Upgrade YOUR ENGLISH C1/C2Kate Newbury Steve Bowden STUDENT’S BOOK
CONTENTSUNIT Reading Vocabulary Grammar multiple choice • words related to change • present tenses1 • finding evidence in the text • prepositions, collocations & • past tenses, used to & would and not relying on personal expressions, commonly confusedTime To Change beliefs or experience wordspages 4-132 missing paragraphs • words related to technology • future I • using reference words, • word formation, collocations & • future IITomorrow’s World paraphrasing and examples expressions, phrasal verbspages 14-23 to help youProgress Review 1 pages 24-253 multiple matching • words related to influential • gerund & infinitive • identifying and comparing people • there, itPowerful People opinions expressed by • word formation, prepositions,pages 26-35 different writers phrasal verbs4 multiple matching • compound adjectives and words • modals: ability, permission, requests, • underlining justification in related to work offers & suggestionsWhat do you do? the text • prepositions, collocations & • modals: obligation, prohibition,pages 36-45 expressions, commonly confused necessity, possibility, deduction, advice words & criticismProgress Review 2 pages 46-475 multiple choice (separate • words related to memory and • relative clauses texts) memories • pronounsDo you remember ...? • being careful of distractors • word formation, commonly • conditional sentencespages 48-57 confused words, collocations & • wishes & regrets, hypothesising & expressions, imagining6 multiple choice • words related to hoaxes, • checking that the options mysteries and other strangeAre you serious? you think are wrong are phenomenapages 58-67 actually wrong • phrasal verbs, prepositions, word formationProgress Review 3 pages 68-697 missing paragraphs • words related to lifestyle and • participle clauses • being prepared to change well-being • emphasisA Way Of Life your mind about your choice • collocations & expressions, • comparisonpages 70-79 phrasal verbs, commonly confused • qualifiers words8 multiple choice • words related to making a (separate texts) differenceA Helping Hand • managing your time • prepositions, word formation,pages 80-89 effectively collocations & expressionsProgress Review 4 pages 90-919 multiple choice • words related to diet and health • reported speech • changing questions into • word formation, commonly • reporting verbsWhat’s cooking? statements to help you confused words, phrasal verbspages 92-101 identify the correct answer10 multiple matching • words related to environmental • the passive: tenses, gerunds, • paying attention to small concerns infinitives & modalsA Greener World details • prepositions, collocations & • the passive: impersonal & personalpages 102-111 expressions, commonly confused structures, causative forms wordsProgress Review 5 pages 112-113 Grammar Reference pages 114-131 Irregular Verbs pages 132-133 Writing Bank pages 134-140 Speaking Bank pages 141-142 Speaking Information pages 143-1472
Listening Speaking Writingnote taking discussion and decision making essay• identifying and understanding • talking about change, especially relocating • understanding content and styleparaphrasing • asking for someone’s opinion, commenting on • using formal, impersonal language it and expressing reservationsmultiple matching• interpreting tone of voice, long turn and discussion letterinflection, etc as well as content • talking about technology • writing to a newspaperto determine meaning • organising what you say • giving your opinion about a general topic and describing an experiencemultiple choice (extracts) comparing photos essay• being aware of distractors • talking about role models and influential • developing your argumentindependent multiple choice people • using examples to support your pointstatements • talking about similarities and differences report• eliminating options that are discussion and decision making • evaluating the factswrong or only partly true • talking about work • describing the original situation, • making deductions and critising changes and results as well as giving recommendationsmultiple choice long turn and discussion review• answering the question in • talking about memory and memories • sentence buildingyour own words to avoid being • paraphrasing • using writing devices to create complexdistracted comparing photos sentencesmultiple choice (responses) • talking about deception and human article• determining function and intervention • modifying statements and developingmeaning • speculating your ideas • using adverbs, quantifiers and modal verbs to modify statementsnote taking discussion and decision making essay• predicting what kind of • talking about aspirations and attitudes towards • summarising and identifying key pointsinformation is needed and life • reacting to opinions expressedidentifying part of speech • asking someone to repeat or explain what they lettermultiple matching said • style and tone• identifying and underlining key discussion and decision making • making negative criticism sound morewords • talking about charities and volunteering polite • presenting advantages and pointing out disadvantagesmultiple choice (extracts) long turn and discussion essay• concentrating on the meanings • talking about food and related health issues • guiding your readerrather than the way things are • introducing a general comment and giving an • using linking words and phrasesphrased examplemultiple choice comparing photos proposal• identifying what the question is • talking about environmental concerns • using the passivefocusing on • talking about and reacting to what you see, • using formal language making inferences 3
Time To Change · What different kinds of change do people experience in life? · What is the next major change that you think you will go through? · Is it important to accept and adapt to change? Why/Why not? Reading1 W ork with a partner. Look at the pictures. Do you know what they show? Do you know which part of the world they have in common?2 Q uickly read the text. Which of the pictures are A C mentioned? What are the pictures examples of? Label them with these words. • cultural learning • European explorer • genetic adaptation • Inuit culture Why humans are B Dchampions of change Humans are undoubtedly better at adapting to their fashions and even building methods could be passed, surroundings than any other living creature. Proof of or transmitted, from mind to mind through imitation. this is the fact that as a species, we inhabit every corner Some scientists see a similarity between genes and of the earth. Although it is true that other species also memes. Both are kinds of information passed down live in these places, none of them inhabits as many through the generations; the latter of course allowing places as we do. But what makes humans the world faster adaptation than the former. champions of adaptation? Are we more intelligent and This is really the crux of the matter when we compare more capable of finding solutions to the difficulties ourselves to other species. Although other living that each environment throws at us? Not necessarily. creatures have exhibited cultural transmission, the One idea puts cultural adaptation forward as the examples are very few and far between compared with explanation. It argues that our ability to learn from what humans can achieve. In addition, other creatures others and to transmit knowledge, wisdom and skills do not pass on the same kind of knowledge that we do. means we are able to adapt to, and therefore survive Some species may learn, for example, how to find shelter in, new surroundings far more quickly than biological or hunt for food through imitation, but this behaviour adaptation would allow. It has even been argued that this could be learnt by the individual on their own. Other process has replaced biological adaptation. species lack the ability to pass on knowledge about their surroundings that has been accumulated over time. As Some people believe that the mechanism which drives a result, many species become extinct as their natural our ability to adapt at the cultural level is not very habitat shrinks and they are unable to adapt to new ones. different from that which causes us to adapt at the Of course, this accumulation of cultural knowledge does biological or genetic level. In his 1976 book, The Selfish not happen overnight. It happens over generations and Gene, the evolutionary biologist Richard Dawkins relies not only on the sharing of knowledge, but also coined the term ‘a meme’ to convey, as he put it, ‘a unit on the improvement of the existing technologies from of imitation’. He abbreviated ‘mimeme’ from the Ancient one generation to the next. Consider, for example, the Greek root meaning ‘imitated thing’, and suggested Inuit of the Canadian Arctic, who are living in some that as a unit of culture, memes such as tunes, ideas,4
