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Home Explore Story Garden 1_Teachers book

Story Garden 1_Teachers book

Published by EUROLIBRA, 2023-01-09 19:57:19

Description: Story Garden 1_Teachers book

Keywords: Story Garden 1_Teachers book,ЕВРОЛИБРА,EUROLIBRA


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HELLO, LITTLE RED RIDING HOOD! My learning diary Name : _______________________________________________________ Date : __________________________________ I LIKE A LOT SO-SO A BIT LISTENING MIMING SINGING SPEAKING PLAYING ACTING MAKING THE WOLF MASK 50 The Story Garden | © ELI | Photocopiable

The Story Garden • A letter to parents 1 Unit Dear parents, From the beginning of the year your children have been getting to know Mr Green. He’s the character who guides them through the course book, and the world he lives in, the colourful garden near the school where he plants his tales and stories in English! With Mr Green and Little Red Riding Hood, they have learnt to recognise the wolf, to run away from danger and to make friends with new classmates. They have learnt to introduce themselves and say hello and goodbye in English, through games, songs and cartoons. They have also learnt numbers up to 10 and colours. Here are the words to the songs from the unit. Colours and numbers Little Red Riding Hood Stop and pick, stop and pick some flowers. Stop and pick, stop and pick some flowers. 1–2–3–4–5 Hello, I’m little Red Riding Hood Hello, hello, hello This is my house near the wood! Little Red Riding Hood, watch out for the wolf. 6 – 7 – 8 – 9 – 10 Little Red Riding Hood, watch out for the wolf. Hello, hello again! Little Red Riding Hood say bye-bye to Mum. Watch out, watch out, watch out for the wolf. Little Red Riding Hood say bye-bye to Mum. Watch out, watch out, watch out for the wolf. Black and white Bye-bye, bye-bye, say bye-bye to Mum. Yellow and green Bye-bye, bye-bye, say bye-bye to Mum. You‘re a big, bad wolf! Orange and pink Purple and brown Little Red Riding Hood, walk in the wood. Little Red Riding Hood, hurray, hurray, hurray. Red and blue Little Red Riding Hood, walk in the wood. Little Red Riding Hood, hurray, hurray, hurray. Lots of flowers Walk, walk, walk in the wood. Run, run away, hurray, hurray, hurray! Red and blue Walk, walk, walk in the wood. Run, run away, hurray, hurray, hurray! Flowers for you! Little Red Riding Hood, stop and pick some flowers. 1–2–3–4–5 Little Red Riding Hood, stop and pick some flowers. Bye-bye, bye-bye, bye-bye! 6 – 7 – 8 – 9 – 10 With a view to the collaboration we are very keen on ensuring, we suggest a simple Bye-bye, bye-bye again! game that you can play with your children, to help them remember what they have Watch out, Little Red Riding Hood learnt. The big bad wolf is in the wood! The snake: you need to find two things for each colour they have learnt. Felt-tip pens or pencils will work fine. Stand an open book in front of you so that they can’t see what you are doing. Then make a snake out of the different colours. Ask your child to create a snake with their colours as you say the colours out loud. When you’ve finished, take the book away. Are the two snakes the same? We would like to remind you that The Story Garden course book that we have chosen comes with a downloadable digital version with clear instructions on how to download the audio tracks and see all the materials we use in class, as well as some extra games. Have fun and see you soon! Interactive digital book The student’s book has a digital version available in different formats: • Online version. Parents can go to and use the digital book without installing the software. To access the book, parents must insert the 12-digit code found on the back of the student’s book. • Downloadable version using AppBOOK. Parents can install the AppBOOK application free of charge from the website To do this they should insert the 12 digit code found on the back of the students book. The Story Garden | © ELI | Photocopiable

2 PINOCCHIO AT SCHOOL Unit Who doesn’t know Pinocchio? Absolutely everybody knows what can happen to you if you tell fibs: your nose grows very, very long. And if you don’t go to school? You grow two donkey’s ears, of course! But today Pinocchio is at school to show pupils what a good puppet he has become. He has made some mistakes, but he has learnt from them, because your mistakes help you grow up. Now he’s here to teach pupils lots of things, like: the English words for classroom objects; the fact that all classmates are different, just like the children in the opening pages of the unit. Through the setting of Pinocchio’s story, pupils will learn to name all the things which form part of the world around them. They will understand the importance and the value of their own possessions and learn to respect other people’s. They will recognise that feelings are universal and can be expressed in words in a different language to their own. Finally, they will take their first steps in evaluating how they feel about learning a foreign language. OLebaiertntinivgi doibajepcptrievends imento Vocabulary Knowledge Pencil, school bag, pencil case, rubber, pen, book, sharpener, felt-tip pen Classroom objects Simple classroom instructions Communicative structures Skills Touch a… What is it? It’s a… Identifying classroom objects Ready, steady, go! Understanding and performing actions and It’s time for… movements Come on! Listening and understanding instructions through mime and games Understanding and reproducing L2 sounds and rhythms Asking and responding to simple questions Intermediate goals in the development of competences Basic competences Key competences Identifying classroom objects Communicating: understanding verbal and non-verbal Understanding and performing movements messages; interpreting a story Listening to and understating an illustrated story Learning to learn: reusing what they’ve learnt in new read out loud by a teacher or on multimedia contexts; translating language learnt into actions; Singing and miming a song or a chant activate strategies to correct their work Distinguishing languages elements that they hear Collaborating and participating: respecting established rules in individual and group work Planning: using materials made in a language game 52

2 Unit Life skills Managing feelings Creative thinking Developing critical thinking Interpersonal skills; empathy Activities Acting out a story Making a puppet Singing and miming a song Recognising language elements you hear Listening to and understanding a short story CLIL Make and play – A Pinocchio puppet: following procedures to make fun things; reusing language Physical education: understanding and performing learnt in a game movements; remembering and reproducing a sequence of movements Living English Using the English language in real, authentic and emotionally realistic situations Subject links Art and images: using colour creatively; depicting objects Music: recognising different voices and matching Technology: working out how to make something them to different characters; recognising and reproducing a musical rhythm and intonation History: understanding whether actions and situations happen in succession or simultaneously Maths: recognising objects through their shapes; making deductions and predictions Support Equipment Materials Usual everyday classroom kit For Make and play: card, paper clips The Story Garden 1 pp. 16-27 Activity time pp. 86-87 Mr Green puppet Flashcards Photocopiable worksheets n. 1-2 Flip Book 53

PINOCCHIO AT SCHOOL We learn to • Interpret an image • Understand and name some classroom objects • Sing a song Vocabulary • school bag, pencil case, rubber, pencil, pen, book, sharpener, felt-tip pen Structures • It’s time for... Let’s go! Equipment and resources • Student’s book 1 • Flashcards of classroom objects • Photocopiable worksheets n. 1 • Colour pens/pencils • IWB if available Page 4-5 Audio script five: pen six: book Greet pupils with the welcome rhyme and tell one: school bag seven: sharpener them that Mr Green will introduce them to another two: pencil case eight: felt-tip pen wonderful story today. Show pupils the pictures on three: rubber pages 16 and 17 on the IWB or holding up the book four: pencil for everybody to see and say: Look, a teacher! Count the girls in the picture and say: One, two, The Flip Book presentation of the vocabulary in three: three girls! animated form should engage the pupils. By turning Count the boys and say: One, two: two boys! down the audio, you can use the images as class and… Now point to Pinocchio and say: Who is it? revision. Elicit the answer from the class. Allow pupils some time to look at the picture then 2 Listen and find. 17 invite invite them to make deductions and comments by asking questions such as: Do you remember Start the audio and ask the class to do the activity. Say: the story of Pinocchio? Who’s looking out of the Listen and find! window? Pupils should find the objects they hear mentioned in Who loves Pinocchio in the story? What is he doing the scene from Pinocchio. in class now? Listen to their deductions and then use the flashcards Audio script 17 to present the classroom object vocabulary. pencil case rubber 1 Listen and say. 16 sharpener school bag Invite the class to listen and repeat the vocabulary, Key competences: Communicating saying: Listen and say! Understanding the teacher’s instructions. 54

3 Listen and sing. 18-19 2 Ask the class to place the classroom objects that are in the Unit song on their tables and do the same thing on your desk. 55 Say: Now, listen and look at me! Start the audio of the song, accompanying it with the actions, or pointing to the classroom objects every time they are mentioned. Then say: Let’s sing and mime after me. Invite pupils to reproduce the words and the movements, singing along with you. Finally, you can use the karaoke track: pupils can sing along with the musical base. Pinocchio at school 18-19 Boys and girls It’s time for school Ready, steady, go! Boys and girls It’s time for school Come on, Pinocchio, let’s go! A school bag, a school bag. A pencil case, a pencil case. A rubber, a rubber. A pencil, a pencil. Boys and girls It’s time for school Ready, steady, go! Boys and girls It’s time for school Come on, Pinocchio, let’s go! A pen, a pen. A book, a book. A sharpener, a sharpener. A felt-tip pen, a felt-tip pen. Time to learn and time to play Pinocchio’s at school today! Time to learn and time to play Pinocchio’s at school today! Photocopiable worksheet n. 1 can be used to consolidate vocabulary learnt and as a resource for fast finishers.

