Contents Student’s Book Contents__________________________________ 4 Introduction to English Download__________________________ 6 Unit 1____________________________________________________ 8 Unit 2___________________________________________________17 Progress Review 1 27 Unit 3___________________________________________________30 Unit 4___________________________________________________40 Progress Review 2 50 Unit 5___________________________________________________53 Unit 6___________________________________________________64 Progress Review 3 74 Unit 7___________________________________________________77 Unit 8___________________________________________________87 Progress Review 4 97 Unit 9_________________________________________________ 100 Unit 10_________________________________________________110 Progress Review 5 120 Unit 11________________________________________________ 123 Unit 12________________________________________________ 133 Progress Review 6 144 Student’s Book Recording Script________________________ 147 Extra Tasks For Early Finishers_________________________ 155 Extra Tasks For Early Finishers Key_____________________ 167 Workbook Key_________________________________________ 169 Workbook Recording Script____________________________ 179 Test Book Key_________________________________________ 186 Test Book Recording Script_____________________________ 192
1 All ChangeUnit planReading: multiple choice, finding evidence in the text and not relying on personal beliefs or experienceVocabulary: w ords related to change, prepositions, collocations & expressions, commonly confused wordsGrammar: present tenses, past tenses, used to & wouldListening: note taking, identifying and understanding paraphrasingSpeaking: discussion and decision making, talking about change, especially relocating, asking for someone’s opinion, commenting on it and expressing reservationsWriting: essay, understanding content and style, using formal, impersonal languageUnit Opener (SB page 5) Let’s talk about it!• Ask students to look at the picture and tell you whatthey can see (a business meeting / board meeting, DVD 1presumably to discuss falling profits and sales – as The DVD activity is optional and can be done if timeevidenced by the wall charts). permits. The videos can be accessed by teachers from• Ask them what they think the caption means in the the IWB software, and students can access them fromparticular context (Something needs to happen to their e-book. There is a DVD question in the Student’schange the current situation in which the company is Book at the bottom of the opening page in eachlosing money, and the woman suggests they make unit. Don’t worry if your students don’t understandno attempt to change, but rather wait for something everything they hear on the video. They will be able tobeyond their control to happen and save the grasp the gist of the content.situation.). Summary of DVD 1: The video is titled ‘Animal• Ask students what the caption indicates about the Adaptations’. It is a digital story that explainswoman’s attitude (She is in denial about the situation. how certain animals have physical and behaviour/ She has her head in the sand.). adaptations that help them survive in their specific• Ask students to read the instructions and check that habitats.they understand what they have to do.• Ask individual students to read out the quotations DVD link: change to the class and explain anything they watch?v=fRX2JtKFUzkdon’t understand.• Students can discuss in pairs before completing thetask.• After you have checked answers, ask them whichof the quotations is closest to their own views onchange. TOP TIP Make sure you take advantage of interesting topics to generate discussion in your class. Students can discuss in pairs, groups or as a class. The topic of this unit (change) is one that students will probably have a lot to say about as they prepare for new stages in their lives.8
Reading (SB pages 6-7)1• Ask students to read the instructions and check thatthey understand what they have to do.• Students work in pairs to complete the task.• Check answers as a class.2 Ask students to think of examples of cultural• Ask students to read the instructions and check that learning that they have been taught. Monitor andthey understand what they have to do. help with vocabulary and grammar if necessary.• Ask students to read the words and explain anything When students are ready, they can share theirthey don’t understand. examples with the rest of the class.• Explain to students that they do not need to read indetail at this stage as they will have the opportunity todo so later.• Students work individually to label the pictures.• They then compare their answers in pairs beforediscussing as a class.DOWNLOAD 4• Point out the Download box next to the • Ask students to read the instructions and check thatcomprehension questions to the students and tell them they understand what they have to do.that these boxes appear throughout the book to give • Ask students to read the words in the orange boxadvice about how to approach the tasks. and the sentences, and explain anything they don’t• Ask students to read the information in Download. understand.• Choose a student to explain the tip in his/her own • Check pronunciation by saying each of the wordswords. to the students and asking them to repeat after you.• Explain to students that when dealing with multiple- Correct where necessary.choice questions, they need to answer the questions • Elicit that all of the words are verbs.based on the evidence in the text and the writer’s • Ask students to work in pairs before checkingopinion and beliefs, not their own. answers as a class.3 5• Ask students to read the instructions and check that • Ask students to read the instructions and check thatthey understand what they have to do. they understand what they have to do.• Ask students to read the questions and explain • Ask students to consider terrain, climate andanything they don’t understand. predators as they discuss the different environments in• Encourage students to use the tip from the Download pairs or small when doing the task and to look for evidence in • Monitor and help with vocabulary and grammar ifthe text rather than relying on their own beliefs or necessary.experiences to answer the questions. • Make a note of any mistakes to go over with the class• Students work individually to choose the best afterwards.answers. • When they are ready, ask individual students to tell• They then check their answers in pairs before the class about some of the environmental adaptations.checking as a class. UNIT 1 9
