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Home Explore Fun with Fizz 2: Teacher's book

Fun with Fizz 2: Teacher's book

Published by EUROLIBRA, 2016-12-18 16:42:50

Description: Fun with Fizz 2: Teacher's book

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ContentsIntroduc tion 4.......................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................Hello! (Introductory pages) 10 ............................................................................................................................................................................Unit 1 12.....................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................Unit 2 18.....................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................Unit 3 24.....................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................Review 1 (Units 1-3) 30Writing 1 32Unit 4 34.....................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................Unit 5 40.....................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................Unit 6 46.....................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................Review 2 (Units 4-6) 52Writing 2 54Unit 7 56.....................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................Unit 8 62.....................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................Unit 9 68.....................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................Review 3 (Units 7-9) 74Writing 3 76Unit 10 78............................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................Unit 11 84............................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................Unit 12 90............................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................Review 4 (Units 10-12) 96Writing 4 98End of year play 100...........................................................................................................................................................................................................................Christmas 102.............................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................Mother ’s Day 103...................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................Unit Tests (Tests 1-12) 104................................................................................................................................................................................................Term Tests (Tests A-D) 116................................................................................................................................................................................................Key to Tests 124...............................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................Key to Ac tivity Book 127..........................................................................................................................................................................................

1 1 to be – present simple affirmativeLesson 1 He’s handsome! Lesson 1 He’s handsome!Vocabulary A Listen and read. This is our family. Mum is beautiful Hi! I’m Lily. This is and Dad is handsome. Our sister, Matt, my brother. 2 Lulu, is very young. She’s a baby. 1 Hello!beautiful young stronghandsome old ugly New expressionsThanks a lot! This is our grandma 4 This is our friend, 5 Fizz is ugly. I’m and this is our Fizz. He’s an alien. Buzz, his strong and Materials 3 grandpa. They are old. handsome friend.- pictures of a handsome man, a beautiful woman, anold person, a girl or boy, an ugly animal and a strongperson lifting weights. Aims Hello! In this lesson, pupils will: B Circle. Yes / No Expressions t - learn to be affirmative. Yes / No - learn some adjectives. 1 Matt is Lily’s brother. Yes / No Thanks a lot! - revise Hi! / Hello! I’m … . 2 Mum is beautiful. Yes / No - learn the expression Thanks a lot! 3 Dad is very young. Yes / No 4 Grandma is old.Warm-up 5 Buzz is strong.• Say to the class: Hello! I’m (your name). Look at a pupil 8and say: Hello, I’m (your name). Encourage the pupil toreply: Hello, I’m (their name). Repeat with each pupil until • Point to a pupil, look at the pupil and say You’re (theireveryone has had a turn. name). Write you’re on the board. Do the same with two• Remind pupils that Hi! is an informal way of saying Hello! pupils (eg, You’re Emily and Anna.) • Point to a boy, look at the other pupils and say He’s (hisVocabulary strip name). Write he’s on the board. • Point to a girl, look at the other pupils and say She’s (her• Introduce the new vocabulary (beautiful, handsome, name). Write she’s on the board.young, old, strong, ugly) using the vocabulary strip on page • Point to two girls, look at the other pupils and say They’re9 of the Pupil’s Book. girls.• Ask pupils to look at the vocabulary strip. Hold up your • Point to two boys. look at the other pupils and say They’rebook, point to the first picture and say beautiful. Ask the boys.pupils to repeat after you. Do the same for each of the • Write We’re on the board. If you are a female teacher,words in the vocabulary strip. stand next to a girl and say: We’re girls. If you are a male• When pupils are familiar with the new vocabulary, point to teacher, do the same with a boy, saying: We’re boys.the picture you have brought in of a handsome man and ask • Make sure that pupils know the long and short forms: I ama pupil to call out the correct word (handsome). Repeat with = I’m, you are = you’re, he/she/it is = he’s/she’s/it’s, we are =the picture of the beautiful woman. Do the same with each we’re, they are = they’re.picture you have brought in until each pupil has had a turn.• If you have access to an interactive whiteboard (IWB), A Listen and read.then you can either click on the vocabulary strip to activatethe vocabulary flashcards or you can click the flashcards • Play the audio and tell pupils to follow the speechicon found on the opening page of the software. You can bubbles with their fingers.hide or reveal the word under each picture. By clicking • Play the audio again, stopping just before the keyon the audio icon, you can hear the pronunciation of the words (beautiful, handsome, young, old, strong, ugly) andvocabulary item. encourage pupils to call out the words. • Play the audio again, stopping after each part of thePre-teaching grammar dialogue and ask pupils to repeat. • Point out that when Fizz says Thanks a lot! in the last• Point to yourself and say I’m (your name). Write I’m on the picture, he is using the expression ironically.board. • Put pupils into groups of four and ask them to read the12 story with each pupil taking a different part (Lily, Matt, Fizz and Buzz).

