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Tip Top 1_Teacher's book

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Description: Tip Top 1_Teacher's book

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Teacher’s Book

Contents Page Scope and Sequence 4 Introduction 6 Pupil Assessment form 11 12 1 Hello 19 2 In class 26 Review 1 27 3 Colours and shapes 34 4 Toys 41 Review 2 42 5 Family and friends 49 6 Animals 56 Review 3 57 7 Clothes 64 8 Face and body 71 Review 4 72 9 Food 79 10 At the park 86 Review 5 87 Play 89 Progress checks 1-5 94 Extra activities 104 Flashcard list 105 Handwriting practice lines 106 Alphabet practice

Scope and Sequence Unit Words Language Tom, Tilly, Hip, Hop What’s your name? I’m Hip. 1 Hello. Bye. Hello Miss Kelly What’s this? It’s a door. 2 table, chair, door, window, board Stand up. Sit down. In class pencil, crayon, pen, book, bag blue, red, yellow, green, pink, orange, brown What colour is it? It’s blue. 3 black, white, circle, square, triangle A blue pencil. Colours and shapes It’s a circle. car, kite, train, doll, teddy This is my car. 4 skipping rope, bricks, bike, puzzle, scooter These are my toys. Toys mum, dad, grandpa, grandma, brother, sister This is my mum. 5 friend, aunt, uncle, cousin What’s his/her name? Hip/Hop. Family and friends lion, butterfly, giraffe, camel, snake Is it a camel? 6 bird, mouse, rabbit, donkey, goat Yes, it is. Animals socks, shoes, T-shirt, trousers, jumper No, it isn’t. dress, shirt, coat, skirt, pyjamas What are these? 7 nose, mouth, eyes, ears They’re shoes. Clothes arms, legs, fingers, hands, feet, toes I have one nose. I have two ears. pear, banana, date, biscuit, sandwich 8 ice cream, pizza, juice, water, milk I like pears. Face and body I don’t like bananas. 9 run, skip, throw, catch, hop, climb, I can throw. Food ride a bike, play football, climb a tree, fly a kite Tilly can skip. 10 At the park 4

Values Phonics Maths Introducing yourself: Aa apple, ant, alligator, axe 1 Hello. I’m Anna. Bb ball, boy, bee, balloons Point to one. Hello Anna. Sharing: Cc cat, cake, car, camel 2 Here’s a crayon. Dd dog, duck, desk, doll 3 Thank you. Two crayons. Being tidy: Ee elephant, egg, exit, hens 4 Let’s tidy up. OK. Ff fish, frog, flower, figs 5 Counting up to five. Playing nicely together: Gg gate, girl, goat, guitar Revision 1-5 Let’s play together. Hh hat, hippo, horse, hair How many cars? Five! Inviting someone in: Ii igloo, insect, ink 6 Come in. Jj jug, jam, jelly beans 7 Thank you. Kk key, kangaroo, kite, kittens How old are you? Ll lemon, ladder, lion, ladybird I’m five. Asking how someone is: Mm monkey, moon, mouse 8 How are you? Nn nest, net, nuts 9 Fine, thank you. Oo octopus, orange, ostrich, lollipop Greeting someone politely: Pp parrot, penguin, pen 10 Hello. I’m Kay. Qq queen, quilt, quiz Nice to meet you. I’m Tim. Rr robot, rocket, rabbit, rainbow Revision 1-10 Washing your hands: Ss sun, spider, snail Concept of 0 (zero) Let’s wash our hands. Tt tap, tea, teddy Count your fingers. Uu umbrella, up, unhappy, bus Count up 0-10 Sharing at the table: Vv van, violin, vase Count down 10-0 Pass the water, please. Ww watch, web, watermelon Here you are. Xx fox, box, mix, axe Revision Thank you. Yy yo-yo, yellow, yogurt Taking turns: Zz zebra, zip, zigzag Is it my turn? Yes. It’s your turn. 5

1 Hello Lesson 1: Vocabulary Optional activity: Game. Throw the ball to a pupil. The pupil with the ball stands up. The class should call out the pupil’s Objectives: to introduce the main characters; to play name. Continue until all pupils have had a turn. a game Ending the lesson Vocabulary: Tom, Tilly, Hip, Hop Materials: Flashcards: Tom, Tilly, Hip, Hop; Class CD; • Point to the flashcard of Tom and say Tom. Ask pupils to repeat. Take the flashcard off the board. Repeat with the a soft ball other flashcards. Pupil’s Book page 4 • Pupils find their lesson stickers. Say Well done and tell pupils to stick the sticker to show they have finished the Warm up lesson. • Welcome pupils and introduce yourself in L1. Activity Book page 4 • Ask pupils their names in L1. Greet each pupil in L1. 1 Colour and say. Introducing the lesson • A sk pupils to open their books at page 4. Say the names • Explain to pupils that they are going to meet the characters of each character and ask pupils to point to the correct in their book. Introduce each character with the flashcards. pictures. Hold up a flashcard and say the character’s name (Tom, Tilly, Hip, Hop). Stick the flashcards on the board. • P upils colour the pictures. Move around the room and ask individual pupils to point and say the names. • Allow pupils to discuss the characters in L1 as a class. Prompt with questions: eg How old do you think Tilly/Tom • A sk pupils to hold up their books and show their colouring is? (4) What is Hip/Hop? (a funny alien monster). Then to the class. Say the characters’ names and pupils repeat. explain that Tilly and Tom are twins and they are four-years- olds, Hip and Hop are funny alien monsters and they are Tilly and Tom’s friends. 1 Listen and say. • A sk pupils to open their books at page 4. Ask pupils in L1 what the characters are doing (playing ball). Tell pupils that they are going to listen to the audio, hear the characters’ names and then repeat them after the bell. • P lay the audio. Encourage pupils to repeat the names. Point to the flashcards on the board as pupils say the names. • Play the audio again. This time encourage pupils to point to the correct character when they repeat the names. Audioscript Tom Tilly Hip Hop Follow-up activity: Call out the names of the characters one at a time. Have individual pupils go to the board and point to the correct flashcard. 2 Point and say. • Revise briefly the characters' names with the flashcards on the board. • T ell pupils to look at their books. Call out a name of one of the characters, ask pupils to point to the correct character and repeat the name. • Repeat with all the characters many times and in a different order each time. 3 Play. • P lay Pass the ball (see Introduction page 10). Hold the soft ball and say your name. Then pass it to a pupil at the front of the class. The pupil says his/her name and passes the ball on to the next pupil. Continue until the ball has been passed around the class and all pupils have said their names. 12