PINOCCHIO AT SCHOOL We learn to • Identify the names of classroom objects • Read intuitively • Graphically trace a word in English Vocabulary • pen, book, rubber, sharpener, pencil, school bag, felt-tip pen, pencil case Structures • What is it? It’s a... Equipment and resources • Student’s book 1 • Classroom object flashcards • IWB if available Page 18 The digital activity can be done as a class assessment. Use the flashcards to revise classroom object Audio script 20 five: a pencil vocabulary. Say to the class: Look at me and say. six: a school bag Hold up one flashcard at a time and ask: What is it? one: a pen seven: a felt-tip pen Elicit the answers. two: a book eight: a pencil case three: a rubber 4 Listen and circle. Trace. 20 four: a sharpener Invite pupils to open their books at page 18 and show Key competences: Learning to learn them the page. Say: Listen and circle. Name one of the objects in the drawings and circle it, demonstrating Recycling and reusing vocabulary learnt in what ‘circle’ means. previous lessons aids memory and consolidation Ask the pupils to listen to the audio for the first time of the objectives already achieved. and say: Listen! Invite pupils to listen again and say: Now listen and circle miming both actions. Finally say: Trace, showing what you mean (even though they have already done this type of activity in the previous unit) and invite pupils to do the task. 56

2 Unit We learn to • Name some classroom objects and say what colour they are • Describe things in terms of their colour Vocabulary • red, green, yellow, pink, blue, orange, purple, black • school bag, pencil, rubber, sharpener, book, pen, felt-tip pen, pencil case Equipment and resources • Student’s book 1 • Audio CD 1 • IWB if available Page 19 Audio script 21 one: a green rubber 5 Colour and say. two: a red school bag three: a yellow pen Ask the class to colour in the classroom objects, by four: a blue sharpener following the instructions. five: an orange pencil Say: Colour and say. six: a purple pencil case When they have finished, feedback their answers, first seven: a black book as a whole class, and then each pupil. Start by saying: eight: a pink felt-tip pen Orange... and elicit the rest: orange pencil. Continue in the same way for all the colours. Key competences: Learning to learn Always praise correct answers and encourage pupils Pupils learn to use strategies to modify and correct who give incorrect answers, by saying: No, I’m sorry. incorrect answers. Try again! Teaching tips: a rhyme Life skills: Critical thinking Here is a simple, traditional rhyme about colours. Pupils analyse information and use it to carry out Roses are red, a task autonomously. Violets are blue, Sugar is sweet, 6 Listen and check. 21 And so are you. Invite the class to listen and check, saying: Listen and check. 57

PINOCCHIO AT SCHOOL We learn to • Recognise words when listening • Associate words with images • Reuse classroom object, colour and number vocabulary Vocabulary • one, two, three, four, five, six • school bag, rubbers, pens, sharpeners, pencils, books Equipment and resources • Student’s book 1 • IWB if available • Photocopiable worksheet n. 2 Page 20 22 7 Listen. True or false? Show what true and false mean through mime, or by Audio script 22 four: four sharpeners drawing a smiley face and a sad face on the board. five: six pencil cases one: a school bag six: six books Point to the first one and say: True. Then point to the two: four rubbers second one and say: False. three: two pencils Hold up three pencils and say: Three pencils. True or false? Key competences: Learning to learn Elicit the answer: True. Now hold up two pencils and say: Three pencils. True Pupils use what they learn in different contexts. or false? Elicit the answer: False. The digital form of the activity should engage pupils in an assessment to evaluate their ability to recognise Continue with different numbers and objects. numbers and classroom objects. Say to pupils: Open your book at page 20. Photocopiable worksheet n. 2 will consolidate the Show the page on the IWB, or hold up the book so that language learnt and can be used as a resource for fast everyone can see it. Ask the class to do the task. finishers. 58

2 Unit We learn to • Reuse vocabulary and structures learnt in motivating contexts and through play Vocabulary • colours • classroom objects Structures • What colour is it? It’s… • What is it? It’s a… • Great! Equipment and resources • Student’s book 1 • IWB if available Page 21 23 Audio script 23 8 Listen and play The Eagle Eye Game. Girl What colour is it? Boy It’s purple. Tell pupils that you re going to play the game shown Girl It’s a pen! Girl It’s a rubber. Boy No. Boy Yes! on the page, where one pupil thinks of an object and Boy Great! another pupil, or the rest of the class, have too guess what it is, asking questions like: What colour is it? and guessing different objects of that Teaching tips colour. Passive listening is a very important concept. Start the audio, saying: Listen! Don’t worry if you are introducing new words or more complex sentences above your pupils’ Play the audio again, stopping it after each scene English language level. They will guess them intuitively without a problem if they are in context. and asking the pupils to repeat the sentences saying: Repeat, please. Key competences: Collaborating and Listen to the whole audio again, saying: Now, listen again. participating Pupils respect established rules in group games. Check with small groups that pupils understand the Life skills: Interpersonal relations, game. empathy When everyone everyone understands the game, invite Pupils interact positively, in a game situation, whether they are winning, losing or competing. pupils to work in pairs. Ask them to put all the classrooms objects they know the names of in English on their tables and invite them to play the game. Say: OK, everyone, let’s play The Eagle Eye Game! Move around the class checking that they follow the rules and that they play the game fairly. 59

PINOCCHIO AT SCHOOL We learn to Audio script: 24 • Listen to and interpret a cartoon by looking at Mr Green Hello children, it’s storytime! Listen to the pictures and associating words and images the story. It’s OK to make • Acting out a cartoon mistakes. Vocabulary Geppetto Pinocchio, here is your school bag! Pinocchio Oh, thank you. It’s beautiful! • pencil, rubber, pencil case, school bag What is it? • children Geppetto It’s a pencil. Look! Structures Pinocchio Ohhh! What is it? Geppetto It’s a rubber. • Here is… Look! • It’s beautiful! Pinocchio WOW! Fantastic! • Fantastic! What is it? • Come back! Geppetto It’s a pencil case. • I pack my bag Hey, stop! Come back! Ouch! Equipment and resources Pinocchio Oh, Dad! Dad, look! A rubber! • Student’s book 1 Geppetto Oh dear, Pinocchio! • Mr Green puppet • IWB if available Pagine 22-23 STORY It’s OK to make mistakes is the new message Mr Green will take out of his pocket to read to the pupils. His aim is to contribute to the pupils’ growing feeling of self-confidence, especially for those who view every mistake as a failure. Clearly that is not the case: we learn through our mistakes, and the characters in stories, including those in The Story Garden, will help us to communicate this message. Let’s not forget that in many good stories, the main character makes a mistake three times before getting it right! 9 Listen to the story. 24 Tell the pupils: Open your book at pages 22 and 23. Invite pupils to look at the cartoon in the book or the story video, saying: Look and listen to the story or Let’s watch the cartoon and follow the method described at page 21. The animated version of the cartoon in the Flip Book can be used before the comprehension work on the cartoon, or as a memory test in preparation for the acting out stage. 60

