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Home Explore Paranorma 2 Ebook (1)

Paranorma 2 Ebook (1)

Published by Lora Trhlik, 2021-04-30 20:27:56

Description: Paranorma 2 Ebook (1)


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nice house at the base of the mountains, he was working in home office when…. he heard a knock at his door, and it made him jump. “I’m coming.” The mayor yelled. He got to answer the door. He opened it. “Hi mayor. I’m Tuck Evans. He said as he reached out his hand. The mayor reached his hand out and shook it. Come on in. The mayor said.” Tuck followed the mayor and went to his home office where they in privacy. Tuck sat down a comfortable, leather couch and the mayor sat down across from in his leather chair. He began to tell Tuck the story about the hikers that disappeared. “The hikers, Jack and Julie were friends of mine from high school I was just a kid then and they wanted me to hiking with them but that day I couldn’t because I was going to be busy that day told my friends to go without me. They were just going for hike in the woods just for fun and no one expected this to happen, some guy a local here in town claimed to see them get pulled into the woods by a ghostly hand, and he followed them in and saw them get pulled into a portal; he then saw some creature coming out of that portal and it began to chase him, but he escaped. Also claimed to see the crazy lumber jack that day in the woods and his axe was bloody and he looked pretty suspicious. He ran back home and never spoke about it again. “Now Mr. Evans.” If there is a portal in Misty Woods, is it at possible that my friends may still be in there? Or is it the urban legend true about the lumber jack killing them? The mayor queried. Well sir, that’s what I’m going to find out. Did the police find the murder weapon? Did they find the bodies? Did they find any blood or clues leading to the murder of your friends? What about the hunter and what he found is he still alive? Tuck asked. The hunter I’m afraid died of a heart attack, and anyway no one really knows if the hunter is real or just from the urban legend same for the lumber jack. Some say the lumber jack is real and still living in the mountains. Crazy Leo thinks that the lumber jack is the demon, and they are somehow one he killed my friends, but no one really knows. My friends for about twenty-four hours but before then my friends’ parents came to me asking me of, I saw Jack and Julie and told not since we had plans to go hiking in the woods, but I told them I couldn’t because my family had plans to go swimming in the lake that day. The parents had gone to the police to tell them that their kids were missing the police told them they had to missing at least twenty-four hours before reporting them missing. It wasn’t till that following week that a hunter who was deer hunting had stumbled across the bodies and that’s how the urban legend got started. The police and search party didn’t find anything. But nobody believed it, we searched for them for two whole weeks and came up empty handed, and then we gave up and moved on with our lives. The ghost story goes there’s demonic creature that comes out of the portal grabs people and drags them into Misty Woods making them disappear. Honestly only one person claimed to see this creature and he’s not the most reliable source. Nobody really knows if my friends disappeared in Misty Woods or they were truly murdered by the crazy lumber jack the mayor claimed. If you want my advice, go into town, and talk to crazy old Leo. Go the local library and be sure to check out the archives. The mayor continued. Tuck Evans wrote everything down the mayor told him in his notes. Thank you for your time sir. I will keep you posted and this strictly confidential until I find out truly what happened to your friends.” With that Tuck Evans left and headed into town. He was headed into town and to crazy Leo’s house who was known as the town looney. In honesty and reality, he was crazy he just had experienced something he didn’t know how to explain or now deal with all he knew is what he saw was real and true and now it frightened him, and he was scared. Tuck walked into town and saw Leo’s name on the mailbox, so he

knocked on the door, Leo was looking out the front window and acting nervous, almost paranoid. He walked to the door and opened it. “Hi Leo.” Tuck replied. I’m Tuck Evans, I’m a paranormal investigator I’m here to investigate the mystery of Misty Woods. Hi there. Leo retorted. Come on in. Tuck followed Leo into his house, and they sat at the kitchen table and talked. Leo told him about that day he saw Julie and Jack in those woods. I was hunting for mushrooms with my old coon dog who is now dead God rest his soul, and I was near Misty Woods and my dog was rooting for mushrooms next to big willow tree, you see mushrooms like damp places to grow and the willow tree was flooded with them now mind you, they weren’t no mushrooms that make see things but the kind you eat and put-on steak. I think were morals, they are common up and grow and like wildflowers. I was close to the woods and was just watching my dog when I saw those two kids come up the hiking trail and walking past the woods, not the kids knew not to go in there, but I swear too some long ghostly arm came out and grabbed that girl, and then she screamed and her friend or brother or whatever he was heard her scream, he turned around and she was gone. He followed her into the misty woods, I watched him follow her in, but he never came out. Those their woods, are paranormal you see, and strange things happen in there, you like screaming, whispering, seeing ghosts and spirits, but most famous one that haunts them woods is that creature. What’s not told in this urban legend is that demon the one that crawls out the portal, is the one that possessed the lumber jack; also, that the demon and the lumber jack are one in the same and they are responsible for the killing of those kids. I’m not crazy I assure you sir, I don’t know what to believe after I saw, I don’t know. I am a reasonable, smart man, I have a good head on my shoulders, I know what I saw, I those kids get pulled into some type of portal, and when I ran, I saw a demon creature crawl out it and it after me. After Leo was finished Tuck answered him. Sir, I believe you and I will find out what happened and prove you’re not crazy, look I have been following this story since it happened, I believe in the paranormal and everything that goes along with it, it’s my job, and I have been there so I know how that feels and I can relate to you. Thank you, your time Leo.” Tuck said, shaking his hand, he saw himself out. He made his way to the library archives, we walked into town the library. He walked right in and went downstairs to the archives and began searching for clues to find out what happened to the missing kids. He looked through the boxes and looked into the boxes and looked through the papers, no reports had been made by the police about the missing kids, no murder reports, no evidence, clues no nothing. Hmmm., he thought to himself, that’s weird. No evidence, no clues, no weapon, no nothing. He kept searching records of missing kids one had come in a file he missed, it about two young teenage kids hiking in the woods alone and they disappeared. One witness saw the whole thing. The police never reported it because they didn’t believe Crazy Leo, they dismissed the whole thing. They searched for two whole weeks and never found anything they even searched Misty Woods but all traces of them were gone. No backpacks, and nothing to identify them, but something happened to those kids, and Tuck could feel it in his gut and he always followed his gut. Either someone in this town is hiding something, or Crazy Leo is telling the truth. That day Tuck decided to go into the woods himself and find out what was going on. He walked back into the town and back into his hotel and grabbed and all his gear and headed to the hiking trail. He went to the tree where the kid’s bodies were supposedly found in the urban legend, no traces of blood, no torn clothes, no bones, no nothing. He even went to the spot where Crazy Leo was picking

mushrooms. Tuck Evans was a bit perplexed; he was never going to buy into an urban story a ghost story maybe especially if there is some truth behind it. He thought about the cabin in the woods from the urban legend about the crazy lumber jack that lived there, maybe, just maybe he could find a clue or some kind of evidence. He hiked his way to the cabin which was up the trail just a way he could see from here. It looked rundown and dilapidated, but it looked like anyone had been living there in years. He hiked up the trail a few more feet and walked up to the rocky, stony, driveway. It looked like the door had been busted open he cautiously walked in looking around picking up things trying to find some type of clue. The house was dark, the windows covered in newspaper and it smelled of rotting meat, at first Tuck thought an animal crawled in here and died but it much more pungent than that. He moved through the cabin sniffing at the air trying to find the foul smell, he continued to walk through the cabin and went to the back bedroom and it seemed that’s where the smell was strongest, and there on lying on the bed was the infamous possessed lumber jack from the urban legend and he was real, he was actually real, except now he was dead. But to know he actually existed was pretty cool. But he the lumber jack would be eliminated as a suspect. Tuck went over to the bed and examined the body, there was a gunshot to the lumber jack’s head it looked he shot himself. I guess he couldn’t take being possessed any longer, so he ended his life. Tuck looked around the room for any evidence of murder, the bloody axe, torn clothes, any souvenirs he would have taken, or anything evidence he would’ve hidden. There was no sign of the axe in the cabin, Tuck tore the place upside and inside out and found nothing. He went outside and searched by the big woodpile where the lumber jack often chopped wood, he found the axe but there no blood on it. So, Tuck thought to himself. The lumber jack was real, and he was truly possessed but he wasn’t a murderer. That leaves one scenario left, the ghost story maybe there was some truth to it. Now he couldn’t talk to the lumber jack and asked him questions about the missing kids, he turned on his e.v.p. recorder and camera on and began filming and began asking questions, he felt a strong presence lingering around him. There were two presences in the room one being evil and the other good, the spirit was protecting Tuck. A man’s voice came through and said “creature and demon, possession, house, woods, portal, and kids. He could feel this presence around him it felt good and angelic like and he knew right then and there it was the lumber jack. It’s like the spirit kept Tuck in a protective bubble, keeping the demon at bay and from harming him. Then a scary, evil, voice came on the recorder and spoke. “GET OUT”. He heard a voice from the r Tuck jumped but stayed in the house, then he began seeing a shadow on the wall and it began creeping up to him, its plan was to possess him like it possessed the lumber jack; and by the size and shape it's shadow it looked like the creature from the portal. Tuck couldn’t be sure, his e.v.p. was going crazy it was beeping and blipping, the room was so cold and yet at the same time it felt hot too. Behind him there was a low, guttural growl and then a creepy hiss. “Aww… freak!!’’ Tuck yelled. He ran, the demon lunged at him, Tuck jumped out the way and it missed and crashed into the wall and fell. Tuck ran out the door and headed for Misty Wood, he was looking behind him the whole way, the demon shook itself off and ran after the human and was gaining on him fast, Tuck had no choice but to run into Misty Woods, he ran into the opening of the woods and looked behind him as if the world he left behind just disappeared. Was Misty Woods its own world set apart of ours? Was truly paranormal? Was just a myth, a story, or an urban legend? Tuck could hear ghosts and spirits

all around him, he saw floating orbs on his camera some were dark grey, some were black, others were light and white He began to see things, things you would never believe. Things would whisper in his ear telling him things, spirits would follow him or play tricks on him. He heard a loud crash behind him he turned to look and there was the demon, it was big and tall and scary. He hurried to the portal running as fast as he could he didn’t even think he just jumped in. The force of the portal sucked through this weird like worm hole to another dimension like a ghost world. There ghosts and spirits of all sorts floating around, and buildings that looked so old and historical. He dashed to the nearest building and hid in there, the demon jumped into the portal and landed on its hind legs and ran off looking for Tuck, and hissed “I’m going to find you human, and tear you to shreds.” Tuck was hiding in the basement of an old coal factory. His e.v.p. detector was flipping out, so he decided to turn it off. He left camera on and just watched the room; he watched spirits and ghosts go by talking and whispering, and some spirits were curious and would peek around corners wondering about this new guest that is their world. Then just for a minute it was quiet, and he sat there and listened, “HELP US PLEASE”! He thought he heard someone yell. Then again, “HELP WERE IN HERE.” Tuck got up and followed the sounds of the voices and it sounded close like it was int the next room over, he went to the closed door and opened it slowly and it creaked as he opened it and there all tied up was Jack and Julie. “Oh my God!!!” Tuck exclaimed. It’s you kid from the urban legend and ghost story; you guys are alive! Tuck proclaimed excitedly. “Please untie us we have been down here for way too long we are hungry and thirsty. Tuck kneeled to the ground and untied the kids, he pulled out some water and granola bars he had packed into his backpack. Here you go. Eat up. Tuck said handing him the kids the food and water. Thank you they said in unison. We have to get out of before the demon comes back. How did you guys end up here? We were hiking in the woods all those years ago and the demon thing pulled us and dragged us into the portal and tied us up and left us there I thought for sure it was going to kill us, but it left us here, but I’m sure it has plans for us. There was this lumber jack in those woods the day we disappeared, and he saw everything, I thought the lumber jack was going to kill me, so I ran into the woods and that’s when the demon grabbed me and pulled into the portal. Jack was off doing something, and he heard me scream and he turned and ran and then he was drug in too. The lumber jack came to my rescue and he was about raise his ax and kill the demon, but the demon was too powerful it overtook him and knocked him to the ground and possessed him, I watched his blue eyes go black and his face changed. I’ll never forget it and we’re drug into the portal. That’s the last time we saw the lumber jack. Before we got pulled into that portal, we saw Crazy Leo at time he was just called Leo, he saw that very creature that possessed the lumber jack crawl out of the portal. I don’t it that demon possessed the lumber jack totally or if it came and went and as it pleased, whatever it was scary, he saw it and ran and he was never the same.” Julie explained. Come let’s get out of here. Just then the demon was thundering down the steps, hissing, and growling, saliva dripping down its fangs. He was mad. “RUN!” Tuck yelled. They all scattered in different directions, the demon lunged onto Tuck trying scratch him, Tuck took his video camera and hit it in the face, it hissed and was got thrown backwards it the wall stunned. Tuck got up quickly and ran up the steps the kids following him, they raced up the steps as fast at the could looking behind them, the demon still on the ground knocked out. This was chance to escape, they kept running until they reached the