Lesson 2: Structure • A sk a volunteer to stand up at the front with one hand puppet on. Wear another hand puppet. Make your puppet Objectives: to learn a new structure; to make hand ask What’s your name? The pupil wiggles their puppet and puppets; to play a game answers I’m (Tom). Structures: What’s your name? I’m [name]. • A sk two pupils to stand at the front with one hand puppet Materials: Class puppet; Flashcards: Tom, Tilly, Hip; each. They choose whichever hand puppet they like. Pupil A asks What’s your name? Pupil B answers I’m (Tom). Class CD; safety scissors and sticky tape; Then pupils swap roles. Prompt questions and answers as a soft ball necessary. Pupil’s Book page 5 • Repeat with other pairs. Make sure all pupils have a turn. • C ollect all the hand puppets and put them in a class Warm up materials box. • H old up the character flashcards and say the names. Pupils repeat. Follow-up activity: Pairwork. Pupils repeat Activity 2 in pairs. Move round the room prompting and helping as necessary. Introducing the lesson 3 Play. • Introduce the class puppet to pupils. Make the puppet talk and say Hello children. I’m (Hop). • P lay Catch and say (see Introduction page 10) to practise the structure. Pupil A What’s your name? Pupil B I’m • Teach What’s your name? with the class puppet. Ask the [name]. Then pupils swap roles. Prompt as necessary. puppet What’s your name? and make it reply I’m Hop. Optional activity: Pairwork. Allocate pairs. Pupils draw circles • Then make the puppet ask individual pupils What’s your in an anti-clockwise direction on each other’s backs. name? Prompt pupils to help them answer I’m [name]. Ending the lesson • S tick the character flashcards on the board. Point to the flashcard of Tom and make the puppet ask What’s your • Ask all pupils to stand up. Use the class puppet and move name? Have pupils repeat. Answer I’m Tom. Have pupils from desk to desk asking individual pupils What’s your repeat. Do the same with all the characters. name? Each pupil answers I’m [name] and sits down. 1 Listen and trace. • Pupils find their lesson stickers. Say Well done and tell pupils to stick the sticker to show they have finished the • A sk pupils to open their books at page 5. Call out the lesson. names of the characters one by one and tell pupils to point to the correct pictures. Activity Book page 5 • Tell pupils that they are going to listen to someone asking 1 Match and circle. the characters their names. Explain that they should trace round the circle for the character who answers. Draw • A sk pupils to open their books at page 5. Tell them to pupils’ attention to the arrows on the dotted circles and look at the pictures on the right and point to the correct demonstrate on the board which way they should trace the characters when you call out their names. circles. With your back to the class air trace a large circle in an anti-clockwise direction and tell pupils to copy you. • Then ask pupils to look at the silhouettes on the left. Ask What’s your name? Tom or Tilly?/Hip or Hop? and elicit • Ask pupils to have a pencil ready. Show them how to hold answers (I’m Tom/Hop). their pencils. Play the audio. Pause between each character to give pupils time to trace. Pupils hold up their books each • T ell pupils that they are going to circle the characters that time for checking. match the silhouettes. First air trace a circle anti-clockwise and tell pupils to copy you. Then pupils circle the characters Audioscript in their books. What’s your name? I’m Hip. 2 Trace the lines. What’s your name? • D emonstrate to pupils how to hold a pencil. Then tell them I’m Tilly. to trace the dotted lines from top to bottom. What’s your name? I’m Hop. What’s your name? I’m Tom. 2 Make and say. • H and out a pair of safety scissors to each pupil. Show pupils where to find the hand puppets in their books (pages 97 and 99). Tell them first to cut the pages from the book and then to cut out their hand puppets. Help where necessary. Pupils then stick the hand puppets with sticky tape. UNIT 1 13

1 Hello Lesson 3: Vocabulary Audioscript What’s your name? Objectives: to learn new vocabulary; to learn a chant; What’s your name? to learn a song; to learn a Value I’m Tom. I’m Tilly. Vocabulary: Hello, Bye. I’m Hip. I’m Hop. Values: Introducing yourself to a new friend: Hello. Hello Tom. Hello Tilly. I’m Anna. Hello Anna. Hello Hip. Hello Hop. Materials: Class CD; hand puppets; class puppet Hello! Hello! Hello! Hello! Pupil’s Book page 6 3 Say. Warm up • Use the class puppet to teach the greeting Hello. I’m Hop and the reply Hello Hop. Make Hop introduce himself to • Ask individual pupils What’s your name? and elicit answers. you. Say Hello. I’m Hop. Reply Hello Hop. Have pupils repeat. Then move around the class and have the puppet Introducing the lesson introduce himself to individual pupils. Encourage pupils to reply. Prompt as necessary. • Explain to pupils in L1 that they are going learn how to say Hello and Bye in English. • T ell pupils to look at the two school-girls and explain that they are meeting for the first time. Read out the greeting • Teach Hello and Bye. First demonstrate. Walk up to a pupil and reply. Have pupils repeat. and say Hello. Then say Bye, wave and walk away. Have all pupils repeat. • P upils then look at the photos and draw a smile for good behaviour and a sad mouth for bad behaviour. • A sk individual pupils to walk up to a friend, say Hello and then walk away and say Bye. Prompt as necessary. • Have pupils stand up one at a time and introduce themselves to the class. The class replies. 1 Chant. Optional activity: Game. Pupils stand up and move around • Ask pupils to open their books at page 6. Call out the the class while you play some music. When you stop the music names of the characters one by one and tell pupils to point they get into pairs and say Hello to each other. When you start to the correct pictures. Ask pupils in L1 which characters the music they say Bye and move around the room again. are saying Hello and which ones Bye. Ending the lesson • T ell pupils that they are going to learn a chant. Play the audio and tell them to listen the first time. • Pupils find their lesson stickers. Say Well done and tell pupils to stick the sticker to show they have finished the • Play the audio again and encourage pupils to say the chant. lesson. They can clap in time. Play the audio a few times so pupils can learn the chant. • Say Bye! and wave to the class. Pupils reply Bye! Audioscript Activity Book page 6 Hello. Hello. 1 Find and say. Bye. Bye. • Ask pupils to open their books at page 6. Say the names of each character and ask pupils to point to the correct Follow-up activity: Ask two pupils to stand at the front, facing pictures. each other but a little distance apart. They walk up to each other. They both say Hello. Then they both wave, say Bye and • T ell pupils that Tom is meeting one of the other characters. return to their seats. Repeat with other pairs. They should draw a route through the maze and see which character he is meeting. 2 Sing. • Help pupils as necessary. Then check answers with this • Hand out the hand puppets. Tell pupils that they are going prompt: Hello. I’m Tom. Pupils answer Hello. I’m Hop. to learn a song. Play the audio and tell pupils to listen only the first time. • T ell pupils to choose two hand puppets to wear. Tell them to hold up their hand puppets when they hear the characters’ names in the song. Play the audio again. • Play the audio again a few times and encourage pupils to join in. • Explain to pupils that they can sing the songs with their family at home. The lyrics are on page 101 of the Pupil’s Book. • C ollect all the hand puppets and put them in the class materials box. 14