10 Listen and sing. 25 2 Say: Now, listen and look at me! Start the audio of Unit the song and accompany it with mime and gestures. The tune is from a traditional song This is the way, 11 Act out the story. while the words list the objects that Pinocchio puts in his bag to take to school. Decide if you want to do this activity before or after During the first listening pupils should point to the the song. Ask pupils to act out the cartoon, saying: objects that Pinocchio mentions each time. Then invite Now, let’s act out the story. You can start by getting pupils to sing along with the audio the second time small groups of pupils to play the same role, and then they listen. move to individual performances. This acting out phase Teachers should point out that bag is used and not is important because it strengthens communication schoolbag or rucksack in the song. between pupils and develops a strong group cohesion thanks to the sharing of ideas and feelings when I pack my bag for school today 25 developing the story. Pinocchio I pack my bag for school today Hip, hip hurray! Key competences: Collaborating and I put a pencil in my bag in my bag, in my bag participating I put a pencil in my bag Pupils collaborate and respect rules established in a for school today group work situation. I put a rubber in my bag in my bag, in my bag Life skills: Interpersonal relations, I put a rubber in my bag managing feelings for school today I put a pencil case in my bag Pupils interact with classmates positively, managing in my bag, in my bag their feelings to successfully carry out the task. I put a pencil case in my bag for school today This is the way I go to school go to school, go to school This is the way I go to school Hip, hip hurray! Pinocchio Bye-bye, Geppetto! Time for school. Geppetto Bye-bye Pinocchio! See you soon. 61

PINOCCHIO AT SCHOOL We learn to • Understand and follow instructions • Use the English language in everyday situations • Mime actions Vocabulary and structures • stretch, touch your toes, walk, run, jump, turn around • I’m fit! Equipment and resources • Student’s book 1 • IWB if available Page 24 CLIL 2 Listen and do. 27 I’m fit! Is one of Mr Green’s useful phrases. He uses it Listen again, saying: Listen and do and asking pupils to to invite pupils to stay fit and active so that the body repeat and mime the words. works at its best. It is good advice for pupils who spend When you think the pupils are confident doing the activity, too much time watching TV or on their tablets, and if you can gradually add the actions learnt in Unit one. Mr Green says… it must be true! Audio script 27 1 Listen and say. 26 walk turn around run Ask pupils to listen again to audio 13 on page 12 of jump touch your toes unit 1, as revision for verbs already learnt in class. stretch Then show the class page 24, either on the IWB if available or by holding up the book for everyone to Teaching tips see, and ask pupils to look at the photos. Listen once, saying: Listen. Then listen a second time, When you have games with movement, pupils can saying: Listen and say. Pupils should then repeat the get a bit overexcited. Introduce the command vocabulary. freeze and tell them that they have to stay absolutely still every time they hear the word. It The digital form of this activity can be used at the will help restore order as well as giving pupils a beginning as a presentation of the actions or at the end chance to get their breath back. as a class assessment. Audio script 26 jump stretch turn around I’m fit! touch your toes walk run 62

We learn to 2 • Make a puppet using the English language Unit Vocabulary learnt on the previous page. Give instructions and the pupils follow them and make their puppets. • My Variation: if you have enough space, you could ask • Guess pupils to move around as if they were puppets, doing the actions from the previous page. This activity should Structures have everyone laughing, which you should encourage, as laughing is good for the heart and for the mind! • Hello • Good morning Life skills: Creative thinking • Good afternoon • What colour is it? Give general instructions about how to make the puppet, but leave space for pupils’ creativity, as Equipment and resources this is how their imagination can be expressed and developed. Praise all work as usual. • Photocopiable worksheet n. 3 e 4 • Card Key competence: Planning • Scissors • Paper fasteners Pupils creatively transfer the language learnt into • Colour pens or pencils actions. Page 25 Make and play Extra activity To make a Pinocchio puppet, continue using the Once pupils have made their Pinocchio puppets, you words for techniques and materials in a natural way can use them to revise colours. Ask pupils to sit in a (scissors, colour, cut out) without expecting pupils to circle on their chairs or on the floor. Ask one pupil to commit them to memory, as they will gradually start to show the class his or her puppet. Then hide it behind assimilate them. your back and ask: What colour is Pinocchio? Ask another pupils to answer and check the colours Procedure: together, saying: Let’s check! • Ask pupils to glue the parts of the Pinocchio puppet If the pupil has correctly guessed all the colours, he or found in photocopiable worksheets 3 and 4 onto she now asks classmates to guess the colour of his or card. This can be recycled card as it is only a support her puppet. mechanism for the puppet and has no decorative function. 63 • Ask pupils to cut out and then colour all the parts of Pinocchio’s body. • Help pupils to assemble all the parts with the paper fasteners. • Go around the class praising pupils’ work with expressions like: Great! Beautiful! Well done! • Pick up the first finished puppet and say: Hello,Pinocchio! or Good morning, Good afternoon Pinocchio! Invite pupils to repeat the greeting. 1 Make and play The Puppet Game. After making Pinocchio, you can play the Puppet Game. This consists using the puppet to do the actions

PINOCCHIO AT SCHOOL We learn to Audio script • Listen and interpret a series of photographs by Boy Hi, I’m Simon. looking at the images and by the association of words and images This is my cat, Oliver. • Use the English language in familiar contexts Oliver is very intelligent. Vocabulary Look! • cat • Look! Cat One plus one is two! • one, two One plus one is... Structures One plus one is two. • This is my cat • One plus one is two What is it? • What is it? A mouse? Equipment and resources Miaow! • Student’s book 1 • IWB if available Boy Oh, poor Oliver! Page 27 Living English Show the images on pages 26 and 27 on the IWB or by holding up the book for everybody to see. Many children like pets and many own them too. People who have pets think of them as part of the family, so they will probably find the idea of their pets doing maths very funny. Ask the class to predict the story from the images. 1 Listen and say. 28 Before listening, focus on the maths problem the cat will do on the board. Write 1 + 1 = 2 on the board and say: One plus one is two, without adding or translating anything. Listen to the audio for the first time, saying: Listen. After listening, invite pupils to tell you what happens in the story. Listen again, stopping the audio after each picture and asking pupils to repeat the sentences they hear, saying: Now, let’s repeat. You can repeat the sentences with them if necessary. Listen for a third time as consolidation. The animated reportage presented in the Flip Book, should totally engage pupils and allow them to transfer the language learnt in class into their daily lives. Turning down the audio, you can use the video as a class assessment. 64

ACTIVITY TIME 2 Pages 86 - 89 Unit 1 Write the words. 2 ACTIVITY TIME Invite pupils to look at the words at the top of the Unit1 WRITE THE WORDS. page. You can invite a couple of volunteers to read SCHOOL BAG BOOK FELT-TIP PEN PENCIL them out in turn, whilst classmates point to the RUBBER PENCIL CASE PEN SHARPENER corresponding pictures. Then ask all pupils to write the words under the pictures. Alternatively, you can 1 2 read the words and the class can point to the correct pictures and write the words under them. ____ ____-___ ___ Answers: 1 book, 2 felt-tip pen, 3 pen, 4 rubber, 5 school bag, 6 pencil, 7 sharpener, 8 pencil case. 5 4 2 True or false? Complete the smileys. 3 Invite pupils to work alone. When they have all finished ___ ______ ______ ___ the task, invite a couple of volunteers to read out 6 7 8 a sentence in the speech bubble in turn. If it’s true, classmates say: Yes! If it is false, they say: No! ______ _________ ______ ____ ACTIVITY TIME They should then correct the false sentences. 86 WORKBOOK ? COMPLETE THE SMILEYS. 2 TRUE OR FALSE 2 3 What can you put in the pencil case? Circle Unit and draw. IT’S A RUBBER. IT’S A SCHOOL BAG. Invite pupils to look at the words written at the top of the page and decide whether or not they are things IT’S A SHARPENER. IT’S A PENCIL. which can go in a pencil case. If they are, pupils should draw a line to the pencil case and then draw the items 2 ACTIVITY TIME inside it. Answers: rubber, pencil, pen, sharpener, felt-tip pen. Unit WORKBOOK 87 4 Match and colour. 3 WCIHRACTLECAANNDYODURAPWUT. IN THE PENCIL CASE? SHARPENER PEN PENCIL CASE There are two parts to this task. First pupils read the RUBBER PENCIL sentences and match them to the correct items. Then pupils colour the items correctly. SCHOOL BAG BOOK FELT-TIP PEN 88 WORKBOOK ACTIVITY TIME 2 4 MATCH AND COLOUR. Unit A BLUE SCHOOL BAG A RED PENCIL CASE A YELLOW RUBBER A GREEN BOOK AN ORANGE PEN A PURPLE SHARPENER A BROWN FELT-TIP-PEN A PINK PENCIL WORKBOOK 89 65

