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Home Explore Transition Booklet

Transition Booklet

Published by c.wilson, 2017-04-24 10:33:57

Description: Your guide to transition at The Kingsway School


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The Kingsway SchoolClass of 2022Your Guide to Transition

Welcome!Welcome to our parents and carers: The Kingsway School – Broadway and Foxland CampusesOn behalf of the Governors and staffof The Kingsway School I would like to From September 2017, we are reorganising our school towelcome you as the parents of the class enable Key Stage 3 students to study mainly on one campus.of 2022. We are delighted that you made This will create the culture and ethos of a small schoolthe choice to send your child to us. environment for our younger students, whilst also having the benefits, facilities and economies of scale of a largeOur aim is to provide your child with the school. This change will enable our new Year 7 students, inbest possible education, through our particular, to embed as learners and reduce learning timeethos of: lost in movement across the campuses. Some students will move to the other campus occasionally, Opportunity, Achievement and Respect for example for Technology, P.E.and Performing Arts. All other subjects will be based on both campuses.Secondary school is much more than 5 lessons a day – itis a complete learning experience. To get the best out of it, Both campuses will have Year groups from 7-11 inclusive,we encourage your child to embrace opportunities, take with around 725 students on each; six forms per year group.risks and rise to challenges. There will be a variety of ways Form tutors will remain with their form from Year 7 to 11.they can do this through a wide range of extra-curricular Mrs Lowe, the Headteacher and her senior leadership team,activities. will lead the school, and departments will be managed, across both campuses.Achievement at school is not only about GCSE results – itis the progress made in each learning event that takes The Kingsway remains one school with two campusesplace. We want your child to believe that his or her potential and will ensure that the experience for students on eitheris limitless, by developing the belief that they can always campus is of the same high quality. As in previous years, ourimprove. As a school we are held to account for the progress new Year 7 students will be allocated to forms taking intoyour child makes from the end of Key Stage 2 to their GCSE account information from primary schools. This could be onresults – but in lessons we will be wanting them to push either campus. Form groups will reflect the nature of ourthemselves beyond their academic targets and out of their intake, which is truly comprehensive.comfort zone. Learning should be fun; and it should bechallenging.The Kingsway School is committed to developing your child, Further information on all aspects of school life can be foundnot only academically, but also as a fully rounded individual. on our website: www.kingsway.stockport.sch.ukOur expectations of standards of conduct are rigorous and or contact: [email protected]. We expect your child to show respect for us, theirschool and the community in which they live. As a school wedemonstrate our values and respect for others through ourhigh-profile fundraising for local, national and internationalcharities. During their five years with us, your child willhave many opportunities to develop their values, skills andpersonal qualities.We extend a hand of friendship and partnership to you asparents and carers and encourage you to work with us in thebest interests of your child and The Kingsway School. Follow us for the latest school updates: @kw_sch /thekingswayschoolMrs J Lowe, HeadteacherA message from the Board of Governors:On behalf of the Governing Body, I would like to wish all Year7 students joining us in September a very warm welcome toThe Kingsway School.You are about to embark on an exciting journey. I hope thatthe next five years will be a rewarding and positive experienceand that The Kingsway School gives you an opportunity tobegin to fulfil your ambitions.Anne Thompson, Community Governor

The move from Year 6 into Year 7Summer term transition eventsMoving to high school is an exciting step. We work hard toensure that transition is a really positive experience for allour new Year 7 students.Our Year 7 Pastoral Heads of Year, Mrs Hadfield and MrsGrundy know our local primary schools well and are veryhappy to talk to children and their families about any aspectof transition to Kingsway. If your child attends a school thatis not one of our local primaries, they would be especiallypleased to hear from you.We will be talking to the Year 6 teachers of all the childrenjoining us in September and finding out as much as we canabout our new students. In addition, we really value whatchildren tell us about themselves and we urge you to helpyour child complete the Pupil Profile in the back of this pack.Every new student will be invited to join us for a Year 7 “I felt quite nervous butInduction Day at the end of June, where they will when I started, I wasexperience the Kingsway day, meet key members of really excited to learn astaff, and get to know other new students. lot of different subjects”Parents and all new Year 7 students are warmly invited The first week at The Kingsway Schoolto a Parents’ Induction Evening on Thursday 29th June.There will be short presentations and a chance to Year 7 starts with special activities to enable our new studentsmeet your son or daughter’s new tutor, as well as the to get to know each other, their teachers, the senioropportunity to talk afterwards or arrange a 1:1 meeting leadership team and thefor a longer, more private conversation. school. Our aim is to make our new students feel happy, confident and excited about being a Year 7 at The Kingsway School.“I really enjoyed Further information about ‘Kickstart to the activities taking place in Kingsway’ because this week will be given on I bonded more with the Year 7 Parents’ Induction my old friends and Evening on June 29th. made new friends that I never thought I would meet” Opportunity | Achievement | Respect 3

