Contents Page PageIntroduction 6 Unit 9 70Hello! 10 Unit 10 76Unit 1 14 Revision 5 Units 9 and 10 82Unit 2 20 Unit 11 84Revision 1 Units 1 and 2 26 Unit 12 90Unit 3 28 Revision 6 Units 11 and 12 96Unit 4 34 Christmas 98Revision 2 Units 3 and 4 40 Easter 99Unit 5 42 End-of-year play 100Unit 6 48 Unit tests 102 Term tests 114Revision 3 Units 5 and 6 54 Key to tests 120 Key to Activity Book 123Unit 7 56Unit 8 62Revision 4 Units 7 and 8 68 3
1a It’s a 1a It’s a dragon! car elephant dragon! 1 Listen and read. giraffe octopus dragon 2 What’s this? It’s an elephant! Lesson aims 1 What’s this? It’s a car! ● To learn the words car, elephant, giraffe, octopus, 3 It’s a giraffe! 4 It’s an dragon And what’s What’s this? octopus! ● To learn What’s this? It’s a/an … this? ● T o learn the short forms What is = What’s, It is = It’s Materials 5 It’s a dragon! Hi! I’m Danny. What’s this? I’m a toy dragon. l F lashcards: car, elephant, giraffe, octopus, dragon, cat, dog, orange, apple, pirate, robot, kangaroo, fairy, jeep Hello, Danny! ● P ictures (from magazines or other sources) of an apple, a cat, a dog and an orange ● A piece of cardboard Checking homework 2 Read and circle. • C heck pupils’ answers in the Activity Book, Hello! Lesson 1 car 2 elephant 3 octopus 4 giraffe 5 giraffe b.The Answer Key is on page 123 of the Teacher’s Book. dragon giraffe octopus dragon 8 octopus • G ive dictation from the previous lesson. eight Review • S ay Hi, I’m (your name). Ask pupils to say Hello, (your name). 03-TOYboxPB1-Unit01.indd 8 6/23/09 1:26:17 PM Give each pupil a chance to say Hi, I’m (pupil’s name). Ask to the picture and the circled word. Then ask pupils to the class to say Hello, (pupil’s name). read the pairs of words for items 2–5 and tell you which Vocabulary presentation word they have to circle. • T ell pupils to complete the exercise in their books. You can use the pictures at the top of page 8 oyof uthecaPn1upuisl’es2 3• C h1eck 2the e3xercise orally with the class. Book to teach the new words. Alternatively, 6 1Anc4aswr (ee5rxsam6ple)7 flashcards. 45 5 3 g1iraff4e 5 2 elephant 4 octopus • P oint to the picture of the car or hold up the flashcard for 5 dragon car and say the word. Ask the whole class to repea1t the4 1 w2ord.3Then1give2 eac3h pupil the chance to say the word individually. Repeat this procedure with the rest of1 the2 3 Re4ad 5and6 lea7rn8. (Stage 1) 4 ne5w w6ords.4 5 6 7 H old up the flashcards or point to the pictures in any ord9er 10 It is a1 goo4d id5ea to go through the Read and learn box • an4d as5k pup1ils to4 say5 the words. Help only if necessary. in two stages. • Read out the words in the Read and learn box (a cat, 1 1 Li2sten3 an4d re5ad.6 7 8 a dog, an apple, an orange, an elephant) and get pupils to repeat them after you. • 9Ask 10pupils 1to lo4ok 5at the story. Encourage them to • Draw two big boxes or other shapes (e.g. bags, balloons, describe what they see in each of the pictures using L1 hearts) on the board and write a cat in one and an apple in another. Highlight a and an and the first letter of each and say what happens at the end. (The toys meet Danny, noun by writing them in a different colour or underlining them. the toy dragon.) • Point out the first letter in the rest of the nouns and ask pupils if the word belongs in the shape with a cat or in the • Point to the new words at the top of the page and ask shape with an apple. • W rite a, o and e next to the shape with an apple. It is not pupils to find them in the story. 1 ne2cess3ary to talk about ‘vowels’ at this stage. • Direct pupils’ attention to other words they have learnt • Play the Audio CD and ask pupils to follow the story in 4 (e5.g. ro6bot,7fairy, jeep, kangaroo, pirate, car, giraffe, octopus, dragon) and ask individual pupils to write them in the their books. 1 co4rrec5t shape on the board. • P lay the recording again, pausing after each question. Ask1 pupils to read out the dialogues.4 2• G 3et pu1pils t2o ac3t out the story. Ask one pupil to1 rea2d th3e1 questions and give other pupils a role and the4flash5car6d 5 th6at go4 es w5 ith6thei7r part. The story can be acted out several times until each pupil has had a chanc1e to4play5 4 a 5part.1 4 51 2 Re3 ad 4and5 cir6cle.7 8 1 23 4 W5rite6 a o7 r a8n. 1• Go4 thro5ugh the exercise orally first.Draw pupils’ attention 9 • 10Go thr1ough4the 5exercise orally first. Hold up your9 Pup10il’s Book and point to the example, drawing pupils’ attention to the example. Emphasise the first letter in pirate and 14
3 Read and learn. 4 Write a or an. 1a Unit 1 1 ....a..... pirate a cat a dog 2 ......... elephant • H old up your Pupil’s Book and point to the first silhouette. 3 ......... apple Ask pupils What’s this? Encourage them to answer using an apple an orange an elephant 4 ......... robot It’s a/an … . What’s this? 5 ......... car It’s a car. It’s an orange. • Ask two pupils to read out the dialogue in their books to demonstrate the activity. LOOK! • P ut pupils into pairs and ask them to do the activity. What’s = What is It’s = It is Monitor and help them if necessary. 5 Write It’s a or It’s an. 2 .................. cat. Answers What’s this? 1 What’s this? It’s a dragon. (example) 1 ...I.t..’s...a...n...... octopus. 2 What’s this? It’s a car. 3 What’s this? It’s an elephant. 3 .................. dog. 4 .................. orange. 4 What’s this? It’s a cat. 5 What’s this? It’s an octopus. 6 What’s this? It’s a giraffe. 6 Ask your friend. Optional activity: Game What’s this? Tell pupils that they are going to play a game. • Put pupils into two teams and give each team a name (e.g. 123 It’s a dragon. The Jeeps and The Dragons). Write the team names on the board. 