Unit 1 Look and learn. beautiful handsome young old strong ugly • Read the words in the box, encouraging pupils to repeat after you.C Circle. He’s handsome / beautiful. 4 We’re young / old. • Remind pupils that I’m, he’s, she’s, it’s is short for I am, he is, she is, it is and that you’re, we’re, they’re is short for you are, 1 we are, they are. Remind them that we use you’re to talk to one person or more than one person.2 They’re old / young. 5 It’s handsome / ugly. • Write I am, you are, he is, she is, it is, we are, they are on the board. Ask pupils the short form of each one. When a pupil3 She’s strong / ugly. 6 They’re strong / beautiful. answers correctly, ask them to come up to the board and write the short form next to the relevant words. Look and learn. I am = I’m he is = he’s D Write. I am you are = you’re he/she/it is • Look at question 1 together and draw attention to the you/we/they are fact that Buzz is looking at us and talking to us, so the answer is I’m. He’s an alien. • Look at question 2 together. Point out that the old people are looking at us and talking to us. They are talking aboutD Write. strong. We’re old. She’s my sister. themselves and they are not pointing at anyone else. Elicit the answer We’re. I’m • Ask pupils to complete the task. They must pay attention to who is talking, where they are looking and whether they1 23 are pointing to anyone. Go around the class, helping where necessary. Check answers orally. Both short form and long It’s young. He’s my friend. They’re aliens. form are acceptable answers.4 5 6 Thanks a lot!Expressions to learn! 9 Answers 4 It’s 1 I’m (given) 5 He’sB Circle. 2 We’re 6 They’re 3 She’s• Tell pupils that they must read each sentence and decidewhether it is true or false. They will find the answers in the Expressions to learn!presentation above.• Read the first sentence to the class and look at picture 1 • Play the audio and ask pupils to follow the words in theirin the presentation. The correct answer is Yes because in books. Play the audio again and encourage them to repeat:picture 1, Lily says: This is Matt, my brother. Thanks a lot!• Ask pupils to complete the task. Check answers orally. • Ask them to say the expression in two different ways: they can say the words as Fizz does (ironically) or in a normalAnswers tone of voice.1 Yes (given) Your pupils are now ready to complete Unit 1 Lesson2 Yes 1 of Fun with Fizz 2 Activity Book. Some of these tasks3 No could be given for homework. (The answer key for the4 Yes Activity Book is at the back of this book.)5 YesC Circle. Homework• Pupils must circle the correct adjective. Tell pupils that • Ask pupils to learn the words in the vocabulary strip onthey must look at each picture, read the sentence and page 9 of the Pupil’s Book for the appropriate adjective. • Ask pupils to copy the words and the picture from• Look at question 1 together and draw their attention to one of the pictures in the presentation on page 8. Theythe blue circle around handsome. Explain to the pupils that can choose their picture, but it would be useful if theywe use handsome for men and boys. We use beautiful for did not all choose the same one. Tell them that theirwomen, girls and objects. drawing does not have to be perfect.• Ask pupils to complete the task. Check answers orally.Answers 4 old1 handsome (given) 5 ugly2 young 6 beautiful3 strong 13