Life at The Kingsway School – Every student belongs!Tutors and Tutor Groups Extra-curricular and “I have achieved Enrichment activitiesEvery Kingsway student is a member of a tutor group (alsoknown as a ‘form’), of about 25 people. The form meets with We strongly encourage every student good merits fortheir tutor at the start of every day for registration and tutor to complete at least 10 hours of doing lots oftime. Some lessons are taught in forms; in others there is a Enrichment activities, which aremix of people from different Year 7 forms. logged and monitored by staff. activities, like Houses Students earn merits by attending after school activities outside of lessons. Everyone in a tutor group, including the tutor, belongs There are many opportunities for clubs and good to the same house. We students to follow existing interests homework” have 6 houses, each named or develop new ones. after a famous person in Manchester’s history: In sports there are practices and the opportunity to play for Pankhurst, Rylands, Gaskell, teams in: Hockey, Gymnastics, Football, Cross-Country, Whitworth, Lowry and Turing. Netball, Badminton, Basketball, Rounders and Cricket. Every house is made up of two tutor groups from each The Music Department year. Students take part in provides a host of activities, activities with their house, including our Musical where they become a part Showcase in the Autumn term of our community and are in which every Year 7 student introduced to Kingsway’s key performs. All Year 7 studentsvalues: Opportunity, Achievement and Respect. There is also also have the opportunity tohealthy competition between houses! hear The Hallé Orchestra at The Bridgewater Hall.Each house has two house captains, as well as a number of At various times during theother student leaders. These older students are there to help, year, students are invited toguide and encourage the younger students in their house. take part in a wide variety of other trips and visits.A typical Kingsway fortnight Tests and examinationsWe have a two-week timetable at The Kingsway School; redweek and blue week. There are five lessons each day and over Early in the Autumn term, our Year 7 students will dothe fortnight, students will study: English, Maths, Science, Art, benchmark assessments in key subjects.Computing, Technology, French, Geography, History, Music, The results help us place students correctly and also ensureDrama, RE and PE. that intervention can be put in place where needed.Students will receive their individual timetables in September. Assessments take place in all subjects during the year, with many subjects having formal examinations during theThe school day summer term. .Students must be at theirtutor room for 8:30am prompt. “W hat I haveDuring tutor time students enjoyed mostprepare for the day ahead and about Kingsway isgo to lessons ready to learn. making new friends, being taught byOn a Wednesday, a longer great teachers andtutor time allows tutors to learning things wedeliver a Life Skills lesson. never got taught in Primary School”4 Opportunity | Achievement | Respect

Homework Homework clubHomework is set online and also recorded by the students The school’s Learningin their planners. Students in Year 7 are expected to spend Resource Centre (Library)an average of 30 minutes a day on homework. This is only is available to all studentsguidance; students who are capable of achieving high grades from 3:00–4:00 pm Monday toshould plan to spend more time on homework, including Thursday and 3:00–3:30 pmwider reading and research. on Friday for students to do homework.Students with special educational needs may spend less time All of the library facilitiesdoing homework. Our Inclusion and Diversity Department are available, includingwill give advice and support to students and families on this. computers, printers and internet access.We encourage families to: Staff can also help with all• C heck their child’s planner and school website regularly aspects of the work. for homework• U se the school website links to SAM Learning and MyMaths• C ontact your child’s tutor for guidance if you feel too much “What I have or too little homework is being set or done enjoyed is trying the after school clubs and all the new opportunities given to me”One big family – Student LeadershipOur caring and friendly Senior Students and Prefects have an importantresponsibility – to work with the staff to support and help all new studentsjoining us in September.Student leadership is an important and central part of the ethos of our school.Student leadership opportunities enhance and develop the 4 Rs: Resilience,Reciprocity, Resourcefulness and Reflectiveness.Student leaders take an active role in the school and in supporting and developing their peers. We endeavour to provideopportunities for students to develop skills and experience leadership in a variety of contexts and there are opportunities inevery school Year to get involved:• Form representatives are elected by their form at the start of the academic year and attend Student Council meetings regularly throughout the year.• House Captains are selected in the Summer term of Year 9.• Head Girl, Head Boy and Deputies are selected in the Spring term of Year 10. Prefects are appointed soon afterwards.Opportunity | Achievement | Respect 5