UpgradeMake sure you find evidence in the text and don’t rely on personalbeliefs or experiences when you answer multiple-choice questions.The questions are about the text, and the writer’s opinion, which notall readers will agree with!3 Read the article again and choose the best answer A, B, 4 In the third paragraph, the writer explains that the C or D. difference between humans and other species is that 1 What does the writer say about cultural adaptation in A humans develop more quickly than other species. the first paragraph? B humans benefit from things previous A It proves humans are cleverer than other living generations learnt. creatures. C cultural transmission is unique to humans. D humans cannot survive in shrinking habitats. B It is less useful than biological adaptation. 5 Why does the writer mention the Inuit? C It has speeded up biological adaptation. A They are an example of how cultural evolution D It has enabled humans to inhabit diverse works. environments. B They live in extremely unpleasant surroundings. C They show how one culture spreads to another. 2 What is said about the word ‘meme’ in the second D They share their knowledge with Europeans. 6 What is the point of the final paragraph? paragraph? A It is impossible to go against nature. A The Ancient Greeks invented it. B The ability to learn from others ensures human B A scientist created it. C A book was written about it. survival. D Biologists discovered it. C All species are equal in the struggle to survive. D Life on earth is changing constantly. 3 In what way do memes resemble genes, according to the second paragraph? 4 Complete the sentences with these words from the article. A They are transferred biologically. B They spread at similar rates. C They contain similar information. D They create the possibility for change. abbreviate accumulate achieve acquire adopt conveyof the harshest conditions on earth. Their survival 1 The explorer managed tohas depended on their knowledge of seal behaviour, important survival skills from the Inuit.their ability to fashion tools for hunting, to sew warmclothes and to build shelters to keep out winter storms. 2 People often send flowers to loved ones as a way toThey designed a covered seal-skin boat which was later their feelings.adopted by Europeans and Americans and retains theInuit name: kayak. Each subsequent generation did not 3 The anthropologist hopes tohave to ‘reinvent’ these methods of survival; they simply a breakthrough in her research.learnt them from older generations and in fact, thisaccumulated knowledge could not have been invented by 4 It’s common for lots of people with long names toone individual. them to something shorter.A tragic illustration of how crucial cultural adaptationis can be seen in Sir John Franklin’s well-equipped 5 When their experiment failed, the team decided toexpedition to find the Northwest Passage back in 1845. It a new strategy.ended in disaster. He and his crew died when their shipwas ice-bound for two winters. The region, however, 6 It took time to the evidencehad been inhabited by the Inuit for over 700 years. Theyhad access to rich sources of food and their culture linking vitamin deficiency and disease.flourished. The reason the British explorers died wasbecause they lacked the local knowledge necessary to 5 W ork in pairs or small groups and think of examplessurvive in such a harsh environment and could not have of how humans and other species have adapted toacquired it in such a short period of time. As the writer these environments.HG Wells famously said, ‘Adapt or perish, now as ever, isnature’s inexorable imperative.’ Culture appears to be the • a desert key to man’s ability to heed this advice. • a tropical rainforest • a polar region • a mountainous region 5
VOCABULARY 4 Complete each group of sentences with the correct form of these verbs. Each group must use the same 1 Complete the sentences with these words. verb. How does the meaning of the verb in each sentence change? Find other uses for these verbs in adapt adjusted affect altered diversified a dictionary. replace shrink transform 1 Simply painting the room a different colour will drive manage pass see totally it. 2 The company’s original product wasn’t selling so 1 a Can you the point I’m trying they and started making a to make? range of items. b I’m the doctor tomorrow. 3 Abusiness needs to be flexible so it can to the changing demands of c I’ve always him as a reliable person. the market. 2 a J ust stop the car for a minute to let that 4 It took Damien a while, but he eventually ambulance . to living alone. b A lot of years have since I 5 You have to be careful when you wash woollen last saw him. clothes so that they don’t . c It’ll be disastrous if the government 6 The power supply on the laptop was badly this law. damaged, so I had to it with a new one. 3 a He never to finish in time. 7 Discovering how to work with metal b I used to have trouble my the course of history. stress levels. 8 Idon’t know why you are telling me this – it doesn’t c How do you without a me. mobile phone? 4 a The new supermarket many smaller shops out of business. 2 Look at the verbs in 1 again and write the nouns. b Danielle was by the desire to impress her parents. Write sentences using each one in your notebook. 3 Circle the correct words. Write sentences in your c The increasing number of vehicles on the roads notebook using the words you didn’t circle. up the demand for oil. 1 Everyone was amazed by the diversity / transformation they saw in John after the operation. 2 Office chairs are often replaceable / adjustable so that you can find the most comfortable working position. 3 Scientists now agree that evolution is the reason we have such diverse / alterable species of life forms. 4 Do you know of a shop where I can take this jacket to have some adaptations / alterations made to it? 5 When cheaper imports started arriving from abroad, the demand for locally-made products shrank / affected. 6 The punishment he received had very little effect / affect on him.6
unit 1Prepositions Collocations & Expressions5 C omplete the text with these prepositions. You 6 Complete the sentences with these words. Can you will need to use some of them more than once. work out what the expressions in bold mean? as from in of on out over to change hands heart mind pace places scenery subject waysThe Inuit 1 Kyle didn’t want the conversation to turn to money so he quickly changed the .The Inuit, formerly called Eskimos, were long 2 Early computers are collectable and they can change for a lot of money.believed to have been a group of people who 3 We went for a drive in the country for a change ofsettled 1 the Arctic following their .migration from Mongolia. Travelling people at that 4 If he doesn’t want to get thrown out of college, he’stime relied 2 a long-gone geological going to have to change his .phenomenon known 3 the Bering Land 5 I’ve changed my – I’m not going to buy a new phone. I’ll keep this one for aBridge. This enabled people to walk from Asia to while longer.North America, but it disappeared when the sea 6 Iknow he’s rich, but he has to cope with a huge amount of stress. I wouldn’t changelevels in the area rose. A more recent theory, based with him for anything.4 analysis of bone, tooth and hairsamples from archaeological remains, suggests 7 The old woman was planning to leave all her money to her family, but at the last minute she had a changethat the Inuit are related to people who migrated of and left it to charity instead.from what is now modern-day Siberia 5 8 Things are moving too slowly. We need to have aAlaska around 6,000 years ago. change of if we’re going to getWhatever their origins, the Inuit have proved to this project finished on time.be a tough and resilient people. They managed 9 I know you love the cinema, but couldn’t we do something else for a ?to adapt 6 some of the worst livingconditions in the world, building homes that Commonly Confused Wordskeep 7 the cold and finding extremely 7 C omplete the groups of sentences with the words ininventive solutions 8 the problem of bold in the correct form.the limited food supply in the frozen north. 