456 • Use flashcards or pictures of the words pupils have learnt so far. Cover a flashcard or picture with a piece of 9 cardboard and reveal it little by little, asking What’s this? The team who call out the correct answer first score a nine point. • Keep the score by drawing a tick under the team names 03-TOYboxPB1-Unit01.indd 9 6/23/09 1:26:28 PM on the board.The team with the most points wins. then point out the a in front of the word. Ask pupils to Activity Book read the words in items 2–5 and tell you whether they Pupils can now do the exercises in Unit 1, Lesson 1a.You can set some or all of these exercises for homework. It is a good have to write a or an. idea to go through some of the exercises orally. • Tell pupils to complete the exercise in their books. Homework 1 2 3• Ch1eck 2the e3xercise orally with the class. Write the homework on the board and allow enough time for pupils to copy it into their notebooks. It might be Answers necessary to check that pupils have done so correctly. It 4 5 6 1 a4 (ex5amp6le) 72 an 3 an 4 a 5 a might also be necessary to help some of the slower pupils. • Dictation: car, elephant, giraffe, octopus, dragon 1 4 5Now1ask 4pupil5s to look at the Read and learn box again. • Write the words car, elephant, giraffe, octopus and dragon in 3 1 2 Re34ad a5 nd6lea7rn.8(Stage 2) your notebooks and draw a picture next to each word. 1 2 3 6 9 4 10 5Rea6d1the7 4ques5tion (What’s this?) and answers (It’s a car. It’s an orange.). Point to LOOK! and explain that What’s is the 5 1 4shor5t form of What is and It’s is the short form of It is. 3 4 5 W6 rit7e It8’s a or It’s an.10 1 •4 Go5 through the exercise orally first. Read out Robbie’s question (What’s this?) and the answer in the example.To check understanding, ask pupils to look at the story on page 8 again. Remind them that Fifi wants to know what the pictures are and that Katie answers with It’s a … or It’s an … . • Repeat the question for items 2–4 and ask pupils to give you the answers. 1 2 3• Tell pupils to complete the exercise in their books. • C heck the exercise orally with the class. 4 5 6 A7nswers 1 4 5 1 It’s an (example) 2 It’s a 3 It’s a 4 It’s an 4 5 6 A7sk y8our friend. 1 4 •5 R ead out the instruction Ask your friend and explain to pupils that they are going to work in pairs and ask each other questions. 15
1b Are you 1b Are you happy? thirsty happy? happy sad hungry ice cream Lesson aims 1 Listen and read. 2 ● T o learn the words thirsty, happy, sad, hungry, 1 ice cream Are you thirsty? ● To learn I’m (hungry). You’re (happy). Are you ● T o learn Are you (thirsty)? Yes, I am. / No, I’m not. happy, Fifi? ● T o learn the short forms I’m = I am, you’re = Yes, I am. you are Yes, I am. Materials 3 Are you sad? 4 An ice cream An ice cream l F lashcards: apple, car, cat, dog, dragon, elephant, giraffe, No, I’m not. for me? octopus, orange for you! Thank you! l R eal objects: an apple or orange, a glass of water I’m hungry! Checking homework 2 Read and circle. 2 I’m hungry / sad. 1 I’m sad / happy. 4 I’m happy / hungry. • C heck pupils’ answers in the Activity Book, Unit 1, Lesson 1a.The Answer Key is on page 123 of the Teacher’s Book. 3 I’m thirsty / hungry. • G ive dictation from the previous lesson. Review 10 • To review a and an, draw two shapes on the board.Write a ten in one and an in the other.Ask pupils to stick the flashcards 03-TOYboxPB1-Unit01.indd 10 6/23/09 1:26:36 PM of the car, elephant, giraffe, octopus, dragon, cat,1dog2, 3• T el1l pup2ils to3 complete the exercise in their books. • Check the exercise orally with the class. orange and apple in the correct shape. 6 A4nsw5ers 6 7 • Ask pupils to show the class the drawings in their notebo4 oks5. 5 11sad (4exam5 ple) 2 hungry 3 thirsty 4 happy Ask individual pupils to point to one of their d. rawings1 and4 ask What’s this? The class answers It’s a/an … Vocabulary presentation 1 2 3 Re4ad 5and6 lea7rn8. (Stage 1) • To teach happy, draw a ‘smiley’ on the board and say th9e 10 It is a1 goo4d id5ea to go through the Read and learn box word. Then mime the meaning. Ask pupils to repeat the in three stages. word. To teach sad, draw a sad face on the board and • Point to yourself and say I. Then point to different pupils repeat the procedure. and say you. Point to yourself again and say I’m hungry. 1• U2se a3n app1le o2r or3ange to mime hungry and 1a gla2ss o3f 1 Th2en p3oint to different pupils saying You’re hungry. Repeat water to mime thirsty. the procedure with I’m happy and You’re happy. 4• U5se th6e pic4ture 5at th6e to7p of the page to teach4ice c5ream6. 4• As5k a6pup7il to read out the first two sentences in the • P ractise the new words by asking individual pupils to 1 mi4me t5hem1while4 the5 others guess. 1 45 Read and learn box. If some pupils have not understood 1 the4 me5aning of I’m and You’re, explain in L1. 1 Li2sten3 an4d re5ad.6 7 8 1 2 3 4 Re5ad6an7d ci8rcle. • 9A sk 1p0upils to1 desc4ribe5what they see itnheeaecnhdo. f(Kthaetipe9icotfuf1er0erss 1• Dr4aw p5upils’ attention to the example.Then ask pupils to using L1 and say what happens at look at items 2–5 and tell you whether they have to circle Robbie an ice cream.) am or are. • Point to the new words at the top of the page and ask • T ell pupils to complete the exercise in their books. pupils to find them in the story. 1 2 3• Ch1eck 2the e3xercise orally with the class. • P lay the Audio CD and ask pupils to follow the story in 6 A1 nams4w(eerx5samp6le) 7 2 are 3 am 4 are 5 am their books. 451 2• P3lay th1e re2cord3 ing again, pausing after each question. Ask pupils to repeat the question and then call ou1t the4 5Now1 ask 4pupi5ls to look at the Read and learn box again.4 5 a6nswer4s. En5cour6age7them to imitate the into1nati2on o3n the1 2 Re34ad recording. 12 3 5and6 lea7rn8. (Stage 2)1 4• G5et pu1pils t4o ac5t out the story. 4 5 6 9 4 10 5• Po61int t7o4LO5OK! Explain that I’m is the short form of I am, that the a of am has ‘disappeared’ and that it is easier to1 2 Re3 ad 4and5 cir6cle.7 8 1 4 5 1 4 say5 I’m than I am. Do the same for you’re. 9 • 10D raw p1upils4’ att5ention to the example.Then ask pupils to 5 W6rit7e ’m8 or ’re. look at items 2–4 and tell you which word1they2 hav3e to4 circle. 9 10 1 •4 Dr5aw pupils’ attention to the example.Then ask pupils to 16