portal, they all held hands and jumped through the portal. They looked to see if the demon was coming but there was no sign of it yet, something in the sun was glistening and catching their eye. Tuck walked over to the tree and there was the axe just resting there but was no ordinary axe it was special, and Tuck could feel it. “Get back kids.” He commanded. He grabbed the axe by the wooden handle and threw at the portal and it shattered into a thousand pieces and fell to the ground and the portal was no more. Misty Woods was no longer scary; it was no longer spooky it just felt like regular woods. There were still ghosts and spirits lingering but they were the protectors of those woods and always be there as they were guardians. They were finally safe, and the demon was trapped in the portal forever. Tuck and the kids hiked back down the mountain and into the town much to their surprise was the whole town waiting for them and their huge block party and welcome back party for the kids and they were reunited with their parents. Tuck was nominated and awarded town hero was given a medal of honor, Tuck told the town his whole story and he told them of the lumber jack and a statue was made in his honor of also being a town hero. Nobody ever saw the demon again and Misty Woods was safe to explore.

15 Chapter 15 The Grim Reaper There in the dark in the corner of her room something watching her, she could feel it’s cold, evil, eyes on her piercing her soul. It gave her the willies; she knew it was coming for her it was only a matter of time. All of sudden this thing that was in corner jumped on her and grabbed her, it tried to pull her off the bed, but another entity came into her room and swung at thing that attacked her scaring it off, it hissed as the scythe hit its arm causing to bleed, it was oozing black blood. Lillian screamed in horror and ran out of the room. “Oh, my goodness, what just happened? What just attacked me and what the hell came to me rescue? “Lillian asked herself. It was way too dark for her to see anything but there were two entities in her room. She stayed out of her room for the rest of the night, she was afraid for It came to every night at the same time. She grew tired of these visits and her losing sleep wasn’t helping. She was afraid of those these entities one of wanted to harm her or possibly worse but why did it save me. Lillian thought to herself. She pulled out her laptop and looked the grim reaper, the grim reaper is supposed to reap your soul and save people, he was technically a demon or entity if some sort. Why did he save her? Why did take her soul and drag her to hell? Why spare her? And what that other creature it looked really big and really scary, it had horns, it looked scaly, and had a big tail, and long sharp claws. Whatever this creature was didn’t like the grim reaper it almost like it was afraid of him or something. She felt grateful that the grim reaper saved her life she wanted to know why. That next Lillian was exhausted from the night before and wanted nothing but sleep, she slept till about three am when she awoken by that creepy creature in the in the corner of her room, this it was growling and hissing, he came closer waiting to jump on her and just it is about to jump the grim reaper appears again, this time the grim reaper and creature wrestle on the ground. Lillian steps and grabs the lamp on her nightstand awaiting the right moment to hit the creature, she made her move the grim reaper moved, she whacks its head knocking it out. The reaper is just about to leave when… she called out the reaper. “Wait.” She yells. The reaper turned around and looked at her his face was ghastly; it looked a ghostly face of a skull and he wore a black hood over his face and held his scythe. “Why do you keep saving me?” Lillian asked cautiously. He waited a moment then spoke. “I’m here to help you on your journey”. The reaper hissed. “Wait what?’’ Lillian queried. “I’m not here to reap your soul, I’m not other reapers I’m different, I’m a saver of souls, a protector. That thing wants you and he take your soul to hell. He’s soul demon, he was trying to suck your soul out of you, he’ll take your soul first, then devour your body whole.” Lillian gulped. She had no words to answer the reaper. My journey? What journey? You my dear will die and you embark on a journey through hell, but this soul demon wants you and will do anything to get it. I’m going to die. How? You die in head on car crash and die instantly. The reaper explained. Oh. Lillian said looking sad. I have to go now I’ll be around watching out for you. The reaper said. Thank you.” Lillian said. Before the reaper left, he gave Lillian a gold medallion necklace and told her to call upon it whenever she needed him and he’d be there. “I’m going to die!!!” Lillian exclaimed. This is nuts she said to herself and a journey through hell, a soul eating demon? She felt she was in some bad horror movie. Wow what a night. After hearing that God awful news there was no way she was going back to bed, but oh my stars, the creature was still in her room knocked out, what was she going

to do with it, what if came to and it came after again. She walked into her room to it if it there it was gone and left behind was some type of powder and smelled nasty. She was glad it was gone at least for now, maybe she could finally get some sleep. That day her friends called and invited her out for drinks and dancing and Lillian was really excited about except for one thing, her death. She didn’t want to die especially in a car accident, that the worst way to die. She didn’t want to go tragically like that, she wanted to die as an old woman, peaceful in her bed. She was told of a vision of her death and there no way to avoid it. Poor Lillian felt so sad and depressed. What was going to do her death was predicted by the grim reaper and I don’t he was lying. I guess I better get going. She got ready to go, took a shower, threw on some makeup and shoes, and she grabbed her keys and headed out the door. She got into little pink V.W. Bug, it been a gift from her father and she’s had since graduation. She pulls out of the driveway and heads to her favorite club where she was meeting her friends, she goes to make a turn and… a truck careens into her hitting the side of her car, her head hit the steering wheel hard, everything went black. Her cell is ringing and ringing, she’s getting texts, it’s her friends and their worried out of their mind worried about her. It was hours later and EMTS were there, firefighters, police. They trying to Lillian out with the jaws of life but it was too late, she as dead. The paramedics pick up lifeless body and held her in their arms and placed her on the stretcher. One of her friends had gone coroners to identify her friend’s body. Missy couldn’t believe her best friend was dead, Lillian had been like a sister to her, they had been best friends since kindergarten, and all through high school and college. Missy had been family to Lillian, no Missy had no one but her best friends and family. It was the week of the funeral and Missy had tons to do, her and friends helped with the funeral arrangements, today was the viewing and was going to be rough. The funeral home had done a wonderful with Lillian, she looked beautiful she was wearing her favorite summer dress, sandals, and jewelry; it was rough seeing her if Missy could make through today, she could make through the funeral. The eulogy, which was given by Lillian’s friend Cherish, it was rough to listen to but she nailed Lillian everything about her. The service was long and was growing tired and sad, she missed her best friend very much. At the same time Missy could feel her around and if Lillian were here, she would have loved everything. It was a beautiful service and funeral was after. It was early in the morning when she her and besties were heading to the cemetery, Lillian had plot where she could be buried next to her parents. Missy listened to the pastor read from the bible and say some kind words, and then some of Lillian’s ex-boyfriends stepped up to be pallbearers and lifted her to her final resting place, Missy lost it and just cried and cried and that day Lillian was laid to rest. When Lillian woke up, she was in a place she didn’t recognize, it smelled of charred burning flesh the smell was enough to make her wince and it was hotter than hell literally. T There were jagged, craggy rocks jetting from the ceilings and floor of the cave, it looked uber creepy and scary. She never pictured herself ever being in hell she always thought she’d go to heaven, but I guess God had a different plan for her. “Where am I?” Lillian said out loud to her herself. “Oh no. I must be dead and now I’m in hell it’s just like the reaper predicted.” All of sudden she was sad, one minute she was driving next, she was here. Her friends must be wondering where she is was, she had no family for they all passed away. She thought what the grim reaper said about the soul demon. She heard a noise and it was coming closer and was getting louder, she hid in nearby cave ducking in the darkness praying she wouldn’t get discovered. She peeked out from the

opening of the cave, it had been the soul demon, it was sniffing for something it got louder then grew quiet, and then went away. She looked around the opening to see if the coast was clear and she made her move and looked for exit. She followed the dark, narrow hallways of the bowels of hell itself. Her journey began and for she was on her own, she makes her way through the hallways she sees unspeakable things, things you only see in your worst nightmares. She heard yelling, and screaming, and moaning, and what sounded like people getting tortured. The sound was so eerie and hellish, Lillian wanted to get as fast as she could. The reaper was there he is watching over her he was staying a stone throw away. Why didn’t he come when the soul demon attacked her? She wondered She heard something behind her and it sounded like it was running, she picked up the pace and began to run, she ran and ran until she reached a series of caves in which she picked on and dove in it. The grim reaper was from hell but he was from the darkest, deepest part of hell he was different from other demons in hell, you see the reaper wasn’t born this way or made by the devil he used to be a human who was banished to hell by a witch and turned into the grim reaper, he betrayed the witch and which sought his revenge on him. The reaper is still part human which what makes him want to save them and not reap their souls, however he still had to reap souls once in a while since he saved Lillian’s life it to take soul in place of saving hers and he was going to reap the soul of the soul demon. Lillian felt something cold hit her chest as kneels in the cave and hides she looked down it was the medallion that the reaper gave to her. She forgot all the necklace and what it could do but since she was on a journey, she wanted to this on her own. She wanted to be strong, to be a fighter and not call on the reaper, unless she really needed to. The soul demon sniffed the air, snot dripping from its nostrils, it hissed at the smell of a soul. To it souls smelled like innocence, and it smelled of something heavenly, something that attracted the soul demon. It looked the caves checking each and every one, Lillian could hear it coming she backed herself into a tight corner and hid praying she wouldn’t be found but it found her anyway and now she was on his turf. It lunged at her, jumping on knocking her over, she screamed they wrestled. The demon put his mouth to hers and starting sucking but nothing would come out. Her soul was being protected by someone or something of higher being, she reeked of a heavenly scent and too much for the demon to take. He tried biting her, his teeth sank into her arm and tore off a chunk of flesh, Lillian screamed in pain, he liked the taste of her and wanted more. Lillian smacked him away with her good arm and ran to hell trying to find a way out, the soul demon was close behind her and he was ticked. She ran to all sorts of demons who hissed and growled as she ran past, hell was an endless maze and she scared she’d never get out, hell she was scared she would die here. But she couldn’t let that happen, she was growing weak and her arm hurt and was now becoming infected. She was about to give up all hope when out of nowhere came this bright light and an angel appeared and showed her the way out it was her mother. She followed her mother to a crack in hell that was big enough for her to squeeze through, she goes through but something is pulling her back it’s the soul demon, he is tugging hard it was hurting her arm, she fought hard to pull away but he was so strong. “You’re not leaving hell my pretty. The soul demon hissed. Oh yes I am I don’t belong here and you will not have me.” Lillian growled back. The demon grew angrier and took another chunk out her arm as he bit down, Lillian screamed. She grabbed her medallion with her good arm and wished upon it. Just when she thought she a goner the reaper showed up and he now fighting off the soul demon. “Where

were you when the soul demon attacked me?!” Lillian yelled at him. Something was keeping me from you, the soul demon is powerful and was keeping me from you.” He yelled back as fought he soul demon.” He took his scythe and swung it at the soul demon lopping off its head, he watched at fell to the ground, its body fell down with it. Black blood oozed out it. He bent down and just before the soul of the demon disappeared the reaper took it and placed inside of him. The reaper helped Lillian through the crack and looked at her wounds, her mother who had been watching the whole time laid her hand on her daughter’s arm and healed it. The reaper’s face changed he was no longer scary or evil looking, he looked normal, he looked human. The angel looked at the reaper and said this. My child you have been cursed for far too long and have proven yourself worthy and I remove the curse that’s been put upon you and now you can live freely. Thank you, the reaper, said, thank you Mother Lillian said. You’re both very welcome the angel said now go and be free of this place.” The reaper turned to Lillian and replied. Hi, I’m Jeramiah and I was cursed by a witch who damned me to hell and turned into a reaper. I have always been human and it was the human side of that saved you. I have been watching over all your life. Hi, thank you for saving me yet again. It’s my pleasure the reaper retorted. Let’s get out of here, just as they walk out of hell hand in hand a stairway to heaven appears and they walk up together and Lillian was reunited with her parents.