• Check pronunciation by saying each of the words in orange to the students and asking them to repeat after you. Correct where necessary. • Students work individually to circle the correct words. Check these answers before students complete the second part of the task – writing their own sentences. • Once students have written their sentences, they may read some of them out to the rest of the class.a-z Vocabulary 1 (SB page 8) 4 • Ask students to read the instructions and check that they1 understand what they have to do. Elicit that they must use• Ask students to read the instructions and check that the same verb in each group of three sentences, and thatthey understand what they have to do. the same verb will have different meanings.• Ask students to read the words in the orange box and the • Remind them to write the verbs in the correct form.sentences, and explain anything they don’t understand. • Ask students to read the words in the orange box and the• Check pronunciation by saying each of the words sentences, and explain anything they don’t the students and asking them to repeat after you. • Ask students to work in pairs before checkingCorrect where necessary. answers as a class.• Elicit that all of the words are verbs.• Ask students to work in pairs before checkinganswers as a class.2• Ask students to read the instructions and check thatthey understand what they have to do.• Elicit that they need to write the noun forms of the verbsfrom 1, and then use them in their own example sentences.• Students work individually to complete the task,but check the noun forms before they move on to thesecond part of the task.• Ask individual students to read out their sentences. 3 • Ask students to read the instructions and check that they understand what they have to do. • Ask students to read the sentences and explain anything they don’t understand. Elicit that the words in orange are all derivative forms (verbs, nouns, adjectives) of the words in 1.10
Ask students to write their own sentences using a 3 derivative form of a word from 1 and a word with • Ask students to read the instructions and check that a particular meaning from 4 (eg The adjustment they understand what they have to do. to life at college was more difficult than Tom had • Ask students to read the sentences and to underline expected, but he managed to settle down within a any words or clues that will help them choose the few weeks.). correct tense. • Encourage students to look back at the examples inExtra Task (for early finishers) the grammar theory to help them.See photocopiable material on page 155. • Students work individually to complete the sentences. • They then check their answers in pairs before Grammar 1 (SB page 9) checking as a class.Before you read the Grammar box Ask students to write their own gapped sentences• Revise the different forms (affirmative, negative, requiring either the present simple, presentquestion) and the short answers of the present simple, continuous, present perfect simple or present perfectpresent continuous, present perfect simple and present continuous. Refer them to the grammar theory ifperfect continuous with the class. Then elicit some they need help. When students are ready, they mayadverbs of frequency and time expressions that are swap with a partner to complete their sentences.used with each tense.• Remind students that stative verbs describe states, not Extra Task (for early finishers)actions, and that the most common stative verbs are used See photocopiable material on page describe senses, thinking, emotion and possession.• Elicit that stative verbs cannot be used in continuousforms.• Remind students that some verbs can be both stativeand action verbs, depending on their meaning.• Elicit that the present perfect simple is used to focuson the result of a completed action or how many timessomething has happened, but the present perfectcontinuous is used to focus on the action itself or howlong something has been happening. Point out/Elicit thatit is unimportant whether the action has finished or not.1• Ask students to read the instructions and check thatthey understand what they have to do.• Check answers as a class. a-z Vocabulary 2 (SB page 10)Read 1.1-1.6 of the Grammar Reference on pages 161- 1162 with your students. • Ask students to read the instructions and check that they understand what they have to do.2 • Ask students to read the text and explain anything• Ask students to read the instructions and check that they don’t understand. Tell students to pay attention tothey understand what they have to do. the words before and after the gaps in order to work• Ask students to read the sentences and explain out which preposition to use.anything they don’t understand. • Students work individually to complete the task.• Ask students to look at the first sentence and elicit • They then check their answers in pairs beforewhat clues will help them to choose the correct tense checking as a class.(since three o’clock) and elicit that they will need thepresent perfect continuous here. 2• Ask students to read the rest of the sentences • Ask students to read the instructions and checkcarefully and to underline any time expressions or that they understand what they have to do. Elicit thatother clues in the sentences that will help them to there are two parts to the task. First, students mustchoose the correct tense. complete the expressions in the sentences and then• Encourage students to look back at the examples in they have to work out what the expressions mean.the grammar theory to help them.• Students work individually to complete the task. UNIT 1 11• They then check their answers in pairs beforechecking as a class.