3 Read and learn. 4 Read and circle. 1b Unit 1 1 I am / are sad. I’m hungry. 3 – Katie? You’re happy. 2 You am / are happy. – Yes? Are you thirsty? – Are you hungry? Yes, I am. 3 I am / are Jimmy. Audioscript – Yes, I am. No, I’m not. 1 – Pete? 4 – Robbie? LOOK! 4 You are / am Katie. – Yes? – Yes? – Are you sad? – Are you sad? I’m = I am you’re = you are – No, I’m not. 5 I am / are thirsty. – No, I’m not.5 Write ’m or ’re. 1 You ...’r..e.... Pete! 1 23 1 23 2 – Fifi? 3 I ......... happy. 2 Hello,4I ......... F5ifi. 6 4 5 6 7 – Yes? – Are you thirsty? 4 You ...1...... thirs4ty! 5 1 45 – Yes, I am.6 Listen and circle. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 A8sk your friend. 9 10 14 5 • Explain to pupils that they are going to work in pairs and ask each other questions.1 Yes, I am. 2 Yes, I am. 3 Yes, I am. 4 Yes, I am. No, I’m not. No, I’m not. 1No, I’m2 not. 3 N1 o, I’m2not. 3 • Point out the words hungry, thirsty, happy and sad. • A sk two pupils to demonstrate the activity by reading the7 Ask your friend. 8 4 Liste5n and6say the4 chan5t. 6 7 dialogue in their books. Are you 1 45 1 45 • Put pupils into pairs and ask them to do the activity. hungry? Monitor and help them if necessary. Yes, I am. He1llo, H 2rry. Ar3e you h4ungry?5 6 7 8 Listen and say the chant. hungry thirsty Yes, I m. Oh, yes, I m! • Point to the chant and draw pupils’ attention to the 9 10 1 411 5 highlighted letter h. Say the /h/ sound and ask pupils to eleven repeat it.03-TOYboxPB1-Unit01.indd 11 6/23/09 1:26:50 PM • Play the Audio CD and ask pupils to follow the chant in their books.look at items 2–4 and tell you whether they have to write • Say the chant, one sentence at a time, and encourage’m or ’re. pupils to repeat after you. Ask individual pupils to repeat and make sure they pronounce the h sound correctly.• Tell pupils to complete the exercise in their books.1 2 3• C h1eck 2the e3xercise orally with the class.4 5 6 A1 4n’resw(ee5xrasm6ple)7 2 ’m 3 ’m 4 ’re • Play the recording again and get pupils to chant rhythmically along with the recording.1 4 5Now1ask 4pupil5s to look at the Read and learn box again. Optional activity: The orchestra game1 2 3 Re4ad a5 nd6lea7rn.8(Stage 3) Tell pupils that they are going to play a game. • Put pupils into four groups and ask them to stand in the 9 10 Read1out 4the q5uestion Are you thirsty? Then pick up a glass four corners of the classroom. Give each group a different1 2 3of water and ask individual pupils Are you thirsty? Encourage sentence from the chant: them to answer Yes, I am/No, I’m not. Repeat the procedure Group A: Hello, Harry. Group C: Yes, I am.4 5 6with7 happy (draw a ‘smiley’ face on the board), sad (draw Group B: Are you hungry? Group D: Oh, yes, I am. a sad face on the board) and hungry (pick up the apple or • Practise the sentence for each group.1 4 o5 range). • Explain that you are a conductor. Each time you point to4 5 6 Li7ste8n and circle. a group, they have to say their sentence. Begin by pointing to the groups in alphabetical order. Later on, you can1 4 •5 A sk pupils to look at the pictures for items 1–4 and name the characters. point to the groups randomly.• Play the Audio CD, pausing after the example. Draw Activity Bookpupils’ attention to the circled answer. Pupils can now do the exercises in Unit 1, Lesson 1b.You can• Ask pupils to guess the questions for items 2–4 but do not set some or all of these exercises for homework. tell them if they are correct. Guessing helps pupils to listen Homework more effectively.• T ell pupils that you will play the recording from the Write the homework on the board and allow enough time beginning but that this time you will not pause the CD. for pupils to copy it into their notebooks. Explain that they have to listen and circle the answer they • Dictation: thirsty, hungry, happy, sad, ice cream hear. Then play the recording. • Write the words thirsty, hungry, happy, sad and ice cream• Tell pupils that they will hear the recording again so they in your notebooks and draw a picture next to each word.can check their answers.Then play the recording again.• C heck the exercise orally with the class. Ask pupils if theyguessed the questions correctly.Answers1 No, I’m not (example). 2 Yes, I am.3 Yes, I am. 4 No, I’m not. 17
1c 1c 1 2 3 45 one two Lesson aims three four five 67 ● T o learn the numbers one, two, three, four, five, six, 8 9 10 seven, eight, nine, ten six seven eight nine ten ● To develop reading skills 1 Listen and sing. ● To develop writing skills Are you one or are you two? Are you three, four, five or six? Are you seven, eight or nine? I’m not seven, eight or nine! I am ten! I am ten today! Happy birthday! Happy, Happy birthday to you! Hurray!Materials 2 Write. l M ake flashcards for the numbers 1–10.Write a number 1 t h_ _r ee 2 n__e 3 f___ 4 e____ on a piece of card and the word under the number. 3 Read and find the ssttiicckkeerss. 4 Ask your friend. l M aterials for Bingo: Are you six? ■ blank Bingo cards with six squares (one card for 12 each pupil) No, I’m not. four seven ■ s mall pieces of paper to cover the squares on the Bingo card (six for each pupil) 3 4 five ten ■ 1 0 small cards with a different number from 1 to 10 on each card Are you seven? ■ a bag to put the number cards in Yes, I am.Checking homework 12 • C heck pupils’ answers in the Activity Book, Unit 1, Lesson twelve 1b.The Answer Key is on page 123 of the Teacher’s Book. 03-TOYboxPB1-Unit01.indd 12 6/23/09 1:26:58 PM • Ask pupils to show the class the drawings in their notebooks and praise them for their efforts. • Put the cards with the numbers 1–10 into the bag and 1 sh2ake3the b1ag. P2ick a3 card and call out the number on it. • Give dictation from the previous lesson. If pupils have that number on their Bingo card, they coverReview 4 it5with6a squ4are5of p6aper7.Walk around the classroom and You can start the lesson with these activities and then move monitor pupils but do not help them. The first pupil to 1 co4ver a5ll th1e num4 ber5s on his/her card is the winner. on to Checking homework. 