16 Chapter 16 Demonic Wild Dogs In the town of Gluchenshire, England there is an old legend about the demonic wild dogs and the how the town was plagued with them due a curse that placed over the city by a witch on Halloween night. Demonic wild dogs were called forth by the witch. She sought revenge for her sister’s death when she was accused of being a witch and being hung in the town square, she very angry for her sister wasn’t even a witch and she was and sacrificed herself for the sake of her sister. Legend says that on the night of Halloween you can hear the demonic wild dogs and the witch who called the demonic wild dogs forth, people who live in the town today report of seeing a witch, hearing the demonic wild dogs, and see the spirits of the mayor and his lackeys. Some say they still see fire or smoke from where the old town used to be and they even heard the witches cackle. The head of the town square who was a town mayor gathered a mob and did a witch hunt, they looked Malina’s sister Marissa who was hiding in her barn in the loft under some hay. They tied her feet and legs and drug her into town and put her on trial and she was accused of being a witch and hung that very night. During this time Malina had gone out of town for a witches meeting and came to find her sister gone. She had done a quick spell and looked into her magic cauldron to see who the ones who hung her sister. It was the mayor and his lackeys. One night the witch was in the woods she had made her pentagram and placed candles around it and started a fire. She pulled her Grimoire from her long black robe and began to read from it. “Dogs, from deep, dogs from hell, keep me safe, and keep me well, fire burn, fire swell, bring the demon wild dogs straight from hell!” The sky grew dark and stormy, thunder crashed, and lighting flashes. The woods become misty and creepy with a heavy fog that is creeping on the ground. There’s barking and howling in the distance and it’s closer. The witch Malina could hear them running and crashing through the forest and was headed straight for her. The sounds of the wild dogs were becoming louder, the howling sounding so eerie and creepy it made Malina’s arm hair stand on end. Suddenly the dogs were right there in front of awaiting her command. Their eyes glowed red and their growls were deep and guttural. They were quite large in size and almost the size of hell hounds just smaller. Malina saw hell hounds before they were quite horrific but demonic wild dogs were less scary. Malina looked at the dogs who were staring at her and panting, their red glowing with evil. “Go and attack the town square and get the ones who hung my sister and leave no one alive.” The witch ordered. The wild dogs ran off into the town square howling, barking, and growling, the sounds of these dogs were creepy. People screamed while they were attacked in their beds while sleeping, children were used as tug toys, the rest of the dogs had gone to the mayor and his lackeys and the dogs tore out their throats leaving nothing but a bloody mess. There were torn limbs, bloody carcasses, the walls were drenched and dripping in blood, it was a blood bath. When the dogs were done, they took the bodies of which they killed and drug them all back to the witch one by one so she knew the job was done and their reward was taking the souls back to hell with them so their souls could suffer eternally. She walked through town to make sure no one was left alive for she wanted revenge on those her killed her sister, she checked every house, every barn, stable, every inn. When she satisfied with what she saw she set the town ablaze and ran through the night cackling loudly, she sent the dogs back to hell but the dogs revolted and

attacked her ripping her throat and killing her, the demonic wild dogs still roam the woods of Gluchenshire. It was 1905 years and years after this happened a new family moved into Gluchenshire, the father moved there to be a shoemaker and his wife had been a baker and had only one child a little girl. Not long after moving into town they moved into the mayor’s old cottage now they had not known of the legend for they were knew to the town so they didn’t know what to expect. It was about a week of living in the old house the little girl began seeing things. At first, she sees this man who looked scary, his eyes glowed amber, his neck was bloody and ripped opened and this man would visit her every night. The girl would be screaming for hours and hours, her parents rushed into her room and ask her what was wrong she tell she saw a scary man but didn’t believe her. The man came to her as a warning about her coming death. The mayor would roam the house at night walking around making the floors creak, opening, and shutting doors. Then one night the little girl had wondered outside where she saw other kids like her except, they were ghosts and looked different from the mayor, they no arms or legs. The sight had been ghastly and way too scary for this poor little girl to see. She cried and cried, the ghost of the witch who was wondering the town had appeared to her and asked her what the matter was. “I see many things I don’t like here in this town, scary things.” The little girl said. “Follow me” The witch said offering her hand. The little girl took it and the witch led the little girl into the woods, the girl was trusting she know what was about to happen to her. The witch called upon the demonic wild dogs and they came thundering through the forest and straight to the witch and the little girl. The witch let the little girl go and wild dogs attacked the little girl, the girl screamed. Her scream could be heard throughout the town it was so loud it woke the girl’s parents. Her scream was cut off when the dog’s ripped her throat out, then tore her from limb to limb leaving nothing but a bloody, wet body The parents who were asleep in their beds heard their daughter’s scream and came rushing to her aid, they ran to her bedroom she wasn’t there, they looked throughout the house and couldn’t find her. They looked through the town and found her stuffed bunny, there was a trail of footprints that led to the woods and there they found their daughter bloody and torn in half. The parents mourned over their daughter’s death for days and not long after that incident the parent’s moved out of that cursed town.

Chapter 17 17 Spirit Board Bastian King was only eight years old when he died, and he died it the most horrible way, he was too young too and he had his life before him and so many things he wanted to do, places to see, people to meet and it all got cut too short on the night he died. It was 1978 and Bastian King was with his big brother Max and he was watching his little brother and he wanted to go out with his friends and had left brother at home while he went to a party. His parents had gone out for the night they had gone to a party and wouldn’t be back until late. He made his little brother stay home instead and he’d go to the party, he made his brother promise not to leave and to go to bed at a decent time. Max was going to the party and got into the car and buckle his seat belt and had driven to an old, abandoned house in the city of Amesbury, Milwaukee where there had been a party and an old, abandoned house that all the teenagers treated as haunted. There is rumor that if you go past the or in the house you will hear knocking, loud bangs, footsteps, and loud voices. This supposed spirit board is haunted, haunted by what no one knows, some say it’s the former owner who dabbled in black magic and summoned a demon through and the demon killed him and now he haunts the spirit board following and killing anyone who touches the spirit board. Now that spirit board sits upstairs in the attic. Jon Marbury who was lonely man but not a religious man was alone in his house and he was bored and went to this local toy store to purchase a spirit board and he brought home, he also loved black magic he was obsessed with magic and spells and one night he began playing with the spirit board; asking it questions like are you here? Show yourself, he asked if he was alone and at the same time, he did a spell that conjured up the evilest demon through that spirit board, this demon was so evil that it killed Jon and tore him limb from limb, and his spirit haunts that house. That demon possesses that spirit board. On the night of the party Max and Bastian drove to the old house and Bastian was excited because he loved spending time with his big brother and would often tell him stories of the haunted house. He never been a haunted house and always wanted to sneak off and check out the old place to see if it’s really haunted or not. He knew where the house was because him and his family drove past it many times, Bastian waiting until his brother left and was out site before sneaking out of the house. Bastian found the spare key and he locked up the house and walked the haunted house, he knew a short cut through the woods that take him there quicker. He followed an old walking trail that through the woods and would take him

out of the industrial side of town where the old house was. Bastian made to the house before his brother or even before anyone else was there, he snuck in through a broken window and walked inside. The house smelled of rotten flesh and there were flies everywhere and once in a while he’d here a bang or a knock or a voice. The voice was coming from upstairs and it was calling his name “BASTIAN” over and over and it sounded familiar, Bastian followed the voice upstairs and into the attic and it is getting louder. He heard footsteps and it sound like it was coming from one of the bedrooms. He heard a voice say “LEAVE”, YOUR NOT SAFE HERE”, “DANGER”. The footsteps got closer to Bastian and he felt a tug on his shirt as if he were being pulled away from where he was as if this unseen force was helping him. He proceeded on and did not heed the warnings he went up there anyway. He walked up the old attic steps and they creaked as he walked on them. When he reached the attic, he saw an old bunch of old stuff and top of an old box sat the spirit board. Bastian had never seen a spirit board and he had never played with one but he heard his brother talk about how his friends play with it when they have a party or his own friends having one and playing with it. He wanted to but he scared, scared of what might happen. He heard rumors of what happened to his friends; he just never took much stock in it. The worst that happened to his friends were them being followed and attachments. He heard the story of Jon Marbury and how he was killed and how he haunts this house and how tragic his death was, he heard the stories from his brother and rumors going through town. He walked over that old box and picked up that spirit board and began talking to it. “Whose here? Who is in this house? Who died here? The minute he did the little planchette began to move and it started to spell out the name JON then it spelled out DEMON, and then KILLED, or DIED, then EVIL. Before Bastian could react, he heard a low guttural growl and followed by a hiss and in the corner of the attic lying in the shadows of the dark was the largest most evil demon. It lunged at Bastian and had jumped in between them trying to protect the little boy but the demon picked up Jon and threw him, he fell against the wall and slumped to the ground. Bastian was screaming the demon attacked the little boy knocking him to the ground and knocking him out cold, the demon then began ripping his limbs off starting with his arms then going to his legs, that night the little boy died. Max’s friends had begun arriving at that house and Max had just got there. They entered the house and began playing loud music and unaware of the noises upstairs in the attic. The demon that haunted the spirit was very angry and was stomping and banging on the walls furiously. Them was dancing and drinking and it until later around eleven that someone was going to get the spirit board and mess with it as they did often do. Max had gone to go grab it as he is headed up to the attic he feels a tug on his shirt pulling him back, he begins to hear voices like “Go back, Demon, Danger, Death, Boy”, Max ignored it and went up anyway and when he gets to the top of the attic; he reaches the top of the stairs and sees… he saw his dead brother on the floor and broke down and cried, he picked up what was left and held on and screamed out “NO”. The cops came and shut down the party and they eventually found out about the dead one of the boys at the party was accused and arrested but never found a weapon and the boy went free, when Max’s parents found out about their younger son’s death Max was accused of being selfish and irresponsible and he was kicked out the house. Max is haunted by his brother’s death and goes to the haunted house every day to see his brother seeking forgiveness, Max eventually hung himself in the attic because of his guilt. That house is forever haunted by Max and Bastian and spend an eternity making up

for lost time. The spirit board was eventually taken out by paranormal investigators and locked up in a cabinet.