Lesson 4: Maths Ending the lesson Objectives: to say, recognise and write the number 1 • A sk volunteers to point to number one on the poster and 1 say: one. Maths: • P upils find their lesson stickers. Say Well done and tell Materials: Numbers poster; Class CD pupils to stick the sticker to show they have finished the lesson. Pupil’s Book page 7 • Say Bye and wave to the class. Pupils reply Bye. Warm up Activity Book page 7 • Greet pupils Hello. and elicit the reply Hello. • P lay the song from Lesson 3 and encourage pupils to 1 Trace and write. join in. • Demonstrate and practise writing 1 in the air and then with writing lines on the board. (See Introduction page 10). Introducing the lesson • Ask pupils to open their books at page 7. • Explain to pupils that they are going to start to learn the • Ask pupils to trace and then write the number in their numbers in English. books. Move around the room monitoring and helping • W rite 1 on the board. Point to the number and say: one. where necessary. Hold up one finger, say: one again and ask pupils to copy and repeat. 2 Colour 1. Then say. • A ir trace 1 and encourage pupils to copy. • Pupils colour in the parts of the puzzle picture with a • T each the instruction Point to … with the numbers poster. number 1 in them. They then say which character they find. Ask: What's your name? and have pupils reply I'm Hop. Say Point to one and actually point to number 1 on the poster. Ask pupils to come to the poster one at a time. Say Point to one to each pupil and have them point to the correct number. 1 Say and trace. • Ask pupils to open their books at page 7. Draw pupils’ attention to the group of numbers at the top of the page. Say: Point to one. Pupils hold up their books and point to the correct number. • A ir trace 1 and encourage pupils to copy and then finger trace the number on the page. 2 Colour and say. • Pupils colour in the large number 1 in their books and say One! when they finish. They hold up their books to show each other. Follow-up activity: Pupils find things in the classroom of which there is only one. eg the board, the door, the teacher. Pupils point to the different things and say: One! 3 Find and stick. • A sk pupils to look at the picture in their books. Say Point to Tom etc and have pupils point to the correct characters. • E xplain in L1 that the number one is hidden in the picture three times. Pupils find the number 1 and stick the correct sticker in the correct place. • S how pupils where to find the stickers in their books. Say Tom and tell pupils to find the correct sticker. They should hold up the sticker first to check they have the correct one and then stick it in their books. Encourage them to call out One each time they stick a sticker. Optional activity: Pairwork. Pupils trace the number 1 on each other’s backs. UNIT 1 15

1 Hello Lesson 5: Phonics • Teach alligator. Hold up your book, point to the alligator and say alligator. Objectives: to say and write the letters Aa; to say and • Tell pupils to think about what sound the word starts with. recognise the sound /æ/; to learn a chant; Say slowly alligator. /æ/ is for … and wait for pupils to say alligator. Phonics: to develop handwriting skills Materials: Aa, apple, ant, alligator, axe • Repeat for axe. Phonics flashcard: Aa/apple; Class CD • T ell pupils you will call out words and that they should point Pupil’s Book page 8 to the correct pictures on the page. Say /æ/ apple, ant, alligator, axe in a different order a few times and pupils Warm up repeat and point. • P lay the song from Lesson 3 and encourage pupils to Follow-up activity: Pairwork. Pupil A says axe, apple, ant or join in. alligator and Pupil B points to the correct picture. Then pupils swap roles so Pupil B speaks and Pupil A points. Introducing the lesson Optional activity: TPR. Divide the class into three groups. • H old up the picture side of the Aa flashcard and say apple. Assign one word to each group (axe, apple, ant, alligator). Tell pupils to listen again and repeat. Tell pupils to listen When pupils hear you call out their word, they stand up and to the sound that apple starts with. Say /æ/ apple and repeat their word. encourage pupils to repeat. Ending the lesson • T urn the card around and explain to pupils that this is the letter a and the sound it makes is /æ/. Tell pupils that there • Air trace the lower case letter a and encourage pupils to is a big letter and a small letter. Say the letter name and copy. Then tell them to trace the letter on each other’s sound a /æ/ and encourage pupils to repeat. backs. • Explain to pupils that they are going to learn how to air trace • P upils find their lesson stickers. Say Well done and tell the letters Aa. Write an upper case A on the board. Then pupils to stick the sticker to show they have finished the facing the board air trace the letter with one finger and tell lesson. pupils to copy you. Turn around and tell pupils to continue air tracing and check that they are tracing correctly. • Say Bye and wave to the class. Pupils reply Bye. • Repeat for the lower case a. Activity Book page 8 1 Say and trace. 1 Trace and write. • Ask pupils to open their books at page 8. Ask them to point • Demonstrate and practise writing the letters aA in the air to the letters. Say a /æ/ and pupils repeat. Tell pupils to and then with writing lines on the board (see Introduction trace over the letters in their books with their fingers. Move page 10). round the room to monitor pupils tracing. • Ask pupils to open their books at page 8. 2 Chant. • Remind pupils how to hold a pencil. Then tell them to • T ell pupils that they are going to learn a letter chant. Play trace the letters in their books. Then they write the letters the audio and tell them to listen the first time. freehand. Move around the room monitoring and helping where necessary. • P lay the audio again and encourage pupils to say the chant. Play the audio a few times so pupils can learn the chant. 2 Colour and say. • Pupils colour the apple and ant say the words. Audioscript I’m a. /æ/ is for apple. /æ/ /æ/ apple. /æ/ is for ant. /æ/ /æ/ ant. /æ/ is for alligator. /æ/ /æ/ alligator. /æ/ is for axe. /æ/ /æ/ axe. 3 Point and say. • Ask pupils to look at the page and discuss in L1 what they can see. Say Point to the apple and pupils point. Say /æ/ /æ/ apple and tell pupils to repeat. Hold up your book, point to the ant and then say Point to the ant. Explain the meaning of ant if necessary. Say /æ/ /æ/ ant and tell pupils to repeat. 16