1 Li2sten3 an4d sin5 g. 6 7 8 • Ask pupils to open their Pupil’s Book on page 11 (Unit 1, • 9Hold10 up you1r Pu4pil’s 5Book and point to the picture of the Lesson 1b). Go through Exercise 7 to revise the question birthday cake. Then look at a pupil and pretend you are Are you …? and the short answers Yes, I am/No, I’m not as trying to guess his/her age by asking Are you …? ‘Guess’ well as the words happy, sad, hungry and thirsty. different (incorrect) ages. Encourage the pupil to answer • Ask groups of pupils to read the story on page 10 of the No, I’m not until you get the age right. The pupil should Pupil’s Book (Unit 1, Lesson 1b). then answer Yes, I am. Repeat the procedure with a few more pupils if necessary.Vocabulary presentation • Draw pupils’ attention to the song. Point to the numbers You can use the pictures at the top of page 12 of the Pupil’s at the top of the page and ask pupils to find them in the Book to teach the new words. Alternatively, you can use the song. flashcards you have made. • Point to number 1 at the top of the page or hold up • Play the Audio CD and ask pupils to follow the words of 2 th3e son1g. 2 3 the flashcard and say the word. Ask the class to repeat1 • Read out the song line by line and ask pupils to repeat the word.Then ask individual pupils to say the word and 5 a6fter y4ou. 5 6 7 hold up one finger as they do so. Repeat the procedure to4 • Play the recording again and get pupils to sing along with teach the rest of the numbers. 4 th5e rec1ordin4g. 5 • Hold up one finger and ask pupils to call out the number1. Repeat the procedure with the rest of the numbers. Pupils 2 W3rite4. 5 6 7 8 can look at the numbers in their book if they need help. 1• A sk individual pupils to call out a number.The other pupils 9 • 10Point t1o the4 exa5mple and draw pupils’ attention to the hold up the correct number of fingers. number on the party hat and the word three. Then askOptional activity: Bingo pupils to look at items 2–4 and tell you which word they have to write. Tell pupils that they are going to play Bingo and explain the • T ell pupils to complete the exercise in their books. rules in L1. • Check the exercise orally with the class. • G ive each pupil a blank Bingo card. Tell them to write a Answers different number word in each square. 1 three (example) 2 nine 3 five 4 eight • Give each pupil six small paper squares.18
1c Unit 1 1 Read. 1 23 1 23 10 • Invite individual pupils to read out one text. Do not worry 4 5 o6r over4-rea5ct if 6they7make mistakes. 1 Hello, I’m Peter. 2 Hi! My name’s Elena. I’m from England. I’m from Greece. • H old up your Pupil’s Book and point to one of the pictures. I’m ten. I’m nine. 1 4 Sa5y Thi1s is (P4eter)5. Pupils answer Yes/No. How old are you? How old are you? 1 2 Re3 ad 4and5 ma6 tch7 . 8 8 9 • 10Draw p1upils4’ att5ention to the example. Explain match by 3 Hi! I’m Martin. 1 using your finger or a pen to trace the line between I’m I’m from Poland. 4 ten and Peter. Ask pupils to find the information in text 1 I’m eight. 1 of Exercise 1. How old are you? • Go through items 2–3 orally, encouraging pupils to tell you where in texts 2 and 3 they can see the information. 2 3• Tel1l pup2ils to3 complete the exercise in their books. • Check the exercise orally with the class. 5 6 An4swe5rs 6 7 4 5 1 P1eter4(exa5mple) 2 Martin 3 Elena 2 Read and match. 3 Read and write. 1 2 3 Re4ad 5and6 wr7ite8.1 23 1 I’m ten. Elena Hi! I’m Maria. 9 10 • Ask1 a p4upil5to read out the three sentences. Then ask4 56 1 2 I’2m eigh3t. Martin I’m from Greece. pupils to highlight the words Maria, Greece and eight. Peter I’m eight. 13 3 I’m nine. 7 • Say Hi, I’m (your name).Then point to individual pupils and 4 56 encourage them to say Hi, I’m (pupil’s name). Repeat the1 45 1 45 thirteen procedure with I’m from … . You may have to teach the 03-TOYboxPB1-Unit01.indd 13 6/23/09 1:27:10 PM names of the countries pupils come from. 1 2 3 Re4ad 5and6 fin7d th8 e stickers. • T ell pupils to write three sentences about themselves. Explain that they can base their sentences on the ones in 9 10 • Ask1 ind4ividu5al pupils to read out the numbers in the the Pupil’s Book but that they have to replace the words squares. they have highlighted with information about themselves. • Now tell pupils to find the stickers for Unit 1 at the back • Monitor pupils while they are writing. Help them to2 3 1 of2 the3 Pupil’s Book. Once they have done so, ask them correct any mistakes they make. to count the candles on the birthday cakes and tell you5 6 4 w5here6eac7h sticker belongs. Activity Book • Tell pupils to put the stickers on the right square in their Pupils can now do the exercises in Unit 1, Lesson 1c.You can4 5 1 bo4oks.5Monitor and help them if necessary. set some or all of these exercises for homework. 23 4 As5k y6our7 fri8end. Homework9 10 1• R e4ad o5ut Ask your friend and explain to pupils that they Write the homework on the board and allow enough time are going to work in pairs and ask each other questions. for pupils to copy it into their notebooks. Remind them of the question in the song. • Dictation: one, two three, four, five, six, seven, eight, nine, ten • Copy the text you wrote for kids’ planet, Exercise 3 on a • A sk two pupils to demonstrate the activity by reading out the dialogue in their books. piece of paper. Stick a photo or draw a picture of yourself on it. • P ut pupils into pairs and ask them to do the activity. • P upil’s Multi-ROM: Do the extra practice. Monitor and help them if necessary. 1 23 1 23 4 56 4 567 1 45 1 45 1 Re2ad.3 4 5 6 7 8 Ex9plain10 to pup1ils th4at in5every ‘c’ lesson of their Pupil’s Book there is a page with the heading kids’ planet. • Ask pupils to look at the pictures and describe the children using L1. Pre-teach England, Greece and Poland. Also, pre- teach the phrases I’m from … and How old are you? • P lay the Audio CD and ask pupils to follow the texts in their books. • P lay the recording again, pausing after each text. Ask pupils to read the text to themselves. 19