1 1 to be – present simple negativeLesson 2 I’m not happy! Lesson 2 I’m not happy. Vocabulary A Listen and read. Me, too! 2 Look! There are my cousins, Tom and Betty. They’re in thehot dirty I’m hot and dirty! sea. They aren’t hot.cold clean freezing good 1 happy bad New expressions Good idea!I’m freezing! It’s nice! It isn’t nice! I’m cold! It’s fun!Me, too! I’m not happy. 3 You’re happy, but I’m freezing! I’m very happy. Materials 4• picture of a cat Now you’re• picture of some new shoes clean, too! Aims But you’re clean. Oooh! You aren’t a good alien, Expressions t Buzz. You’re very bad!In this lesson pupils will B Circle.- learn some adjectives.- learn to be present simple negative. 1 Tom is / isn’t Matt’s cousin. 2 Tom and Betty are / aren’t in the sea. 3 Tom and Betty are / aren’t hot. 4 Buzz is / isn’t happy. 5 Buzz is / isn’t a good alien. 10 Checking homework Pre-teaching grammar • Give dictation from the previous lesson. • Write She’s and She isn’t on the board. Point to a girl in the • Ask pupils to show their drawings of the picture they class and say: She’s a girl. She isn’t a boy. Do the same for He’s chose from the presentation in Lesson 1 to the class and He isn’t. Encourage pupils to repeat after you. and read the words they have written. If everyone has • Show pupils the picture you have brought in of a cat. chosen a different picture, then pupils can read their Write It’s and It isn’t on the board. Say: It’s a cat. It isn’t a dog. work in the order of the presentation. Encourage pupils to repeat after you. • Write We’re and We aren’t on the board. Stand next toVocabulary strip the girls if you are a female teacher and say: We’re girls. We aren’t boys. Do the same with boys if you are a male• Introduce the new vocabulary (hot, cold, dirty, clean, freezing, teacher. Ask pupils to repeat after you.happy, good, bad) using the vocabulary strip on page 11. • Write You’re and You aren’t on the board. Point to all the• Point to the picture of hot and say: hot. Encourage pupils pupils in the class and say You’re good. You aren’t bad. Pointto repeat after you. Do the same with all the words. to one pupil and say the same.• Now mime some of the words you have introduced. Pretend • Show pupils the picture of the shoes you have broughtto be hot by mopping your forehead. Say: I’m hot. Mime that in. Write They’re and They aren’t on the board. Point to theyou are cold by rubbing your arms. Say: I’m cold. Explain that shoes and say: They’re clean. They aren’t dirty. Ask pupils tofreezing means very cold. Demonstrate this by exaggerating repeat after you.the movements for cold and say dramatically: I’m freezing. Give • Now write I’m and I’m not on the board. Point to yourself,a big smile to represent the word happy. Say: I’m happy. Throw shiver and rub your arms and say: I’m cold. I’m not hot. Aska pen on the floor and stamp your foot to demonstrate the pupils to make their own sentences using I’m and I’m not.word bad. Say: I’m bad. Put your hands together and smile todemonstrate the word good. Say: I’m good. A Listen and read.• Now mime the word hot and encourage the pupils to say:You’re hot. Do the same with the words for cold, freezing, • Play the audio and tell pupils to follow the words in thehappy, good and bad, encouraging pupils to choose the presentation.right adjective and say: You’re (adjective). • Play the audio again, stopping after each part and ask• If you have access to an interactive whiteboard (IWB), pupils to repeat.then you can either click on the vocabulary strip to activate • Put the pupils into groups of four and ask them to readthe vocabulary flashcards or you can click the flashcards the story with each pupil taking a different part.icon found on the opening page of the software. You canhide or reveal the word under each picture. By clicking B Circle.on the audio icon, you can hear the pronunciation of thevocabulary item. • Tell pupils that they must read the sentences. They must14

