Sarah Jane Lewis WORKBOOK Contents p. 20 6 Food and health p. 32 p. 40 p. 34 1 Hobbies and leisure p. 60 Vocabulary & Functions p. 36 Grammar Vocabulary & Functions p. 80 Build your competences Grammar p. 10 Build your competences p. 12 7 City life versus country life 2 Travel and transport p. 14 Vocabulary & Functions p. 38 p. 16 Grammar p. 40 Vocabulary & Functions p. 18 Build your competences p. 42 Grammar Build your competences 8 Body language p. 44 p. 46 3 Life changes Vocabulary & Functions p. 48 Grammar Vocabulary & Functions Build your competences Grammar Build your competences Grammar reference p. 50 4 Language learning p. 20 Word list p. 62 p. 22 Vocabulary & Functions Grammar p. 24 Build your competences Irregular verbs p. 64 5 Work and jobs p. 26 Vocabulary & Functions p. 28 Grammar p. 30 Build your competences
1 Hobbies and leisure Vocabulary: Free-time activities Vocabulary: Sports equipment and 1 Look at the pictures and match them with places the words or phrases in the box. 3 Find 8 words related to sports equipment in jewellery-making astronomy kite-flying the word search. photography camping hang out with friends H X V G R S N E T R kite-flying 1 ____________________ L R E S A N E O I M L L X T C O T O L G K R A W K W A W K Z V G S H E B Q E B Q Q B A T T O H T A G B J I K B A Y S Q O L J L J Q R Z U N A E W U P T D D I U L P W H E L M E T D C 2 ____________________ 3 ____________________ 4 Read the definitions and write the names for 4 ____________________ 5 ____________________ sports places. 2 Complete the sentences with a word or phrase a large open space with seats around it, used for playing and watching sports from exercise 1. stadium Everyone thinks they are good at photography 1 an area of water that is for people to swim in these days! _______________________ 1 We need to buy a new tent before we go 2 a grassy area of ground where sports like _________________ again because the other one has a hole. football are played 2 I love _________________ because you can learn so _______________________ many things about the Universe. 3 an area for playing sports like badminton or 3 We can’t go _________________ if there’s no wind! tennis 4 At the weekend, I like to _________________ at the _______________________ sports centre. 4 a wide circular path made for running 5 I really want to improve my _________________ _______________________ skills – I hope I can sell my creations one day. 5 an indoor area of ice for skating or playing sports like ice hockey _______________________ 2 two
Vocabulary & Functions 1 Dialogue work Functions: Expressing likes and dislikes 5 1 Listen and complete the dialogue on 7 Look at the pictures and complete the page 18 of the Sprint 4 Student’s Book. sentences with the phrases in the box. Jake Hey Andrew, look at this! boring don’t like enjoy hates ’d love to loves mind can’t stand Andrew What is it? Jake It’s the programme for the sports camp this summer. Andrew You mean the one in Bradfield? Jake Yeah, it looks great! Look … there are loads of sports, like badminton, climbing, cricket, squash, baseball … there’s even sailing and horse riding! 1 I ______________ ice Andrew I love playing baseball ... and cricket. skating. Jake Cricket? Ugh, I 1_________________________ on TV. It’s so boring. I’d love to go horse Andrew Really? I 2_________________________ it. riding. You know, my dad plays cricket every Sunday morning and he’s teaching me too … the rules are a bit complicated Jake so he practises a lot. Mmm, well, maybe … I 3_________________________ and I really want to learn something new … I 4_________________________. It looks good. 2 I ______________ 3 He ____________ climbing snowboarding. at the climbing centre. Andrew Yeah, it does. My uncle goes climbing at the local sports centre. He’s promised to take me one weekend. I hope I manage to go soon. Jake It’s quite a dangerous sport but 5_________________________ a bit more exciting than football. Andrew Mmm, yes, there’s a football pitch at Bradfield and tennis courts as well, I think. Jake Yes, you’re right, and there’s a running 4 She ______________ 5 Watching football on cricket. TV is so ______________. track too. I 6_________________________, especially in the summer. Dictation 6 2 Listen to the dictation My hobbies and write the text. 6 Robert’s dad always 7 Do you ______________ wants to go kite-flying meeting new people? but he ____________ it. 8 Write six of your preferences about hobbies and leisure activities. Use the expressions in the box. I love... I hate... I’d like to... I can’t stand... I enjoy... I don’t mind... three 3