PINOCCHIO AT SCHOOL Photocopiable worksheet n. 1 Name : _______________________________________________________ Date : __________________________________ COMPLETE THE PICTURES AND THE WORDS, THEN COLOUR. R __ B __ E __ B __ __ K P __ N C __ __ C __ S __ __ E __ S H __ R __ E __ __ R P __ N __ __ L 66 The Story Garden | © ELI | Photocopiable

Photocopiable worksheet n. 2 2 Unit Name : _______________________________________________________ Date : __________________________________ CIRCLE THE CORRECT WORD, THEN COLOUR. FELT-TIP PEN BOOK RUBBER SCHOOL BAG PENCIL SCHOOL BAG SHARPENER PENCIL CASE PEN FELT-TIP PEN RUBBER BOOK 67 The Story Garden | © ELI | Photocopiable

PINOCCHIO AT SCHOOL Photocopiable worksheet n. 3 Name : _______________________________________________________ Date : __________________________________ PINOCCHIO 68 The Story Garden | © ELI | Photocopiable

Photocopiable worksheet n. 4 2 Unit Name : _______________________________________________________ Date : __________________________________ PINOCCHIO The Story Garden | © ELI | Photocopiable 69


The Story Garden • A letter to parents 2 Unit Dear parents, Your children have now finished the second unit of the course book; they have visited the magical world of Pinocchio with me and Mr Green. The naughty puppet, turned good and diligent, has taught them that they can learn from their mistakes and improve. This approach has helped them learn the name of classroom objects through games, songs and enjoyable activities. These are the words to the songs we started the unit with: Pinocchio at school I pack my bag for school today Pinocchio at school Pinocchio I pack my bag for school today Boys and girls, it’s time for school for school today, for school today Ready, steady, go! I pack my bag for school today Boys and girls, it’s time for school Hip, hip hurray! Come on, Pinocchio, let’s go! I put a pencil in my bag, in my bag, in my bag I put a pencil in my bag A school bag, a school bag. for school today A pencil case, a pencil case. I put a rubber in my bag, in my bag, in my bag A rubber, a rubber. I put a rubber in my bag A pencil, a pencil. for school today I put a pencil case in my bag, in my bag, in my bag Boys and girls, it’s time for school I put a pencil case in my bag Ready, steady, go! for school today Boys and girls, it’s time for school This is the way I go to school Come on, Pinocchio, let’s go! go to school, go to school This is the way I go to school A pen, a pen. Hip, hip hurray! A book, a book. Pinocchio Bye-bye, Geppetto! Time for school. A sharpener, a sharpener. Geppetto Bye-bye, Pinocchio! See you soon. A felt-tip pen, a felt-tip pen. Time to learn and time to play Pinocchio’s at school today! Time to learn and time to play Pinocchio’s at school today! With a view to working together we suggest a simple game that you can play with your children to help them remember what they have learnt. Cave Game Choose three or four classroom objects that your children have learnt in English and place them in a bag. Ask a child to put their hand into the bag and find a pencil (say the word pencil in English). Will they succeed? How long will it take? Time it and… have fun! Some advice: if you don’t remember the pronunciation of any of the words, check online. There are lots of online dictionaries where you can hear the pronunciation of any word. We would like to remind you that The Story Garden has a Flip Book with all the audio scripts and the resources we use in class, as well as extra games. Have fun and see you soon! The Story Garden | © ELI | Photocopiable

3 HAPPY BIRTHDAY SLEEPING BEAUTY! Unit You and Mr Green are are about to lead the class into the world of Sleeping Beauty. But we’re sure you pupils will be wide awake! There is a birthday party at the palace and Princess Aurora is busy opening a sackful of presents, as the fairies have come to her party again, but unfortunately so has the evil old fairy. In this enchanted, playful and happy atmosphere, Princess Aurora will teach pupils to name and describe toys. Finally the class will decide if the Princess has been good or not! Obiettivi di apprendimento Skills Learning objectives Identifying and matching toys, colours and numbers Knowledge Understanding and following instructions Expressing possession Toys Recognising and reproducing L2 sounds and rhythms Numbers and colours Asking and replying to simple questions Expressions of possession Developing manual dexterity Simple classroom instructions, such as how to do a task or play a game. Communicative structures Vocabulary What is it? It’s a… What colour is it? It’s… Car, ball, doll, video game, bike, scooter, kite, train My… Purple Right! Birthday cake Wrong! Intermediate goals in the development of competences Basic competences (English language skills Key competences axis) Communicating: understanding messages and verbal instructions; paying attention when trying to Identifying and naming toys understand more complex messages Recognising and naming primary and secondary Learning to learn: applying strategies to correct colours work Describing a toy using colour Collaborating and participating: respecting Listening to and understanding an illustrated story established rules in games, pair work or group work; read out loud by a teacher or on multimedia recognising and respecting diversity Singing and miming a song or a chant Acting autonomously and responsibly: organising activities autonomously Planning: creatively transferring the language learnt into actions 72

3 Unit Life skills Managing feelings Creative thinking Developing critical thinking Knowing yourself Interpersonal skills; empathy Activities Using materials produced in a language game Interpreting a story Singing and miming a song Recognising elements of language when listening CLIL Make and play the ball and cup toy: following the procedure to make fun objects; reusing language Art and images: mixing primary colours to produce learnt in a game. secondary colours; using colour creativity, graphically representing preferences. Living English Using the English language in real, authentic and emotionally inclusive situations Subject links Technology: working out how to make something Physical education: using the body and movement Music: recognising different voices and matching to represent real an imaginary communicative them with different characters; recognising and situations; understanding gestures; taking part in reproducing a musical rhythm and intonation group games, following instructions and respecting History: understanding whether actions and rules situations happen in succession or simultaneously Maths: recognising objects through their shapes; making deductions and predictions; linking numerical symbols, quantities and words Support Equipment Materials (for teaching methodology) Usual everyday classroom kit For Make and Play: paper cups, ping pong balls, The Story Garden 1 pp. 28-39 string Activity time pp. 88-89 Mr Green puppet Audio CD 1 Flashcards Photocopiable worksheets 1-6 Flip Book 73

HAPPY BIRTHDAY SLEEPING BEAUTY! We learn to • Interpret an image • Understand and name toys • Sing a song Vocabulary • car, ball, doll, video game, bike, scooter, kite, train, • present • colours and numbers Structures • Look, a… • Who is it? • Thank you! • Happy birthday! Equipment and resources • Student’s book 1 • Audio CD 1 • Flashcards • IWB if available • Photocopiable worksheet 1 Pages 28-29 Audio script 29 Greet pupils with the welcome rhyme presented in one – car previous units and tell them that Mr Green is taking them to a birthday party at a beautiful palace. Show two – ball the class the picture at page 28 on the IWB or hold up three – doll the book for everybody to see, and say: Look, a little four – video game girl! Who is it? five – bike Elicit the answer from the class. Leave some time for six – scooter pupils to look at the picture and comment on it and seven – kite invite them to make deductions by asking questions eight – train like: What has Sleeping Beauty got? Who is giving her presents? Why is one fairy angry? The animated form of the presentation in the Flip Book Listen to their ideas and then point to the girl in the should engage pupils. You can use the video at the start picture and say: Sleeping Beauty is happy! Check they of the activity to reinforce vocabulary, or you can turn understand the word happy. down the audio for class revision. 1 Listen and say. 29 2 Listen and find. 30 Introduce the games vocabulary by using the flashcards Start the audio and ask the class to do the task. Say: and then play the audio and invite the class to do the Listen and find! task. Show the class each game flashcard as it is named. Pupils have to find the games named in the illustrated scene. Check that pupils carry out the activity correctly. 74 Repeat the activity until all the pupils are doing it correctly.

