Name of Pet: B. ANTI- RABIES Date of Birth This is a vaccine against a fatal zoonotic viral disease of all Species: Sex: MaMMals of all ages characterized by nervousness, changes Breed: in behavior, hydrophobia and death Colour: Distinguishing Marks: There are two forMs of rabies disease; Owner: Address/Telephone: I. DUMB Veterinarian Address/Telephone: This forM is characterized by weakness, profuse salivation, Identichip: inability to swallow and dropping of jaw, loss of coordination, paralysis, coMa and death. pAgE 1 Ii . FURIOUS The classical “Mad- dog syndroMe” is also characterized by extreMe change of behavior, including overt attack and aggression, dilated pupils, pica, Muscular in coordination, seizures and death. NOTES ON (ONGOING TrEATMENTS, AllErGIES, SUrGICAl INTErVENTIONS, ETC.) pAgE 20
phYSIOlOGIC dATA Kittens should also receive at least two core vaccinations to be followed by annual boosters and noncore: vaccination where TeMperature : 38.0-39.0 co necessary. Respiratory Rate (at rest) : 18-34 breaths per Minute a. ii. A combination vaccine against major feline Heart Rate: Dog: 70 -120 cat: 120-140 beats per Minut disease; oestrus: Twice +/-21 days per year Best breeding tiMe: Between 9-13 days froM the onset of FELINE PANLEUCOPAENIA oestrus cycle. Gestation Period: 57-65 days A viral enteritis also referred to as disteMper characterized by Age at Puberty: 7/10 Months Male: 6/12 Months feMale rapid dehydration and possible death. FIRST AID FELINE VIRAL RHINOTRACHEITIS Pet owners should regularly visit the vet every 1- 2 Months for A disease causing cat flu. It affects all ages but fatal in kitten routine check-ups. Also report any unusual changes proMptly. and leads to chronic sniffles in order cats. Use finger to apply pressure to stop bleeding, protect and FELINE CALICIVIRUS support any area of injury. Keep pet in a position that does not obscure breathing and keep t warM. A viral disease affecting the respiratory tract (including lungs and nasal passages) of cats. Separate all affected aniMals, wash and disinfect house regularly. Avoid given left over feed and provide fresh clean FELINE LEUKAEMIAVIRUS water daily. Though a noncore vaccine disease it is a probleM in the western world, possibly a nuMber one infectious killer. pAgE 2 pAgE 19
NotE: ENDO PARASITE CONTROL pAgE 18 A. pupIES And kIttEnS should start deworMing 2- 3 weeks, and then after every 2 weeks. Subsequently deworM aniMals every 2-3 Months. b. Breeding bitches and the males should be deworMed before Mating. Gestated bitches should be deworMed using SuItABlE dEwormEr 2 weeks before they whelp and again soon after whelping. Subsequently, bitch worMing should be done saMe tiMe as pups are deworMed. ECTOPARASITE CONTROL These include ticks, fleas, lice and Mites. The control depends on the extent of infestation. However pups and kittens should be dusted every 1-2 weeks. AniMals May be washed once every Month or at longer interval using ApproprIAtEly rEcommEndEd cheMical (as they are toxic to both huMans and aniMals). contact your vet if your aniMals are severely and frequently exposed for advice on what to do. pAgE 3
RECOMMENED VACCINATION OpErATION SCHEDULE FOR DOGS PRIMARY 5-6 7-9 12-14 12 Date operation Signature FIRST WEEKS WEEKS WEEKS WEEKS VACCINATION DHPPl FIRST DHPPl BOOSTER DHPPl SECOND BOOSTER RABBIES SECOND VACCINATION * rABIES and dhppl vaccination should be repeated yearly RECOMMENED VACCINATION SCHEDULE FOR CATS PRIMARY 6-7 10 WEEKS 12 WEEKS WEEKS 6-7 coMbination Rabbies WEEKS coMbination vaccine vaccine PRIMARY 13 WEEKS 16 & 19 WEEKS 6-7 coMbination coMbination WEEKS vaccine + felv vaccine + felv * rABIES and dhppl vaccination should be repeated yearly. * coMbination vaccine should also be boosted yearly in case of high risk of exposure pAgE 4 pAgE 17
pAgE 16 Date Weight Product Used Signature VErMIFUGATION Next Date PRIMARY VACCINATION Signature and Stamp Revaccination Vaccination Date Vaccination Lable of Veterinarian Date pAgE 5
pAgE 6 BOOSTER VACCINATION RECORD Vaccination Lable Signature and Stamp Revaccination Vaccination Date & Batch No. of Veterinarian Date Date Weight Product Used Signature VErMIFUGATION pAgE 15 Next Date
pAgE 14 Date Weight Product Used Signature VErMIFUGATION DateNext BOOSTER VACCINATION RECORD Vaccination Lable Signature and Stamp Revaccination Vaccination Date & Batch No. of Veterinarian Date pAgE 7
pAgE 8 BOOSTER VACCINATION RECORD Vaccination Lable Signature and Stamp Revaccination Vaccination Date & Batch No. of Veterinarian Date Date Weight Product Used Signature VErMIFUGATION pAgE 13 Next Date
pAgE 12 Date Weight Product Used Signature VErMIFUGATION Next Date BOOSTER VACCINATION RECORD Vaccination Lable Signature and Stamp Revaccination Vaccination Date & Batch No. of Veterinarian Date pAgE 9
pAgE 10 BOOSTER VACCINATION RECORD Vaccination Lable Signature and Stamp Revaccination Vaccination Date & Batch No. of Veterinarian Date LABORATORY RESULTS DATE LABORATORY ANALYSIS REMARKS pAgE 11
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