Lesson 6: Phonics • T each bee. Hold up your book, point to the bee and say bee. Objectives: to say and write the letters Bb; to say and recognise the sound /b/; to learn a chant; • T ell pupils to think about what sound the word starts with. to develop handwriting skills Say slowly bee. /b/ is for … and wait for pupils to say bee. Phonics: Bb, ball, boy, bee, balloons • Repeat for balloons. Materials: Phonics flashcards: Aa/apple, Bb/ball; • Tell pupils you will call out words and that they should point Class CD to the correct pictures on the page. Say /b/ ball, boy, bee, balloons in a different order a few times and pupils repeat Pupil’s Book page 9 and point. Warm up Follow-up activity: Pairwork. Pupil A says balloons, ball, boy or bee and Pupil B points to the correct picture. Then pupils • H old up the picture side of the Aa flashcard and elicit: swap roles so Pupil B speaks and Pupil A points. apple. Say /æ/ apple and encourage pupils to repeat. Optional activity: TPR. Divide the class into four groups. • Play the chant from Lesson 5 and encourage pupils to Assign one word to each group (balloons, ball, boy, bee). When join in. pupils hear you call out their word, they stand up and repeat their word. Introducing the lesson Ending the lesson • Hold up the picture side of the Bb flashcard and say: ball. Tell pupils to listen again and repeat. Tell pupils to listen to • Air trace the lower case letter b and encourage pupils to the sound that ball starts with. Say /b/ ball and encourage copy. Then tell them to trace the letter on each other’s pupils to repeat. backs. • T urn the card around and explain to pupils that this is the • P upils find their lesson stickers. Say Well done and tell letter b and the sound it makes is /b/. Tell pupils that there pupils to stick the sticker to show they have finished the is a big letter and a small letter. Say the letter name and lesson. sound b /b/ and encourage pupils to repeat. • Say Bye and wave to the class. Pupils reply Bye. • Explain to pupils that they are going to learn how to air trace the letters Bb. Write an upper case B on the board. Activity Book page 9 Facing the board air trace the letter with one finger and tell pupils to copy you. Turn around and tell pupils to continue 1 Trace and write. air tracing and check that they are tracing correctly. • D emonstrate and practise writing the letters bB in the air • Repeat for the lower case b. and then with writing lines on the board. (See Introduction page 10). 1 Say and trace. • Ask pupils to open their books at page 9. • Ask pupils to open their books at page 9. Ask them to point • R emind pupils how to hold a pencil. Then tell them to to the letters. Say b /b/ and pupils repeat. Tell pupils to trace over the letters in their books with their fingers. Move trace the letters in their books. Then they write the letters round the room to monitor pupils tracing. freehand. Move around the room monitoring and helping where necessary. 2 Chant. 2 Colour B and b. • Tell pupils that they are going to learn a letter chant. Play the audio and tell them to listen the first time. • P upils colour the balls that have an upper and lower case Bb on them. Encourage pupils to say /b/ ball as they colour. • Play the audio again and encourage pupils to say the chant. Play the audio a few times so pupils can learn the chant. Audioscript /b/ is for balloons. I’m b. /b/ /b/ balloons. /b/ is for ball. /b/ /b/ ball. /b/ is for boy. /b/ /b/ boy /b/ is for bee. /b/ /b/ bee. 3 Point and say. • A sk pupils to look at the page and discuss in L1 what they can see in the big picture. Say Point to the ball and pupils point. Say /b/ /b/ ball and tell pupils to repeat. Hold up your book, point to the boy and then say Point to the boy. Explain the meaning of boy if necessary. Say /b/ /b/ boy and tell pupils to repeat. UNIT 1 17