3 Unit Audio script 30 Audioscript kite doll Toys for Sleeping Beauty 31-32 ball Fairies Sleeping Beauty is six today Key competences: Communicating And we shout hurray, hurray! Happy birthday, dear princess Pupils understand spoken information. Lots of toys, all for you. A car [brum, brum] 3 Listen and sing. 31-32 A ball [bounce, bounce] A doll [la, la] Tell pupils that you are going to sing a song together A video game [ping, ping] to celebrate Sleeping Beauty’s birthday. Say: Now A bike [ting, ting] Listen and look at me! and start listening to the song, A scooter [zoom, zoom] accompanying it with mime and gesture, showing the A kite [swish, swish] flashcards of the toys, or miming them as they are A train [choo, choo] named. Aurora Oh, thank you fairies. Oh... thank you! Invite pupils to repeat the words and movements, Fairies Sleeping Beauty is six today saying: Let’s sing and mime. And we shout hurray, hurray! Pupils sing following the audio. Happy birthday, dear Princess Finally, you can use the karaoke track: pupils can sing Lots of toys, all for you. with just the musical base. Photocopiable worksheet n. 1 can be used to consolidate vocabulary learnt. 75

HAPPY BIRTHDAY SLEEPING BEAUTY! We learn to Audio script 33 car: five scooter: six • Identify the name of some toys and associate them bike: one doll: seven with numbers video game: two kite: eight train: three Vocabulary ball: four • one, two, three, four, five, six, seven, eight Key competences: Learning to learn • car, ball, doll, video game, bike, scooter, • kite, train, present Pupils apply strategies to change or correct their own work. Structures Life skills: Critical thinking • What is it? It’s a… Pupils analyse the information and use it to carry Equipment and resources out the task autonomously. • Student’s book 1 Teaching tips: a rhyme • Audio CD 1 • Flashcards Here is a rhyme with numbers one ten, adapted to • IWB if available be inclusive. One little, two little, three little children Page 30 Four little, five little, six little children, Seven little, eight little, nine little children Use the flashcards to revise games vocabulary. Say to Ten little school boys. the class: Look at me and say. Hold up one flashcard at a time and ask: What is it? One little, two little, three little children Elicit the answers. Four little, five little, six little children, Seven little, eight little, nine little children 4 Listen and number. 33 Ten little school girls. Before starting the activity, give an example of the first object using the IWB, if available, or showing the picture in the book. Say the name of an object as you point to it: Bike - one. Now ask pupils to listen, without writing anything and start the audio, saying: Listen. At the end of the activity, play the audio again and this time say: Listen and number. At the end of the activity say: Number one...what is it? Elicit the answers. Continue until pupils have named all the toys. You can feedback as a group: one pupil says a number and the rest of the class name the corresponding toy. Pupils can use the same feedback strategy in pairs, or as a whole class, using the digital version of the activity. 76

We learn to 3 • Recognise games from their colours Unit • Match games to characters, when listening to an audio recording Extra activity Vocabulary The game bingo can be very helpful in consolidating and learning L2 vocabulary. • blue, orange, purple, green, black, white Photocopy worksheets n. 2 and 3, hand them out to • ball, kite, car the class and ask pupils to colour them in. Then ask pupils to cut out the mini-flashcards and prepare an Structures envelope onto which each pupil writes his or her name. This will ensure that the cards aren’t lost and can be • My (ball) is (blue and orange) used during any time remaining at the end of a lesson. Each pupil chooses 6 cards and places them on the Equipment and resources table. The teacher takes out one flashcard at a time, reading the number. When a pupil gets bingo (has got • Student’s book 1 6 cards the teacher has named), say: Let’s check and • Audio CD 1 ask the pupil to show and read out the numbers on • IWB if available their cards. When checking is complete, the person • Photocopiable worksheet n. 2 and 3 with bingo gets to extract the cards and call the numbers for the next game. Page 31 34 Life skills: Interpersonal skills, empathy 5 Listen and match. Pupils interact positively with classmates in game Read the instructions to the class and say: Listen and situations involving wining, losing and competing. match, miming the meaning of match. Remind pupils just to listen the first time. Say: Listen carefully and start the audio. To help pupils, stop the recording after each pause and ask them to point to the toy named. Ask pupils to use their pencils, saying: Pick up your pencil. Start the audio for a second time, saying: Match! Listen a third time and correct as a class. Audio script 34 One My ball is blue and orange. Two My kite is purple and green. Thre My car is black and white. Key competences: Communicating Pupils are able to concentrate when trying to understand more complex messages. Life skills: Knowing yourself Reassure pupils on their first listening activities to ensure that they have a positive experience of the English language. 77

HAPPY BIRTHDAY SLEEPING BEAUTY! We learn to • Recognise words, matching them with images • Matching colours and vocabulary Vocabulary • orange, black, pink, green, purple, blue, red, yellow • scooter, video game, kite, train, car, doll, bike, ball Equipment and resources • Student’s book 1 • Audio CD 1 • IWB if available • Photocopiable worksheet n. 4 Page 32 35 7 Trace and read. 6 Listen and colour. Ask the class to do the task. Say: Trace and wait for all the pupils to trace the words. Then say: Now read! As Using the IWB or holding up the book for everybody to the pupils probably won’t be able to read yet, it is a see, show pupils the activity on page 32. case of intuitive reading, with the aim of giving positive Ask them to take out the crayons they will need to reinforcement. colour in the pictures, so that the activity flows better. Say: Take out your crayons! Pick up one of the pupil’s Language tips crayons, showing them one at a time and saying: a red crayon, a yellow crayon, a blue crayon, and so on. The indefinite articles in English are a in front of Read the instructions to the class and start the audio. nouns beginning with consonants and an in front of nouns beginning with vowels. The digital activity can be used as a class assessment In front of words beginning with a silent h (heir, in which pupils match the games vocabulary with the hour, honest), we always use an. colours. In front of words beginning with the sound /ju:/ from the vowel u or from the diphthong eu we Audio script 35 always use a (uniform, European). You don’t need to explain this to the class now as one: a yellow scooter they will see the rules later. For the time being, two: a red video game they will passively assimilate it by listening. three: a blue kite four: a purple train Photocopiable worksheet n. 4 can be used as five: a green car consolidation for the structures learnt and as a resource six: a pink doll for fast finishers. seven: a black bike eight: an orange ball 78

3 Unit We learn to • Reuse vocabulary and structures learned in a motivating context and through games Vocabulary • Toys Structures • What is it? It’s a… • Right! Wrong! Equipment and resources • Student’s book 1 • Audio CD 1 • Photocopiable worksheet n. 5 • IWB if available Page 33 Audio script 36 Preparation for the activity Boy: What is it? Girl: It’s a train. Hand out the copies of photocopiable worksheet Boy: Wrong! n. 5 and invite pupils to cut them out along the lines, Boy What is it? saying: Cut! Girl: It’s a car. Ask the class to look at the figures carefully because Boy: Right! they will have to remember the names. When all the Girl: Hurray! pupils have completed the task, if you have enough boxes (at least one between two pupils) put all the When everyone has understood the game, invite pupils pieces of the puzzle into them. If you don’t have to work in pairs. Give each pair a bag or a box with the enough boxes, you can use envelopes or bags as an illustrated pieces of the puzzle from photocopiable alternative. Set them to one side until you are ready to worksheet n.5 and say: OK everyone, let’s play the start the game. toy chest game! Allow pupils to play autonomously, but go around the 8 Listen and play the Toy Chest Game. 36 class checking that they are calmly following the rules. Ask the class to look at the photos, saying: Look at the Life skills: Interpersonal skills, managing photos and guess how the game is played. Listen to feelings pupils’ ideas and clarify that they have to get a piece of the puzzle from the box and ask a friend to guess what Pupils interact with each other positively, the toy is. If they guess correctly they score a point. The managing their feelings in a game which involves winner is the person who has guessed the most toys winning, losing and competing. correctly. Start the audio, saying: Listen! Ask the pupils to listen again, pausing the audio after Key competences: Collaborating and every photo and asking them to repeat the sentences, saying: Repeat, please. participating Ask pupils to listen to the whole dialogue again, saying: Pupils respect the established rules of a game. Now listen again. 79