1 fashion build manufacture9 time, the Inuit have adopted many a The company small electrical items.customs and traditions from the lands where b Stone-age people a variety of different tools out of rocks.they live. Despite that, many of them still hunt c a house yourself saves you money,and fish, and they still possess skills that make but you might have problems.them capable 10 surviving long and 2 adopt adapt adeptdangerous expeditions. Although they depend a They turned their backs on their traditions and the customs of the people in the area.11 food sources high in protein and fat,those who keep to a more traditional diet suffer b Victor became at horse riding and he did it whenever he could.12 fewer health problems than people c Change will always happen, so sensible peopleeating imported foodstuffs. learn to to it. 3 inhabit reside stay a I once lived in London, but I only for a few months. b Scientists know a lot about the climate during the time when dinosaurs the Earth. c Many people from the tribe no longer in their place of origin. 4 accumulate gather collect a Would you mind Danny from school today? b The bills seem to just so that I don’t know which one to pay first. c In the evenings, we would all in our favourite café. 7
GRAMMAR 2 Circle the correct words. Present Tenses 1 Where’s Jake? I’ve waited / I’ve been waiting for him since three o’clock! Present simple & present continuous, present perfect simple & present perfect continuous 2 The Inuit need / are needing all of their skills to survive in their harsh environment. 1 Read these sentences and write the names of the tenses that are in bold. 3 Has Tina found / Has Tina been finding that HG Wells novel that you told her about yet? 1 Their survival has depended on their ability to fashion tools for hunting and to build shelters to 4 I do / I’m doing my best, but I simply cannot adjust keep out winter storms. to living in a big city. 5 They still haven’t been completing / 2 Humans are undoubtedly better at adapting to their haven’t completed the alterations to Julia’s wedding dress. surroundings than any other living creature. 6 Those men have fished / have been fishing for 3 Consider, for example, the Inuit of the Canadian hours and they’re ready to go home. Arctic, who are living in some of the harshest 7 Stella stays / is staying with friends for now, but she conditions on earth. really wants a flat of her own. 4 Humans have been adapting to their environments 8 Hans checked online and he says that the train since the beginning of time. to Bonn leaves / is leaving at three o’clock every afternoon. Read 1.1-1.6 of the Grammar Reference before you do the tasks. 3 C omplete the sentences with the verbs in brackets. Use the correct present tense. 1 In countries like Canada and the US, the leaves on the trees (change) colour dramatically in autumn. 2 Jennifer (not be) to visit me lately. I think she’s had too much revising to do. 3 They (not work) on their anthropology project for long, have they? 4 Please don’t talk to me while I (read). It makes it too difficult for me to concentrate. 5 My friends and I (not travel) to other countries very often, but when we do, we always learn about the culture. 6 You (manage) to finish all of your homework already! Well done, Fran! 7 I (search) for my car keys all morning. Do you have any idea where they might be? 8 My brother (always take) my iPod without asking me first – it drives me mad! 8
unit 1Past Tenses, used to & would 6 Complete the second sentence so it has the same meaning as the first sentence, using the word inPast simple & past continuous, past perfect simple & bold. You must use between three and six words,past perfect continuous including the word given.4 R ead these sentences, focusing on the tenses in 1 The Smiths started renting a flat in 2010. Then in bold, and match them to their uses. 2015, they bought this house. been 1 One Inuit was hunting for seals while the T he Smiths others were building a kayak. five years before they bought this house. 2 The women had been working in the fields 2 We haven’t stayed at that hotel for years. was all day and looked very tired. T he last time we 3 Eli looked up, saw the deer in the distance years ago. and fired his rifle. 3 Peter made dinner. Then his wife came home. by 4 Valerie had collected the children from school by the time I arrived home. P eter his wife came home. a actions that happened one after the other in the 4 Ihad a job in Leeds in 2012 and Steve had a job in past, for example when telling a story Glasgow. while b an action or situation that finished before a I was working in Leeds in 2012 particular time in the past in Glasgow. c two or more actions that were in progress at the 5 Maria called during breakfast. having same time in the past W e d an action that happened repeatedly or over a period Maria called. of time in the past and had a result that was visible in the past 6 Kaylee was still at college when I met her. finished K aylee college when I met her.Used to & would 7 I’d never heard about Charles Darwin and natural selection before. ever5 R ead about used to and would and complete the It was the first time I about Charles Darwin and sentences. In which sentence are both used to and natural selection. would correct? Why? 8 The Inuit would fashion clothes from sealskin. to W e can use used to for actions that we did regularly in The Inuit the past and for states that existed in the past. clothes from sealskin. We can use would only for actions that we did regularly in the past. We don’t use it for past states. 9 The nurse didn’t take my temperature until I had taken off my jumper. before 1 My sister think that every tribe was from Africa. The nurse waited until I had taken off my jumper my 2 Their habitat be bigger in the past. temperature. 3 They gather in one of the 10 Dad wouldn’t go to bed until he had showered. use local cafés. D ad go to bed until he had showered.Read 1.7-1.14 of the Grammar Reference before youdo the task. 9
LISTENING Upgrade 1 Understanding paraphrasing is a useful skill when In some listening tasks, you have to complete a number reading in or listening to English. Read these of statements with information that you hear. Although sentences and choose the option that has the same the statements will paraphrase what the speaker says, meaning as the words in bold. the meaning will be the same. The words you need to write will usually be words that you hear. 1 They acknowledge that it is a difficult change to make, so they will do everything they can to help. 2 N ow paraphrase these sentences so the meaning stays the same, using what you learnt in 1 to help you. a disagree b don’t know 1 You are under no obligation to accept the changes. c recognise 2 Do you think he’ll accept the proposal? a agree to 2 Relocating abroad is a highly stressful experience. b understand c consider 3 If he doesn’t want to relocate, we’ll have to let him 3 Acknowledge the signs of oncoming change. go and hire someone else. a change jobs 4 Allocating blame is not a positive action. b stay here c move to a different place 4 Don’t allocate blame unless you know all the facts. 5 Making alterations to your expectations can relieve a say whose fault it is b say you didn’t do it some of your stress. c say it’s nobody’s fault 5 Making new friends relieved her feelings of 6 You can’t make any progress unless you adapt to the loneliness. a increased new reality. b experienced again c reduced 6 This is the new reality and there’s no escaping 3 Listen to Ryan Crosby, a family counsellor, giving from it. advice on how to cope with the stress of change. a the way things are now Complete sentences 1-8 with a word or a short b what things might be phrase. c how things may turn out 7 We can’t make progress when he keeps blocking all 1 Ryan mentions as an example of a more serious change in someone’s life. the decisions we make. a cover the distance 2 Ryan says that even positive change can be b succeed for us. c move forward 8 Did you make alterations to the document to reflect 3 According to Ryan, refusing to acknowledge change is an involuntary we use. the new rules? a innovations b changes c differences 4 Ryan does not advise thinking about when you want to make progress. 5 Ryan points out that ignoring the that accompanies change will lead to bigger problems in the future. 6 Ryan explains that getting on with everyday tasks will be good for your . 7 Ryan describes the past as a to emphasise that we should stop thinking about it. 8 Ryan believes that we should think of our mistakes as a to help us avoid repeating them.10