Chapter 18 18 The Killer Of Mills Creek It was the year 1900 and in a small town in North Carolina lies Mills Creek, Mills Creek is a quiet little quaint town where nothing ever happens, there hadn’t been a murder since 1795 which was a perfect record for this little town until that record got ruined. One night when the town was asleep one of townsfolk went completely nuts and killed his family while they slept and stabbed them to death with a pitchfork then he drags the bodies into the woods and dumped the bodies into the creek. Weeks before the murder Henry began feeling weird, he had felt sick and dizzy, headaches, nightmares, there was foul stench in his house, noises, then demon began whispering to him telling him telling him to kill his family, this demon harassed every night for weeks leading to the murder and on the last night the before the murder the demon possessed Henry. The demon turned itself into a mist and went into Henry’s opened mouth and made its home in Henry. Henry began to cough and hacked. He began shaking and twisting violently in bed so bad it woke up his wife who at the time had been horrified. That next night the demon would talk to Henry and plan out the murder. Henry had driven to his work, he had worked as a farmhand where he worked in the barn taking of the animals and helping in the field and also doing handy work, he grabbed a pitchfork and he took it back home walked upstairs and he stabbed his wife, he stabbed her thirty times over and over, then he went into his daughter’s room and stabbed her, he stabbed her over thirty times as well, and he did the same with his son. Henry took the pitchfork outside with him, grabbed a shovel from his garage and dug a hole about six feet deep into the yard and buried the bloody pitchfork then went inside and took the bodies one by one put them in the back of his car and drove to Millers Creek to dump the bodies. His plan was to make this murder look like someone had done it. He laid the bodies face down to make it look like they were drowned. After he was done, he went home and wiped the blood off his car and went through the house cleaning it with bleach. Wiping away any traces of evidence left, he rips off the bloody sheets and running it through the laundry several times and dumping the bloody water down the drain and then scrubbing it out with bleach and he hid the sheets in the cellar. It had only been a couple days after the murder and the wife’s parents had come looking for their daughter for it been days since they talked to her which they found odd because their daughter called them every day and found it odd when she didn’t call and began to worry. They were worried about their grandchildren as well because when they talked to their daughter, they could hear the kids playing in the background. When the parents asked about their daughter this what the husband said, “she packed her things and the kids and just left me. Where did they go? The parents asked. I don’t know. The husband said. He walked over to the table and grabbed the note he wrote. Dear Henry, I’m leaving you to find a better life and come after me or the kids, I cannot live with you any longer the life you have provided for me is no good, I can’t take it anymore, I’m taking the kids and leaving you and

not telling you where we are going. Goodbye, Susan. He walked to his in-laws and handed them the note. They looked it over and read it and to them it looked suspicious. First, they thought if she was leaving why didn’t she say goodbye, second if her and Henry were having problems why didn’t she come to them for help? Third, Susan would never leave this town because she loved it so much. This whole thing was suspicious and something wasn’t sitting right with them. And Henry was acting funny, like nervous, unsettled, he looked and the house smelled funny too. It smelled of rotting flesh and sulfur. While the parents were there talking to Henry the father of the daughter claimed to see his eyes go black just for only for a second and they went back to normal. The wife claimed to see a dark mass turn into a shadow of a demon staring at her in the corner. She could feel it staring at her with its cold, creepy, red eyes. It gave her the chills. She tugged at her husband’s arm and motioned her head in the direction of the demon, the husband took one look grabbed his wife by the arm and they left. Henry was glad they were gone he never liked his in-laws much and would rather see them dead then be around them. After about a week some local kids were playing in the woods by the creek when one of them were swimming in the creek when they stumbled upon the bodies of Ulrich family. The kids screamed and ran to tell their parents who then called the town sheriff who went to investigate with other officers. They found the bodies and took them back to the station to have the examined and the medical examiner told them they that they all had been murdered and stabbed by something long and large and with three prongs, the stab wounds were deep and large; the sheriff and officers found footprints of boots about size thirteen shoe and the prints were deep and large and it looked like the suspect had been stomping. The officer followed the footprints right to the Ulrich house and knocked on the door they knocked and knocked but no one answered After knocking on the door several times and getting no answer one of the officers had gone around back and crawled in through an opened window that went into the living room which had an awful stench. He walked into the room and began looking around the house searching for clues. The house smelled of rotten flesh, sulfur, and bleach, the air in the house felt dense and heavy and it felt weird, it felt evil. The officer could feel some type of presence in that house and it was making him feel uneasy, he could also feel eyes on him watching his every move. He continued searching through the house waving his flashlight around and keeping his firearm close at hand. He slowly walks upstairs going from room to room checking for evidence but didn’t find one single clue until he went upstairs and looked in the master bedroom closet where Henry’s Ulrich shoes were and there, they were size thirteen shoe full of mud and covered in blood. Officer Hennessey grabbed the shoes and placed in his evidence bag. He continued searching the house for evidence but didn’t find anymore. He made his way back downstairs and he is slowly walking down the steps and made his way outside the rest of the officers were outside searching the garage and land for clues. Henry Ulrich was at work at the time when the police investigated his house and he had no clue the police found his boots. After his shift ended at the farm, he’d gone home to find…. the police searching his yard. One of the of officers yelled. “Henry Ulrich, we want to ask you a few questions. Ok. Henry agreed.” Henry went willingly down to the police station to answer questions, of course he had no clue the cops had his boots and that he’d be tied to the murder of his family. The police asked him many questions regarding his family like; “ did your wife and kids really leave you? You claim someone else murdered your family and dumped their bodies into the creek but yet we found blood on your

work boots, can you confirm this? Did your family really leave you? And Henry answered this, my wife and kids were kidnapped and murdered. You told your wife’s parents that there was a note from your wife saying she was leaving you and left town, now and I think you’re lying. We have your boots and we had them tested for DNA and it came back to be from your family! “ The officer yelled. Henry’s eyes went black and he became extremely agitated and angry and was flipping out and began speaking in tongues and swearing, he got up and threw the chair he sat on and the wood shattered against the wall. The demon inside of Henry began to speak. “I killed Henry’s family, I made him do it, I whispered kill your family over and over in his ear, I made him kill his family with a pitchfork and told him to dump the bodies in the woods in the creek, and I possessed him.” It hissed. The officers were frozen with fear. They were speechless. One of the officers ran over to Henry trying to place in hand cuffs, but Henry ripped his arms off and with on hand strangled him to death and he threw him against the wall and he killed the other officers. When the other remaining officers saw his strength, they backed down, within minutes Henry’s eyes went back to normal and he was himself again and didn’t remember a thing. Since the police tied the murder to Henry he was arrested and placed in jail. The officers went back to his house to search for the murder weapon and found it buried in the yard and they looked for the bloody sheets that he washed but never found them for Henry had hidden them in the basement in the walls. After a long trial Henry Ulrich was tried on all accounts of murder and was sent to a mental hospital in Mills Creek, after living out his sentence Henry remained possessed killing a lot of people while serving his sentence. About five years later Henry took his own life and jumped from the top of the mental hospital. Locals say they have seen the wife and kids by the creek, in the woods, and even at the Ulrich house. They say that the demon that possessed Henry lived and haunted the woods of Mills Creek. It’s been said that Henry haunts the house of his family and can be seen at the mental hospital.

19 Chapter 19 The Music Box In the late 1900s there a young child who lived with his family in Germany and he’d lived with his grandparents for his parent’s had died in a car accident, Bernard was only four when his parents died they were on the way to see the circus which was his favorite thing to do when an evil looking creature came out of nowhere jumped out in front of the car and was carrying a music box after jumping out in front of the road this demon like creature disappeared into the music box Bernard’s parents swerved to get out of the way and truck hit them dead on killing his parent’s instantly. Bernard unbuckled himself and got out of the car and he saw the music box on the ground, he picked up and turned the key that made go and it played a lovely tune. He took that music box hit in his jacket and sat by a tree and cried. Bernard was only left with scratches and was lost without his parents; he was alone for the first time in his life. He sat that there all day and night cold, hungry, and alone, there on the road was a kind stranger passing by in car and saw the little boy, he gets out of the car and asked what happened, “little boy? A man is gruff voice said. Are you okay? Do you need help son? The little awoke feeling confused. Hello. Can you help me? My parents died and I’m all alone. I need to tell my grandparents what happened. The little boy explained. Ok the stranger said. Get into my car and I’ll take you to your grandparents. Bernard got up and followed this kind stranger he’d had been an older gentleman that reminded of his grandfather except for this man had a golden glow all around him as if he were heavenly. Him and this kind stranger drove the boy’s grandfather which was in the town of Gruen it was a beautiful little town a clock known the glockenspiel where it chimed every day and had the prettiest tune when it chimed. His grandparents lived right in between the bakery and the old locksmith in a cute little German cottage. When the stranger and Bernard arrived in town, they drove slowly so Bernard could pick out the house he always thought of the smells of the bakery and the friendly locksmith who was always out sweeping and would wave to you as you passed by. “We’re here! Bernard announced excitedly. The stranger stops and lets the boy out, Bernard looks at him and cocks his head to the side. You’re not coming? He queried. No, son I can’t come with you but I’ll always be watching over you. Bernard looked at this man and for a second, he swore he saw his dad, had his father been this kind stranger that had helped him? Or was it truly just a kind stranger trying to help? He stuttered out the word D-a-d-d-y? But it was too late the stranger and the car was already gone. Confused, Bernard makes his way to his grandparents’ house. He knocked on their door praying they would be home. His grandmother who was old and sweet came to the door. “ Bernard? What are you doing here alone, how did you get here? His grandmother asked. His grandfather came into the kitchen holding a pipe in his mouth, it smelled of cherries. Mammy and Pappy? Something terrible has happened to mommy and daddy. Bernard explained. Come in son and tell us all about it. His grandparents replied. His grandmother picked up and embraced his in a warm loving hug, she smelled of bread and fresh baked cookies. Bernard inhaled the scent of his grandmother as it brought him comfort. Now son, son tell us what happened. His grandfather said. Well, Mammy and Pappy, Mommy, I and Daddy were driving to the circus and a demon like creature came out of nowhere holding a music box, and it jumped in front of the car, daddy swerved and an oncoming truck hit us killing Mommy and Daddy I tried waking them

up but they didn’t; and then a kind stranger out of nowhere came and saved me and brought me to you. Son, where is the music box? I have with me in my jacket. It was very old it looked like it from the late 1800s and played creepy music and it had a clown that spun around it was so creepy looking but Bernard loved it. His grandparents took one look at it and it gave them the shivers and didn’t like one bit. The grandparents took in Bernard and he lived in his grandparents’ cottage. Bernard played with the music box every day and carried it with him everywhere he went. One night he was playing with the music box in his room and he was turning the key to make go when it began to make growling noises, Bernard dropped it because so scared and before he knew it a demon like creature came out; he could see its shadow forming on the wall it was hideous and scary, first it turned into a mist like form before morphing into a full blown demon. Bernard was so scared he peed himself, he could feel the pee trickle down his leg, wetting his pants, and he began crying uncontrollably and unable to move. As it came closer to the boy, Bernard noticed that it the same demon that killed his parents and it now possessed the music box. His beloved music box, the music box he found comfort in when his parents died, he played with it every day. Now he hated the music box, now it seemed so scary. The demon creeped closer to him, he tried to scream but nothing came out but a tiny squeak, he tried to run, but he couldn’t move. Finally, he let out loud scream, loud enough to scare his grandparents who were sitting and talking in the living room; they ran when they heard their grandson scream. They tried to open the door but it seemed to be stuck or locked they pounded on it begging their grandson to open it. “Open the door son! The boy’s grandfather yelled. I’m trying Pappy but I can’t! Bernard yelled back. His grandfather ran to get his toolbox and came back took a hammer and pulled out the nails to his grandson’s door. His grandmother waited frantically worried for her precious grandson. Mammy help me!!!!” Bernard shouted. The was opened and the grandparents rushed in and to their surprise they saw a creepy demon. It rushed at the grandparents, his grandfather stood in between the demon protecting his wife and grandchild, he waved his cane at the demon but it only angered it; the demon growled and let out a long evil hiss, picked up the grandfather and throwing him into the wall, He hit hard and hollered in pain as he fell hard into a lump on the floor. The little boy ran over to his grandfather frantically shaking him trying so desperately to wake him, but he wouldn’t wake up. The demon lunged at his grandmother wrapping his long, creepy, hands around her throat, the boy who was quite angry lunged at the demon with such strength that he knocked it down. The demon grew angrier and vicious and came the grandmother he picked her up took his hand reached into her chest and ripped her heart out and ate it in front of the grandson and smiled evilly. The little boy cried “NOOOO!” The demon threw his grandmother against the wall and she fell into a bloody pile unto the floor. He lost everyone he had ever loved, his parents, his grandparents. He was alone. No little boy should be alone at the age of four, and his was an orphan. The demon was still in the room and Bernard just sat there by his grandparents and cried and cried. In the corner of the room there was a warm, golden, glow and there appeared that same kind stranger that saved him, except it was angel and looked like his father, his father had been his guardian angel this whole time. Something in the room made him turn his head and look into the corner of the room; there he saw a golden glow and there was an angel with a halo over its head and it was holding a sword. The demon was about to lunge at the little boy but they angel stood in front of the little boy protecting him. The demon and

angel fought, they fought for hours until the demon was defeated. The angel stabbed it, condemned it back to hell then smashed the music box to pieces and ripping out the clown and stomping on it, it waved its hand and it disappeared. The little boy ran to angel wrapping his arms around it. “Thank you for saving me not only once, but twice. You’re welcome little the angel said. For a second the angel changed forms and turned into the boy’s father and there behind his father was his mother they had watching over them the whole time, guarding him. We have contacted family in the next town over, you are no longer alone son. The boy hugged his parents one last time and watched them disappear, he watched them fly into the clouds and they were gone. There in the clouds, Bernard could see two angels and he knew. That very night his aunt and uncle came to pick him up and they packed his things and left. The next week they had two funerals one for his parents and another for his grandparents as the service begins, Bernard could see his parents and grandparents in the distance watching and they waved and then disappeared, but they have been gone but Bernard knew that his parents, and grandparents were his guardian angels and were always watching over him.