HAPPY BIRTHDAY SLEEPING BEAUTY! We learn to Fairies Happy birthday! • Listen to and interpret a cartoon by looking at Fairy 1 A present for the Princess! the images and the words associated with them • Act out a cartoon King Thank you! Vocabulary Butler What is it? • present Fairy 1 It’s a ball! • Princess • ball, kite Butler Is it for me? Structures Fairy 1 No, it’s for the Princess. • What is it? It’s a… • A present for… • Is it for me? No, it’s for... • Thank you • Yuck! • Help! Equipment and resources • Student’s book 1 • Audio CD 1 • Mr Green puppet • IWB if available Little princess Ohhh! Thank you! Pages 34-35 STORY Butler Oh… You can say no is the message that Mr Green pulls out Fairy 2 A present for the Princess! of his pocket and reads to pupils from this story. In order to protect yourself, saying no is very sensible Queen Thank you! and very important. Butler What is it? 9 Listen to the story. 37 Fairy 2 It’s a kite! Before starting the audio, say: Open your book at pages 34-35 and invite pupils to look at the cartoons and Butler Is it for me? discuss them. Then ask the class to: Look and listen to the story or Let’s watch the cartoon, and follow the Fairy 2 No, it’s for the Princess. method outlined in the first unit for the Little Red Riding Hood cartoon. Butler Oh… In the Flip Book you will find an animated version of the cartoon. You can show this to pupils before looking at the Little princess Ohhh! Thank you! text as a presentation, or in subsequent lessons as a class assessment, by turning down the audio. The animation Fairy 3 Now a present for you. also provides a good model for the acting out stage. Butler A present for me? Fairy 3 Yes! Smack… smack…. Butler Argh! Yuck! Help! Help! Audio script 37 Culture tips Mr Green Hello, children, it’s storytime! Listen The word Yuck (to express dislike) exists in all to the story. You can say NO! languages. Here are some translated versions of it. Spanish – puaj French – pouah German – pfui, bah Dutch – bah, jakkes Swedish – usch Portuguese – que nojo 80

10 Listen and sing. 38 3 Say: Now, listen and look at me! Start the song audio, Unit accompanying it with mime and gesture. After listening once, invite pupils to sing, following the 11 Act out the story. audio. You can choose to do this activity before or after the song. Happy birthday Sleeping Beauty 38 Ask pupils to act out the story, saying: Now, let’s act out the story. Initially you can divide the class into groups Fairies Happy birthday and assign a different role to each group, to give less confident pupils a chance. Sleeping Beauty Acting is a very productive activity, because make-believe is a big part of the lives of every child, and it encourages This is for you. pupils to express themselves without inhibition. You can use the games flashcards in this acting out stage. You’re so nice Key competences: Collaborating and you’re so kind participating we love you. Pupils interact with classmates and respect established rules in group work activities. Sleeping Beauty Thank you, fairies, Life skills: Interpersonal skills, managing little fairies feelings one, two, three. Pupils interact with classmates positively, managing their feelings in order to successfully Come and play carry out the task. come and play you and me! I like presents lovely presents all for me. A ball, a kite, a hug, a kiss all for me! Thank you, fairies, little fairies one, two, three. Let’s be friends, and play together you and me! 81

HAPPY BIRTHDAY SLEEPING BEAUTY! We learn to 2 Listen and check. 39 • Distinguish between primary and secondary Invite pupils to check their answers with the audio, colours saying: Listen and check. You can also ask them to • Mix secondary colours from primary colours exchange books and check each other’s answers as a • Use colour creatively peer education exercise. Vocabulary Audio script 39 one – green • blue, yellow, red, white, purple, green, orange, two – orange pink three – pink four – purple Structures Mr Green: I’m creative! • Mix the colours Life skills: Interpersonal skills • I’m creative! Checking each other’s work is good practice in peer Equipment and resources relations. Rather than a teacher correcting their work, the class is encouraged to work together and • Student’s book 1 build confidence in correcting their own and each • Audio CD 1 other’s work. Explain to pupils that everyone makes • IWB if available mistakes, and that they come to school to learn, so • Paper plates, paint brushes, primary poster paint they are not allowed to make fun of anybody who colours has made a mistake. We learn from our mistakes! Page 36 CLIL Key competences: Collaborating and I’m creative! says Mr Green, stimulating pupils to be participating creative and to play with colours. They can discover Pupils recognise and respect diversity. the secondary colours that can be produced by mixing primary colours. Following Mr Green’s advice, divide the class into four groups. Give each group a paper plate, a paint brush and pairs of primary colours, like those in the text (blue-yellow; yellow-red; red-white; blue-red). Ask one group at a time to mix the colours that they hear. Say: Mix blue and yellow. Invite the group to show their classmates the result they have obtained and ask: What colour is it? Elicit the answer. Continue in this way with the other groups. 1 Mix and colour. Write. Ask pupils to open their books at page 36, read the instructions and ask the class to do the activity. Explain to them that if they don’t remember how to write the names of the colours, they can look at page 5 and copy the words. The activity will be extremely useful to them in learning the words. When they have finished the activity in the book, pupils can check answers using the digital activity in the Flip Book. 82

3 Unit We learn to • Make a game Vocabulary and structures • It’s your turn! • Count the score! Equipment and resources • Student’s book 1 • Paper cups, string, scissors, ping pong balls and colours Page 37 Make and play 1 Make and play The Ball and Cup Toy Game. To make this new game, continue using the vocabulary When they have all created the game, pupils are ready for techniques and materials (scissors, colour, cut). to play. The game is played by holding the cup in their hand and lifting it up so that the string rises and the ball Procedure: can fall into the cup. Each time the ball ends up in the cup, they get a point. • Ask each pupil to decorate their cup as they want Ask pupils to count their scores. They can practise using whichever technique they prefer. playing the game one at a time on their own first. • Make a hole at the bottom of the cups Say: It’s you turn and add the name of the pupil • Put some string trough the hole and fasten it with a practising. knot. When they are ready, all the pupils can play at the • Make two holes diametrically opposite on the ball. same time and count their score, say: Count the • Thread the free end of the string through and fasten score! One, two, three… it with a knot. Go around the class giving encouragement like: Great! Key competences: Acting autonomously Beautiful! Well done! and responsibly Life skills: Creative thought Pupils organise this activity autonomously. Although pupils are supervised by adults, they need to make decisions for themselves, so that they can test themselves and find out what they can do. Leave the class free to choose how to decorate the cup and what colours to use. It’s a good way of helping them develop their creativity. Our aim is to stimulate the learner autonomy of pupils and self-assessment of their choices. 83

HAPPY BIRTHDAY SLEEPING BEAUTY! We learn to • Decode a series of photos by looking at them and listening to associated words • Use the English language in familiar contexts Vocabulary • birthday cake, candle Structures • Happy birthday! • Thank you • Make a wish • I’m six • Let’s dance! Equipment and materials • Student’s book 1 • Audio CD 1 • IWB if available • Photocopiable worksheet n. 6 Pages 38-39 Living English Audio script 40 1 Listen, mime and say. 40 Girl Today is my birthday. I’m six! Tell pupils that today they are going to a friend’s Girl My birthday cake is big. birthday party who is the same age as them and is celebrating with friends. It’s purple, blue, red, orange, Children love going to birthday parties and talking about them: the presents, the food and the party games. After and green! listening to their experiences of parties, invite pupils to open their books on pages 38 and 39 and to look at the Boys and girls Make a wish! pictures, describing them and comparing them to their own parties. Boys and girls Happy birthday! Say: Look at the pictures. Allow pupils to look at and comment on the photos. Then start the audio, saying: Girl Mmm, I like birthday cakes! Listen, showing one image at a time on the IWB if available or in the book during the dialogues. Delicious! At the end of the listening, invite pupils to mime the different situations without speaking, saying: Mime the Girl Wow, presents! Thank you! story! Listen again, stopping the audio after each scene and Girl And now… let’s dance! asking pupils to repeat the sentences they hear, saying: Now repeat, please. Extra activity - My birthday cake Repeat the procedure with the whole text until they Hand out photocopiable worksheet n. 6 to pupils and have learnt it. ask them to complete and decorate them as they want. The animated foto reportage in the Flip Book can Ask pupils to draw a cake with as many candles as their be used before as a presentation and after as class own age on it. You can use the activity to orally revise assessment, by turning down the audio. numbers and colours. 84 Key competences: Planning Pupils creatively transfer the language learnt into action.