Unit 1 Look and cold dirty clean freezing happy good bad • Read the phrases in the box, encouraging pupils to repeat after you.C Write. • Write I’m …… happy on the board. Ask pupils to look at frame 3 on page 10 of the pupil’s book and to tell you hot cold freezing happy good bad clean dirty which word is missing from Buzz’s speech bubble (not). Ask a pupil to come up to the front and to write in the missing1 It’s cold . 1 2 3 word. Do the same with They …… hot from frame 2 and 7 6 You ……… a good alien from frame 4. Write Buzz …… a2 We’re freezing . 5 good alien on the board and elicit isn’t from the pupils. 83 I’m hot ! D Write ‘m not, isn’t or aren’t.4 They’re bad children. • Tell pupils that they must read the sentences and decide whether to use ‘m not, isn’t or aren’t in the gaps. Read5 You’re a good boy. 4 question 1 together and draw pupils’ attention to the word . isn’t in blue.6 She’s happy • Ask pupils to complete the task alone. Go around the class helping where necessary.7 They’re clean shoes. • Check answers orally.8 It’s a dirty car. Look and learn. isn’t = is not aren’t = are not I’m not he/she/it isn’t you/we/they aren’t It isn’t nice.D Write ‘m not, isn’t or aren’t. E Listen and circle.1 She isn’t strong. 1 I’m not / You aren’t happy. Answers2 We aren’t dirty. 2 He isn’t / She isn’t handsome. 1 isn’t (given)3 Matt isn’t 3 We aren’t / They aren’t beautiful. 2 aren’t 4 aren’t hot. 4 It isn’t / She isn’t ugly. 3 isn’t 5 ‘m not4 You aren’t a good girl. 5 You aren’t / We aren’t dirty. 6 aren’t5 I ’m not cold. 6 She isn’t cold / old.6 Grandma and Grandpa aren’t Me, too!young. I’m freezing!Expressions to learn! E Listen and circle. 11 • Tell pupils that they will hear some sentences and that they must circle the correct words in bold that they hear.decide which of the words in bold is correct depending on Do question 1 together and draw their attention to thethe story and circle them. blue circle around I’m not.• Look at question 1 together and draw their attention • Play the rest of the audio, stopping after each the blue circle around the word is. Ask pupils which Give pupils time to circle the correct words.sentence in picture 2 gives them the answer (There are my • Check answers orally.cousins, Tom and Betty.)• Ask pupils to complete the task alone. Go around the Answers 4 It isn’tclass helping where necessary. Remind pupils to use the 1 I’m not (given) 5 We aren’tstory to help them. 2 He isn’t 6 cold• Check answers orally. 3 They aren’t Answers Tapescript 4 It isn’t ugly. 1 is (given) 1 I’m not happy. 5 We aren’t dirty. 2 are 2 He isn’t handsome. 6 She isn’t cold. 3 aren’t 3 They aren’t beautiful. 4 isn’t 5 isn’t Expressions to learn!C Write. • Play the audio and ask pupils to follow the words in the book. Play the audio again and encourage them to repeat:• Tell pupils to look at question 1 and the corresponding I’m freezing! Me, too! Ask them to say the expression apicture 1 on the right. Draw their attention to the example number of times so that they become confident.word cold in blue which has been used to fill in the gap. • Mime that you are very cold. Say: I’m freezing! Encourage a• Ask pupils to complete the task alone using the words pupil to say: Me, too!from the word bank. Go around the class helping where Your pupils are now ready to complete Unit 1 Lesson 2necessary. of Fun with Fizz Activity Book 2. Some of the tasks could be given for homework.Answers 5 good1 cold (given) 6 happy Homework2 freezing 7 clean3 hot 8 dirty • Ask pupils to learn the words in the vocabulary strip on4 bad page 11 of the Pupil’s Book for dictation. 15

