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Published by supermaxwell, 2017-11-10 04:28:46

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2901 Sillect Ave #100, Bakersfield, CA 93308Today’s Leaders in Apnea Awareness and Treatment Armen Mirzayan, DDS [email protected] 818.399.3509

Today’s Leadersin Apnea Awareness and TreatmentApnea.Today works with clinicians to identify, test, and diagnose obstructive sleep apnea. It isestimated that over 85% of patients with apnea remain un-diagnosed.We are revolutionizing sleep apnea awareness and treatment by removing all the traditionalobstacles with contemporary tele-medicine models, home testing instrumentation, and immediateintervention platforms.Simplifying the Sleep Apnea DiagnosticProcessAt Apnea.Today, it is our goal to help the millions of undiagnosed Americans suffering from sleepapnea access the testing and treatment that they need. We understand that sleep apnea is a com-plex condition to treat, which is why we provide holistic, multidisciplinary resources for physicianstreating this disorder—from cardiologists to ENT specialists—that help you find the right treatmentfor each unique patient.

Sleep Apnea Patient Screening &Physician Referrals by Apnea TodayApnea.Today brings together patients and medical professionals across the country so that patientscan have the health, comfort, and rest they deserve.At Apnea.Today, we believe in a multidisciplinary approach to sleep apnea diagnosis and treatment.That means collaborating with doctors to use advanced technology and specialized knowledge toensure the treatment patients are prescribed is right for them.At Apnea.Today, we help patients get the relief they need with our free screening and testing kits.If they test positive for sleep apnea using our home study test, we refer them to a multidisciplinaryteam of medical experts to collaborate, diagnose, and treat the causes of your apnea. We’re not justtrying to stop snoring, and we aren’t interested in a quick fix. We want a real solution.

Sleep Apnea Patient Screening &Physician Referrals by Apnea TodayDid you know sleep apnea sufferers stop breathing up to 30 times an hour? And, that 90% of sleepapnea cases are undiagnosed?As many as 22 million Americans have sleep apnea. Many are never diagnosed due to the fear oftesting, which may involve spending uncomfortable nights in a sleep center hooked up to multipletubes. Instead, they may suffer through restless nights, risking their health and keeping their bed-mates awake. 90% of sleep apnea is estimated to be undiagnosed 40% of those with hypertension have apnea 60% of those with apnea have hypertensionAt Apnea.Today, we want to reduce these statistics and get patients the help they need by for indi-vidualized sleep apnea diagnosis and treatment.

Our latest publications on Apneaand featured articlesAt Apnea.Today, we are always providing new and relevant content and sample educational videos forpatients and doctors to increase apnea awareness and treatment modalitiesOur latest publications on Apnea and featured articlesFINDING THE BEST ORAL APPLIANCE FOR SLEEP APNEA ORTHODONTICS CAUSE SLEEP APNEA? WHAT PARENT SHOULD KNOW ULTIMATE GUIDE TO SLEEP APNEA TREATMENT SLEEP APNEA IMPLANT TREATMENT OFFERS ALTERNATIVE TO THE CPAP MACHINE DOES A HOME SLEEP STUDY WORK? & TREAT SLEEP APNEA USING APNEA TODAY CT TECHNOLOGIES & REFERRALS TODAY WITH ALANNA RIZZO

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