Supporting The Kingsway ExpectationsStudents must arrive to school and lessons: 3. Having the correct equipment, kit • On time and homework • In full uniform • With the correct kit, equipment Students need a strong school bag and a pencil case with pens, pencils, rubber, ruler and pencil sharpener. Coloured and homework pencils are also useful. Students are given exercise books • With a positive attitude to learning and a planner, which they have a responsibility to look after • Behaving responsibly and respectfully and bring to lessons. Students will be de-merited if they are ill-prepared for at all times learning and do not have the basic equipment of pen, pencil, ruler and planner.1. Being present and on time Planners Key to good organisation is theTo ensure that students are punctual, the school gates are student planner. The plannerlocked at 8.30am. If students arrive after that time, they must contains important informationreport to the school’s Attendance Officer. for students and spaces toIt is strongly recommended that students wear a watch (not record homework and otheran expensive one). information that parents can see on a daily basis.Good attendance at school improves a child’s chances of It is also a useful methodachieving academically. We understand that students are ill of communication betweenfrom time to time, but it is important to appreciate the impact school and home and hasof time out of school. 90% attendance is equal to being specific spaces for parentsabsent from lessons for half a day every week, or missing and staff to communicate.lessons for four whole weeks in the school year. Over 5 years,90% attendance is like missing half a year! Mobile phones and otherReporting a child’s absence/requesting leave of absence personal possessionsIf your child is ill, please contact the school before 9.30am Mobile phones, iPods, andeach day of your child’s illness. If your child is not in school similar items are not permitted in school. We cannot takeand we have not been notified of a reason, we will contact any responsibility for students who bring them on site andyou via text message and email. we will not investigate if they are lost or damaged. If a mobile or similar device is used during the school day, our policy isLeave of absence for any reason can only be granted if the to confiscate it. It will be returned to a parent on the sameschool is satisfied that exceptional circumstances exist. day if they come to collect it. Otherwise the student will notPlease contact the school for advice before you make get it back for 5 school days. Confiscated items are kept inarrangements to take your child out of school. the school safe.2. Wearing full uniform 4. A positive attitude to learningUniform is a vital part of To create a productive learning environment where ourlife at Kingsway. In making students can achieve their full potential, we expect thea decision to send your highest standards ofson or daughter to this behaviour at all times. Theschool, you agree to ensure core of the school’s behaviourthat your child follows all policy is built around ourschool uniform regulations, non-negotiable rules.including the manner in Teachers have the right towhich they wear their teach; students have theuniform. right to learn; we all have a responsibility to make this“I have learnt a lot happen. of new things in all of my subjects” The school’s full behaviour policy can be viewed on our website.6 Opportunity | Achievement | Respect