ACTIVITY TIME 3 Pages 90 - 93 Unit 1 Write the words. 3 ACTIVITY TIME Invite pupils to look at the words at the top of the Unit1 WRITE THE WORDS. page. You can invite a couple of volunteers to read out VIDEO GAME TRAIN the words in turn, whilst classmates point to the correct BALL BIKE SCOOTER picture. Then each pupil writes the words under the pictures. Alternatively, you can read out the words to KITE CAR DOLL the class, who point to the correct pictures and write the words under them. 1 ____ 2 _____ Answers: 1 kite, 2 train, 3 bike, 4 scooter, 5 doll, 6 3 __K_ 4 _______ video game, 7 car, 8 ball. 5 D___ 6 _____ ____ 2 Read and circle the toys. 7 ___ 8 ____ ACTIVITY TIME 3 Read the sentence in the speech bubble and invite 90 WORKBOOK pupils to circle the correct toy. As an extension, you 2 READ AND CIRCLE THE TOYS. Unit can ask pupils to name two toys not named by the A BALL AND character. A DOLL. 3 Read, draw and colour. A CAR AND A SCOOTER. Read the sentence in the speech bubble and invite pupils to draw and colour in the toy named. A KITE AND A VIDEO GAME. 4 Name the toys, then complete the words. WORKBOOK 91 Invite pupils to name all the items on the page, then complete the words. Answers: 1 kite, 2 doll, 3 car, 4 ball, 5 bike, 6 video game. 4 TNHAEMWE OTHREDST.OYS, THEN COMPLETE ACTIVITY TIME 3 Unit 1 2 KI _ E _ OLL 3 4 _AR _ ALL 5 6 _ IKE VI _ EO GAME WORKBOOK 93 85

HAPPY BIRTHDAY SLEEPING BEAUTY! Photocopiable worksheet n. 1 Name : _______________________________________________________ Date : __________________________________ MATCH THE WORDS WITH THE PICTURES, THEN COLOUR. A CAR A KITE A SCOOTER A BIKE A VIDEO GAME A DOLL A BALL A TRAIN 86 The Story Garden | © ELI | Photocopiable

Photocopiable worksheet n. 2 3 Unit Name : _______________________________________________________ Date : __________________________________ PLAY BINGO! CAR BALL DOLL VIDEO GAME BIKE SCOOTER 1 KITE TRAIN ONE The Story Garden | © ELI | Photocopiable 87

HAPPY BIRTHDAY SLEEPING BEAUTY! Photocopiable worksheet n. 3 Name : _______________________________________________________ Date : __________________________________ PLAY BINGO! 234 TWO THREE FOUR 567 FIVE SIX SEVEN 8 9 10 EIGHT NINE TEN 88 The Story Garden | © ELI | Photocopiable

Photocopiable worksheet n. 4 3 Unit Name : _______________________________________________________ Date : __________________________________ COLOUR AND COMPLETE. A BLUE ___________ A YELLOW ___________ A PINK ___________ AN ORANGE ___________ A RED ___________ A GREEN ___________ The Story Garden | © ELI | Photocopiable 89

HAPPY BIRTHDAY SLEEPING BEAUTY! Photocopiable worksheet n. 5 Name : _______________________________________________________ Date : __________________________________ THE TOY CHEST GAME 90 The Story Garden | © ELI | Photocopiable

Photocopiable worksheet n. 6 3 Unit Name : _______________________________________________________ Date : __________________________________ MY BIRTHDAY CAKE The Story Garden | © ELI | Photocopiable 91

HAPPY BIRTHDAY SLEEPING BEAUTY! My learning diary Name : _______________________________________________________ Date : __________________________________ VERY WELL WELL SO-SO I REMEMBER THE NAMES OF TOYS I REMEMBER NUMBERS 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 WHAT I MOST ENJOYED IN I DID NOT ENJOY... THIS UNIT WAS BECAUSE... BECAUSE... 92 The Story Garden | © ELI | Photocopiable

The Story Garden • Letter to parents 3 Unit Dear parents, We’ve received an invitation! We’ve all been invited, with Mr Green, to Princess Aurora’s birthday party, also known as Sleeping Beauty. We helped her open her presents and she taught pupils the names of different toys, and how to describe them, through fun games, songs and stories. All the fairies in the land were at the party, including the evil fairy. But this time they knew how to protect themselves at the palace, and your children learnt to say no, which is very sensible and important. Here are the words to the songs from the unit. Toys for Sleeping Beauty Happy birthday Sleeping Beauty Sleeping Beauty is six today Fairies Happy birthday And we shout hurray, hurray! Sleeping Beauty Happy birthday, dear Princess This is for you. Lots of toys, all for you. You’re so nice you’re so kind A car [brum, brum] we love you. A ball [bounce, bounce] A doll [la-la] Sleeping Beauty Thank you, fairies, A ball, a kite, A video game [ping, ping] little fairies a hug, a kiss one, two, three. all for me! A bike [ting, ting] Come and play Thank you, fairies, A scooter [zoom, zoom] come and play little fairies A kite [swish, swish] you and me! one, two, three. A train [choo, choo] I like presents Let’s be friends, lovely presents and play together Oh, thank you, fairies. Oh... thank you! all for me. you and me! Sleeping Beauty is six today And we shout hurray, hurray! Happy birthday, dear Princess Lots of toys, all for you. Playing with your children, singing and miming these songs, is a great way to spend time together, help them to develop and, and help us with our everyday work. A small piece of advice - we know you want your children to learn English and many of you probably download online resources. Check that these resources are in British English so that they are consistent with Story Garden. The differences in vocabulary and pronunciation at the children’s level of English are minimal, but can cause confusion. Many thanks See you soon! The Story Garden | © ELI | Photocopiable

4 HANSEL AND GRETEL’S LUNCH Unit What a horrible old witch! Does she want to hurt somebody? Maybe, but these children seem to know what they’re doing, especially as they are not alone: you, your gardening assistant and the whole class are there with them. While the witch tries to be wicked, you’re having a delicious meal in English! There you are! You’re in the story of Hansel and Gretel, in the witch’s kitchen. Even in your cartoon she will come to a sticky end, because the brother and sister have learnt not just to recognise wolves, but witches, too. Hansel and Gretel, fresh from their kitchen experience, are ready to teach your pupils the names of foods, how to describe them and express their own tastes and preferences in English. Learning objectives Knowledge Vocabulary Food and drink Sandwich, hamburger, pizza, crisps, cake, orange Tastes and preferences juice, ice cream, apple, banana, milk Simple classroom instructions Communicative structures Skills I like… Identifying food and drink I don’t like… Describing food and drink according to size (Apples), please Expressing your taste in food Here you are! Asking and thanking Thank you Understanding and following instructions and procedures Socialising in L2 Intermediate goals in the development of competences Basic competences (English language skills Key competences axis) Communicating: identifying information; taking part in a conversation and staying on topic Recognising and naming food and drinks Problem-solving: using logic in complex situations; Expressing tastes and preferences recognising your own mistakes Offering, thanking Learning to learn: applying strategies to correct your Listening to and understanding an illustrated story work read out loud by the teacher or on multimedia Collaborating and participating: interacting Singing and miming a song and a chant constructively with classmates Recognising language elements while listening Planning: creatively transferring language learnt into action 94