20 Chapter 20 Possessed It was the year 2008 in a quiet, suburban, neighborhood of Euclid lived a family of four, they had been a good Christian family they had just moved into the neighborhood so were fairly new to the neighborhood and they barely knew anyone. They had left their old house where they for over two years and finally were able to buy a place of their own. The house was a cute little three bedroom bungalow and it was set in a nice little neighborhood. About after two weeks the neighborhood began to change, it used to feel friendly and nice but now it felt evil and creepy you could feel it atmosphere. After about two weeks after moving in the neighborhood felt weird it no longer felt warm and welcoming it felt strange to her, every time she’d gone outside, she get the creeps and she’d get goosebumps on her all over her body. The mother was a medium otherwise known as a sensitive, or spiritualist, she see ghosts, spirits, and other entities. It was a gift she had all her life and her gift was passed down from her grandfather. She remembered him using dousing rods and growing up when I saw him using them, I asked him what are those rods for Pop? He’d tell me he was using those rods to find water, but even though I was young I knew what those rods were really used for. There were originally called witching rods and were used for finding ghosts and spirits and other entities. I always thought it was the coolest thing and I wished I had my own to use. I always wondered if he had the same gift, I did and that’s where I got from. One day while the kids were at school the mother was cleaning her kids’ room and she was putting stuff in trash bags to throw out and once the bag was full, she was going to take out to the curb for trash. When she had gone outside it felt extremely strange, something was off she could feel it in her gut, she immediately got the chills and the creeps. The atmosphere felt different it felt creepy and evil, the mother didn’t like one bit. As she puts the trash to the curb a kid around sixteen years old in a green van comes driving down their street and is staring at her with cold, evil eyes, but not just any eyes his eyes weren’t normal his eyes were black, black as can be and he stared at her with such a coldness it pierced her soul. “Oh, my goodness! He’s possessed! She exclaimed. Now the mother only seen this happen two times before in her life once when she was a young girl and she was choked by a teenage boy and when her father was possessed but only for a second. But this was different, God only knows how long this kid had been possessed for. She looked back at him and it hard not to stare when you’re being stared at by someone whose possessed. This kid was so evil he wanted to come after her she feel his vengeance and malice it was so scary. She was just about to walk back into her house when…. when he parked his car and got out and began to chase her, she ran as fast as she could to run back into the house, he was close behind her, she could feel him. He put his foot in the door to stop her from closing the door she tried fighting him off but he was too strong he forced his way in. She ran into the bathroom and locked it, but he kicked the door in with his foot, the door exploded wood splinters flying everywhere, she screamed. She heard the demon inside him growl, it was deep and guttural. His eyes her black and cold it like staring into a bottomless black pit. He lunged at her wrapping his strong around her throat and began to squeeze as hard as he could. She tried to push this kid off of with her feet and legs but the weight and strength she couldn’t. She coughed and hacked, she tried to pry his hands off her neck but it was too hard and his grip was strong, the demon

inside this kid wanted her dead and would stop at nothing to do it just so it could drag her to hell, that’s how she felt. She began to pray to God, please Lord give me the strength to fight, help Lord. She could the life drain out of her, she began to get weaker, the pressure on her throat became more vigorous, this was it the end of my life. Her kids, life flashed before her eyes as well as her own and then everything went black. She closed her eyes and she was still, she had just passed out when the kid though she was dead he left her lying on the floor. A voice was calling her to wake up, it sounded like a heavenly voice, it sounded like God; she obeyed the voice and slowly got up and she slowly and looked the house it was a wreck and she heard noises coming from upstairs, he’d been throwing things then she heard a ripping sound, she followed the sound. Quietly she crept, when she made to the top of the steps at the landing, she witnessed the possessed boy turn a cross upside down just by looking at it. But then she witnessed something that day she’d never forget. A bright, heavenly light came out of nowhere and out the light appeared the Lord it was the most amazing thing she’d ever seen, she fell to her knees and began to worship and praise the Lord that was in her presence. He looked at her with warm, kind, loving, gentle eyes and He spoke “everything is okay my child.” I knew at the moment it that everything was alright, the marks on her neck disappeared, He then said nothing placed His hand on the kid and his black eyes were brown again he was no longer possessed he was a normal kid again. The kid looked around all confused and he ran out of the house got into his van and drove off, the mother never saw him again and it’s experience she’ll never forget. Last time the mother checked the kid that was possessed is now baptized, he goes to church, and now is a Christian.

Chapter 21 21 Echo Of Ghosts It was midnight, I was so exhausted and I was in a realm I didn’t recognize. It was cold and dark and all I could hear was an echo of ghosts calling for help. It seemed to be coming from every direction, the sound was deafening; it was so loud I placed my hands over my ears. Where was I? How did I get here? What realm am I in? Was I dead? I kept asking myself. I felt so alone but yet surround by spirits. I forced myself to get up, I had been crouching in the corner all night and my legs and body were stiff, it hurt to get up but I got up anyway; I made my way through the darkness trying to feel my way around. I ran my hand through the air trying to feel a wall, or a door. All I could feel were cold hands touching me, they were reaching out for human contact. “Where am I?” I shouted loudly. All I heard were ghosts talking at once. It was hard to think when you have a million ghosts talking at once. All I wanted was silence so I could hear. Maya was seven when she first began seeing ghosts and spirits. She loved being a clairvoyant, she gets along better with ghosts and spirits then humans, and that’s just how she felt. After graduation Maya said goodbye to her parents got into her car and drove to her new life. She was moving out she’d saved up from every job she ever had and bought her own apartment and she going to college she found a community college close to her new apartment. Her new apartment was old, it looked it was made in the 1800s but it was beautifully restored keeping they it looked back in the 1800s, it even had the old original windows. Maya couldn’t wait to move in, she’d lived her mother for far too long and whatever savings she had would go to rent. Her college was paid for by her mother, her father split when she was only four. The thing about this old apartment was that it was haunted, but nobody knew that the tenants that lived there had no clue. Back in the 1800s when it was first built there was a fire and the whole building caught fire mysteriously some say it was arson, others say it was a chimney fire, others say it was someone who fell asleep with a cigarette. Countless people were killed, burned up, nothing left but charred bodies. When the paramedics and firemen came, they claimed it was the most horrific scene they had ever seen. They’re had been reports of some tenants seeing apparitions, or hearing voices some were heard in the basement, but most of were on the 4th floor. In the same apartment where Maya was going to live. Maya was driving on her way to the apartment when suddenly she began to have visions, she pulled off the side of the road and parked the car. She saw visions people, so many people, they are crying out for help but it too late and all she saw was fire and flames, they were flames everywhere and it hot, so hot that she could feel the heat. She saw herself walking around this building being surrounded by flames. A voice kept calling into the basement of the apartment it trying to lead her down there, but could she trust this voice? Was it good, was it evil? Then all of sudden it was quiet; she went down anyway to see to what she could feel. She walked down the stairs, the basement felt cold and she felt more than one presence there. Some were good, there was an evil spirit there she could feel it; it was so strong it made her physically ill. She felt weak, and nauseous, and her head began to hurt. The evil spirit was just about to lunge at her when a ghost came from out of nowhere and pushed her out of the way it took the brunt of the attack. She quickly ran back upstairs;

she made her way to the fourth floor. She began to get flashes of people running left and right and everywhere trying to escape the fire but it had been too late. She heard screaming coming from every direction, the sound was earsplitting. She covered her ears, and slumped on the floor against the wall, she made herself get up, she went to the door apartment 4-1. She walked in an immediately was hit with spirits, it had been a family of four that locked themselves in the closet and had been huddled together, she walked to the closet and opened it, there were the bodies burnt and huddled together. It was a heartbreaking sight. All these spirits were trapped in this building and were earthbound as if something were keeping them here. Just as about a spirit was going to show her what happened a policeman had driven by seeing her in the car and gently knocked on the window. “Miss, are you ok, are you need of medical attention, miss? Suddenly Maya shook herself out of her vision, the policeman has scared her. “Oh, hi officer. Mays said. You surprised me. Oh, sorry about that miss, I saw you just sitting here and wanted to know if you are ok. Yes, officer, I pulled to the side of the road because I wasn’t feeling well and must have dozed off. Maya answered. I’m glad you’re okay miss, I need you to move on, ok? Yes sir, of course officer.” She replied. She waved goodbye and closed her window and drove to the apartment. She pulled into the parking garage and parked her car; the moving truck would be here by noon. She began unpacking the car and taking things upstairs, the minute she walked into the building she began seeing flashes of what happened, she saw many spirits, then she saw him she saw the evil spirit he tried to hide from her. The spirit who saved her showed what the evil spirit had done, he taken a can of kerosene and matches and lit the whole place on fire. She saw him grab the kerosene and matches from his father’s garage. The man walked to the apartment, walked right in, went straight to the basement, and doused with kerosene and lit the match and threw it. His plan was set the fire and run except he accidently caught himself on fire and he died instantly, he burnt to death. The whole apartment went up in flames some people escaped unharmed, and other died in the fire. Over one hundred people died that day, that was one hundred spirits trapped including the arsonist. What Maya saw was absolutely horrendous. This was slowly taking a toll on her, she only take some much, she was becoming weak, the spirits were taking her energy. She shook her head, shaking her vision away, she continued to walk up to her apartment. Four flights of stairs she walked till she reached her apartment which had been 4- 1. She walked in and was hit with the spirits that lived here. All she heard was help us, help us, help us. How could live in a place that was haunted? Easy, she has learned to co-exist together. She been going up and down flights of steps all day and was growing tired. She had grabbed her last thing of boxes and taken them upstairs, she’d unpacked all day long; she was tired and hungry. The whole she spent unpacking it had been quiet, not one single ghost had bothered her. She’d ordered a pizza had it delivered she ate it and went to bed. All night she toss and turned, then all of a sudden, she was pulled into another realm, she felt herself swirling and twirling in circles. She felt herself hit the hard floor with a thud, she rubbed her leg because it hurt and was sore. She opened her eyes, still feeling sleepy, she looked at her watch it was midnight, I was so exhausted and I was in a realm I didn’t recognize. It was cold and dark and all I could hear was an echo of ghosts calling for help. It seemed to be coming from every direction, the sound was deafening; it was so loud I placed my hands over my ears. Where was I? How did I get here? What realm am I in? Was I dead? I kept asking myself. I felt so alone but yet surround by spirits. I forced myself to get up, I had been crouching in the