unit 1 SPEAKING 3 Work with a partner. When a person decides to relocate for a few years for business purposes,1 Ask and answer these questions with a partner. different aspects of their life are affected in • W hat is the biggest change you’ve had to go different ways. First discuss the positive and negative changes that relocation may bring to each through in your life up to now? aspect of their life. Then decide which two aspects Did you find it hard to adjust to the new reality? play the most important role in the relocation • How do you feel about meeting people from being successful or not. different countries and cultures? • How important is speaking the language when you moving What are the adjusting live in another country? house positive and to a new negative changes environment2 Work with a partner. Read the Upgrade tip and leaving associated with at work the phrases in Express Yourself! Then read the friends relocating for instructions below and develop your conversation. business purposes moving Practise asking for your partner’s opinion, and for a few years? your commenting on it and expressing your reservations. extended Then swap roles and develop another conversation. adjusting to a immediate family different culture family Student A: A good friend of yours moved to another behind and/or climate town recently. You feel that his or her behaviour towards you has changed a lot since then. Describe one of the 4 Work in pairs to discuss these questions. changes you have noticed and how it has affected you. Ask for Student B’s opinion. When you have heard • Some people relocate for a shorter period of time their opinion, accept part of what they are saying, but (eg six months to a year) and decide not to take their express some reservations. spouse and children with them. How does this affect everyone in the family? Student B: A good friend of Student A’s moved to another town recently. Student A feels that his or • W ould you be willing to relocate? Why/Why not? If her behaviour towards them has changed a lot since so, which aspects of relocating would you find the then. You do not fully agree with how Student A has most difficult to deal with? interpreted his or her friend’s change in behaviour. Give your opinion and comment on what Student A says. • If you could choose a country to relocate to permanently, where would you go? What are the Upgrade reasons for your choice? When you are involved in a collaborative task with a Express yourself! partner, you will need to give your opinion and ask for theirs. You may sometimes agree or disagree with what AWWWI’msohhkuaaiinttnl’dsgtweyyforoooeuuursltrdseaoodgymproteiouneeoihstoanhenyaea’rtoasb.nwo..op?h.u.ia.?tnt.iy.o.o?nu think about ... they say, and other times you may agree in part and CTWI’dhohamnta’estmvyaeenornuittnhisntaoeyguregiosshntitinnwatgbehorpaeutosttisni.on.t.m.gineboethncaaeutsswaeya.sy... want to express your reservations. Even when you have EYITIoxhsaeupgaetrrh’eeswaeshvhs,oiebanwtuagytIporIofeuewisenemaltr,n,evbtbaautuntotit,oIpb..nt.uohsitinn..t.kowute’trheafto.r..getting ... a lot to say on a subject, it is important to share the time equally. Ask for their opinion, listen carefully to what they say and comment on it. 11
WRITING Essay: Understanding content and style 2 T he opening paragraph of your essay must Underlining important information in essay tasks not only introduce the issue raised in the task and the helps you to fully understand the essay topic and ensure options you have chosen. You should write in an that your writing is relevant, but it also gives you a quick objective way, without referring to yourself. Read way to refer back to the question while you are writing. In this introduction written in answer to the writing this way, you can be more certain that you have covered task in 1 and circle the most suitable alternatives. every point and followed every instruction. 1 It is generally agreed / I agree with the recent 1 R ead this essay task and answer the questions by radio discussion that the government needs to underlining the parts of the task that give you the find methods to change the way people eat in order information. Then complete the task summary to reduce health problems. 2 The question is / below. I would like to discuss whether it would be better to discourage the general public from consuming Your class has listened to a radio programme about how unhealthy food and drinks by making them more the government could change people’s eating habits in expensive or by introducing stricter laws for the order to improve the nation’s health. You have made the food industry. notes below. 3 Now read the rest of the essay written in answer to Methods to change eating habits the task in 1 and answer the questions. • tax on fattening food At first sight, it seems a good idea to increase the price of food that contains high levels of sugar and • education Some opinions expressed in the fat. People would be forced to reduce the number of • stricter laws discussion: snacks and drinks they buy because they would not be able to afford them. This would certainly result in ‘Paying more for junk food might reducing the number of visits to the doctor and in make people think twice.’ less weight gain. However, what happens if people continue buying their normal amounts of unhealthy ‘I still don’t know which vegetables treats and end up with less money to spend on fresh contain the most iron!’ fruit and vegetables? O n the other hand, if the food industry and the ‘Food producers put in too many ingredients they use were more strictly controlled, unhealthy ingredients.’ people would not be able to buy things that are not good for them. It could be argued that people Write an essay discussing two of the methods in your should be allowed to make their own choices, but notes. You should explain which method would be more governments need to take the lead in protecting effective, giving reasons to support your opinion. public health, as some did by banning smoking. Not only could the government introduce new laws Y ou may, if you wish, make use of the opinions about fat and salt levels, but it could also control the expressed in the discussion, but you should use your use of chemicals in food production. own words as far as possible. O n balance, it would appear that regulating the supply of food options would be more effective than 1 What was the radio programme about? attempting to influence consumer choice. 2 Match the opinions expressed with the methods. 3 How many methods do you have to discuss? 1 Think about the content of the essay. Has the writer 4 You must recommend one of the methods. What a discussed the pros and cons of criteria will you use to choose which one? both methods? 5 What must you use in your essay to support your b mentioned a third method from opinions? the task? 6 What should you do when including any of the c given reasons for their final choice opinions expressed? of method? 2 Think about the style of the essay. Has the writer Task summary: The essay should discuss a used a question to make a point? b used the word ‘I’ when expressing 1 methods which could be opinions? used by 2 to 3 , explaining which method would be more 4 .12