• Ask students to read the words in the orange box and the Extra Task (for early finishers)sentences, and explain anything they don’t understand. See photocopiable material on page 155.• Students work individually to complete the sentences.• They then check their answers in pairs before Grammar 2 (SB page 11)checking as a class.• Students work in pairs to work out what the Before you read the Grammar boxexpressions mean. • Revise the different forms (affirmative, negative,• They then check their answers as a class. question) and the short answers of the past simple, past continuous, past perfect simple and past perfect continuous with the class. Then elicit some time expressions that are used with each tense. • Explain/Elicit that the past simple is used to talk about a completed action that happened at a specific time in the past and that the present perfect simple is used to talk about something that happened at an unspecified time in the past or that is still relevant to the present. • Explain/Elicit that the past perfect simple tense is used to talk about an action or situation that finished before a particular time in the past, and the past perfect continuous tense is used to talk about an action that happened before another action in the past when we want to emphasise how long it had been happening. Elicit, too, that the past perfect tenses are used to talk about actions that happened before other actions in the past. • Revise the different forms of used to and would (affirmative, negative, question) and short answers for these structures with the class.3 1• Ask students to read the instructions and check that • Ask students to read the instructions and check thatthey understand what they have to do. Elicit that there they understand what they have to do.are words which are commonly confused because they • Ask students to read the sentences and explainlook similar or have similar meanings. anything they don’t understand.• Ask students to read the words in bold and the • Students work individually to complete the task.sentences, and explain anything they don’t understand. • They then check their answers in pairs before• Check pronunciation by saying each of the words in checking as a class.bold to the students and asking them to repeat afteryou. Correct where necessary. 2• Remind them to write the words in the correct form. • Ask students to read the instructions and check that• Students work individually to complete the task. they understand what they have to do.• They then check their answers in pairs before • Students work individually to complete the task.checking as a class. • They then check their answers in pairs before checking as a class. Students work in pairs. Write the following words Read 1.7-1.14 of the Grammar Reference on pages and the expressions on the board, and ask students 162-164 with your students. to write down the preposition or the word they are completed with. Do not write the word in bold as 3 it is the answer. Tell students that for some of the • Ask students to read the instructions and check that items, there can be more than one answer, but they they understand what they have to do. only need to come up with one. At the end, check • Ask students to read the sentences and explain answers and declare a winning pair. (known as, anything they don’t understand. based on, capable of, keep out, adapt to, depend • Remind them to use between three and six words to on, suffer from, a change of scenery/heart/pace, complete the gapped sentences. change the subject, change your ways/mind, • Encourage students to look back at the examples in change hands, change places with, for a change). the grammar theory to help them.12
• Students work individually to complete the task.• They then check their answers in pairs beforechecking as a class. Ask students to write a short paragraph about a DOWNLOAD change they experienced in the past, for example, • Ask students to read the information in Download. starting at a new school, going to university, getting • Choose a student to explain the tip in his/her own words. their first job, moving to a new home, etc. Tell them • Remind students that the statements they read will they must use the past tenses, used to and would. paraphrase what the speaker says, but the meaning Monitor and help with vocabulary if necessary. will not change. Point out that the words they need to Encourage students to look back at the examples in write will usually be words that they hear. the grammar theory to help them. When students are ready, ask them to read out their paragraphs. 3 • Ask students to read the instructions and check thatExtra Task (for early finishers) they understand what they have to do.See photocopiable material on page 155. • Ask students to read the sentences and explain anything they don’t understand. Encourage students to Listening (SB page 12) listen for the words before and after the gaps. • Tell/Remind students that their answers must be1 short, no more than three words at most.