12a The 12a The lizard lizard leaves lizard lemon A favourite letter 1 Listen and read. 1 I’m Lenny. 2 No, I don’t. Lizards I’m a lizard. Hello, Lenny. Do you eat fish? eat leaves. I’m Robbie.Lesson aims Hi, Lenny. I’m Katie. ● To learn the words lizard, leaves, lemon, favourite, letter 3 4 Your name is Lenny. Do you like You’re a lizard. And you ● To learn Do I/we/you/they eat fish? Yes, I/we/you/ orange juice? they do. / No, I/we/you/they don’t. ● To learn the short form I don’t = I do not No, I don’t. But like leaves and lemons. I like lemon juice!Materials Is L your favourite The word cards you made for bananas, cheese, chicken, eggs, fish, olives, onions, peppers, pizza, salad and tomatoes letter? in Lesson 11b Yes, it is! You’re fantastic!Review 2 Write Yes or No.• A sk groups of pupils to read out the story on page 82 of 1 Lenny is a lizard. ....Y...e..s..... the Pupil’s Book (Unit 11, Lesson 11c). .............. 2 Lizards eat fish. ..............• Invite pupils to show the class the picture they drew and .............. read out the sentences they wrote for homework. Praise 3 Lenny eats leaves. them for their effort. 4 Lenny likes orange juice.• S ing the song in Unit 11, Lesson 11c, Exercise 1. 84Checking homework eighty-four 19-TOYboxPB1-Unit12.indd 84 6/23/09 3:01:59 PM• C heck pupils’ answers in the Activity Book, Unit 11, Le1sson2 3• Ch1eck 2the e3xercise orally with the class. Ask pupils to tell 11c. The Answer Key is on page 128 of the Teacher’s you how they found the answers.Book. 45 6 An4swe5rs 6 7• G ive dictation from the previous lesson. 14 5 1 Y1es (e4xam5ple) 2 No 3 Yes 4 NoVocabulary presentationYou can use the pictures at the top of page 84 of the Pu1pil’s2 3 Re4ad a5 nd6lea7rn.8(Stage 1) Book to teach the new words. • Point to the picture of the lizard and say the word.Ask th9e 10 It is a1 goo4d id5ea to go through the Read and learn box in two stages. class to repeat.Then ask individual pupils to say the word. • Draw a fish on the board. Point to the fish and pretend Repeat the procedure to teach the rest of the new words. Pupils may remember favourite. that you are eating it. Ask Do I eat fish? Make sure you use1• Pr2acti3se th1e pr2onun3ciation of the new words, paying a question intonation. Provide the short answer Yes, I do. special attention to the i in lizard (/\"lIz´d/) and the ea in Then write both the question and the affirmative short4 le5aves 6(/li…vz4/). 5 6 7 answer on the board. • Practise the new words by pointing to a picture and asking • Point to the fish again and ask Do I eat fish? This time, make1 pu4pils 5to ca1ll out4 the5word. an expression of disgust and shake your head. Provide the short answer No, I don’t. Then write the negative short1 Li2sten3 an4d re5ad.6 7 8 answer on the board. • In a similar way, present the questions Do we/you/they eat• 9Ask 1p0upils to1 look4 at t5he story.Encourage them to describe what they see in each of the pictures using L1 and say fish? and the short answers Yes, we/you/they do. / No, we/ what is happening. (The toys meet a new character, Lenny you/they don’t. the lizard.) • Ask pupils to read the questions and short answers in the Read and learn box.• P oint to the new words at the top of the page and ask • Ask them to find similar sentences in the story. pupils to find them in the story.1 2• P l3ay th1e Au2dio 3CD and ask pupils to follow the story in Optional activity their books.4 5• P l6ay th4e rec5ord6ing a7gain, pausing after each picture. Ask • Stick the word cards for bananas, cheese, chicken, eggs, fish, olives, onions, peppers, pizza, salad and tomatoes on the pupils to read out the dialogues.1 4• G 5et pu1pils t4o ac5t out the story. board. • Ask pupils to choose two words and write them on a piece1 2 W3rite4Yes5or 6No.7 8 of paper.Tell them that they must not show anyone their words. 9 • 10Draw p1upils4’ att5ention to the example. Ask pupils to find • A sk a pupil a question, e.g. Do you eat fish? If the pupil has the answer in the story. written fish on his/her paper, he/she answers Yes, I do. If he/ she has not written fish, he/she answers No, I don’t. • T ell pupils to complete the exercise in their books.90 • Tell pupils to ask each other similar questions.
3 Read and learn. 4 Read and match. 12a Unit 12 Do I eat fish? 1 Do you live milk every morning? Audioscript Do we eat fish? 1 – Tom? Do you eat fish? 2 Do you drink in a castle? Do they eat fish? – Yes? 3 Do you play yellow pyjamas? – Do you eat cereal every morning? Yes, I/we/you/they do. – Yes, I do. No, I/we/you/they don’t. 4 Do you eat fish? – And do you drink orange juice, too? – No, I don’t. I drink milk. LOOK! 5 Do you wear football with your friends? I don’t = I do not ab 5 Listen and ✔ . ab 1 ✔2 2 – Do the boys play football every day? – No, they don’t. ab ab – Do they play basketball every day? – Yes, they do.They like basketball. 34 6 Complete the questions. 2 ............................... 3 – Jenny? Use like, drink, play, and read. a book every night? – Yes? Yes, they do. – Do you walk to school? 1 ...D...o....t..h..e..y....d..r..i.n..k.... milk – No, I don’t. every morning? – Do you ride your bike to school? Yes, they do. – Yes, I do. 3 ............................... 4 ............................... 4 – Hello! tennis every day? pizza? No, they don’t. No, they don’t. – Hello! 3 – Do you like chicken and salad? 1 23 1 2 4 51 2 3 7 A1sk yo2ur frie3nd. Do you drink milk 1 5 6 854 4 6 7–– No, we don’t. and salad?4 56 4 567 every morning? Do you like fish eighty-ve Yes, I do. 5 – Yes, we do! 45 11 19-TOYboxPB1-Unit12.indd 85 6/23/09 3:02:06 PM 4 5Now1 4pupi5ls ask to look at the Read and learn box ag4ain.5 6 C7om8plete the questions. Use like, drink, play and read.23 1 Re24ad3a5 nd6lea7rn.8(Stage 12 3 12 3 5 2) 9 10 14 • Draw pupils’ attention to the example and emphasise the5 96 10 4• Po5i1nt t6o4LO7 5OK! Explain to pupils in L1 that I don’t is the question form with Do. short form of I do not, that the o of not has ‘disappeared’4 5 1 an4d tha5t it is easier to say I don’t than I do not. • T ell pupils to complete the exercise in their books. • Check the exercise orally with the class. 4 Re5ad6and7 m8atch. 1 23 1 23 23 1• D r4aw p5upils’ attention to the exam4ple 5and 6ask a4pup5il to6 7 Answers 2 Do they read9 10 1 Do they drink (example) 4 Do they like read out the sentence. • T ell pupils to complete the exercise1in th4eir b5ooks1. 4 5 3 Do they play • C heck the exercise orally with the class. 4 56 7 A8sk your friend. 