Title (Arial bold 30 point) Subtitle (Arial regular 20 point) XX Month 200X (Arial regular 16 point)
An approved “better question” Subtitle (Arial regular 20 point) The better the question. The better the answer. The better the world works.
An approved “better question” Subtitle (Arial regular 20 point) The better the question. The better the answer. The better the world works.
Title (Arial bold 30 point) Subtitle (Arial regular 20 point) XX Month 200X (Arial regular 16 point)
Bullet text ► Arial 24 point ► Arial 20 point ► Arial 18 point ► Arial 16 point ► Arial 16 point Page 6 1 January 2014 Presentation title
Table samples A long A long Heading Heading heading Heading Heading Heading heading Heading Text 10 20 30 Text 10 20 30 Long text Long text that wraps 500 600 700 that wraps 500 600 700 Text 1,000 2,000 3,000 Text 1,000 2,000 3,000 Total 1,510 2,620 3,730 Total 1,510 2,620 3,730 A long A long Heading Heading heading Heading Heading Heading heading Heading Text 9,999 9 99 Text 9,990 9 90 Long text Long text that wraps 9 99 9,999 that wraps 9 90 9,909 Text 99 9,999 9 Total 9,900 9,900 9,999 Page 7 1 January 2014 Presentation title
Chart samples 6 5 1 4 1 Category 1 Axis Title 3 8 Category 2 2 3 Category 3 Category 4 1 4 2 2 3 4 2 4 2 3 5 3 5 0 Category 1 Category 2 Category 3 Category 4 Series 1 Series 2 Series 3 Category 4 36.6% 22.8% 40.7% 1.2 1.4 Category 3 42.2% 21.7% 36.1% Category 1 Category 2 Category 2 28.1% 49.4% 22.5% 3.2 8.2 Category 3 Category 4 Category 1 49.4% 27.6% 23.0% 0% 50% 100% Series 1 Series 2 Series 3 Page 8 1 January 2014 Presentation title
Text slide – no bullets Arial 24 point. Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetuer adipiscing elit. Sed eros pede, gravida non, malesuada id, consequat id, urna. Integer vehicula pharetra nisl. Maecenas vel diam. Praesent eget massa non leo fringilla tristique. Sed scelerisque ullamcorper urna. Quisque adipiscing fringilla arcu. Sed pharetra mi vitae nisl posuere vestibulum. Maecenas arcu elit, iaculis in, mollis vel, blandit at, velit. Phasellus at purus. Aenean non lorem ac lectus mollis vehicula. Page 9 1 January 2014 Presentation title
Mixed text slide Arial 24 point. Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetuer adipiscing elit. Sed eros pede, gravida non, malesuada id: Arial 24 point ► Arial 20 point ► Arial 18 point ► Arial 16 point Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetuer adipiscing elit. Sed eros pede, gravida non, malesuada id, consequat id. Page 10 1 January 2014 Presentation title
Two columns, no headings ► Bullet 1 ► Bullet 1 ► Bullet 2 ► Bullet 2 ► Bullet 3 ► Bullet 3 ► Bullet 4 ► Bullet 4 ► Bullet 5 ► Bullet 5 Page 11 1 January 2014 Presentation title
Two columns with headings Heading Heading ► Bullet 1 ► Bullet 1 ► Bullet 2 ► Bullet 2 ► Bullet 3 ► Bullet 3 ► Bullet 4 ► Bullet 4 ► Bullet 5 ► Bullet 5 Page 12 1 January 2014 Presentation title
Better question storytelling Refer to the visual guidelines for the proper use of this three square storytelling device. Question Answer/outcome Better working world Body copy here describing Body copy here describing Body copy here describing better question/scenario. answer/outcome. working world. Page 13 1 January 2014 Presentation title
Key statement slide Page 14 1 January 2014 Presentation title
Gray angled box divider Page 15 1 January 2014 Presentation title
Yellow angled box divider Page 16 1 January 2014 Presentation title
Photo divider Placeholder image — to replace this image, select View>Slide Master Page 17 1 January 2014 Presentation title
The EY Foundation © 2015 The EY Foundation. All Rights Reserved. The EY Foundation is a charitable company registered in England and Wales and Scotland with registered charity number 1157154 and SC045076. The registered office is 1 More London Place, London SE1 2AF. It is a member firm of Ernst & Young Global Limited. The EY Foundation, 1 More London Place, London, SE1 2AF. eyfoundation.co.uk
About color themes ! Choose the appropriate design theme for ! your document or presentation. The first four on the design tab are EY Themes. Use light backgrounds for handouts; use dark backgrounds on screen. The themes labeled “projection” contain projector-safe color values for EY Yellow. ► In Microsoft Office, the top row of ! colors in the color palette 1 Use these colors features EY's primary colors and Please note that EY Special-use Blue. The Custom whenever you Colors below contain EY's Don't use these shades need to use remaining Special-use colors. both the light ► We should never use the Use these EY Special-use and dark automatically generated shades 2 themes (dark for of our primary colors or create colors when necessary for onscreen, light other colors, even if they look information graphics for printouts) similar. Don't use these colors that any text Don't create new colors overlaying yellow or light grays should be hardcoded so they don’t change when the themes are changed. 1 Change the text and fill here from rows 1 or 2 to see how different color combinations look 2
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