corner all night and my legs and body were stiff, it hurt to get up but I got up anyway; I made my way through the darkness trying to feel my way around. I ran my hand through the air trying to feel a wall, or a door. All I could feel were cold hands touching me, they were reaching out for human contact. “Where am I?” I shouted loudly. All I heard were ghosts talking at once. It was hard to think when you have a million ghosts talking at once. She feels a door and reaches for the knob, she turns it and it opens it, the door flies swings open and she’s nothing but evil spirits and dark entities; one comes at her she slams it shut before it reaches the door, she quickly locks it. She can see and hear spirits all around her. They were grabbing her hands and arms, reaching for her, and pulling her every which way. “I must be in a spirit realm, but how in Hades did I get here? Can I travel on dream plane? Did I astral project myself here?” She asked herself. “Question is how do I get back home?” She heard a voice, it sounded like it was coming from upstairs and it was a voice that sounded familiar. “Maya, Maya, it said over and over. I’m Melena you’re spirit guide; I’m here to help you.” She followed the voice upstairs and it led her to a room and around this spirit was a bright white light. The spirit grabbed her hand and Maya saw a bright light flash in front of her eyes and suddenly she was back in her bed safe and sound. The spirit was there with her, Maya could feel her around, she felt like family. She looked like family too, Maya found a picture of her great- grandmother, she looked at the picture then the spirit and back at the picture again, it was her great-great-grandmother. The spirit touched her hand, Maya saw a flash and she was in her apartment except everything looked different it the furniture was different it look it was Victorian it was beautiful. The apartment building itself was brand new and just built. There her great- great- grandmother sitting a rocking a baby it must have been her grandmother she was rocking. All of sudden she saw smoke all around her, she smell it. Her great-great grandmother grabbed the baby and hid in the closet, in a flash Maya was in the basement there was the man who started the fire she seen everything she saw him. He saw her and watched her the whole time as he started the fire as if he were proud of what he did. He smiled evilly and in the smoke behind him was an evil spirit almost demon like. The spirit of Melena came to her and said this, “You must send him back, you must send him back, send to the realm. His name is Nathan Harding. “Nathan Harding, I condemn back to your realm, now go!” Maya said in a firm voice, the smoke demon and Nathan disappeared into the floor and was gone. The apartment had gone up in flames and it was too late, all she could hear was screaming all around her, she ran upstairs to her great-great-grandmother she saw her great- great-grandfather he had broken into the closet and rescued the baby, but it had been too late for his wife, she was gone. He ran outside with the baby, he and baby were the only survivors of All the people in the apartment had died of smoke inhalation and burnt to death, they said it was the worst fire of that time. So many tragic deaths, it was no wonder why so many spirits were trapped there. Maya realized she was in the apartment the whole time, the echo of spirits she thought she heard in the realm she thought she was in was the trapped spirits in the apartment. At that moment she knew what she had to do. She crossed over every single spirit trapped in the apartment, except for the one she condemned, the building she lives in is now ghost free. Maya still sees her great-great-grandmother from time and time. Maya is now a medium and she helps people with haunting in her home and helps the spirits cross over, and condemns the evils ones, Maya still lives in that apartment till this very day.

Chapter 22 22 The Clown Killer In 2011 in the neighborhood of Dawson, Iowa a group of children started to disappear, they disappeared near a park, the kids would go missing for three days and their bodies dumped at the park. Some people blamed the homeless guy in the park, even though he was harmless. Police and locals believed it to be a drifter or a pedophile, or worse, no one really knew who could be taking kids, the police had no leads, no evidence, and nothing to go on except a word of a homeless man who claimed to see a masked man in the park wearing big shoes. There had been rumors of a crazy clown who’d gone nuts escaped from a local mental ward and began taking and killing children. The word of the homeless guy meant nothing because he was known as drunk or crazy, he’d been watching this man, watching him. He’d go to the police and tell of what he seen but the police just passed it off as nothing. The homeless man knew some day the police would believe him. He lived in the alley right by the park and he saw all the action, the homeless guy was old and went by the name Danby he was old but he was smart as a whip and he always kept his eye on crime in area. One night a couple decides to go and stay a night at hotel and try out a new babysitter and about an hour after they left for a night, after about an hour the kids decide to sneak outside but they saw a creepy man with a mask hanging around and changed their minds, they decided to stay in their rooms and watch tv instead. He’d been watching their house for about an hour now and he was about to make his move. In the hallway upstairs the window was opened and there a nice breeze it was summertime, the creepy clown that was stalking their house decided to climb in through the opened window. He climbed in slowly trying not to make any noise; he sneaks down the hallway and hides in the parent’s bedroom. The parents realizing, they forgot to leave their cell for the babysitter, calls and checks in; the babysitter asks them if she can watch a scary movie in their room and the parents gave their consent. The babysitter took one look at the clown statue and was creeped out, so she threw a sheet over it, all of a sudden, the statue began move… he lunged the babysitter and stabbed her, the babysitter threw up her arms to defend herself but the clown kept stabbing her over and over and over. The babysitter dropped the phone and the parents could hear screaming in the background and were very concerned. The kids were alone in the house with this crazy clown killer, hearing the screams they quietly and carefully crept to the bathroom and locked themselves in. The clown killer was on the hunt for the kids singing a creepy song, he checked every room. He went to the bathroom and took his knife and tried to hack the door down, he stabs it repeatedly he see the kids and he laughs so evilly. The kids are terrified and screaming, the clown breaks down the door and attacks the kids, one of the littlest ones runs in between the clown’s legs and tries to get away, the clown grabs the sister and begins stabbing her, she blocks him with her arm and cuts it. She lets out a scream “AAAHHHHH”, she yells her little brother to run next door to the neighbor’s but it’s too late the clown grabs him and carries him outside to the van and tied him up. The clown comes back for the girl but she disappeared. “I’m going to find you and hack you to pieces”. The clown says. The girl was hiding in the closet watching, the

clown went looking for her. “I see you” The clown said in his creepiest voice. He opened the door and saw the little girl; there she was looking so tiny and terrified. He was loving this; he couldn’t wait to sink his knife into her tiny little body and carry it to the park to be dumped. He was just about to plunge the knife into the little girl’s chest when the homeless man came running upstairs at the clown, he yelled run little girl run. The girl was about to run and she watched the man that tried to save her life get stabbed over and over. She watched his lifeless, bloody, lifeless body slump to the floor. She ran as fast as she could out the door, the clown followed her, he grabbed her leg causing her fall and everything went black. He picked her up and took her the van where he killed both the little brother and her, stabbing them over and over. When he had finished, he cleaned up and dumped the bodies in the park posing them both on the swings. The parents who were in a panic drove home as fast as they could, they come to an opened door; they called for the babysitter and their kids and went they went upstairs they were devasted nothing would prepare them for what they were about to see. They found an almost dead homeless person in their home, he mumbled to the parents “ I tried to save them, I tried but he got them anyway. Who got them? They asked. The clown. The homeless man said. He took them to his van and killed them.” The homeless man passed out. The found dead babysitter covered in a bloody sheet, and their kids were missing. They called the police and told what had happened, they come over right away, they police department formed a search party and went looking for the missing kids. The police had found dead kids sitting on the swings, the parent’s ran over to them and cried. About two weeks later the police found the bloody knife and the killer clown was arrested and convicted of murder on multiple accounts and now resides in prison where he is serving term till this very day.

23 Chapter 23 Soul Sucking Demon “Help me! She yelled. “I’m being chased by a demon! Anyone can you please help me it’s after me! Please anyone?! Help, it’s coming to get me, it’s coming for my soul. She could feel it’s presence behind her as it got closer, it was faster than her and running at full force, she looked behind her and saw this tall, pale, white creature with no eyes, and a narrow mouth with vampire looking teeth. She ran through the mental ward in her hospital gown. She kept running down the corridor, looking for a place to hide. She ran into another patient’s room and shut the door and locked it, she looked out the little window in the door, then it was looking for her somehow it could smell fear through its long tongue flicking it out like a snake, it sense her and it was coming for her. Ellie woke up tied down to the bed, she couldn’t move, she tried to yell out but she was sedated. She’d suffer from what her doctor told her was “night terrors” but Ellie knew what was experiencing was real, she dealt with demons all her life, one in particular and it was coming for her soul and she knew it was only a matter of time. She always felt the devil was out to get her and to take her soul, why she never knew. She knew she’d been followed all her life by this one particular demon and he was the worst, it follow her to school, work, home, it would appear in her dreams every night. She became obsessed with it, her parents thought she was so obsessed that they committed her to a mental ward. Her own parents didn’t believe her and truly thought she was nuts, they tried to talk some sense into her but her parents didn’t listen. Her friends didn’t seem to care that much and told her whatever she was experiencing wasn’t real but Ellie knew it was real, it was real to her and this was really happening. That this soul sucking demon would suck her soul from her then drag her to hell. Ellie wished that someone would just take her side and believe her, but she was alone. Her parents rarely ever visited and that she is in this damn mental ward her friends won’t even speak to her and now treat her as if she were invisible. This wasn’t fair, she didn’t deserve this. Parents are supposed to be there for you, support you, and love you unconditionally not treat you badly and unfairly. She was dumped at this hell hole mental ward, her parents didn’t even bother asking they packed her bags told her to get into the car, checked her in and left. Never said goodbye or I love you, they just left and never gave her a second thought. This made Ellie extremely angry and sad. Her own parents, she hated them for what they did. For not caring enough to ask her if this what she wanted, but no they make the decision for her as if she couldn’t handle it. Her parents always treated her like a child and she hated and she hated them, she hated them so much, she wished them dead. This was the story of her life. Ellie had a good life, good job, she was about finish high school and move unto college and start her life but instead she had to live her life in this crappy hell hole. She wished it were her parents and her friends that were here not her. Ellie who had been kind and loving, was now growing bitter and angry. It was visitation day outside in the outside garden the day her parents were coming to visit, her parents called a day before to plan a visit but she didn’t want to see them. About an hour later her parents came, she walked to the common area and looked outside in the garden area there they were talking to her doctors. They looked all high and mighty, acting like they cared being and friendly but they really

didn’t give one damn shit about her it was all an act. Why did they show up? Especially if they didn’t care about her, they thought she was too much to handle with her “issues” and all. Her mother saw her through the window and came running into to see her. “ I turned to walk away from her, mother forcefully grabbed my arm. I winced from the pain and pulled away from her. “Just Leave, I don’t want you here!” I yelled. Everyone in the common area looked included the nurses and orderlies. My mother shot me a dirty look and walked away, she walked to my father and whispered in in his ear. She’s probably telling him some bullshit story about me. I said whispering to myself. They looked at me meanly and breezed past me. “Good riddance.” I replied under by breath. That was the last time she’d ever see her parents. That night she eaten dinner in the common room, she sat by herself and watched all the other patients some were worse off than she was. She didn’t deserve to be here her problem wasn’t mental it was a spiritual and a physical attack. No one believed her when they told her, they just kept shooting her up with meds and feeding her pills. It made her brain feel like mush, and it made her feel like shit, she hadn’t felt like herself since she’d been admitted. Seems like since she’d been here the pills and shots made her problems worse, it’s like the shots and meds induced her nightmares. She hated the meds and shots and one she had enough and she one night she snuck into the station saw the med cart and the shots and meds with her name on it, she took the shots dumped out what was in it and replaced with water. The pills she’d figure it out, she snuck back into her room and got ready for bed. She got into bed and awaited the orderly to come. He handed her a cup of her pills and then handed her some water and stood there and made sure she took her pills, he given her a shot, too bad it was just water, he didn’t need to know. I secretly held them under my tongue. The orderly made me open my mouth to check to see if I took my pills, so I opened my mouth and showed him. Satisfied he left to his rounds. Ellie settled into bed and she got comfy, it’s the one thing she liked about this place was the comfy beds. She dozed off pretty quickly, she’d been tired because she hasn’t been sleeping well due to the dreams. Ellie is back in her parents’ house she’s upstairs in her room, it’s quiet she’s watching t.v. her parents are in their room sleeping. All of the sudden out of the corner of her eye Ellie sees it, there it is it’s standing there in the corner watching her, sniffing at the air, and smelling her fear she laid there paralyzed. It quickly walked towards the door into the hallway to her parent’s room, it threw open the door, Ellie followed it watching it’s every move. It lunged at her parents jumping on top of them, it took its mouth and placed it directly on her mom’s body and she hear its teeth sink into her flesh; piercing the skin it began to suck, she heard it drink and gulp. She stood there and watched in awe as she watched this creature slowly kill her mother, Ellie saw this white form being sucked from her mom’s body, it was her soul, the creature slowly sucked down, and moved on to her father. The creature sunk it’s vampire like teeth into her father’s flesh and sucked, it sucked him dry, Ellie saw her father’s soul being sucked from his body it was kind of weird. As if it was satisfied the Soul Sucking Demon turned to looked at Ellie and it flicked it’s snake like tongue and moved on to her, it was still hungry. “OMG, this is it, I’m going to die.” She said to herself slowly backing away and turned to run. It charged at her, she screamed and ran. She ran to the bathroom and locked the door, the creature broke the door down and came at her, her only escape was the bathroom, she opened the window, broke the screen, and jumped. She felt herself falling, she was dead, she fell but she hit something soft, she woke up and she’d been in bed. She woke to the doctor being there. “Ellie, we have some