1 Is it a plane? 1 to be – present simple interrogative What’s this/that?Lesson 3 Lesson 3 What are these/those? Is it a plane? A Listen and sing. What’s that? Is it a bird? No, it isn’t. It’s a big white plane!Vocabulary What’s this? Is it a snake? No, it isn’t. It’s a long blue train!plane taxi bus (nice)train boat bike (new) What are these? Are they trees? No, they aren’t. They’re old black taxis! Materials What are those? Are they old? No, they aren’t. They’re new green boats!• photos/pictures: plane, train, taxi, boat, bus, bike• an old book and a new book What’s that? Is it a duck?• Pupils’ Fun with Fizz Test Books No, it isn’t. It’s a big red bus! What’s this? Is it white? Yes, it is. It’s my nice new bike! Aims B Write.In this lesson, pupils will 1 It’s big and white.- learn vocabulary for transport. It’s a plane.- learn to be present simple interrogative- Practise What’s this/that? and What are these/those? 2 It’s long and blue. It’s a train. Checking homework 4 They’re new and green. 3 They’re old and black. They’re boats. • Give dictation from the previous lesson. They’re taxis. 5 It’s big and red.Vocabulary strip 12 It’s a bus.• Introduce the new vocabulary (plane, train, taxi, boat, bus, bike) 6 It’s nice and new.using the vocabulary strip on page 13 of the Pupil’s Book. It’s a bike.• Ask pupils to look at the vocabulary strip. Point to thepicture of a plane and say: It’s a plane. Ask pupils to repeat encourage them to say: Yes, they are. Write the answer onafter you. Do the same for all the words in the strip. the board. Hold up the pictures again and ask the pupils:• Hold up the photo of a plane that you have brought in and Are they small? and encourage them to say: No, they aren’t.encourage the pupils to say: It’s a plane. Do the same for all the Write the answer on the board.other pictures/photos of transport that you have brought in. • Hold up a pen and say: What’s this? Encourage pupils toRepeat until pupils are familiar with the new words. reply: It’s a pen. Hold up two pens and say: What are these? Encourage them to reply: They’re pens.Pre-teaching grammar • Put a pen on the desk and walk away from it. Point to the pen and say: What’s that? Now put two pens on the desk.• Stick the photo/picture of a train on the board. Write It Walk away from the desk and point to the pens, saying:is a train under it. Then write Is it a train? under the first What are those? Remind pupils: we use this and these whensentence. Show how the first two words are swapped we are close to what we are talking about. We use that andto make the question. Then write Yes, it is. and No, it isn’t. those when we are far from what we are talking about.under the question. Point to the train and ask the pupils Isit a train? Wait for them to answer: Yes, it is. Ask them: Is it a A Listen and sing.plane? Encourage them to answer: No, it isn’t.• Write Is he …? and Is she …? on the board. Point to a boy • Play the song and tell pupils to follow the words in theirand ask: Is he a boy? and encourage pupils to reply: Yes, he book. Draw pupils’ attention to the pictures around theis. Write the answer on the board. Do the same for a girl. song. Say: Plane and ask pupils to point to the picture ofPoint to a boy and say: Is he old? and encourage pupils to the plane. Do the same for train, taxis, boats, bus and bike.reply: No, he isn’t. Write the answer on the board. Do the • Write old, new and nice on the board. Hold up the oldsame with a girl. Write: No, she isn’t on the board. book you have brought in and say: This is old. Hold up the• Write You are happy on the board. Ask pupils to make the new book and say: This is new. Then hold the new book andquestion form. Write Are you happy? under the sentence. say: This is nice. and smile and nod your head. Then holdThen write: Yes, we are. and No, we aren’t. on the board. Ask up the old book, shake your head and say: This isn’t nice. It’sthe pupils Are you happy? and encourage them to reply old. Hold up the new book and say: This is a nice new book.using one of the answers you have written on the board. • Play the song again, stopping just before the key words• Write Yes, I am. / No, I’m not. on the board. Ask a pupil: Are you (plane, train, taxis, boats, bus and bike) and encourage thehappy? They can answer with one of the replies from the board. pupils to say the word.• Hold up the pictures of the bus and the plane. Write Are • Play the song again, without stopping this time.they big? on the board. Ask the pupils: Are they big? and • Play the song again and encourage the pupils to sing along.16 B Write. • Each sentence in this task describes a mode of transport featured in the song. Pupils must read each sentence and