1 Grammar Present simple vs Present Present simple – active and continuous (review) passive forms (review) 1 Complete the rule. 4 Complete the rule. We use the Present simple to talk about regular The passive form of the Present simple is formed actions, habits and routines, and to describe by: subject + 1____________ of the verb 2____________ 1temporary / permanent situations and facts. + Past participle of the main verb. We form the Present simple with the subject + We use the passive voice: the 2____________ of the verb. • when we are more interested in the We form the Present simple 3rd person with the verb + 3____________. 3____________ than the person doing it • when we don’t know 4__________ does the action We use the Present continuous to talk about • when it is obvious who does the 5____________ activities in progress at the time of speaking, and about 4temporary / permanent situations. 5 Complete the sentences with the Present We form the Present continuous with 5____________, ____________ or ____________ followed simple passive form of the verbs in the box. by the verb in the 6____________ form. ban not close encourage not loan offer sell 2 Use the prompts to write sentences. Put the Snowboards aren’t loaned at the shop. verbs in the correct form. 1 Sports equipment ___________ in this store. 2 The gym ___________ on Mondays. we / rock climb / today 3 Courses in jewellery-making ___________ at the college. We are rock climbing today. 4 Both men and women ___________ to take part 1 Jane / always / play / rugby / on Fridays in the team. 5 All ball sports ___________ in the park. _____________________________________ 2 Ruby / not like / rap music 6 Turn the sentences into the passive form. _____________________________________ We put on helmets when rock climbing. 3 they / watch / the football / at the moment / ? Helmets are put on when rock climbing. _____________________________________ 1 Emma takes her sports clothes to the dry 4 my family / live / in Wales / this year cleaners once a week. 2 Speed cameras don’t catch a lot of drivers on _____________________________________ this street. 5 people / usually / play / polo on horses 3 Do two million people watch football matches on TV? _____________________________________ 4 Ice skaters wear special ice skating boots. 5 You play badminton on a court. 3 Complete Harry’s message with the correct form of the verbs in the box. be (x2) do know not play sit watch wear win bat Hi Carla, How are you? I know it’s Saturday, but I 1______________ computer games today. I’m at a baseball match with my sister! We 2______________ in front row seats and we 3______________ the US against Japan. I 4______________ a big jacket, scarf and a hat because it 5______________ always cold outside in the evening. The game 6______________ really exciting. The US 7______________, but the game is very close. Oh, it’s a home run for Japan! And another one! The US 8_________________ now! So what 9______________ you _____________ today? OK, time to go! See you soon! Harry 4 four
Grammar 1 Verbs + infinitive or -ing form 11 Circle the correct alternative. 7 Complete the rule. I remember leaving / to leave my keys in the car. We use the 1____________ form (gerund) of verbs after the verbs enjoy, fancy, don’t mind, can’t stand, etc. 1 Don’t forget going / to go to the bank. I don’t enjoy getting up early. 2 The teacher asked the students to stop / We use 2____________ + base form of a verb stopping and think before answering. (infinitive) after the verbs choose, decide, hope, 3 I forgot telling / to tell you Sarah called. promise, want, tell, etc. 4 I promise I’ll remember to lock / locking the I decided to learn Polish. door. 8 Complete the questions with the correct form 5 My sister stopped eating / to eat meat last of the verbs in brackets, infinitive or -ing form. year. 6 Try drinking / to drink milk and mint. It’s What kinds of music do you enjoy listening to (listen to)? delicious! 7 Silence, please! I’m trying to explain / 1 Do you consider yourself ________________ (be) a good student? Why? explaining! 2 Do you fancy ________________ (try) a new hobby 12 Round up! Use the promps to write over the summer? sentences. Put the verbs in the correct form. 3 How do you choose ________________ (spend) your free time when you aren’t studying? the teacher / talk / to the class / at the moment 4 Where do you prefer ________________ (do) your homework? At home or in the library? Why? The teacher is talking to the class at the moment. 5 Do you like ________ (have) music playing while you’re studying? 1 Eliza / go / swimming / every weekend 2 we / go / to the squash match / today 3 students at this college / not / wear / a uniform 4 you / have / lunch / now / ? 5 I / usually / not go / to the theatre 13 Translation Translate the text into your own language. 9 Answer the questions in exercise 8 so that I enjoy dance music and I love breakdancing. I’m not very good, but it’s fun. I use online music they are true for you. sites and I watch a lot of music videos on my phone. I’m listening to a new pop song now 10 Complete the rule. and I’m watching the video online. I copy dance moves from friends or from the videos. I practise verb + 1_________ verb + 2________ in my room and I want to be in a video one day. I’m stop stop doing stop something to learning some new moves try something do something else so I can do them at the remember party this weekend. do an experiment make an effort I think music videos are forget great. I really like happy remember you have remember to do songs and I always dance when I hear them! done something something five 5 not remember you not remember to do have done something something