1 Hello Lesson 7: Story and Revision 3 Act. Objectives: to listen to and act out a story; to revise • T ell pupils that they are going to act out the story. Assign vocabulary and structures in Unit 1 a character to each pupil so many pupils are assigned the same character. Play the second track of the audio again or Revision: Tom, Tilly, Hip. Hop, Hello, Bye. What’s your read out each part and the pupils who have been assigned name? I’m Tom. that character repeat all together. Materials: Class puppet; Class CD; Flashcards for Unit 1; • C hoose three pupils who are three different characters. Ask safety scissors for each pupil, drinking straws them to stand at the front and act out the story. Prompt so for each pupil, sticky tape (Activity Book); they can repeat the words if necessary. Encourage pupils to Optional photocopy for Unit 1 do actions as they act. Pupil’s Book pages 10-11 • Repeat with other pupils. Make sure all pupils have a turn. Warm up Revision • P lay the song from Lesson 3 and encourage pupils to 1 Listen and point. join in. • Tell pupils to look at page 11. Tell them to listen to you read Introducing the lesson out the names of the characters and point to the correct ones. First say the names in order and then say them a few • Use the class puppet to revise What’s your name? Make more times in a different order. the puppet ask individual pupils and elicit answers. • H old up the character flashcards each time to confirm • Tell pupils that they are going to listen to a story. answers. 1 Look and listen. 2 Play. • A sk pupils to open their books at page 10. Tell them to look • P lay Find the card with the character flashcards (see at the story about how Hop, Hip and Tom first met. Say Introduction page 10). Point to Tom/Hip/Hop and pupils point to the characters anywhere in the story. Optional photocopy: Teacher’s Book page 94. Pupils make a mask of Hip in the same way as the Make task in the Activity • Tell pupils to look at Picture 1 at the top left. Make sure pupils Book. They can hold their masks in front of their faces and understand that they should look left to right to follow the greet each other in pairs. stories. If necessary draw 4 frames on the board and number them 1 2 3 4 in the same order as in the Pupil’s Book. Ending the lesson • P lay the audio. Pause after the chimes to make sure pupils • Pupils find their lesson stickers. Say Well done and tell know they should look at the next frame. Encourage them pupils to stick the sticker to show they have finished the to point to the correct frame as they listen. lesson. • Play the audio again without pausing. • Say Bye and wave to the class. Pupils reply Bye. Audioscript Activity Book page 65 1 Tom: Hello. I’m Tom. 1 Make. Hip: Hello Tom. 2 • T ell pupils that they are going to make a mask of Hop. Hand Tom: What’s your name? out the safety scissors and straws. Hip: I’m Hip. 3 • Show pupils where to find the craft page in their books Tom: A ball. (page 65). Tell them to first cut the page from the book 4 and then cut around the mask. Then they colour the mask. Hop: Hello! I’m Hop! Finally they stick the straw with sticky tape onto the back of Tom: Ha ha ha! Hello Hop! the mask. Hip: Bye! • A sk individual pupils What’s your name? They answer their real name without the mask and I’m Hop with the mask held in front of their face. Follow-up activity: Ask pupils questions about the story in L1 to check comprehension: eg. What are the funny alien monsters’ names? What does Tom think he sees? Who is the ball? 2 Listen and say. • P lay the first track again. Then ask pupils in L1 to talk about what happens in the story. Prompt where necessary. • T ell pupils that they are going to hear the story again and that they should repeat what they hear after the bell. • P lay the second track of the audio and encourage pupils to repeat with you. 18

10 At the park Lesson 1: Vocabulary Ending the lesson Objectives: to learn new vocabulary; to play a game • P oint to the flashcards on the board one at a time, say the Vocabulary: run, skip, throw, catch, hop, climb action and have pupils repeat. Materials: Flashcards: run, skip, throw, catch, hop, • Pupils find their lesson stickers. Say Well done and tell climb; Class CD; a soft ball (Optional activity) pupils to stick the sticker to show they have finished the lesson. • Say Bye and wave to the class. Pupils reply Bye. Pupil’s Book page 84 Activity Book page 58 Warm up 1 Colour and say. Then answer. • P lay the lift song from Unit 9 and encourage pupils to join in • A sk pupils to open their books at page 58. Tell them to and do the actions. colour the pictures and say what the actions are. Introducing the lesson • Check answers by asking What’s number (1)? Pupils answer with the action word. • E xplain to pupils that they are going to learn some action words. Hold up the flashcards one at a time and say the words (run, skip, throw, catch, hop, climb). Pupils repeat the words after you. Stick the flashcards on the board. • P oint to the flashcards on the board one at a time and elicit the words from pupils. 1 Point and say. • Ask pupils to open their books at page 84. Ask pupils in L1 who they can see in the picture (Tom, Tilly, Hip and Hop) and explain what they are doing (They are playing in the park). Ask pupils to say the words for two animals they know in English and elicit: cat and dog. Ask pupils what Hop and Tom are playing with and elicit: a ball. • Tell pupils to point to the characters or animals that are doing the actions you call out (run etc) and say the words. 2 Listen, point and say. • Tell pupils that they are going to listen to the audio, point to the correct character or animal and repeat. • Play the audio. Pupils repeat after the bell. Audioscript Skip. Throw. Catch. Hop. Run. Climb. Follow-up activity: TPR. Assign an action to each pupil. When pupils hear their action they stand up and mime it. Say the actions only. eg Run! Call the actions out in a different order many times. Start slowly and gradually get faster. 3 Play. • P lay Miss Kelly says (see Introduction page 10) with the actions from this lesson. Pupils mime the actions. Optional activity: TPR. Have two pupils play Catch with the soft ball. Prompt with the two action words Throw and Catch. UNIT 10 79

10 At the park Lesson 2: Structure Optional activity: Pairwork. Pupil A points to a character in the book. Pupils B says what the character can do. Then pupils Objectives: to learn a new structure; to learn a chant swap roles. Structures: I can run. Tilly can skip. Materials: Flashcards: run, skip, throw, catch, hop, Ending the lesson climb; Class CD • P oint to the flashcards on the board one at a time, say I can … and pause for pupils to call out the action. Pupil’s Book page 85 • Pupils find their lesson stickers. Say Well done and tell Warm up pupils to stick the sticker to show they have finished the lesson. • Revise the action words from Lesson 1 with the flashcards. Stick the flashcards on the board. • Say Bye and wave to the class. Pupils reply Bye. Introducing the lesson Activity Book page 59 • Teach I can (run) with mimes. Point to a flashcard, say 1 Match and say. Look. I can (run) and do an action mime. Have pupils copy and repeat. • Ask pupils to open their books at page 59. Tell them to match the characters with the actions they can do in the • Ask a pupil to stand up and hop on one leg. Say [name] can Pupil’s Book page 85. hop. Repeat with other pupils and different actions. • P upils draw lines to match. Then check answers. Say Tilly 1 Listen and circle. can … and pause. Pupils call out skip. Repeat for all the characters. • A sk pupils to open their books at page 85. Tell pupils that they are going to listen to the characters talking about what 2 Draw and say. they can do. Tell them that they are going to look at the pictures and circle the correct characters. • P upils draw a picture of themselves doing one of the actions. They hold up their books to show the class and say • P lay the audio. Pause after each sentence to allow pupils I can (hop). time to circle. Pupils hold up their books each time for checking. Audioscript Dad: I can climb. Tom: I can catch. Hip: I can hop. Matt: I can run Tilly: I can skip. Tom: I can throw. 2 Chant. • T ell pupils that they are going to learn a chant. Play the audio and tell them to listen the first time. • Play the audio again and encourage pupils to say the chant. Play the audio a few times so pupils can learn the chant. Encourage them to do actions. Audioscript Tilly can skip. Tom can throw. Hop can catch. Hip can hop. Dad can climb. Matt can run. Follow-up activity: TPR. Pupils mime the actions when they hear their name: eg Anna can skip. 3 Say. • Pupils choose a character in the book for an action they can do. They stand up, point to the character in the book and say Tom can throw. I can throw. 80

