawcett Middleton Bailey Jones, Rachel Maynes Greg Hughes 101 - Whalen Family Bella Mauterer, Brianna Liu, Jason Colvin Hal Clary 102 - Miller Family Brooklyn Cummins Luther Banks Howard Yokley 103 - Gerber Family Matthew LaFon 211 - Maynes Family Joe Wilhite
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