1 45 1 23 • T ell pupils that they are going to work in pairs and ask each other questions. Answers 1 Do you live in a castle? (example) 9 10 • A sk two pupils to demonstrate the activity by reading out the dialogue in their books.3 1 2 2 3Do you drink milk every morning? • Put pupils into pairs and ask them to do the activity. 3 Do you play football with your friends? Monitor and help them if necessary.6 4 5 4 6Do y7ou eat fish?5 1 4 5 D5 o you wear yellow pyjamas? 3 4 5 Li6ste7n a8nd ✓. Activity Book10 1 •4 Ask5 pupils to look at the pairs of pictures for items 1–4 Pupils can now do the exercises in Unit 12, Lesson 12a.You and make sentences, for example I eat cereal. I drink milk. can set some or all of these exercises for homework. You can write the sentences on the board. Homework • P lay the Audio CD, pausing after the example. Ask pupils Write the homework on the board and allow enough time to tell you what they heard. for pupils to copy it into their notebooks. • P lay the recording from the beginning, but this time do • Dictation: lizard, leaves, lemon, favourite, letter not stop the CD. Pupils listen and tick the correct picture. • P lay the recording again and ask pupils to check their answers. • C heck the exercise orally with the class. Answers 1b 2a 3b 4b 91
12b Lenny’s 12b Lenny’s lazy! lazy watchTV lazy! 1 Listen and read. brush dentist 1 2 Lesson aims Lenny’s lazy. Does he help No, he doesn’t! Yes, he is! his mum? He watches TV. ● T o learn the words lazy, watch TV, brush, dentist ● To learn Does he/she/it (watch TV)? Yes, he/she/it 3 4 Yes, he does. Does he brush Does he go to And he does. / No, he/she/it doesn’t. ● T o learn the short form he doesn’t = he does not his teeth? the dentist? doesn’t like it!Materials No, he doesn’t! Make two sets of word cards for the phrases get up in the morning, go to school, go to the dentist, have cereal for 2 Write Yes or No. ....Y..e...s.... breakfast, help his/her mum, play basketball, watch TV and 1 Lenny is lazy. wear pyjamas. Write each phrase on a piece of card.You will need one complete set for yourself.You will also need one card for each pupil in the class, so you may need to make more cards for some of the phrases. 2 Lenny helps his mum. .............Review 3 Lenny watches TV. ............. .............• Ask groups of pupils to read out the story on page 84 o1f 2 34 Lenn1y brush2es his 3teeth. the Pupil’s Book (Unit 12, Lesson 12a). 4 5 8665 Lenn4y goes 5to the6dentist7. .............Checking homework eighty-six 1 45 • C heck pupils’ answers in the Activity Book, Unit 12, Lesson1 45 19-TOYboxPB1-Unit12.indd 86 6/23/09 3:02:14 PM 12a.The Answer Key is on page 128 of the Teacher’s Book. 1 2 W3rite4Yes5or 6No.7 8• G ive dictation from the previous lesson. 9 • 10Draw p1upils4’ att5ention to the example. Ask pupils to find the answer in the story.Vocabulary presentationYou can use the pictures at the top of page 86 of the Pupil’s • Tell pupils to complete the exercise in their books.Book to teach the new words. Alternatively, you can1 use2 3• Ch1eck 2the e3xercise orally with the class. Ask pupils to tellmime.• Point to the picture illustrating lazy and say the word4. Ask5 you where they found the answers. 6 An4swe5rs 6 7 the class to repeat. Then ask individual pupils to say the 5 1 Y1es (e4xam5ple) 2 No 3 Yes 4 No 5 Yes 14 word. Repeat the procedure to teach watch TV.• M ime brush and teach the word in the phrase I brush my 3 Re4ad a5 nd6lea7rn.8 121 te2eth. 3 1 2 3• T o teach dentist, point to the picture and say I go to th9e 10 • A sk1 a g4irl t5o come to the front of the classroom and4 de5ntist.6 4 5 6 7 give her the word card for watch TV. Face the class and• T o practise the new words, point to the pictures or mime ask Does she watch TV? Nod your head and provide the1 the4 act5ions1and a4sk p5upils to call out the words. short answer Yes, she does. Then write the question and1 Li2sten3 an4d re5ad.6 7 8 affirmative short answer on the board. • T ake away the word card and ask again Does she watchTV?• 9Ask 1p0upils to1 look4 at t5he story.Encourage them to describe This time shake your head and provide the short answer what they see in each of the pictures using L1 and say No, she doesn’t. Write the negative short answer on the what is happening. (The toys see that Lenny doesn’t do board. anything. He is very lazy.) • A sk a boy to come to the front of the classroom and• Point to the new words at the top of the page and ask present Does he …? Yes, he does. / No he doesn’t in a similar pupils to find them in the story. way. Write the question and both short answers on the• P lay the Audio CD and ask pupils to follow the story in board. their books. • Highlight the pronouns he and she in the questions and• P lay the recording again, pausing after each picture. Ask short answers. pupils to read out the dialogues. • Ask pupils to read the questions and short answers in• Read out sentences from the story and ask pupils to tell the Read and learn box. Then ask them to find similar you who says them, for example Does he go to the dentist? questions and short answers in the story. – Fifi. • P oint to the second LOOK! box. Explain that he doesn’t• Get pupils to act out the story. is the short form of he does not, that the o of not has ‘disappeared’ and that it is easier to say he doesn’t than he does not. • Now point to the first LOOK! box. Explain that we write92