Unit 1 Look and learn.plane train taxi boat bus bike • Read the questions and short answers in the box. Ask pupils to repeat after you. If necessary, practise theC Write and match. a d questions and short answers again, using the method b e given in Pre-teaching grammar above.1 _b_ o a _t_ b 4 _t_ a x _i_ a c f2 b _u_ _s_ d 5 _b_ _i_ k e c D Write.3 _p_ l a _n_ e__ f 6 t _r_ a _i_ _n_ e • Tell pupils that they must read the questions and shortLook and learn. answers and complete them. They must decide whether to use Am, Are, Is to complete the questions, and whether to useAm I …? Yes, you are. D Write. am, ‘m not, is, isn’t, are, aren’t to complete the short answers. No, you aren’t. • Look at question 1 together and draw pupils’ attention to 1 Is the plane very big? the words Is and is in blue. Ask them to look at question 2Are you …? Yes, I am/we are. and say what they will write. Encourage them to say: Are No, I’m not/we aren’t. Yes, it is . you strong? and No, I’m not. • Ask pupils to complete the task alone. Tell them that theyIs he/she/it …? Yes, he/she/it is. 2 Are you strong? can use the grammar box to help them. Go around the No, he/she/it isn’t. class helping where necessary. Check answers orally. No, I ’m not .Are we …? Yes, you/we are. 3 Are you in a taxi? No, you/we aren’t. No, we aren’t .Are they …? Yes, they are. 4 Are your cousins cold? No, they aren’t. No, they aren’t . 5 Is your sister happy?Look and learn. Yes, she is . Answers 1 Is, is (given)What’s this? 6 Is Tom dirty? 2 Are, ‘m notWhat’s that? 3 Are, aren’t What are these? No, he isn’t . 4 Are, aren’t What are those? 5 Is, is 6 Is, isn’tE Ask and answer. Number 1. What’s this? It’s a train. 12 3 Number 2. They’re boats. 45 6 What are those? Look and learn. 13 Read the questions in the box. Ask pupils to tell you whichlook back at the song to find the answer. Look at question questions we use for things that are far away (What’s that?,1 together and draw pupils’ attention to the sentence (It’s What are those?). Ask them to tell you which questions webig and white.) and the answer in blue (It’s a plane.) Refer use for things that are close (What’s this?, What are these?)back to the words in the second line of the song (It’s a bigwhite plane!) which gives the answer. E Ask and answer.• Ask pupils to look at question 2. Ask them to find the relevantwords in the song above. (In the fourth line – It’s a long blue • Ask pupils to look at picture 1 of a train. Read thetrain!) Encourage them to write the answer: It’s a train. question and answer in the speech bubbles (Number 1.• Ask pupils to complete the task alone. Remind them that What’s this? It’s a train.)they should read the song to help them find the answers. • • Ask pupils to look at picture 2 of some boats and the handCheck answers orally. pointing to them to show that they are far away. Read the question and answer in the speech bubbles (Number 2.Answers 4 They’re boats. What are those? They’re boats.)1 It’s a plane. (given) 5 It’s a bus. • Tell pupils to ask and answer questions about the pictures in2 It’s a train. 6 It’s a bike. pairs. Tell them that they can take turns asking and answering.3 They’re taxis. • Check answers orally.C Write and match. Answers 1 What’s this? It’s a train. (given)• Tell pupils that they must look at the gapped words 1-6 2 What are those? They’re boats. (given)and the pictures a-f on the right. They must fill in the gaps 3 What are these? They’re bikes.and match the words to the pictures. 4 What’s that? It’s a bus.• Look at question 1 together. Draw attention to the blue 5 What’s this? It’s a taxi.letters in the gaps and the b in the box referring to picture 6 What’s that? It’s a plane.b of a boat.• Ask pupils to complete the task alone. Go around the Your pupils are now ready to complete Unit 1 Lessonclass helping where necessary. 3 of Fun with Fizz 2 Activity Book. Some of these tasks• Check answers orally. could be given for homework. You may do Test 1 for Unit 1 in class.Answers 4 taxi a1 boat b 5 bike c Homework2 bus d 6 train e3 plane f • Ask pupils to learn the words in the vocabulary strip on page 13 of the Pupil’s Book for dictation. • Ask pupils to copy the first and third verses of the song on page 12 on to a piece of paper and to draw pictures of a plane, a train, a bus and a bike to decorate the page. 17

1 Units 1-3 1 Units 1-3Review Review 1 Aims A Match. buy 6 7 chaseIn this lesson, pupils will revise the vocabulary and 2 10 8grammar that they learnt in Units 1-3. cry 3 drive C Match. 9 Checking homework fall Ha ha! 4 laugh 1 young• Give dictation from the previous lesson. 5 ride 2 ugly a handsome• Check that pupils have completed their copy work shout  3 hot b clean(and accompanying picture if they wanted to draw one). smile  4 dirty c happy throw 5 sad d good 6 bad e old B Write. f cold boat rabbit bike bus frog 3 parrot train plane dragon horse 6Here is a summary of the vocabulary and grammar that boat rabbitpupils have learnt in Units 1-3.- some vocabulary related to transport, everyday bike frogtechnological devices, parts of the body, pets, toys, story bus parrotwords, some adjectives, some verbs train dragon- to be – present simple (affirmative, negative, interrogative) plane horse- have got (affirmative, negative, interrogative)- Present continuous (affirmative, negative, interrogative) D Write.- What’s this/that? and What are these/those?- Whose … is it? is isn’t isn’t are aren’t ’m not 1 2- What am/is/are … -ing? 4 5• Tell pupils that a review is not a test. Remind them that 1 This balloon isn’t blue.they can look back at all the lessons in Units 1-3 to helpthem. 2 My kite is red.A Match. 3 His hands aren’t clean.• Tell pupils that they must look at the pictures 1-8 and 4 These parrots are green.decide which of the words in the centre goes with eachpicture. Look at picture 1 together and draw pupils’ 5 She isn’t sad.attention to the blue line leading to the word cry.• Ask pupils to complete the task alone. Go around the class 6 I ’m not old. I’m young.helping where necessary.• Check answers orally. 26 Answers Second column First column rabbit (given) boat (given) frog bike parrot bus dragon train horse planeAnswers 6 smile C Match.1 cry (given) 7 ride2 buy 8 shout • Tell pupils that they have to match the words 1-8 on the3 throw 9 laugh left with their opposites a-f on the right.4 fall 10 chase • Look at question 1 together. Point out that the blue line5 drive leads from 1 to e because young is the opposite of old. • Tell pupils to complete the task alone. Check answers orally. Answers 3 f 5 c 1 e 4 b 6 d 2 a D Write.B Write. • Tell pupils that they must look at the sentences 1-6 on the left and at the corresponding pictures on the right. They• Tell pupils that they must write the words in the word must complete the sentences with words from the wordbank in the two columns below. One column is for bank according to what they see in the pictures.transport (represented by a boat shadow) and the other is • Look at question 1 together. Tell pupils to look at sentencefor animals (represented by a rabbit shadow). 1 and then at picture 1. The answer in blue is isn’t because• Ask them which column the word bike would go into (the the balloon is yellow, not blue.first one because it’s a type of transport). • Ask pupils to complete the task alone. Check answers• Tell pupils to complete the task alone. Check answers orally.orally.30