Lesson 3: Vocabulary Audioscript I can run. I can run. I can run very fast. Objectives: to learn new vocabulary; to learn a song; to I can hop. I can hop. I can hop very fast. learn a Value I like my bike. Vocabulary: ride a bike, play football, climb a tree, fly a Yes I like my bike. I can ride a bike. I can ride a bike. kite I can ride a bike … like the wind. Taking turns: Is it my turn? Yes. It’s your turn. Values: I can skip. I can skip. I can skip very well. Materials: Class puppet; Flashcards: run, skip, throw, I can catch. I can catch. I can catch very well. catch, hop, climb, ride a bike, play football, climb a tree, fly a kite; Class CD; a soft ball I like my bike. Yes I like my bike. Pupil’s Book page 86 I can ride a bike. I can ride a bike. I can ride a bike … like the wind. Warm up Optional activity: Divide pupils into groups and have the • Play the chant from Lesson 2 and encourage pupils to groups perform the song to the class. join in. 3 Say. Introducing the lesson • Tell pupils to look at the picture at the bottom of the page • E xplain to pupils that they are going to learn some activity and say in L1 what they can see (a girl passing a ball to a phrases. Hold up the flashcards one at a time and say the boy). Talk about how to take turns when you are playing. phrases (ride a bike, play football, climb a tree, fly a kite). • Teach the new language with the class puppet and two Pupils repeat the phrases after you. pupils. Tell the two pupils to play Catch with the ball. Then make the puppet ask you Is it my turn? Answer Yes. It’s your 1 Listen and number. turn. Tell one pupil to hand the ball nicely to the puppet. • Repeat with other pupils and have pupils repeat the • Ask pupils to open their books at page 86. Tell pupils to question and answer. point to the activities as you call out the sentences I can • Pupils then look at the photos and draw a smile for good (ride a bike) and repeat. behaviour and a sad mouth for bad behaviour. • H ave groups of three pupils stand at the front and act out • Tell pupils that they are going to listen to the children in the the value. Prompt as necessary. photos. Explain that they will hear a number, then a child saying what he/she can do. Tell them to write the number in Ending the lesson the box that matches the child each time. • Hold up the flashcards for this lesson one at a time and say • Play the audio. Tell pupils to point to the correct photo first. I can … pausing for pupils to say the phrase. Check they have chosen the correct one and then allow pupils to write their numbers. • P upils find their lesson stickers. Say Well done and tell pupils to stick the sticker to show they have finished the • C heck answers by saying I can (ride a bike) and pupils call lesson. out the number. • Say Bye and wave to the class. Pupils reply Bye. Audioscript 1 Activity Book page 60 I can fly a kite. 2 1 Find and say. I can ride a bike. 3 • A sk pupils to open their books at page 60. Pupils follow the I can climb a tree. paths to see what they characters can do. Check answers 4 by saying the action: eg play football. Pupils say Tom can I can play football. play football. Follow-up activity: Game. Ask a pupil to stand at the front. UNIT 10 81 Show the pupil one of the flashcards, but don’t let the rest of class see it. The pupil mimes the activity on the flashcard. The other pupils call out what the activity is. Repeat until all pupils have had a turn. 2 Sing. • Tell pupils that they are going to learn an actions song. Play the audio and tell pupils to listen only the first time. Tell pupils to listen again and this time do actions as they listen. Play the audio and demonstrate actions for pupils to copy if necessary. • Play the audio again a few times and encourage pupils to join in and do the actions.

10 At the park Lesson 4: Maths Optional activity: TPR. Pupils pass the shape flashcards around the class in a constant flow. When you call out a shape Objectives: to revise 1-10; recognition of shapes word, the pupil holding that flashcard holds it up high. You Revision: numbers 1-10, square, triangle, circle, Count could play the Unit 7 song again and stop the music before you call out a shape. the triangles. Materials: Class CD; Flashcards: circle, square, triangle Ending the lesson Pupil’s Book page 87 • Have pairs of pupils chant 1-10. • Pupils find their lesson stickers. Say Well done and tell Warm up pupils to stick the sticker to show they have finished the • P lay the song from Lesson 3 and encourage pupils to join in lesson. and do the actions. • Say Bye and wave to the class. Pupils reply Bye. Introducing the lesson Activity Book page 61 • Revise the shapes (square, circle, triangle) with the 1 Colour, count and say. flashcards. Hold them up one at a time and ask Is it a (square)? Elicit Yes, it is or No, it isn’t. • A sk pupils to open their books at page 61. Pupils colour the same shapes the same colour. Then they count and say • Chant the numbers 1-10 as a class. how many of each shape they can see. 1 Point and say. • A sk pupils to open their books at page 87. Tell pupils they are going to look at some toys drawn with shapes. Discuss in L1 what the pupils can see (a kite, a bike and 5 dolls). Tell pupils to point to the toys you say. Point to a bike/kite/ doll. Then tell pupils to find the shapes you say. Point to a square/circle/triangle. 2 Listen and stick. • T ell pupils that they are going to listen to instructions from Miss Kelly about which shapes to stick on the pictures. • S how pupils where to find the stickers. Play the audio and pause after each instruction. Ask pupils to hold up the correct sticker and point to where they are going to stick it. Then allow pupils to stick the sticker. Pupils hold up their books for checking. Audioscript Look. It’s a kite. Count the triangles. One, Two. Stick the triangle. Look. It’s a bike. Count the circles. One, two, three. Stick the circle. Look. They’re dolls. Count the squares. One, two, three, four, five. Stick the square. Follow-up activity: Have individual pupils draw different numbers of shapes on the board. Say Two triangles. etc. 3 Count and write. • Tell pupils to say the names of the shapes in order left to right. Elicit square, circle, triangle. Explain that they should count the shapes in the toys pictures and write the correct number they count under each shape. • S ay Count the squares/circles/triangles. Pupils call out 5/3/2. Air trace the numbers as a class before allowing pupils to write them in the boxes. • Ask pupils to count all the shapes and say how many they find (10). 82