3 Read and learn. 12b Unit 12 Does he watch TV? 4 Read and answer Yes, he/she Does she go to school? does. or No, he/she doesn’t. Does it eat fish? 1 Does Lenny help his mum? .N...o..,..h...e...d..o...e..s..n..’.t............................. Yes, he/she/it does. 2 Does Fifi sleep in a bed? • Draw pupils’ attention to the example. No, he/she/it doesn’t. ...................................................... • T ell pupils to complete the exercise in their books. • Check the exercise orally with the class. LOOK! LOOK! 3 Does Lenny eat leaves? ...................................................... Answers go – goes he doesn’t = 1 Does he like (ice cream?) (Yes, he) does. (example) watch – watches he does not 4 Does the queen live in the castle? brush – brushes ...................................................... 5 Complete the questions and answers. 1 2 3 1 2 3 2 Does she brush (her teeth every morning?) (Yes, she) Use watch, like, ride and brush. 2 .......................4.............5......... 6 4 5 6 3 7Ddooeess. he watch (TV every night?) (No, he) doesn’t. 1 ...........D....o..e..s....h..e...l.i.k..e............. ice cream? her teeth every morning? 1 4 5 4 Does she ride (her bike to school?) (No, she) doesn’t. Yes, he .......d...o..e..s........ . Yes, she ......1...............4. . 5 3 ............................................. 4 h...e..r...b..i.k..e....t..o...s..1c..h..o...o...l.?..2........ 3 4 5 6 A7sk y8our friend. TV every night? No, she ...............9....... . 10 1 4 •5 T ell pupils to cover the dialogue.Then ask them to look at No, he ...................... . the pictures for items 1–4 and make questions and short 6 Ask your friend. 7 Listen and say the chant. answers, for example Does Lenny brush his teeth? No, he Does Lenny doesn’t. brush his teeth? • A sk two pupils to demonstrate the activity by reading out No, he the dialogue in their books. doesn’t. • Put pupils into pairs and ask them to do the activity. 1 brush his teeth 2 eat leaves This is Freddy. Freddy’s a frog. Monitor and help them if necessary. 3 watch TV 4 like oranges Freddy nd his friends are frogs, Answers 1 f2rogs, f3rogs! 1 2 3 1 Does Lenny brush his teeth? No, he doesn’t. (example) 4 6 87 7 2 Does he eat leaves? Yes, he does. 3 Does he watch TV? Yes, he does. 5 6 4 5eighty-seven 19-TOYboxPB1-Unit12.indd 87 6/23/09 3:02:23 PM 4 Does he like oranges? No, he doesn’t. I/you/we/they go but he/she/it goes.1Writ4e go5and1goes4on 5 the board and highlight the -es ending. • P resent the spelling changes in watc1h – 2watc3hes a4nd b5rush6 7 L8isten and say the chant. – brushes in a similar way. 9 10 1 45 • Point to the picture of Freddy and ask pupils What’s his name? (‘Freddy.’) Is he a lizard? (‘No, he isn’t. He’s a frog.’) Optional activity • Play the Audio CD and ask pupils to follow the chant in 2 3 For this activity, you need the word cards for get up in the their books. 5 6 morning, go to school, go to the dentist, have cereal for breakfast, help his/her mum, play basketball, watch TV and wear pyjamas. • Draw pupils’ attention to the highlighted letters fr. Then • S tick one set of word cards on the board and review the practise the pronunciation of Freddy, friends and frog. If pupils roll the ‘r’ too much, encourage them to roll their meaning. tongue backwards to the middle of their palate. • F rom the other set, give one card to each pupil and tell • Say the chant, one sentence at a time, and encourage them not to show it to anyone. pupils to repeat after you. 1• P o2int t3o one pupil (Pupil A) and ask another pupil (Pupil B) • Play the recording again and get pupils to chant a question using one of the phrases, for example Does he/ rhythmically along with the recording. 4 sh5e get6up in7 the morning? Pupil B guesses by answering Yes, he/she does or No, he/she doesn’t. If he/she guesses correctly, Activity Book 4 5 1 Pu4pil A5shows his/her card to the class. Pupils can now do the exercises in Unit 12, Lesson 12b.You 23 4 Re5ad6and7 an8 swer Yes, he/she does. or No, he/ can set some or all of these exercises for homework.9 10 she doesn’t. Homework 31 1 45 Write the homework on the board and allow enough time • Draw pupils’ attention to the example. for pupils to copy it into their notebooks. • T ell pupils to complete the exercise in their books. • Dictation: lazy, watch TV, brush, dentist 2• C3heck the exercise orally with the class. 6 4 5 A1 6nNsow, 7heersdoesn’t. (example) 2 No, she doesn’t. 5 1 4 3 Y5es, he does. 4 Yes, she does. 3 4 5 C 6om7ple8te the questions and answers. Use watch, like, ride and brush.10 1 45 • Tell pupils to cover the text.Then ask them to match the words watch, like, ride and brush with the pictures for items 1–4. • A sk pupils questions, for example Does he like ice cream? Encourage pupils to answer with full short answers. 93
12c 12c Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday Saturday Sunday pool kite 1 Listen and chant. Monday Tuesday Wednesday Lesson aims Every Monday I go to school, Thursday Friday Every Tuesday I swim in the pool, Saturday Sunday ● To learn the words Monday,Tuesday,Wednesday, Every Wednesday I ride my bike, Thursday, Friday, Saturday, Sunday Every Thursday I fly my kite. Every Friday night I watch TV with my brother, ● T o learn the words pool, kite, helmet Every Saturday I have breakfast with my mother, ● To develop reading skills Every Sunday I play, eat and sleep, ● T o develop writing skills These are the seven days of my week! 2 Listen again.Then complete the sentences. Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday Saturday Materials 1 Every ....M...o...n..d...a..y..... I go to school. 2 Every ...................... I ride my bike. A calendar with the days of the week (in English) 3 Every ...................... I swim in the 4 Every ...................... I fly my kite. pool. Checking homework 3 Read and find the ssttiicckkeerss. 4 Ask your friend. • C heck pupils’ answers in the Activity Book, Unit 12, Lesson 12b. The Answer Key is on page 128 of the Teacher’s Tuesday Thursday Does Katie swim in the Book. pool on Thursday? 12 • G ive dictation from the previous lesson. She swims She watches TV. in the pool. Wednesday Friday No, she doesn’t. She swims in the 34 pool on Tuesday. Review He flies his kite. He rides his bike. • Ask groups of pupils to read out the story on page 88 of 88 the Pupil’s Book (Unit 12, Lesson 12b). Vocabulary presentation eighty-eight 6/23/09 3:02:29 PM 19-TOYboxPB1-Unit12.indd 88 You can use the pictures at the top of page 88 of the Pupil’s the child in the chant does each day and tell them to complete the sentences with the days of the week lightly Book to teach the new words. Alternatively, you can use in pencil. • Explain to pupils that they are going to hear the chant word cards.You can also use a calendar. again so that they can check their answers. • Play the recording again. • Draw pupils’ attention to the calendar and ask them in L1 3• C h1eck 2the e3xercise orally with the class. to tell you what information a calendar gives us (days of the week, date, months). • Point to the word Monday at the top of the pwaogredaanndd1thaesnk2 point to the word on the calendar. Say the 6 A1 nM4sowned5rasy (6exam7 ple) the class to repeat. Then ask individual pupils to say4 the5 5 3 T1uesd4ay 5 2 Wednesday 4 Thursday word. Repeat the procedure to teach the rest of the days of the week. 14 1• Pr2acti3se the1 pro2nunc3iation, making sure that pupils stress the first syllable in each word. 1 2 3 Re4ad a5 nd6fin7d th8 e stickers. 