unit 14 Essays require you to express your opinions in 6 Write an essay in 220-260 words in answer to the formal, impersonal language as in 2. Rewrite these task in 5. Use your plan and Express Yourself! to help opinions in your notebook in a more suitable style you. When you have finished your essay, check your using Express Yourself! to help you. work carefully. 1 For a start, I think most of us think it’s up to the Plan government to help people who come to live and work in our country get used to our way of life. Paragraph 1: The issue My two chosen ways 2 My friends and I know that lots of immigrants have Paragraph 2: Choice 2, pros & cons great skills they can use. They just need a bit of help Paragraph 3: Choice 1, pros & cons to get started. Final paragraph: The most helpful choice5 Read this essay task and underline the important information as you did in 1. Decide which options you would choose to discuss and then copy the plan Upgrade into your notebook and complete it with notes for your essay. Take time to read the essay task carefully, underlining or highlighting important information. Your class has listened to a panel discussion about how Introduce the issue and your two choices in the first governments can help immigrants adjust to their new paragraph. cultural environment. You have made the notes below: Use an objective, impersonal writing style, avoiding emotional language.Ways to help newly-arrived immigrants • education • community events Some opinions expressed in Express yourself! the discussion: • advice centres ‘Language is just the first thing you need to learn.’ IIWHIOTnnnaotnitkcrtwhhooibneendarvgfletueiargracrnasa,lisctlnr.te.dtp,g.h,.l/t..aep..oOcs.oee.ni.,n.p,.tt.o/h.si/RenAteosgttahifnrierdtrosithncsagoingn..dh.s,,tid....e..ration, ... MIMITIITIItIttttththaiaiiiiscesssesknseorgoiyadqeqeuneb/miuuflniMgfvadsfeeesiicspsncoor/btttwuaosouiietotollisholtdnannypautrtotaehtogailsubodsag.ui.sblpt.r.neeaa.tel..dpye.wetg.phdt.weh.hea./noeaataet,ructhr.clt..aed..eh.lrpaat.ttge.e..rrd.em. eth/saactc.e..pt that ... ‘Smiling people can make you feel so welcome.’ ‘There are so many questions that need answering.’ W rite an essay discussing two of the ways in your notes. You should explain which way would be more helpful, giving reasons to support your opinion. Y ou may, if you wish, make use of the opinions expressed in the discussion, but you should use your own words as far as possible. Vsgappebiuusnenrresporoitanidepbvsgbegetoisrlfdreei–r––atest–tsa–gN–e–sue–bso–spniiuepdusraintpronanbaoenpvtslnfegeicoiscgmrterieerotasenstniitoonn In aacadoddnaojuptpestttxtatyoonnueewrwwliwafyeasyotsyflotehf ilnivkiinngg to to to 13
A Greener World · How important is the natural environment Helping in our daily lives? the world to · Do you think it’s possible to protect the environment and at the same time improve go green people’s standard of living? As the global demand for energy continues to · What can be done to help cities go green? rise, the need for cleaner alternatives to fossil fuels becomes greater. Here are four places that Reading are pioneers in the quest for a greener future. 1 L ook at the pictures of renewable energy sources. A Greensburg, Kansas Label them with these words. biomass geothermal hydroelectric solar wind GitnortroeneaAndmsobe iurnircg2a0’os0n7gtrhleeeeftnK9ea5sntpsteaorswcpneranaftirteoierf,tawh emasbaustrsialdinviensfgosrminetdhe town destroyed. 12 Awtasaihsbunhesopdpohtupuorortlmeeiwrehntmpnsaede,alwi3fdsmin0tathaie0abnendkltpeoci,1neeae,tgr4hnfgcr0eueore0sorKmngeutatoypotn.owhfAsfoeneatf1hsntsrop2eeegwe.sr5trgooinidMdypw.e-.lWTnesnha’tslseweveifdinetnl,eegxdbccctuitfeedratsicecroshmditfnye,tt,oohlwewloocrhsaegtirecsbiiechubsiitulydilt Gmaatwsopnarohepdbvdieclieienpehnrglfdsanoab.tf,urioAuneenrrusndgrtmaehatwtrehegreaeedtycosrs-eopweur,-lfeldnaftiibn,etcoiuctnsihefliiuulgenmtmdntfgorib.norrraTeugemtaihleltdatihsdseircansgrbrngteeaucst$tigceolu2dhocnl0itvhneca0engedn,ris0nqdnin0tumirnt0aehaettsenaihnonwemtandbneUoounarsfSeiutlgdaaoilnrledgs 34 reduction in its energy needs. 5 B Iceland 2 R ead the text to find out which kind of energy is mentioned in each paragraph. AsrortcciherthiuoTtslfduoeoslosisyuhtsgrmtaotlheuspbreeelfcfhetdproisyre,fnneIeorlwcmemmdeossdaameetis;mrrtraeealieroae7lwjaglasloyfensc5Eknenhruthuddeduldospiypfin’cpergsat1etposhdhtiphhu-rneolpee2fey-alccrlterpr.tenegotmgemhl,rWcideemiernenthatioenlsrtehfieealsuisnrescfsessosetrntruirpontmanoedoifhryenmrteefenwaoerhtisrttsofrmshgasehepnneteygtaytceoeeloeh.etedttawahsferleeIcynrttsmetadiotshesateraprehi,eerntwudcnlphaliawaendindauct,ttcrycheihatmtciqtee.ethchidiprrcusdxTerp.iueihcepftheIhpsrtaicmeoonididteipslsepn,maoaoimwleddshRuamftsso-iieasrnvtneitA.estwhoeakdeityotneeedtna,lktanierrimnojesuatanbwbodnoasnvtpoayaicnreicstortlktubehseafhro.oorloete,nnefrimedt102
Upgrade When you do a multiple matching task, be aware that you will find similar words and ideas in more than one text, but only one text will say the same as the statement. Pay attention to small details that make the difference. 3 R ead the text again to find the following information. Which place will be an example that others can follow? 1 exploits its unusual geographical location 2 for renewable energy sources? used to buy fuel from other countries? 3 aims to cover its future needs using energy 4 from the wind and sun? C Copenhagen uses clean energy sources to combat 5 dangerous driving conditions? CCeTpMig2esnomorao0tneoaptpa5diehadsneil0ortesusdagno.uictaolyhcfIhretr2naaeticdhsi0spgmssos,e.1ientwoaiIaa4ntcstrliln,,siielu’astlsdioyamsiirmenwheiebbpsxcensaneltplaatuierelooteidtzodwerncegiabevnatbdynbeeegbesdyddetlwicaehnffpottfieodhotiteomccrceantawhihuipeetteiailelsennterchlisrgvncgnaeiopeyydnrfrf.lebrgceatioEthinodnstomauytnutnesnrocconc.mfiiaimpeonTtfnieouagshcp’sstloresrrceistoanooaGudivlslnrlubibbufrtsnuieciyommogeeaenm2aelnnbsi0tstdauesb2.sily5ds.ing IaIssabnuTntobaatratismrhfaicna2vecnveeyanddaiy0eiincslgsidcj1lmtnoogliphleioj5letornaoetoien,.oiuepmrabnnnaTtnroasyeftenps,hrhfruparesty2toeaagrlhsaysie0ftrnyemtstcne,2tr,echiuipa5ctottotmwyeohcslal.vuaotae,pbSewubalcndssiiaremseutgoieeassabdcrpoblwelnleht’pdaansiwodntia’mirwttsoioghrfteretoaihtpnuromndntoenosnhfcetLtteosifoceo,tlrwEpnhyseaeuobteDoieldlcrrmyhlebxraoptbhbutcpioogopclsyeougaabneyiolmelehnnpipcbllredaisuulesteifevkny.ivtob.oni-eevecorAlfineinenreanc7iwshpiesrostm5tabiatnwframccloabopdftteyohnnilereltvcelynehelsnrelnteiapcetsrbcpepsiointiebictuunsclireianeubttytrsryytstlcoagiea’s.cslrlyef.te,o has had its efforts to reduce emissions officially 6 recognised? D Fukushima had its energy source disrupted by a natural 7 AlPadnoecfsaluofdtafemc.uantrlTnoetar,bthaegrrteiyarnhesidneerdhleiegwaadbaddtadiycisobtetttotonolrvheircaaeslreetessnaanotvatuckeefetrscrrFeeogtldeufpsytraoksobrburmiyftsesohdehtaseithshicsimnaeceoilsoanc2fDtuuae.0aanerrJ1ibitlma1iwrscoyp.shhtnasbiitcuneeoNhnmiwunrarecgiaemsblssessuiu,iawsoillwretdnietPrhcsdiiotihocsaueiwhenssdlefltyrhe disaster? AgwCTcoahioctvpheomeamegrmcnlomieumtaycintletmoiritnsiyfcet-1i tnsttoyGoct hafWhpralaorevosminesvbsoird1etleaae4enlr3lnieetasfwdmlnotadbwaabydtwolieen2imng0sbdi2oywll0upiioFn.rlancudnekrttsueusssrbahbiydriimnee2en0apst4’slsaw0n.intheda. creates much more energy than it needs? 8 has a strategy to reduce traffic emissions? 9 turned a natural disaster into an opportunity 10 for green town planning? 4 C omplete the sentences with the correct form of these words. All the words you need to write appear in the text. commit consume depend exceed half renew 1 Wind and water are sources of energy. 2 Global fuel increases every year. 3 By saving energy, the family managed to their fuel bill. 4 Too much food is thrown away by supermarkets. 5 The city made a(n) to build cycle lanes to help cut pollution. 6 Cycling to work makes employees of public transport. 5 Work in pairs or small groups to present some of the environmental challenges that face citizens of towns and cities in your country. Put forward some ideas for solving these problems. Consider these issues: • waste management • transport • buildings • energy 103