• Ask students to read the instructions and check that • Play the recording and ask students to write theirthey understand what they have to do. Elicit that they answers. Then ask students to discuss their answers withmust circle the option that is closest in meaning to the a partner and to justify any answers that are different.words in bold. • Play the recording again if necessary, and check• Ask students to read the sentences and the options, answers as a class.and explain anything they don’t understand.• Students work individually to complete the task.• They then check their answers in pairs beforechecking as a class.2 See the recording script on page 147.• Ask students to read the instructions and check thatthey understand what they have to do. Speaking (SB page 13)• Ask students to read the sentences and explainanything they don’t understand. 1• Encourage students to work out the meaning of • Ask students to read the three questions and answerunknown words by looking at how they are used in any queries they may have about them.context. • Students work in pairs to ask and answer the questions.• Tell students their answers must be grammaticallycorrect and must not change the meaning of the sentence. UNIT 1 13• Students work in pairs to complete the task beforechecking answers as a class.
• Monitor and help with vocabulary, but do not • Students work in pairs to do the task.interrupt fluency. Make a note of any mistakes to go • Monitor and help with vocabulary, but do notover with the class afterwards. interrupt fluency. Make a note of any mistakes to go• Ask each pair to ask and answer one of the questions and over with the class afterwards.continue around the class until each pair has had a turn. • Ask one pair to demonstrate the task in front of the class.• Deal with any language mistakes and pronunciation • Time permitting, repeat until all pairs have had a turn.problems that come up. TOP TIP 4 • Ask students to read the questions and explainTime permitting, these pair-work tasks can be anything they don’t understand.extended into a whole class discussion. In this • Students work in pairs to ask and answer the questions.unit, the questions about change, countries, • Monitor and help with vocabulary, but do notcultures and language can be discussed as a class. interrupt fluency. Make a note of any mistakes to goAlternatively, students can be asked to report back over with the class the class what their partner said, in which case • Time permitting, you may want to discuss thethey should be encouraged to take brief notes. questions more extensively as a class.DOWNLOAD Writing (SB pages 14-15)• Ask students to read the information in Download.• Choose a student to explain the tip in his/her own words. Essay: Understanding context and style• Stress that when doing a collaborative task, they will • Ask students to read the information on essays andneed to give their opinion and ask their partner for understanding content and style carefully.theirs. They may agree, disagree, or partly agree with • Explain to students that underlining the importanttheir partner and express reservations. Remind them information in the task will help them to fullynot to monopolise the discussion and to be mindful of understand it and help them to stay on topic as theysharing the time equally by asking for their partner’s write, and will also provide them with a quick way toopinion, listening carefully to their response and then refer back to the question while planning and writing incommenting on it. order to ensure they have covered every point of the task and followed every instruction.2• Go through the Language Bank with the students and 1make sure they understand how to ask for an opinion, • Ask students to read the instructions and check thatcomment on an opinion and express reservations about it. they understand what they have to do.• Ask students to read the instructions and check that • Elicit that there are two parts to the task. First,they understand what they have to do. Spend some they must answer the questions by underlining theirtime explaining that they must discuss a change in answers in the essay task. Then they must completebehaviour of a fictional third party. Elicit that Student the task summary.A will ask for Student B’s opinion on this matter, • Ask students to read the writing task and answer anycomment on it and express some reservations. queries they might have about it.• Students work in pairs to do the task. • Students work individually to complete the task.• Monitor and help with vocabulary, but do not • Check answers as a class.interrupt fluency. Make a note of any mistakes to goover with the class afterwards.• Students then swap roles and develop anotherconversation.• Ask one pair to demonstrate the task in front of the class.• Time permitting, repeat until all pairs have had a turn. 3 • Ask students to read the instructions and check that they understand what they have to do. Spend some time explaining that they must discuss all of the aspects within the context of the task (What are the positive and negative changes associated with relocating for business purposes for a few years?) and that they are not being asked to decide which aspects are positive and which are negative. Elicit that there is a second part to the task which requires them to reach a decision about the two aspects that play the most important role in a relocation being successful or not. Point out that there are no right or wrong answers, and that they only need to justify what they say.14