The K:OAR Agreement Charity Work(Kingsway: Opportunity, At The Kingsway School we are extremely proud of our outstanding record of charity work. We have raised andAchievement, Respect) donated almost half a million pounds to a wide range ofThis agreement outlines the charities at home and abroad.rights and responsibilitiesof students, parents and Every two years we support three different charities, onethe school to promote local, one national and one international. Our studentsthe Kingsway values of nominate, short list and vote for the charities the school willOpportunity, Achievement support.and Respect, which enablestudents to achieve and Our fourth, standing charity, is our sister school: Thebe successful. A copy of Kolweny-Kingsway School in rural Kenya, which we havethe agreement is included supported for many years. If you wish to learn more aboutin this pack. Please sign the projects The Kingsway School supports in Kenya, pleasethe Admission Form to see the Community section of our website, or visit www.indicate that you support the“W hen I started, it was all very strange but then I started making friends and I knew my way around the school much easier than I used to” 5. Behaving responsibly “I have had lots of opportunities to and respectfully at get involved in practical activities, all times. such as: science experiments, going to the Bridgewater Hall and We are a welcoming school having a Sport Activity Day” where everyone is valued highly and where tolerance, honesty, co-operation and respect for others are fostered. We are committed to the development of the whole person within a supportive, secure and creative environment. A broad, balanced and appropriate curriculumprovides equal opportunity for all students to maximise theirpotential, regardless of age, gender, sexual orientation, race,colour, religion or disability. We promote equality, work totackle any form of discrimination and seek to remove anybarriers to access, participation, progression, attainmentand achievement. We promote positive relationships withparents, governors and members of the wider communityand actively promote harmonious relations in all areas ofschool life.“I enjoy earning lots of merits, that show I am doing well in school”Opportunity | Achievement | Respect 7

Communicating with parentsReporting progress to parents or carers Support for students with additional needsStudents will be issued with a monitoring report to take We pride ourselves on being an inclusive community wherehome to share with their parents or carers on a regular every young person is valued, supported and challenged tobasis. There are two Review Days a year (Winter and achieve their potential.Summer), where you will have an individual appointmentwith your child’s form tutor to discuss your child’s progress Our very experienced Inclusion & Diversity Departmentand set targets for the future. supports students with special educational needs. TheIn addition, we hold an annual majority of support takes place in class, with specialist staffParents’ Evening during the working alongside the class teacher. A small number ofSpring Term, which provides students come to ‘B11’, our Inclusion Base, at specific timesthe opportunity to discuss in the week for individual or small group work.your child’s progress in eachsubject with each of their During the summer term of Year 6, our SENCO, Mrs Culley,subject teachers. will visit primary schools to discuss with the SENCO any of the children coming to Kingsway needing additional support.Parental Engagement Portal (PEP) Parents also have the opportunity to talk to us about your child’s needs before they move to Kingsway. A s a parent or carer, you can see information on your child’s attendance, B11 is open to all students at break times. Students can use assessments and merits through the the computers, play board games or simply socialise with Parental Engagement Portal (PEP) on our friends in a relaxed, friendly and supervised environment school website.Your contact details High achieving students – ‘Year 7 Scholars’The school relies on having up to date and accurate contactdetails for the parents or carers of all our students, in the We offer a variety of enhancedunlikely event of an emergency. Please make sure you give curriculum experiences forus key contact information such as home, work and mobile our Y7 Scholars - the top 10%telephone numbers and email addresses and let us know of high achieving studentsimmediately if any details change. across all subjects for that term.Safeguarding Year 7 students compete to be in the top 10% eachSafeguarding children and young people is the responsibility term and have access toof everyone in school. Our designated Officer for Child an enhanced curriculumProtection is Mrs J Maxey. experience. In our competitive world extraPlease ensure you read the Safeguarding Statement in the skills and qualificationsback of this booklet. Your signature on the School Admission gained through an enhancedForm confirms that you have read and understood this. Our curriculum will help our students to stand out amongst allfull Safeguarding Policy can be viewed on our website. those with similar GCSE results.Medical needs Science, Technology, Engineering and MathsWe have two Welfare Assistants in school, whose job it is to (STEM)look after our students’ medical needs, working very closelywith our School Nurse. As well as responding to situations All students in Years 7–10where a child becomes ill during the school day, our Welfare take part in STEM extraAssistants also set up Health Care Plans with parents of curricular projects, whichchildren with longer term medical needs. They keep and can lead to formal awards,administer any prescribed medication students may need to recognised by colleges andtake while in school. universities. Students work on live projects, learn aboutIf your child does have medical needs, please indicate this on the real world and havethe admission form and we will invite you in to discuss this opportunities to participateand organise your child’s care plan during the summer term in work experience, industryof Year 6. and university visits.8 Opportunity | Achievement | Respect