VOCABULARY 3 C ircle the correct words to complete the phrases in bold. Write sentences in your notebook with the1 C omplete the compound nouns in the sentences other words. with these words. 1 Clean energy projects are designed to decline / acid banks efficiency footprint reduce carbon emissions. fossil plants 2 It’s all very well asking private individuals to adapt / adopt green practices, but what about industries – don’t they do far more damage? 1 Bottle are a way of making it 3 With pollution, deforestation and depletion easy for ordinary people to recycle glass items. of resources, it is hard to maintain / exert an ecological balance. 2 When dangerous chemicals enter the atmosphere, 4 Because soil pollution is a major issue, it is important they can fall back down to earth in the form of that we continue in our efforts to dispose / recycle rain. non-biodegradable products. 3 One of the things people consider when buying 5 Volunteering and giving money are the two best ways to donate / contribute to conservation household appliances like washing machines is projects. their energy because people 6 Efforts have been made to promote / advertise self-sufficiency so that we place less of a strain on care about their electricity bills as well as the limited resources. environment. 7 Recycling helps to divert / detract waste from landfills, where it can take hundreds of years to 4 Those who are interested in going green believe we decompose. should stop using fuels – that is 4 W hat are the biggest environmental concerns where you live? What can be done about them? Use to say coal, gas and oil. language from the exercises on this page. 5 We are now able to measure the negative effect we have on our planet, sometimes known as our carbon . 6 Traditional power which run on coal or lignite are very unpopular with environmentalists as they produce thick, poisonous smoke.2 R ead the sentences and underline two words in each which have similar meanings. Can you explain the differences between them? 1 Renewable energy and sustainable forests are two of the main priorities for a green planet. 2 One of the problems with modern production methods is their use of hazardous chemicals since we really cannot tell yet just how detrimental to the health they might be. 3 The prevalent heavy metals from the factory have nearly wiped out the once prolific species of fish in the lake. 4 Current campaigns that are attracting attention aim to conserve water and preserve the natural beauty of the area. 5 Fishermen have reported severely depleted fish stocks in our seas, with some species believed to be completely exhausted. 6 Work in the area disrupted power and water supplies and disturbed the natural habitats of indigenous birds. 7 Local industry not only pollutes the air, but it also contaminates the water in the river.104
unit 10Prepositions 7 Complete these sentences using words from 6. There may be more than one possible answer.5 C omplete the text with these prepositions. You will need to use some of them more than once. 1 If we all less energy, it would make a big difference to the planet. around behind by down for in off 2 pollution has been blamed for killing on out to up with off large numbers of fish. 3 Every single one of us should take responsibility for Electricity and you the amount of waste that we throw away.A lthough electricity is a clean source of energy when 4 The cost of waste in official landfills leads to some countries disposing of it illegally.it enters your home, if it comes from traditional power 5 Opponents of energy claim that theplants, it has already caused a great deal of pollution turbines destroy the view, kill birds and keep local1 the time it reaches you. The very least residents awake with their noise.you should aim 2 is to waste as little ofit as possible. The good news is that helping the planet 6 If we don’t take steps to pollution, thewill put you 3 a position to save money balance of the ecosystem could be pushed beyond4 your electricity bills with very little the point at which it can be repaired.effort. In winter, turn your heating 5 bya few degrees and put on an extra pullover. Consider Commonly Confused Wordsswitching 6 gas as a cheaper alternative.Fill the gaps 7 draughty doors and 8 C omplete the groups of sentences with the words in bold in the correct form.windows, and close the curtains to keep the heat8 and the cold 9 . Airconditioning guzzles electricity, so in summer, use 1 raze raise rise a The campaign is toa fan instead. With both heating and cooling, make awarenesssure you switch appliances 10 when you of the environmental impact of building in theleave the room – and close the door 11 green belt.you! An electric water heater can run 12 b With the continuing heavy rains, there is a danger that the water level in the river willa big bill, so use it only when you have to. Turn it even further, presenting a threat of serious flooding in the area.13 about twenty minutes before you planto have a shower. Finally, changing your light bulbs willalso save money – simply replace them 14 c Plans to the historic house to the economy bulbs when you buy new ones. ground and build a car park in its place were rejected.Collocations & Expressions 2 damage destroy devastate a Local farmers were to learn that the new railway line would be passing through6 T he verbs and adjectives in the tables collocate with their land. energy, pollution or waste. Complete the tables using each noun twice. b The nuclear power station was slightly in the fire and remained closed forVerb Noun Adjective Nounfight 1 nuclear 4 several weeks to allow extensive safety checks tolimit renewable be carried out.monitor 2 solar 5reduce thermal c The discovery that the company had been itstackle 3 wind 6 dumping waste illegally totally reputation.clean up domesticdump hazardous 3 gas smog steameliminate industrial a , a form of air pollution, isprocess nuclear the combination of smoke and fog in theproduce toxic atmosphere.conserve atmospheric b Many types of power station rely on turningconsume marine water into , which then drivesexpend noise turbines.harness radioactivewaste soil c 99% of the air that we breathe is made up of two ; nitrogen and oxygen. 105
GRAMMAR 3 R ewrite these sentences in your notebook using the passive.The passive: tenses, gerunds, infinitives& modals 1 They have constructed many oil rigs in the Atlantic Ocean.1 R ead these passive sentences paying attention to the words in bold and circle the correct words to 2 Many people want the government to extend the complete the rules. public transport system. a New power plants have started being built. 3 They should do something about the contaminated b A new type of wind farm might be designed. lake. c We want sustainable energy to be utilised. d A new cycling lane is being considered. 4 They will have wiped out many species by the end of e The ecology club was organised by the school. the decade. f Wind turbines often get destroyed in hurricanes. g Non-renewable resources were being depleted. 5 They will ban the use of this type of fuel in several h Lots of forests have been decimated. countries next year. i The solar panels will have been delivered by Friday. j Gas leaks are going to be repaired later. 6 The factory owner doesn’t like the local residents k The power lines had been cut with a knife. telling him what to do. l Bicycle infrastructure will be reviewed next week. 7 Something injured a volunteer at the beach clean-up We form the passive voice of tenses with the verb to be yesterday. and the 1 past / present participle of the main verb. In everyday speech, we can use the verb 2 to get / to have 8 A pull cord starts the generator. instead of to be to talk about something unpleasant that happens by accident or unexpectedly. When it is 9 They would rather people viewed them as activists, important to mention the agent in a passive sentence, not protestors. we use the word 3 with / by + name/noun. When we want to mention the tool, object or instrument that was used 10 They discussed energy efficiency at last night’s for something, we use the word 4 by / with. meeting.2 Read the sentences in 1 again and answer the questions. 1 In which sentence is the tool, object or instrument used mentioned? 2 In which sentence is the agent a name/noun? 3 In which sentence is the passive voice of a gerund used? 4 In which sentence is the passive voice of a bare infinitive used? 5 In which sentence is the passive voice of a full infinitive used? Read 10.1 of the Grammar Reference before you do the task.106