2 Students work individually to write the introduction• Ask students to read the instructions and check that to their essay. Refer them back to 2 for an examplethey understand what they have to do. of a good opening paragraph. Monitor and help with• Elicit that they must choose the most suitable vocabulary and grammar if necessary. Make a notealternatives in the introduction written in answer to the of any mistakes to go over with the class afterwards.writing task in 1, based on the correct objective style.• Students work individually to complete the task.• Check answers as a class.3 LANGUAGE BANK• Ask students to read the instructions and check that • Quickly go through the words and phrases in thethey understand what they have to do. Language Bank again.• Ask students to read the rest of the essay written in • Explain that students can use words and phrasesanswer to the writing task in 1 and the questions, and from the Language Bank as well as their own phrasesexplain anything they don’t understand. in their essays. Point out that they can use the items in• Students work individually to complete the task. the ‘In context’ section in their essays as well.• They then check their answers in pairs before • Make sure students know how to use the functionalchecking as a class. language (Introducing points and Making points in general terms) by asking them to give you example4 sentences using the phrases.• Ask students to read the instructions and check that theyunderstand what they have to do. Elicit that they must 6rewrite the opinions in a more formal, impersonal way. • Read the task out to students again.• Draw students’ attention to the Language Bank. • Remind them to discuss the pros and cons of eachGo through the words and phrases and explain any choice before deciding on the most helpful choice.unknown words. Pay particular attention to the sections • Go over the Plan with the students again.on ‘Introducing points’ and ‘Making points in general • Assign the writing task for homework.terms’ as they will need these to complete the task.• Ask students to read the opinions and explain DOWNLOADanything they don’t understand. • Read out the information in the Download box.• Students work individually to complete the task. • Choose a student to explain the tips in his/her own words.• Check answers as a class. • Tell students this box acts as a reminder for what they have to do when they write their essay. • Remind them to look back at 1 and 5 to see what information is considered important and should be underlined.5 Reload 1 (SB page 16)• Ask students to read the instructions and check thatthey understand what they have to do. Elicit that there Objectivesare three parts to the task. First, they need to underline • To revise vocabulary and grammar from Unit 1.the important information as they did in 1. Then theyshould decide which options they will discuss and Revisionfinally they need to copy the plan into their notebooks • Explain to students that there will be a review at theand complete it with notes for their essay. Check the end of each unit in English Download. Tell them thatanswers to the first part of the task before continuing. Reload 1 revises the material they saw in Unit 1.• Go over the Plan with the students. • Explain to students that they can ask you for help• Students work individually to complete the task. with the questions or refer back to the relevant• Check answers as a class. sections of the unit if they’re not sure about an answer. Stress that the Reload section is not a test. • Decide how the review will be carried out. Students could do the vocabulary items first and then correct them immediately, or they could do all the items together and correct them at the end. • Give students about 15 minutes to complete the review. Reduce this progressively as you work through the book. • Tell students to answer every question. When checking their answers, make a note of any problem areas in vocabulary and grammar they still have. Assign some time to deal with these areas. Vocabulary Revision Vocabulary 1 • 1: Revise the verbs for change by writing them all on the board and asking individual students to give you sentences using them. UNIT 1 15
• 2 and 3: Ask students to look at the verbs for change • Ask students to tell you which time expressions weon the board and to write the noun and adjective forms. use with each tense. Write them on the board in two(adapt / adaptation / adaptive; adjust / adjustment / columns. Or, write the time expressions on the boardadjusted-adjustable; affect / effect / effective; alter / (in mixed up order) and ask students to tell you whichalteration / altered; diversify / diversification / diversified; are used with each tense.replace / replacement / replaced; shrink / shrinkage / Practise stative verbs.shrunken; transform / transformation / transformative) • Remind students that stative verbs are used to talk• 4: Write the verbs drive, manage, pass, see on about states and not actions, but that some verbs canthe board. Ask