4 Unit Life skills Creative thinking Self-awareness Activities Acting out dialogues Making snacks and sandwiches Making deductions Singing and miming a song Understanding a story CLIL Make and play with funny snacks: following procedures to prepare food; reusing language learnt Food education: learning respect for food and a in a recipe healthy diet Living English Using the English language in real, authentic and emotionally realistic situations Subject links Art and images: using creativity in cooking Technology: understanding and following Music: recognising different voices and matching instructions and procedures them with different characters; recognising and Physical education: understanding gestures; moving reproducing a musical rhythm; understanding and to a rhythm; using the body and movement in real reproducing sounds not within your own language; and imaginary communicative situations; taking part reproducing intonation in a group game, following rules and instructions History: understanding whether actions and situations happen in succession or simultaneously Maths: recognising numbered elements; recognising the size of an object Support Resources The Story Garden 1 pp. 40-51 Usual everyday classroom kits Activity time pp. 90-91 For Make and play: sliced bread, round bread rolls, Mr Green puppet various vegetables, cheese, eggs Audio CD 1 Flashcards 95 Photocopiable worksheets 1-4 Flip Book

HANSEL AND GRETEL’S LUNCH We learn to Audio script 41 41 • Interpret a picture one: sandwich six: orange juice • Understand, recognise and name foods two: hamburger seven: ice cream • Sing a song three: pizza eight: apple four: crisps nine: banana Vocabulary five: cake ten: milk • sandwich, hamburger, pizza, crisps, cake, orange Vocabulary is presented in animated form in the Flip juice, ice cream, apple, banana, milk Book. In subsequent lessons, you can turn down the • food audio, and use the video for a quick class revision of the vocabulary. Structures 2 Listen and find. 42 • Come in! • You can eat! Start the audio and ask the class to do the activity. Pupils • Do you like? have to identify the food named in the picture. Say: • I like / I don’t like Listen and find! Equipment and resources Check that pupils are doing the task correctly, repeating the audio as many times as necessary. • Student’s book 1 • Audio CD 1 Audio script 42 • Food flashcards pizza • Food magazines and flyers ice cream milk • IWB if available cake apple • Photocopiable worksheet n. 1 orange juice Pages 40-41 Key competences: Communicating After greeting the class with the welcome rhyme, tell Finding information. pupils that Mr Green is going to introduce them to a new story. Show the class the pictures on pages 40- 41 on the IWB, or holding the book up so everybody can see it and say: Look, a little boy! Who is it? Elicit the answer from the class. Do the same thing pointing to the girl: Look, a little girl! Who is it? Elicit the answer. Allow pupils time to look at the picture and invite them to make deductions about it and comment on it with questions such as: What are Hansel and Gretel doing? Who is the angry woman? Listen to all the pupils’ ideas and then point to the witch and say: The witch is hungry! Mime hungry. Use the flashcards to present the food and drink vocabulary. 1 Listen and say. 41 Invite the class to listen to the audio and repeat the vocabulary, saying: Listen and say! 96

4 Unit 3 Listen and sing. 43-44 Knock-knock-knock! Invite pupils to draw and cut out the food and drink Come in, Hansel and Gretel, presented, saying: Let’s draw and cut out the food. Alternatively, you can invite pupils to find you can eat here. and cut out images from the magazines and flyers you have brought into class. Gretel I like sandwiches, I don’t like When all the pupils have the images they need, ask them to put them on their tables, then play the song hamburgers once, asking them to point to the food named: Listen and point! I like pizza, I don’t like crisps Play the audio again and ask pupils to sing the song: Listen and sing with me! I like cake, I don’t like orange Finally, you can use the karaoke track: pupils sing along to the musical base. juice Lunchtime for Hansel and Gretel 43-44 I like ice cream, I don’t like Speaker: Hansel and Gretel see a house made of sweets. apples I like bananas, I don’t like milk Witch It’s lunchtime, it’s lunchtime! Hansel I like sandwiches, I don’t like hamburgers I like pizza, I don’t like crisps I like cake, I don’t like orange juice I like ice cream, I don’t like apples I like bananas, I don’t like milk Witch It’s lunchtime, it’s lunchtime! Hansel and Gretel Do you like pizza? Do you like cake? Do you like pizza? Do you like cake? Witch Oh yummy, yummy, food for my tummy! Oh, yummy, yummy, food for my tummy! Photocopiable worksheet n. 1 can be used as consolidation for vocabulary. 97

HANSEL AND GRETEL’S LUNCH We learn to Photocopiable worksheet n. 2 can be used to consolidate plurals and structures or as a resource for • Recognise the names of food and match them Fast finishers. with the numbers Key competences: Problem-solving Vocabulary Using logic in complex situations. • sandwich, hamburger, pizza, crisps, cake, orange juice, ice cream, apple, banana, milk 5 Listen and match. 45 • one, two, three, four, five, six, seven, eight, nine, ten Explain to the class that they are going to listen to the Communicative structures audio three times: the first time they should just listen, the second time they should match the children with • I like… I don’t like… the food, the third time they can check and change their answers. Listen for the first time and say: Listen! Equipment and resources Invite them to listen again and say: Listen and match! Invite them to listen for a third time and say: Let’s • Student’s book 1 check! This time pupils check their answers. This can be • Audio CD 1 done as a class or in pairs. • Food flashcards In the digital activity the pupils will have to recognise • IWB if available the spoken names of the food identify and drag the • Photocopiable worksheet n. 2 images to the correct place, choosing between I like and I don’t like. Page 42 Audio script 45 Use the flashcards to consolidate the food vocabulary. Say to the class: Look at me and say. Girl I like apples. Boy I don’t like orange juice. Hold up one flashcard at a time and ask: What is it? Elicit the answer. I like milk. I don’t like pizza. Ask about pupils tastes, say: Do you like…(apples/ milk/crisps)? And elicit the answer: Yes / No! I like cake. I don’t like crisps. 4 Trace and write the numbers. Colour. Key competences: Learning to learn Use the IWB if available to explain the task, otherwise Pupils apply strategies to correct their work. hold up the book so that everyone can see. Point to the first words and say the food and the number: Apple… one. Then write the number in the circle next to the picture of an apple. Continue with the other words, involving pupils by asking, for example: Number two, what is it? Or: Sandwich… what number is it? Presenting the activity in digital form will make it easier for pupils to complete it individually in their books. Invite pupils to open their books on page 42, show them the first example, say: Trace and wait for them all to trace the correct food words. Then read the words and the number they have traced: one – apple and ask them to point to the correct food. When the pupils have pointed to the correct food, say: Write the number. Finally say: You can colour now! 98

4 We learn to Unit • Differentiate food and drink based on personal taste Once more, pupils should name the food and drink they have drawn, comparing with those of their Vocabulary classmates. • sandwich, hamburger, pizza, crisps, cake, orange Life skills: Self-awareness juice, ice cream, apple, banana, milk... • yummy, yuck Talking about personal taste in food makes us • food, drink aware that we are all unique. Help pupils to understand the beauty of this diversity as a Structures resource and not a limitation! • What’s your favourite food? Extra activity • Do you like (pizza)? When the whole class has expressed their food Equipment and resources used tastes, ask pupils to work in groups. Play the game Guess what I like? • Student’s book 1 The game consists of trying to remember the things • Food flashcards classmates like (from the previous activity) by asking • IWB if available questions such as: Do you like pizza? Do you like cakes? Page 43 If the classmate answers Yes! the pupil scores a point. If he or she answers No! it’s time for another 6 Draw food and drink you like. Say. question. The winner is the person with the highest score at Draw a happy face on the board and show the pizza the end of the game. The class can applaud the flashcard to the class: I like pizza! winner. Yummy! Continue with another two or three foods. Then show pupils the first box on page 43 and tell 99 them: Now, it’s your turn. Draw food and a drink you like. Explain the instructions, miming the words food and drink. Go around the class, checking pupils’ work. Encourage and praise pupils with phrases such as: Wow! That’s great! Well done! When the whole class has finished drawing, ask pupils to do the last part of the task orally, by saying: Say! Pupils should name the food and drink they have drawn, comparing them with those of their classmates. 7 Draw food and drink you don’t like. Say. Draw a sad face on the board and show the hamburger flashcard to the class: I don’t like hamburgers! Yuck! Continue with another two or three foods. Then show pupils the first box on the bottom of page 43 and tell them: Now, it’s your turn. Draw food and drink you don’t like. Once again, encourage and praise pupils. When the whole class has finished drawing, ask pupils to do the last part of the task orally, by saying: Say!

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