unit 10 The passive: impersonal & personal 6 Rewrite the sentences in two ways using impersonal structures, causative forms and personal passive structures. Write the sentences in your notebook.Impersonal & personal structures4 We often use reporting verbs in an impersonal or 1 People say that toxic waste is dumped into the sea. 2 People think marine pollution is created by humans. a personal passive structure to express an opinion 3 People know that going green is imperative to in a more convincing and formal way. We form the impersonal passive structure with it + passive verb + survival. that + clause. We form the personal passive structure 4 Sources report that there is a huge garbage patch with noun + passive verb + full infinitive. Read these sentences paying attention to the words in bold. Are located in the north Pacific. they examples of the impersonal passive structure (I) 5 People believe that tackling pollution is the or the personal passive structure (P)? government’s responsibility. 1 It is known that we consume far too much energy. 7 R ewrite the sentences in your notebook using a causative form. 2 It is supposed that pollution levels pose certain health risks. 1 The gardener is cleaning the glass in Milly’s greenhouse. 2 The protestors persuaded the workers to stop 3 Making sea water fit for human consumption is considered to be too expensive. cutting down trees. 3 The authorities made the factory owner clean up 4 Natural gas is thought to be a clean and efficient fuel. the river. 4 The architect will design an eco-friendly buildingCausative forms5 Read the rules and the sentences paying attention to for us. 5 Brittany’s arm was hurt at the landfill site. the words in bold. Then tick the sentences which are 6 They won’t dig our well until next week. correct. Cross out the incorrect sentences and then 7 We couldn’t persuade the council to use green energy. rewrite them correctly in your notebook. 8 The police have made my neighbour stop burning We use the causative form have + object + past rubbish in his back garden. participle to talk about something that we arrange for someone else to do for us. We often use get instead of 107 have. We can also use have + object + past participle to talk about something unpleasant that happens to someone. We cannot use get instead. We use the causative form have + object + bare infinitive to say we make someone do something. We use the causative form get + object + full infinitive to say we have persuaded someone to do something. 1 Some cities have had the street lights replaced. 2 She got her water supply tested by an inspector. 3 I got my hair pulled during the protest. 4 Dale won’t get his electricity meter read today. 5 Penelope had her recycling bins cleaned by the council. 6 The police officer had me to pick up my litter. 7 Finally, I managed to have my sister to use a cleaner form of energy to heat her house. 8 Iwill have my secretary call you about the date of the meeting. 9 They couldn’t have the authorities to close down the nuclear plant. Read 10.2-10.5 of the Grammar Reference before you do the tasks.
LISTENING 3 You will hear a discussion in which a father, Ethan, and his daughter, Jane, talk about the impact1 Label the pictures with these words. What effect do cooling has on energy consumption. For questions these things have on energy consumption? 1-6 choose the answer (A, B, C or D) which fits best air-conditioning central heating insulation according to what you hear. refrigeration solar panels urbanisation 1 What is Ethan’s reaction to the article? A He feels upset and pessimistic. 14 B He thinks it’s too extreme in its view. C He finds it unsettling, but also thought-provoking. 25 D He doesn’t believe the information is true. 36 2 What fact about cooling does Ethan find strange? A It affects global temperaturesUpgrade B It makes the planet warmer C It harms the environmentIn this type of task, questions can focus on the gist or D It is essential in some placesa detail of what is being said as well as require you toinfer the speaker’s feelings or opinion about something. 3 Why does Ethan mention China?It is helpful if you can identify which of these things the A as proof that countries use energy for coolingquestion is asking you to do so that you know what kind B because it uses more energy than Africa doesof input you should be focusing on while you listen. C to show that air-conditioning is popular there D as an example of urbanisation creating higher energy demands 4 In Singapore, Ethan and Jane escaped the uncomfortable outdoors A by using specially constructed tunnels. B by spending most of the time in the hotel. C by using an air-conditioned vehicle. D by only leaving the hotel at night. 5 Ethan believes that the use of temperature control A is harmful to people’s health. B is acceptable in some places only. C should be limited to people who are ill. D is one of life’s necessities. 6 What does Ethan say about existing buildings? A They use modern insulation techniques. B They would benefit from certain changes. C They should be painted green. D They do not require much cooling.2 Read the questions in 3. What does each individual question require you to do: identify the gist, identify a detail, infer someone’s feelings or infer someone’s opinion?108
SPEAKING unit 101 Ask and answer the questions with a partner. Upgrade • Can you think of any alternative ways of keeping cool When asked to compare and contrast two pictures it is when it’s hot? How effective are they compared to important to remember that you are definitely not being air-conditioning? asked to describe them either generally or in detail. What • What is your profile as an energy consumer? Are you you can do is refer to what is happening and try to infer the wasteful or careful? Why? broader topic they allude to. • If you could make one change to your house or If looking at the picture provokes any kind of immediate lifestyle to be more energy efficient, what would you reaction on your part, it is a good idea to say it. choose to do? 3 Follow the instructions and complete the task with2 S ometimes we react quite strongly to images and your partner. One of you will be Student A and the the broader topic or issue they represent. We can other will be Student B. Use the words and phrases express these feelings in a variety of ways. Work with in Express Yourself! to help you. a partner and look at the pictures. Talk about what they represent and how what you see makes you Part A feel. Make as many different statements as you can, Student A: Look at the pictures on page 147. They using expressions from Express Yourself! show activities that have a negative impact on the environment. Compare two of the pictures and say how these activities harm the environment. What alternatives can you suggest? Student B: What can be done to educate people about these activties? Part B Student B: Look at the pictures on page 147. They show actions and activities that are beneficial to the environment. Compare two of the pictures and say how they help the environment. Which of the two has a greater impact? Why? Student A: Which of the actions and activities in the pictures do you do on a daily basis? Do you consciously do anything else to help the environment?Express yourself! 4 Work with a partner to discuss these questions. • Why do you think we are still reliant on fossil fuels forTTTItahhileesk((cifnslieergacstroa)bnfprodoiu)cmttpuiwtrchehtuiassrhtpeoyircwoetupsurr.s.eee.setehnatts ... ... most of our energy production? • W hat do you think of environmental activists? DoRISIwItncecoieasagrncnerseti’nhtiesneodhlrcgi/eakkclltepoionIntbgfwhceu/ieheistrnlagnmshtepeoatydipkroa/ieeenunftgmgucsreltbey/eoo/eascpsnmaetgiueimrlstyeehi/swua.t.ti.phc.se/.e.pnte/Ishssaiepmepi.ys...tic/ you think their actions influence the decisions madeMWeWIstxoaaehisIkmaciqgtanpuuwnlgeieetisienosns/fcfefaeoee.rs.mr.sifeunrmnmotcmhoeenestt/(hhrfaaierttsph.t.ie).crptuuicrnetuutsrhueaaitls.t.ao.nsee ... by governments? • Are you hopeful or pessimistic about the environmental future of the planet? Why? 109