news for you. Huh, what? I replied. Ellie something tragic has happened to your parents, I don’t know how to say this but they’re gone. Gone? I said sounding confused. Yes, they’re dead, some type of tragic accident. Some neighbors heard noises coming from the house came to investigate and found your parents dead upstairs with some weird holes in them. The police ruled it a suicide/murder. Your grandmother is here to take you home, Ellie you’re free to go.” The doctor said. Ellie knew what killed her parents, and that soul sucking demon killed them and her dream had been real, they had been real along. She was going to be next and if she stayed here being confined to her bed, it would have killed her too. That was the happiest news she heard all year! She was so excited to see her Grams. She hadn’t seen her since she got dumped in this shit hole, she couldn’t wait to hug her. “Ells!” She heard her Gram’s voice and it was music to her ears. She ran up and hugged her tightly, her Gram’s hugged her tightly. Her and her Grams packed her stuff together, she had said goodbye to her friends she’d made here and wished them well. She didn’t even look back, she walked with her beloved Gram’s and they left together. Her grams looked so tiny driving in the driver’s seat beside her, she was humming her favorite tune, Ellie never been so happy to see her grams. She’d finally have a home to live in no more padded rooms, no more being confined to a bed, no more pills or shots. She could finish school, go back to her job, and finally go to college. They pulled into Gram’s driveway, Ellie hadn’t been there in months since being put in the mental ward, this was her home now. She had to go back to get more clothes but going to ger parent’s house would be so weird now that they’re gone. Her gramps had driven her to her old house to get more clothes, the house felt strange and empty. It’s like she could feel a presence, she could feel the animosity, the evil, the death. She closed her eyes, she saw it, she saw it in her room where it was watching her; she was here. She could hear everything; she went into her parent’s room the sheets were still bloody it smelled like death. She wished her parents dead but she never thought it would ever come true, just like teen she said but never meant it but, in some way, she was glad and she knew she shouldn’t be. They dumped her in place where she knew she didn’t belong and did without even telling her or asking her, in a way her parents got what they deserved, they were cold, mean, and callous. She packed the rest of her things and headed to car. She threw her things in the back and her and her gramps drove back home. That next week was her parent’s funeral, that was rough seeing her parents’ dead. She couldn’t cry, she felt no emotion whatsoever. A week after the funeral Grams and Gramps and I went through the house getting to sell it, and a week after that they had gone over the will and her parents left her with everything. Two weeks later, Ellie was in school and she gotten into a fight with a bully had stood up to her, after that her and her friend had taken walk after school, they been walking on a quiet road that was by her school and another church and there curled in the sewer was the soul sucking demon, it had been sleeping and was waking up it had smelled her scent and was coming out. “RUN!” I yelled to my friend, we ran up a house that close by we knocked on the door, then I jiggled the doorknob, it turned. There was man inside, I looked behind us the creature was right on us, we ran through the house, I ran until I found a back door. I heard the creature growl and I heard screams and then sucking sounds. I ran upstairs and found a door that led to a balcony I went out it and crawled down sliding down the huge columns of the house. Then it found me, it was too late it found me, it jumped on and sunk its teeth into my body, I screamed. It latched onto me digging its claws into me. I could feel the life draining from my body, then it all went black,

that it I was dead, with one last suck it inhaled my soul I was dead. The creature threw its head back and let a nasty howl, and it disappeared into the sewer and back to hell.

23 Chapter 23 Murder In The Maldives Christa and Cooper had just tied the knot and were going on their first honeymoon together to the Maldives, they have been planning this trip for months and now it was finally here. This trip would be the last time they would ever see each other. It was a nineteen hour flight; they reached the Maldives by Wednesday and it’s a good thing it’s a three week trip because it gave them time to get over jet lag and get accommodated. They flew into the Maldives airport it was eight pm and Cooper and Christa went to grabs their bags from baggage claim and Tony was right there watching them. He stayed far enough behind where he couldn’t be seen but close enough to watch their every move. The Frankens grabbed their luggage and headed to the hotel, it was nice hotel with a resort, a swimming pool, and hot tub, it had all the amenities of a kick ass hotel. Christa and Cooper boarded the plane after a long wait in the airport, they had taken a direct flight from Ohio to the Maldives, they were quite thrilled about their trip as a married couple and had planned so many fin things to do together like snorkeling, ziplining, paddle boarding, and parasailing. Tony had been dressed up like a tourist so he fit in with everyone else without being noticed. Someone had been watching them since they were in Ohio and they didn’t know they had been followed, The Frankens would never make it back home. They had been stalked by some stranger that had been watching them, he would follow them everywhere they would go, he’d watch them at work, at home, out shopping, even on their wedding day. He had secretly planted cameras everywhere, he had been watching them for years. Who was this strange man that stalked them he had been a murderer that been in prison and was just recently released but something about him was familiar. Cooper was the lawyer that put this man in prison and now he was coming back for revenge he’d been angry and now he was after Cooper and his wife. In 2002 Cooper was the lawyer of the woman’s husband that Tony killed and Cooper was the one that had him convicted of murder, he’d been working with police and been following the case down every detail. Tony was meticulous and been very careful about cleaning up any evidence left behind; however, he made a mistake and the police found missing evidence linking him back to the murder. He had tortured and beaten a man to death and left the bloody pipe hidden in an old warehouse, thinking that no one would find it, that was the deadly mistake that sent him to prison. The man’s name was Tony Killbuck and he been in prison serving his term for murder but had been released for good behavior, he was on house arrest and was wearing an ankle monitor but was so smart he figured out how to bypass it and he learned how to take off and use it like he never left. His plan was to follow the Frankens and murder them in the Maldives blame it on one of the locals and disappear and to fall off the grid. They checked into the hotel, Cooper paid the hotel employee and went upstairs, Tony was right behind them, he paid with cash so nothing would be traced back to and he the room right across the hall from the Frankens. The Frankens had been tired after a long day two days of traveling and needed a good night’s rest for tomorrow the would set out and go snorkeling. They spent the night together

for much needed time together as a married couple then gone to bed. The next morning the couple got up early and set out to go snorkeling they asked the manager where they could go snorkel, the manager gave a good recommendation for a beach they go where no one goes and it desolate but people were allowed to go if they chose to. They grabbed their gear and some towels, rented some bikes, and rode down the road. The beach was gorgeous it was long and sands were so pretty, and the ocean was filled with so many different blues and greens. They grabbed their snorkel gear and headed into the water, Tony had been following them he stayed hidden amongst the trees and bushes and move quietly and unseen. He wanted their deaths to be a murder but yet look like an accident, and he had it all planned out in his evil, psychotic head of his, he was going to wait to till the time was right, he get them while they were zip lining, mess with the gear, have both slip and fall making it look like it was an accident and he’d blame on a local and he’d get away with it. He loved his plan, he smiled evilly had his own wicked thoughts. Finally, he’d get revenge, oh how he couldn’t wait to see the look on Cooper Franken’s face when he murders him and his wife. He wouldn’t wait to see the look of shock and surprise when he sees him for the first time in two years. “I bet Cooper Franken had no clue I was after him or his wife, or the fact that I have been watching them for two who years now, the look will be priceless.” Tony said to himself. They checked into the hotel, Cooper paid the hotel employee and went upstairs, Tony was right behind them, he paid with cash so nothing would be traced back to and he the room right across the hall from the Frankens. The Frankens had been tired after a long day two days of traveling and needed a good night’s rest for tomorrow the would set out and go snorkeling. They spent the night together for much needed time together as a married couple then gone to bed. The next morning the couple got up early and set out to go snorkeling they asked the manager where they could go snorkel, the manager gave a good recommendation for a beach they go where no one goes and it desolate but people were allowed to go if they chose to. They grabbed their gear and some towels, rented some bikes, and rode down the road. The beach was gorgeous it was long and sands were so pretty, and the ocean was filled with so many different blues and greens. They grabbed their snorkel gear and headed into the water, Tony had been following them he stayed hidden amongst the trees and bushes and move quietly and unseen. He wanted their deaths to be a murder but yet look like an accident, and he had it all planned out in his evil, psychotic head of his, he was going to wait to till the time was right, he get them while they were zip lining, mess with the gear, have both slip and fall making it look like it was an accident and he’d blame on a local and he’d get away with it. He loved his plan, he smiled evilly had his own wicked thoughts. Finally, he’d get revenge, oh how he couldn’t wait to see the look on Cooper Franken’s face when he murders him and his wife. He wouldn’t wait to see the look of shock and surprise when he sees him for the first time in two years. “I bet Cooper Franken had no clue I was after him or his wife, or the fact that I have been watching them for two who years now, the look will be priceless.” Tony said to himself. The Frankens finished snorkeling and headed back to the hotel to wash up for a lovely romantic dinner on the beach, but first they took advantage of being alone and made love in the shower then finished got dressed and went to dinner, it was a lovely evening they enjoyed drinks and seafood and listening to the sounds of the ocean. Three weeks had already flown by, so far, they enjoyed hiking in the jungles, they went swimming with the manta rays, they went paddle boarding, today was there last day in paradise and they going to go zip lining. Tony Killbuck was already there he’d been dressed as a local and pretended that he was the owner of the ziplining business he tampered with the ziplining gear. The couple came to pay to go zip lining little did they know that this would be the last time they’d ever see each

other. Cooper got on first then went, then Christa followed. “I love you so much!! Christa said. I love you too. Cooper replied. I can’t wait for us to go on our honeymoon to the Maldives! Christa said excitedly. I have been waiting to take you the Maldives, darling, and now we get to go.” They spent every day together doing something fun as a couple, they loved it was the best trip of their lives but it was all about to come end, it was the last day of their trip and they had zip lining, they had just put their hands on the zip line handles about to slide when…. Cooper slipped and Christa screamed. “NOOOO, Cooper, he looked up as he saw Tony Killbuck, his eyes went wide and his mouth feel open and she watched her husband fall to his death his he fallen to the rocks below her. She looked down at his bloody body. She’d been hanging on as tight as she could but she was slowly slipping; she lost her grasp and she fell hitting the rocks below, she was gone. Tony Killbuck looked down the murder couple and smiled. He did, he got away with it! Or so he thought. He ran frantically to a local town screaming murder and blamed on the owner of the ziplining place, he yelled, “HELP SOME COUPLE WAS MURDERED ZIPLINING, I KNOW WHO DID IT!” The police investigated the murder turns out that they found Tony’s fingerprints on the tools he used when he tampered with the zip lining gear and a plane ticket that was traced back to Tony Killbuck’s credit card. He was arrested for the murders of Christa and Cooper Franken. Tony Killbuck was convicted and arrested where he serves a life’s term for prison where still serves his time. Tony Killbuck is haunted ad tormented by the ghosts of Christa and Cooper he eventually lost his mind and hung himself in his cell and now his soul rots in hell.