students which of the verbs have the be both stative and active with a change of meaning.following meanings. • Ask students to name some stative verbs. Write them1 identify, recognise, understand; visit, meet with; on the board.consider (see) • Ask students for example sentences using the verbs.2 overtake, go in front; elapse, go by; agree to,approve (pass) Grammar 23 succeed, achieve; control, handle; get by, live (manage) Practise the past simple and the past continuous.4 push, force; motivate; give shape to, lead to, • Ask students to tell you when we use the past simpleencourage (drive) and the past continuous. Elicit that the past simpleThen ask students for example sentences that show is used, often with a definite time expression, to talkthese meanings of the verbs, and other meanings if about something that started and finished at a statedthey know them. time in the past, past routines and habits (often with adverbs of frequency), situations or states which wereVocabulary 2 true in the past, but are no longer true, actions that• 1: Practise prepositions. Write the words on the happened one after the other in the past, and pastboard and ask students which prepositions they go with actions which won’t happen again. Elicit that the pastto form the prepositional phrases. Once they have been continuous is used to talk about actions that were inmatched, ask students to use the phrases in sentences. progress at a stated time in the past, two or more(adapt to, based on, capable of, depend on, keep out, actions that were in progress at the same time in theknown as, migrate from … to, over time, rely on, settle past, when giving background information in a story,in, solution to, suffer from) and to talk about an action that was in progress in the• 2: Practise collocations and expressions. Write past that was interrupted by another.change, hands, heart, mind, pace, places, scenery, • Ask students to tell you which time expressions we usesubject, ways on the board. Read out the expressions with each tense. Write them on the board in two columns.with change that can go with these nouns one at a • Ask students to give you examples for each of thetime. Each time, a student comes to the board and uses of the tenses.writes the word next to the correct noun. Practise all Practise the past perfect simple and the past perfectof the verb/noun phrase combinations (for a change, continuous.change hands, a change of heart, change your mind, a • Revise all uses and forms of the two tenses. Thenchange of pace, (not) change places with, a change of ask students to write sentences of their own with thescenery, change the subject, change your ways). tenses and to say which use of the tense it shows.• 3: Practise commonly confused words. Write these • Remind students that the past perfect tenses aresets of words on the board and ask students to tell used to talk about actions that happened in the pastyou the difference between them. They can give you before other past actions. To talk about the mostdefinitions or use them in sentences that show the recent action in the past, we use the past simple. Thedifference: build/fashion/manufacture; adapt/adept/ past perfect helps us to show the order of events whenadopt; inhabit/reside/stay; accumulate/gather/collect. they are not clear or when we want to emphasise which action happened first. When the actions happenGrammar Revision one after another in quick succession, we use the past simple for both actions.Grammar 1 • Ask students to make a sentence using a past perfectPractise the present simple and the present continuous. tense and the past simple, and another using only the• Ask students to tell you when we use the present past simple tense.simple and the present continuous. Elicit that the Practise used to and would.present simple is used to talk about general truths • Remind students that used to and would cannot beand permanent situations, facts and laws of nature, used interchangeably. Ask them to tell you when we canhabits and routines (often with adverbs of frequency), use used to, but not would (to talk about a state). Asktimetables and programmed events in the future, them when used to changes form (after did and didn’t).reviews, stories and sports commentaries; the presentcontinuous is used to talk about actions happening at • Students are now ready to do Reload 1.the time of speaking, temporary situations, changing • Set a time limit and let students know every so oftensituations, annoying habits, often with adverbs how much time they have left to complete the always, forever, continuously, and plans and • Check answers as a class.arrangements in the future.• Ask students to tell you which time expressions weuse with each tense. Write them on the board in twocolumns. Or, write the time expressions on the board(in mixed up order) and ask students to tell you whichare used with each tense.Practise the present perfect simple and the presentperfect continuous.• Revise all uses and forms of the two tenses. Thenask students to write sentences of their own with thetenses and to say which use of the tense it shows.16
Read the Text Version
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