4• Po5int t6o the4pict5ure o6 f th7e pool and say the wsaoyrdth. Aeswkotrh9de. 10 • T ell1 pup4ils to5 find the stickers for Unit 12 at the back of class to repeat.Then ask individual pupils to the Pupil’s Book. Once they have done so, ask them to say 1 Re4peat5 the1proc4edur5e to teach kite. what Katie, Pete, Fifi and Robbie do each day, for example 1 Li2sten3 an4d ch5ant6. 7 8 1 23 1 Ka2tie sw3 ims in the pool. • Ask pupils to read the sentences in the shapes and decide • T9ell 1p0upils to1 cov4er th5e text and look at the pic4tures5. Ask6 4 wh5ere6each7 sticker belongs. them to make sentences, for example I go to school on • Tell pupils to put the stickers on the right shapes in their 1 bo4oks. 5Monitor and help them if necessary. Monday. 1 45 • T ell pupils to read the chant quickly and match the pictures 1 2 3 4 As5k y6our7 fri8end. with the lines of the chant. • Play the Audio CD and ask pupils to follow the c9hant10 in 1• Poi4nt to5 a sticker and ask Does Pete fly his kite on Friday? th3eir bo1 oks2. Encourage pupils to answer using complete sentences.1 2 3 (‘No, he doesn’t. He flies his kite on Wednesday.’) • S ay the chant, one line at a time, and encourage pupils to • T o demonstrate the activity, ask two pupils to read out the4 5 re6peat4after5 you6. 7 dialogue in their books. • P lay the recording again and get pupils to chant • Put pupils into pairs and tell them to ask each other1 4 rh5ythm1ically4 alo5ng with the recording.1 2 Li3sten4 ag5ain.6The7 n c8omplete the sentences. questions about Pete, Robbie, Katie and Fifi. Monitor and 9 • 10Draw 1pupils4’ at5tention to the words in the box. Then help them if necessary. tell pupils to cover the chant in Exercise 1 and read the sentences for items 1–4. Ask them if they remember what 94
12c Unit 12 1 21 Read.1 This is Max. Max is eight. Answers He lives in London. Every morning he has breakfast 1 No, he doesn’t. (example) with his sister, his mum and 1 2 3 2 Y1es, h2e do3es. his dad. Max has milk, cereal and orange juice for breakfast. He likes milk and 3 4 5 6 3 NN4 oo,, hh5ee ddoo6eessnn’’tt7.. cheese. 42 Every Monday he rides his bike in the 1 4 5 5 Y1es, he4 doe5s. park after school. Max has got two bikes and a skateboard. He always wears 4 1 2 3 Re4ad a5 nd6wr7ite.8 a helmet! 9 10 • Tell1pupi4ls th5at they are going to write about where their friend lives and what he/she does every Saturday.3 Max likes football. Every Friday he plays football with his friends.They have lots of fun.4 Every Saturday night Max watches TV • Ask a pupil to read out the model text. with his dad.They watch sports and films. • Explain to pupils that they can base their text on the His favourite film is The Lion King. one in the Pupil’s Book but that they have to replace2 Answer the questions. some of the words with information that is true for them.1 Does Max live in Paris? .N...o...,.h...e...d..o...e..s..n..’.t......... 3 Read and write. Encourage them to highlight the words they have to2 Does Max like milk? .................................. change.3 Does Max ride his bike .................................. My friend Andrew • Monitor pupils while they are writing. Help them to every Friday? .................................. lives in Rome. correct any mistakes they make. Every Saturday4 Does Max play football he plays basketball Activity Book every Thursday? with his friends.5 Does Max watch TV with Pupils can now do the exercises in Unit 12, Lesson 12c.You his dad every Saturday? .................................. 89 can set some or all of these exercises for homework. eighty-nine Homework19-TOYboxPB1-Unit12.indd 89 6/23/09 3:02:39 PM Write the homework on the board and allow enough time for pupils to copy it into their notebooks. 1 23 1 234 56 4 567 • Dictation: Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday, Friday, Saturday, Sunday, pool, kite, helmet1 45 1 45 • Copy the text you wrote for kids’ planet, Exercise 3 on1 Re2ad.3 4 5 6 7 8 a piece of paper and draw a picture showing what your friend does on Saturdays.• 9Ask 1p0 upils to1 cov4er th5e texts.Tell them that they are going • Pupil’s Multi-ROM: Do the extra practice. to read about a boy called Max and the activities he doesregularly during the week.Then ask pupils to look at thepictures and make sentences, for example He has cereal forbreakfast. He plays football.• P lay the Audio CD and ask pupils to follow the textsin their books. Avoid explaining the meaning of unknownwords at this stage.• P oint to the helmet in picture 2 and ask pupils to find aword which means this thing in the text.To help pupils findthe word, ask What does he wear? If pupils ask what alwaysmeans, explain briefly in L1.• M ake sentences about activities that Max does, but omit1 2 th3e day1s of2the 3week. Ask pupils to tell you on which dayhe does the activities, for example He plays football with his4 5 fr6iends.4– (Ev5ery)6Frida7y. • P lay the recording again, pausing after each text. Practise1 4 re5ading1 aro4und 5the class.1 2 An3 swe4r th5e q6ues7tio8ns. 9 • 10D raw p1upils4’ att5ention to the example and ask pupils to find and highlight the answer in the texts. • Tell pupils to read the sentences for items 2–5 and try to remember the answers. Then ask them to check their answers by looking for the information in the texts. • Tell pupils to complete the exercise in their books. • C heck the exercise orally with the class. Ask pupils to tell you where in the texts they found the information. 95
Read the Text Version
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