WRITING 3 R ead the proposal that was written in answer to the task in 2 and underline six passive forms used byProposal: Using the passive the writer. Are the proposals similar to the ones youWhen you write proposals, your ideas will sound more thought of?impressive if you present them in a confident and business-like way. Using passive verb forms ensures a neutral, Proposal for new leisureimpersonal tone of voice, for example, action should be taken facilities in the towninstead of you should take action. You will often need tocombine the passive with modal verbs such as must, should Introductionand could. This proposal aims to outline ways of developing the town’s old airfield to provide leisure facilities for residents of all1 R ewrite the following sentences in your notebook in ages. the passive. Current situation 1 You should do it as soon as possible. The town suffers from a lack of open spaces at the moment, 2 The council could also have the town library which means that residents have few places to enjoy a natural, green environment. More importantly, young modernised. children are often forced to play in the streets, which is 3 The planning committee needs to bring new life to extremely dangerous, while young teenagers are bored and have nowhere to go. the area. 4 Not only could you clean the old canal, but you Play facilities In order to provide a safe environment for the town’s could also landscape the area. children, it is vital that secure play areas are constructed. 5 If you implement these proposals, the situation will These should consist of separate, fenced-in areas for different age groups. A sandpit, swings and jungle-gym improve. equipment could be provided for young children, while older children would benefit from a skateboard track, a bicycle2 In order to get relevant ideas for your proposal, read circuit, full-size football pitches and a basketball court. the task carefully before you start writing. Read this writing task and work with a partner to A park and café discuss the questions about it. A park with an open field area as well as landscaped flower gardens would be popular with many people You see the following notice in your local newspaper: including walkers, joggers and people exercising their dogs. Moreover, an artificial lake with a café area would provide a Your town has very few open green areas. Now, the pleasant meeting place for friends and families. local council has agreed to fund the development of the town’s disused airfield to create a large green Recommendations leisure area for the whole community. The town If these proposals are implemented, the safety risks for the planning department has invited local residents to town’s children will be greatly reduced. In addition, a wide send in proposals outlining ways to utilise the space range of the town’s residents will use the leisure facilities. and explaining the benefits for the local community. I recommend that a study is carried out as soon as possible into the feasibility of putting these proposals into action. 1 What does the council want to achieve? 2 Who should benefit from it? 4 Complete this analysis of the reasons and overall 3 What is the current situation in the town? What benefits the writer gives to convince the council to act on the proposals. problems might this be causing? 4 What could you propose that might help solve these Proposal Play facilities A park and café Reason problems? How would your proposals help? To provide a safe Would be Overall environment for popular with benefit children walkers, joggers, (Paragraph 5) dog-owners, families and friends110
unit 105 Proposals are written in formal language. Expand 7 R ead this writing task and ask yourself the questions your vocabulary by matching the verbs below with from 2. Then copy the plan into your notebook their meanings. Then use them in the correct form, and complete it with notes for your proposal. The passive or active, in the following sentences. number of headed paragraphs you write will depend on how many ideas you have. 1 implement a to build 2 install b to place in position You see the following notice in your local newspaper: 3 divert c to pull down Your local town centre is very busy. The council has 4 convert d to supply decided to provide funds to improve the town centre 5 provide e to put into action in order to make it a safer and healthier place. The 6 construct f to change or transform council has invited local residents to send in proposals 7 demolish g to send something/ outlining what action should be taken, explaining the benefits it would have for the citizens. somebody in a different direction Plan Title 8 Traffic lights should at the Introduction State the aim of your proposal.entrance to the town and heavy lorries should Current situation away from the town centre. Give a brief description of the current situation and any problems caused. 9 The main shopping street could Heading 1 into a pedestrianised area. Discuss your first proposal & benefits. Heading 2 10 A pedestrian bridge could over Discuss your second proposal & benefits. the busy main road. Recommendations Recommend the implementation of your proposals, 11 The old factory on the edge of town could highlighting the overall benefits for the town. in order to 8 W rite your proposal in 220-260 words in answer to a cheap parking area away from the centre. the task in 7. Use your plan and Express Yourself! to help you. When you have finished writing your 12 Plans for cycle lanes should as proposal, check your work carefully.soon as possible to encourage people to leave theircars at home. Upgrade6 Discuss in class the possible benefits to the town’s Lay out your report with headings to make it clear residents that would result from each of the and easy to read. proposals 8-12 in the task in 5. Use passive verb forms to avoid referring to the council as ‘you’.Express yourself! Remember to show the benefits of your proposals. They may seem obvious, but you still need to write them.pppeprppppcexouooeeyearhablidddcvslsdaluloeeeeoieuctsmsnstn/isttrtboahrtroraeliuniieuffnaaafhuassnintnllceme/ltiatavchbsaonelreerctxosleidhcsdissicsadgireenengats tptrhuaebmHli/cbigturhsaSnrotsrupetoeertt mrltatsiihrpgnaraeheogifneftfuilrdctonorrwordlaaieadfgafsodbh/itcfbrotstiy≠ucrptathaifofseinsacvsy traffic 111Abfeedanjseeibfciltceiiva–elsf–e–absNeinboieulfiinttyss advantageous – advantagesIIttnoibscoevnikttnaelox/tceksseedndtioawl tnhabty a car/busto put ideas into actionto implement plans
Upgrade YOUR ENGLISHC1/C2 STUDENT’S BOOKUpgrade is an exciting new multi-level course for students who are studying Englishfrom A1 through to C2 level of the Common European Framework of Reference. Theseries develops students’ language level while capturing their interest and motivatingthem through real-life content.Upgrade aims not only to develop students’ linguistic skills, but also to preparestudents for exams at B2 and C2 levels.Each level of Upgrade is structured around the Student’s Book that contains tentheme-related core units with five reviews as well as a Grammar Reference, a WritingBank and a Speaking Bank to support students during their studies. A strong skillssyllabus runs through Upgrade which actively improves students’ performance inreading, writing, listening and speaking.Upgrade offers a complete package of print and digital materials, which providesmaximum flexibility for different learning situations.Key Features of Upgrade:• ten theme-related units, each containing carefully developed tasks designed to improve students’ reading, writing, listening and speaking skills as well as to build on their vocabulary and grammar• five progress reviews, one after every two units, to consolidate the vocabulary and grammar being taught• a Grammar Reference to support the grammar theory presented in each unit• a Writing Bank and a Speaking Bank to support students’ productive skills• cross-platform interactive IWB and e-book which can be used on all learning devicesUpgrade Your English C1/C2 Student’s BookUpgrade Your English C1/C2 WorkbookUpgrade Your English C1/C2 e-bookUpgrade Your English C1/C2 Teacher’s BookUpgrade Your English C1/C2 Class Audio CDsUpgrade Your English C1/C2 Interactive Whiteboard Software
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