E Circle. 4 Lily hasn’t got / haven’t got a rabbit. G Write. 5 I has got / have got a bike. 1 He has got / have got a camera. 6 You hasn’t got / haven’t got a horse. • Tell the pupils that in this task they must complete 2 Fizz and Buzz has got / have got big ears. the sentences with the verbs in brackets in the present 3 We haven’t got / hasn’t got a CD player. continuous. They must look carefully at the end of each sentence to see whether the missing words should beF Circle and write. affirmative (✔) or negative (✘). • Look at question 1 together. There is a tick at the end of1 Has / Have he got a brother? Yes, he has . the sentence, so carry becomes ‘s carrying. • Ask pupils to complete the task alone. Go around the2 Has / Have the rabbit got long ears? Yes, it has . class helping where necessary. Check answers orally. .3 Has / Have the girls got a jigsaw? No, they haven’t .4 Has / Have you got a telephone? Yes, I have5 Has / Have Tina got a yoyo? No, she hasn’t .G Write.1 She ‘s carrying (carry) the baby. ✔ Answers 1 ’s carrying2 They ’re buying (buy) apples today. ✔ 2 ’re buying 3 isn’t crying3 The child isn’t crying (cry). ✘ 4 aren’t playing 5 ’re driving4 The boys aren’t playing (play) football. ✘ 6 ’s smiling5 We ’re driving (drive) to the shops. ✔6 Ben ’s smiling (smile). ✔H Write. you eating (eat) a banana? Yes, I am . H Write. 1 Are Lily shouting (shout)? No, she isn’t . • Tell pupils that they must complete the questions and 2 Is short answers. They must complete each question with the 3 Is John talking (talk) to Sally? Yes, she is . word in brackets and the present continuous. 4 Is • Look at question 1 together and draw their attention to 5 Are the cat chasing (chase) the mouse? No, it isn’t . the word eat in brackets and the word you. The answer 6 Am . must be Are (you) eating. The answer starts with the word the boys listening (listen) to the radio? Yes, they are Yes, so the answer is affirmative (I am). • Look at question 2 together. Ask pupils what they are going I sitting (sit) in your chair? No, you aren’t . to put at the beginning of the question. Elicit the answer Is. Ask them to complete question 2 and the rest of the task alone.I Write. 1 2 3 • Go around the class helping where necessary. Check 4 5 answers orally. 1 Whose parrot is it? (Dad) It’s Dad’s parrot. 2 Whose camera is it? (Lily) It’s Lily’s camera. 3 Whose kite is it? (Matt) It’s Matt’s kite. 4 Whose boat is it? (Fizz) It’s Fizz’s boat. 5 Whose telephone is it? (Mum) It’s Mum’s telephone. 27Answers Answers1 isn’t (given) 1 Are, eating, I am (given) 4 Is, chasing, it isn’t2 is 3 aren’t 5 isn’t 2 Is, shouting, she isn’t 5 Are, listening, they are 4 are 6 ’m not 3 Is, talking, he is 6 Am, sitting, aren’tE Circle. I Write.• Tell pupils that they must read the sentences and decide • Tell pupils that they must write the answers to thewhich words in bold they should circle. Look at question 1 questions using the words in brackets and the relevanttogether and ask the pupils why has got is circled (Because pictures on the right.the subject of the sentence is He). • Look at question 1 together. The word in brackets is Dad• Ask pupils to complete the task alone. Check answers orally. and in picture 1 Dad has got a parrot, so the answer is It’s Dad’s parrot. Remind pupils that they only have to add ’s toAnswers 4 hasn’t got the end of a name to show possession.1 has got (given) 5 have got • Tell pupils to complete the task alone. Go around the class2 have got 6 haven’t got helping where necessary. Check answers orally.3 haven’t got AnswersF Circle and write. 1 It’s Dad’s parrot. (given) 2 It’s Lily’s camera.• Tell pupils that they must circle the correct word at 3 It’s Matt’s kite.the beginning of each question and complete the short 4 It’s Fizz’s boat.answers in reply. 5 It’s Mum’s telephone.• Look at question 1 together. Has is circled because thesubject is he and he has is written in the space as it is an Your pupils are now ready to complete Review 1 (Unitsaffirmative short reply. 1-3) of Fun with Fizz Activity Book 1. Some of these tasks• Ask pupils to complete the task alone. Go around the could be given for homework.class helping where necessary. Check answers orally. HomeworkAnswers 4 Have, have1 Has, he has (given) 5 Has, she hasn’t • Pupils should revise Units 1-3 for Section Test A.2 Has, it has3 Have, they haven’t 31