School mealsSchool meals and snacks at The Kingsway School are cooked Hydration policyin-house. We offer a choice of healthy options and menus arechanged daily. Fresh local produce and home-made dishes All students are encouraged to drink sensibly throughout theare always included. day and a range of suitable drinks is available in the school’s dining rooms. Water may be drunk in class at the discretionStudents can buy breakfast and hot drinks from the dining of the teacher. Energy drinks, such as Red Bull androoms from 8.00-8.30am. Lucozade, and many carbonated and caffeinated drinks, suchIn place of a ‘lunch hour’ we have one 25 minute and one 35 as Coke, Dr. Pepper, Tango etc., are not allowed in school.minute break in the school day, when students can buy foodfrom either dining room. Plenty of options are available both “The school mealsbreaks, although the choice is more extensive at break 2. are really nice.All of the chicken served is halal. I like to sit withTaylor Shaw, our school meal providers, are always open to my friends in thenew ideas, suggestions and comments. canteen when I eat. My favourite are theStudents who bring their own food are also welcome to sit flapjacks becausewith friends anywhere they wish in the dining rooms. Packed they are reallylunches must also be healthy. delicious!”Cashless cateringWe use a cashless catering system. You can put money intoyour child’s account online or students can top up theiraccounts with cash using the revaluation machines.Students pay for their food using a biometric (fingerprintimaging) system.The fingerprint images cannot be used by any other sourcefor identification purposes. The system uses the image ofthe finger to create a unique number to identify students.The fingerprint image is then discarded. The unique numbercannot be reinterpreted back into a fingerprint image.Please complete the sheet in this pack so that you and yourchild can access this system.Free school meals – do you qualify?Many families are throwing away up to £350 a year for each child because they are paying for schoolmeals when they don’t have to! Save time! wctaihBlslTeehkichlrneamoesutwserseaeceaifaslo’siytsnueoogrrunrisnraoncgncohdhsstoi.ytbloTdsiulgthlieuslimysmspienp,aasgrnye!.tiohvneeognnfteosr ciInof naythotceeusHncawhtefratolaeanuotrtlneln,tycowahohonuetyndilrml,epcaienhaahiritltstehdiiacevntluiottcglahlad!alyr.oslmyswreteooalollmatYou can claim for free school meals if you receive: maYetyooeeutmatcrha,oekwuesnlhdcupihcstaohraciotvkiilseoemntduhapeleluatsntloistcma.1hn9eed0snahetrhodeausdtreosdf • Income Support • Universal Credit Help Your School! • Income related Employment and Support Allowance • Income-based Job Seekers Allowance rpergeTiOsmhruetiesirsuroasmeulcdlrhofcfuowoenorssldfufrironeesrgceteeofsovivcberehuresoyyvooaemnlrpemoyu.rcpeehailillsd. • Support under Part VI of the Immigration and Asylum Act 1999 • Child Tax Credit only with an income of less than £16,190 • The guaranteed element of Pension CreditYou can apply for free school meals online follow the link from our school website.If you have a query about free school meals, please contact Stockport Council directly:email: [email protected] or phone: 0161 217 6015. Opportunity | Achievement | Respect 9

10 Opportunity | Achievement | Respect

Important Documents and Further InformationPlease find enclosed important documents, some of which we ask you to complete, sign and return to school as soon as possible, please.

Key Staff at The Kingsway SchoolApart from your teachers, you may also come into contact with other key staff: Mrs J. Lowe Headteacher [email protected] Ms L. Balfe Mrs J. Maxey Assistant Headteacher Assistant Headteacher Responsible for Transition Responsible for Pastoral & Safeguarding Mrs J. Hadfield Mrs K. Grundy Mrs L. Dunn Mrs W. Culley Mrs M. Burgess Pastoral Head of Year 7 Pastoral Head of Year 7 Transition Lead Teacher SENCO Resourced School Inclusion Coordinator [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] Ms Z. Carrigan Mr A. Moore Mrs L. Kelman Mrs R. Jones Pastoral & Safeguarding Anti-Bullying Coordinator Welfare Officer Welfare Officer Assistant Mrs R. Meal Mrs F. Earnshaw Receptionist – Broadway Receptionist – Foxland Further information on all aspects of school life can be found on our website: or contact: [email protected] us for the latest school updates: @kw_sch /thekingswayschool The Kingsway School Foxland Campus Broadway Campus Headteacher Mrs J. Lowe Foxland Road, Cheadle High Grove Road, Cheadle Tel 0161 428 7706 SK8 4QX SK8 1NP

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