24 Chapter 24 Buried Alive It was hot and it was in the middle of July and Tawny had been living on her own for months now, she’d just moved into a new house the city that she’d saved up and bought on her own, she was a reporter for the local news and had been covering a report on her own about a man known as the grave digger and he was known for burying people alive. She’d been following this case closely and she was close to finishing it. On the night of her kidnapping, she had been out on her own but with her cameraman, she had got an anonymous report of the grave digger. He was known for knocking out his victims and then burying them, little did Tawny know that she’d be his next victim. She followed this man in her news van into a slum neighborhood of New York and she’d been taping him the whole time. “Hi this is Tawny Storm for the New York Channel 8 news on location and I am following the grave digger, it seems to me that he’s out looking for his next victim. Word has that he knocks out his victims with a shovel and then buries in shallow grave.” Her and the cameraman continue to follow the grave digger, he turned around and saw them following him, he got mad and began following them. They drove through the slum neighborhood, he got into his mustang revved the engine and was on their tail faster than they can say “oh shit”. He rammed his car into them, he hit them hard causing them to go forward, the cameraman was killed while he’d been knocked the killer slashed his throat with a knife, Tawny’s head had hit the dashboard and she was out cold. The killer took gasoline to the new lit a match and through into the van and watched it explode; he killer picked up Tawny and tied her hands and legs together and placed her in the trunk and he sped off into the night. He drove to upstate New York where it’s more rural and like country and drove into the woods to his burial spot. There about a mile into the woods there was an open grave filled with bones. It smelled like death and rotting flesh and dirt, man he loved that smell. He took Tawny out of the car and threw into the pile of bones. He stared at the dead bodies in the ground at the girl covered in blood. Her eyes narrowed as she stood up. “You’re late” She said. The killer took his shovel and began filling the hole with dirt as quickly as he could. She kept tripping and falling over the bones, the smell of dead, rotting flesh was enough to gag a maggot. He took the shovel and swung it had her head, it hit her hard on the back of her head. She fell and everything went black, the killer picked her up and carried her back to the boney grave and threw her in. She hit the bones hard, the bones cracked underneath her, the killer quickly filled hole with dirt covering the hole with to the top with dirt. He grinned sinfully as he looked at his work and he walked away. She grabbed a sharp bone and began cutting the ropes of her legs and arms. Tawny woke up covered in dirt, she couldn’t breathe, she had almost made it she had freedom in her grasp and she lost it. She knew it a matter of minutes she’d lose oxygen and she suffocate. She should have fought harder; how did this happen to her she was stronger than this. She couldn’t remember how she had even got here and now she was going to lose everything her life, her family, everything she’d ever known would be gone to her. Her breathing kept getting

lower and lower, her nose and mouth filled with dirt, she couldn’t breathe. Fight, something told her, she saw a glowing orb, an angel appeared in front of her, fight it kept saying over and over. The angel placed it’s hand on Tawny and it gave her the strength to fight. Tawny began digging through the dirt searching for light. There was no way she was going to die in this hole but was it her fate she had no way to get out until she saw a nearby tree root. Tawny grabbed the tree root and began climbing, the killer took the shovel and tried to hit her; she ducked barely missing the blow. She kept climbing with the strength she had left, Tawny kept telling herself that she was a fighter over and over. She reached the other side of the hole and pulled herself up. The killer ran over to her trying to hit her with the shovel, she kicked it out his hand trying to reach for it and grab it. She picked up the shovel and hit the killer over the head knocking him out. She got up and ran looking behind her the whole way. The killer was only stunned, he shook and dusted himself off and got up and he ran after his victim. Tawny kept running trying to get away but he was close behind her and he was gaining on her, he tried to whack her with the shovel, she turned raised her leg and kicked out his hand, he fell as she kicked him. She took that shovel raised it about her head, she slammed it down on his neck, over and over and she killed him decapitating him. She made it she was alive, she didn’t die it that dirt ridden grave like his other victims, she fought him and she won. She looked at her killer and his head that was now beside him, no one messes with Tawny and gets away with it. Tawny Storm walked away that night with only bruises she was the lucky one who survived the grave digger unlike his other victims, Tawny went on to be the best reporter, her story made her famous and went on to be a bestselling author and reporter and had gone on many shows. She made sure that victims of the grave digger killer had a proper burial and they names were known so that whoever missed them could go and see them.

25 Chapter 25 Demon Huntress 2 In Gluchenshire, England there was a beautiful stone castle and that stone castle lived a king, the king had been plagued with demons for over a year now and he everything to get rid of them and nothing worked. He tried witches, warlocks, priests, he even had an African witch doctor. It only seemed to make matters worse. They would torment and torture the king every night even in his dreams. The knights he had in the castle couldn’t even protect him for they were too strong and powerful. She had been summoned by the king; her parents begged her not to go especially her father but she had to. She packed her things went to the stable and saddled her horse and rode off into the dawn of morning. She rode both day and night. The king who lived in the next town over had been plagued with demons in his castle. Michela thought her days of a demon huntress were over, but she was wrong. With her gift she never really gets a break, she felt blessed she got a year off before being summoned by the king. It felt good to get out her town of Glenshire, there she was treated like a hero and she grew tired of the attention for she just wanted to be a normal girl and to have a normal life, she knew being a demon huntress her life would never be over, there would always be someone who needed help and demons that needed killing, for the year she had off she would work in her father’s bakery while mother had gone to market. She’d even met her true love Micah who gone off to fight in the king’s army, he himself wasn’t a demon hunter for he was a halfling, half demon, half man. Why was she with him, she didn’t know she just knew she loved him even though she knew she would someday have to kill the one she loved, she met him one day when he came into the bakery, their eyes met and they instantly fell in love and when she wasn’t working at the bakery, she spent every waking moment with Micah until he had to leave. What was the best thing about Micah, he was tall with jet black hair, icy blue eyes, and he was a knight, and he was handsome as hell. He was a demon though, his demon side rarely showed he a soft, gentle, sweet, romantic side. When he had to use his demon side, he was scary as hell, what’s a demon huntress doing with a man that half demon, she didn’t know all she knew and saw was love that was it. She rode for days until she reached Gluchenshire it was cute little English village filled with the king’s royal subjects, and the castle was set back in the mountains and the village surrounded it, it was the most magnificent castle Michela had ever seen, it was life from the fairy tale books she loves to read. She longed to live in a castle with her handsome prince, maybe that would happen for her someday right now she was happy being a poor baker’s daughter. She walks through the village being greeted by the friendly villagers and listen to her talk about latest conquest and how stories about her reached the village. She thought about how her gift was passed down to her and how much she loved it and how much she hated at the same time it like a gift but a curse too. After being greeted by friendly villagers and being given many gifts, Michela gently nudges her horse with the stirrups urging the horse to trot to the castle, the king was waiting on her and she didn’t want to be late and disappoint the king. She rode up the long cobblestone road she got her horse and tied to the post and git off she went to the huge door and knocked on it, a chambermaid came to answer to the door. “Who are you and what is

your business with the king? The chambermaid asked. Michela curtsied politely and said, I am Michela I am a demon huntress and I was summoned by the king. Ahh, yes his highness is expecting you, follow me.” The chambermaid answered. Michela followed the chambermaid who led her to the king’s chambers, she knocked on the door. “Your highness, it’s Michela you summoned me my king. Ahh, Michela come right in.” The king announced. Michela obeyed the king’s orders and walked, first she curtsied then she bowed for before her king. “So, your highness tell me what happened? Michela asked. Well, I am huge lover of magic and witchcraft and things around here got out of hand. The king replied. Michela could see and hear demons all around her, there was a huge one attached to the king. Well, your highness I will do my very best to please you and help you. “ Michela spoke. “Thank you, Michela, I knew I could count on you.” The king said proudly. “ My king, you have an attachment, keep very still your highness, stay still. “ Michela reacted. The king obeyed. Michela took out her dagger she aimed at the demon and threw it, the dagger hit straight in its black heart, it began oozing black, thick blood. It fell to the floor with a loud “THUD”. The king had this attachment for a year now and it felt depressed, angry, and sad, and his mood swings were horrible, he had been locked this room for a year now. All his royal subjects, his help were so very scared of him and didn’t know what was going on. King Marek has been the nicest, fairest king to reign over Gluchenshire, but he had a horrible obsession with witchcraft and magic and couldn’t get enough of it, he knew it was bad but he was obsessed he had to have more of it and the more he saw it the more he wanted it. It became so bad that his castle became infected with demons. And there plan was to torture him to the point where he’d kill himself, he couldn’t take the torment and the torture anymore. Especially when the demons would make the king relive his wife and daughter’s death over and over, because of his obsession he lost two of the things that mattered most to him. Because of that he never forgave himself and he punishes himself every day for it. His wife and daughter who got murdered by demons. He loved his wife and daughter; his wife was the fairest queen in the land and his daughter was a beauty any prince would have been beyond happy to have her they would fought over her till the death if necessary. “My king, my highness, may I ask you to leave so I may begin my work? Michela asked with the highest respect. Oh yes of course you may Michela. The countered. Godspeed my child. The king answered. Thank you, my king.” Michela said as she curtsied. The king left and shut the door behind her. Demons were all around her, she could hear growling and hissing, and whispers, and voices. There too many to count, there must have been a whole horde of demons in the room alone and they seemed to be focused on the king. Two large demons lunged at her, she ducked and they went tumbling to the floor hissing as they hit, they got up and sprung at her; she raised her dagger stabbing it in the chest it hissed at her and it scratched her hard. She pulled out the dagger and it slid to the floor. She kicked it and it hit the wall. A demon who was behind sprung onto her back, Michela took the dagger in her hand and swung it backwards hitting the demon in its head killing it instantly, it fell to the floor she kicked and hit the other one. She killed only two demons there still hundred more around her. She jumped and kicked, and swung, and stabbed, more kept coming. She didn’t know if she had the strength to keep this up. “Fight Michela, fight.” She said herself over and over. A light came in from out of nowhere, a figure appeared and it looked just like Michela’s great-great Grandmother who had same gift she did and in which she had gotten her gift skipped her mother and she ended up getting it. Her great-great grandmother said nothing she walked right into Michela and all of a sudden there Michela felt more powerful than ever, she had more strength then she ever did alone. Demons came at her left and right, she took one and ripped it apart with her bare hands, she pick another one up and threw against the wall, she took the sword from the

king and stabbed the demon. There still to many and they are powerful, she take them but she still needed help. Michela closed her eyes, and thought about Micah over and over, she’d called his name “Micah I need your help,” Before Michela could call out his name Micah busted open the door with sword in hand and fight off every demon side by side until every single one of the demons was dead. After killing all the demons Michela and Micha drug all the demon bodies made a bon fire and burned them all and they soaked the ground in holy water and consecrated it, putting crosses all around the burnt bodies and buried the ashes and blessed the land. She then took sage and she blessed and cleansed the castle. The king who had learned his lesson never messed with magic or witchcraft again, he was baptized and became very religious after that day, now the king lives quietly there with his help and his royal subjects until the day he died and on his deathbed for his thanks he gave Michela and Micah his land, his castle and everything he owned. Michela and Micha became the most famous demon hunters of their time, now they lived happily ever after with two beautiful kids, and the family went to kill demons until their dying day. THE END

Third and final book of this series coming soon. Be on the lookout for Paranorma 3 Horror Short Stories C.W. WRITING WORKS©. ALL RIGHTS RESERVED