Writing 1 Writing 1 Materials A Read. My familyFun with Fizz Test Books for each pupil to write Test A. This is my family. My mum is beautiful. She has got green eyes and Aims blonde hair. My dad is handsome. He has got blue eyes and brown hair. He is tall. I’ve got a sister, too. Her name is Emily. She is young. She isIn this lesson, pupils will five and she has got lots of toys. I haven’t got a brother. We have got a- complete Test A (Units 1-3) in their Test Book. pet. It’s a cat. It is grey. It’s got orange eyes and a long tail. I’ve got a- learn how to write about their family. grandma and a grandpa, too. They are old and they are happy. Test 28• Hand out pupils’Test Books. Tell them not to speak A Read.during the test. Remind them to raise their hands if theyhave a question. Allow plenty of time for everyone to • Explain that this text is a piece of writing written by thefinish before collecting the books. Answers for the test boy in the photograph describing his family. Play the audiocan be found on page 125. or read the text to the pupils. • Point out to the pupils the way in which the boy describes Writing his family. He uses adjectives like beautiful, handsome, young, old and happy. He describes what they look like:The writing sections in the Pupil’s Book appear after green eyes, blue eyes, blonde hair, etc. He uses has/have goteach Review. Each writing section incorporates the and hasn’t/haven’t got.grammar and vocabulary that the pupils have already • Read the text or play the audio again.encountered. In each writing section, there are alwaysthree tasks:• a model text which pupils have to read as an exampleof how to write about a particular topic,• a gap-filling exercise to guide them into using usefulstructures and vocabulary in a writing task,• and the final writing task where they have to use whatthey have learnt to construct their own piece of writing.The intention is that pupils are shown an example ofa writing text, they are shown how to create a similarpiece of writing, and finally they are able to create theirown piece of writing.32

B Circle and write. Pupils’ own answers C Write about your family.I’ve got a big / small family. • Tell pupils that they are now ready to write about their family. They can either write in their Pupil’s Book on theMy mum has got eyes and hair. lines or, if they need more space, they can write on a hair. separate piece of paper.My dad has got eyes and • Remind pupils that they can look back at the model text , too. in A and at exercise B for ideas.He is . • If there is not enough time, pupils can complete their writing for homework. You could tell the pupils that, if theyI have / haven’t got a brother / sister. would like to, they can stick a photograph of their family under their writing if they are using a separate piece ofWe have / haven’t got a pet. paper. The photograph should be optional.I’ve got a and a HomeworkC Write about your family. • Ask pupils to complete their piece of writing about their family if they have not already done so. My family • Tell pupils to look back at Units 1-3 of their Pupil’s Book Pupils’ own answers for any grammar points or vocabulary that they might have found difficult in the test they completed at the beginning of the lesson. 29B Circle and write.• Tell pupils that are going to use this text to start todescribe their own family. They must do two differentthings in this task. They must choose the relevant words inbold and circle them. They must also fill in the gaps in thesentences. There are no wrong or right answers in this taskbecause they should be the pupils’ own answers.• Ask pupils to complete the task alone. Go around theclass helping where necessary.• Note that in the final line, pupils can fill the gaps with, forexample, grandma, grandpa, uncle, aunt, etc (although theyshould change the a to an if they choose the latter).• When pupils have finished, ask them to read theircomplete text out loud to the class. 33

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