Lesson 5: Phonics • T ell pupils to think about what sound the words end with. Say slowly fox. Fox ends in /ks/. Repeat for axe, box and Objectives: to say and write the letters Xx; to say and mix. recognise the sound /ks/; to learn a chant; to develop handwriting skills • Tell pupils you will call out words and that they should point to the correct pictures on the page. Say: axe, fox, box, mix / Phonics: Xx, fox, box, mix, axe ks/ in a different order a few times and pupils point. Materials: P honics flashcard: Xx/fox; Class CD; Follow-up activity: Pairwork. Pupil A says axe, fox, box or Alphabet poster mix and Pupil B points to the correct picture. Then pupils swap roles so Pupil B speaks and Pupil A points. Pupil’s Book page 88 Optional activity: Chant. Chant the letters slowly as a class Warm up from a-x. • Revise the letters a-w with the alphabet poster. Point to the Ending the lesson letters, say the sound and encourage pupils to repeat the letter sounds as you say them. • Air trace the lower case letter x and encourage pupils to copy. Then tell them to trace the letters on each other’s Introducing the lesson backs. • Hold up the picture side of the Xx flashcard and say: fox. • Pupils find their lesson stickers. Say Well done and tell Tell pupils to listen again and repeat. Tell pupils to listen to pupils to stick the sticker to show they have finished the the sound that fox ends with. Say fox /ks/ and encourage lesson. pupils to repeat. • Say Bye and wave to the class. Pupils reply Bye. • Turn the card around and explain to pupils that this is the letter x and the sound it makes is /ks/. Tell pupils that there Activity Book page 62 is a big letter and a small letter. Say the letter name and sound x /ks/ and encourage pupils to repeat. 1 Trace and write. • Explain to pupils that they are going to learn how to air • Demonstrate and practise writing the letters xX in the air trace the letters Xx. Write an upper case X on the board. and then with writing lines on the board. (See Introduction Facing the board air trace the letter with one finger and tell page 10). pupils to copy you. Turn around and tell pupils to continue air tracing and check that they are tracing correctly. • Ask pupils to open their books at page 62. • R emind pupils how to hold a pencil. Then tell them to trace • Repeat for the lower case x. the letters in their books and then write the letters freehand. 1 Say and trace. Move around the room monitoring and helping where necessary. • Ask pupils to open their books at page 88. Ask them to point to the letters. Say x /ks/ and pupils repeat. Tell pupils 2 Trace and say. to trace over the letters in their books with their fingers. Move round the room to monitor pupils tracing. • Pupils trace over the dotted lines and say what they find. Ask What’s this? and elicit It’s a fox. 2 Chant. • Tell pupils that they are going to learn a letter chant. Play the audio and tell them to listen the first time. • P lay the audio again and encourage pupils to say the chant. Play the audio a few times so pupils can learn the chant. Audioscript I’m x. /ks/ is in fox. Fox /ks/ /ks/. /ks/ is in box. Box /ks/ /ks/. /ks/ is in mix. Mix /ks/ /ks/. /ks/ is in axe. Axe /ks/ /ks/. 3 Point and say. • A sk pupils to look at the page and discuss in L1 what they can see. Say Point to the fox and pupils point to the correct picture. • Then teach pupils box, axe and mix with the photos. UNIT 10 83

10 At the park Lesson 6: Phonics to repeat. Repeat for /z/ /z/ zebra. • Teach or remind pupils of the other words in English. Hold Objectives: to say and write the letters Yy and Zz; to say and recognise the sounds /j/and /z/; to learn up your book and point to the pictures. Say the words two chants; to develop handwriting skills (yellow, yogurt, zip, zigzag) and have pupils point and repeat. Phonics: Yy, yo-yo, yellow, yogurt; Zz, zebra, zip, zigzag • T ell pupils to think about the sound the words you are going Materials: Phonics flashcards: Yy/yo-yo, Zz/zebra; to say start with and choose the correct picture. Say /j/ /j/ yellow, /j/ /j/ yogurt, /z/ /z/ zip and /z/ /z/ zigzag. Pupils point Class CD to the correct pictures. • T ell pupils you will call out words and that they should point Pupil’s Book page 89 to the correct part of the pictures on the page. Say /j/ yo-yo, yellow, yogurt, /z/ zebra, zip, zigzag in a different order a Warm up few times and pupils point and repeat the words. • Play the letter chant from Lesson 5 and encourage pupils Follow-up activity: Pairwork. Pupil A says yo-yo, yellow, to join in. Tell pupils that they are going to learn the last two yogurt, zebra, zip or zigzag and Pupil B points to the correct letters of the alphabet. picture. Then pupils swap roles so Pupil B speaks and Pupil A points. Introducing the lesson Optional activity: Chant. Chant the letters slowly as a class • Hold up the picture side of the Yy flashcard and say: yo- from a-z. yo. Tell pupils to listen again and repeat. Tell pupils to listen to the sound that yo-yo starts with. Say /j/ yo-yo and Ending the lesson encourage pupils to repeat. • A ir trace the lower case letters y and z and encourage • Turn the card around and explain to pupils that this is the pupils to copy. Then tell them to trace the letters on each letter y and the sound it makes is /j/. Tell pupils that there other’s backs. Congratulate pupils on learning the whole is a big letter and a small letter. Say the letter name and alphabet. sound y /j/ and encourage pupils to repeat. • P upils find their lesson stickers. Say Well done and tell • Explain to pupils that they are going to learn how to air pupils to stick the sticker to show they have finished the trace the letters Yy. Write an upper case Y on the board. lesson. Facing the board air trace the letter with one finger and tell pupils to copy you. Turn around and tell pupils to continue • Say Bye and wave to the class. Pupils reply Bye. air tracing and check that they are tracing correctly. Activity Book page 63 • Repeat for the lower case y. • Repeat the procedure with the Zz flashcard. 1 Trace and write. 1 Say and trace. • Demonstrate and practise writing the letters yY in the air and then with writing lines on the board. (See Introduction • Ask pupils to open their books at page 89. Ask them to page 10). point to the letters. Say y /j/ and pupils repeat. Tell pupils to trace over the letters in their books with their fingers. Move • Ask pupils to open their books at page 63. round the room to monitor pupils tracing. • Remind pupils how to hold a pencil. Then tell them to trace • Repeat for z /z/. the letters in their books and then write the letters freehand. Move around the room monitoring and helping where 2 Chant. necessary. • T ell pupils that they are going to learn two letter chants. 2 Trace and write. Play the audio and tell them to listen the first time to the first chant. • Repeat the procedure from Activity 1 for the letters zZ. • Play the audio again and encourage pupils to say the chant. 3 Colour and say. Play the audio a few times so pupils can learn the chant. • Tell pupils to colour the pictures. Then pupils say /j/ yo-yo • Repeat for the second chant. and /z/ zebra. Audioscript I’m z. I’m y. /z/ is for zebra. /z/ /z/ zebra. /j/ is for yo-yo. /z/ is for zip. /j/ /j/ yo-yo. /z/ /z/ zip /j/ is for yellow /z/ is for zigzag. /j/ /j/ yellow. /z/ /z/ zigzag. /j/ is for yogurt. /j/ /j/ yogurt. 3 Point and say. • Ask pupils to look at the page and discuss in L1 what they can see. Say Point to the yo-yo/zebra and pupils point to the correct part of the picture. Say /j/ /j/ yo-yo and tell pupils 84