1 Build your competences Reading 1 Look at the pictures of a Forest School and answer the questions. 1 How does the Forest School differ from your school? 2 What are the benefits in having lessons outside? 3 What do you like about the Forest School system? 2 Read the text and match each paragraph to the appropriate question heading. A What activities do the children do? B What clothing do they wear? C What is Forest School? D What tools are used in Forest School? Forest School Information Booklet 1 Forest School is a way of teaching children 3 In Forest School, the children use potato peelers, small and young adults while working outdoors, using the knives and saws as tools. The Forest School leader supervises natural environment to promote social and emotional when children use the tools. The leader gives the children a safety development. It is an inspirational way of learning talk each lesson on how the children should use them safely. that gives all learners regular opportunities to develop ‘We use the potato peeler as a special tool to cut soft wood off confidence through hands-on experiences in a trees. We burn down the wood into charcoal. We can then use woodland or natural environment with trees. the charcoal as a black pencil to draw. We also use small knives to make holes in small pieces of wood so that we can put string 2 Activities are linked to the topic that the children are through the holes and make jewellery. Children wear gloves to learning at school. Activities may include: protect their hands,’ explains Anna, a Forest School leader. MUSIC – Keeping or copying a rhythm pattern by beating sticks together, learning songs and singing as a group. 4 The children are outside in all Glossary DESIGN TECHNOLOGY AND SCIENCE – Building camps weather so they need the appropriate and bridges that are suitable for them to sit in and walk on. clothing for the conditions and also confidence = ___________ LITERACY – Storytelling around the campfire, writing, possible changes of clothes. hands-on = ___________ following instructions and creating story maps with natural The children come to school dressed mud = ___________ objects. in their Forest School clothes. In cold peelers = ___________ MATHS – Counting, measuring, shapes and problem solving. weather, they wear hats, gloves, saws = ___________ ART – Creating 3D models and sculptures out of mud or jumpers, warm socks, rubber boots, charcoal = ___________ making utensils from wood, like pencils, to draw with. waterproof clothing and a coat. rubber = ___________ 6 six
Build your competences 1 3 Read the text again and answer the questions. 1 Where does Forest School learning take place? 2 What subjects are the students learning? 3 Who is helping supervise the children during the activities? 4 What natural material do students use at the school? 5 What do students wear during the winter? Listening 4 3 P Listen to some students talking about an Adventure School and choose the correct answer (A, B or C). Who is the Adventure School for? A people of all ages B young people between 11-24 C adults over the age of 24 1 Where is Holly taking part in an Adventure School course? A in Chile B in Wales C in Costa Rica 2 Where is Neil staying on his Adventure School course? A under the stars B in a hotel C in a tent 3 Sarah says the work she is doing on the course is... A rather boring. B difficult. C very exciting. 4 What is Sarah doing that she finds scary? A She’s sleeping outside without a tent. B She’s sailing a raft on the water. C She’s going rock climbing. 5 What is Larry finding amazing? A The view from the top of the mountains. B The view from the top of the trees. C The view flying in the aeroplane to the course. Writing 5 P Imagine you are taking part in an Adventure School course. Write an email (about 100 words) to a friend telling them about your experiences. Follow these instructions to help you. • Include an informal greeting • Tell your friend the reason for the email • Describe your experiences on the course • Describe your likes and dislikes of the course • Tell your friend whether you would recommend the course or not seven 7
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