Lesson 7: Story and Revision • T ell pupils that they are going to hear the story again and that they should repeat what they hear after the bell. Objectives: to listen to and act out a story; to revise vocabulary and structures in Unit 10 • P lay the second track of the audio and encourage pupils to repeat with you. Revision: run, skip, throw, catch, hop, climb, ride a bike, play football, climb, fly a kite; I can (run). 3 Act. Materials: Flashcards for Unit 10: Class CD; safety • T ell pupils that they are going to act out the story. Assign scissors for each pupil, sticky tape, string a character to each pupil so many pupils are assigned the (30 cm for each pupil) ribbons (one for 10cm same character. Play the second track of the audio again piece for each pupil) (Activity Book); Optional and the pupils who have been assigned that character photocopy for Unit 10 repeat all together. Pupil’s Book pages 90-91 • Choose three pupils. Ask them to stand at the front and act out the story. Prompt so they can repeat the words if Warm up necessary. Encourage pupils to do actions as they act. • P lay the song from Lesson 3 and encourage pupils to join in. • Repeat with other pupils. Make sure all pupils have a turn. Introducing the lesson Revision • Revise the action words with the flashcards. Stick the 1 Listen and circle. flashcards one at a time on the board, say the words and have pupils repeat. • T ell pupils to look at page 91. Tell them to listen to the children and circle the action they can do. • P oint to the cards one at a time and say: I can … Pause for pupils to say the action. • Play the audio and pause after each sentence to allow pupils time to circle. Pupils hold up their books for checking • Tell pupils that they are going to listen to a story. each time. 1 Look and listen. Audioscript I can ride a bike. • Ask pupils to open their books at page 90. Tell them to look I can skip. at the story. Say: Point to Tom/Hop/Dad. I can hop. I can fly a kite. • Tell pupils to look at Picture 1 at the top left. Remind pupils that they should look left to right to follow the stories. 2 Play. • P lay the audio. Pause after the chimes to make sure pupils • P lay Guess the card (see Introduction page 10). Encourage know they should look at the next frame. Encourage them pupils to use the structure as well as the action word. eg I to point to the correct frame as they listen. can run! • Play the audio again without pausing. Optional photocopy: Teacher’s Book page 103: Join the dots. Pupils join the dots in numerical order and see which Audioscript characters they find. 1 Tom: I can play football. Ending the lesson Hop: I can run. 2 • Pupils find their lesson stickers. Say Well done and tell pupils Tom: Oh no! My ball. to stick the sticker to show they have finished the lesson. Hop: I can climb. 3 • Say Bye and wave to the class. Pupils reply Bye. Hop: I can throw. Tom: I can catch. Activity Book page 83 4 Hop: Oh no! It’s Dad! 1 Make. 5 Tom: Oh no! My ball! • Tell pupils that they are going to make a little kite. Dad: I can climb a tree. • Show pupils where to find the craft page in their books 6 Tom: Thanks Dad. (page 83). Then hand out the scissors and pupils cut the Dad: Bye! page from the book and then colour the kite. Then they cut out the kite shape. Follow-up activity: Ask pupils questions about the story in L1 • H and each pupil a piece of ribbon which they stick onto the to check comprehension: eg. What’s in the tree? Who can play kite for a tail. Hand each pupil a piece of string which they football/run/climb/throw/catch/climb a tree? Where is Hop when stick to the back of the kite in the middle with sticky tape. Dad arrives? • If appropriate pupils can run and make the kite fly behind them. Alternatively hang all the kites from the ceiling of the 2 Listen and say. classroom as if they are flying. You may need to secure the string to the tops of the kites to make them hang well. • P lay the first track again. Then ask pupils in L1 to talk about what happens in the story. Prompt where necessary. UNIT 10 85

Teacher’s Book Tip Top is an enchanting new course for very young learners taking their first steps into English. As children follow the adventures of Tom and Tilly and their two friends, Hip and Hop, they are gently introduced to their very first English words, sounds and letters. Tip Top engages learners through motivating illustrated stories, songs and chants followed by enjoyable playful activities. Tip Top Teacher’s Book includes: • c lear and easy-to-follow teaching notes for the Pupil’s Book and the Activity Book. • detailed lesson objectives and materials guide. • a udioscripts. • Progress Checks. • a play that recycles the vocabulary and structures that pupils have learned. Components: Tip Top 1 Pupil’s Book with Stickers Tip Top 1 Pupil’s e-book Tip Top 1 Activity Book Tip Top 1 Teacher’s Book Tip Top 1 Interactive Whiteboard Software Tip Top 1 Class Audio CD Set Tip Top 1 Flashcards Tip Top 1 Posters

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